Private Leave - A Bent Over Behind the Barracks Story

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#2 of Bent Over Behind the Barracks


Standard disclaimer:

This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence. Also, by browsing this story you have done so by your own consent and wish to view such material. if you do not wish to view such material you should leave this site immediately.



(Bugle call)

This is a sequel to the story "Bent Over Behind the Barracks" and continues to detail the adventures of a pair of Dobies enlisted in the US military during the early 1960's.

This story has been written as a thankyou for all those who took the interest in my story and commented on it and even requested a follow-up, so here we are and hopingly deliver, too!

If you like, please comment, fav, rate, suggest ideas for a sequel, whatever you fancy!

Cheers and good pawings!


I sat on the rock hard seat of the army transport bus and tried not to get sick.


I think it used to be a school bus, I think, that had been painted grey instead of the ever-familiar happy yellow, and press-ganged into service as a military transport probably somewhere around Pearl Harbor.

That I deduced from the fact that the thing shook and rattled like hell and that the engine whined and boomed so loudly that it sounded like it had come from a B-17 Flying Fortress. The bus also bounced and shook almost like it was hitting turbulence, and I had to keep my eyes steadily ahead and on the road in a feeble attempt not to chuck my dinner up.

Even over the bomber plane -worthy boom of the engine I could hear bits and pieces of conversations going on inside the bus. It was packed like it always was on Fridays, with soldier boys filling each and every seat. Most of us were so big that we each needed one whole seat on our own, but some of the slighter guys were squashed into them tightly, like that cougar and a beaver who sat to my left and looked like they had entered enemy territory already. The voices speaking that I was hearing were familiar - all the guys from the platoon, and from the neighboring barracks, stuffed into this rolling metal box that should have been decommissioned already in 1950.

" gonna score some hot, tight pussy tonight Arnett?" I heard the voice of a bear rumble somewhere behind me.

"Gonna pound some tiiiiiiight, hot, pussycat pussy tonight, Shippy!" a laughing, almost purring voice of private Arnett replied from somewhere to my rear left. The horny, nasal snicker of the puma pierced my head and I huffed quietly under my breath.

"You keep your kitty cats, I'm gonna see if I can score with that wolverine I met last time," I heard the bear carry on. "Big ass and those tits, mama!"

"You stupid fuck, Shippy, she's way too expensive for you!" I heard private Tecker chime in to the dirty conversation. "She charges 10 dollars per hour, think you can afford that?"

"She ain't no hooker!" Shippy complained and I heard lots of shuffling and growling coming from the back.

"Last time she did suck my balls dry and didn't cost me more than two beers!" another voice spoke in and I felt my tail twitch with nerve as that low rumble made its way through my ears and onto my spine.

That voice speaking belonged to Private Brock Stahlman, a huge Dobie from my unit.

The same doggie who had made me whine like a puppy when he had dominated me with his very scent and voice behind the gym barracks about a week ago and made me submit to him fully.

The very canine who had sunk his cock under my stubby tail and made me his bitch for the night, and I had loved every second of that breathless, hot, dirty fuck, until we were both spent and messy.

He was talking about getting a blowjob from some random wolverine he met in a bar and I couldn't help but snuffle. I had a pretty strong suspicion that private Stahlman had not sampled the joys of that particular wolverine.

"Shut the fuck up, Brock!" Shippy the bear grunted, and I heard Brock make some nasty slurping sounds with his tongue, and there was another round of laughter and then it finally quieted down.

I just sat there hunched and feeling mildly like throwing up and I wasn't sure if it was all my recurring motion sickness making itself known again.

While all the other furs in the bus were talking about the pussy they wanted to score and the booze they wanted to drink during their leave, I couldn't stop thinking about the words Brock had growled at me during that strange night.

" time we got leave we'll do this on a nicer place..."

I felt an embarrassing heat rise to my cheeks at the memory of those words and couldn't help but wonder, whether he had meant those words. I mean, nothing else had happened during the days after that incident, not even when he'd come over to the laundry room where I was working. He'd make himself a complete idiot once more, play around with the mop and prod my fucking sore ass with the handle and tell dirty jokes for me and my co-sufferers in laundry duty.

He'd also keep showing off his big body that almost squawked with each of his movements while he strutted out to the showers, put his towel away and placed his naked hugeness under the showerhead. I would try my hardest not to look his way but of course I would fail and catch glimpses of his massive form while the water rained down on him and matted his furs and ran down his back and his ass and made him look even darker and bigger than he was.

Brock had not spoken to me alone afterwards, either, and I kept wondering whether he had meant what he had said to me, and thus, I was more than a little nervous when the heaving bus finally came to a halt at the only street of the small town near the military base and pulled over.

I was roused away from my thoughts by the sharp hiss of the bus' brakes, followed by the shuffling and creaking noises as two dozen big furs got off their ancient seats and started to file out of the bus as soon as the doors haltingly opened. I had been a bit late on my part and had to squeeze myself in between Shippy and Tecker and couple of the guys on the back got shoved a bit for my move and I heard some disapproving grunts but then I was out and open after having squeezed myself through that rickety folding door.

