Dragon Mound

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#25 of Tik Tik's Tower

Two dragons are having a fun time with each other, plotting and scheming while enjoying a fun time.

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Deep in the heart of the frozen north, there is a castle, gilded in ice and snow and settled deep within the permafrost. This place exists where few would dare tread. Yet, there lives an exceedingly powerful being, ever vigilant on the events of the world. Even as watchful as he is, he has much free time on his hands.

Treandalode sits on the edge of his bed after taking on an anthropomorphic form. The dragon's snow-white scales blend well with the carved interior of his abode. He looks over notes scrolling over his scry slate, telling him of the world's news beyond this icy fortress.

But he is brought back to the here and now by a pair of silver-scaled hands that reach over his shoulders and down his chest.

Ample breasts press against his back, a soft reminder of the woman he had been entertaining. He places his device down and shifts around, embracing the dragoness. "You're distracting me again, Katadanyatarinya," he growls.

"All the better to thwart your dastardly plans," she coos, nuzzling against him. Her shining scales appear almost like a suit of armor. In this form, there is a softness to them that reminds her and her lover of the squishy humanoids she so adores.

"If you really wanted to thwart me," he growls, slipping his hands upwards, pushing her down against the bed, "you wouldn't let me fuck you, my dear."

"Perhaps, I'm playing a long game with you?" She asks, fluttering her eyes, laying beneath him in a submissive pose, her chest rising and falling. She had a fit body, and it was that of a warrior, and yet, she chose to have such large, round, and full breasts. Those damed mammals and their strange and alluring softness. What exactly was it about them that he and Kat secretly adored?

Perhaps, it was the strange domain taken by the heretical Xasandra? Or maybe it was just that they provided another avenue to sate their long-lived perversions? He ventures that it is the latter as he gropes those delightful orbs, revealing how Kat arches her back and growls into the frozen keep.

"If you are playing a game, my dear," he chuckles, rubbing her cheek, letting one of her breasts fall against her chest, flattening with its weight, "then it is one we both enjoy playing."

"What would the others think," she titters, "if they find out you're so enamored with my chest?"

"The same thing they would think if they found out you enjoyed what I'm about to do to you," he responds, smirking.

The dragon shifts upwards against her, his long and hard cock ribbed and white and quivering in delight. The head slips up towards her sternum, teasing near her tits.

She rolls her eyes and presses her breasts together, sticking her tongue in a tease.

"Look at you, acting like you're some whelp just turned to adulthood. No lady of your age would ever act like this in public."

"It's not polite to talk about a lady's age if she's younger than you."

"Then, let us not speak," he says, taking a deep breath, his hands upon her shoulders once more. He thrusts his hips forward, his cock sliding between those soft and scaled mounds. The texture stimulates as his tickles, giving both dragons gentle reminders of what they lack when they do not exercise their great arcane power. It is perverse to see her nipples rolling around between her fingers as her bags jiggle and gyrate with the in-and-out of his male tool.

This is often how the two do their dance. Their dalliances would be so scandalous if they were to accidentally produce an egg together. If only she weren't so honorable, he could exercise his desires to fill her with his seed and take the resulting wyrmling for himself.

Alas, the maneuvering among the council would not allow for the child's life to be an easy one. So, instead, the two indulge in their titfucking and other pleasures purely to scratch the surface-level desires and not to go deeper into their wants and needs.

Treandalode has had many women, but none of them quite like Kat, the hero.

Katadanyatarinya has faced many challenges protecting the weaker races, both from monsters and from the machinations of her own lover. Yet, she can never find it within herself to remove the schemer entirely to protect the world.

"Come on, big boy," she sighs, rubbing her tits against that ribbed shaft. "Mark me and make me yours while you still can. You shan't have me in the morning!"

She roars, leaning in, his head against hers, staring into her eyes as he releases. He spurts his seed between and over her tits, rocking against her, smearing the sticky substance over her scales. "E... Enjoy..." he growls, nuzzling his forehead against her own before pulling away, trailing more semen down her body.

She remains lying there, sighing and shaking her head. "It's never a full satisfaction."

"That's your fault," he says, stepping away from the bed and swiping his scry slate off the table.

"And what, pray tell, is so important that you have to leave me here, lover?"

He snorts. "It's the archmagi. Ever since that blasted Estrasa tried to expand her domain beyond her little glade, the others have been trying their luck at increasing their power. It's nothing of any consequence, though, and just something to monitor."

"Surely, you jest!" The dragoness says, using the dragon's bedsheets to wipe the sperm from her body. "Their attempts will surely harm the lesser races!"

"Not really my concern. Though... there is quite a buzz happening over at the insect kingdoms. One of those spell shapers is making a power play, it seems."

Without saying anything else, Katadanyatarinya slips from the bed, pecks him on the cheek, and transforms to her full majestic shining self, flying off from the castle, leaving the male dragon to watch her leave. "And just like your little weak-race friends, you are so easy to manipulate, Kat...."

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