Tik Tik's Tryouts

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#27 of The Adventures of Tik Tik

Tik Tik is looking to make a new adventuring party and is holding tryouts! How will she and Adaeze interact with these two newcomers!

Art, Grefina, and Panini are from noirchaton4. This is a collaborative story between the two of us!

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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Among all the places in Anteronia, there is no place as welcoming and discerning to travelers' tastes as Baker's Bakery. While many of the nobility may want to show off the peculiarities of the Anteronian way through places of indulgence that could cause the weary to quiver, it is at Baker's that one can find common ground with people of the most irritable of constitutions.

--Guide to Anteronia


Tik Tik sits at a booth in Baker's Bakery, the kobold kicking her feet as she reads over the letters repeatedly. Her coffee steams, and her pie simmers as she waits at her seat by the window. It's almost as if a mascot is sitting by, showing passers the sheer cuteness available at the cafe.

Stepping up to the little kobold is the large gnoll Adaeze. She grins and sits across from her companion, a practical hulk compared to the tiny enchanter. "You've gone up in the world since our adventuring days, haven't you?" She asks, lifting her meaty pastry and chomping down on its savory goodness. Through thick bites, she continues. "Hiring out your own adventurers and everything. Glad I could be part of the team."

Tik Tik chirps, taking a sip of her coffee. "Of course! Tik Tik know Adaeze do good work. Need interview others and see if good for mission, too!"

The gnoll wipes her chin with her arm, gulping down the first morsel of her meal. "So, uh, when's our first interview?"

The door opens, and the bell tingles. Adaeze drapes her arm over the back of her seat and looks over her shoulder. Tik Tik leans far, grabbing onto the table and craning her neck as much as possible.

A smooth green lady enters the establishment with large eyes and a wide smile. A pointed witch's hat is on her head, and she dresses in long, flowing robes. However, how they sway and cling as she walks tells Tik Tik that the form underneath is beautiful.

"Oh dang," Adaeze whispers.

Tik Tik's smile is filled with magical and lewd thoughts. "Grefina?" she chirps.

The froggy woman's cheeks puff. "Gero?" She turns her head, spinning on her heel, her sunny smile only increasing. "Hello! You're Tik Tik!"

The kobold conjures up a chair beside her. "Yes, yes, so happy see you, Grefina! Please, sit!"

She hops on with such poise and makes it to the seat with her hands on her knees, nodding towards the kobold and then toward the gnoll. "Hello, hello, gero! I'm so happy you're considering me for your team!"

"Indeedy, indeed!" Tik Tik says, shuffling through her papers. "It says here you make many good potions and magic items, yes?"

"Mm hm, mm hm!"

Tik Tik flutters her eyes, leaning in, her chin resting on her knuckles. Her following words come out in a low growl. "Some items quite spicy too, yes?"

Grefina tilts her head, pushing a finger to her cheek. "Hm...?" She croaks. "What do you mean?"

Adaeze pulls out an illustration, sliding it over the table. "I once worked with a lass who claimed to have selected a collection of magical items, a froggy hat, mittens, and boots. They offered ultimate protection and power to her as she quested."

Grefina nodded quickly at that, placing her webbed fingers against the table. "Oh, yes, that was me. That was my work!"

Adaeze narrows her eyes. "They didn't work because the set only works when they're the only thing people wear."

Tik Tik wiggles her brows. "Sounds like Tik Tik's kinda magic."

Grefina sticks out a long sticky tongue, adjusting her hat. "Well, no one is perfect, right?"

"Tik Tik think it work perfectly. Who cares if bits and bobs stick out? More fun things to show friend, yes!"

Grefina tilts her head, tapping her chin. "Hm... maybe, but aren't there people who enjoy their privacy, gero? Miss Gnoll, Adaeze, yes? Would you wear such armor into battle?"

Adaeze tenses up, and then she scoops the rest of her pie, shoving it into her mouth, chewing it with such ferocity as to have bits of meat and pastry fleck off onto the table.

"Tik Tik want talk about potions," The kobold says, sliding her coffee towards Grefina. "You have something for energy Tik Tik can take? Work well with coffee, help put pep in step?"

Grefina reaches down the neck of her dress, licking her cheeks as she rummages and gropes around inside her outfit, eventually producing a small vile. "All-day energy!" she exclaims, holding the bottle aloft. "May cause some side effects, though. Be very, very careful only to drink a bit, gero."

