Endurance Research - Charizard and Lucario TFs

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A little TF I did with my bro :Thronezweiicon: based on this lovely TF piece by :NSFWDeficon: : https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51145000/

We changed it slightly so I could go with shiny 'Zard colors, but hey, it was a damn good pic and we wanted to do something for it :)Pokémon (C) Pokémon/Nintendo

Posted using PostyBirb

"So, where did you hear about this lab?"

Alex raised an eyebrow as he looked at Peter as the pair of them walked inside of the building. The drive had been a rather long one, way out in the countryside, but it hadn't taken his friend much convincing to come with. The idea had sounded massively intriguing, even if it felt like there were something being left out.

"I remember reading up about it when I was trying to look into anywhere that might be hiring for a simple job - with everything going on right now, it wouldn't hurt too much to get an extra bit of cash in here and there, would it?" Peter responded to his friend.

"Nah, never a bad thing to get some more cash. Just seemed a bit unusual... dunno why." He shrugged and chuckled a little as they began to walk up to the front desk, looking around. There were a lot of doors behind that, and from how thick they were, it made Alex wonder why they were so heavy. And soundproofed.

"Eh, I'm sure they've got their reasons for doing this - with these kinds of things, you never know if someone's trying to spy on anyone to steal their secrets!" Peter tried to apply some reasoning. "Granted, I still don't quite know what this is, but hey, better to be safe than sorry!" He added, approaching the receptionist at the desk.

"Are you two gentlemen Peter and Alex, by any chance?" She smiled in the bright, if slightly forced manner of someone doing a public-facing position, and Alex would nod in return. "Yep! I'm Alex, and this is Peter."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both!" She nodded. "Both of you came to apply for the special research trial that we're currently doing, right?"

"That we are! Any idea what it's about?"

"I'm afraid that I myself can't diverge too much information about that, but you'll find out about it soon enough from our researchers!" She told them.

"Alright... any forms or whatnot that we need to sign?"

"Ah, right, yes. You'll need to look these over." She handed them both clipboards with a few densely packed forms on them, mostly typical releases of responsibility and the like, agreements to confidentiality and more.

"Man, there is a LOT to read over here..." Peter said, carefully going over everything - this wasn't like the standard EULA you'd just blindly accept when registering for certain services, after all, but so far, he didn't see anything that looked overly suspicious.

"Yyyyeah... but I think we'll be fine." Alex continued to scan over it, also not finding anything too unusual aside from the mention of "changes to genetic structure" which drew some confusion from him.

"Changes to our genes? There's no radiation, is there?"

"Not at all! Anything in that regard will be done and observed with the utmost safety, but again, that's all I can tell you right now!" She answered Alex.

"I believe that's perfectly fine, then." Peter finished reading over the last of the papers, putting his signature at the bottom of the page.

"Sounds good to me!" He nodded and finished signing his own name to the paper, and after the pair had handed them to the receptionist, she smiled brightly and nodded. "If you two will just follow me then, we'll get you to the assigned testing chamber."

The two friends followed behind the receptionist as she guided them to their chamber. Along the way, they passed through several other chambers, many of them empty but displaying complex machinery, whilst some had staff working on projects, the occasional chamber having an applicant or two waiting in them.

Eventually they were led into a room similar to the ones they'd passed, with a doctor, or at least what the duo assumed to be a doctor, waiting for them. The machines inside were complex looking, but all kept towards the walls. The room itself was clean looking and surprisingly soft.

"Ah, Peter and Alex, I assume?"

"That would be us!" Peter said warmly, the two of them stepping into the room. "Can't say I've ever really stepped into a lab this organised before, normally you see them and it's like total chaos to say the least!"

"Mmm, well, the chaos does happen. Just in different ways than you're expecting, I imagine. Anyhow, it didn't take us long to concoct the therapy you'll be testing out." With a motion, a lab assistant brought forth two test tubes, one full of a black liquid, and the other blue. "Mr. Alex, the blue one is yours. And as it stands to reason, the black one is yours. They should taste a bit less like medicine now."

"Now?" Peter cocked his head, looking at the vial of black liquid. "The way you say that, makes it sound like that it either tasted that way to begin with, or it tasted really foul at first!" He picked it up carefully. "What is this for, anyway?"

"Physical enhancements. Stronger muscles, more stamina, better endurance, more restful sleep, that sort of thing." Alex looked sceptical as he took the vial and gently swished it around inside. There was something evasive about the man's answer, but it did explain the litany of health questions they'd answered.

"I see..." Peter hesitantly sniffed at the contents of the vial, seeing if he could pick up any sort of scent from it. "And there's nothing dangerous about any of this, right? There's no risk of this stuff killing us?"

"Absolutely not. We have trauma teams on standby in case, but in the dozens of times we've administered this, there's not been an adverse reaction yet. You will experience some unusual sensations as your bodies alter themselves, but you will not feel any pain."

Neither of the liquids smelled of much more than fruit, grape in Peter's case and something akin to a berry flavour for Alex. He looked over at Peter and shrugged.

