Calming the Mean Witch.

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#5 of Rammy and Friends (Short Smut Series)

Annnnnnd lastly here's the fifth installment in the RaF short! And quite the hot yet lengthy one at that, focusing on the origin story of Belan and Katherine: How those two met each other and became so close since their faithful meeting.

This short is also a comm piece by Jaden6Strings, a canon one at that. Here's a link to his ToyHouse account in case anyone wants to check it out:

(Glad this piece exist because man, did it made me thirst for Delphox and Goodra further now. Hgnnnn)


"Ah! Oh god, yes Katherine!"

The Delphox holds the Goodra's hands, ramming her pussy over and over, her knot pleading to enter those folds. The bed cackles from the thrusts, Katherine's breasts grinding on Belan's. The tall dragon wraps her legs around the fox, her tongue hanging loose.

"Aah, I swear your pussy never stops feeling amazing, Belan." The fennec pants, gazing into Belan's eyes. Her cock twitches, her climax nearing.

Belan giggles, staring back. "Thanks, dear~! Oh!" Her cock flails between the huge tits, the dragon curling her toes. "God, I'm so close to cumming!"


The two women soon release at once, moans ushering: The fennec knotting the dragon as loads upon loads of seeds spiral throughout, many spilling out and coating the bed. Belan ejaculates all over herself and Katherine, both of their tongues hanging loose while their eyes roll.

"S-So much...Mmm." Belan grips Katherine's hands, pressing her behind forward to keep as much of the fox's seeds in as possible.

Katherine curls her toes. "Mmm...God, yes." She bites her lower lip.


Katherine pulls out, shooting a few more batters across Belan before relaxing on top of her. Many seeds gush out of Belan's pussy like a waterfall, the slime dragon quivering.

"That was wonderful, Belan," Katherine says, nuzzling Belan's neck before kissing it. Belan murrs, patting the Delphox's head.

"Oh I _absolutely _agree, my lovely friend!" She sighs, smiling at the ceiling while Katherine gropes her left tit. "Reminds me of the first time we had sex, you know? In this very position you railed me, too..."

"Huh." The two gaze at the witch's fireplace ahead: Both at her home. "It does, now thinking about it." Katherine holds Belan's hand, clenching as her ears lower. "That's...also when I became a different person. Better than how I used to be."

Belan smiles. "I'm aware." The Goodra looks up. "I remember it all too well..."

. . .

Deep within the massive Grand Forest was a chubby, anthrofied Sliggoo, wearing traveling equipment while fixating on a map. She whimpered: The map looking decayed and decrypted, barely displaying any clear roads.

"Oh god, oh god: How am I supposed to get out of here with a confusing map like this?" Belan shook her head, digging into her pocket. She took out her phone, tapping: The signal sign displaying a 'X' mark. She groaned. "If only my connection works here, I'd call Rammy and Joseph to get me out."

Belan put her phone and map away, leaning against a random tree. She sat down. "I'm doomed: Absolutely stuck in this hopeless forestry..."

She gasped, shaking her head. "No! I can't be thinking like that! When things become dire, there's always a solution to it!" Standing, she laid a finger beneath her chin. "Hmm...Perhaps I could retrace my steps and--"


Belan blinked. "Hmm?" She looked around.


"Eek!" Belan backed herself against the tree, whimpering. "Wh-Who goes there?" Eventually, she eyed up a Delphox sitting on a broom: Her book glowing, her eyes shining, and her hands casting in auras.

"Get out of this domain--my domain," the Delphox bluntly stated, snarling.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to stumble into this forest!" Belan lowered her head. "I'm lost and don't know how to leave."

"_ Lies _." Katherine glared. "Heard that same excuse from the robbers who tried to steal my belongings."

"But I'm telling the truth!" Belan shook her head. "I really am lost!"

Katherine growled. "If you don't leave right now, I'll--"


Katherine gasped, turning around. Belan tilted her head.

"What's wrong?"

"...That came from my cabin." The Delphox closed the book, shoved it into her robe, and flew away.

Belan blinked for a moment, tilting her head. What's...going on over there? She followed the witch, making a mad dash.

She ran and ran, groaning. Jeez, she flew off so fast! _Belan stopped at a nearby tree, stroking her chest. _I doubt I could keep up in time!


Belan gasped. Oh no! She must be in trouble! She ushered forward, turning to her right. Soon, she reached a spot where a flaming cabin could be seen from afar, widening her eyes.

The cabin's roof fell down, fire bursting from the windows, glass everywhere. Lying in front of the decrypted structure was Katherine, struggling while a rabbit in black clothing pinned her down: Rope in one hand, bow in another. He clenched the rope, his eyes glowing white, auras circulating around the Delphox's fingers in the same color.

