Bent Over Behind the Barracks

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#1 of Bent Over Behind the Barracks

The story that started it all - the entanglement of two Dobie grunts in the 1960's, seeking meaning to their lives through joining the Army. Meet Jack Griggs, who wants to go to the college, and Brock Stahlman...who wants. Original Gruffy supercouple in the making. chuckle Enjoy! Now with fan cover art by Arakupa and a proper introduction!

2012 update: Fan art by avatar?user=3734&character=0&clevel=2 Arakupa

A standard disclaimer:

This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence. Also, by browsing this story you have done so by your own consent and wish to view such material. if you do not wish to view such material you should leave this site immediately.


Just a quickie this time for everyone out there to enjoy! If you like, please check out the other stories in my ever-growing repertoire of dirty furry smut. Cheers!

2013 update: Doubt I knew what I was thinking when I called this just a quickie. So glad that people out there never stopped enjoying! *chuckle* A few amendments have been now made to this true Gruffy classic!


I'm pacing behind the gym barracks.

The Moon shines high above the mountain vistas and the air is cold and makes my bare arms feel chilly as the cool night wind brushes against them. My olive green T-shirt offers me little protection from it, but my fatigue pants and heavy shoes fare somewhat better. The cool air also hits the chain of my dog tags around my neck and it feels like a cold strangulation for the brief moment it lasts.

I kick a couple of pebbles away and continue pacing. My Dobie frame bulges with each step I take, they are heavy steps that make large pawprints into the rugged gravel and sand. I hear a rumbling sound somewhere and lift my head up, ears perking up.

Out in the distance a Jeep is making its way down the road away from the base, the red lights on the back glowing like strange eyes in the dark as it disappears over a hill and out from sight, going beyond the barbed wire fences of the base.

And still I pace...clenching my big paws into fists and stuffing them into my pockets the best I can.

It's damn cold in here and I'm not sure why Brock wanted to meet here of all places. He should know how cold the night can be out here. Weren't these kind of things meant to happen in the toilets or the bathroom?

I laugh hollowly at the thought and feel my cheeks heat a little bit at the thought of what exactly happened in the laundry barracks during the day, when I had been loading yet another basketful of smelly army issue underwear into the big washing machine...

* private Brock Stahlman had been scavenging the steel shelf for an extra jug of Chlorox since he had been given the wonderful duty of scrubbing the laundry room floor for a week after reporting in ten minutes late from a leave once.

How we had joked that if I hadn't been fifteen minutes late from my own leave, I'd be doing his job and not the one even more laborious and boring, that being loading and unloading of the washing machines.

Brock had cursed a loud "fuck" under his breath and prodded me on my ass with the handle of the mop he wielded.

I flicked my tail and huffed and heaved my basket into the machine, catching a dark whiff of male musk and spunk and funk and all sorts of scents bringing nasty ideas, and as I set the basket down to the side, I felt another shove from that fucking mop, this time landing on the base of my tail.

I spun my big Dobie frame over and looked back at the fellow private who was leering at me, standing there with his bucket that smelled like a swimming pool gone wrong as well as that stupid mop and an even more stupid grin on his own Dobie muzzle.

"What the hell, you trying to FUCK me with that mop, Stahlman?" I snapped at him, flicking my ears menacingly at him and standing myself upright, showing him my bulging body and through that convey the fact that he ought not to mess up with me. After all, I can bench lift 240 pounds, easy. A 180-pound Dobie... I'd make him fly like a squirrel.

"Why, I thought you'd like that, Griggy-Griggs," that shit-grinning dog replied to me, tipping his cocky doggy head to the side and snuffled. His tail wagged behind him and he was obviously enjoying messing around with me.

"Shut the fuck up, Stahlman," I said. I turned around again to my work, half-expecting another prod from that mop to come at any moment while I dug in to the nasty laundry baskets.

"Hey, it's cool, Griggs," I heard him speak after a beat. "I mean, I know, even if you did like it, you know...don't ask, don't tell..."