I felt concrete under my paws and the night air brushes against me in a refreshingly cool wave after the bus that smells of big dogs and crap and the army, and I have to step back to make some room for the remaining soldier boys to file out of the bus. The furs are already on their way out, too, taking onto the night in small groups, lots of laughter and bad joking filling the quiet street of the town when all the big furs make their way towards their fun. I know there isn't much to do in this place, but at least there are a couple of bars and a diner, and there's even a bit fancier restaurant too, but I doubt many of the lot from the bus would be welcome.

I stood there like a dumb dog for a little while and trying to look out for Brock and realized that the dog had disappeared from my sights, and my tail gave a disappointed flick and I could feel my ears flatten as I realized that the Dobie is gone. I tried to look around some more, but there weren't any soldiers in sight, except for the lean feline form of private Arnett who was just about to step into the Drinking Bowl, the more expensive of the two bars in town.

Based on that fact, I knew that Brock would more probably go to the cheaper establishment, and I started walking towards Belle's Saloon. There was a neon sign above the door, and it showed a foxy go-go girl vixen doing a strange pose with her extended leg. The sign suggested something much racier than the place was for real, though, since there were no strippers or go-go dancers in sight when I stepped in and scanned the place with my eyes.

No, no, racy sexual fun evident in this place, just leather-covered seats in booths and a long bar counter fully manned with half-drunk furs and a black and white television showing The Flinstones to a non-captive audience. The most flashy thing inside was probably the goddamned jukebox at the back playing a song by that blind fur.

Fuck, maybe it was an omen that I was wasting my time.

"Hit the road Jack, and don't you come back no more, no more, no more"

I spotted a few familiar furs from the base here and there and got a couple of waves to join in, but I shook my head and went by the counter to order a beer and a bag of peanuts. Once the middle-aged barkeep woman handed them over to me, I made my way to one of the luckily empty booths at the back and sat my heavy form down with a thump. I set my drink and my snack down and just sat there for a while, my head swimming with the smell of cigarette smoke and greasy bacon and beer and whiskey. There is a lot of laughter coming from the other soldier furs but I don't feel like coming over to their fun.

I saw a bunch of girls already eyeing them from the counter, giving the horny soldier boys their signature looks and tail wags and blinks and ear flicks. I saw all the familiar gestures, registered each and every one of them, but they weren't doing anything for me this time. I wanted something else, I wanted an end to this...this news blackout, this silence from the other big Dobie, from that motherfucking private Stahlman who had decided to disappear into the night the moment we hit the town.

I don't really know what I wanted.

Feeling frustrated and kinda crappy still, I took onto my bear and took a good mawful of that sour liquid and tried to distract myself from my thoughts. Better look at that stupid show on the television, even if there wasn't sound, or try to listen to the jukebox. The music isn't half bad, the beer tastes nice, it's a good Friday night bar atmosphere, I'm on leave and won't have to wake up at six am in the morning. Everything should be fucking marvelous.

Except that it isn't, and I'm drinking here alone in this shithole and feeling lonely even with all my friends a few feet away. They don't seem to take a notice of me though, they only have eyes for the girls at the counter, and they have proceeded to giving out wolf whistles for them as one of the girls, a black lab, walks over to the jukebox with her big hips swaying and her tail wagging while she bends over to read the song list.

Yeah, right. I was sure that half a dozen pairs of soldier eyes are fixed on her rump even at the moment as she flicked in the coin, chose her song and let the record play. A guitar melody starts to play and I groan quietly into my beer. There's no mistaking that guitar and that barbershop humming, since last year that song was playing everywhere all the time, and of course this bar has a jukebox that has its records changed about once a year it seems.

"Are you lonesome tonight, do you miss me tonight..."

Jesus Christ...

The dog on the jukebox kept crooning and I groaned and decided to sink my worries to my beer. I had already drank almost half of it and knew that it would not last for long. That'd be just fine, though. A couple of beers to get my mind off these strange thoughts. Make it a really boring night and just forget everything for once and stop being the military pup that I was and be just Jack Griggs.

"Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back tonight...."

The stupid barbershop singers started that odd humming again and now Elvis was just talking some crap over that sound. I tried to shake that noise from my head and looked up in the hopes that the television would offer a better distraction.

Instead, I see that the door of the bar has been opened and Brock Stahlman was standing there there, being as big and imposing and Dobie-like that he can be, filling the whole doorframe with his huge doggie bulk. He was gazing around the bar as if he was searching, and our eyes met over empty floor and I felt a jolt on the pit of my belly, and I saw him flash back a smile, and then the Dobie was already inside the bar and walking straight over to me.

I followed him with my gaze as he came over and squeezed himself into the booth where I was sitting, getting down in front of me. He can only barely fit between the seat and the plastic-topped table, and he is smiling his trademark shitfaced grin at me as he gives me a one-over with his eyes, looking all the way from the tips of my ears down to my bulging abs that can be seen through my shirt.

"Heyah, wuffy," Brock drawled at me. "Having a good time?"

"Piss off, Brock, you're making the air stink."

"Potty-mouthed wuffy," he grinned at me, and I snorted at him to show him my disapproval of his presence.

On the inhalation back I caught his scent. Musk and Dobie and even some cologne. He was smelling pretty good. It's making my cheeks heat up again, I noticed. Fuck!