Tik Tik conjures a spectral kobold hand, lifting and shaking her mug. "Give some to Tik Tik. Enough you think Tik Tik handle."

The smile on the frog gal's face quivers a moment. Grefina unstoppers the cork and tilts the vial, slowly, agonizingly letting a slight splash fall into the drink.

Tik Tik waits.

Adaeze chews.

Grefina watches.

Tik Tik slowly pulls the drink back. "Just that much?" The kobold says. "That potent potion indeed. Well, Here goes!" Tik Tik throws her head back and chugs the coffee, letting the steaming goodness fall down her throat.

Grefina squeals.

Adaeze gasps.

Tik Tik claps her lips together and slams her drink down. "Taste sweet. Use fruit in mixture."

Grefina blinks but corks her vial and says, "Oh, I can't share my secrets. But, you really should have slowed down and sipped that slowly."

Tik Tik shrugs. "Tik Tik no become great wizard by be safe!" She smacks her chest and stands boisterously on the chair. "Tik Tik live on the edge!"

Grefina's gaze travels all over Tik Tik. The froggy potion seller's wide and cheery smile cracks only but a little as she watches the jittery form of the kobold standing before her. "So, Tik Tik," she asks, tapping a finger on the table, "Is there anything else You want to know about my skills?"

Tik Tik flops onto the table, crashing and making the plates clatter. She slithers on her back, her tail whipping to and fro. "Grefina sign up to interview Tik Tik, and you must know what Tik Tik is famous for.

Grefina takes a deep breath. "You're well known for your collection of magical knowledge and your invention of new teleportation technology, making the world much smaller than ever."

"That's not all!" Tik Tik says, rolling on her stomach. She kicks her feet and rests her cheeks upon her palms. "You know all about Tik Tik's sexy adventures, yes?"

Grefina's cheeks flutter. It takes her only a moment more to finally respond. "Yes, I've read some of your adventures, gero. They are most enlightening, gero."

Tik Tik pushes herself up, her hips against the table, her hands on the edge, scootching ever-so-closer to the mage. "And Tik Tik need know that any who join in adventure is good for sexy things. You need show Tik Tik what you can do. Make sexy items? Brew sexy potions? Make sexy love?"

Adaeze clamps her hand over the kobold's head, lifting her off the table. "Calm down, girl," she says. "You're going to scare candidates away."

Tik Tik growls and thrashes about, grabbing her shirt and squirming as she buries her hands underneath it.

"The hell's wrong with her?" Adaeze says.

"I was afraid of this," Grefina sighs, clasping her hands together upon her lap. "I tried to warn her, but the energy potion can make someone ten times more energized for endeavors they wish to take."

Adaeze holds the kobold out far, but that's not enough to keep Tik Tik from wrapping her tail around the gnoll's strong limb, wrapping her arms and legs around her, and rocking her hips against her.

"Gah!" Adaeze shakes her arm, but the kobold won't let go. "She's the horniest bastard alive, and you made her even hornier!"

"I didn't know, gero!" Grefina says, slapping her cheeks. "But, look on the bright side, she's quite happy, isn't she!"

"She's always happy!"

"Well, I know that feeling, gero!"

Adaeze growls, shoving her arm toward the frog conjurer's face. "Look, there's a private room in the back. Find a way to keep her from making too much of a mess until the potion wears off."

"Huh? W-what do you mean 'wears off?' H-hey!"

Grefina finds herself lifted from the back of her dress, with Adaeze hoisting the frog over her shoulder and stomping toward the back room. She tosses her in and pulls out her billy club, brandishing it at the kobold attached to her arm.

Tik Tik hisses and lets go, dropping down to all fours and growling with the might of a mighty dragon before the gnoll presses the heel of her boot to her snout and scoots her into the back room.

Placing a chair against the doorknob, Adaeze finally has peace, save for the frantic scratching from the other end.

The gnoll nods, claps her hands, and turns back toward the table.

As the gnoll relaxes back into her seat, the confectionary confection chef and proprietor of the business arrives, carrying a tray of sweets. "My, my," Baker says in his calm and sultry voice. "It seems Tik Tik is quite a handful today, isn't she?"

Adaeze shrugs, taking a muffin from the tray. "Guess so."

"And she is paying for any damages that will happen in my establishment, is she not?"

Adaeze shrugs. "I'd take that up with Tik Tik."

"Well, as long as the damages are just the scritches of a love-drunk kobold, we're good. Oh, and speaking of 'drunk,' darling, I thought I'd excite the senses of adventuring types with a new chocolate drink."

