Rouge's Colloseum 14

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#114 of Sonic the Hedgehog

The next fight begins with the surprise return of Infinite the Jackal! This time, two hardened mercenaries participate in a bloody bout where sex and violence are encouraged!

This is a commissioned piece for <tw:Spaciestcake}. If you'd like to get some work done from me, please consider checking out my Linktree.

This is a Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction. All characters are copyright their respective owners and are written as above the age of 18.

Posted using PostyBirb

Clutch's eyes widen, and Breezie gasps. The two have no words as Infinite the Jackal steps into the arena. He sheathes the blade and stares down his opponent, a fierce snarl upon his features.

"As you can see," Rouge begins, snickering, "I already have some superstars in my roster."

Fiona glances over at the mercenary, clenching her fists. "So, what are you? An alternate reality doppelganger? An auto-automaton?" She flips her hair.

"I'm as real as they get," says Infinite, pointing to her and taking a step forward.

"So, that's where the phantom ruby was. Funny. I heard that thing consumed you. Tell me, when they took it out, was it extremely painful?"

Infinite places a hand on his chest. "If you're messing with me, you're gonna regret it."

"Now, now, you two," Rouge says. Camera bots zip up around the fight, getting different angles. "Remember, this is being broadcast over the dark Egg Net, and they only care about one thing in their bloodsport, and that's how much Batcoin they can wager in your battle."

Fiona raises her fists, smirking, "Oh, betting should be closed. I'm gonna end this now because there's no way I'm losing to this has-been weakli-oooof!"

Infinite's fist burrows into Fiona's exposed stomach, lifting her up a few inches into the air. Before she can fully register the hit, he leaps up, kicking her side and sending her bouncing and tumbling along the metal floor.

Fiona scrambles to her feet, coughing, with blood on her lip. "Fuck..."

Infinite looms over her, staring into her with death in his eyes. "Only one other being has called me weak and lived."

Fiona spits, wiping her lip with her thumb. She nods and then rushes at him, planting a foot on the ground and spinning a kick at Infinite's jaw.

The jackal grabs her ankle but misses and gets a noseful of the boot.

Roaring, Infinite swipes with his nailed glove, aiming for her chest, but Fiona falls back, landing on her palms and springing forward, kicking him right in the chest!

Infinite's eyes widen in surprise, but he finally grabs that leg, his claws sinking into her fur, pulling her in close so he can deliver an elbow against her face, right at her teeth, knocking her down to the floor.

Fiona bounces, and Infinite raises a leg, slamming his boot down.

The fox rolls out of the way as the stomp dents the floor.

Infinite whirls around, raising an arm to block her punch coming at him. He grunts, his mind flashing to a broken, bloodied, and mangled mess of one of his former comrades.

Fiona raises her knee, going straight for his groin.

The jackal stands resolute against the searing pain from the burning in his junk.

Fiona freezes, dumbstruck at his resolve, only to get a fist right between the eyes in response. She reels back, her vision starry as she fights to regain her focus before another attack comes for her.

But that attack doesn't immediately come.

Infinite takes a few deep breaths, rolling his shoulders, clenching his fists, letting that pain course through him. Through his seething, he sees more ghosts of his past, left as crumpled heaps in the moment of his most significant loss.

The jackal roars, lunging toward the fox with the anguish of his fury.

Fiona's vision, though splotchy, catches his advance, and she grabs his outstretched arm of his, lifting him up over her shoulder, rolling him over herself, and throwing him to the ground against the cold, unfeeling floor.

Infinite bounces this time, blood and spit flying up from his mouth.

Fiona goes in for a stomp herself, but unlike her, Infinite isn't interested in dodging. He grabs her boot, digging into it, sitting up slowly with that fuming resolve.

As she tries to tear her boot away from his grasp, he offers her more retribution in the form of a punch straight to the cunt!

The stars return to Fiona's vision as she falls back, screaming as the throbbing pain hits her. She grabs between her legs, fighting back the tears that start to well from her eyes.

And Infinite looms over her, a shadow of rage as he stares at her pathetic body. "You called me a weakling," he growls, "and yet, here you are, crying on the ground, nothing but a pathetic bitch."

Rouge's Colosseum 13

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