The Giant Tree of Pleasure~

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#2 of Commission Stories

Hello, all! I have a written commission piece to share with you all! Commed by Anon.

Really enjoyed writing this one, and I hope you all like it, too~

There she was, lying there at the lake: Staring, thinking--a gulp interrupting her thoughts every now and then. The Pokémon gazed into her reflection: Black fur, yellow rings littering her ears and tail. Like that of an Umbreon, but also having wavy hair accompanying her head, extra slick tails being alongside the main one.

The Ninetales-Umbreon lowered her eyes, uncertainty expanding her green scleras. Hmm... She looked at the moon's reflection, her ears lowered. How will this Pleasure Tree trip play out? Blinked. Maybe there'll be cute Pokémon to hang with. Or...possibly the mean ones from that other event sister and I went to. Her head shook. Ugh! I can't be thinking negatively about it. I...gotta think positive! Yeah, positive thoughts that this trip will be fine.

The hybrid gazed for a moment, whimpering. Or not.

"Is something wrong?"

She yelped, eyeing her side: Another Ninetales lied ahead, cyan fur being a complete contrast to the Nineumbre's. Teal crest with flaps assembling hair adorned on her, giving off the Glaceon look. The other hybrid walked forward, her head tilting.

"You seemed pale," she said, her voice upbeat and lively.

The Pokémon quivered her lips, looking away. "I-I'm fine! I-It's--erm, nothing, really!"

The other Pokémon squinted her eyes, her cheeks puffing. "Cut the nonsense, Eclisea. I know when something's up when you can't finish your sentence properly." Her snow-variant rows of tails nudged Eclisea's back. "Tell me what's up, Sis."

"..." The Nineumbre sighed, lowering her ears. "I'm nervous. About going to the Pleasure Tree event, Lillian."

The Nineglace caressed the Nineumbre's back. "D'aww, it'll be fine." She chirped, smiling. "You got me by your side, right?"

Eclisea dozed off, poking her paws together. "R-Right."

"So this trip should go pretty well, hehe!"

The canine shrugged, caressing her foreleg. "Mm...What if it goes wrong? The...experience, I mean."

"Hey, look into my eyes." Eclisea did exactly that: Lillian's teal blues gazing into her serene greens. "I mean it when I say things won't go wrong. As long as I'm around, the event should be smooth sailing." Lillian's tails wagged. "I promise you it'll be alright."

Eclisea remained silent, gazing down. She then nodded, smiling. "Okay. you a lot, Sis. So I'll believe that things will go well."

Lillian purred. "Excellent!" She hugged Eclisea, nuzzling her. "It'll be a blast, believe me~"

"M-Mm..." Eclisea eyed her sister, the hybrid's lips squirming. "I-I bet."

The two left the lake, trudging along a pathway that zigzagged throughout the treeshroud forest. They came across a couple of Pokémon on another path, walking towards something ahead of them. They followed: A large tree displaying itself, wonderful mixtures of colors sprinkling throughout such as blue, red, and green--a rainbow, in other words.

Lillian gasped, shivering with enthusiasm. "Eclisea: Look at all of these hot Pokémon here!" she exclaimed, her tails wagging.

Eclisea stared, a surprise look spreading across her. "Oh wow!"

There really were a wide range of Pokémon: Zoroarks, Lucarios, Goodras, Noiverns, Mienshaos, Milotics, Gardevoirs, Gallades, and many more! There's even an Iron Valiant holding hands with a Flamigo! ...Don't ask how a paradox Pokémon of all things got here: We don't know, either.

Lillian giggled, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Man, I can tell this event is going to be so fun!"

"M-Mhm," Eclisea stuttered, eyeing around. "There sure are a lot of visitors coming to this huge event."

Lillian smirked. "Yeah, they're going to 'come' alright."

Eclisea gasped. "Oh stop it, Sis!" Lillian giggled as Eclisea looked around, sighing. I'm not sure if I could please anyone I meet here. Hmm...

As they got closer, Eclisea stared at two Lucarios eyeing them: One snapping his fingers and winking while the other smirked, licking his lips. Eclisea blushed deeply, Lillian giving the two a cheeky smile.

"Hehe." Is all the Nineglace said.

The hybrids stopped, staring at the tree's entrance. Three white-furred bears stood before them, icicles beard hanging on their faces. The Beartics glanced down, Eclisea shuddering at the menacing glare.

Sc-Scary... she thought.

"May we see your entry leaves, you two," the first Beartic said, holding his hand out.

Lillian stared at Eclisea. "Sis, the leaves."

Eclisea nodded, digging her snout into her bushy tail. Soon, she took out two leaves, handing them over to the Beartic. The Beartic took the leaves: 'Eclisea' and 'Lillian' were written on them in what appeared to be dirt. The guards moved out of the way, bowing.