"What do you want, Brock?" I asked, glaring at him over the table. "Came here to steal all my potential girls?"

"Each and every one of them," he replied immediately, giving me a dirty look and licking over his lips with his big sloppy tongue.

"Well you came a bit late, then, Brock, because as you see, they're all taken," I huffed at him and gave a wave of my paw towards the front of the bar where the girls had already joined in the company of the rowdy soldier boys. A couple of them were already sitting on the big lap of a bear and a Rottweiler.

Brock looked back at me and grinned again, that way over-confident smile of his spreading over his muzzle.

"Then you better finish up your beer and we'll go somewhere where we have a better luck at scoring, wuff?" he said, reaching over to slam his paw against my shoulder.

Any normal person would have just patted it gently and that was it, but with Brock it feels like someone punched me there with a jackhammer.

I grunted as his pat made the air escape from my lungs.

"Fuck you," I hissed under my breath so as not to gain too many disapproving looks from the clientele, and shook my head to get that weird feeling away.

"Not a change wuff," he hissed back, and then I felt something else of him touch me, and this time it was his paw, his footpaw, and his ankle was brushed against mine under the table, I'm sure he did!

Yes, that it was, his heavy footpaw was pressed to the side of mine, the thick bottoms of our shoes clicking together while he rubbed his ankle against mine, hidden under the table.

I looked at him, wide-eyed, and he just stared back at me, grinning still, and nodded towards my drink.

"You wanna finish that beer or do you want me to do it? I seriously wanna get the hell out of here," he growled.

I gave him a quick nod and gulped down the rest of my beer, swallowing quickly and letting the bitter taste linger on my maw. I watched Brock get up from the seat and then he was speaking in a loud voice again.

"Come on, Griggs, we have some PUS-SY to grab!" he yelped at me, giving me a wave.

I felt embarrassed for his fucking stupid behavior's sake, and tried to avoid eye contact while we made our way through the bar and I heard some "seeyah's" and the like come from my compatriots who were already busy with their own catches for the eve.

The night air was refreshing after the stuffiness of the bar, but the thing I mostly noticed was the big Dobie standing next to me on the sidewalk. He was wearing his fatigues and his shirt and looked just like on that night days back. He even smelled mostly the same, though not as much of guns this time.

"Come on, stupid," he said to me and gestured for me to follow him, and soon we were walking along the sidewalk. He kept up a brisk pace, not really a jog, but he wasn't taking a leisurely stroll either. I tried to match his step and keep up with him, and he just kept going, looking sternly in front of him, his big thighs pumping with his movement.

"Where are we going, Brock?" I asked after a few minutes of walking, once we had practically left the town already and were walking along the road now, on the graveled edge of the coated street.

"You'll see soon enough, wuffin," he grumbled and glanced a look at me, and I just nodded and we get going, and I suddenly realized that we were heading of the way of the gas station that was just a little bit away from the town center, about five hundred yards or so, and its signs and lights were shining at the distance already.

For a while I wondered whether he'd be taking me there, but shook that thought away after I realized that on the other side of road opposite to the gas station stood the small motel.

I was about to open my maw to ask him about it when he gave my side a nudge with his elbow, prodding into my flesh.

"Sorry I kept you waiting, Griggs, I had to go in and reserve a room for the night, "he spoke in the way of explanation, and I felt heat on my face and in my belly again, and he gave me a wink again and I'm sure he did hasten his pace because soon we arrived to the motel.

It was a really small place, with a terraced front through which one could get into the rooms, and it looked quite run down since the paint was peeling down on some place on the walls and the light sign outside that said "DIXON MOTOR MOTEL" was missing a couple of colored light bulbs. In fact it looked a bit like that motel in that movie I had went to see last year in high school, Psycho or something, where that creep who liked to wear his old ma's clothes went on stabbing people in the shower. At least there wasn't a big old house looming out on a hill to the distance, so it wasn't that scarey a place after all.

We walked along on the planks that made the walk of the motel and passed a humming ice maker, and I heard high-pitched giggling coming in from the door number "6" that we were just walking past, and then we stopped and Brock fished out a key from his pocket and we entered number "9" room.

Brock switched on the lights and I found out that it was a small room, with a double bed to one side and there was a chair and a chest of drawers on the other side, and a small door that must have led into the bathroom. We stood there, both big dogs that we were, and the room seemed to be small for the two of us, or maybe that was optical illusion or the like.

I heard the click of a lock as Brock closed the door to the motel room and then he turned to look at me and grinned.

"Well?" he demanded, flicking an ear at me. "This nice enough? Like I promised?"

I snorted.

"I didn't really know what you were promising, Brock...," I told him, reaching to scratch the back of my neck. It was a nervous habit, I guess.

"This, of course," he laughed at me, and I wanted to give him a nasty look, but his eyes were smiling back at me, and I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

The big Dobie pocketed his keys and moved towards me, his paws rising and they came to my shoulders. I pushed my shoulder blades back on the feeling, letting him get a good feel of all the strength I was packing there in my arms and shoulders, and I felt his breath on my face as he pressed his pads over my muscles.

"You're so fucking big...,"...I heard him growl throatily before I had Brock with me again. I had his lips over mine, those often leering lips of that dirty maw were pressed over mine, and I was kissing another guy for the second time in two weeks, and it felt even better than the last time.