"Be a shame if we came all this way for nothing."

"True, true." Peter responded, taking a deep breath as he downed his vial, consuming it swiftly in a couple of gulps, placing the empty vial down afterwards. "Huh... it actually tasted a little better than what I was expecting."

"My compliments to whomever made this!" Alex chuckled after the initial sip was much better than he'd expected. It was only a few moments later when he began to sweat, gripping his chest a bit as his pants almost immediately tented, the same happening to Peter, his cock ragingly hard.

"Hrrfff...why am I so horrrnyyyy?"

"I... I really don't know..." Peter huffed, noticing the obscene bulge in his shorts. He looked over at Alex, noticing something was protruding out against his shirt, his hands twitching as black fur began to sprout across them, the nails on his fingertips growing out into sharp claws whilst the palms of his hands puffed outwards.

Alex looked back over at Peter, watching as his nails soon sprouted into sharp claws, hands growing larger as his skin hardened into glossy black scales, his lower arms surging with powerful muscles, which was steadily creeping upwards. A huge wet patch appeared in Peter's shorts as he came hard, his balls emptying themselves of his seed.

"Hrrff...ccarrr... we're changing..."

"Ghh.. zzzaarr... changing.. Into what?" Peter asked, nearly going weak at the knees as he ejaculated, catching himself against the nearby table. The black fur crept its way up Alex's wrists, transitioning to a deep blue that travelled along the rest of his arms, his bicep muscles bulging as they gained additional mass. Alex was nearly knocked off of his feet as he too came violently, some of his seed seeping through the fabric.

"Aaarrrrio... into Pokémon... ffffuccckk... I feel so GOOD..." He huffed, grabbing at his crotch as he braced himself against something, the scientist and assistant having moved out of the splash zone. Peter's biceps surged with draconic strength as his shoulders widened, his pants pushing out from the rear as a bulge appeared there.

"Chhaaarrrr..." He growled, thrusting against the table as his claws gripped it harder. "I've never felt so horny in my life... I LOVE it..." He smirked, looking over at Alex. The bulge on his chest protruded further until it tore through his shirt, a solid metal spike jutting out between his pectorals, a pair of similar-yet-smaller growths emerging from the back of his hands. Rings of black fur spread around his shoulders, his biceps swelling further, tearing the sleeves of his shirt whilst creamy yellow fur began to work its way across his torso.

"Llluuuuccccc... you want to test out our...aaarrrioo... strength and endurance~?" He chuckled crudely and watched, licking his lips, as Peter's pectorals surged and swelled with thick, powerful muscles, covered in those beautiful looking scales. His shirt was in absolute tatters as he was growing taller. His abs pulled into a powerful looking eight-pack. But his attention was fixed more below his belt. As they watched, Peter's balls swelled to the size of large grapefruit and tore through his pants and undergarments, covered in black scales. And then, his cock rapidly and sensually gained girth and length as it turned black, ridges lining the underside as it came to a draconic point. Then with a pleasurable wet sound, split into a second oozing shaft. "Ohhhfffuuuccckkkkk..." Peter's eyes rolled back into his head as his burning lust intensified, the extra testosterone hammering his brain. He needed to fuck. To breed.

"CHHAARRRR!!" He snarled, the table nearly buckling as his grip on it tightened. "Grrhgh... right now..." He stared deep into his friend's eyes, hungrily licking his lips. "I need to go to town on something, and that ass of yours is sorely tempting..." He huffed, the urge to breed growing harder to resist by the second. Alex's clothing grew tighter as he surged in size, his pectorals and abdominal muscles being sculpted and empowered by invisible hands. The shirt split open, revealing his chiselled, rock-hard muscles, a belt of black fur lining his waist, the blue fur resuming its journey whilst another bump formed, this time in the back of his pants.

"Llluuccccarrrrioooo..fffuuckkkkin' do it... use those spears on me!" Peter's ass soon packed on fat and muscle as it swelled into an impressively muscular shape. Every change caused more testosterone to course through his body, to the point where he could hardly think of anything else but fucking Alex. Above his ass, his spine extended out into a long, thick draconic tail as a flame ignited at the tip, burning fiercely. Alex smirked and wiggled his ass to further inflame the changing dragon's passions, moaning as he humped against the equipment he was leaning on. "Ghrrrhh... so fucking HORNY... NEED TO BRRRREEDDDD...!" He growled./

"Then what are you waiting for?" Alex continued to wriggle his ass about, the seat of his pants splitting open, giving way to a long, blue, canine tail, swaying from side to side. With his ass exposed, Peter charged forwards, driving one of his twin spires deep into Alex's rump, the other thrusting against his balls. The changing human let out a low yelp as this happened, the muscles in his legs ballooning in size, the thick fur only highlighting them further whilst his rear packed on additional padding to really highlight it, a burning sensation filling his loins.