"You're free to indulge."

Lillian purred. "Thank you!" She walked forward, jerking her head. "Come on, Eclisea!"

The Nineumbre gasped and followed. "R-Right!"

The two admired the interior, amazement spreading across them: Rows of bedrooms circulated throughout the tree from top to bottom, roots hanging below with some situated by the stairs. Lillian squirmed, the Nineglace squealing.

"This looks amazing!" she shouted. "So many rooms everywhere!"

"Yeah." Eclisea got close to the hybrid, shuddering. "L-Looks really pretty."

Lillian sighed in relief, her eyes closing. "The beauty of the Pleasure Tree, made and designed by the Legendary Pokémon Xerneas many years ago."

Eclisea's ears perked up. "Really?"

Lillian nodded. "Yep! Learned that from my friend a while back. Quite the bookworm they are."

"I see. That would explain the colors, then." Eclisea eyed up: Arrays of rainbow leaves sprinkling from left to right. "Such magnificence in color..."

The two soon reached a large stand ahead, many Pokémon gathering there to eye up two individuals standing in the auditorium. The red pandas with swirling eyes, Spindas, waved at the crowd, wrapping their arms around each other. They wobbled side to side, giggling and laughing.

"Hello hello, visitors! Welcome to the Pleasure Tree!" the first Spinda spoked, his tone pepper and upbeat. "I'm your host, Hugo!"

"And I'm your lovely co-host, Melody!" the second Spinda mentioned, being just as upbeat as the first.

Hugo bowed slightly. "This tree consists of up to 69 rooms for you beautiful beasts to go ham on." He lifted his hand. "You all can have an hour or so of intense breeding in those bad boys. Just as long as you have two or more peeps with ya, haha!"

Melody giggled. "Remember: This event happens twice per month! And it also contains the pre-made food and beverages for you all to indulge on!"

"Indeed! The food here has been fine-tuned and accorded to your likings!" Hugo groped Melody's ass, the Spinda yapping before snickering. "If you have any questions, please let us know!"

"Otherwise, our bodyguards will guide you to your rooms!" Melody wiggled her behind, bumping against Hugo's.

"Enjoy your fun time of pleasures!" the two exclaimed before instantly making out with each other. "Mmf! Mmph~!" Their tongues wrestled, the two stroking their sides and behinds.

Lillian snorted. "Even the hosts are getting stoked for what's to come!"

Eclisea blushed. "N-No kidding..."

Soon the guards guided the visitors upstairs, the two Spindas already pinning themselves on the ground riling in moans. Going up the stairs, the sisters traversed through the path, bypassing many bedrooms. Eventually the guards stopped in front of one room, Eclisea and Lillian gazing at it.

"Your room," the Beartic guard stated, proceeding to guide the other Pokémon to their rooms along with the other guards.

Lillian stood there, nodding. "Welp. This is it." Grinned. "Time for a joyride of our lives~"

Eclisea squirmed, the Nineumbre staring off while caressing her foreleg. "Indeed..."

Before the two entered, moans uttered their way beside them. The canines looked: A Dragonite and a Garchomp stroked each other's behinds while making out, the Garchomp pushing the door open behind him.

"Mmf. Ah!" The Dragonite mewled, his tongue grinding along the blue landshark's. They barged inside, the door slamming shut as moans grew louder within.

Eclisea's face became red as Lillian smirked, snorting.

"Well then: That was certainly a display if I ever saw one, eh?"

Eclisea gulped. "No kidding."

The two then entered their own room, closing the door afterwards.

. . .

The room wasn't anything spectacular: A large bed nearing the corner, a carved out window above to its left, and two counters beside the bed on its right, containing fruits and bowls of water. There's even a meat resting beside the fruits, its aroma savory and fresh. The brown room captivated the sisters, nonetheless: Lillian being the first to drool over the display, inching close to the counters.

She bit some grapes, smiling while wagging her tails. "Mmm!" Swallowed. "Tasty!"

The yellow-ringed hybrid tilted her head. "So, uh, Lillian."

Lillian blinked at the Nineumbre. "Hmm?"

"Are we...waiting on someone to come over and, erm, have sex with us?"

Lillian shook her head. "Not quite: The Pleasure Tree event involves two visitors getting down and dirty with each other first before inviting two more to their room or joining someone else."

Eclisea blinked, staring off. "...So does that mean--" her face grew insanely red, eyeing her sister: Lillian's eyes partially closed, an inviting smile perked her. Eclisea's lips quivered. "I-I..."

The Nineglace hopped onto the bed, patting it. "Come join me, Eclisea."

"Erm...O-Okay." The Nineumbre hopped after, scooting close to her. "Are...Are you--" gulped. "Sure if it's okay for us to do this? C-Considering we're sisters and all."