"Drunk on chocolate?" Adaeze barks, picking up some of Tik Tik's papers. "Hm..., seems the next interviewee is coming up. Why don't you whip one up for me and," she squints, running her finger down the page, "Panini."

"Coming right up!" he says, twirling on his toe and sashaying away.

Adaeze reads the resume of the next to arrive. "These are some accomplishments. High level in the Adventurer's guild, and most active in the Southern Jungles."

The door's bell rings, and Adaeze waves her hand over. "If yer Panini, come over here. I'm your interviewer."

"Oh, thank you very much," the meek voice says, low enough that Adaeze has to lower the paper to ensure someone is standing before her.

A meek girl is dressed in a maid's outfit. She bows, her form shuddering. "Ah, yes, so there's been a mistake. I'm not interested in adventuring work, so I don't know how my resume made it into the pool. I'm afraid I am just a simple maid. I don't want any trouble, and if you have employment in a nonaggressive field, I can do the servant work around the camp or at your headquarters. I am so sorry for the confusion."

Baker approaches the two, placing a drink in front of them. "Oh, but darling, aren't you precious? If you are looking for work, we're always hiring cuties at the Bakery."

Adaeze scratches her chin. "Hrm, I wonder if Tik has anything. Nothing I can think of, but-



Adaeze sighs, pushing herself up. "Looks like I have to take care of something in the back. You just sit here and enjoy your drink in the meantime."

Adaeze had unceremoniously tossed the uninitiated Grefina into the kobold's den with the unabashedly horny Tik Tik, slamming the door behind them, making it lock with a loud "click."

Tik Tik yelps and growls as she flies through the air, landing on the soft, luxurious couch opposite the room. This leaves Grefina to stand by the door, tense and with her eyes wide, her cheeks bulging in a loud, nervous croak.

"Are you alright, Tik Tik? Your horniness isn't too far out of control, is it?"

Tik Tik flips from her back onto all fours, her tail up in the air, her tongue out, and her eyes rolled around. She drools from that gaping maw, dropping spit down onto baker's furniture as her body humps the air, letting out lewd growls instead of coherent words.

"Oh, I see, so it has affected you that much. Perhaps, I should have accounted for your body mass. Oh, this is all my fault, but not to worry!" Grefina says, clapping her hands together. "Because even if it was an accident, it was a happy accident, and I'll help you out with that, Gero!"

She leaps from where she stands, landing on the far arm of the couch, facing the kobold's raised tail. She squats there, her dress riding up along her thick, froggy thighs, just enough to tantalize the kobold, should she have watched the display. Immediately, Grefina sets to work, wrapping fingers around the base of the tail.

The kobold tries to spin around but, finding the resistance in her appendage, stops and grips the cushion with hard and long dragon-like nails.

"Don't worry, Tik Tik, this will be just a tick," Grefina says, her free fingers curling so that only her index finger is extended. She reaches down between the kobold's legs. She presses the amphibious tip against the drooling slit, slicking up and down along that entrance.


"How cute, gero," Grefina says, her finger sliding up and down, up and down. "I say it's quite an honor to be pleasuring the magnificent Tik Tik. I would have never guessed this is where our interview would go this way. But don't you worry, Tik Tik. This should get the horny right out of you."

Tik Tik rocks her hips back, her slit swallowing the digit with a drooling enthusiasm in response to the gentle strokes from the smiling spell caster.

Grefina smiles and hums as she works, letting the fingers swirl within the kobold while she reaches into her dress and pulls out a small notepad. She flips the pages with a quick flick of her wrist, her pink eyes scanning over the notes. "I need to figure out the exact mixes for a kobold so she doesn't lose her head. You'd probably have more fun if you weren't burning in such heat, and yeeaa!?"

Her book flicks out of her hand by the fingers of a ghostly kobold hand. Tik Tik raises her appendage, her fingers and eyes glowing with magic.

"O-oh, my, are you feeling better now?" Grefina says, her smile not faltering.

"More!" Tik Tik growls.

Grefina blinks, staring up, tapping her cheek. "I think it's going to get messy!"

Tik Tik narrows her eyes, her growl only rising as her tail lashes back and forth.

"Well, let me take this pause as an 'okay,'" Grefina says, placing her hat on the bed and then grabbing her dress, lifting it over her head. Underneath, the froggy gal has nothing else on save for her slick and smooth skin. She places the dress down and puts her hat back on her head. "Hope you don't mind if I keep this on, gero."