Beside the rabbit was a wolf, a bear, and an Infernape: All adoring the same clothing as the rabbit, with the latter having a fedora. "Well you guys took her down easily." The four eyed the cabin, a human with the same clothing walking out of it unscathed. Flames encased his hands as his arms folded: Smirking with wheat in his mouth. "For the folks at East Nookwill that had trouble dealing with this witch, she's definitely easy to take down, it seems."

The gray wolf flexed his claws. "Ha! No kidding!" He leaned down, smirking at the fennec. "What a pushover." Katherine simply snarled, revealing her sharp teeth.

"Regardless, the mob boss there is gonna pay us big for killing her," the rabbit said calmly, his bow nudging the witch's face.

"H-Hey!" The witch hunters turned: Belan taking a step forward. "Leave her alone!"

"This doesn't concern you, Sliggoo," the human stated, grinding his wheat.

"It does!" Belan stomped. "Please don't hurt her!"

The rabbit sighed, ruffling his wavy hair for a moment. "It'll be over soon, don't worry." As he's about to pull the trigger, a Dragon Pulse beamed him off, crashing into a nearby bush."ARGH!"

The other four hunters yelped.

"Verge!" the human hunter shouted, igniting his fists. The four eyed Belan, the Sliggoo holding her hands up. "You bitch: You shouldn't have done that."

They charged towards her, the Sliggoo's hands preparing more Dragon Pulses. The wolf swung his claws, Belan ducking before being kicked by the bear. She slid across the ground, the human jabbing her face. She gagged, the Infernape Mach Punching her away afterwards.

"A-Ack!" The wolf then leaped up and grabbed Belan by the neck, slamming her down. "AH!"

The hunters went on a full beatdown: Jabbing, clawing, kicking--Raining Hell for the slug dragon. The black bear snarled, stomping her.


Katherine stood there: Eyeing the struggling Sliggoo shielding herself, awestruck. She trembled, mouth gaping. she trying to help me? Belan coughed out blood as the human kicked her with flames, whimpering. Even after I threatened her earlier...

Eventually, the hunters stopped: Leaving the Sliggoo in a bruised and weakened state, twitching every now and then. The wolf wiped away sweat from his forehead, sighing. "Phew. Haven't had that level of ganging since the last witch we've killed a while back."

"No kidding," the Infernape followed, smirking.

Verge groaned, exiting out of the bush. "Crap like this is why I loathe Witch Sympathizers."

Katherine gazed at him, the white rabbit slamming his foot on her. "AH!"

Verge's eyes remained glowing, the rabbit gripping his fist. "They're willing to protect these degenerates as far as throwing themselves into danger." Squinted. "This business has nothing to do with them."

"I know, right?" The wolf growled. "Hate how witches ended up with the same rights as everyone else. A mistake, if you ask me." Katherine's eyes widened, the fennec snarling. The wolf snarled back. "Shut the fuck up, wretch!"

The human smirked. "Honestly, it doesn't matter if they have rights or not: They're a good sell at the black market, especially when dead. Better than the pay we get from killing wizards."

"Absolutely." The rabbit aimed the crossbow at Katherine's head again. "Besides, witches raided my ancestor's home: They deserve zero sympathy." Katherine groaned, gnashing her teeth. Verge nudged the trigger. "So kindly die, please."


A wave of slime blasted Verge away. "AH!" He spiraled all over the ground, trailing the dirt.

"What the hell!?" the human shouted.

"That's...horrible." Everyone gazed ahead: Belan, barely standing while panting heavily. "Wanting to kill all witches...solely for money." Her body glowed. "Solely for revenge." Her height increased, her antennae extending. "This world taught me that everyone's different from one another."

"Quick, kick her ass before she fully evolves!" the Infernape shouted, the four hunters nodding. They charged after Belan, readying themselves.

"Regardless of our identities."

The human's fists flared.

"Regardless of our background."

The bear and wolf's claws unveiled.

"Regardless of even our species."

The Infernape's fist jetted forward.

"We--" Belan unleashed her slimes, pushing the hunters away. "CAN BECOME A BETTER PERSON!"

"ARGH!" The hunters flailed around, the human and wolf stopping themselves.

Katherine stared at the now fully evolved Goodra, mesmerized. We can become a better person... She thought about her time in this forest: Being called a nuisance. A menace--evil. For what she was born as.

Is...that true? She gazed to the side, squinting. The white auras faded from her hands, the Delphox gasping. My chance to escape! She ignited the ropes.

The rabbit got up, his eyes being blue. He looked at Katherine, gritting his teeth. "Shit!" He encased his hands in white auras, gripping his crossbow. "You're not getting out alive that easily!" Shooting, the arrow jolted towards the Delphox.

