The Lily Nymph

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#10 of The Adventures of Tik Tik

Tik Tik and her gnoll companion Adaeze are on a quest to defeat and capture a fey creature known as the Lily Nymph. This Nymph has used her hypnotic powers to enthrall maidens into joining her "garden" harem and now seeks to do the same to our heroes. Will they be able to fight her of, both mentally and physically?

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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Cover art by tcat

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From the Seat of the Baroness,

The foul, detestable creature known as the 'Lily Nymph' has been plaguing the forest for far too long. The creatures of the wild have been without the perfect law and order of civilization, and this has been considered as the "natural" state of things. But, tradition is no excuse for the flagrant disregard for decency that the forest spirits have for the honest citizens of the Barony.

That is why, by order of the Baroness herself, a bounty shall be placed on the retrieval on the Lily Nymph. A ransom of ten years' of soldier's wage shall be granted unto the one who would take this creature on and bring it to justice at the seat of the Baroness. Be on your guard for the wiles of this creature, and when you return, her nobleness will surely thank you personally. The seal accompanying this letter shall prove to you the sincerity of this reward.

-Discarded letter discovered and stitched to the book with the following note attached: "We have failed."

The earliest chirping of the morning fauna greets the weary travelers as they make their way through the forest glade. Each step they take warms their bodies as if the sun had risen ten minutes higher than the last. Despite the thicker and thicker tree cover, the heat and the light filters through, showing off the most vibrant of greens and browns and the veritable rainbow of flower petals.

All around them, the wildflowers bloom, and where their captors step, the flowers seem to move out of the way to make passage easy. Or, perhaps it is that they know just where to step not to disrupt the organic path. Either way, their trek is only hindered by the exhaustion the three feel from the harrowing encounter from the previous night, where terrible beast beset them--horrors not of the natural order, yet primal.

Tik Tik's heart beats out of her chest, and with the discovery of this new and wonderful grove, she cannot help but forget those troubles as l her whole body rejuvenates beyond her wildest dreams. Even the most beautiful of crystals and gems lining the walls within the mines cannot compare to the splendor of nature here. The birds are more numerous, the flowers blooming wider, the water babbling quicker, and the fruit bearing larger. She can feel the energy, the life, exploding all around her, even within her body. For the first time, Tik Tik feels her very body as a part of the land around it. What wonders there are, just by breathing the air. Could this truly be the home of a monster that kidnaps unwilling young women?

But wait... she herself was kidnapped. Had she forgotten that fact so quickly? Why?

The two servants of the Nymph step forward into the flower field and kneel down, bringing the two offerings before the largest of the flowers--an enormous lily whose petals rival the branching limbs of the tallest of trees. Its leaves make for regal carpet, and the roots must be buried down deep into the earth, far beyond this place.

"Kneel before her," whispers the lizard, Slusk, "and all will be made clear."

Tik Tik scrambles to her knees, her hands in front of her as she bows her head. She looks over to Adaeze, her gnoll companion, who smirks as she glances her back. "Three against two ain't bad odds," she whispers. "When the bitch shows herself, light her up."

Tik Tik nods and takes a deep breath, waiting with charged fingers for the arrival of their quarry, the dreaded Lily Nymph, abductor of women, and scourge of the countryside.

As the sun's rays hit the petals, the giant plant quivers, spreading out in a curling display, the stamen reaching high into the air, and resting within it are the forms of three naked figures.

The woman in the center is the very definition of beauty. She sits upon the middle, leaning her back against the carpel like it is a throne. Resting atop her head are petals, curling down in a bouquet of color. Her own stamen rise from the petals like a crown of sorts that add to her charm. Vines drape over her form, covering up what mere mortals would consider her modesty, but Tik Tik knows that the Nymph merely presents itself in a way to tantalize its victims.

Through long, drooping petals, one closed eye slowly opens, hazily taking in the sights before her. Through full and beautiful lips, the nymph smirks, rousing to full awareness and rising to full height.

As she stands, the vines drape over her, just barely covering her most intimate parts as she holds her hand out. The woman who lies on her left stirs, awakened by her lover's call, and she holds the nymph's hand, alien fingers stroking gently over her rough, worker's skin.

The woman, or it would be more appropriate to call her girl, stands to her full height, reaching just to the nymph's shoulders. She had reached adulthood only recently, and the curiosity of youth has not left her, though the innocence certainly has. Her hair is blond tinged with the slightest of red. Her thin form and slight curves make her not the most beautiful of creatures, to those who preferred the more full, curvy figures, but she is not without her own curious charm. Freckles dot her cheeks, her nose, and her shoulders, showing a series of imperfections that certainly mark this girl as her own individual beauty.

The nymph glances downward, eyes locking onto her flower, and she tugs the girl towards her. The girl covers up the nymph's body from the visitors' view as the nymph's hands explore down along her back, forehead resting upon the lover, but her eye still focused on her servant Slusk.

The lizard bows her head further at the sight, and Tik Tik notices the slight watering at the corners of the woman's eyes. "M... My lover," Slusk says, her knuckles buried in the dirt in front of her, "I... I have brought intruders to you, but... we were attacked... by the dark force's creatures."

The Lily Nymph's eye sparkles at that, but she places a sweet kiss upon her girl's forehead as her fingers brush downward, gripping at her butt. The girl gasps, tilting her head back, pressing her small chest forward, and flutters her eyes before her lover.

"They attacked us in the night, while our lights were established to keep them away," Slusk continues. "We had no idea they were capable of standing the light now, that their dark lord had-"

The nymph nips at the girl's neck. The girl turns her head to give her access to more flesh. The nymph's fingers curl in, pulling her cheek a bit before she gives the girl a tender slap. Her fingers then hold onto her rump, lifting her upwards, bringing the girl chest height to her.

