Papa Prakibak 1

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#146 of Tik Tik's Tower

Prakibak reminices about the old times to his twinky squeeze, Dalisk, only to come up with a bet.

Happy father's day to everyone. Please enjoy this first chapter of this short story.

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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Cover art by heckabun

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"This is it, Prakibak--the day that every red-blooded Dragon's Heir kobold strives for! The day you are chosen to perform your duty to better the tribe's bloodline! Think you can do it, boy?"

The lanky red kobold nods quickly to the older, bulkier, earth-scaled kobold. "Yes, sir, master Kakat! I won't disappoint you!"

Master Kakat huffs, sitting back on his moleskin bed, smoking his mushroom pipe. "Yeah, you'd better. Horny little shit."

Prakibak puffs out his chest and marches with his head held high, swaying his tail this way and that as he makes it to the breeding pit. The matrons look at him with approving smiles, the old women approaching him, squeezing his arms, and poking his chest.

"Guh, h-hey, whatcha doing? I'm man enough for this!"

"Eighteen years after you've hatched exactly," the eldest matron says. "No less than that. It is divine decree!"

Two more matrons grab the apprentice dig boss's loincloth and yank it down, leaving the kobold naked for the first time among his adult peers. Some of them look toward his slit and nod, while others just place their hands on his shoulders and push!

The young male tumbles into the breeding hole, groaning and rubbing his head. When he finally picks himself up, he finds the chambers he had been dreaming of. So warm and humid are the breeding pits and so filled with older kobolds, pairing up and rutting with such gusto.

The newcomer scrambles to his feet, licking his snout and tiptoeing through various pairs and threesomes. He watches as one female stares at him while calling out the name of the gray-scaled male fucking her lights out.

The older male spins around, snapping his jaws at the newcomer, who stumbles back, his foot stepping into something wet and slipping on it, falling onto the mossy floor and tumbling down, sliding along the moistened cavern and down deeper into the pits.

When he lands, he finds himself in a chamber where a stockier, older female sits, chuckling, munching on a mushroom. "New meat here, girls. What's your name, boy?"

"Prakibak!" He yips. "I'm here to fuck a breeder!"

"Of course you are," she says, snapping her fingers. "Best to get a girl around your age, eh? We don't want any cross-contamination, now, do we?"

The skittering sounds of many kobolds emerge from the walls, the females' eyes glowing with intent as they see him there, many crawling out of the walls and the tunnels and approaching him.

"Now, choose wisely," says the older breeder. "She should make a strong child for you."

"Uuuh.... You!" he points to a robust lady with thighs as big as his head.

She smiles and walks up to him, looking down at the lanky bold. "Mother of a digger's child. They'll be a strong one, won't they?"

He nods quickly.

"Well, little bold?" she asks, smirking. "You gonna take me?"

Prakibak pounces on her, and the big female falls to the ground onto her back. Her companions giggle and watch as the thinner male thrusts, his tail swinging back and forth, his grunts little excited yips.

She wraps her arms around him, hugging him close, her tail pushing his butt and helping to position him.

Soon, she sighs, closes her eyes, and holds him close. Letting Prakibak pound away at her until, a minute later, he fills her."

"Good job," says the older kobold. "Hopefully, now, my egg will be powerful."


"That's it? By the divine dragons, Prakibak, your first time was so pathetic. Ho-lee shit."

The bright-plumaged ambassador, kobold Dalisk says, shaking his head. He brings his mushroom tea to his mouth and sips with the daintiest mannerisms.

"Hey, it was a different time," says the digboss. "I was a different kobold back then. I was smaller than you back then, but I got big!" He chuckles, flexing his muscle.

"Mmm hmmm, that you most certainly did, big P," Dalisk says, hand upon his cheek. "But it's funny, don't you think?"

"What?" Prakibak turns and snaps his finger. "Hey! You! Put your back into it!"

"It's funny that you went from the eager boy, fucking the biggest, strongest lady out there, to dating the most magnificent of men and being the beta boy to the women around here."

Prakibak slams his fist on the table, staring at Dalisk with a snarl in his mouth. "Don't you start with that?"

"Or what, you'll fuck me?" Dalisk says, narrowing his eyes, his crest rising up.

"Damn, why'd you have to be so hot, grr... no, no, I got it!" He pushes himself up from the table, tapping his claw upon it. "I'll find myself a nice young lady. Girls like older guys, right? We're strong and carry good genes, and, dammit, what was it Tik Tik said we had?" He strokes his chin. "Nevermind. Here's the bet. I get myself a sweet young thing, making her scream my name and...."

"And you make me do that thing I do with my mouth?" Dalisk says, wiggling his tongue.

Prakibak's cheeks flush. "Damn, that's actually pretty good..."

"And if you can't somehow bring a girl to be wooed by your manly charisma," Dalisk says, crossing one leg over the other, resting his cheek upon his palm, "You'll have to preen me, nice and slow."

Prakibak slams his elbow on the table, flexing his fingers. "You son of a bitch, I'm in."

Dalisk slams his hand into Prakibak's, and they shake. "Oh, it's on, stud."

Papa Prakibak 2

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