Katherine surrounded the arrow in blue aura and snapped it, tossing telekinetic orbs afterwards. The rabbit stopped the orbs, smirking. "Nice try. I can use telekinesis, too." He shoved the orbs following with a pink wave. Katherine jumped over them, floating while the projectiles ushered towards the four hunters.

Verge gnashed his teeth. "CRAP! YOU GUYS, WATCH OUT!"

"Hmm?" The human turned around before Belan shoved him towards the attack. "ARGH!"

"Ranger!" the wolf yelled. Belan tripped him with her large tail, pushing him towards the bear and Infernape. "Ah!"

The two hunters spiraled around as the Infernape leaped over them, hurling his body into a Flame Wheel. Belan grabbed him, wincing. Katherine eyed behind her, lowering her ears. Verge grinned.

Gotcha. He casted a long, pink sword before jumping.

"...Hmph." Katherine shifted aside, the rabbit aiming towards Belan.

"What the!?"

"STRANGER!" Katherine shouted, catching Belan's attention. "Throw him! NOW!"

The Goodra wasted no time twirling around, catapulting the Infernape towards the rabbit. Verge screamed, the flames engulfing him. Katherine held her hand out, blue auras coating all of the hunters, her eyes glowing blue.


She closed her hand, all of the hunters ramming against each other in the air: Groaning. She floated down, slamming the hunters towards the ground afterwards. They were knocked out, the Infernape's flames dissipating.

The Goodra gazed at the Delphox's home, gasping. "Oh no! It's still burning!" Belan casted multiple slimes, tossing them rapidly. The flames are being coated from top to bottom, dwindling.

. . .

They finally subsided: Leaving the cabin in a burnt, yet somehow still stable condition. Belan whimpered, sighing.

"I wish I was fast enough to stop it from getting worse," she said.

The Delphox glared at the hunters, her eyes remaining blue. "It's alright." Katherine held them in place, her hand flaring. Belan looked at the Delphox, gasping.


Katherine slowly looked back, her brow raising. "Why? We almost died because of them."

"I'd...rather the law enforcers take care of these Witch Hunters. Since it's illegal to kill witches." Belan poked her fingers together.

The Delphox blinked, staring off. "I...wasn't aware." She caressed her chin. "That rabbit did say witches have rights, but I...didn't believe him." Sighed. "Maybe he was telling the truth there."

"Mhm!" Belan held her hands together. "We live in a pretty species accepting world, and I couldn't be happier about it." Smiled.

"Tch, easy for you to say." Katherine rolled her eyes. "The belittlement and hatred I get about me says otherwise." She snarled at the hunters. "I'll still kill these wastes of living beings." Her magic auras radiated. She soon gasped at something warm and silky wrapping around her, looking: The Goodra hugging her, the fennec's head being between her tits. Katherine blushed. So...close.

"But killing them wouldn't solve your issues: It'll make it worse..." Belan whimpered. "Please reconsider. I know they're bad people, but would we be any better if we tried to make the same decision they did?"

"..." Katherine thought, staring down. "...Okay. Fine." She stared at the hunters once more. "I'll at least teleport them away." Her auras vibrated, the hunters glowing bright blue. They soon disappeared, the Delphox's eyes no longer glowing.

Belan tilted her head, her hand to her lips. "Where did you teleport them to?"

Katherine shrugged. "Who knows? They're no longer my problem, that's for sure." She then turned towards the cabin and walked, squinting. I'll find a new stick after I get this all fixed and tidy up.

The Delphox noticed her shadow getting bigger than usual, looking behind her. The tall Goodra waved, smiling. Katherine blinked. "Oh, um. Thank you for saving me. Sincerely." She tilted her witch hat. "You can leave now."

Belan lowered her antennae. "But...what about your cabin?"

Katherine's ear twitched to a wood snapping off from the top and hitting the ground, splitting apart. She sighed. "I'll fix it myself."

"Let me try to help! I'd imagine it'll be a lot of work to do. Plus..." Belan stared off. "I'm still lost and have nowhere to go."


"Please? Let me stay for the time being." Belan eyed down Katherine, sparkling with pleads.

"Hmm..." Katherine caressed her chin, thinking. "...Fine. You can stay."

Belan raised her arms. "YAY!"

"BUT--" Katherine pointed at the dragon, her finger igniting. "If you try pulling anything sneaky, I won't hesitate to kill you on the spot. Understood?"

The Goodra yelped, gulping. "Y-Yes, I understand completely!" She scratched the back of her head, her antennae lowering. "I don't intend on harming anyone. It's not right."

"Good." The Delphox's flames faded. "Alright, Goodra. Since you wanted to help me clean the mess here, let's start with doing that."

The dragon lifted her finger. "Belan."

Katherine blinked, eyeing the goo dragon. "What?"