Tik Tik crawls to face the frog, but Grefina hops over her, landing on the furniture with a squeak. She squats behind Tik Tik and grabs the kobold's tail, lifting it with a sticky grip.

The kobold tries to spin around, but she's held in place. She grips the cushions and waits for those fingers to press into her again.

She's surprised but not disappointed when she feels something completely unexpected, but most welcome!"

Shooting out of the frog's mouth is a long tongue that strikes against the cushion beneath the kobold. Grefina leans forward over the kobold so that the long tongue presses against the kobold's slit, rubbing against it like a . With a jerk of her head, Grefina lets go of the seat, sending the tongue flying back up past the kobold in a quick whipping motion and back to her mouth.

Tik Tik gasps, collapsing onto the bed.

Grefina snickers a little and lowers her face, her tongue rolling out now, slurping over the slit once, twice, multiple times before she presses it against the fold and penetrates into her.

"Aaaaa... aaha..." Tik TIk sighs, gripping the couch. She pushes her hips against that tongue, her eyes rolling back as it delves deeper into her, filling her up and licking over all her walls and into her g-spot.

"F.... Fuck... G... Grefina... aaaaa...."

Grefina giggles, closing her eyes but pushing her face deeper, her tongue folding and delving deeper into Tik Tik, the words spurring her into more action as she slurps and licks over her.

The treatment works, and the interviewer and interviewee have quite the time.

A potion maker looking to party up with a famous wizard rarely finds her tongue nearly cervix deep into the said magician. Here Grefina is, squatting on a bakery couch, her arms wrapped around the squirming pink kobold, slurping and sliding her long sticky tongue as deep as she can inside Tik Tik's sagacious snatch.

Tik Tik's eyes roll back, and her tongue lulls out, her toes twitching and her tail flopping as she lays limply in the air against the smooth scales of the amphibious apothecary. The energizing and the horniness-increasing drug still pumps through her veins, agitating her to the point of mind-broken lust craze. But with each lick, the frog finds herself peeling off the layers of confusion and need and bringing the small spellcaster back to the real world.

And Grefina's reward? Well, it is the screaming yowl of the kobold, tensing up and contracting around her wriggling tongue, filling the woman with tastes she never thought she would find at this little corner cafe.

Once the kobold releases, Grefina lets go of her, letting her plop down onto the cushion right on her head. She slurps her tongue back into her mouth, rubbing her cheeks and sighing. "Oooh, that was quite lewd, Gero. Magical, too. Thank you for such an experience, Miss Tik Tik."

Tik Tik reaches into the air and places her hand upon the froggy's thigh. She lifts her head, her gaze still hazed over, a soft growl rolling up between her lip.

"Gero?" Grefina croaks, staring down at the Tik Tik between her legs. "Aren't you freed from the potion?"

Tik Tik squeezes her thigh, climbing up between her legs, her other hand snickering on the other squatted leg. "Oh, yes," Tik Tik hisses, "But maybe Tik Tik should have told you that Tik Tik always want fuck cute and sexy people."

Grefina croaks, touching Tik Tik's cheeks and tilting her head. "Well, now that we're friends, we can, Aaah!"

Tik Tik doesn't let the froggy gal finish her thought and instead buries herself between her legs, and her snout presses against the girl's nub. Her teeth slide against the soft flesh, but with Tik Tik's practiced skill, they do nothing but roughly tickle the sensitive area.

Grefina's eyes widen, and her legs wobble. She keeps herself squatted there, moving her hands back over the kobold's head, wrapping fingers around her horns. "A... ah.... T-Tik..." she gasps, her cheeks puffing up more and more as she holds her breath.

Tik Tik slips her tongue along those lips and pushes it inside, seeking to stimulate her from all angles in her womanhood.

Grefina tilts her head back against the wall, her hat pushing against her head and covering her eyes. She inflates her cheeks and arches her back as the pleasure builds beyond what she expects from such a little tongue!



Her leg kicks out just as she comes, knocking over the tray of pastry dishes that the two had ignored, sending silverware clattering with such a din. The two gals slump over each other, panting in excitement, cuddling, and squirming in post-coital energy.

The door slams open, and Adaeze steps through, eyes wide and hand brandishing her billy club. "Tik Tik is something the, oh fuck!"

The hyena slams the door, her cheeks blazing, her claws scraping against the wall.

Panini looks up from her drink, a soft, chocolaty mustache on her lips. "I... Is everything okay?"

