No Touching - Giant Crocodile (Deinosuchus) TF

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A little story that I did to tie in with the lovely TF sketch I got from MoonAndWolf recently: Hope ya like it!

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"Man... can't say I've ever been through one of these places at night before... then again, I don't think I've ever SEEN one of these places open at night before!" Peter chuckled to himself as he walked slowly through the seemingly empty museum, taking a look at all of the exhibits. Now the winter season had passed (although some of the cold weather was still lingering on), it felt like the right time to start making a few night-time trips every now and then, and not just to places like the cinema. Granted, in some aspects, that was easier said than done, given where he lived didn't have that much outside of some local heritage attractions, so it would require him to make a few trips outside of town every now and then, but it was still something he was up for. His latest trip had brought him to where he was now, a place that was being touted as a museum/zoo, which was, allegedly, open twenty-four hours a day. The way that he was the only person walking around in there as of this moment, you'd understandably be mistaken for thinking that he had broken into the place. Then again, this was being advertised as having recently opened, so maybe word-of-mouth had yet to kick in.

"I'm half expecting one of these things to come alive and jump me!" He joked, passing by a few models of people wielding swords or primitive spears. Even some of the model animals looked like they could end up pouncing out of nowhere. Despite that, there was no odd feeling like he was being watched, no feeling of anything magical - maybe he had watched Night at the Museum too many times. Still, walking around in a quiet environment did at least give him the chance to be alone with his thoughts, and even allowed him to admire the displays in peace. Hell, it was nice that he didn't have to go around with a mask on for once, given how busy these places normally would be.

"I wonder where the zoo part of this place is, anyway?" He pondered aloud, stopping at the exit to the current exhibit as he took a moment to check out the map - despite the places advertising, he had yet to see one real animal. "Maybe they're with the more modern exhibits, or maybe they're somewhere outside?" He looked over it - the map did make mentions to it, but declined to show any locations. "Eh, I'm sure I'll find them in due time. Anyway, what's next?"

He passed through the connecting hallway, soon walking into a vast, open room that was filled with towering skeletons and models of long-extinct creatures. A sign reading 'Dinosaurs and Ancient Beasts' was proudly on display near the doorway.

"Heh, I guess this is probably my kind of room!" Peter smirked, taking a few steps in to see what was in store. He spotted another sign close to one of the displays.

'All the fossils on display have been lovingly restored, and all the models have been recreated using references that are as accurate as possible. We know that the creations on display look lifelike, and your brain might trick you into thinking they're real, so please, look but don't touch! ;)'

"Lifelike is right... these all look like they've come off of a movie set or something!" He whistled, looking at the massive T-Rex that loomed over him, and the Pteranodon that hung from the ceiling, swaying ever so gently in place. "I wonder how much all this must have cost the place, because I can't imagine that any of these came cheap!"

He continued to wander around the dinosaur section for a little while, taking in all of the typical land and air-dwelling critters before slowly making his way to where the sea-dwelling denizens were. From what he could see, the typical stuff was on display - a pair of mosasaurus skeletons, alongside a skeleton and recreation of a megalodon. There wasn't as big a collection of critters as there were in the other sections, but it was still a fun thing to check out, even if none of them were particularly eye-catching to him. He was about to move onto the next area when something caught his interest.

"Hrm?" His gaze turned towards the recreation of a giant, crocodilian creature, sitting next to an equally giant skeleton. He walked up to the model, looking at the information that was laid out in front of it. "Deinosuchus..." He read, looking at it - both the skeleton and the model were several times his size. He was sure that even if they were resting on the floor and not atop a display unit, they'd still be dwarfing him. "I don't think I'd ever wanna come across one of these guys in the middle of a sewer, or in a lake for that fact!" He chuckled at that thought - the sheer size of it made it look like it was something out of a monster movie, or a typical creature feature, and he could easily recall a few films with giant crocodiles and alligators.

"I wonder..." He took a look around, just to double-check that he was alone. With that confirmed, he leant in a little bit closer, placing his hand on the front paw of the model. "Damn, that's impressive!" He giggled, surprised at just how lifelike it felt, alongside just how small his hand was in comparison to the claws. "Whoever made you did a bang-up job!" He removed his hand from it, making sure no marks were left on it before deciding to move on.

"Now then, let's see if I can actually find this zoo they were talking about!" He made his way back through to the main part of the dinosaur exhibit, given the room he was in didn't lead to anywhere else, which probably explained whilst that part of the exhibit was so small. He rested his hand against the directory sign by the door, and paused for a moment - was the sigh a little lower down than it was a moment ago? He shrugged it off and continued to wander around the place.