I moaned while Brock initiated another round of tongue hockey between us, pushing that slick thing up into my maw where it started to rub against my gums and teeth. I knew I tasted of beer and salty peanuts but he didn't seem to mind, and in him I could only taste his usual coffee and something fleshly, besides his very own taste, that is, and the big Dobie was really kissing me hard this time, hissing and growling into the kiss while his paws pressed to my back.

I reached with my own paws and grabbed his hips, catching the sides of his big doggie butt into a tight hold. I heard his stubby tail wag behind him and he grunted and licked my lips hotly. The soldier made out with me sloppily, and I was already panting, and there was definitely something going on in my pants too, since my sheath had that familiar itchy feeling to it, and my cock was throbbing.

I wanted to tell him as much, that he was turning me in some strange way, but I did not have a chance to say since our maws were mashed so firmly together. We grappled each other and that growl was rising from his throat again and making me feel oddly weak and powerless despite the strength that so evident in me and rippling through my body with each of my breaths.

Brock grunted throatily and suddenly we were moving, and I saw from the corner of my eye where we were heading, and I braced for impact just as I felt the edge of the bed hit the back of my knees and we came tumbling down. The springs of that motel bed creaked under our combined weight of what must've been well over 300 pounds as two muscular hunks of dog toppled into that bed. I was pinned down under Brock's form, his body was all over me and he was panting and didn't waste any time before he was humping against me too. The soldier's hot slab of a cock was pressing through the fabric of his pants and against my flat belly and I knew I was equally hard inside the confines of my own pants. His presence made for a pressure there, and I growled into the kiss he still held, while I pushed my hips up to meet him.

He grunted at me hard at the feeling and shoved his hips down to mine, squeezing our hips and bellies together while he forced me down to the bed. His paws were groping my chest, feeling out my pecs and abs and everything else between through the fabric of my shirt. My big nipples became hard under that rough touch and stood up as nubs and strained the shirt. Brock seemed to notice since he was immediately pinching and grabbing them and I moaned helplessly while the canine controlled my pleasure. I threw my head back to moan heartily and he was immediately down on me, lips and teeth and tongue pressing over my throat.

I felt him take me into that hold again, just a hint of pressure over my bared throat, and I moaned and closed my eyes at the hot feeling of submission going through me. He was giving me pleasure, so much pleasure, and all I had to do to have it was to lie there and take whatever he was giving, and he was showing me what do. I idly wondered whether he had done this before with another big, hot, male fur like me. I decided that it didn't matter a thing since either way he was doing a really nice job and I told him as much with the firm rub of my paws over his broad back.

The Dobie above me was huffing while he licked my throat and slobbered all over it, messing up my shirt. A coolness spread over my chest from all the spit he was expelling over me but I was beyond caring. Hell, I was probably ending up ruining all of my clothes anyway, and this was feeling way too good to stop. Things were feeling really hot in my nether parts too, since our cocks were rubbed together by the constant drive of his hips against mine in a swinging, firm humping motion he was keeping up between my spread thighs. I had my ankles hooked heavily behind his thighs and enjoyed the feeling of that hot ass and thighs flexing with his motions, and I tried to return them as well as I could, even if I was pinned under his weight and covered in his scent that simply shouted "MINE!!" for my senses. We made out and our dog tags jingled against each other on our chests and that chiming sound was the music into which rhythm we humped and kissed until we were both panting and my cock felt almost painfully hard and my big knot throbbed wildly and hopelessly inside my pants, untouched and unpleasured despite the constant pressing of his hips against mine.

"Damn, Brock...,"...I rumbled and he looked down to me, and smiled, and again licked his lips. A few drops of his saliva fell down and directly over my wet tongue and I hissed.

"I wanna fuck you all night...,"...the possessive dog above me spoke to me in a harsh bark, baring his teeth and flattening his ears in a classic gesture of dominance.

"Why don't you...try?" I taunted him, shoving my hips up to his in a sign of my own need.

"You promise to be a good boy?" Brock grunted, his eyes gleaming with lust and power as he glared down to me.

"What're you gonna do if I'm not?" I hissed, my head swimming with his musk from being so close to me.

"Tie me down again?"

He smiled at me dirtily and his breath was hot on my face again.

"You get off on that?" Brock barked, his paws heavy against my arms as he pinned me down to the bed, trying to immobilize me with his strength and his very weight on me.

Heat flashed over my cheeks and I almost avoided his eyes, but then I dared myself to speak again.

"Maybe I did a bit...,"I confessed feeling so damn vulnerable for speaking that aloud. "But I also want to touch you, I..."...I whispered in a low voice, my paws sliding down his back and reaching his ass, which I grabbed firmly.

"...I promise to be a good boy..."

Brock growled his approval of my touch and my submission and humped his hips against mine once more, then pushing them back to my paws on his ass, and wagged his tail. Then he leaned to take my neck into his bite again, and it was firm and it was hot and it was went and made me go weak in all the right places and rock hard in the naughty places. I needed this, and needed it bad!

