Papa Prakibak

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#23 of The Adventures of Tik Tik

Prakibak makes a startling revelation that will change his life forever.

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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Cover art by heckabun

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"This is it, Prakibak--the day that every red-blooded Dragon's Heir kobold strives for! The day you are chosen to perform your duty to better the tribe's bloodline! Think you can do it, boy?"

The lanky red kobold nods quickly to the older, bulkier, earth-scaled kobold. "Yes, sir, master Kakat! I won't disappoint you!"

Master Kakat huffs, sitting back on his moleskin bed, smoking his mushroom pipe. "Yeah, you'd better. Horny little shit."

Prakibak puffs out his chest and marches with his head held high, swaying his tail this way and that as he makes it to the breeding pit. The matrons look at him with approving smiles, the old women approaching him, squeezing his arms, and poking his chest.

"Guh, h-hey, whatcha doing? I'm man enough for this!"

"Eighteen years after you've hatched exactly," the eldest matron says. "No less than that. It is divine decree!"

Two more matrons grab the apprentice dig boss's loincloth and yank it down, leaving the kobold naked for the first time among his adult peers. Some of them look toward his slit and nod, while others just place their hands on his shoulders and push!

The young male tumbles into the breeding hole, groaning and rubbing his head. When he finally picks himself up, he finds the chambers he had been dreaming of. So warm and humid are the breeding pits and so filled with older kobolds, pairing up and rutting with such gusto.

The newcomer scrambles to his feet, licking his snout and tiptoeing through various pairs and threesomes. He watches as one female stares at him while calling out the name of the gray-scaled male fucking her lights out.

The older male spins around, snapping his jaws at the newcomer, who stumbles back, his foot stepping into something wet and slipping on it, falling onto the mossy floor and tumbling down, sliding along the moistened cavern and down deeper into the pits.

When he lands, he finds himself in a chamber where a stockier, older female sits, chuckling, munching on a mushroom. "New meat here, girls. What's your name, boy?"

"Prakibak!" He yips. "I'm here to fuck a breeder!"

"Of course you are," she says, snapping her fingers. "Best to get a girl around your age, eh? We don't want any cross-contamination, now, do we?"

The skittering sounds of many kobolds emerge from the walls, the females' eyes glowing with intent as they see him there, many crawling out of the walls and the tunnels and approaching him.

"Now, choose wisely," says the older breeder. "She should make a strong child for you."

"Uuuh.... You!" he points to a robust lady with thighs as big as his head.

She smiles and walks up to him, looking down at the lanky bold. "Mother of a digger's child. They'll be a strong one, won't they?"

He nods quickly.

"Well, little bold?" she asks, smirking. "You gonna take me?"

Prakibak pounces on her, and the big female falls to the ground onto her back. Her companions giggle and watch as the thinner male thrusts, his tail swinging back and forth, his grunts little excited yips.

She wraps her arms around him, hugging him close, her tail pushing his butt and helping to position him.

Soon, she sighs, closes her eyes, and holds him close. Letting Prakibak pound away at her until, a minute later, he fills her."

"Good job," says the older kobold. "Hopefully, now, my egg will be powerful."


"That's it? By the divine dragons, Prakibak, your first time was so pathetic. Ho-lee shit."

The bright-plumaged ambassador, kobold Dalisk says, shaking his head. He brings his mushroom tea to his mouth and sips with the daintiest mannerisms.

"Hey, it was a different time," says the digboss. "I was a different kobold back then. I was smaller than you back then, but I got big!" He chuckles, flexing his muscle.

"Mmm hmmm, that you most certainly did, big P," Dalisk says, hand upon his cheek. "But it's funny, don't you think?"

"What?" Prakibak turns and snaps his finger. "Hey! You! Put your back into it!"

"It's funny that you went from the eager boy, fucking the biggest, strongest lady out there, to dating the most magnificent of men and being the beta boy to the women around here."

Prakibak slams his fist on the table, staring at Dalisk with a snarl in his mouth. "Don't you start with that?"

