A Warm Welcome - Arakkoa TF

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A three-way collab between myself, thronezwei, and :Dragondude917: icon featuring a Arakkoa TF with a whole lot of orgies and corruption, because why not :PThis story was released a few weeks ago on my Patreon - $5 nets you early access to all my stories, and pledging at any level allows you to vote in a monthly poll to see what you'd like me to write a TF into :) https://www.patreon.com/ShadeTheRaven

Arakkoa (C) BlizzardShade (C) MyselfDesign (C) Concept (C) Ivanks

Posted using PostyBirb

"Urg... this has to be the worst 'shortcut' I've ever been suggested.." Peter mumbled to himself as he walked along a secluded forest pathway, trying to find his way back to civilization. "Can't say I've ever been suggested one that's led me to walking around in a circle for the good part of half an hour. I swear if I ever see that guy again, I'm gonna strangle him!"

The shortcut had been suggested by an odd, hunched and hooded figure with something of a gravelly voice. Peter had never seen his face, but there just had been an unusual vibe to him. But the path did continue onwards, through some deep, dark woods that he was certain nobody travelled. There wasn't much of a path there, but he had a trail.

"I wonder how much longer this will go on for at the very least... hopefully I'll be able to find my bearings once I'm in a clearing - or will at least be in an area where I can try to contact a friend and hopefully find a way back from there..."

If Peter squinted, he could've sworn he saw some lights far off in the distance, flickering and bobbing. It was better than nothing - maybe it was a transmission tower, a cabin, something that wasn't just more woods. Though he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched, as shadowy shapes flitted through the trees.

He took a quick glance at his phone to see if he was getting any form of signal, but it was still showing no bars. Even if he just had one bar, he'd probably be able to make a call or find out where he was close to on a GPS. For now, he had no option but to continue on the path and hope that he'd come across civilization soon.

The night air was getting colder, the wind picking up speed as Peter shivered. The path seemed to lead in that direction - maybe it would lead to an exit, or some place where he could figure out his steps. He thought about turning back, but moved forwards, guided by the flickering lights and barren path.

"I REALLY hope that this is leading me somewhere with people who are kind - or at least willing to help me get back home after all this!" He took a moment to get his bearings. He did seem to be out of the forest at the very least, so that was a small plus in and of itself.

Peter took a few more steps forward and found himself in a clearing, the moon shining brighter as the trees grew less dense. There was evidence that other hikers had passed through the area - a few backpacks and water bottles were scattered around the path, and even a couple of scraps of clothing. Peter had walked through the woods plenty of times before but he did know there were a few dangerous creatures that lurked away from the main paths, and a chill ran through his spine. The fact that he felt like something was watching him didn't help.

"Well, that's concerning..." He gulped, wondering what poor fate befell whoever was there beforehand. Even though he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, he felt that there was a town or something fairly close, if the faint flickering of lights ahead and quiet chatter was any indication.

But there was nothing for him to do but continue on, as he suspected trying to go back would just get him more lost. It didn't take him much longer to find the outskirts, where his eyebrows raised in surprise. The buildings were all up in the treetops, with some ladders and bridges between them. Flickering lights of various colors illuminated the scene, but what was the most confusing - and concerning - aspect were the inhabitants. Even from a distance he could tell they weren't human.

Peter stared on for a moment, trying to make sense of what he was seeing - the creatures were avian in appearance, but from how far away he was, he couldn't tell what kind of birds they were meant to be. A small part of him thought that if they were friendly, they might even be able to fly him back themselves, it'd probably be a lot cheaper than anything else. Still, keeping himself hidden away for too long wasn't going to help him out, so he decided to very cautiously approach the village, keeping out of sight for the time being.

Peter walked carefully towards the creatures, sneaking through the dark shadows and trying to keep a low profile. Their features slowly became visible as he drew near, their dark feathers and impressive wings glinting in the moonlight. He couldn't tell what they were doing, but they didn't seem to be malicious. Still, he stayed out of sight, hoping that they couldn't pick up his breathing or his shadow.