"And Valana stayed back to fight one off. She used her skill-the magic that you taught her. She had it, for awhile, but its powerful will overpowered her, and I'm afraid she is lost.

The nymph rolls out her tongue, a long, green thing dripping with her yellowed saliva, or some floral facsimile. She presses that tongue up against freckled flesh, licking up slowly along the girl's buds Expert maneuvering allows it to swirl over her nipple before she pushes her face against the girl, lips wrapped around that perked pink nub.

"We have lost Gimmegee and the twins as well," Slusk continues. "They were supposed to meet us here. If you desire it, I shall go search for them, my lover. All I need is your word."

The nymph pulls back against that nipple, tugging the girl's flesh as she suckles upon it. With enough pressure, the tit finally pulls out with a pop, falling back into place, the girl gasping at the feeling.

The nymph's mouth curls up into a big smile and she takes the girl, spinning her around before placing her back against the fey's chest, hands wrapped around her body. Vines from the flower rise up, coiling themselves around the girl's form, bringing her legs together. Instinctively, she raises her arms over her head, the vines wrapping around her wrist, and soon, thicker vines find their way around her mouth, keeping her from speaking as another set go up along her legs, hammocking itself underneath her body, the lips down below squishing and spreading against the think stalk stimulating her own petals.

Now with her lover tied up, the Lily Nymph steps off of the flower with dainty steps, until she finds herself standing right in front of them all. When her lips part, her voice speaks in the most beautiful tone that Tik Tik has ever heard, yet she does not understand a single syllable.

"I think she's speakin' in that flowery fairy language that's in your book," Adaeze says, the

gnoll's eyes fixed upon the feminine beauty before her. "But damn... she's actually really beautiful, you know?"

Tik Tik frowns at this. She specifically performed a ritual upon the gnoll so that she wouldn't fall under the Lily Nymph's sway--a ritual that Tik Tik herself was not willing to go through. She followed everything she could within her magical book, except for the snippets that were written in the fairy language. Could it be that was key to total control in front of such a commanding, alluring, beautiful presence?

The Lily Nymph places her fingers upon Slusk's head and nods before turning her attention over to the newcomers. There is a warmth in her glance, a sort of tender care that Tik Tik has so far not seen in such a sensual being. Soon enough, the nymph kneels down amid the grass, looking at the little kobold as a finger pets her by the horn. She leans in, her lips right by her ear, and whispers those sweet, tender words to her.

And without knowing the fairy tongue, Tik Tik knows exactly what the nymph is asking for.

"Y... yes..." Tik Tik says, her eyes fluttering. "Please... Tik Tik wants to learn everything she can from you...

Adaeze remains silent on the matter, watching with a calm gaze as the kobold stands upon her tippy toes and nuzzles the Lily Nymph with her nose.

"Do you see it, now?" Slusk says. "Our lover takes away all cares in this world. Here, we are safe. Here, we are happy."

"Here," Adaeze says, running her hand over her head. "We're made not to care anymore."

"That's right," Slusk says, narrowing her eyes. "Are you having second thoughts about joining us? Or, is it that you've finally shown your true intentions?"

The nymph picks Tik Tik up, cradling her like a child, her finger brushing down along the scales of the kobold's underbelly. She smiles warmly down to her and turns back to the flower, walking off towards the flower once more.

"What are you talking about?" Adaeze barks.

"I know!" says Kera, the catwoman's hands upon Slusk's shoulders, her chin laying on top of the lizard's head. "You two were plotting something really sneaky. Well, too bad. There isn't anything our mistress doesn't figure out, so if you want to make sure you get out of this a happy doggo, you'll submit entirely to her."

The Lily Nymph lays Tk Tik down next to the prone woman on the flower, her eyes fluttering closed to join the woman in sleep. They fey then turns around and smiles back at Adaeze, speaking up once again.

"Our lover says that you are not a certain kind of maiden, and that you are not the first to try to exploit the rules of magic to get past her." Slusk says, a smile finally cracking along her mouth. "In fact, two who were just like you are among our garden. You just never knew it.

Adaeze swears under her breath and pushes herself up from her false bowing, but Slusk stands up alongside with her, the powerful lizard woman grabbing the naked gnoll by the wrists and pulling them back behind her back, standing her tall and fully on display for her fey lover.

The Lily Nymph giggles at the sight, swaying as she steps, approaching her and stroking a finger underneath the gnoll's chin. When she speaks, her one uncovered eye looks deep into Adaeze's, attempting to connect with her through the melodic words. As the nymph leans in close, whispering to her ear, Adaeze cannot help but let out a little gasp. She may not know what the Lily Nymph is saying, but she knows what she wants.

Slusk continues her translation, whispering into her other ear with an attempt to emulate that same tender voice through her harsh hisses. "You may not be that kind of maiden. She may not be able to use her magic on your mind, but you fascinate her, anyway."

The fey takes a deep breath and reaches out, her fingers just barely hovering over the gnoll's chest. She bites her lip and speaks.

"She wants to know if it's okay if she touches you."

"W... what about your missing flowers?" Adaeze says, keeping her head up. Looking towards Slusk, she continues. "What about your sisters?"

Kera sits in the flower patch, frowning as she hears those words, and the catgirl turns towards her lover, pouting, the nymph doesn't seem to be phased by her.

Speaking for her lover as her voice flows through Adaeze's ear, the lizardfolk speaks up. "A garden must grow strong. Sometimes, the weak must be pruned in order to cultivate the rest. If they are worth my love, they will return to me. If not, there are plenty more seeds out there."