"Or what, you'll fuck me?" Dalisk says, narrowing his eyes, his crest rising up.

"Damn, why'd you have to be so hot, grr... no, no, I got it!" He pushes himself up from the table, tapping his claw upon it. "I'll find myself a nice young lady. Girls like older guys, right? We're strong and carry good genes, and, dammit, what was it Tik Tik said we had?" He strokes his chin. "Nevermind. Here's the bet. I get myself a sweet young thing, making her scream my name and...."

"And you make me do that thing I do with my mouth?" Dalisk says, wiggling his tongue.

Prakibak's cheeks flush. "Damn, that's actually pretty good..."

"And if you can't somehow bring a girl to be wooed by your manly charisma," Dalisk says, crossing one leg over the other, resting his cheek upon his palm, "You'll have to preen me, nice and slow."

Prakibak slams his elbow on the table, flexing his fingers. "You son of a bitch, I'm in."

Dalisk slams his hand into Prakibak's, and they shake. "Oh, it's on, stud."

The breeders of the Dragon's Heir tribe have changed vocation in the past generation, thanks to the arrival of two kobolds. The first was their Queen, the impressive Tikana, the epitome of draconic brilliance from a physical standpoint. The second was Tik Tik, who brought a new way of life from her journeys that forever altered the course of the history of the breeding program.

And it is in a tumultuous time that many come to their chambers, not to progress toward some deific perfection that Tikana fulfilled, but to sate the hunger so natural to a fecund kind that the kobolds are.

This means for Prakibak, the line to get in is exceedingly long.

The dig boss grumbles, his arms folded over his chest and snorting in annoyance. "How long does it take to pair kobolds up nowadays? I have a business to take care of!"

The sound of tittering makes him whirl around. A small pod of younger kobolds walks past him towards another chamber, though their eyes linger on the older, more muscular male as they pass by.

"Whatcha laughin' at?" Prakibrak grumbles, tilting his head.

"Don't you old guys have people your own age to mess around with?" asks one of the females, fluttering her large eyes.

"Don't you young brats have respect for the elders of the tribe? Do you like that tunnel? I carved it myself with my bare claws. Sometimes, I had to pulverize the stone with my teeth!" He says this, flashing a sharp-toothed grin.

The gaggle stops, and the kobolds giggle and mutter among themselves at the boasting of the big boss.

"You there!" Prakibak says, "The scrawny one in the back."

The dirt-colored kobold yelped and stood to attention as the dig boss approached, looking down at them. "You stink of a virgin. You want my place in line?"

"Meep! Muh-Me?"

"Yeah. You look like you could enjoy some time with the breeders, squirt. Go, have some fun!"

The little earthen kobold puffs out their chest but slinks past the dig box, giving a quick glance over to him before shuffling into place, much to the chagrin of the kobolds further back in line.

"Now, then, ladies," Prakibak says, chuckling with a soft growl. "Any of you think I'm too old for the likes of you?"

There's a titter among the kobolds until two of the pack push a light blue one forward. "Take him, Pebby. Show him what it's like."

Pebby's eyes widen as she looks up at the swollen kobold boss. Her legs shudder, and she gulps. But he places a hand on his hip and flexes the bicep of another. "Don't be so intimidated. You're not on my dig team, so I won't snap at you." He says this, leaning in and whispering, "Unless ya want me to."

Pebby's tail lifts upward, her snout spreading in a meek little smile. Her toes turn inward, poking at each other, and her eyes lock onto Prakibak's, unmoving.

"M... maybe?" she squeaks.

The other girls rush off to join the scrawny bold, poking and teasing them as they stand in line. Prakibak, meanwhile, drapes his arm over Pebby's shoulder and leads her away from the hustle. "Come on, I know all the tunnels and will show you a nice private one.

It's not long before Prakibak bends Pebby over a relatively smooth yet sizable rock, her only coverings discarded on the floor. Prakibak's broad chest presses against her back as he growls against her, hands holding her wrists down over her head. "You like teasing an old man, don't ya, girlie?"