Lillian waved her paw. "It'll be fine. We're only doing this for experimental purposes." She nuzzled Eclisea, her tails nudging the Nineumbre's. "Plus I want you to live a little instead of being secluded to yourself like you always do." She kissed Eclisea's cheek, purring.

Eclisea gazed down, succumbing to thoughts. "Hmm..."

"It'll be worth it. I promise." Lillian stuck her tongue out playfully, elbowing Eclisea.

"...Alright then." Eclisea nodded. "I'll do this. For you, Sis."

Lillian smiled. "Attagirl!" The Pokémon pounced up, grinning. "Let's start by eating you out, first!"

Eclisea's face intensified with redness. "Eh!? R-Right now!?" She yapped. "I-I'm too nervous to be eaten out first!"

Lillian pouted, her ears lowering. "Shoot, you're right." She laughed in an awkward manner. "I've gotten too ahead of myself there. My bad."

"It's okay..."

Her paw lifted, the Nineglace smiling. "How about you eat me out first and then it can be your turn?"

"I..." Eclisea nodded slowly. "Can work with that, yes."

"Sweet!" Lillian laid down, spreading her legs. She winked. "Feist your eyes on these bad girls!"

Eclisea gazed: Lillian's wet, soaken, and sophistical folds pulsated with anticipation, her pussy emanating chills of excitement. The Nineumbre blushed deeply, fanning herself with her tails.

J-Jeez, that...looks great.

"Go ahead: Give your sis a good and long lick." Lillian purred, covering her maw. "It'll be fine, I promise."

"M-Mm..." Eclisea squirmed, her own cooch leaking juices out of the sheer enticement. "Alright." She leaned down, her tongue rubbing Lillian's pussy.

Lillian moaned, shivering and shuddering. "A-Ah, yes. Just like that..." She stroked the bedsheets, the Nineumbre sliding her tongue around the folds. Lillian bit her lower lip, mewling. "Lick deeper, Eclisea!"

The Nineumbre stopped for a moment, gulping before slipping her tongue inside, grinding along the eager walls. Lillian mewled loudly: Her eyes widening, her toes curling--she stared at the ceiling in pure ecstasies.

"Yes! YES!" Lillian drooled, moaning over and over. "Keep it up, Sis! You're doing amazing, AAAH!"

Eclisea blushed as she continued: Swirling, grinding, nudging, and overall stimulating that wet, soft cooch, drooling a bit against the folds. "M-Mmf."

Lillian panted, wiggling her toes in delight. "God yes, please don't ever stop. Oh goodness, oh crap!" Lillian couldn't hold it in any longer and unleashed a bunch of juices all over Eclisea's face, moaning loudly. "AAH!"

"M-Mmf!" Eclisea yelped and backed away, saliva trailing as she moaned. "A-Ah!"

The two exchanged pants: Tongues hanging, juices dripping. Eclisea wiped the fluids off her maw, squirming. "Wish you'd given me a heads up before cumming..."

Lillian giggled, covering her maw. "My apologies, Eclisea!" She licked her lips. "I couldn't contain myself from all of that excitement! It was too much to bear!"

"I see, haha." The Nineumbre shrugged, staring off. "That excitement was sure something, cumming on the fly just like that."

"Mhm." Lillian grinned. "And it'll be much more exciting than that! Right about--" she pounced forward, pinning Eclisea down. "Now!"


The hybrid licked the other's lips, their snouts touching. "I believe it's your turn, Sis." She lowered herself down, reaching the Nineumbre's pussy: Throbbing folds, soaking in wetness along with a clit begging to be touched.

Eclisea stared, gulping. "A-Ah." Lillian wasted no time giving her folds a nice, good lick: The Nineumbre widening her eyes before moaning. "Ah!"

"Mmf." Lillian rimmed and nuzzled between the folds, swirling her tongue around the insides of the pussy walls. She kissed and smooched, the juices clenching her cheeks. "Mmmf~!"

"S-Sis! Slow down!" Eclisea panted, fanning herself. "Y-You're going a little too fast!"

Lillian giggled, slowing down as she licked softly, the two exchanging moans. She pulled her tongue back and grinded it along the folds, reaching the clit. She kissed it over and over, the Nineumbre squirming in pleasure.

Ah! O-Oh gosh, Sis is so good at this! Eclisea thought, feeling the Nineglace licking her clit afterwards. She bit her lower lip, curling her toes as she rolled her eyes up. Oh! Ah! Nyah!

Lillian eyed her sister up, smirking before pressing her forepaw inside of Eclisea's pussy. Eclisea gasped.


"Mmm." Lillian purred, swirling her tongue around the clitorus while fingering the wet hole.

"Oh! Oh god, Lillian!" Eclisea squirted some juices on Lillian's paw, squirming and moaning. "Jeez, this feels fantastic!" She sighed. "I-I'm going to cum at this rate!"