"Gotta be around here somewhere, surely..." He pondered, passing by all the skeletons again. "I mean why advertise it if there's no sign of it anywhere?" Peter added as he tugged at his shirt - for some reason, it felt oddly tighter against him. "I'm sure it'll show up if I keep searching!"

He continued walking, tugging once again at his shirt, feeling it get tighter still. His trousers were also feeling unusually snug as well, and he took a moment to try to figure out why they felt so tight. His stomach was slightly visible, his round belly exposed. "Did I hit a growth spurt or something?" He wondered, looking at his stomach, placing his hand on it. Not only did it feel a little larger, it felt oddly... leathery.

"This... can't be normal..." He continued to walk once again, finding that the tightness in his trousers also wasn't helping matters much - his legs appeared to be bulkier, his crotch highlighted against the front of them. He had to pause after a few more steps, the fabric becoming so constricting that it was now hindering his movement, leaning against one of the pillars near a display. From what he could tell, he must have gained another two feet in height, and it didn't seem like it was about to slow down any time soon.

"Gh... ghhrgh!" He groaned, the sound of tearing fabric assailing his ears as his shirt slowly split down the middle, his chest barrelling wider. The leathery-looking skin had spread across his front, a greenish-brown hue filling them, shifting to a dark green as it slowly worked its way all over him, what looked like thick scales replacing the soft flesh. He could hear and feel his spine clicking and popping as it grew longer, adding several more feet to him in a matter of seconds, and whilst it did feel a little uncomfortable, it didn't feel unpleasant, oddly enough.

"Wait... scales?" He ran his hand along them, the muscles in his arms growing slightly more broader. His hands twitched, a semi-transparent webbing growing between the fingers as sharp, jagged claws jutted out from his fingertips, the fingers in turn becoming a little more thicker, losing a little of their dexterity. Looking at his changing hands, Peter was quick to put two and two together - they looked just like the claws of the Deinosuchus that he had seen in the other room.

"Is... is this because I touched the model?" He sounded just a little bewildered by that fact, but right now, everything seemed to be adding up. Part of him felt like he should be scared by all of this, but at the same time, it felt oddly invigorating.

'Lake... get to the lake...' A voice rang in his head.

"Lake? Ghh... what lake?" He inquired, only to get no answer. He had been looking for the zoo a few moments ago, now he was expected to find a lake with no clear indication of where it was?

'Get to the lake...' it spoke once again. Peter took a look around himself, trying to find any form of indication on where to go, and then noticed something that definitely wasn't there before, another hallway, and this one was leading to the zoo which he had been looking for. Perhaps not in this current situation, but he decided to move towards it, leaning forwards as he found it increasingly harder to keep himself balanced on two feet. His whole body felt heavier, his body becoming wider still, putting extra pressure on his trousers thanks in part to his legs being pushed further apart, his spine pressing against the back of his pants. Whilst all this had been going on, several bumpy ridge-like growths ran up and down his back.

"Gghh.. hrgghh!" He fell forwards, catching himself against one of the support pillars, his weight making it strain ever so slightly. He could feel his pants getting tighter still, but this wasn't due to his growing legs and protruding spine, a nub ripping through the back of them, steadily inching its way outwards, but the tightness was caused by a sudden erection, his shaft pressing painfully tight against his underwear.

"Hrh.. uhrgghh!" He growled, his body shaking as he suddenly came, a small amount of cum spurting out through the fabric whilst the rest of it left a large, sticky spot around his crotch. Another growth spurt caused his trousers to split down the sides, revealing powerful, scaly muscles underneath. His penis poked further against the damp spot along the front, the pressure soon becoming too much to hold in as it burst out the front, all slicked up as fabric went flying all around him.

"Hrhrh... mmrghh... fuuuck..." Another low growl left his mouth, rumbling in his throat. He looked down at his cock, the colour of it transitioning to a very fleshy pink as it grew longer, the foreskin pulling itself down towards the base of his shaft. Whilst it did, the lower half of his member inflated outwards, the rest of it stretching longer, becoming slightly prehensile, the head tapering at the tip. His balls dangled lower, hanging down between his legs, and whilst he knew that crocodiles didn't have external genitals, his mind wasn't focused on accuracy right now. "Lake... get to the lake..." He said, moving forwards, keeping himself propped up against anything that he could put his hands on.

As he continued onwards, his tail progressed every outwards, what was once a nub now reaching towards the floor. His feet clicked and popped inside his shoes, all pressure shifting to his tiptoes as he couldn't keep himself propped up any longer, the changing human breaking his fall with his front claws, leaving deep scratches in the floor. Peter's shoes burst open, his feet covered entirely in scales, a fine webbing growing between his toes, the big toe shrinking back as the remaining digits grew monstrous claws.

