Tik Tiks Dragon Letters

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#107 of Tik Tik's Tower

Tik Tik has a few letters, and a plan that is most secret

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A Series of journal entries found in the archives of Tik Tik's Tower:

It has come to my attention that I may have what could be considered a "Dragon Problem." While I am often in the presence of such mighty and majestic beings, I can never seem to hold onto one for very long.

Perhaps, then, I need to change that.

But dragons are very prideful creatures. Even the most submissive of their kind feel the instinctual need to leave me, sooner or later. They just cannot help themselves: it's just how they are.

While I do enjoy my little trysts with a powerful dragon male, it is their inherent possessiveness that eventually gets in the way.

And my experience with female dragons has been just as possessive.

Even the most broken-in of dragons regained their air of superiority and left me when our thoughts no longer aligned.

I need to change how I view things. Perhaps what I need isn't a dragon at all, but some other variant of their kind?

If I were of a longer-lived race, I could have a dragon-bred egg in my possession and a grateful child ready to work with me.

But, I have absolutely no interest in children. I want friends.

What shall be the alternative, then?

Perhaps, a new experiment is in order, and it shall be an experiment only doable with the aid of my current abode. Thanks to Eshere's friend, I now have a new idea--one that should possibly lead to significant results.

It's merely a trip to the shores by Xasandra's temple to grab the dragon weed necessary and a visit to Baker's Bakery to get what I want.


My discussion with Baker has proved quite fruitful, but not quite in the way I had imagined:

"Darling," Baker said to me, looking over my plan. "This design is simply bolder than anything else either of us have tried before."

"Is that problem?" I asked him, laying on the charm as I am wont to do.

He thought pensively, rubbing his chocolate cheek. "I've been interested in confectionery recently, and it should be fine if this doesn't get out in the open. To whom do you intend to feed this?"

I wasn't quite sure yet, but before I expend any energy on a proper candidate, I need to see if things work first.

"Well, it doesn't come cheap," he said, tapping the ingredients list. "And if I'm going to make a dream come true, then maybe, you can help me make one of my own come true as well?"

With a bow, I promised to take him where he wanted to go. His suggestion was quite lovely.

We'll just have to see if this plan pans out and if the dragon weed will make for the perfect dragon.


I received a visit from another dragon. This one said they came to my Tower with an official missive. I asked him to stay, but he looked at the dragon house I had built for my previous guest and declined.

It's his loss.

The letter itself read as follows:

Addressed to Tik Tik Tikkitsdottir, Court Wizard of the Dragon's Heir Tribe,

It has come to our attention that you are again studying the ways of elemental eroarcana. This letter informs you that we are investigating your research most carefully. We have concerns that you are treading dangerously close to uncharted territory and may once again incur the attention of the divine.

It has also come to our attention that you do not intend to end such research. We must inform you that continuing down your path in eroarcana will put the plans of the Dragon's Council back by at least a generation. We implore you to stop.


I speak as myself. You are invited to my abode in the Polar Lands. If you can make it, I shall gladly host you for a winter celebration, and I am sure I shall impart the wisdom you are most interested in.


Treandalode the White.

It is a strange letter: one part warning and one part invitation. I must admit that things have been boring since I sent Eshere out to distant lands for research and to acquire new access points for my teleportation device. Therefore, a trip to far-flung areas to meet with a member of the Dragon's Council could be a means to satiate my boredom.

After all, Baker has said that perfecting the recipe will take some time[a]. For one reason or another, things are going far from plan in Anteronia, and I may have to intervene.

But, with this golden opportunity, I can soon say that I've met one of the most fantastic dragons in this realm, and who knows? Perhaps, I can meet him as an equal in intellect and receive my next step in knowledge and delight.


I fear that I may have to push forward the timescale of my dragon project.

While the party was exquisite, and Treandalode showed me so many things with his magic, what he told me changed the game entirely.

We'll need all of the knowledge and firepower we can muster because what lies out there is much more of a problem than any dragon could be.

It looks like it's time for me to head to Anteronia and speed up production.

[a]This could be worded better. Feels a bit redundant as is.

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