He laughed at his own humor and I shrugged and huffed under my breath as I got into sorting out the latest offering of dirty clothes for the bank of washing machines. This one had obviously been loaded after the platoon in question had taken to the firing range since there was sand and other crap anywhere and oil stain and a definite stink of gunpowder and metal.

As I continued to work, I suddenly started to hear an odd sound over the loud whirring noise of the half a dozen washing machines running constantly. I turned around and saw that the stupid fuck of a dog had managed to only mop about ten square feet of the floor and was now standing there in an Elvis pose and wiggling his beefy hips and was using his mop as a microphone into which he was singing what sounded suspiciously like a very off-key rendition of "You Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog."

"Oh for motherfucking God!" I exclaimed at the stupid sight and he just winked at me and sent his hips into mad gyrations that I'm sure were meant to be super-sexy and just like Elvis Presley's, but he only managed to look like a bewildered rhino trying to play Twister.

"...crying all the time....AAAAOOOOUUWWWWWW!!!!!!!" and he threw his head back and howled and then he was using the mop as a guitar instead of a mic and as he swished it up to the pose to play some chords, he splashed me.

"Oh, fuck, man!" I yelled as the nasty concoction of water and chlorine slammed to the already wet front of my shirt and I dropped the basket that I had been working on.

I stomped over, glaring at him like mad and my ears were flat and I kicked his stupid motherfucking spunk bucket to the side as I slammed to him, my paws hitting his torso hard as I pushed the no-longer-smiling Dobie right against a loudly running dryer.

"What the fuck man!" he yelled, dropping his mop with surprise as I pinned him against that humming and whirling dryer, snarling at him and I must've looked like a rabid dog with thick drool dripping out between my bared teeth.

I changed my posture quickly, wide legs for leverage and I twisted my paw so that I was now pressing my arm against his chest and locking one of his arms and my other paw pinned his other arm down and he was immobilized by my big doggie soldier bulk and there was no way he could get out of that grip without fighting me, and after this shithead private Stahlman being a complete asshole and a prick at me for the whole of two months we'd known each other, I was pretty much ready to give him a good haul should he do anything else to trip me off.

Brock Stahlman bared his teeth at me and growled back at my snarling face and I yapped at him, clicking my teeth right in front of his muzzle while glaring at him ominously. I huffed and my nostrils flared as I got a big whiff of chlorine and washing detergent and male musk into my nose.

"Just stop being such a fuck ok?" I grumbled at him, still looking as much as a badass soldier Dobie that I could.

"Eh, fuck you Griggs, can't you take some horseplay?" he grumbled at me, still grinning despite the fact he was huffing at me between bared teeth.

"I'm not a fucking HORSE!" I yelled right at his face, tightening my hold on him briefly. I could feel his big, muscular body tense under me and I knew I was reaching the limit where he would be starting to hurt from my pressure on his neck, and for a while I considered pressing so hard that he wouldn't be able to breathe, but I held back for just now.

"Then just stop messing around," I grumbled at him, shaking my head at the Dobie I had cornered here for his stupid behavior.

I gave him my scariest look as I glared at him from inches away and let him know all that going on through my head. This was for all the stupid jokes he had made, and for the wedgies, and slapped towels in the showers, and for stealing my sheets and holding them up and yelling "I smell doggie cum!!!" while running down the corridor of the barracks and using the sheets as a cape.

"I won't," he rumbled and I prepared to give him another shove that'd likely leave him with bruises, and the growl was already rising in my throat when private shithead Stahlman muffled me with the only thing available to him.

His doggie lips were heavy on mine and he wasn't being gentle or inquisitive or anything of that, but it was a heavy Dobie maw against an equally heavy-set jaw and our canines must've clicked together when he held it and the air escaped my lungs in a sharp snort.