Adaeze grits her teeth, growling and fighting against the lizard holding her back. "Th... that's insane! Those are living women--girls who gave themselves to you, or worse, you took!"

The Lily Nymph blinks, taking a step back, her hands covering her lips as she stares at Adaeze. The gnoll huffs, her chest rising and falling as she growls at the fey creature. "If it weren't three against one here, I'd beat you down right here and now for treating your lovers... your slaves like that!"

The Lily Nymph pulls her hands away, her smile not just remaining, but spreading out beyond her lips. For the first time, Adaeze notices the full extent of the fey's maw. The mouth ends with sharp teeth on either side. Enzymes drip out from her jaws as she holds onto her stomach, a loud, boisterous laugh emerging from deep within.

She snaps that maw shot and lowers her head, staring up at Adaeze, holding her hands out. When she speaks, there is an air of superiority to it that wasn't there before.

"B... But lover-!?" Slusk says. "She's a danger to you. You can't control her. I fear she has come here specifically to thwart us and-"

The Lily Nymph snaps back at Slusk, her words, once soft and serene, now sharp as a knife.

The lizard lets go of Adaeze and stumbles back. "Of course, my love..." Slusk says. "Just... please, be careful..."

Adaeze rubs her wrists, focusing between the two women who have her surrounded. "Just what exactly is this nonsense?"

"Our mistress invites you to attempt your coup. She knows that you won't be any threat to her, but she wants you to learn that from experience."

"Is that so?" Adaeze says, rolling her neck. "You wanna wrassle then? I've taken down dudes ten times your size, honey. Just know that you're making yourself a large mistake."

The nymph puckers her lips, blowing a taunting kiss at the gnoll bounty hunter.

Adaeze runs towards her, raising her arms up to grapple the smaller, thinner fairy creature. The nymph holds her arms out, as if she is ready to take a lover into her embrace.

Focused only on taking this creature down, Adaeze doesn't think about how easy this looks, how much of a trap this creature could concoct. And what would she try? Springing vines up to attack her? Ha! She can handle that soundly.

In fact, that's exactly what happens. Vines shoot out from all different directions, from out of the trees, and from up in the ground. Adaeze leaps up, curling herself into a ball, tucking her head and knees in.

The Lily Nymph stumbles back, but the gnoll crashes right up against her, knocking the fairy back a few steps and making her clutch her chest in confusion. Adaeze then swings her fist upwards, connecting with the creature's jaw.

The Lily Nymph flies up in the air from the force of the hit, and Adaeze continues forward, grabbing onto the Nymph's leg as she falls back down, the fey's head hitting the ground as she's held up by the gnoll.

"And that's why you don't mess with a trained bounty hunter, bitch!"

"Lily!" Slusk cries out, stepping forward, but vines shoot out, grabbing onto her neck and pulling her down to her knees.

Adaeze looks over her shoulder, blinking. "The fuck...?"

The nymph seizes this opportunity and jams the heel of her free leg against the gnoll's cheek. This only serves to make the gnoll turn her head, the foot squishing against her face as Adaeze stares her down. "You just made yourself a terrible mistake, 'lady" she says. And she grabs onto the wrist, holding onto both ankles now, and she pulls the two apart, spreading the nymph out in front of her. "Maybe I should have you taste your own medicine, huh? How about that? Or maybe I'll just beat the snot out of you and carry you back to the Baroness with-

"Adaeze, stop!"

The gnoll freezes, finding her muscles unable to comply. The Nymph snickers, and there sits Tik Tik on the petals, her eyes cloudy. "Do not hurt our lover... remember, she loves us."

Adaeze's jaw drops when she sees Tik Tik sitting there. "B... Boss?" For a split second, confusion washes over the gnoll, and then, finally the truth sinks in. "Oh, shit."

"Sit down, Adaeze..." Tik Tik says, looking towards her magically-compelled pet with her half-lidded and hazy eyes.

Adaeze does as she's told, lowering her head in shame. If she disobeys Tik Tik now, then the magical advantage she supposedly has over the Lily Nymph will vanish. What exactly was that, again? Tik TIk said something about not being able to see the nymph without it, but both of them could see her, right? What is Adaeze missing?

The nymph steps up slowly towards Adaeze, her hips swaying gently as she moves with grace that most women would have to practice. Despite being immune to the Nymph's supernatural charms, Adaeze finds herself having a hard time looking away from the beautiful woman before her.

Still, Slusk translates the nymph's harmonious words into her coarse voice. Even so, they still have a melody to them that she cannot quite explain. "I can sense the turmoil within you, Adaeze," the nymph says through her interpreter. As she speaks, vinces crawl up along the gnoll's legs and arms. She reaches to pull one of them off, but Tik Tik yips her to stop.

Taking in a sharp breath, Adaeze lets go, letting the vines wrap around her and pull her arms back behind her, her ankles tied up and made unable to move.

The nymph cups her hands over Adaeze's cheek, looking into her eyes with her own, that too-wide smile still taunting her, dribbling with fluids. "There's something hidden deep within you. You call yourself a woman, yet you act the part of a man. But that is not by choice. I've..."

Slusk coughs a moment, clearing her throat. The nymph breaks her eye contact and looks up to Slusk. The lizard straightens her shoulders and continues. "I've seen this turmoil before. I can take the turmoil from you. I can make you how you wish to be on the inside.

Adaeze locks her eyes to the Lily Nymph's, fighting back a gasp, but to no avail. The nymph's leans in and places a kiss upon the gnoll's nose. "You think me a monster, but I am here to give women what they truly want--to be the women they wish to be." She looks over her towards the flower now, towards the woman on its petals, quiet, unmoving, soundly asleep. "That is what I've done for her, when she came to me. It's what I can do for you."