"Belan's my name." She smiled.

"Oh. Right, we...hardly introduced each other." Katherine sighed, nodding. "Katherine's mine."

The dragon giggled. "That's a sweet name."

The fennec blushed, caressing her arm. "Th-Thanks."

From there, the two proceeded to fix the cabin: The Delphox using magic to stitch the woods together while the Goodra slapped some slimes on them, ensuring they won't break apart.

For the next following days, they spent their time together. Doing all sorts of activities: Belan gazing in awe at Katherine crafting in her cauldron, Katherine and Belan dodging each other's attacks in a spar, the two chatting with each other while reading a book Katherine held, and so much more.

"OOO! OOO! Look over there!" Belan said, pointing at a tree afar.

"Hmm?" Katherine looked, Belan grinning before taking the Delphox's green aura soccer ball.

"Huh!? HEY!"

The Goodra snickered, the Delphox chasing after her in this game of soccer.

The two laughed, cried, and overall enjoyed each other's company. Katherine smiled more and more from their interactions, the fennec even wagging her tail along the way, something she thought she'd never do.

. . .

The two rested on the bed: Katherine's room being fairly large, with decorations and unique items hanging on the wall such as wands. They gazed down at the books in their hands, being that of the fantasy genre: The cover having a green cat with a black 'mask' spreading their arms while smirking, a floating plant being by their head alongside the title of the book.

Belan yawned, closing the book and stretching. "That was a decent read."

"Yes!" Katherine pointed at the Goodra. "I made sure to keep copies of Harmonic Spells as much as possible." She smiled, eyeing the cover. "I love the way it handles magic, something I relate to."

"That's sweet! I especially enjoyed the fight scenes involving magic, too."

"SAME!" Katherine squealed. "It reminds me of the way I utilize my magic. I could tell the writer has done a lot of research on witches and wizards."

"Indeed!" Belan set the book aside. "I can't wait to read more of it since I really like the story, especially the main character." She poked Katherine's cheek. "Crystal reminds me of you, in a way."

Katherine's face grew red, looking away. "I-I...Yeah, they do, come to think of it. Sharing my worriedness, my cautiousness--everything, really."

"And then they ended up becoming a caring person along the way." Belan stuck her tongue out. "Just like you~"

Katherine covered her face. "Oh stop it, Belan."

"Say, Katherine." Belan leaned forward. "Want to have some fun?"

The Delphox stared outside: The moon had already shown itself towards the Grand Forest. She blinked. "But it's late. Why would you want to continue sparring?"

"No no, not that. I mean, a different kind of fun." Belan looked up and down, her hand close to Katherine's. "Something enticing and...intimate."

Katherine looked at the hand, jittering. "Hmm..."

Belan waved. "That's if you want to, of course! I'm fine with us just doing other things instead."

Intimate... Katherine blinked. _What does she mean by that? _The Delphox nodded. "Sure. I'll give this fun a try." She tilted her head. "What's it like?"

Belan simply grinned, stroking the back of Katherine's head, leaning close. The Delphox gasped. "U-Um--" Belan kissed her. "Mmf!?" The fennec's face grew red along with the dragon's, Belan swirling her tongue around Katherine's. The Delphox caught on immediately as she slipped her hands underneath Belan's shirt, groping her breasts.

The two then pulled away, stripping their clothes off immediately: Belan's massive cock sprung out of her pants as Katherine's equally big dick nudged it. The two moaned, Belan eyeing down, licking her lips. She caressed the dicks, murring.

"Pretty eager, I see."

Katherine blushed, looking away. "I-In a way, yes. EEP!" She shivered from the Goodra's lips and breasts pressing on her penis, the Delphox staring down. "B-Be slow, though. I-I'm not used to this yet."

Belan nodded. "No worries. I'll be as slow as slow can be!" She chirped, taking the cock inside of her mouth, bopping. "Mmm."

Katherine moaned. "A-Ah..."

The Goodra moved her breasts up and down, wiggling her voluptuous behind. Her eyes closed, her tail wagging. Katherine panted, her legs spreading. Her eyes widened, her tongue drooling.

O-Oh my goodness, what...IS this feeling!? Katherine thought, Belan's breasts grinding against her knot. The Goodra giggled, swirling her tongue around the Delphox's shaft, rubbing her own dick with her feet.

Precum shot inside of Belan's maw, the dragon groping her breasts. Oh gosh, her dick is so big and great! Belan thought, precum dripping onto her feet. Surprising to think this is her first time while packing...ALL of this.

The dragon kept going: The two wagging their tails, drooling in delight. Eventually, Katherine dumped a huge amount of cum inside of Belan's mouth, the dragon's eyes widening while the fox mewled wildly.

"Oh god! Oh gracious, this is such a--AH!"