My body jolted with the electric feeling of those hot lips against mine. Our lips mashed together firmly and I stopped breathing altogether, even through my nose, when I felt those firm lips press against mine. His lips trembled with the force of the growl rising from his chest, and my big arms felt like lead as did my legs while I was poised there, still pressing to him, pushing him down with my body, and out bodies were pressed together while he kept his maw pressed to mine.

I should have pulled my head back and punch him in the face.

I should have called him names and curse at him and kick him down to the greasy floor.

Instead I found myself opening my maw, letting our lips start playing a heated game between them, while my paw slid down along his chest, and up his arm, and I was still pinning him, but now his heavy paw hit my back, and I growled at the feeling, but he wasn't trying to hit me, he was taking a hold of me over my shoulder, an embrace, I guess. His paw felt as heavy as everything in him, and I knew he felt good, and his lips tasted good too.

He tasted of coffee and sugar and fruit-flavored chewing gum. Cherry, maybe.

He also tasted like a man, and so much better than Rita, Annie, Carol, Kerrie or Janice or any of the girls I'd kissed at high school.

He was kissing me back and it was not a gentle lady kiss but a hot, fucking hot kiss from a big fucking Dobie I have pinned against a dryer in an army laundry barrack, and he's groping my back and my ass and my tail wags for that feeling. I wish I could smell him better but because of his earlier mop stunt I can only really smell the chlorine, but at least he feels damn good under me.

I know it's not supposed to feel that good.

His hot tongue rubbed against my lips and I gasped and growled for the feeling, and I opened the eyes I had closed for a while and saw him looking back at me with hard eyes, the type of eyes of a footballer just about to make his big run, or, I had seen the eyes of some of my friends back at high school looking at the girls when they'd prance around in their new miniskirts and silk stockings. He's looking at me like something he wants to fuck.

I realized as that tongue slipped between my lips and I sucked on it that I wanted to do just that with my tormentor, with Brock Stahlman of all furs.

My paw slipped down along his bod and between our tightly pressed-together bodies, coming to rest over a massive bulge on the front of his pants. The dog growls for my touch and presses his hips more firmly against my paw and I can clearly feel the outline of a big canine cock in there. I've never touched one besides mine and I think I drooled directly into his maw for the feeling.

I growled even more when his paw reached over and returned the favor for me, groping my own front heavily and sending shivers down my spine and making my tail wag behind me like mad - or whatever little I had in the way of a Dobie stump.

After a time I can't figure out how long it must've been I felt Brock push us apart. We were both panting hard and glaring at each other and we had hard cocks and we probably really didn't know what to say to each other, or so I thought. His eyes are heavy on me, full of many things, I'd imagine. Residual anger, surprise, shock, was all there.

"We can't do anything here," Brock told me, giving my shoulder a squeeze with the paw that was still resting there. "Can you get out of the barracks after lights-out? 2300 hours?"

I nodded at him, still too shocked to speak, and he now gave me another squeeze on another place, and that sent my blood boiling again. I nodded again, more enthusiastically this time, and he gave me another toothy grin, that shitfaced grin I knew so well and loathed.

"Great. I'll see you behind the gym then around 2300 hours, ok?"

"Okay...okay," I repeated in the way of a reply.

"Good wuffy," he spoke in that annoying voice of his and gave me a little shove with his paws again, stepping away from me and giving me a FUCKING wink as he sauntered away, walking with his beefcake hips at full swing and his docked tail pointing at me obscenely upright from the opening at the back of his pants like some tiny...

Ohhhhh fuckkkkkk...

Brock collected his abandoned mop and bucket from the floor and started to head for the door of the laundry shack.

"Hey, Stahlman, aren't you supposed to finish off the floor?" I called for him, glaring at him again.

"Looks washed enough for me," he said, giving the soaking wet floor a dismissive glance before he flicked an ear at me and disappeared through the door of the laundry room.