"You can...? For me?"

The Lily Nymph smiles and scratches under the gnoll's chin. "Close your eyes, and envision yourself as you ought to be.

Adaeze does as the nymph commands. Funny, she thought she would be able to fight her off much longer, but... what exactly does she offer, and will it work for her... will it make her... better?"

"Imagine yourself now, as you are. Your muscles rippling, your frame large. It is a powerful sight, indeed. I actually admire it. You are different than the others I have collected--strong, capable, distinctly feminine, yet unhappy with that. I wonder why that is...?

The vines crawl up along Adaeze's back, and some go up between her legs, running up along her lips, weaving around her protruding femininity, and then go up between her breasts to meet their twin around her neck. "Nnngh... I... just admire beautiful things... I want to be like them, like you!" she gasps, opening her eyes.

The Nymph stands before her, hands moving down her own body, resting upon her hips. "You wish to be like me, the perfect form for humans to enjoy?" She asks, her long tongue licking around the entirety of her maw. "Am I your ideal form? You wish to look like that sleeping woman there, with her wide hips, her flawless, hairless skin, and that long, flowing hair? That's exactly the form she wanted when she came to me, yes, came. Or did you think I take from those who do not wish to be taken?"

She holds her hands out now, standing before her. Curling her fingers in, she beckons to her flowers. Slusk and Kera step around to either side of her, and the lover wraps her arms around their waists, pulling them both in against her. "Both of these beautiful flowers have become better people because of me. They have given themselves to my call, and become all the better for it. Kera had yet to bloom when I found her, hidden behind silly notions before I let her real self shine through."

Kera purrs, rubbing her body up against her lover. The nymph's fingers dig into her side as she nuzzles back against her.

As for Slusk... she is my most loyal and most beautiful of my flowers. Sadly, the others might have been pruned, but if they are strong enough and return, I'll tell you all about them as well. Adaeze... if you become a flower for me by swearing yourself, you will be given the greatest happiness you can have. After all... how much more beautiful can you be than adorned with the bounty of nature...?"

More vines lower down from the treetops. Draped over them are brilliant hues of all sorts. Berries and leaves and branches and petals. "The forest can be your wardrobe and your home. Never again must you wear armor and fight to make yourself be accepted by people who don't care for you, and, in time, your body will come to grow into the flower you've always wanted to be... can you see her, Adaeze...? Can you see her in your mind right now?" She drops down to her knees, rubbing the gnoll's shoulders.

"I... no... I can't, I"

"Let me help you..." with that, the Nymph presses her lips against Adaeze's. her tongue invading the gnoll's mouth, making her eyes roll back as the sweet substance dripping from her maw slides inside, sending a warm chill down her throat.

Adaeze's eyes widen as the sweet sugary substance invades her body, filling her with that strange sensation, going past her stomach and infiltrating her fingers and her toes. When the Nymph finally pulls away, Adaeze's vision of her blurs and shifts, until it is the only thing she can see, a strange shadow in a sea of green.

Slusk's voice fades away, and she hears the nymph's words for the first time from the melodious voice. "I want you to imagine something now, Adaeze... imagine what you find to be the most absolutely beautiful in this world."

Some figures move around in her view, blobs of greens and pinks and other natural colors, but standing amidst them is the nymph herself, the trap mouth disappeared, and all that is left is that blinding feminine beauty. She titters, shaking her head. "No, no, my dear. There are more beautiful things you've personally desired."

"I..." she closes her eyes, taking in as much of a breath as she can, despite the vines around her neck. "I..."

"Yes, can you see it?"

"Y... yes..."

"Tell me, what it is..."

"She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Everyone loved her, and she took care of everyone... she even took me in when I was... when I was lost and alone.

"A mother figure to you?" The nymph asks.

"No... something different."

The woman, dressed in a simple tunic, carries the bruised and bloodied Adaeze toward the river. There, she undresses the gnoll and runs a cloth over her aching body. "Don't you worry," she whispers. "I'll take care of you..."

"She sounds wonderful," the nymph says. "Whatever happened?"

"Miss..." Adaeze says, dressing up nice in slacks and a tunic. She holds flowers out to the woman and says. "Thank you... for being so kind to me..."

The woman places her hands upon the larger paws of the gnoll and says. "I'm sorry... but I can't. It's just... you remind me... too much of..."

"Ah, gnollkind isn't kind to the humans, yet you weren't raised among your kind, were you? For all intents and purposes, you are a human, trapped in the body of a monster, a murderer, a rapist."

"S... stop..." Adaeze says. "Please..."

"That is the tragedy of Adaeze," the nymph says, her voice disappearing, and the soft fingers that touch her behind her ear spark the gnoll into awareness. When she looks back up, she sees her--the object of her desire, the one she loved, the one who had saved her life. Her tail wags as she laughs. "I... I thought... I thought you hated me."

"Here, there is no hate," her lover says. "There is only what you want, and what you want is for me to love you. You can become that woman I could love, just submit. Your pain will all be over soon..."

"I..." Adaeze says, her smile wide, but frozen as she catches something from the corner of her eye. The pink blob from earlier, sitting down... upon a petal. It's Tik Tik, watching everything with hazy, hypnotized eyes.

"Is something the matter?" the nymph asks, and Adaeze's gaze upon her changes. It becomes less focused than ever before. The nymph tilts her head and then leans in closer. As she does, her face changes once more, showing now a woman, strong, toned, with skin the same brown as Adaeze's fur. She smiles down at Adaeze and says. "This is what you could have. If you just relax and lay down and let me do what I have to do..."