"Hrhh.. mrrgghh..." He walked towards the doorway, his hair falling away in clumps as the scales finally reached his head. He could feel his neck growing wider, becoming one with his body whilst his head realigned itself, forcing himself to look ahead of him - it was at least better than finding himself looking down at the floor all the time if that hadn't changed. His ears shrank away into tiny holes on the sides of his head, which in turn was growing larger, becoming proportionally sized to the rest of his body.

"Nearly... hrggghh... therrrrre..." He snarled, his dick rubbing against the floor as he advanced, crawling out through the doorway that led him outside, finding himself staring at the zoo, or at least, part of it. Taking a look around was the last thing on his mind, the lake ahead still calling to him. Peter moved on forwards, his nostrils flaring whilst his nose sank into his broadening upper jaw, his mouth stretching forwards.

His jaws grew slightly rounder as they continued to grow, his teeth shifting into serrated, dagger-like fangs. His tongue became thicker and longer to better fit his new snout, his eyes moving to sit atop his head, slightly parted at the same time. The colour flooded with a deep reddish-brown, the pupils pulling into thin slits.

"Grhrh...grrhrahararrhhhh!" He bellowed, the cessation of his changes punctuated by a powerful orgasm, his cock spurting all along his underside. Despite his second climax, his dick was still very much erect. "Rgghh... hrhuggh..." He huffed, glancing over to the lake. He pounced over the railing, diving into the water with a giant splash. The water felt nice against his great form, his eyes quickly adjusting to being submerged as he looked around beneath the surface. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of another crocodile, although this one was slightly smaller size-wise.

'I'm glad you got my message...' Peter heard it talk to him in a sultry, feminine tone. 'Shall we get down to business?' She seemed to smirk, although it was hard to tell considering a smile was the default expression for a crocodile, after all. To say that he was surprised that she was being this direct with him about wanting to screw would be an understatement, but he was more surprised that she would offer given the sheer size difference between the two of them.

"Mmrrghh... oh yeah..." He chuckled, swimming over to her, his eyes filled with lust. It did take a few moments for the two of them to figure out how to properly mate without causing any damage to her, but once they figured it out, they went at it all through the night.


"Urg... it's always me who gets left to do the clean-up duty..." One of the museum guards muttered as they picked up the torn remnants of Peter's clothes. "You'd think they'd ask Mike or Jack to do this sometimes, but nope..." He placed all the scraps in one of the many rubbish bins. "Still, I suppose if they did pay attention to the signs, we wouldn't have any animals for the zoo."

True to that, several of the after-hours visitors had broken the rules and interacted with the models or skeletons on display, turning them into the animal that matched what they had touched. During the daytime, all of the displays were properly sealed off so that no-one could touch them unless they went out of their way to do so.

"Makes me wonder why Shade does this - you'd think she'd want to get more visitors by spreading word-of-mouth about this place. Instead all the visitors she gets at nighttime never leave here human, or at all... If I ever get a chance to see her face to face, I'll have to ask her just what her game plan is for this." His thinking got cut off by the alarm on his watch beeping, indicating that it was feeding time for the animals in the lake area.

He made his way to the storage shed placed opposite the lake, opening the doors as he grabbed a couple of large buckets of meat, bringing them over to the water. "OK, Saurina, it's time for your breakfast!" He tossed the contents of the buckets into the lake, watching as he expected the crocodile to make her way to her meal. Instead, he nearly leapt out of his skin when Peter leapt out from underwater, the security guard almost losing his arm in the process.

"HOLY SHIT!!!" He yelped, falling back on his ass, watching the giant beast consume around half of the food, the female following suite to grab her share.

"Rrrgghh..." The croc looked up to the guard, the shocked human staring back at him, taken aback by the odd look of intelligence behind those feral eyes. "Thaaaank youuuuu..." He rumbled, turning back towards Saurina as they submerged once again.

"Hahh... haah..." The poor man looked to be on the verge of a heart attack - a giant, TALKING crocodile was not on the list of critters to feed today! "I... I really need to ask Shade about hazard pay if any other monsters like that pop up!"

A Grim Job - Death (PIB) TF

Peter glanced down at his watch as he sat in the waiting room, wondering to himself just how much longer it would be until he was seen to. He had been perusing the local newspaper the day before and spotted that a fairly recent setup was looking for...

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A Warm Welcome - Arakkoa TF

"Urg... this has to be the worst 'shortcut' I've ever been suggested.." Peter mumbled to himself as he walked along a secluded forest pathway, trying to find his way back to civilization. "Can't say I've ever been suggested one that's led me to walking...

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A Dream Come To Life - Seal TF

You know, I was never a huge believer of that whole 'New year, new you' stuff that people always talk about whenever a new year rolls around. If you had told me a few days ago that if that would be a literal thing that happened, I probably would have...

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