Pebby squeaks, but a soft giggle rises up from her.

"Not much for talkin', are ya?" he asks, powerful fingers rubbing up along her neck, over her snout, and then delving into her mouth.

"Mmmglk... gfff....!"

"Oh, you've got the enthusiasm of youth. I love that shit!" he shouts, barking out a laugh. "Well, I hope you're ready, Pebby, 'cause here comes Papa Prakibak for ya!"


The dig boss's fat cock presses up against the kobold's slit, wet and ready for him, and he pushes forward, sliding the shaft deep into her tight hole. Her toes curl, and her hands shift as her body spreads for his massive meat.

Their eyes roll back, and drool drips down from her invaded mouth as she's used like a cock sleeve for the male, happy little noises rising from her throat.

"That's right. Prakibak's still got it, baby!"

She squeals, her tail slapping against his side.

"Take it all and enjoy the eggs, girlie!"

She nods, thrashing about, convulsing, shouting, and tightening around his length.

Feeling her orgasm, Prakibak shoots off himself, filling her up and groaning in satisfaction.

Prakibak steps back, removing her oozing body and running a hand over his horns. "Haah, damn... I haven't fucked that hard in a long time, girl... you did a great job."

"Uuugah... th... thanks, P... Papa Prakibak..." she sighs.

"Ha, wait, 'll Dalisk get a load of me now. I bet I could get all your other friends, too, couldn't I?"

"Mmmm, no...?"

He growls, leaning in over to her, turning her around onto her back. He runs his hands up and down her sides, stroking her underbelly. "Oh, you think I can't handle a couple gals and a scrawny little something-or-other? Yeah, that brown one's kinda cute, now I think of it." He chuckles.

"Nu... not that one," Pebby says. "A... anyone but them."

"Ha, I can have anyone I want, whenever I want. I'm the top dog around here. Haha!"

"But they wouldn't want you."

"Come on. I saw how you were all lookin' at me, especially that one. Mmm yes, tight brown scrawny slit, hehe...."

Pebby sits up, hopping ot her feet on the rock and shaking Prakibak by the shoulders. "You don't want Prastlerdai, Dig Boss. Because, Prastlerdai is a child of the biggest, strongest breeder and miner! Prastlerdai turning 18 tonight."

Any kobold miner must have an acute sense of mathematical skill, which is doubly so for the dig boss. And in an instant, after her warning hits him, he does the calculations all in his mind and comes to the only conclusion all of his knowledge could make.

"Ooooh fuuuuuck."

The line for the breeders always moves with deliberate slowness. For the maturing kobold Prastlerdai, it is an even more excruciating wait. After all, it is only sometimes that a significant and essential kobold like Prakibak offers someone his space.

The kobolds around the newly matured tribemate murmur and shake their heads, discussing matters of recognition of the strange newcomer and annoyance at the special treatment given to such an unknown high-ranking member of their community.

And it is that high-ranking member who comes, stumbling from the darkness and hiking up his dangling loincloth, who thunders up to the smaller creature. "You!" He barks, panting, sweat glistening on his scales.

Some of the rather amorous kobolds lean out from their place in line to get a glance at the glowing god standing before the small supplicant.

"You're Prastlerdai, right?'

The scrawny kobold claps their hands together, bouncing on their toes. From the back of their little throat issues a squawking yip.

"Nope, nope, no worship here. You need to get out of this line now!"

Prastlerdai steps back, gritting their teeth, growling.

"Oh, don't get me that. You're coming with me, young kobold!"

With that, the mighty arm of the dig-boss grabs the smaller kobold by the horn, dragging them away from the line. Eagerly, the remaining members of the tribe fill in the space without a moment's hesitation, leaving Prastlerdai to watch with frowning eyes as the ticket to happiness escapes their grasp.

Prakibrak takes the bold down a cavern path while Prastlerdai hisses and claws and kicks. The whole way down, however, the dig boss is undeterred in his mission and marches ever onward to a place of privacy among the tunnels of the Dragon's Heir.