"Rrrhhhh...yyyyrrrresssssss....llluucccarrrriiii~!" Alex moaned and huffed as he was penetrated, feeling the Charizard's other cock rubbing against his balls driving him even wilder as his own mind was being flooded with the need to fuck and breed. Peter's legs grew thick and long with powerful muscles as he continued to hammer the Lucario he had pinned. His feet soon bursting out of his shoes as they all but caught flame from his lust, sharp claws sprouting from his toes as a few merged, leaving him with three on either foot. A pair of bulges could be seen at his shoulders. Every grunt, growl and moan from Alex urged Peter onwards, like music to his ears.

Peter's clawed hands stroked along Alex's thighs, squeezing them as his friend's cock throbbed and ached, the foreskin pulling back to form into a sheath. His balls churned and gurgled loudly, swelling in size to match his increasingly draconic partner's girth. He felt a mini-orgasm hit him as the head reshaped itself into a point, the base plumping out into a wide, fleshy knot. Whilst it grew, Peter moved a hand to grip it, giving it a firm squeeze before pumping it up and down, keeping in rhythm with his thrusting. All the while, pitch-black fur grew in from his knees downwards, his feet clicking and popping as they stretched, swelling inside of his shoes, the toes merging within the confines.

"D-don't...llluccccar...ssssstoppp...fffuuuuccckkkkk!" His eyes would roll back into his head for a moment as Peter began to stroke him off on top of the humping, constant spurts of pre and his own mini orgasm splattering against the floor. A pair of broad, powerful wings would sprout from Peter's back, soon folding against his back. The smell of rampant sex almost threatened to drown Peter's mind out totally, it felt so fucking good. His neck would start growing scales.

"FFFUCCCKKKK...sssooo tiiiigghhhtttt..."

"Cccaaarrrr..." He moaned, thrusting harder into Peter's claws. His shoes tried to contain his growing feet, but they soon succumbed, splitting apart to reveal three large, clawed toes, the soles of his feet gaining plush pads. His canine paws tapped against the floor, his own changes reaching their climax as he continued to buck against his friend, the fur creeping up his neck.

"Zzzaaardddd..." Peter growled as he felt his hair falling out, a pair of horns sprouting from his head, face pushing out into a powerful and handsome looking draconic muzzle full of sharp teeth, eyes glowing red as his pupils pulled into slits. His teeth sharpened into vicious looking fangs as his tongue forked a bit. His humanity was all but gone, replaced by a buff, lusty Charizard who was about to blow one hell of a load. Human speech was impossible for the moment, but the scientists knew they'd come to their senses.

"Luu... luuucarrrrioooo..." Alex, similarly enough, was also having a hard time getting words out, his mind running on pure instinct right now. His hair grew longer, bunching together into a set of aura sensors that dangled behind his head, his ears moving to sit atop his head whilst growing into large points, blue fur working its way over his face, strips of black fur growing around his eyes and upper head, as if forming a mask around them. A snarl left his mouth whilst it pushed forwards, elongating into a broad, bestial muzzle, teeth growing into sharpened fangs, tongue elongating to better fit his new maw. The changes ended with his eyes moving to the sides of his head, turning a bright red, pupils pulling into thin slits. Where Alex had been a few moments ago, a muscular, horny Lucario stood in his place, still bent over the table by the dominating dragon.

The transformed pair would keep thrusting, growling, moaning and indulging in their lusts for what seemed like hours before Peter could feel his cocks pulsing more and more intently as he prepared to blow his load. Hissing in pleasure, he tilted his head back and roared loudly enough to shake the room and came hard into Alex's plush, furred rump.


"Hhhh.. hhahah... Lu... Luuuu... ca...ca... carrr..... LLLUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Alex howled at the top of his lungs as he came hard, his cock twitching in Peter's hand, spurting like a fountain. Peter's free cock also gushed in a similar fashion, a thick pool of cum gathering around their feet.

"Hhrrhhh... fuuuccckk... this was well worth the trip..." Alex huffed deeply as rationality gradually came back into his mind, though he could still feel that intense libido throbbing deep inside of him, as could Peter. He didn't even need to look in a mirror to know that he looked like a Poké-God amongst men as did his friend. "You look fucking good as a Charizard..."

"Rrgghh... hehe, tell me about it..." Peter chuckled, his legs still a little bit wobbly from the force of his powerful orgasm. "And you look damn fine as a Lucario as well, such a fucking stud~"

"Rrrff... why, thank you... once we get out of here, we'll have to tell our friends all about this place, unless we can change others...?" He looked over at the scientist who gave a nod to confirm Alex's suspicions before tapping a headset he had on and speaking into it. "The experiment worked... call in the next pair... you two can either go right now, or stay for a bit and indulge a bit more."

"Chaaarr... if you don't mind, I'd like to stay just a little bit longer - I don't think I'm quite done with my friend just yet, plus this way we can give the new subjects a taste of what's to come!" Peter said with a sly grin, a small plume of flame flickering through his fangs.

"By all means, you're more than welcome to!" The scientist chuckled.

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