"Something about them seems awfully familiar..." He thought to himself, gradually able to see more of them as he tried his best to keep hidden - he swore he had seen these creatures before, but never in real life. It's almost like they were something out of a computer game.

He felt odder as he moved closer, a shiver going down his spine as if the air was cooling just from their appearance. It appeared that dozens of them were around the buildings, males and females alike, passing by each other and idilying. It's as if Peter had discovered a bustling village of the creatures, nestled away in a corner of the forest where no one was able to spot them. "How many other people know about this?" he thought to himself.

He kept on watching from where he currently was, quietly admiring them. They seemed docile enough, but with how sharp their talons and beaks looked, they'd more than likely be able to deal their fair share of damage. And still, that feeling of familiarity was sitting in the back of his mind - he had seen things like this before, and he knew that they weren't all friendly.

Peter hesitates for a moment, staring at their sharp talons. Maybe it would be best to retrace his steps. They could help him out, but he wouldn't want to risk the chance of them being hostile to him. He tries to take a step away from the village, but finds his foot entangled underneath a heavy root. He instinctively lets out a yell as he finds himself falling backwards, landing on the ground with a soft thump. He quickly looks back at the birdlike creatures, hoping they didn't hear him trip, but many of them stopped what they were doing and were looking in his direction.

"Oh, looks like we've got a vis-rrawrrrkkk!-itor!" One with greenish feathers grinned ominously. He didn't sound too upset, almost pleased to see Peter there, tattoos shining underneath the robes he was wearing.

"Ulp..." He gulped loudly, looking at the attention he had suddenly gained with his little slip-up. "Errr... hi there?" He sheepishly raised a hand to wave at them, almost instinctively preparing himself for the worst.

"Mrrr-rwaark! Don't worry, we were expecting someone to show up tonight! No one finds their way here by chance, you know." Peter stands up, brushing the dirt off his body, still hesitant to approach.

"Wait, you were expecting me?" He asked. "How does that work, I mean I know I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was following me earlier on, but you'd think they'd reveal themselves to me there and then - I was half expecting to be brought here tied and bound because of that!"

"Rrrrrwwwwarkkk! We're not that dangerous, you know!" the green-feathered creature squawked. "At least, not to humans that see our ways. We're quite friendly to those who aren't scared of us. Plus, we wanted to give you a warm welcome."

"Uh-huh..." He still sounded somewhat sceptical, and rightfully so considering the claws that they were all sporting. Still, he felt that it was best to at least humour them for now, stepping a little closer. "Something about you... the looks, the speech - I swear I've seen and heard it all before."

"Why don't you get closer and get your-mrraaawak!-self comfortable with us? Maybe it will help jog your memory. Plus, I know you don't have....sqqqwrrrkk...much else of a backup plan."

"Sure... I guess I'll stick around... though what about all those torn clothes and stuff outside?" Peter felt his pulse quicken a bit when asking this, as they could easily do a lot of damage if they felt the need to. Not only the talons on their hands, but the ones on their feet and their jagged beaks. Still... they did look oddly cool.

"Oh, think no-rrrwaarrkkk!-thing of that, let's just say that they belonged to some humans who got on our bad side, skkrawwrkk!" Another of the avians answered, smirking at that statement. Peter couldn't tell if they were lying or being honest, but it was best to play it safe right now. "I'm sure you've nothing to wrrrrrkkk!-worry about in that regard!"

"Alright...." Peter walked forwards, stepping into the flickering lights, illuminating his human body. His heart was beating a little faster than normal, but he felt compelled to learn more about them. Plus, if they wanted to, they could have injured him already, seeing as they've made no attempts to catch him off guard.

"See, there's nothing to be afr-rrrrsksraarrkk!-id of!" They chuckled as he stepped into plain view, the beasts towering over him as they too moved in closer. He swore what they were were on the tip of his tongue right now.

Despite not being able to recall what they were, Peter grew impressed as he studied their features. They seemed to dwarf him in both size and muscles, the weaker ones still looking like they could chuck a larger boulder if they wanted to. Their wingspan was huge, adorned with large deadly talons at the end. And he couldn't help but blush as he noticed some other features were bigger than he'd expected as well. "What are you anyways? How did you get here?"