"Please do." Is all the Nineglace said before sucking on Eclisea's clit, gazing into her eyes. "Mmmf!"

"EEK!" She couldn't hold it in any longer before ushering a ton of juices, mewling. "AAAH!"

Lillian pulled back quickly to lap them up, letting it spray all over her face. "Yes. Release as much as you like~"

The Nineumbre kept going: Moaning, mewling--borderline shouting from the juices she's spraying. She was smothering the sheets, some landing onto the ground itself! Lillian leaned back, giggling.

"I love it when you cum, Eclisea: It's like a gallon whenever you do!"

"A-Ah..." Finally, the climax came to a close: Eclisea shielding her face, panting while her eyes closed. "Mm, that was...a lot, yeah." Sighed. "How embarrassing of me."

Lillian waved her paw, grinning. "Don't be: That's champions' level of cum right there." She snorted, licking the juices off her paw. "Lowkey wished I could cum as hard as you do, hehe."

Eclisea's lips quivered. "R-Right." The Nineumbre nodded, resting a paw on her forehead. "Hey, let me take a breather for a moment. Before we...get to the main course, alright?"

"Of course, Sis." She walked beside the hybrid, nuzzling her. "Thoughts on this Pleasure Tree event so far?"

"It's..." Eclisea blushed, nuzzling back. "It's wonderful so far."

"I know, right?" Lillian sighed in relief. "The food's great and our time together isn't quite bad, either. I can go at it all day, personally." Her eyes closed, smirking.

"Hehe...I suppose." Eclisea gazed at the ground, her juices revealing themselves. "What should we do next after it's over?"

Lillian shrugged. "I don't know, go visit our friends?" She smiled. "It's what I can think of, at least."

"I see." Eclisea nodded. "Alright. I think I'm ready to continue, Sis."

Lillian smirked, deviousness painting her. She climbed on top of the Nineumbre: Her pussy positioning towards Eclisea's. Eclisea blushed, eyeing her sister.

"Here goes nothing~"

Lillian licked Eclisea's lips, the Nineumbre yapping while blushing further. The Nineglace slammed her pussy down: Vaginas colliding, moans rushing from the canines.

"Oh god YES!"


Lillian grinded her wet, eager folds on Eclisea's equally juicy one: Mewls and wails echoing away, loud enough for the outside to hear. Eclisea panted, Lillian's clit smooching her own. She left her tongue hanging, gazing into Lillian's eyes. The Nineglace panted, staring back while squirming.

The hybrid smirked, wiggling and nudging all over Eclisea's thirsty pussy. "Oh god, yes. Mmm, this feels wonderful!" She rubbed the back of Eclisea's head, her tails wagging, her clit grinding. "You're doing a fantastic job at handling this, Eclisea~"

Eclisea pouted. "Meep!" She drooled in satisfaction. "T-Thanks."

Their pussies smooched and nudged, drenching in intense wetness. Eclisea's toes curled, the Nineumbre squirming.

"Oh god, L-Lillian! I-I'm going to--"

"SAME!" Lillian exclaimed before she lifted up, slamming her pussy down. The two unleashed a wave of juices all over each other's pussy, moans emanating.

"AH!" they shouted, creating a mess over their vaginas and bedsheet.

So...good! Ah! Eclisea thought, eyeing the ceiling as her tongue hung.

Lillian cuddled with the Nineumbre, purring as her tails wagged. "I love you, Sis."

Eclisea blushed, cuddling back. "I-I love you, too."

Lillian then smirked. "You know what I'm in the mood for? This, but with _two _more people instead."

The Nineumbre tilted her head. "With whom though?"


The canines gasped, eyeing the wall beside them. Lillian snickered. "Looks like I know who to ask."

Eclisea's face grew even redder. "Oh dear."

. . .

The two hybrids stood in front of the door besides their bedroom, hearing some shuffling inside. Lillian walked forward, knocking. A few more shuffling happened before dying down, the two Pokémon remaining still.

"I'll go see who it is," a calm voice stated, footsteps following suit.

The knob twisted before opening: A large orange dragon stood before them, cum plastering his face. The Dragonite licked the seeds, the hybrids eyeing him up.

"May I help you two?" the Dragonite said in a flirtatiously feminine tone, his big taper dick towering over the two with its pink glory.

"W-Whoa..." Was all the hybrids could say, mesmerized by its length and height. Eclisea blushed with intensity while Lillian blinked in astonishment.

He's HUGE, Lillian thought.

Oh god, that length! Eclisea thought.

The two became awestruck by that absolute girth of a dick, the length slithering itself while dripping seeds. The Dragonite tilted his head, scratching the side of it. "Uh...hello?"

The hybrids snapped out of their daze, shaking their heads.

"Ah! Our bad there, Mr. Dragonite!" Lillian said.

