Tik Tik's Tryouts 4

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#81 of Anteronian Adventures

While Tik Tik and Grefina are taking care of each other in the back, Adaeze and Panini are chatting it up over a drink. But with Panini, that proves to be a problem.

Art, Grefina, and Panini are from noirchaton4. This is a collaborative story between the two of us!

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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And Grefina's reward? Well, it is the screaming yowl of the kobold, tensing up and contracting around her wriggling tongue, filling the woman with tastes she never thought she would find at this little corner cafe.

Once the kobold releases, Grefina lets go of her, letting her plop down onto the cushion right on her head. She slurps her tongue back into her mouth, rubbing her cheeks and sighing. "Oooh, that was quite lewd, Gero. Magical, too. Thank you for such an experience, Miss Tik Tik."

Tik Tik reaches into the air and places her hand upon the froggy's thigh. She lifts her head, her gaze still hazed over, a soft growl rolling up between her lip.

"Gero?" Grefina croaks, staring down at the Tik Tik between her legs. "Aren't you freed from the potion?"

Tik Tik squeezes her thigh, climbing up between her legs, her other hand snickering on the other squatted leg. "Oh, yes," Tik Tik hisses, "But maybe Tik Tik should have told you that Tik Tik always want fuck cute and sexy people."

Grefina croaks, touching Tik Tik's cheeks and tilting her head. "Well, now that we're friends, we can, Aaah!"

Tik Tik doesn't let the froggy gal finish her thought and instead buries herself between her legs, and her snout presses against the girl's nub. Her teeth slide against the soft flesh, but with Tik Tik's practiced skill, they do nothing but roughly tickle the sensitive area.

Grefina's eyes widen, and her legs wobble. She keeps herself squatted there, moving her hands back over the kobold's head, wrapping fingers around her horns. "A... ah.... T-Tik..." she gasps, her cheeks puffing up more and more as she holds her breath.

Tik Tik slips her tongue along those lips and pushes it inside, seeking to stimulate her from all angles in her womanhood.

Grefina tilts her head back against the wall, her hat pushing against her head and covering her eyes. She inflates her cheeks and arches her back as the pleasure builds beyond what she expects from such a little tongue!



Her leg kicks out just as she comes, knocking over the tray of pastry dishes that the two had ignored, sending silverware clattering with such a din. The two gals slump over each other, panting in excitement, cuddling, and squirming in post-coital energy.

The door slams open, and Adaeze steps through, eyes wide and hand brandishing her billy club. "Tik Tik is something the, oh fuck!"

The hyena slams the door, her cheeks blazing, her claws scraping against the wall.

Panini looks up from her drink, a soft, chocolaty mustache on her lips. "I... Is everything okay?"

Adaeze coughs and straightens herself up, sauntering back toward the seat and sliding in to sit across from the maid. "Everything's fine." She says. "Just a little, uh, bit of the interview process."

"Oh, my," Panini says, a hand upon her cheek. "I wasn't expecting such violence."

"Well, considering that we're trying to go on an adventure, violence is expected," Adaeze says, taking her mug. She sips it, letting that hot and silky chocolate gently coat her tongue as it rolls down her throat.

"Aaah, now that's a sweet drink with a kick! Hey Baker, how's about some more!"

The confectioner saunters out of the kitchen with a pitcher. "Coming right up!" As he pours for each of the girls, he asks. "How do you like this special treat? It hearkens back to an ancient recipe I discovered, and I figured I could use it to spice things up around here."

Panini nods thanks and brings the drink back to her lips, two-handing the mug and gulping it down.

"Dang, girl, you can chug it down. Where does a little thing like you put that all away?"

Panini sighs, squeezing the mug, her shoulders shaking. "Are you... are you calling me small, miss?"

Adaeze shrugs. "I mean, yeah, if the dress fits.".

"Is that so..." Panini says, her lips twitching, a vein popping in her head.

Adaeze chuckles. "Hehe, look, it may be the boozy chocolate talkin', or it may be watchin' my boss boinking the frog gal, but I gotta blow off some steam and give it to ya straight. I don't think you got what it takes to be on an adventure with me. You should just go, kid, and do somethin' frilly. Course, not that frilly is bad. Sometimes, I wish I could do it."

"Frilly, eh?" Panini says, slamming her palm upon the table, her voice rising to a deep growl. "I'll show you frilly, ya bitch!"

Adaeze starts but hardly has time to react when the monkey maid hops onto the table, grabbing her dress and tearing it off with one strong rip!

Adaeze stares wide-eyed and slack-jawed at the transformation of the monkey maid Panini. With the tearing off of her dress, the girl reveals a body rippling with muscle and bare in most everything, save for her waist cloth and the wrappings on her hands and feet. She breathes slowly through flaring nostrils, her mouth contorting into a smile, or perhaps, it's a grimace?

"How's this for frilly?" Panini says, her voice a husky growl. "You think I can't hold myself in a fight? Well, how about you put that to the test, eh?"

Adaeze shakes her head and puts up her fists. "Not exactly what I was expecting, but if you're going to challenge me, I guess I have to oblige."

The monkey hops off the table, her knee rising, rushing straight toward the gnoll's face.

Adaeze hops out of the way, stepping back and reaching for her belt, where she holds her sap. "Damn, a monk... monkey?"

Tik Tik's Tryouts 5

"You gotta problem with that, hot stuff?" Panini asks, her tail swishing as she faces half away from Adaeze. The gnoll's mouth quivers, and she bites her lip, her shoulders shaking. "N... no, b... But... but..." Panini turns around, tilting her...

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Cow Appreciation 1

Life out in the suburbs was always a dream for Bertha Kine--a chance to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city and make a good start for her children. Not many other cows in her family could say they left the rural life of the farmstead and went...

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Tik Tik's Tryouts 3

"Are you alright, Tik Tik? Your horniness isn't too far out of control, is it?" Tik Tik flips from her back onto all fours, her tail up in the air, her tongue out, and her eyes rolled around. She drools from that gaping maw, dropping spit down onto...

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