So there I was pacing in the cold moonlight, freezing my big doggie balls off while waiting for God knows what to happen. My mind swirled with images about the encounter that took place during the day and I'm not sure I know what I wanted to happen. I was hoping for another kiss, maybe, and felt blushing again and stupid for that because I'm a big, strong, 19-year-old Dobie who blushes for nobody! I'm a small town boy with big pecs and big arms and killer thighs that made me a great footballer, and even though I know I'm not the smartest boy in the world, I'm not stupid! I'm here at this shithole of a military base because my ma 'n pa aren't that rich and they can't put all their kids through to college.

Good luck to my big bro, worse luck for young Jack Griggs.

Well, by the looks of it, I was gonna be the black sheep of the family anyway. I was pretty damn sure that my big brother didn't' go around kissing other guys in musky laundry rooms. He wasn't queer...hell, I wasn't queer, can't be, queer people are those small, puny weirdoes who never even wanted to smell hot doggie pussy. Maybe they were really sissy enough that no girl wanted to look at them and get fucked by them.

A huge Dobie like me could never be queer, right?

So, what the hell, maybe it'll be like back when I was 14 and me and Bobby Robson were at the old swimming hole and laid down drying in the sun and got into talking about girls and then got hard and compared our cocks and balls and ended up pawing off together. We didn't even touch each other! I did get a little bit of his cum on my ankle when he shot but I washed it off for good.

Nothing queer about that.

That is, if that fucking Brock Stahlman would show up! I was pacing around here all alone and I was starting to feel like that maybe he had actually played a trick on me and just messed around with my mind. Maybe, when I went back, I would be caught by the guardsman and put into perpetual laundry duty. Maybe he would've gone over my things while I was away, or maybe he and the other guys at the barracks would've glued my sheets into my bed. Or some other childish crap like that.

I gave another glare up to the night sky and saw the multitude of stars and wondered how it was up there for that Air Force guy, Shepard or something, who had gone up there a few weeks back. He must have shat his pants, being tied into a rocket and going off like a nuclear missile up into the skies, but this time, with a fur inside. Fuck, I got an upset stomach already on the merry-go-around!

I was roused from my spaced out thoughts by the sound of pawsteps. Boots on gravel, it sounded like, and my ears perked again and I looked around in the near darkness, but didn't see anything. I stopped my pacing and waited nervously, trying to pick up the sound again, and there it was. Definitely heavy footsteps.

Then I saw a figure appear from round the corner of the building and for a second I already expected to get the telltale beam of light into my face that'd signal that a guard had found me and pointed his torch at me.

That, however, didn't happen, but the great dark form approached slowly, and I felt a jitter go through my back and my tail twitched as I watched the hulking apparition move closer. I thought to call out but didn't dare to make a sound, just...just in case I was wrong, and waited...waited...

I recognized him by smell before anything else. That familiar mixture of musk, a bit of sweat, a little bit of beef from his evening sandwich I'd imagine, and also, of steel and guns. Yup, he smelled like a soldier, and that unique blend belonged to private Brock Stahlman.

He stopped only a foot away from me and I could see his eyes now, and they gleamed in the dark and looked at me, and I felt his breath on my face. It felt even hotter than before, probably due to the cold, and I shivered again.

"Hey, wuff," he spoke.

I felt more than saw a paw rise, and suddenly that heavy limb was behind my neck and pulled out muzzles together in for a kiss again. That big soldier was certainly not wasting any more time, and I growled into the feeling of having his lips against mine once more, and reached with my own paw in the darkness to try and take a hold of him too, but he was faster than me. I felt his paw grasp my wrist, and he over there while his other paw splayed wide on my thick neck and it almost felt like a caress with those big pads pressed there so nicely.

I started to kiss him back as soon as I regained my bearings again, slipping my tongue experimentally between my lips again, and he caught it really soon, grunting with approval as he took it between his own lips and suckled. I could feel it brush against his teeth and the roof of his maw, and that suckle was going straight to my balls it seemed because my sheath suddenly felt itchy like hell, and I was swelling at record speed. I couldn't believe how easy it felt, how good he tasted while we swapped spit through that hot kiss.