"Just call me Viktor, doll." He winked. Lillian smiled as Eclisea blushed, eyeing away.

"What's the hold up, dude?" a voice behind Viktor said, being calmer yet lower at the same time. The Dragonite looked beside him, the Garchomp being there with his claws behind his head. He kissed Viktor's cheek, the Dragonite's tail wagging. The landshark then stared at the canines. "Who are they?"

Viktor nuzzled his brother. "Just some lovely ladies stopping by our room, for some reason."

"I see."

The two got a look at the Garchomp's dick: Being rather humanoid compared to his brother's tapery one, being just as big. Cum dripped down from the tip, sliding across his balls and falling to the ground.

Oh my-- the hybrids checked the dragons' behind: Seeds guzzling down like a river, coating the ground below. Goodness! Lillian and Eclisea thought, amazement spreading across.

Eclisea blushed intensely as Lillian widened her eyes: Both drooling with anticipation. Viktor scratched the back of his head, quirking his brow.

"If you two keep ogling like that, you'll flood the whole tree!" He smirked, snorting afterwards.

"Ah!" Lillian giggled, waving her paw. "Our bad, once again! We just got distracted by those assets, Viktor and uh..." She eyed the Garchomp.

"Nexus." The Garchomp stood tall, his claw to his chest, a smirk on his face: All while his eyes closed.

Lillian nodded, her tails wagging. "Right!"

Viktor caressed his chin. "I see." He wrapped his arm around Nexus, the latter groping his behind. "Mm." He gave Nexus a brief bedroom look before staring back at the canines. "So what brings you two here to our room?"

"Weeeeellll--" Lillian shifted left to right, her eyes locking onto the dicks. "We're here to find ourselves another duo to have fun with. And you two just so happen to be the candidates we need!" She winked. "Especially because of those...assets."

Eclisea covered her face. "Something like that, y-yeah."

The dragons looked at each other: Curiosity piquing them.

"Hmm..." Viktor caressed his chin, tilting his head.

Lillian wiggled in place, grinning with her sharp teeth. "We promise to give you two a time of your lives~"

The dragons thought for a moment longer, a smirk casting across them. "Heh." Viktor folded his arms, winking. "Sure: We wouldn't mind having some fun with you two."

Nexus nodded. "Absolutely."

Lillian pounced up. "Sweet!" She gestured to the bedroom. "Shall we get started then?"

Nexus bowed. "Of course."

The dragons headed back into their room, the hybrid following along. Eclisea simply stared, biting her lower lip.

Lillian turned around, eyeing the Nineumbre. "Come on, Sis. Let's give these two hunks some fun."

Eclisea nodded shyly. "O-Okay!" She joined up with them afterwards.

. . .

The bedroom looked fairly plain just like the hybrids', except the bed was by the right side instead of the left. A window was also present beside it, giving the view of the full moon itself.

Sitting on the bed were the dragons: Their legs spreaded, their dicks throbbing. The two rubbed each other's asses while they gazed down the canines, murring. Eclisea and Lillian blushed at the sight, the latter grinning at it all.

Lillian was in front of Viktor's dick while Eclisea was at Nexus', both eyeing with intrigue.

"Impressed?" the dragons asked.

"Very." Lillian raised a paw. "I need to confess something, though: This is the first time Eclisea and I ever got into sex involving cocks."

Eclisea gradually looked at Lillian: Blinking. "What?" She blinked again, as if trying to see if this was real life.

"Yep! Surprising, right?"

"Very much so. Considering you've always been such the...horndog type between us." Eclisea's face flared, the Pokémon gulping.

"Hehe, right." Lillian leaned close to Viktor's dick. "I've just been too into women lately." She licked her lips, her paws nudging Viktor's legs. "But that'll change today." She shoved the shaft inside of her maw, reaching only halfway through the length. "Mmf."

Viktor bit his lower lip, his toes curling, his tail wagging. "Mmm, just like that, doll. Oh that's the spot."

Eclisea casually stared at Nexus' cock: Nervous, perplexed--poking her paws together. The Garchomp scratched his cheek, tilting his head. The two grew quiet as the others moaned at ease, awkwardness seeping in.

Is...she gonna give me head or what? Nexus thought, raising his brow.

I-I don't know how to start this! Eclisea thought, her cheeks sweating.

Viktor eyed the two, caressing Lillian's head. "What's the problem?" he asked.

Nexus twiddled his claws. "I need her to convince me into the blowjob: She's not doing that."

"S-Sorry." Eclisea shielded herself. "I-I just...never done something like this before, as Lillian mentioned."

Lillian pulled away from Viktor's dick, saliva trailing. She elbowed the canine. "Come on, Sis. Do convince Mr. Nexus over here." She snickered.

"Mm..." Eclisea smiled, her lips trembling. "S-Sure, since you're around to comfort me."