Adaeze coughs and straightens herself up, sauntering back toward the seat and sliding in to sit across from the maid. "Everything's fine." She says. "Just a little, uh, bit of the interview process."

"Oh, my," Panini says, a hand upon her cheek. "I wasn't expecting such violence."

"Well, considering that we're trying to go on an adventure, violence is expected," Adaeze says, taking her mug. She sips it, letting that hot and silky chocolate gently coat her tongue as it rolls down her throat.

"Aaah, now that's a sweet drink with a kick! Hey Baker, how's about some more!"

The confectioner saunters out of the kitchen with a pitcher. "Coming right up!" As he pours for each of the girls, he asks. "How do you like this special treat? It hearkens back to an ancient recipe I discovered, and I figured I could use it to spice things up around here."

Panini nods thanks and brings the drink back to her lips, two-handing the mug and gulping it down.

"Dang, girl, you can chug it down. Where does a little thing like you put that all away?"

Panini sighs, squeezing the mug, her shoulders shaking. "Are you... are you calling me small, miss?"

Adaeze shrugs. "I mean, yeah, if the dress fits.".

"Is that so..." Panini says, her lips twitching, a vein popping in her head.

Adaeze chuckles. "Hehe, look, it may be the boozy chocolate talkin', or it may be watchin' my boss boinking the frog gal, but I gotta blow off some steam and give it to ya straight. I don't think you got what it takes to be on an adventure with me. You should just go, kid, and do somethin' frilly. Course, not that frilly is bad. Sometimes, I wish I could do it."

"Frilly, eh?" Panini says, slamming her palm upon the table, her voice rising to a deep growl. "I'll show you frilly, ya bitch!"

Adaeze starts but hardly has time to react when the monkey maid hops onto the table, grabbing her dress and tearing it off with one strong rip!

Adaeze stares wide-eyed and slack-jawed at the transformation of the monkey maid Panini. With the tearing off of her dress, the girl reveals a body rippling with muscle and bare in most everything, save for her waist cloth and the wrappings on her hands and feet. She breathes slowly through flaring nostrils, her mouth contorting into a smile, or perhaps, it's a grimace?

"How's this for frilly?" Panini says, her voice a husky growl. "You think I can't hold myself in a fight? Well, how about you put that to the test, eh?"

Adaeze shakes her head and puts up her fists. "Not exactly what I was expecting, but if you're going to challenge me, I guess I have to oblige."

The monkey hops off the table, her knee rising, rushing straight toward the gnoll's face.

Adaeze hops out of the way, stepping back and reaching for her belt, where she holds her sap. "Damn, a monk... monkey?"

"You gotta problem with that, hot stuff?" Panini asks, her tail swishing as she faces half away from Adaeze.

The gnoll's mouth quivers, and she bites her lip, her shoulders shaking. "N... no, b... But... but..."

Panini turns around, tilting her head and cracking her knuckles. "Huh? What's the matter? Gonna cry?"

"N... no, I'm... I'm..." Adaeze says, her eyes watering, her head shaking. "PFF.... Aaah, ahahaha!"

Panini scowls, cracking her fingers. "The fuck?"

"M... monk... aaaah!" Adaeze breathes in, catching herself, puffing out her cheeks and chest. "Monkey! BWAHAHAHAHA!"

Panini's eye twitches, and suddenly, she delivers an elbow straight to Adaeze's snout.

The blow sends the gnoll tumbling back, slamming against the door to the back room, knocking the thing inward toward that private chamber.

Tik Tik yeeps and Grefina croaks, the two stitchless spellcasters wrapping their bare bodies around one another and scurrying against the back of the couch.

Adaeze stumbles, shaking her head and spitting blood onto the floor. "Damn, she is good!" The adventurer rolls her neck, pulling out her sap.

"Who is...?" Tik Tik begins, only to be interrupted by the blur of a furry form rushing in for another strong knee aimed at Adaeze's stomach.

The gnoll's bracer catches the hit, but the force sends her backward into the knocked-over food tray. Taking a moment to swing her sap, she aims for the head, the perfect way to take down a target like a bounty or any other rowdy rumbler.

However, Panini grabs her wrist, smiling with a toothy grin before she spins around, rolling forward into a ball of muscle.

Panini lifts Adaeze into the air and back onto the cafe floor with strength and momentum, slamming her against the tile with a satisfying "thwack!" But she's not done. She continues her forward momentum, rolling atop the Gnoll and sitting on her face. She pins Adaeze down by the waist, chuckling as she does so. "Look who's laughin' now!" she says, her face a smiling drunken blush.