I had made out with girls before, of course, but this was something different. My blood felt like it was on fire, and my cock was hard, and so was his, because I could feel it pressed against my belly and mashed between our strong abs between our bodies. He was a quivering pile of muscles, so much stronger and bigger than anything I had ever had so close to me and it was turning me on crazily. I knew I wanted to keep doing this for as long as we could, and fuck knows what else we could do, but right then, being kissed by Brock Stahlman was on the top of my "to do" - list.

I panted into our kiss when he growled and licked my lips before catching them with his again, and his paws were all over me now, rubbing over my back and between my shoulder blades, which felt good, and he was also squeezing my arm and going up and down that as well, feeling me up really good. He was so damn horny and I could smell it through all the other smells he had in his form, and that was a big turn-on for me too. He smelled like a big doggie, and I was one too, and it seemed just fine that we'd be doing this together, this...whatever it was called. A big dog game for two very big boys.

He growled at me and his paws held me closer to him, our bodies meeting firmly once more, and he still rubbed his paw heavily over me arm all the way up to my bicep, which he held in his huge paw so tightly that it almost hurt.

"You're so fucking hot, Jack...,"...he growled at me and licked my neck.


He lapped my neck like a lollipop and growled and I growled too, and we made a harmony together while he licked my throat.

"I want you FUCKING BAD...,"...he husked against my chest, breathing in my scent, I knew he was, through my green shirt.

Then I felt his paw on my side, and I was quickly spun around by him and pressed against the corrugated steel wall of the gym barracks, pretty hard, and I feel my forehead hit the cold metal and it makes a little sound, too as I do. I felt his breaths on the tingling back of my neck and his chest was pushed against my back, and he twisted my still-held arm behind my back and growled deeply.

"I won't hurt you wuffin...,"...he spoke to me and that made my knees feel a little bit weak as I felt his tongue lap over my skin at the back of my neck.

I know I should have been freaking out struggling away from this hold of his, but something in that voice, the tremble of his growl, those breaths and his drool dripping and wetting my shirt, or his heart pounding, or the fact that this treatment was making my cock strain inside my fatigues...

...something made me just lean my head against the wall and stay there, panting and huffing roughly while he handled me. Brock rubbed his pads over my wrist and once he saw that I wasn't about to move he took a hold of my other paw and brought it behind my back as well, bending my arm back like he did with my right one as well earlier. I felt his paw heavy over them and then heard an odd shuffle and a click. I turned my head to look back at what he was doing and he didn't stop me, but I did saw a glimpse of something metallic, and then I felt something being wrapped around my wrists.

"What...,"...I started to say, but he clicked his teeth together and another growl rose from his chest.

"Just stay put, Jack...,"...he rumbled in that deep voice to me, and I found myself unable to move again.

The lustily growling dog was doing something behind my back, and that thing, as I discovered in a few second, was that he was wrapping what must have been one the wide, thick leather gun straps around my wrists and arms, putting a few loops around my thick arms before securing them together with knots. I felt him yank at it and I had my paws pulled into wrists and tried moving them a bit and found out that Brock had tied my paw tightly behind my back and I could not move them at all.

I was bound by this dog, and I should have been fighting against him. This wasn't normal, this was something fucked up shit, he was gonna play something nasty with me, this was an error, a joke, a punishment for the kiss incident, had to be...soon there'd be people everywhere here, everyone from the base leering at me and making nasty jokes at the stupid queer dog who got fooled big time.

Brock moved behind me again, splaying his hips as he pushed them firmly against my ass, and I felt his bulge press against my ass and my lower back just next to my stubby tail that gave another involuntary switch at that alien feeling, and his body seemed to be molding right into mine as he leaned forward and his chest met my back and his arms came around me and his rock-hard abs pressed against the knuckles of my bound fists. He was breathing heavily and I felt his forehead press to the back of my head while he lapped my neck and kissed it and rumbled words under his breath I couldn't make out, but I did feel their tremble and I felt each of his breaths. He was making me feel so hot and powerless but also powerful at the same body felt alive. My muscles were all hard and flexing and tensing rhythmically with my own breaths and by my slightly hunched pose. I realized I had leaned down a bit more and pushed my legs back so that he could hold onto me like he wanted to, since he was shorter than I was by some inches.