Nexus nuzzled his claws. "D'aww, how wholesome."

Eclisea moved close to the humanoid cock, sliding it between her paws. She rubbed, panting on it. "O-Oh Nexus. Your shaft is so...big and tall and..." She drooled: The dick warming up her paws--throbbing, girthing, hardening.

"And what? Speak up louder, hun." Nexus smirked, thrusting between Eclisea's paws. The Nineumbre yelped.

"I-I said your shaft is so big and tall! Please shove it inside of my mouth!" Eclisea yelled. Without a warning, Nexus' cock jammed into her maw, the Nineumbre gasping. "M-Mmf!"

"Consider me convinced~" Nexus groaned, pounding Eclisea's maw. "Hot damn, ngh!"

Viktor snorted. "I always adore your eagerness, Brother." His lips were licked, a grin casting across. "It entices the joys between anyone around you."

Lillian giggled, sucking and bopping on Viktor's dick to no avail. "Mmf."

The four moaned in satisfaction: Lillian deepthroating Viktor's shaft while Eclisea's face got hammered by Nexus, both gagging a bit.

Viktor groaned, smirking. "Slow down a little, doll." The Dragonite caressed Lillian's head, thrusting a bit. Lillian winked at the dragon, drooling over the shaft. Eclisea moved up and down on Nexus' cock nervously, precum already leaking onto her tongue. She blushed.

So sticky. Eclisea drank it.

Nexus put his claws behind his head, sighing while slowing his thrusts. "Take all the time you need since this is your first."

Eclisea blushed, looking over to her sister: The Nineglace feeling her head being rammed by Viktor's shaft, the two moaning loudly. Lillian slurped and slopped over the shaft, her pussy leaking over the ground beneath.

Viktor groaned and grunted before shoving the Nineglace forward, his shaft being all the way inside as he unleashed a lengthy amount of seeds. Lillian's eyes widened, the canine mewling loudly.

Holy crap, YES! Lillian thought, her juices spraying everywhere. She tried swallowing some of the seeds, a couple leaking out and dripping over the bedsheets. Oh god, there's so many of them! Ah!

Eclisea's face grew further red, her pussy jetting out juices at the sight. Oh dear! What a mess! She kept sucking on Nexus, moaning at the display.

Nexus whistled. "Whew, nice one, dude!"

Viktor kept Lillian's head on his cock, his balls against her chin. "Mmm." He soon pulled out, spraying a few more cum over her face.

The Nineglace gasped, panting. "A-Ah!" She licked the batters, her tails wagging. She giggled. "Pent-up much, aren't we?"

"Heh." Viktor pointed at Nexus. "Blame him for making me go ham on his behind earlier."

"HAH!" The Garchomp bursted out laughing. "I can say the same to you too!" He caressed the Dragonite's chest, gazing into Viktor's loving eyes. "You have ways to rile me up with your demeanor yet flirty tone, Viktor."

The Dragonite growled, kissing Nexus' snout. "I aim to please, hun."

Nexus' tail wagged, the landshark huffing. "And I appreciate it~"

"Oh...You two aren't just hot hunks--" Lillian sandwiched her cheeks with her paws, gasping. "You're hot hunks with charismatic brotherly love." She felt like she had hearts for eyes. Man, that's so attractive!

Nexus grinned, his eyes closing. "Thanks for the compliment." He then eyed Eclisea, his cock twitching as he groaned. "Speaking of pent-ups: Feelin' mine getting real close."

'Close'? Eclisea blinked.

"Here it comes!" Nexus stroked the bedsheets, panting.

What does he mean by-- she felt a sudden wet, stickiness circulating throughout her maw, moans emanating from her and Nexus. "M-MMF!?"

"Oh god yes!" Nexus yelled, his head arching back.

"MMM!" The Nineumbre yapped, many cum splashing out of her maw. She tried to drink some of them, but that only led to many more spilling out, coating the Garchomp's balls and ground.

"M-Mmf." The Nineumbre pulled away: Tongue hanging, cum trailing--panting ensued. "Oh god, oh goodness." She shivered. "I...I-I didn't see that coming. At all."

Nexus eyed the mess, snorting. "That's a whole lot of jizz everywhere."

"Eek!" Eclisea bowed her head. "I-I apologize for the inconvenient mess!"

The landshark waved. "Nah, it's fine. It tells me you're already getting the hang of dicks. You and your sister."

Lillian giggled as Eclisea looked away, embarrassment spreading. The Nineglace smirked. "Good to know we're getting good at this!"

Viktor snapped his paw. "That, in fact, you are." He caressed his taper rod: Winking. "How about we jump right into the action instead of delaying the inevitable, hmm?"

The Nineglace growled happily, hopping on top of Viktor. The Dragonite gasped in surprise. "Oh!"