I felt the doggie shift and then he was kneeling down there, and pulled off his shirt off his straining torso, and his dog tags jingled and he threw the olive green garment aside and just posed there for me, openly, pumping his arms to show me his biceps and his bulging pecs and all that muscular goodness that showed that he was strong enough that he could bench press me if he'd want to.

I almost drooled. My paws were everywhere over him that I could reach, feeling him up. The Dobie smiled that cocky and confident smile of his for me and caught one of my paws while I was trying to grope him and he just took it up and licked and lapped all over my paw and he murmured that I tasted salty, and kept going. His tongue felt ticklish over my pawpads and then more hot than teasing as he lapped between my fingers and even if it was a strange feeling, it felt good too. All of him felt good, to be honest, solid, firm, good, all-American doggy, grade A beef.

My eyes went down his body and the little patch of darker fur on his belly and knew that it was the treasure trail that led into his sheath and the big cock that was throbbing in there in his pants. I wanted to see it again, and touch it, and realized that as odd as it was, I had never really touched his cock, even though I had had it up inside my ass, but I knew that I was going to remedy that need tonight.

Oh fuck, he was touching himself now!

That's what Brock was doing then, right there in front of me. He was running his big paws all over his torso, feeling himself up, squeezing on muscles where he found them, and made these deep sounds all the way down his chest while his paws touched and fondled.

I almost whimpered, wanting to be the one to be doing that, but I didn't move my paws to replace his, instead I just dared to grasp his thick thighs and rub them instead. He seemed to like that, since he gave me a smile, and wagged his tail madly.

"You wanna play with doggie, Jack?"

I can't believe how sexy he made my name sound like when he spoke it. Rough and low and rumbling and smirking and pressing our noses together while his paws grasped my shoulders and he started kissing me again while our hot, horny bodies were coming together as well. He was so heavy that he almost crushed me, but it felt wonderful and fucking good.

Our tongues battled for a couple of minutes, and then he was up again, and I felt his paws over my belly, and then he was opening my belt and flicking off my buttons, and then his fingers were under my waist and pulling on my pants. I lifted myself with the help of my legs and he eased my pants away from my legs, revealing my obscenely bulged undies with my hard cock throbbing in there. A big wet spot had formed in the cloth and it was pressing down onto my need tightly and it wasn't feeling only good, that.

Brock watched me as he climbed off the bed and untied my shoes, and even pulled off my socks, and then pulled down my pants all the way and dropped them to the floor before he stood up, looking down to me with his hot puppy dog eyes while he unfastened his own pants and I looked at him with my tongue hanging out as he abandoned the rest of his clothes. The big doggie stood there wearing nought but his dog tags, and then he climbed back onto the bed. His paws grabbed my legs and moved them apart to make room for himself, and he knelt down again between them. His cock was hard and dripping and the hot, massive doggie bone was throbbing and leaking madly. His knot was huge and I wasn't even sure if I could properly fit that into my paw.

Brock rubbed my thighs and legs and squeezed them, and I wondered what he was going to do, but then he gave me a wordless answer with his actions, as he leaned down properly, his spine curving and then the beefy dog did something I hadn't had happening to me since Roxie Allby went down on me on the backseat of her dad's car.

These weren't timid, lipstick-covered German Sheppard lips, these were hot, thick, lusty Dobie lips that were mouthing all over my wet shaft and making my cock strain. Brock was practically kissing along the length of my horny dog bone and slobbering his saliva all over it. It was such a hot sight that I whimpered and my paws were clenching into fists and grasping onto the thin, pink bed spread. The big soldier was giving me head, or at least almost was, and it was making my balls practically churn. He licked all over my shaft and even my knot, while his paws groped my ass. It already felt so much better than Roxie Allby.

His hot breath touched the blunt tip of my canine member, and then his paw was grasping me and pulling on my cock, making it stand upright just before his head bobbed down and Brock took me into his maw.

I felt my cock brush against his teeth as I slid further into the slick heat and had to bite down on lips so as not to grunt so loudly. I felt his tongue rub all over my tip even over the hole on it and I wanted to push my hips up and simply fuck his maw, but one of his paws on my belly felt heavy like lead and I didn't dare to move at all. He was in charge and I knew I couldn't step aside from his plans, and that feeling excited me for some reason I could not understand yet.

Brock only went down on me about half way along my shaft, and then started sucking me off properly, his head moving and he blew me. His lips made a hot ring over my shaft and washed away any pre there might be while his tongue slobbered spit all over my angry red, veiny cock. He breathed in hot snorts through his nose that tickled my sweaty belly, and his paw was holding firmly onto the base of my cock just above my pulsing knot. It all felt so fucking good and I knew that if he'd squeeze my cock I'd cum right there and then, and I didn't want that to happen just yet.

"Brrooook...,"...I whimpered his name out, and he growled and that sent vibrations through my cock and I gasped at the feeling.

The Dobie came up all the way on my cock and let it slip from between his lips, and a thin stream of saliva connected my still pawed member to his tongue that was hanging out of his panting maw.

"You want a taste, pup?" he spoke, licking over the tip of my cock and making my eyes almost bulge out of their sockets. His other paw had reached for his own member and he was giving himself a slow paw job, teasingly slowly sliding that huge paw over his hefty shaft.