I WANTED him to hold me like that.

I wanted to feel those huge paws rubbing all over my pecs and squeezing and groping them like they were doing right now while I was helplessly bound there by his body and his smell and that hard cock rubbing against my back and by that leather strap from a rifle.

I shivered while the Dobie kissed along the back of my neck now, licking and slobbering and making lewd noises while he made out with me the wrong way around! He went up to the top of my head, even, and licked there, and then proceeded to nip each of my ears, which made then flick back and feel tinglish and hot.

"Wanted to do this since I saw you first time in the showers...,"...he hissed into my ear and licked it again, tracing its edge with that hot, slick tongue."...your hot ass body..."

I moaned deep in my throat and it came out sounding almost like a whine, and my eyes clenched tightly shut from the feeling. His big paw was now tracing over my abs, rubbing around them in circles, and then he began to play with my cock through my pants again, giving it hard squeezes that made my hot meat throb and spit pre inside my underwear. All the while he was slowly humping me, his hips and cock making a weird, hot friction against my ass. I couldn't believe how he was making me feel, all hot and weak and everything and stuff at the same time.

His teeth scraped my neck and I growled out his name. He growled mine back, and it sounded both like a curse and a blessing at the same time.

"I wanna cornhole you," I heard the big Dobie growl behind me as he ground his hips against my rump again and again. I tensed big time hearing those words, but then he just again nipped my neck and the tension that had been rising in me somehow got deflated and I knew I would let him do exactly as he pleased with my body.

I didn't even manage to speak to him, I just groaned and pushed myself backwards to meet his humping motion, and I felt his straining cock press hotly against me, throbbing wildly.

Then his body was gone and I felt the night air even colder than before on my sweaty back, when h moved away from me. I whined and turned back to look at him with what must have been miserable puppy dog eyes, and saw him standing there, opening his fly. I heard heavy fingers fiddle with his buttons until he managed to untie then, and then his pants went down, and then his underwear, and even in the moonlight I saw his big, dark, fucking huge Dobie cock, standing proudly and pointing upwards. It had a big blunt tip and an even knot near the base, and he smelled of dog musk and cum and just male.

As I watched I saw him reach with a paw and give himself a couple of strokes over his hot length, squeezing at himself and almost barking with pleasure as he played with himself. I saw him look back at me and he made that annoyingly cocky wink back at me again.

Brock didn't stay like that for long, though. He shuffled back to me, pants around his ankles, and hooked a paw around my side and my belly and reached down to untie my pants, too. I couldn't do anything except stand there shivering from cold and excitement as I felt the big god of a dog pull my pants and undies down until I stood there similarly to his condition, with a big cock sprung free from its sheath and with pants around my ankles.

The only difference between us was that I was poised so vulnerably and he stood behind me with clear intentions. He was going to cornhole me, stick that massive dog bone up my virgin tailhole. He wanted to use it like all the guys wanted to use some hot pussy. They wanted to ride it and breed it and tie their bitches with their puppymakers and shoot lots of milk into their hot depths.

He was gonna use it on me.

I felt his paw slap against my ass cheek and stay there, and I yelped a little, and he groped my ass with that heavy paw, kneading the big muscle there and making it tense. I felt him shift and when I looked back again once again with desperation, I saw that he was fishing something out of his pocket, and then an odd slurping sound when he was apparently squeezing something into his other paw.

The familiar smell of gun oil filled the night air and I realized that he was going to do me with the help of gun oil. He was already rubbing that greasy paw all over his hot member, spreading that strong-smelling goo all over himself, making that cock look even more darker and imposing in the dark.