Adaeze growls, reaching up, grabbing a handful of the monkey ass, prepared to push her off before Panini lifts up and slams back down, making the gnoll groan, her sensitive snout smarting from the slam.

"Ready to admit I got better skills than you, boss?" Panini asks, her tail angling and brushing at the top of Adaeze's head. "Or do I have to get a little more creative with my victory before you can admit it?" She says this, licking her lips and leaning downward.

"Oh, oooh, what's this?" she coos, brushing a finger over the bulge under Adaeze's trousers. " A surprise for me, or a prize! Let's call it a trophy!"

With quick martial reflexes, the monk monkey undoes the belt and trousers of the gnoll, pulling them down to her thighs and revealing the rather gnollish protrusion rising up from her pelvis. "Whoa, what the hell is this thing!"

Adaeze yanks her mouth away from Panini's ass, snapping. "What? Jealous that my clit's bigger'n yours? Never seen a pseudopenis before?"

"Oooh, is that what that is?" Panini says, nodding. She claps her feet, bouncing on her downed opponent.

"Yeah, I can show ya all about, mmph!"

"Enough talky!" she yaps, her feet grabbing Adaeze by the cheek and then shoving her snout up against her coverings. "I want that banana! But first, your mouth, your mouth!"

Tik Tik pokes her head from around the door. "Look like these two hitting off." She notes.

Grefina peers from around the door, just above where Tik Tik emerged. "It's certainly fascinating, gero. Are things this... casual around here?"

"Gimme that dick!" the monkey monk says, wrapping fingers around the large clit. She strokes the thing, chuckling as she does.

Adaeze's hips rise up, her cheeks burning but unable to escape from the hold of those hand-like feet. She fights back the only way she can if she considers it fighting. She opens her mouth and bites down on that cloth, tearing it free from Panini's body and then shoving her tongue against her simian slit.

"Ooo ooooo!" Panini cries out, her eyes rolling back, her grip strengthening on that shaft.

"Tik Tik think so," the kobold says, scurrying out of the room. With a flick of her hand, her clothing returns to her, and she dresses, one step at a time.

Grefina comes out of the room a moment later, adjusting her dress.

The two taller women in the cafe roll and romp among each other, wrestling around in an intense grapple where tongues and fingers and holes mingle and tango.

Among all this confusion, Baker steps from the kitchen. "Ladies, ladies. Can you please not do all this out in my establishment? I have a reputation to uphold!"

Panini pins Adaeze down. The naked monkey grins as she sits atop the hyena gal, but her ear twitches, and she turns her head, baring her teeth at the owner of the cafe and bakery. "You wanna start somethin' yourself, pretty boy?"

"Well, I'm not usually one to condone violence outside a sporting situation, miss, but tussle I shall if you do not stop." He rolls his sleeves, showing off his shiny, chocolate form.

Panini licks her lips, her tail twitching back and forth.

Underneath her, Adaeze growls, pinned down but tensed up.

Grefina holds a hand out, her mouth opening, but Tik Tik pats the frog and shakes her head. "Let's see what happens," The kobold says. "This still part of interview in Tik Tik Tik's mind."

Panini leaps off Adaeze, her mouth drooling as she goes to grab the chocolate confectioner.

Baker smirks and lowers his stance, tightening his fist before he throws a punch straight at the ferocious fighter. It pushes deep against her abdominals, slowing her from the impact of the hit.

Panini doubles over, her eyes widening, her tail tensing up, and she flies back, tumbling along the ground and against the nearby booth.

The chef sighs and lifts his arm, watching fissures crack down along his fingers, hand, and arm. "Ah, well, this body wasn't made for fighting, I'm afraid. If only I had known. Tik Tik, dear, can you please do somethi-"

He doesn't finish his sentence as Panini rolls to her feet, leaps through the air, and spin kicks all at once, her foot grabbing his face and slamming Baker onto the floor.

Candy hair and caramel filling splatter all over the floor, leaving his body an oozing mess of delightful treats.

Grefina clenches her face to her mouth, unable to look away from the sight.

"It okay," Tik Tik says, folding her hands over her chest. "Baker is constructed and can move from body to body, and he even let people pay beat him up or eat him. Weird, but Tik Tik weird, too!"

Panini lifts her foot, seeing the candy coating that drips off of her leg. She twists and lifts it with hands around her knee, leaning in and gently licking off the oozy sugary bits from her toes, laughing all the way.