"We've been....mrrrrrr-aaaaaaakkkk! ...been hiding for a while, helping other humans out and letting them discover our way of living, kkkwwwark! As for who we are, we're known as Arakkoa...sounds like you're familiar with us."

Arakkoa... Peter felt something in his mind click - THAT'S what he was trying to remember. "You're actually living, breathing Arakkoa?" He couldn't help but crack a smile. "That's actually amazing! But wait, are you sure you're actually on the up-and-up? I do know from the games that some of them weren't all that friendly!"

"Mrraaarrk! Well, we do have our enemies, sqrrrk! Some people are envious of our features, as you can ima-rrrrrwrrkkk-gine! Who wouldn't want a body like this, rrrr-warrk!" Peter nodded...they did look powerful. And he did think of the advantages of having talons and a beak like them.

"I suppose that is true, and I can see just why they'd be jealous of you as well!" He nodded, still looking over them. "Honestly, I don't think they'd last more than a few seconds in a fight against any of you!"

"Certainly not, kkkwrrrk! And I'm sure you know of our...swwwrk...magic that we can use too. Most humans know not to mess with rrrrrakkk... us. For the ones who stay with us, they usually get re-mrrrwakkkk!-warded." Squawked one of the female Arakkoas, approaching Peter and laying her talons on his shoulder, giving it a small squeeze.

He winced ever so slightly from her action - even at the gentlest, those talons did provide a sharp pinch, after all. "Rewarded?" He asked, his attention piqued. "In what way are we talking about?"

"Rrrrawwwrk! Well, you are cute for a human...sskkkwark...but we can improve you. Some of us...krrrrwwrk..used to be human too, and we'd be gl-mrrrrawwrrrk-ad to change you too!" Peter's pulse quickened at the thought. He was still afraid that they were tricking him....but at the same time, the idea of being a beast like them sounded appealing. And the more he looked around at their forms, the more he became jealous of their strength and magic.

"Some of you used to be human?" He paused. "Wait... then does that mean that all the discarded items and torn clothes that I found on the way here were-?"

"Rrawrrrkkk! They're with us now, which you have to admit is...sqqqwrrrkk...a better choice." the Arakkoa's voice softened as her talons trace down Peter's stomach, making him blush. "We could use another mate, mrrrraaak."

"A-another mate?" He said with a small stammer, feeling that claw idly stroking his chest. He couldn't believe what was going on right now, a few moments ago he was fearing for his life, and now it seemed like they were coming onto him. "I..."

"You really should lis-mrrrawrrrk!-ten... it feels so good to change, and if it'll help sweeten the deal..." She cooed as she grabbed his pants in her beak and then casually tore them off without even putting much effort into the act. "I'll show you just how go-kwrrrkkk!-od we can mate..." A tongue lapped at her beak when she saw Peter's arousal, a taloned hand gently brushing against his member. "Wrrrkk... you seem to be excited already as well~"

"Ghh..." He winced again, feeling those scaly claws near his manhood. There really wasn't any denying it at this point, it wasn't a bad situation to be in. "I guess... seeing you all in person like this is really something... I don't ever recall your kind being this direct or intimate in the games they originated from.

"I wanted to give you...wrrrk...a nice gift...and maybe convince you on how much better we are than humans, kkkwarrrk!" her hand continues to brush against Peter's crotch, causing it to stiffen further, pressing hard against his boxers. Peter lets out a moan, enjoying how delicate the talons are. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea...they did look hotter the more he stared at each of their bodies."Grrrrh...." the Arakkoa grins at his response, knowing he was having a hard time turning the offer down.

"What gift would that be?" He asked, bringing a hand down to stroke along her cheek, the blushing slowly subsiding from his cheeks. "I'm all ears right now." He said with a smile, his other hand resting near his underwear.

"Ssqqwrrrk....giving you an idea of what this beak can do...kkwwwrk..." she continues to stroke Peter's member through the fabric, making him blush harder. "Why don't I take these garments off and...mwwrrrrk...demonstrate?"