"Relax...?" Adaeze says, but she glances back at Tik Tik. The kobold's seated form staring at her, unmoving, not saying anything to her, yet the plan they had... for Adaeze to see her as she really is... did that fall? Is she really under the nymph's control. "I can... relax?" She rolls his wrists, the vines giving to her movements. Surely, the nymph wouldn't make it so she could just break free. So, she lowers herself down onto her stomach, her chin resting on the ground so she can keep her eye on her 'lover.'

The nymph steps forward, the illusion wearing off as she gets closer, Adaeze's head throbbing as clarity returns to her. She suppresses a growl, letting the nymph get closer to her. Just a few more steps and-

She leaps, the vines tightening around her again, threatening to pull her arms back, but Adaeze's hands grab the nymph by the legs and pull her down with her, knocking the fey's head against the grass. The gnoll chokes and gags as vines constrict around her throat, but she fights against the tugging plants to pull herself up onto the downed nymph, to grab onto her leg, and to roll onto her, pinning her down.

Her blood boils in her body, her fighter's instinct finally kicking in, burning past the headache and the dizzying chill that once filled her. She is Adaeze again, and she sees clearly.

A scaled hand grabs at her, digging claws into her shoulder. Adaeze snarls,but keeps the Nymph down, her eyes focused up at Tik TIk. "Boss!" she barks.

The kobold blinks, then shudders, hopping up to her feet on the petals of the flower. She points her finger forward, shouting the incantation, and fire bursts out from her fingertips and strikes the lizard woman right in the face.

Slusk stumbles back, patting off some of the burning scales, staring over to the un-hypnotised kobold with rage in her face... but then she glances over towards her companion. Kera shakes her head, looking to her hands, and screams as she covers her chest with both hands.

"No..." Slusk says, in a quiet voice, then rushes towards Tik Tik. "You are ruining everything-EVERYTHING!

Tik Tik stands tall upon the flower, a smile spreading across her snout even as the enraged lizard charges at her. "Went all like Tik Tik wanted!" the kobold says, and as Slusk gets right in front of her, the lizard slashes at the tny mage, only for a black tendril to rupture up from the ground, grabbing her by the ankle and tripping her onto the bed of grass.

The kobold squats down, her tails swishing back and forth as Slusk turns, clawing at the coiling length that moves up along her leg. "See, see? Tik Tik set trap. Big trap. Need book for magic, but can cast spells Tik Tik remembered, and Tik Tik remembered a lot. Tik Tik also remembered that fairies are tricky, so made Adaeze immune to tricks, right Adaeze!?" She smiles on over towards the Nymph.

The two wrestle on the ground in a struggle for dominance. The nymph throws her gaze up to the flower, and Tik Tik starts to turn her head, only for strong, smooth arms to wrap around her neck and grab at her horn. An unfamiliar voice growls into her ear--the woman who had been sleeping this whole time has finally awakened.

"Oh, I dinnae thick ah find a dragon lass like ye oot and aboot!" she calls out in a boisterous cry. "Ah think ye be oop ta no good!"

Tik Tik scrambles in the hold of the strong woman, wild curly hair going down to her shoulders and over Tik Tik as she fights to keep her down. "Now, ye'll be tellin' me what the 'ells are goin' on aroond 'ere, or ah'll crack yer neck and mount ye on mah wall!"

Tik Tik squawks and squirms, holding onto the muscled arm, but she wheezes out a response. "Lily... Lily Nymph...!"

The woman looks up, her eyes widening as she sees the grappling match going on down below. "Ach!I knew it! Ah Knew it! The stories are true! Ah-" She blinks and lessens her grip upon the kobold, looking at her hands. "And what the bloody 'ell is this!?' She looks down, gasping and grabbing her breasts. "Ah got bloody tits!?"

Tik Tik slaps her tail up against the woman's stomach, concentrating on the magical energies and sending them through the tip. She shocks the woman, knocking her back onto the flower, paralyzed. "Tik Tik sorry. Need to help Adaeze,"she says, scurrying off of the flower and over towards the battle below.

But Tik Tik doesn't see where she's going and she trips on the ground, falling onto her nose. Stunned and stinging, she rolls over, cradling her snout and holding back a tear.

That's when the vines crawl up along her, wrapping around her wrists and pulling them back from her face, blood dripping down along her nostrils. They also creep up, finding her ankles, spreading them apart, until she is spread out along the ground.

Looking to the side, Tik Tik sees Slusk, staring at her with a evil glint in her eye. "Two can play at your game, wizard," she hisses, the vines running up along Tik Tik's sides.

"Yeah," Tik Tik says. "We can play with each other!" she flicks her finger, and the black tentacle that wraps around the lizard woman's leg pushes upward, pressing in between her legs.

Slusk grabs down at it. "Oh, you think you're so slick? Well, what if I do this!" With that, she squeezes it and pushes it up into herself, grunting as the wriggling tip inside of her. "Ha... can't do anything to me, if... I-I do it to myself, first!"

Tik Tik puffs out her cheeks and digs her toes into the ground, pushing her knees against the earth as she raises her hips up. "Tik TIk challenge you!" she shouts. "Tik Tik can take it!"

"I will make you beg for the lover's touch, and show you for the slut you are, smut writer!"

Tik Tik growls and scratches the earth, the tendril lickng over the lizard's walls. The lizard takes in a large breath,a hand down along her neck.