"Is... is he alright with this?" Grefina asks. "I would think it's painful."

Meanwhile, Baker's headless form lifts a hand, signaling with his fingers that he is, in fact, a-okay."

"Oh, ho, wonderful, Gero!"

While Panini is so busy licking off the delicious, delightful caramel and chocolate from her extremities, the hulking form of Adaeze rises up behind her with a terrible glint in her eyes. A moment passes, and she springs, wrapping her arms around the monkey monk and lifting her into the air.

Since she is so unbalanced, she can only take it when her body flies up and falls back down, crashing into the Baker's body, shattering it into pieces, and splurting out more of the viscous and delicious treats from within.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, a wooden mannequin jerks to life. He sighs, hands on his hips and shaking his head. "Oh, Tik Tik, dear!" Baker calls out. "This little sport of yours is all well and good, but you'll need to pay me after all this is said and done!"

"Tik Tik is fine with that!" the kobold chirps, bouncing on her toes. Panini and Adaeze roll around with their fur matting with a chocolate mess, getting into headlocks, leg locks, and all sorts of other locks, with punches and bites, clawing and scratching, and all kinds of funny business.

"Now, watch this, Grefina," Tik Tik says, wiggling her brow ridges. She points toward the two wrestlers and shouts, "Zap!" sending a spark of magic at the two, striking Adaeze.

The gnoll flashes a bright blue for a moment, and her clothing disappears a moment later.

"What the hell, Tik Tik!? What'd you do!?" she says, pinning Panini down.

"Tik Tik made magic armor for Adaeze," The kobold says, tapping her cheek. "But Tik Tik didn't say all the charms Tik Tik put on it. Thought easy way get out of clothing would be good. Now you two on equal footing, yes!"

Panini slips onto her back, wrapping her legs around Adaeze's body and tightly locking her feet together. She pushes her hips up and lifts the gnoll, rolling around and sending Adaeze to crash against the ground. With exciting grunting, Panini squats in front of the gnoll, who finds herself upside down against a booth. The monkey grunts excitedly as she stares between her legs, grabbing the thing between there and giving it a firm squeeze.

Adaeze whimpers, her body tensing but then relaxing as deft fighter's fingers slide up and down, alternating between hands in a flurry of fapping.

"My my, mix fighty skills with fucky skills. Very nice," Tik Tik says, nodding.

"I'm sure it has its uses," Grefina says, nodding.

"Ladies, you better not be making a bigger mess out there!" Baker shouts. "When I whip this battle body up, you'll pay!"

Panini snickers, hopping up closer to Adaeze. "Too little, too late, little man. I found myself my fun for today. Now then, hyena gal, you gonna fuck me, or am I gonna fuck you?"

Adaeze growls.

"Amazon position it is!" Panini shouts, beating her chest with one hand as she strokes Adaeze with the other!

Before the downed Adaeze could realize what was happening, she was on the floor, naked and with her legs lifted up. Panini grasps her ankles. The monkey's grin is so broad and toothy as she stares at the downed gnoll before her.

The monk monkey plants a foot on the ground beside Adaeze's knee, letting her thigh sit upon the gnoll's thigh, the victor's sex drooling somewhat in delight as the intense battler blushes in her drunken glee. Her other leg rises up, hooking around Adaeze's leg, allowing her foot to have some playtime.

She grips the pseudopenis, letting her big toe rub over it with the precision that only a simian foot could have, pressing the ball on the clitoral shaft. The pseudopenis throbs and twitches in the monkey's paw, leaving Adaeze with no recourse but to groan, pressing the back of her head upon the ground and shuddering all over her naked body.

Tik Tik saunters towards the two now, a glimmering in her eyes as she crosses her hands over her chest, staring smugly down at her companion. "Well, how this for performance review?" she asks Adaeze. "Panini can fight good and can fuck good, ye? Panini?"

The victor grins toward Tik Tik, grunting her acknowledgment.

Tik Tik says, "You take care of Adaeze here, okay? She is lady. Treat like lady."

Panini squats there over Adaeze, her gaze hazy as she stares at Tik momentarily. A moment later, she lowers her foot away from that big meaty thing and places her paw firmly on the ground. Her thighs rest upon Adaeze, that length flopping down to land upon her pelvis and up to her navel.

"Heh... well, I won, and I get to do whatever I want ta' ya, but your friend only cares if I'm nice. That's cute. You know where this is goin' though, don't ya, lady?" She barks this last bit, lifting herself up, letting that femcock slide down over her stomach and down her own clit before pressing against the folds of her labia. "It's going to pound town!"