"Heh, I won't lie... I've always kinda wondered just how that'd feel, I mean I've seen some fanarts!" He chuckled. "Why don't you show me what you've got, then?"

"Rrwrrrkk... then allow me~" She squawked as she used a talon to remove his boxers easily, knowing that he wouldn't be needing them one way or another soon enough. Then with no further delay, slipped his member into her jagged beak and began to suck on it, moving back and forth, teasing his shaft with her tongue.

"Ooohh... oooh, holy fuck..." Peter gasped, his knees nearly buckling from the pleasure as he stumbled forwards to try to keep his balance, his hands resting on her feathered shoulders. As she worked on him, he noticed the other avians starting to get a little frisky themselves as they watched on.

"Krrrrwwwwrrk!" the beast cooed, her tongue wrapping around Peter's cock, drawing out a moan. This felt way too good....far better than anything he's ever felt before. The fact that he was being watched didn't bother him....in fact, as they began to play with themselves, walking closer, he wanted to see more.

"Ooohhhh..." his knees gave out as he fell back on his ass, the female coming down with him, still working over his dick. "Aaahh... don't stop... please don't stop..." He huffed, thrusting into her beak, watching the flock move closer still.

"I don't....skkkkrrrrrk! Plan to!", squawked the avian, taking in more of his cock, reaching the base with little effort. The flock moves closer, one male stroking himself off and approaching Peter, his barbed dick throbbing just a few inches away from his face.

"Hh...hahhh..." He moaned, looking up at the approaching male. He normally wouldn't even dream of it, but he was horned up right now, and lost in such a euphoric state of pleasure to boot, it was too hard to resist. "H...heh.. Do you need any help with that?" He asked.

"Mrrrraaak! I could use a willing mouth," he cooed, gently pressing the member against Peter's face. Peter gasped, looking at the barbed tip...it looked better than he'd expected, a part of him growing envious of its length and girth. Without saying a word, he opened his mouth, mouth wrapping around the avian's dick.

"Mmmpphh... this is my first time doing this..." He admitted, muffled, having to breathe through his nose. "I hope I don't disappoint you." He finished as he started to slowly suck up and down on what he could fit inside his mouth, his tongue brushing against the barbs, feeling them bristle up against it.

"Swwwrk! Not bad for a human, though a beak would be even...rrrsswark...better! The cock felt large in his mouth, but he had a feeling he'll be able to fit more of it in his mouth in the future. The female Arakkoa continued to suck on his human member, causing him to get closer and closer to orgasming. "hrrrrh....how did I almost turn this down..."

"It would ha-rrwwwrkk!-ve been a shame if you did..." the female panted, wrapping her tongue around his cock as if it were a thick, juicy worm. "We know Shade does prefer our 'victims' be the willing kind, sqwwwrrrkk!"

The name stuck Peter as familiar, though he was too busy pleasuring both avians to think about it. "Fuck....when you put it that way, I'd be glad to see whatever you have in store with me!" He runs his tongue over the male Arakkoa's member, feeling the first drops of pre on his tongue.

"Trrrrrwwrrkk... Trust us, I know for a fact that you're gonna love it~" The male cawed, his shaft slowly throbbing within Peter's mouth, his own orgasm rapidly approaching. "You're even taking to this better than some of our pr-skrraawwrrr!-evious visitors!"

""Hnnnfff...How could I not...this feels too fucking good..." Peter's orgasm built up, his hand gripping the soil as he approached the point of no return. Some part of him felt like he couldn't turn back after it, but he wanted it, thrusting harder as the group's cawing turned him on further. "Grrrrrrrhhhhhh!"

"I... I'm so... close..." He huffed, still muffled by the male's throbbing meat. "All... all this cawing and squawking... making me so hot..." He trembled, eyes almost rolling back into his head. The pleasure felt so fucking good, he had never even imagined something like this before. Being human felt so quaint. So... weak.

"Krrwwwrrrk! Good, this won't be the last-mrrrrrrwwwk- time you hear it! The next time will be even better, rrrrrwwwk..." The two arakkoas continue to pleasure Peter, their squawking getting louder, feathers shining in the night sky. "We'll make you a beast...sskrrrk...just like us."