He didn't stop staring at me when he moved closer and pushed that slick paw to the crack of my ass and spread the sticky stuff around. It felt cold against my hot skin and matted my furs down there, and I hissed when I felt those pawfingers touch somewhere where I'd probably never touched myself, my tailhole, and now this big Doberman whom I used to hate only a few hours before was smearing gun oil into my secret pucker. My tail stump batted him on the wrist and I heard him actually chuckle, deep and throatily, and I felt those slick fingers prod against my tailhole.

I grunted and tensed at the feeling, but he was insisting, rubbing that grease over my hole and spreading it all over my ass crack. He also pushed the fingertips against my hole again and I felt my muscle tense under that touch. He didn't give up though, instead keeping pushing against them a few more times before he grunted and I felt the touch leave me.

"Remember to stay quiet wuffin," I heard him speak in a rough voice again, and his body was close to me, moving with quiet precision, as he leaned to nuzzle between my shoulders.

I felt liquid heat gather in the pit of my belly as one of his paws grasped my ass cheek and spread me.

I pressed my forehead against the cold metal of the barrack wall when a slick, blunt cocktip nestled between my ass cheeks just below my hole.

I didn't holler when I felt his hips move forward and jam that cocktip against my tailhole.

I bit my teeth down as I felt it slip and go upwards, slapping against my tail and smearing it with gun oil.

Brock cursed under his breath and took a new aim, this time pushing his cock directly against my pucker and moving his hips.

The Dobie behind me hissed as his red, hot skin made contact with my pink, sloppy opening. It felt like a hot iron poker down there, pressing into my flesh, and then I felt both of his paws on my hips and he thrust against me.

Using both his flexing hips for thrusting and his paws on my hips, Brock Stahlman speared me on the first two inches of his cock. That very same cock he had fondled in the showers through his sheath and joked about how it had made a lot of girls scream back in high school.

Now Brock's bitch buster wasn't going into a pussy but private Grigg's ass, that being my very own ass, and it was hurting like hell. It felt like I was trying to shit out a beer bottle, but in reverse.

I grunted and wanted to howl out in pain and ask Brock to pull it out, but my legs felt paralyzed, maybe because of the cock that seemed to be jammed up to my spine inside me.

Brock grasped my hips again and began to slowly apply more force with his hips, grunting and huffing loudly while he took me up the tail. His cock kept spearing me over and over again and I just tired to ride it out to the best of my ability, biting my lip and hoping I didn't wail and alert anyone to come over, since that'd be the end of my life in the army, and in general, probably.

Nobody came over, but Brock put his bone inside me, letting out a satisfied huff when his hips pressed to mine. I barely noticed that though, since I was more concentrated to the hot pain in my ass and the feel of his hefty balls pressing against mine, making warm contact.

I was taken.


Put on a spit by the big private behind me. I had a big cock in me, I had balls against mine, I felt his log-like thighs meet my own. Our bodies were fully together, a fusion of two doggies.

Brock growled dominantly behind me, asserting his new ownership of my Dobie ass with his sounds and his teeth nipping at my neck while his paws came to rest over my hard pecs again as he held onto me. I felt his cock pulse inside me and my tail canal was squeezing all around him, and it felt strange and I was full, and I was still hurting, but it was also making my cock pulse hotly between my thighs and it was dripping pre down to the gravel underneath me. Each of those odd twitches inside me made this strange feeling go through my balls and my belly, like something was being twisted but I didn't know what it was.

The dog behind me started moving soon enough, sliding a few inches of his cock out from my tail before he pushed it right in, grounding his hips against my ass cheeks wit the movement. He repeated that immediately, and then again, and each time he pushed his hips against mine hard, so firmly that it made air escape from my lungs in loud grunts.