"You don't gotta tell me twice, hehe!" Lillian grinded her behind on Viktor's shaft, the two moaning softly.

Eclisea was soon lifted by Nexus, yapping. "E-Eh!?"

The Garchomp hopped back onto the bed, getting on his knees. "Hope you don't mind the cowgirl position."

"I-I--" Eclisea stumbled her words before shaking her head, the Garchomp's cock smooching between her behind. "Not at all."



Lillian's scream caught the two's attention: The Nineglace riding on top of the Dragonite with eagerness, her stomach bulging a bit. Nexus grinned at the display, snorting.

"Looks like they got a head start already." The Garchomp eyed Eclisea down, licking his lips. "Let's not waste any time."


Nexus' dick positioned towards Eclisea's anus, the Nineumbre shivering. "So how do you intend on going about th--" he slammed her down, the canine's eyes widening. "AAH!" She shuddered: Moans echoing between her and the dragon. So rough!

Nexus growled, Eclisea's hole gripping his shaft. "So tight." He lifted her before shoving her down, repeating this as the two moaned. "Mmm."


The four went at it: Lillian riding on Viktor, Nexus lifting Eclisea--temptational pleasures thriving from it all. Nexus tongue hung loose as he pounded the Nineumbre, grunting.

"Daaamn, her ass feels real good!" he stated.

Viktor purred, panting. "I can say the same for Lillian's pussy." He grinned. "Quite the chilling heaven, if I do say so myself."

"Ah, thanks!" Lillian stated, drooling. "God this is fantastic!"

Eclisea mewled. "Y-Yeah!" She couldn't contain her pleasures as she started spraying juices all over the Garchomp, mewling further. "A-Aaah!"

Lillian purred. "Can't blame you for cumming early: These cocks are immaculate."

Lillian slammed back against Viktor's thrusts, the two dragons increasing their pace: Their balls smacking, their dicks throbbing--pleasures oozing throughout. They groaned, keeping a firm grip onto the canines' ass.

"Crap, I'm going to cum, Brother!" Nexus yelled.

"Same here!"

The dragons roared, hammering their shaft inside the canines once more: Dumping loads upon loads of cum throughout them, moans ensuing. Lillian coughed out the Dragonite's seeds, eyes widening in surprise. She climaxed all over Viktor's dick, eyes rolling up in pure bliss.

Holy crap! AH! she thought, her juices further painting the Dragonite's dick in a messy manner.

Eclisea mewled as seeds spilled out of her, drooling nonstop. "So much came inside of me!" The Nineumbre arched her head, her tails wagging. "AAAH!"

The dragons then pulled their dicks out, many seeds splashing out of them, further coating the bedsheet.

"Oh goodness gracious!" Eclisea stated, curling her toes.

Lillian panted, forming a blush of her own as she eyed the mess. "Ooo..." Her lips were licked. "Mmm, that was so wonderful."

"Indeed, doll." Viktor grinned. "Glad you liked it."

Lillian wiggled her butt, purring. "Alright." She pointed to her sister. "How about you screw around with Eclisea's pussy as Nexus handles my other hole?"

Eclisea gasped. "S-Sis!"

Nexus growled. "Heh: I like that proposal." He gave Lillian the bedroom look. "Especially after seeing how riled-up you can be in bed."

Lillian lifted her chin, her eyes closed, her lips raised. "Well I'm pleased to hear that, hehe."

The Garchomp eyed Viktor. "What about you? Are you alright with this proposal?"

The Dragonite nodded. "As alright as alright can be." He blinked. "...Could've sworn that'd come out right. Ah well."

The four laughed before they got into position: Nexus pinning Lillian down on her back while Viktor carried Eclisea, the Nineumbre's back facing him. The Garchomp licked his lips, his cock poking Lillian's ass.

"I'm sure that you're as ready as I am, so let's get right to it!" He slipped his cock inside, pounding the Nineglace's ass. "Mmm, fuck!"

The canine yelped, mewling in pure glee. "AH! GOD, YES!" Her ass tightened around Nexus' shaft, the Nineglace sighing in pure relief.

Viktor grinned down at Eclisea: His cock nudging against her wet folds, the Nineumbre quivering in response. "Ready?"

Eclisea gulped, her lips shaking. She nodded. "M-Mhm." Viktor lifted her up before slamming her down: His huge shaft piercing her pussy, moans rising between the two. "Oh god!" Eclisea shuddered, the Dragonite lifting her up and down eagerly, her belly bulging.

"Ngh! Ah!" She panted. "So huge and lengthy!" Her eyes focused on her bulge, feeling like she's having hearts for eyes. "I-I can feel it spiraling throughout my insides!"

"Heh, good to know." Viktor grinned, the rough lifts and thrusts obliterating the hybrid.