I just nodded, and he just smiled, and blew a breath over my cock, and then he released me. My cock flopped heavily against my belly and I gasped as it hit the damp fabric of my shirt.

"Get that shirt off," he told me in a voice that reminded me of the drill sergeants at the base. That was a command, not a request.

I must have been moving at record speed as I got my shirt of and tossed it aside. I was already turning and trying to crawl between his thighs in a mad need to get his cock into my muzzle when he put a paw to my shoulder and looked down to me.

"As you were pup...," he told me, and I froze, and he moved past me briefly, and he pulled out a couple of pillows from under the bedspread and placed them down about a foot away from the head of the bed, and then he squeezed on the shoulder he was still holding and slowly pushed me down to lie on my back again, my head resting against those pillows.

"You want it?" he snapped, squeezing his cock so that a drop of pre gushed out.

"I fucking WANT IT!" I rumbled, helplessly overpowered by the scent of musk that filled my nose.

He climbed on top of me and my breath escaped as for a moment I had all of his weight on me, and I felt his paws on my shoulders, and then his weight disappeared and I felt his knees press against my armpits, and my arms lay limp to the sides while he fucking straddled me and I had his musky balls hanging against my nose, and his big doggie cock pulsing only inches away.

I was almost afraid to look up to him, to Brock, to the big Dobie dominating me hotly with each of his movement.

His paws took a hold of my head from each side and I felt his thumbs rub against my chops.

"Open up, private!" he growled, and I obeyed, opening my maw wide and hoping that I would not choke on what was to come.

With a satisfied "humph!" the dog growled and used his paw to aim himself, and I felt his blunt cockhead against my lips. It felt hot and pulsing and alive and it was wet, and my hot doggie just kept rubbing that veiny, spongy thing against my lips and spreading pre all over them. My tongue slipped out to get more of that taste. It seemed that it was exactly what he had been waiting for, since with a low murr he pushed his cock deep into my maw.

I gagged at the sudden invasion of dog flesh in my mouth and couched around his cock, but he soon pulled that thick shaft away until only a couple of inches remained in me, and he looked down at me and rubbed and scratched my ears, and called me a good doggie while I adjusted to this new feeling, and then he started to slowly thrusts a few inches in and out of my maw, holding onto my head with his paws as he used me for his pleasure as he wishes. He kept his pace slow and steady, almost like a march beat...


But this time it was out... of his swollen, bulbous cock slipping between my canines and into the warm confines of my maw. It was still a bit much for me, but he wasn't pushing all the way down, and I wasn't gagging, so I was starting to get used to the feeling of having my jaws and my lips stretched by that alien presence inside my muzzle.

In fact, once he got into a steady rhythm and I caught up with him, I could start giving him more pleasure. My paws slid experimentally over the backs of his thighs and then up to his ass, and I felt him out and he growled, and that made me feel good too, and I swirled my tongue around his cock on an outwards pull. Brock snorted and tilted his hips onto my touch so that I could better grope his hot ass. I felt it all around, that big ass' hot curve turning me on as much as the taste of salty pre on my tongue. I rubbed my pads over the curves and even along his crack, and played with his tail, but didn't dare to go under it because there was no knowing how this big, dominant dog would like that.

"Yeahhh...that's right, Jack...," he spoke to me, looking down at me with half-lidded eyes while he took me for his pleasure, fucking my muzzle while I felt him up. I felt his cock pulse in my maw, and I kept moving my paws, grabbing each of his ass cheeks and really squeezing them hard.

Brock suddenly yanked his cock out of my maw and it smacked against the side of my muzzle before flopping and bouncing heavily against his belly, leaving a stain of pre and spit onto his furs.

"You ready for another treat, doggy?" he breathed heavily to me, and I gave him a weak slack-jawed nod.

"Good wuff," he smirked and gave the top of my head a rub with his oversized paw before he slung his massive form away from me and knelt on the bed by me. Then Brock heaved himself up and over my once more, taking his earlier pose again, but this time in reverse. I still got an eyeful of his hanging, hot balls which I seriously wanted to try and taste, but I also saw the huge curves of his big ass right up front, not to mention his stub of a docked tail that stood upright and proud from the curve of the small of his back and left nothing for the imagination.

Right there in front of my eyes lay his puckered hole, and it was pink and wrinkled and tightly closed, snuggly hidden at the very base of his tail and between his thick ass cheeks. I could fell his musk and thankfully nothing else, because I had a hunch of what he wanted me to do.

I looked up questioningly and he glanced at me over his shoulder, his entire back rippling as he bent around from his waist and glared down to my, ears flattening.

"Go me some respect, doggy," he grunted.

I gave Brock another feeble nod and, taking a deep breath, grabbed his ass again, my fingertips tracing the heavy curves of his backside. My pads slid over the smooth, silky fur, and I had to spread my paws fully to get a good hold. Damn, those were so firm cheeks that I could barely move them to get better at his crack that was as smoothly furred as the rest of him, and lead from his big ball sack up to his hole...the place where he expected me to touch him. I took another whiff of him and rubbed his ass some more, and since I didn't detect anything nasty, just ball sweat and big doggie scent, I pushed my muzzle up and between his big rump cheeks.