Meanwhile, Slusk's vines swirl upwards, coiling into a knot of vegetation, and push themselves forward, penetrating into Tik Tik's slit. The kobold's eyes roll back, her body warming up with the forceful thrust going into her. Her mind floods with memories--of Prakibak slamming her against the wall. Back then, she had stood her ground against him, told him that she wasn't some breeder, but now...? Now, she would rub noses with him right then and there, and let him take her as rough as he wanted. And as the vines pound away into her, she imagines him, back to his prime, holding onto her hips and thrusting into her as he slates his primal need.

The imagination permeates her magic, and the tendril within Slusk's body stiffens up itself, piercing into her hole with its long and thick length reminiscent of Prakabak's koboldhood.

The lizardfolk moves her hands down to grab it once more, rolling onto her back as she fights to pull it out now. She will not be seen as weak to such a tiny creature as this. She looks to give Tik Tik a defiant stare, but freezes as she sees the pure pleasure coming from the kobold's eyes. It's then that she, to, lets go of the penetrating pole and lets the sensations flow throughout her body with each strong thrust.

Soon, two reptilian women cry out into the morning sunlight, their worries falling away as they sink into each other's attentions, both of them going at it until their magic runs out and the vines fall limp and the tentacle returns to whatever dimension it came from.

Tik Tik pushers herself up, her legs wobbling as she steps slowly past the lizard woman, only to stop as she looks up to Kera, who found a tree to hide behind. The catgirl catches the kobold's eye and shys away, shooing her. "L... leave me alone" she says. "I won't stop you. Just... Just don't bother me!"

Tik Tik nods, and turns to face the nymph.

While Tik Tik was dealing with her own problems, Adaeze was taking the problem straight-on. She climbs upon the Lily Nymph, the vines around her neck tightening their hold as they choke her, but she rolls over the nymph, lifting up her leg and picking up an arm, keeping her down in a submission hold.

"Y...Yield," Adaeze croaks through her strained voice.

The Lily Nymph thrashes around, slapping against the bounty hunter's side, shouting to her in her native tongue.

"I can't hear you!" The gnoll says. "Try speaking common!"

The nymph gnashes its teeth, its false lips splitting as its maw opens wide, jaws snapping.

"Oh, no you don't!" Adaeze says, planting her feet on the ground. She rolls herself forward, lifting up the fairy creature's lower body onto her shoulders, standing tall as the nymph kicks and squeals. It is a whole ordeal as Adaeze fights against the pull of the tightening vines, but they groan and snap the further she gets, until she finally stands tall.

"Things look a lot different from up there, don't they?" She says. "Let me give you another perspective!"

With that, Adaeze lifts the nymph up over her shoulders and slams her down onto the grass in front of her, angling her so that she'd smash her head against the ground.

The vines turn slack and, and the gnoll rips them off from herself, rubbing her neck. "View from down there ain't so good, is it, sweet stuff?"

The nymph groans, rubbing her head, a petal falling off from her flowering har. She gasps, two eyes staring wide at the delicate piece that sways delicately to the ground.

"Ain't that a kick in the dick?" Adaeze says, curling her fingers up in a "come and get me' pose.

The nymph stares up at her with heat-tempered anger, and scrambles to her feet before calling up more of the forest's power around her. She glows with the natural energies, ready to cast her next spell,

But that's when Adaeze punches her right in the stomach, making her cough up her sweet-tasting sap and making her double back, wheezing, and whining. "You wanted a big, strong woman to join your garden, didn't ya?" Adaze says, cracking her knuckles. "Yet you didn't care what you had to say, what you had to make me think to get it going. Face it, sweet stuff, you can't handle a woman like me!

She mutters something, holding her stomach as she looks up, her eyes watering up, but that hateful scowl still on her face.

"Still can't understand you," she says, shrugging. "Does that mean 'please, Adaeze, kick my ass. I really deserve it for forcing people to do my bidding, to change them against their will?' Because if so..."

She walks up to the nymph, grabbing her by the stamen, and pulls up just enough so Adaeze can take her hand and kick her right in the butt, knocking her down onto the ground.

The nymph groans, looking up towards the catgirl staring wide-eyed at her and cowering back behind her tree.

Adaeze climbs on top of the nymph, locking her arms around the fairy's head and keeping her from looking away. "You see her? Didn't think any of your flowers would pick up someone who recognizes what they are, did ya?"

The nymph grits her teeth, trying to pull the gnoll off of her as she rolls and kicks. She shouts something over towards Kera, but she hides herself entirely.

Adaeze rolls the two over, turning them away from the catfolk as she pins down the fairy once again. "That's right. I've heard of a sisterhood of celibate cats out there. I didn't think she was one of them until I heard what she had to say back in the cave. And after what you were selling to me, I have no doubt in my mind that you give people what you think they want, instead of what they actually desire!"

The nymph grips onto the ground, trying to push herself up, but her smaller form does not avail her, and Adaeze gets a grip around her abdomen and leans in, her chest up against her stem-like back. The gnoll whispers to the fairy and says "I've got you, ya bug. And I'm going to take you to the Baroness's fort, and I'm going seeing her do whatever the hell she wants to ya!"

The rush of the combat, the feel of her getting some justice goes to her head. She soon finds the beautiful writing woman underneath of her and realizes, for the first time, the state of arousal her gnoll member has rubbing against the body of the beautiful creature.

She gasps and backs off a bit, giving enough give for the nymph to pull herself away just enough to turn around and reintroduce Adaeze's face to her heel.

Sprawled back, the gnoll groans, spread-eagle and dazed. The nymph pushes herself up, standing over the gnoll with her whole body trembling at the sight of the downed woman. She pets the underside of one of her wilting petals, a growl rising up from her once beautiful, once unshakable form.