He fucked me soundly, setting up a hot rhythm as his cock slid in and out of me smoothly, lubed by the gun oil appropriated for this lewd purpose. Our big bodies made heavy, lewd, smacking sounds as we came together over and over again. He was fucking me hard and fast, taking that cock out and pushing it right in until that huge knot slammed against the stretched ring of my tailhole. It felt almost like he was knocking on my pucker with that fleshy thing and I was afraid it might even slip in when I felt it prod me especially hard during Brock's really hard thrusts. I doubted I could take something so large into my virgin tail, but he seemed to be trying to accomplish just that with his hard, continuous thrusts.

"Ohhh...fuck..,"...I grumbled unintelligently while he pounded my ass with all of his strength, all that pent-up lust that had built up in this soldier dog's body even despite what must have been nightly pawing-off sessions. Our bodies must have been steaming from all the heat we were generating with our fucking, I felt sweaty and hot all over, and the burning in my tail had subsided to become a hot itching instead, deep within me.

It felt like his cocktip was hitting my belly button with each of his deep thrusts. Each of those shoves squeezed more pre out of my cock, and to my amazement I was feeling my orgasm building up, and I told Brock as much.

"Fuck I'm gonna cummmm....,"... I grunted between huffed breaths, punctuated by thrusts from Brock's cock in my tail.

He never missed a thrusts through all that happened, he simply moved paw down and squeezed my knot hard in his grasp. I almost wailed at the feeling of that hot pressure, and my pleasure peaked in a mad rush of heat throughout me as I cummed wildly. My tailhole spasmed around his still pounding cock while he massaged my knot and through that helped me put a giant load down to the messy ground below me. More and more of hot white cum spewed out of me, impelled by the Dobie's thrusts inside my ass, and it felt unlike any orgasm I ever had before, probably due to the fact that I had never cummed with a giant cock inside me.

That hard dogbone was still seesawing in and out of my tender ass, and judging by his sounds, Brock was close to cumming, too, since he was growling almost constantly against my neck. He didn't have to tell me that he was, but then I felt his paw leave my knot, and suddenly I felt its presence completely elsewhere, as I felt Brock's knuckles press against my tailhole on both sides of his thick shaft.

I realized he was resorting to an old pawing-off trick, that being the simulated knotting by grasping it with your paw just when you were about to cum so that it'd feel like you were tying a bitch, and right now I was his bitch, and I felt his thighs slam to mine as his teeth pressed to my neck again when he groaned and then his hot cum was pumping into my tail with each hot throb of that cock.

Brock clung onto me strongly, keeping his hips still while his cock kept up its twitching and pumping inside my ass. I could smell it mixing with the musk of my own cum, and felt it too as I became filled to the limit and his cum escaped me, making a hot, spunky trail down from my tailhole and against my balls. I was being marked with his cum, marked as his...that I had been taken, fucked, held and bred by this big Dobie.

He stayed on the mount for some time, huffing obscenely against my neck and cussing under his breath, before I felt him slowly withdraw from me, and another stream of cum dripped out of my violated ass before my muscle had time to close shut and pucker up again. I felt spunk on my thigh, and I felt sloppy and my tailhole was itching like mad, and so was my still hard knot. I smelled or rut and sex and musk and he must have been no less funky for it.

Brock gave me a heavy slap on my ass once more before he stood back from me, grinning at me.

"Next time we got leave, we'll do this on some nicer place," he spoke in his low, almost barking voice as he bent over to reach for his pockets again. I saw something pearly white in the darkness and realizes that he was pulling out tissues from his pocket and using them to clean himself up of his cum and the oil and me.

I gave him a weak smile and a snuffle.

"Good doggie," me murmured, giving my ass another pat with his paw as he reached to untie my paws and remove that strap.

"Thanks," I said to him for no reason in particular among the many I could thank him for, and rubbed my wrists to get the blood running to them properly. He offered me a couple of tissues too and I started to clean myself up a bit when he was already pulling up his pants to hide his wilting erection.

"Anytime, doggie," he smirked at me. "See you tomorrow on laundry duty."

There it was, another of those damn nasty winks, and then he left me to wallow in my spunk and musk and with my sore tail, while private Stahlman whistled some military march as he disappeared into the moonlit night.


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