Belan tried to keep as many of those seeds inside as she could, but some managed to spill over her breasts, the dragon cumming on her feet along with the bedsheet. She pulled away, saliva and cum trailing along the way. She rubbed Katherine's dick, eyeing her up.

"Mm, a little salty and sweet at once." Belan giggled, Katherine panting while gazing back. "Reminds me of Rammy's, but his' is all sweet. And addicting, in all honesty."

"I...see?" Her face became redder. Who's Rammy?

"Anyways," Belan leaned back: Her dick springing in view. She winked. "Wanna give it a taste before we get to the main course?"

Katherine eyed the Goodra's girthy rod: Previous seeds dripped down, sweats sliding along the way. The veins pulsated across the eager wood, throbbing with intensity. Katherine drooled, her dick hardening at the sight. God, her cock looks...amazing. The Delphox bit her lower lip.


Belan noticed the hesitation, lowering her antennae. "H-Hey, if you don't want to continue, then that's fine. We can just stop at the blowjob and continue on with ou--"

"No!" Katherine shook her head, her hands resting on Belan's knees. "We can continue."

Belan whimpered. "Are you sure? You seem overwhelmed by all of this, and I just...don't want to escalate things poorly if we continue."

Katherine gazed down at the cock and then at Belan. "I'm...certain." Sighed. "Sorry, I'm just--" she paused, her cock throbbing happily. "Feeling very ecstatic about all of this. It's something I haven't felt while living all by myself for so long." Whimpering, she lowered her ears. "I hope I'm not being a downer about this. Truly."

Belan hugged the Delphox, Katherine gasping while her head's between her breasts. "You're not. Trust me, after what you've told me about your experience living here because of your parents' abandonment, I'd probably hesitate about all of this, too." She caressed Katherine's head. "You're okay, Katherine. You're fine feeling the way you feel."

Belan... Katherine hugged back. "Thanks...That means a lot to me. Truly." Belan simply smiled, nuzzling against the Delphox's head. Katherine then pulled back, purring. "N-Now about we continue where we left off?" She eyed Belan's cock, leaning down. Katherine opened her mouth and engulfed it, nibbling the tip. "Mmf."

Belan moaned, rubbing the Delphox's head. "Mmm, yes. Take it as slow as you like, hun."

Katherine nodded shyly, bopping her head on the girthy rod. Belan sighed, nudging her breast with her free hand. The Delphox curled her toes, squirming while drooling over the shaft. The two moaned, Belan's tongue hanging loose. She spread her legs, drooling herself.

"A-Ah, Katherine," Belan said. "You're doing, mm, great! K-Keep it up, mmf."

The Delphox looked up with plea, nodding as she swirled her tongue around the shaft, her own rod dripping precum instantly. Holy crap, her c-cock is huge! Her eyes rolled, her tongue littering with saliva: It was as though she's tasting heaven itself!

Belan gritted her teeth, mewling and groping her large breast. She spewed pre onto the Delphox's tongue, Katherine bobbing her head gradually. "A-Ah!" Belan thrusted up a bit, her balls nudging Katherine's chin, sweats dripping. The Delphox then increased her pacing, slurping over the Goodra's shaft in ecstasy. "O-Oh? Someone, mmm, wants this cum badly, hehe!"

Belan's cock twitched, Katherine groping her own breast, wiggling her behind. "Mmf. MMF!" Goodness, this

"AAAH!" Belan erupted mountains of seeds throughout Katherine's maw, the Delphox's eyes widening as the two moaned to the rooftops!

Oh god! Katherine jetted her semen all over the bedsheets, her tail wagging with excitement. So much is entering my mouth, aaaah! A couple of those seeds oozed out of her maw, coating the Goodra's balls and bedsheets.

"Jeez, Katherine! Oh gosh, this is the stuff!" Belan stroked her breasts, oozing out milk while her eyes closed. "Mmm...~"

After a brief moment, Katherine pulled away: Cum dripping down her tongue like a waterfall, panting ensued. "That--" she swallowed whatever seeds there was left in her, taking a moment to compose herself. "Th-That was fantastic!"

Belan fanned herself, gazing at the ceiling. "Can totally second that, hehe." She then blinked: Katherine already sitting on top of her, smiling. She caressed the Goodra's shoulders, grinding her voluptuous behind on that girthy wood. Belan groaned. "Mmm, I guess you want your turn, first?"

"I...suppose?" Katherine gazed down. "Whatever you call it."

"People usually say 'turn' to convey who's banging who. Or who's getting banged, in this case." Belan snickered.

"Oh. I see, then!" Katherine soon gasped softly to the Goodra rubbing her ass. "A-Ah..."

"Since this is your first time, I'll be sure to start off soft and slow. Okay?"

