Draykan's Hoard 11

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#39 of Anteronian Adventures

Draykan needs to handle Galenna, who majorly overstepped her boundaries.

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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When Draykan opens the door to the hastily converted "training chamber," he stares down with his eyes shadowed by the overwhelming burden of the situation. He grips the doorknob with a force that the metal bends to his unyielding grasp.

Sitting on the floor with her hands on her knees is Veshra, staring up at the dragon with bright golden eyes and a soft smile. Her athletic body is on full display, which includes the purple bruising granted to her by Galenna.

"Master Draykan!" she says, her tail flopping back and forth on the floor. "I'm so happy to finally meet you for real."

Galenna floats up behind Draykan, her hands resting on his sides, her lips right by his ear. "I told you that you'd love your gift, Drayky," she coos. "She's a little slutty spy waiting to take both of your dicks if you want."

Her porcelain hands slide down along his sides and to his waist. "Of course, if you would rather pin me against the wall and fill me up for a job well done, I'd be more than happy to, eh!?"

Draykan spins around, his hand upon the elf's throat, slamming her into that doorway. Her arms and legs fall to the wayside. She bites her lip, watching him with a glistening excitement in her eyes, a soft growl rising from her throat.

But he doesn't do anything for a moment, just standing there, his eyes glowing with bright purpose, his fingers clamped around her firmly but not tightening. It takes him a moment to bring himself together and respond. "You, of all people, should know what it's like to have your mind broken... forced to be someone's servant."

She purrs, licking her lips. "Oh, yes, my Drayky... all day, every day, I serve you-aah!"

He tightens his grip just a bit, slamming her against the wall. "If you love me so much, you'd know I'd hate this!"


"Every woman I meet and add to my hoard is a woman I respect, Galenna. She's a woman who thinks for her own and wants to be with me because that's what she wants. Do you think this spy wanted to be tortured into this?"

Galenna swallows, shuddering, her voice turning into a gentle croak. "W-why don't you ask her how much she wants you?"

Draykan huffs, glancing over toward the shifter. "Are you alright? Is your mind well?"

Veshra blinks, gripping her knees.

"I don't care that someone sent you to spy on me. If you were abused by Galenna, you could leave now, and I won't stop you."

A moment passes, and soon, with trembling legs, the shapeshifter stands to her feet. She wraps her arms around her chest, hunching over, biting her lip. "G-gotta say, taking two dicks sounds like fun, no matter the circumstances."

"You bitch!" Galenna says. "You'll do as I say and -gack!"

Draykan leans in, narrowing his eyes. "I may be a Paladin of Love, but that doesn't mean I won't bring justice to those who need it brought."

"You going to punish me?" Galenna says, a weak smile spreading over her face.

"Yes," Draykan says, his grip lessening.

Galenna floats there, caressing her neck, sighing gently. "Oh, I'm ready, Drayky." She says this, pushing her hips out.

But Draykan turns around and walks over toward Veshra. He lifts off his tight shirt and tosses it to the shapeshifter. "This should cover you a bit more than me."

"H-h-hey!" Galenna shouts, spinning around, puffing out her cheeks. "I thought you said you would punish me, Drayky!"

Draykan looks over his shoulders, nodding solemnly. "Oh, I am. No sex from me until you've learned your lesson."

Galenna falls to the ground, her jaw nearly to the floor. "N-no-no! You can't do this to me! Didn't I do this for you, Drayky?"

Draykan places his hands on Veshra's shoulders, pulling the woman close.

Veshra rests her cheek upon his chiseled abs, taking a deep breath, pressing her hands to him for support.

"Just because you have good intentions doesn't mean you are in the right. Torturing people is wrong."

"Torture is how we came to be together!"

"My word is final!"

There's a silence between the three as he turns around, leading Veshra out of the room. "It's gonna be a bit awkward getting you out of here. I'm sure we can find some clothes for you soon, miss. But, I will ask you everything I can about your spying."

As they walk past Galenna, Veshra nuzzles against Draykan, fluttering her eyes down at the elf. "Oh, but I'm not one to talk, Mister Dragon. You'll have to make me talk." She says this, hooking her tail around his waist.

"You bitch!" Galenna snarls, hopping up to her feet and grabbing the shifter by the hair. "Were you pretending to be broken this whole time!?"

Veshra pulls herself from Draykan and spins around, her heel straight into the elf's stomach.

Galenna doubles over, clutching herself, groaning.

Veshra snickers.

Draykan looms over her, grabbing her by the shoulders and lifting her up. "Alright then, there's more to this story than I thought."

"Oh, no, will you torture me, Mister Dragon? Whatever will I do!?"

Draykan grunts, but then he pulls Veshra close, wrapping his arms around her. "I'm not going to torture you. We're going to have a long, hard talk. But not here. Galenna, clean up this place and meet me back at the apartment later. I'll deal with you then."

Galenna rubs her stomach, grumbling to herself but smirking as the two of them turn to head out. "You can't hide from me, and you'll break that girl in half because that's who you are. And while it'll pain me not to be bred by you today,... I'll be happy to know I am right."

Draykan's Hoard 12

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