The big dog poised above me growled at the feeling, and pushed his hips backwards at me, and I almost pulled away as my nosepad mashed against his tailbase, but I managed to stay put and gave his crack an experimental lick.

Brock was sweaty, and salty, but he was clean, and smooth, and as his grumbling intensified, my tongue was starting to slowly glide up and down between his big, round ass cheeks. I had no idea what this sex act was called, but he was liking it, and doing it wasn't half bad at all. He smelled warm and felt hot, and his scent and taste were making my cock throb heavily against my belly. I felt Brock's paws on my chest and he was bearing down on them a little, but it wasn't an unpleasant pressure in the least...only further telling that he was close here and playing with me as he wished, and I was a willing participant in this game.

Slowly I dared to extend my licking all the way up to his hole, and I felt him tense at the first tentative swipe over his pucker, but soon the Dobie has grunting and murring approvingly while I lapped all over his tailhole. It did have taste to it, but his general male musk was so strong here, under his tail, that I breathed him in greedily, and it was arousing me even more, and I felt myself throb painfully again as I caressed his ass cheeks and ate him out. My drool was flowing down his crack and against his ball sac and it also wet my chin that was pressed down to his ass, but neither of us cared. Brock was even rocking his hips a little and that movement made my tongue glide even more eagerly over his ass. This strange thing seemed to be making him really horny, too, since I could feel a couple of drops of pre drip over my belly and mix with my own, and the musk was heavy in the air even from where I was, and I opened my maw wide and attacked his muscle again, trying to make him as wet as possible so that my tongue could lap hotly all around his musky crack.

Brock wagged his tail and it hit my nosepad heavily, and I snuffled and kept going. I licked him like it was the best thing in the world I'd ever tasted, and he growled and rocked and then I gasped when I felt his paw close around my cock and squeeze it hard.

"Big puppy...,"...Brock uttered an gave me a few strokes with his huge paw, pumping more pre out of my cock.

"Mhmhmhmhmhmmmmrmhm!" , I replied, or so it must have sounded, spoken against his ass crack.

"Making me so fucking hot, fucking..."...he spoke, and then I suddenly felt him move away from me, and I felt his cock rub wetly against my chest and belly while the huge dog crawled over me, and I watched him and saw not much than his big ass and balls and dripping wet ass while he was on all fours over me and moving away. I gasped and swallowed and licked my lips and tried to relax my maw that felt a bit numb after doing all that licking.

The bed creaked as it no longer had to hold Brock's weight once he stood up, and I could admire his ass some more when he bent down. I heard a jingle of metal and then he was up again and facing me, holding something in his paws.

It was a fucking bottle of gun oil.

He smiled at me and cocked his head to the side, giving me a look with his tongue hanging out from his muzzle.

"Thought you'd want something familiar to go with it," he smirked, waving the bottle out.

"You gotta be fucking joking."

"No..I'm fucking but not joking," he replied, and the bed protested under his weight as the big Dobie knelt on the bed again. "Give me those pillows, will you?"

I moved to obey, handing him over the two, fluffy, slightly out of shape pillows. Brock took them and slapped my ass in a gesture to make me move. He jammed the pillows under the small of my back and I lay down there, my back flat on the bed, and my ass up, my legs slightly bent around the knees for stability. Brock was already between them, and the air was heavy with the smell of gun oil.

He had it on his paw and was rubbing it over his hard cock, fisting that long shaft and baring his teeth at the feeling. He was leering again as he showed me his cock, standing throbbing there. I wanted it in my maw again but I also wanted it somewhere else.

I flicked my tail.

Brock jammed a couple of oiled fingers against my tailhole and spread the goopy gun oil all over my taint and pucker. His huge paw wasn't being especially gentle with me, but he didn't aim to hurt me either, just showing me who was the boss here. His other paw slipped around my cock and gave it short, slow tugs while his horny eyes were all over me.

I hissed when his fingers prodded my pucker with insistent pressure, until those thick fingers actually pushed an inch or so within me. Brock's smile got even wider and I squeezed down on him.

"I think you're horny enough for this," he declared and withdrew his fingers. I felt his paws grab my ankles, and suddenly he was pushing my legs up, and my back arched and my knees almost touched my pecs when he put my legs up and over his shoulders. The big dog's muscles bulged as he took my weight up to him, but he didn't waver.

I felt his cocktip slide along my ass crack and over my balls until that blunt instrument hit my tailhole.

Brock leaned over my prone form and huffed against my face, making my nose fill with his scent again, his musk and his warmth taking a hold of me before he kissed me wetly and needfully. The big dog took me roughly with his lips and tongue, and as I panted into the kiss, his hips jammed forward and his cock pushed inside me.

My pucker might have been strong, but Brock was much stronger, and with mutual growling and snapping of teeth together the soldier pushed into me with hard, determined thrusts. He skewered me open on his dogmeat and I bit my lip when I felt his shaft pry open new depth with its meaty girth stretching my barely touched ring of muscle. It still hurt like hell and didn't really feel much like pleasure should, but it got better after his balls touched my ass and he wasn't moving anymore.