Katherine nodded meekly. "O-Okay. I trust you with my life, Belan." She wrapped her arms around the dragon, her lips quivering.

Belan smiled, positioning her cock towards Katherine's puffy hole. "Ready?"

Katherine nodded. "R-Ready."

Belan then pressed Katherine down on her dick: Moans echoing from the two, the Delphox's asscheeks hitting Belan's base. "Oh gosh, yes!"

The Delphox mewled, clinging onto Belan's shoulders. Her head's between the dragon's tits, her ass gripping the fat rod. "A-Ah!" Katherine curled her toes, trembling. "S-So big!"

The Goodra lowered her antennae, sorrow spreading. "I-If it's too much, we can back out right n--"

"No!" Katherine protested, wiggling on Belan's dick. "We can keep going. I just, um...mmm." She sighed. "Didn't anticipate the thickness and hugeness of your cock."

"I see."

"L-Let us continue...mmm."

With that, Belan lifted Katherine up before pressing her down, both groaning and moaning along the way. Katherine gritted her teeth, clinging onto Belan's shoulders. Her hole gripped around the shaft, sweat drenching over. Belan huffed, leaning her head back.

"God, you feel amazingly tight, Katherine." The Goodra stroked and groped the Delphox's large behind, her balls clasping against the fox's ass. Katherine mewled, already leaking precum onto the dragon.

"A-Ah, thanks..."

Belan jetted her precum as well, closing her eyes. She hummed: Her dick tugging, Katherine's hole stretching. The warm walls gripped around the shaft, providing warming embraces. Katherine panted, rubbing Belan's shoulders. "I...I want more."

"Oh?" Belan opened one eye.

"I-I, uh, need you something to make this even m-more pleasurable."

"Oh! You're asking me to go rough?"

Katherine blinked before nodding meekly. "Y-Yes."

Belan grinned. "You got it, hun!" She wasted zero time rushing the Delphox up before slamming her down, moans echoing between them.


Belan repeated: Her balls shivered, Katherine's booty quivered--Sweats drenched off from the two as they yelped in pleasure, Katherine's dick flailing about.

"O-Oh my goodness, yes!" Katherine mewled, her cock twitching. "Oh gosh, so intense!" Her tail wagged, her breasts bouncing. "P-Please never stop, Belan!"

"Ngh. Oh I can keep banging ya all day long, ah!" Belan's dick wiggled, her climax inching. Moans persisted from the two, drools fuming, passion growing. "I-I'm going to cum, Katherine!"

"G-Goodness me!" Katherine clung onto Belan, wrapping her legs and arms around her.

Belan slammed her a couple more times before one final shove: Heavy amounts of seeds spilled throughout the fennec, loud moans shouting from the dragon. Katherine yapped, shooting oodle of jizz onto the two, her tongue hanging loose.

S-So much is entering me, aaaah! Katherine thought, her belly filling, cum guzzling out of her anus and coating her asscheeks.

Belan's tongue hung, her toes curling in relief. "Aah...ah." She pulled her dick and--


Waterfall of seeds exited the Delphox's ass, cum dripping down Belan's dick. The two moaned, Katherine nuzzling between the tall dragon's tits. "Aaah..." Belan giggled. "That was really great, Kathy." She winked. "You don't mind if I, mm, call you that, right?"

Katherine blushed, looking into the Goodra's blue eyes. "N-Not at all, heh."

Belan planted a kiss on Katherine's head, the fox blushing further. "My turn now."

Katherine saw her stomach's size decreasing from the seeds leaving her. "On...what?"

Belan tapped her nose. "Banging me, ya silly fox~" She laid down on the pillow, bedroom eyeing the Delphox. "Go ahead and lift my balls."

Katherine moved back, her hand to her lips. "Um...sure?" She eyed down: The blue, sweaty orbs straining with immense captivation. The Delphox nodded, moving the sacks up: Belan's holes awaited her sight--plumpy pussy on taint, puffy anus at the bottom.

Belan purred, rubbing her breasts. "Choose whatever hole you want to fill, hun."

"..." Katherine kept her gaze on the vag: The folds pulsating, the juices leaking--captivating the fox beyond belief. Her cock throbbed, spewing a bit more seeds by accident.

"Found one you're interested in?"

Katherine looked. "...Yes. Your, um, vagina. The top one."

"Heh. My personal favorite to get banged in." Belan sighed. "The feeling of getting banged and filled there is always cathartic." Giggled. "It's why I love it when Rammy and his friends screw around with it, especially Rammy. Pussies are his favorites to fuck during sex."

"I...see." Still wondering who this Rammy guy is.