She climbs down, straddling the gnoll, and mutters in her language, but she doesn't strangle her this time. Nor does she try to overpower her. Instead, she sighs, a faint blue blush appearing on her cheeks as she slides her thighs up against Adaeze's, the lips down there kissing at the pseudophallus sticking high into the sky.

Adaeze jumps and grabs the Nymph's wrists. "The hell!?" she gasps, starting to push her off.

The nymph gasps something out, wrapping her legs around the bucking gnoll, but Adaeze shouts back. "Oh no, I'll have none of that!"

"Wait!" Kera cries out, shaking as she pokes her head out from the side. "She'.... The nymph... she respects you."

Tik Tik stands frozen at the struggle between the two. The power that Adaeze displayed is something else indeed, enough to inflame the feeling in her underbelly. During the whole exchange, she has been frozen, unable to move, unable to aid. This most recent turn of events snaps her out of it. "If Nymph wanted fun, she should have asked!"

Adaeze grabs the nymph by the arms and throws her off. "And besides, you're a cruel monster, promising me one thing and then craving after my dick! Tik Tik, Light her-" she stops, standing tall, but she looks down to the nymph, a laugh forming in her throat. It starts out low, but then the cackle rises. She staggers back, her hand slapped on her forehead as she lets out a gut-busting laugh that travels far in the wooded grove. "Oh, this is rich."

Tik Tik frowns, looking over to Kera for some sort of explanation. The modest catgirl shrugs and turns back to the nymph. The Lily Nymph lays on the ground, but she pushes herself up by her arms, looking down, panting in an unbecoming slump of her former beauty.

Adaeze steps up, grabbing a hold of the nymph's stamen altogether and yanks her forward. The fairy squeals, her face brought right up against her hips, her nose running alongside the gnoll's length.

"Sorry you don't got your book, boss," Adaeze says. "But, if you permit me, I'll teach ya a little something about this Lily Nymph none of us figured out until just now."

Tik Tik pats around, but laments that they left all of her things at the cave Seems she'll be taking notes in her head today. "Fine." Tik Tik says. "Just help Tik Tik write when we get book back."

"Will do," Adaeze says, and she tugs at the sensitive pollen-creating appendages. "Alright. I know you can understand me. You want this, you got it, but you get it my way!"

The Lily Nymph opens her mouth, rolling out that long tongue. Adaeze yanks her forward, the nymph letting out a surprised grunt as Adaeze shoves the length deep into her throat.

Adaeze growls, thrusting hard into her. "Everyone wants me for this. You know? They see a gnoll and they say "oh, you got yourself a feminine dick! Why don't you pound away at me or fill my pussy with your pussy pole? Fuckin' pervs!"

The nymph's eyes are closed all the way shut, her mouth wrapped tightly around the gnoll in an attempt to placate her, but it is of no use, she keeps slamming hard over and over deep inside of her.

"What is the secret!?" Tik Tik chirps, watching as this powerful, dominating creature is reduced to a groaning toy.

"The fey don't work on our level, Tik!" The gnoll growls, and proves this by pulling her dick free.

Immediately, the nymph crawls forward, whining as her mouth opens wide, revealing her many sharp teeth. Adaeze grabs her by the face and shoves her forward, causing her to tumble back. Adaeze then scoops her up, grabbing her by the ankles and lifting her up into the air, until she dangles, staring at her remaining flowers and Tik Tik, a bright blue blush on her face as Adaeze runs the length along her slit.

"Ths Lily Nymph may play the part of a dominatrix. She may say she's all about love, but the truth of the matter is she's nothing but a plant, and all a plant does is grow and feed. And what does this plant feed on?"

"Sexy energy!" Tik Tik says.

Adaeze pulls back and slides the length nside, gripping hard at the armored outer layer of the nymph's legs and thrusts downward, pushing the nymph against the ground at her shoulders, the being squealing out with each and every thrust.

"S... Sexual energy?" Kera says... "T... that's why you turned me into that... into that nymphomaniac!? That's why you never cured me! You... you monster! Miss Adaeze, you should starve her for what she's done to us all!"

"Not much of a botanist, huh? Sorry, but there's not much we can do to get rid of her, not without taking care of the source."

Tik Tik spins around, and she looks at the towering flower.

"It's a weed, boss! There's only one thing you can do about a weed!"

"Not many plants underground!" Tik Tik says as she approaches it.

"Ah, dang it, boss!" she says, pulling her length free, the thing coated in the nymph's reserve. "You got to destroy the flower. Then, I'll take this fattened up fairy back home with us. Got it!? As long as she's connected to that thing, she's going to be too powerful to control without me doing this." She then dives face first into the nymph's interior, her tongue tasting the delicious honey from within. But Adaeze's resolve is strong. This time, she won't be controlled by her tricks.

The nymph moves her hands up down around her body, letting the sensations of Adaeze's tongue trickle all throughout her form. Her exasperated gasps of pained delight melt away into the pleasure of feeling that dexterous muscle lapping along in her folds. She may be a plant, but she is also a woman.

She stares off, blinking out of her lust when she sees Tik Tik, and, weakly, the Nymph holds her hand out, muttering something quickly that is interrupted by a squeal of delight as Adaeze's nose boops her button.

Tik Tik stands at the precipice, fire forming in her hand. "Good bye, bad plant. Hello, more fun-fun."

"W... wait..." a voice breaches from within the flower. Inside, the girl the nymph had prepped hangs by her vines, which still tantalize her body even now. "Don't... don't kill her..."

"Tik Tik not kill. Tik Tik prune." The kobold says, creating fire in her other hand.

"Please... don't... not... not yet.... She's... She's saving me..."

Tik Tik pulls her hand back, the flames dieing down. "What mean?" Tik Tik asks.