The dominant dog on top of me bit onto my shoulder, leaving a big wet mark there and an almost burning feeling from where his teeth pressed heavily against my flesh, but it also had the effect of distracting me from the pain in my ass. He had stretched me wide open and it did feel like that, but there was also this...feeling, deep within, again, that same sort of itching and then it wasn't, that was there simply because he was in me, maybe touching something in there that I didn't know of. Brock's knot was all swollen too, and pushed firmly against my slowly quivering tailhole.

We started to fuck as Brock rocked his hips and made a couple of inches of his cock slide inside my oiled ass. It still felt weird like it had felt on that first time, but the feeling of his hips meeting mine when he pushed back was a reassuring one. The bedspring screeched and the wooden frame groaned under the simple impelling drive of his hips against my ass. Brock soon had a rhythm going and his heavy ball sac slapped against my ass with each of his thrusts.

The Dobie soldier fucked me hard and fast, taking me like a bitch in heat, and probably I was feeling much better than any pussy he ever had. I was big and strong and could take everything he could give me, and he wasn't holding anything back while he pounded his cock back and forth inside the confines of my tail tunnel. Each thrust made that odd tingling inside my belly intensify, and it was growing in there, somewhere behind my belly button, and his relentless stroking made it feel better by the second. My cock was mashed between our bodies and his belly furs felt like silk while my cock slid wetly between his massive abs. I leaked like a broken tap, making the contact even more slick, and the air was filling with my musk as it mixed with the combination of Brock and standard issue gun oil to give the room a heady stench of rutting.

All suddenly, Brock slowed his thrusts, and for a while I thought that he was about to blow his load, and I wasn't surprised since I was already feeling quite ripe and ready myself, but instead he extracted his lips from mine and looked down to me, panting.

"I need to knot you, Jack...I want to...," he hissed between bared, clenched teeth, and I became hyperacute of that ball of veiny flesh that had been prodding against my tailhole with each of his thrusts.

"I dunno man...," I spoke to him weakly, not really at my best at the moment.

"Just let me...,"...he huffed, and I felt one of his paws leave my side, and I felt that touch again, the one I had felt the last time he did me, and when he had put his paw around his knot to hold it when he cummed inside my ass. I expected to feel his knuckles again, but instead I felt slick fingertips pressing against my muscle so much distended by his cock.

I looked up to him and a twinge of fear went through my even, for I knew it was probably gonna hurt like hell, but I found myself unable to say no. With that signal, Brock started to slowly hump into me again, but this time with his fingertips pressing against my muscle, slowly adding pressure with each of his thrusts. It was a completely strange feeling, that smooth shaft compared to those fingertips that were rubbing my violated hole through each of his thrusts. Small twinges of discomfort went through my ass again, nothing worse than the initial pain of entry, but still unpleasant, and I gave him a growl.

"Your ass is mine," Brock grunted and his paw was withdrawn, and I felt his knot against my pucker again, pushing firmly to it this time. He took a hold of my ass and hips from both sides and really started to hammer against me, his pace still relatively slow but his thrust came hard and heavy. He was drooling, too, and his tongue hang out of his maw and dripped spit all over my face. He continued to tenderize my meat with his, and with each thrust that giant knot tried to break through into me.

I gasped when he almost succeeded, and I felt my tailhole clamp down on his shaft, and on the upper edge of his knot.

Brock practically howled as he buried his maw against my shoulder and bit me hard, a searing pain spreading all over my arm and my chest. I threw my head back and clasped his ass, trying to will him to stay put.

Instead, the pain distracted me enough that my body relaxed and his cock slid all the way in me, knot and all.

He pressed a paw against my maw and silenced me so, keeping his own maw pushed against the throbbing shoulder he had bit down on so hard. He was all still, and his cock was inside me, and I burned on two places now, but I didn't care, since that odd tingling inside me had now become a fire.

Brock shifted his hips and his knot pulled against my tailhole that refused to let it go. He barked and shoved his hips forward again, and I was over the edge. Cussing and barking against his still holding paw, my cock throbbed and exploded three days' worth of watery, hot cum all over our bellies as my cock jumped between our bodies and made a huge mess.

Again I felt that add feeling inside me that came from having something up my ass when I cummed. My ass clamped down on his knot now firmly inside me, and the big Dobie grunted and started to cum, washing my insides with his own massive load. This time he started to thrust, moving only less than an inch of himself and out of me, constrained by the huge mass of his knot inside my tail tunnel ,as he plunged the cum deeper and deeper into my ass.

I felt its hot trickle over my ass cheeks as he marked me his own with his seed.

Brock lifted his head and looked down at me, and I looked up to him, feeling flushed, and my back was feeling kind of kinky after being bent over in half like this, and I felt his cock pulse inside me and spit some more cum within my bowels. I saw that his belly was stained with big gobs of cum from me that were slowly running down towards his sheath. The air around us smelled absolutely filthy and I was sure that the sheets were ruined for good.

Still, we both grinned, and he leaned down to give me a kiss.

"Goddamn doggie," Brock rumbled and flashed me his teeth again, catching one of my ears between them and nipping it.

I yelped.

"Watch it, Stahlman!" I grunted to him.

"At ease, Griggs," he winked down to me.

What a bastard, even in bed.


Thank you for reading my story.

Since you got this far, why not fav, comment, rate or anything you fancy? I was delighted of all the comments on the first installment and like to keep up a dialog with potential readers. Cheers!

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