"Anyways," Belan tapped Katherine's tip with her feet, caressing. "Your cock is begging to please it. Better not keep it waiting~"

Katherine gasped, dripping pre onto the Goodra's feet. "R-Right." Without wasting time, Katherine's tip pressed against the folds, the fox moving forward. "M-Mmm."

"O-Oh." Belan felt the dick sliding right into her pussy, wet walls already grinding around it. "Oh!"

"A-Ah!" Katherine squirmed, slamming her shaft into Belan all of the sudden. "AH!"

"OH!" Belan yapped, her big humanoid dick jolting up in ecstasy.

"I--" Katherine whimpered. "Sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I--"

"No no. It's okay, Katherine. I don't mind the sudden roughness." She bit her lower lip, stroking the sheets. "I don't mind at all, considering my experiences." The dragon giggled.

"A-Ah. Gotcha, then." Katherine's knot smooched the folds, awaiting its entry.

"Thrust at your own pace, Kathy. Soft, rough--Doesn't matter, to me." Belan lowered her eyelids, smiling.

Katherine smiled back. "A-As you wish, Belan." The Delphox moved her hips back before thrusting forward, pounding the dragon at a calm pace. "Mmm."

"Ah. Yes, Kathy. Just like that..." Belan's legs spreaded more for the fox to have room, the two moaning while Katherine held Belan's legs. The fox's eyes closed, embracing the wet, soft, and admittedly gooey walls, lubricating her cock with ease.

"You feel so--" Katherine groaned. "Great, Belan!"

Belan panted, groping and fondling her breasts. "Likewise, Kathy."

The Delphox mewled, her knot ramming the folds endlessly. "Ngh." She spewed pre-seeds, sloshing throughout the walls. "Goodness gracious, this is a-addicting."

"I know, right?" Belan blinked when the thrusts stopped. "Hmm?" Her legs dropped, the Goodra spotting the Delphox falling on top of her, their breasts touching. "Oh?" Katherine wrapped her arms around the dragon: Her hips moved back, ramming forward. "OH!"

Katherine pounded the dragon eagerly: Plapping and slamming and hammering--her knot pleading to infiltrate her pussy! The fox's bangs shifted around, obscuring her vision a bit as she mewled. "A-Ah, yes!"

"Gosh, yes Kathy!" Belan arched her back, stroking Katherine's head. "Be as eager as you like! Love when my friends go all out on me!"

The Delphox's face grew red: Hearing the word 'friends' igniting something within her. Something warm...which was difficult to detect, considering the sex going on. Her cock twitched: Climax inching its way near.

The bed creaked, Belan's legs flailing up and down. "Oh god. Oh goodness, I can't hold it in much longer!" Belan screamed in joy, shooting many seeds all over herself and Katherine. "AAAH!"

"Eh!?" Katherine gasped from the sudden cumshot, moaning.

"Sorry! Your thrusts are just, mm, so good!" She lifted Katherine's chin, their eyes meeting. "Don't hold back, Kathy. Release it all into me!"

Katherine nodded. "As you w-wish--AAH!" The Delphox slammed menacingly, her knot finally slipping in as massive loads of cum dumped throughout the Goodra. Loud moans exchanged from the two, the knot being useless at preventing the many jizz spilling over the bedsheets.

"Mmm, filling up my womb juuuust nicely, too! Ah!"

Afterwards, Katherine remained on top of the dragon: Both coated in each other's seeds while exchanging continual moans. The Delphox slid down a bit, nuzzling Belan's boob while stroking the other.

"A-All of this..." Katherine sighed, licking the tip of Belan's tit. "Was wonderful."

Belan rubbed her head, murring. "Absolutely!" She closed her eyes, smiling to the winds. "My time having sex with Rammy is what led me to enjoy it so much. Mainly with those I've become comfortable with such as yourself." She eyed the Delphox, her blues gazing into Katherine's reds.

Katherine purred. "If that's the case, then..." Her face grew red. "I want more."


"Y-Yes: More of this sex life you and this Rammy guy participate in." She tapped her chin. "Perhaps you can help me concoct spells that enhance sexual desires?"

"Oooo!" Belan clapped her hands. "I wouldn't mind doing that with ya, hehe." She purred, wiggling in place. "Sounds like a lot of fun!"

"Indeed." Katherine blinked. "Although, while we're on this topic--" her head tilted. "Who's Rammy?"

Belan held her hands together, eyeing up. "One of the most amazing people I've ever met. He's tender, sweet, and can absolutely bang _and get _banged."

"Oh my." Katherine's face grew red once again.

"He's an 'oh my', alright!" Belan giggled. "I think you'll like him the moment you meet him!" Purred. "Just like me, he's pretty accepting of anyone as long as they're not a hateful, harmful person."

"I see." Katherine lowered her ears, staring off. "I'm...still wary of meeting others. But--" smiled. "As long as I'm with you, I'll get around to opening up. E-Eventually."