Lillian and Eclisea bit their lower lip, moans emanating nonstop. The dragons hammered them over and over, their balls slapping against their asscheeks, the bed shuffling along the way.

"Eek! Ah!" Eclisea clenched her teeth, eyes rolling in joy. "Slow down a little, please!"

Viktor grunted. "My apologies, doll." His thrusts decreased, the Dragonite sighing. "You just feel so magnificent, hun. Couldn't help it sometimes."

"Can't...blame you."

The dragons released their precums, the canines squirting their juices in return. Eclisea kept focusing on her bulging, raging belly: Panting in paradise.

"Ah! This length is destroying me, mmm!" she shouted, curling her toes.

"Heh." Viktor groaned. "Nexus and I tend to receive those comments whenever we mingle with others."

Lillian stroked the bedsheet. "AND I ABSOLUTELY SEE THAT! AAAAAH!" She screamed, her ass shivering around the Garchomp's shaft, his balls ramming against her with eagerness. "God, this feels amazing!"

The four kept at it: Nexus hammering and slamming into the Nineglace while Viktor rammed into the Nineumbre, precums spewing and leaking out of their retrospective holes. The guys groaned and moaned, the ladies mewled and wailed--enjoyment spreading throughout!

Viktor grinned, his cock twitching. "Oh my: I'll be cumming pretty soon, darling!"

"Same here!" Nexus grunted, his toothy grin ensuing.

Eclisea gasped. "Oh god!"

The dragons slammed inside: Unloading a ton of cum while roaring loudly. Eclisea mewled, her stomach further bulging as some seeds spilled out of her pussy, coating Viktor's balls. Lillian gritted her teeth, drooling slightly as she squirmed. The dragons then pulled out, shooting a couple more seeds all over the canines and the bedsheets.

"Ahh...That's the spot." Nexus wagged his tail, snorting.

The Nineglace licked the seeds off her face, giggling. "Man, I can keep this up all day long, you two." She purred.

Viktor giggled back, winking. "Same here, doll."

Nexus leaned down, licking Lillian's cheek. "Let's hop to it then." A devious grin sparked. "Cuz this lady here has gotten me real riled up now, hehe."

Lillian gazed into Nexus' eyes, grinning back. "Oh I bet I did!"

Eclisea blushed. Oh my!

From there, the four undergone all sorts of sexual experiences: Nexus and Viktor pounding Lillian's holes while Eclisea shyly licked Viktor's ass, Nexus hammering Viktor's ass while Eclisea and Lillian licked the Garchomp's balls, and so much more.

And at the end of it all came with Lillian slamming her cum-drenched pussy onto Eclisea's, the two ushering loud moans. The bed shuffled, Viktor being on top of Nexus while thrusting inside of his brother's ass, groans ensuing. The four were littered with juices and seeds at this point, a couple shaking off due to the intense movements.

"Mm, damn I always love the way you fuck me, Viktor!" Nexus exclaimed, wrapping his legs around the Dragonite.

"Mmf, thanks hun." Viktor slammed. "Ah!"

Eclisea's tongue hung loose, drooling in ecstasies as juices and seeds trail down her pussy, nudging Lillian's. The two panted, a simple blush casting across their faces. Previous cum spewed out of Nexus' ass during the thrusts, sloshing and swirling. Nexus held Viktor's paw, grunting.

"God yes! Keep it up, man!"

Eclisea held Lillian's paw, mewling. "S-So magnificently great!" She gazed into Lillian's blue eyes. "I love you, Lillian!"

Lillian stared back, purring. "I love you too, Eclisea~"

Viktor leaned forward, his face close to Nexus'. "I love ya, Nexus doll."

Nexus smirked. "Love ya too, Viktor bro~"

Soon, Viktor slammed one last time, climaxing throughout Nexus' ass while the two moaned. Lillian slammed on top of Eclisea, the canines spraying juices all over their already messy folds.

"AAAH!" they mewled: eyes widening, tongues drooling--pure hearts of bliss littered their faces.

Eventually the four relaxed: Nexus and Viktor kissing each other passionately, tongues wrestling while their eyes closed. Moans were being exchanged, both of them caressing each other's heads.

"Mmf! Ah!" Was all the two could say, deepening their intense kisses.

Meanwhile, Lillian cuddled with Eclisea, the latter purring softly. The Nineumbre smiled, warmth emanating throughout.

"Thank you, Sis...For inviting me over to the Pleasure Tree."

The Nineglace winked, purring as her tails wagged. "No problem."

The two then gazed out of the window: The full moon casting its beautiful lights upon them, a smile casting across the two.

Smiling at the joyride of their lives.

The Weasel, the Sheep, and the Snake.

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Tiras Tivona (Deity)

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My Writing Commission Form has returned. (For real this time!)

Yes, writing commission is back! All the information about it in this Google Form link here: [Writing...

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