With that, Panini slams into Adaeze. Both girls howl in the feeling of pleasure, from the girthy girl dick to the tight and powerful fighter's walls squeezing it. Each time Panini lands upon Adaeze, their bodies slap together in audible plaps that fill the cafe with the sounds of their wanton womanly sex!

Rubbing against the tiled floor, Adaeze's whole body shifts with the force of the fucking, her tits bouncing, her arms up and covering her eyes as she faces the humiliation of defeat and the wonders of delight. Meanwhile, the woman taking her squeezes her ankles tightly, letting out the wildest of monkey screams throughout the room and out into the street beyond.

It's comical how this once so meek girl could suddenly show her true colors. And not only that, she could overwhelm a seasoned adventurer, bounty hunter, and fighter. It's enough to make a gal laugh.

And she does. They are the loudest, crackliest hyena laughs that Adaeze has ever laughed in the face of defeat. What does it even mean to be a man or a woman? What does it even matter to be strong? There are always those stronger and weaker than oneself, even if they are the same person, separated only by a few cups of strong drink!

Panini leans in, her hips doing all the work as she plants herself against the floor and clamps around Adaeze's ankles. The more she rocks onto that cock; her howls become focused breaths. The more she extracts delight from the woman beneath her, the more unfocused her eyes become. The more her focus wavers, the slower she gets; the slower she gets, the less stimulating the sex becomes.

Adaeze lowers her arms from her face, a snarl shuddering over her gums. "What are you doin'? ... the least you can do is... is ride me until I'm done!"

Panini grits her teeth, focusing on long, hard thrusts that sink the femcock deeper into her. Still, with each of them, sweat builds upon her forehead, her fingers waver, and her feet slip.

Tik Tik waves over to Grefina and motions toward the display before them. "Look at this," the kobold says. "Panini's focus wears out. Tik Tik know what happen now, do you?"

Grefina latches her tongue around one of the empty mugs, whipping it to her hand. "Oh, yes, gero!" she says, staring into the bottom of the mug where only a rim of the chocolatey treat remains. "The oldest and most liberating potions were used in this concoction."

"Note to Baker," Tik Tik barks. "Stock the choco drink. Tik Tik pay premium."

"You'd better!" shouts the baker from the back.

Panini's eyes roll back, and her mouth hangs open, drool falling from her stupefied drunken fucking as she hilts against the shaft, letting it fill her deeply. Her body contracts around it; if it were a penis, she would have milked that thing dry. Both women explode in their own female orgasms, letting out loud and lewd sounds.

The release pumps the hyena girl up, and Adaeze pushes herself to her elbows and then sits up. "Alright, ya damn dirty ape! I'm getting my revenge. It's time for round two!"

Panini falls back against the floor with a thud, sprawled out, her arms and legs twitching, and the big brutish girl snoring loudly.

"The effects of the alcohol seem to be quite accelerated," notes Grefina, placing the bottle down. "I wonder if that's based on what was fermented or just a matter of who Panini is."

"Tik Tik no knows," says the kobold, but when Panini wake up, Tik Tik talk wages with her."

"Wait... but what about me, gero!"

"Learn from Tik Tik not enough?" TIk Tik asks, picking up her things and heading out."

"It's certainly better than nothing, but no, wait! Come back!" Grefina says, hopping away and out with Tik Tik.

Adaeze huffs, running a hand through her mane. "Well, guess we'll see more of each other, huh?"


Adaeze looks up at a massive shadow of a hulking chocolate body before her. Baker cracks his knuckles, saying, "You going to pay for all of this, sweetums?"

Tik Tik's Tryouts 6

Panini doubles over, her eyes widening, her tail tensing up, and she flies back, tumbling along the ground and against the nearby booth. The chef sighs and lifts his arm, watching fissures crack down along his fingers, hand, and arm. "Ah, well, this...

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Tik Tik's Tryouts 5

"You gotta problem with that, hot stuff?" Panini asks, her tail swishing as she faces half away from Adaeze. The gnoll's mouth quivers, and she bites her lip, her shoulders shaking. "N... no, b... But... but..." Panini turns around, tilting her...

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Tik Tik's Tryouts 4

And Grefina's reward? Well, it is the screaming yowl of the kobold, tensing up and contracting around her wriggling tongue, filling the woman with tastes she never thought she would find at this little corner cafe. Once the kobold releases, Grefina...

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