Belan hugged her, the Delphox yapping. "That's the spirit!"

Katherine hugged back, sighing in relief. God, her breasts are so embracing.

The two then gazed at the ceiling, smiling.

. . .

They keep staring, sighing with the stress leaving them both.

"A wonderful first time, huh?" Belan says.

"And it's been wonderful since." The two stare at each other. "It's a blast having sex with Rammy, Joseph, Krimson, Ixaka and Dash, Noah, and so many other friends that Rammy's been connected with--" she blinks from that last part before her and Belan snort.

"Yeah, Rammy's been mingling with a lot of folks." Belan winked. "We haven't even mentioned his whole family yet!"

"Haha, right!" Katherine then caresses Belan's cheek. "Just...generally speaking, though: I've had fun with so many lovely people ever since I've met you, the one who's sexual experience will never be matched by the others." Blushes. "E-Even if Rammy's cock is hella addicting..."

"HONESTLY!" Belan drools, her eyes rolling up. "It's like some deity blessed him to have the most amazing cock and ass possible."

"Tell me about it." Katherine leans forward, her face close to Belan's. "Regardless of how perfect he is in sex: Our experience is all that matters in the end."

"D'aww, Kathy. You shouldn't~" Belan giggles, smiling. "Thank you."

The Delphox sighs, smiling back. "Hey Belan, something to tell you."

"Yes, Katherine?"

Katherine's breasts nudge Belan's. "I love you. More than just a friend with benefits."

"Katherine..." Now is Belan's turn to lay her hand by Katherine's cheek. "I thought you'd never say that to me. Because I love you, too. More than just a FWB."

The two smile before leaning for a kis--

"AYO, WHAT'S POPPIN' HORNDOGS!" Alcyone says, phasing through Belan's belly.


Katherine leaps back as Belan strokes her chest: Both gritting their teeth, their hearts racing. Alcyone blinks before snickering, floating out of Belan.

"Oh my GOD." The ghost woman spins around, crossing her legs as her long hair shrouds her view. "You should've seen the look on your faces. You went 'AH' and 'EEK'." She grins. "So damn funny, haha!"

Katherine and Belan glare at each other, nodding while smirking. "Hmph!"

Mystical auras coat Alcyone, the ghost blinking. "Oh boy." Katherine turns her around and slams her down, Belan's cock towering over the ghost. "Oh BOY." She shudders from the Delphox's cock grinding between her asscheeks, grinning. "OH. BOY!" Annnnd her mouth gets shoved by Belan's rod, her pussy gripping around Katherine's. "MMMF!"

Belan snarls, stroking the humanoid's head, her balls slapping her cheeks over and over. "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, young woman!?" The Goodra's breasts jiggle. "Stop scaring people like that!" Belan moans, giggling along the way.

Katherine grips Alcyone's arms. "Indeed!" She continues her menacing thrusts, mewling.

But I love scaring people into fucking me! Alcyone snickers during it all, swirling her long tongue around the Goodra's shaft and balls, immediately slipping it inside of her pussy.

Belan gasps. "OH YOU SNEAKY LITTLE--"

Moans echo their way towards the living room downstairs: Where Rammy, Silther, and Dash can hear. The vampire gasps, sticking close to the Zoroark while the goat demon laughs. Rammy snickers, caressing Silther's head while eyeing the ongoing show on TV.

"Told her not to go up there during their alone time." The fox shrugs. "Her fault for getting boned."

"Ah come on, you know her." The red goat smacks the sofa, Silther jumping a bit. "She thrives off from this kind of karma!"

"Y-Yeah." Silther pokes his fingers together, the pale humanoid staring down. "She initiates th-these pranks on purpose."

The Zoroark winks at the two. "Oh I'm aware, alright. Absolutely." He and Dash then laugh, with Silther smiling slightly at them.

I-I'm happy that I met you goofballs.

A Happy, Wiggly Couple!

Ixaka stares at the chessboard, sitting across from Millo. The Scolipede rests her head on her hands, elbows to the table. The two are in the goat's bedroom at Rammy's house, the sunray shining through the window beside. Ixaka sweats, eyeing his wife's...

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Foxy Park Moment.

There he is, relaxing on the bench at Soothen Town's park. Rammy sighs, the fox's hands behind his head, gazing at the sunny sky with a smile. Sweats drip down his cheeks, the birds chirping. Slurp! Some pedestrians pass by: Either eyeing the fox...

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The Giant Tree of Pleasure~

There she was, lying there at the lake: Staring, thinking--a gulp interrupting her thoughts every now and then. The Pokémon gazed into her reflection: Black fur, yellow rings littering her ears and tail. Like that of an Umbreon, but also having wavy...

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