Once at the end of a long-abandoned project, the muscly kobold tosses the smaller as if nothing but a paper doll, causing them to stumble and spin but catch themselves against the wall.

"Now, you know very well why you shouldn't have been in that line, little one."

Prastlerdai snorts, crossing their arms over their chest.

Prakibak squats down in front of the younger kobold, hands on his knees. "Listen. There are rules put in place for a reason. I know you and your nestmates are acclimating to all the new freedoms much better than us old men are, but that doesn't mean you have the right to break very sacred, fundamental tenants of our culture."

Prastlerdai blinks, tilting their head.

Stroking his chin, Prakibak continues. "The whole division of the young and the mature is important, and I know you still got a few hours left in ya to be a kid. I know you're rarin' to go at it with the breeders." He huffs, running a hand through his ridges.

"Tell me, what do you work in?"

Prastlerdai huffs and shrugs but finally, slowly, squeaks out a response. "Farming."

"Now that's an important job, filled with patience and smarts," Prakibak says, poking the smaller kobold in the chest. "But, it should also be one where you're using yer arms, and I can tell you don't use yours. I should know: I was the same way when I was a kid, and I got out of my work and was a little sustained for it. If you're a farmer, you need to put more effort into your craft.

"I don't wanna. I wanna... I wanna."

Prakibak stands up, growling. "There ain't no reason to be so indecisive here in the Dragon's Heir tribe, sport. You were just a minute ago trying to trick me into getting you laid before you could legally, and that could have gotten both of us in deep, deep trouble."

"Worked, didn't it?"

"Until your friend ratted you out." Prakibak chuckles and then leans in, a hand on the wall above Prastlerdai's head. "So, tell me. What were you and your friends doing, walking by the lines for the breeders, huh?"


He snorts.


"You didn't just want to get laid tonight, did ya? You wanted to see someone there. Someone important to ya. Someone you hadn't seen in a long, long while.

Prastlerdai sinks, trembling.

"That's okay, kid. It's been a while since I thought about her, and that's how these things tend to be around here. Our only bonds are with our nestmates and the people on our crew, and yer mama wasn't neither for me."

Prastlerdai tenses up.

"Nah, she was a fun night and one I remember quite well. Been a little over eighteen years since that day, I reckon." He sighs. "Now, I always considered myself a traditional kobold. Never wantin' to rock the boat, but I gotta tell ya, those ladies out there in the Dragon's Heir...? They're somethin' special. So, if you know any," he pauses, sniffing. "Or are one," you'd best remember that."

Prastlerdai nods quickly.

One by one, mushrooms all around them glow, lighting up their scales. Prakibak chuckles. "Well now, far as I can tell, once all the mushrooms in the tunnel are a-glowin', you can get right in that line. So, why don't we sit here for a moment," he says, finding a nice rock to plop on, "and you tell me about yourself, kid."

Prastlerdai finds another rock and plops down, looking up at the giant kobold.

"It ain't normal, I suppose, but hey, it seems we're both into doing things that aren't normal." Prakibak coughs into his head, rolls his shoulders, and sits up. "So, I suppose we should start this right."

Prastlerdai gulps, rubbing their tail. "I'm confused."

Prakibak sneers. "Hey there, confused... I'm a dad."

Papa Prakibak 2

The breeders of the Dragon's Heir tribe have changed vocation in the past generation, thanks to the arrival of two kobolds. The first was their Queen, the impressive Tikana, the epitome of draconic brilliance from a physical standpoint. The second was...

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Papa Prakibak 1

"This is it, Prakibak--the day that every red-blooded Dragon's Heir kobold strives for! The day you are chosen to perform your duty to better the tribe's bloodline! Think you can do it, boy?" The lanky red kobold nods quickly to the older, bulkier,...

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Rouge's Colosseum 15

Through the searing pain and throbbing in her skull, Fiona Fox pushes herself back to face her opponent, but Infinite's clawed glove grabs her by the mouth, nails digging into her fur and flesh as he lifts her to stand before him. "I once thought...

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