"Boss...?" Adaeze says, picking up the Nymph and facing her away, the gnoll's hand groping at her breast. "I can't hold her back forever. You gonna nip it so we can take this clipping over to the Baroness?

"What mean!?" Tik Tik repeats, higher to the girl,

But the girl does not respond, save for soft coos that rise up as the vines caress her, not like the snare of someone keeping her held down, but as a lover holding her close to protect her. Her eyes are closed, yet she seems content.

Slusk groans, reaching up with a trembling hand. "Please... don't... my lover... she's all I have."

Tik Tik looks to her, and then to the unconscious girl, and then to the paralyzed, now unconscious, woman, and then to Adaeze. Each of them have a different reason to have a connection to the Lily Nymph. Health, necessity, love. But Tik Tik sucks in her breath and puffs out her chest and says. "This isn't right. Lily Nymph knows nothing of love! She hurt others to make others feel good and hurt others to help herself. Very smart, very kobold," she says, "but not loving."

The flame grows on her hand and she throws it, a tiny fireball that goes into the middle of the petals.

The flower screams, and the Lily Nymph follows suit, thrashing around in Adaeze's grasp, her mouth opening wide, showing off both rows of sharp and terrible teeth. The cries she makes are inhuman, horrifying.

Slusk buries her head under her hands, wailing, lost, destroyed.

Kera walks up from her hiding place, watching the blaze dry up and consume the horrible beauty.

The vines slacken, and they drop the girl on the ground, and she groans, stirring as she flutters awake. "Uugh... lover...?"

The woman wakes up, rubbing the back of her head with a grunt. "Ach... why the bloody 'ell do ah have this monster o' a headache!?

While the flower blazes, the warm and lively atmosphere of the grove dies with it, yet Adaeze does not stop herself. She continues her relentless pounding into the nymph as her wails of pain melt back into the moans of pleasure, and, soon enough, the nymph explodes in to a cry of total elation, her body practically frozen under the feelings coursing through it before she slumps over, limp in Adaeze's arms.

The hyena woman pants, pulling herself out with a pop from the dripping nethers of the creature. The nymph's breathing comes softly, yet regularly.

"Lily dead?" Tik Tik asks, placing her hands upon the girl, using her scant survivalist training to see to her well-being.

"Nah..." Adaeze says, turning the nymph around and holding her bridal style. "She's just asleep. After all that, I can't really blame her.

"You... you monsters..." Slusk says, staggering up to her feet. "You've ruined... the only good thing in this world."

"Relax, Scales," Adaeze says. "She ain't dead. You want to lodge a complaint against anyone, do it to the Baroness. With us catching your lover, you won't have to worry about anyone else going after her. Ever think about that?"

"We could have taken them on... driven them back," Slusk says.

"Uh, huh... just like how you handled us, right?"

Tik Tik has to giggle at that, but she walks up to Slusk, holding out her hand. "Please, Tik Tik want be friends. No hurt. Find other flowers. Tik Tik need find book. You find flowersisters?

"I have no more flower sisters," Slusk says, her eye looking longingly towards Kera, who covers herself up again.

"P... please do not gaze upon my fur and flesh," the cat says. "I can't bear the stares of my bare form."

"The Kera I knew is dead."

"The 'Kera' you knew is a lie!" the catfolk barks at her! A fabrication created specifically by that... that succubus."

"Honey, this ain't no succubus," Adaeze says, nudging the sleeping nymph. "A succubus'll be much, much worse.

"Ah don' care what you're talkin' aboot!" the strange woman says. "What I want to know is why I look like a bonnie lass!"

"Seems our friend hasn't given everyone exactly what they wanted," Adaeze admits. "But, we can't be carrying her around forever, boss. We need to figure out what our next steps are."

Tik Tik taps her chin and says. "Tik Tik need help," she says. "Need find book."

"That horrid lewd thing!?" Kera scoffs. "But... those poor girls out in the forest, all alone. That can't possibly be a good thing. Tik Tik, perhaps I could join you, and put a little sense in your heart."

Tik Tik nods towards Adaeze. "Tik Tik and Adaeze have lots of fun. But need split up. Take Lily Nymph to Baroness. Take girls home." She places a hand upon her own chest. "Tik Tik go find book, make sure everyone is safe."

Adaeze sighs, shaking her head. "Boss... we've been through some crazy things. You sure you're ready to just give it up?"

"Not bye bye forever!" Tik Tik says. "Meet Adaeze in town after get book. Get her half, spend money on fun!"

Adaeze barks out in laughter. "Ha, well, I could take you up on that. I think after this payout, I'm going to take a little vacation. Well, I guess that's it for now. Come on, girls. Let's get suited up and ready to trek back home. I don't feel like teaming up on this gal if she decides to wake up before we get back to the castle.

Slusk snarls as she walks past Tik TIk, but the kobold says, "This is best thing. Lover needs find way to help, not hurt."

"Shut it," Slusk says, and walks away.

Kera gasps and scampers off towards the others. "Wait, you have clothes? Please! Are mine there! I sincerely hope so!"

A Day of Clowning 8

The clown gasps and squirms and kicks and grabs while the hook drags her through the forest, the device carrying her along the dirt road. All her delights from the past few hours disappear as the fear of the unknown finally breaks through the facade...

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A Day of Clowning 7

The life of a magical girl in the city of required love is not the easiest. After all, whenever there's ever a randy monster out and about, ready to cause trouble, Purity is the one who almost always finds herself pussy deep in that trouble. ...

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Cow Appreciation

Life out in the suburbs was always a dream for Bertha Kine--a chance to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city and make a good start for her children. Not many other cows in her family could say they left the rural life of the farmstead and went...

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