"Gh... ghhh!" He gasped. "A... a beast, you say... mmmhh!" He couldn't hold back any longer, gripping at the ground as he came, firing off his human seed into the female's eager beak.

"SKKKKKKKKKRRRRRRRRRKKKKKK!" the two Arakkoas screech, the female licking every drop of Peter's seed while the Male fired his avian load, his rod pulsing as rope after rope filled Peter's mouth.

"Mmmphh!!" Peter nearly gagged as he swallowed what he could, not expecting such volume. The male slowly pulled out, his spear still oozing out thick spurts of cum that splashed against the human's face.He grinned eagerly at the sight the human would behold and feel.

"That's just-krrrawwwwkkk! one example of our gift," cooed the female as she pulled away from Peter's dick. "You'll be perfect as one of us, Mrrraak!" "One of us?" Peter gasped, the male's seed dripping down his face and onto his shirt. "Is that what you meant by a beast?"

"Do you see any others around here, kkrraawwrr?" The male laughed, gesturing to the others around him - all that could be seen were powerful, lustful Arakkoa. There was an almost sinister air to them at that point, the male and female helping Peter back to his feet, his knees still wobbling from the mind-bending orgasm he had just endured.

"Not any other humans, no," gasped Peter, breathing heavily. "Just other Arakkoa like yourself. Is that what you mean by visitors and victims?" He looked around, noticing just how much better they looked than his weak human body.

"It's a possibility that they were once like you, wwwrrk!" They smirked. "All they needed was the right persuasion, and they were morrrrrwwrrkk.. More than happy to join us. Really, we only needed a few more individuals, krawwrkkk~"

Peter stares at them, looking at their talons and beaks, eyes drifting elsewhere. He couldn't deny how good joining them sounded...They have been so nice to him so far, surely he should repay the favour. "...sure, I'll do it."

"Krrrrwwk-good choice, human!" The female Arakkoa chirps, resting her claws back on his shoulder. "What do I need to do? Is there some kind of ritual I need to go through to become like you?" Peter asked, his grin growing wider as he imagines himself as one of them.

"There are a few wrrrrrrkkk! different methods that we can use... rituals, totems, trinkets..." The female started.

"But sqwwaarrrkk... I think Shade will want to tend to you personally... there's something potent within you, I could prrrrwrrrrrrkk!! - practically taste it, after all~" The female winked.

"Personally, huh?" Peter grins, imagining what might be in store for him. "If it's anything like what I just experienced, count me in."

"Good answer, human....why don't we bring you to her so you can.....krawwww...get to know her better? She'll be happy to see such a con-trrrrrwkk...-vinced new member of our flock." The female smiled, excited to see Peter's eagerness.

"Then by all means, lead the way!" He laughed, taking a step forward as he followed alongside them, only to stumble again due to his knees still feeling like jelly from the orgasm. "Eheh... I may need a little assistance in getting there..."

"Not a problem, wwrrkk!" The male and female supported him, propping him up against them, though doing so in a somewhat devious manner, positioning him so his hand rested against her breasts, the other hand nearly dangling against the male's shaft.

Peter blushed, noticing how close he was to the two beasts. "Heh, if I didn't know any better I would be saying you're trying to tease me some more." "Kwrrrrk-don't worry, you'll be seeing a lot-mrrrrk! More of our bodies later." They guide him away from the clearing they were in towards a tall building, glowing ominously as if something-or someone-powerful was tucked away beneath the walls.

"Something about this place seems... familiar..." Peter said as he stared at the building. "And you said her name's Shade... it couldn't be, could it?"

"Mrrrrk-we'll leave you two alone now, so you two can have sqwwwwrkk-some fun", the female chirped, pushing Peter forward. "H-Hey!" he yelled, landing in the center of the room, still feeling woozy from the events of the night. He stumbles before falling to his knees, looking around at the building's interior.

"God, my knees still feel weak..." He muttered, trying to get back to his feet, having to prop himself against a nearby table in order to get back up. "I think they need to work on their after-sex etiquette a little bit."

"Sorry about that, we can be a bit....rrraawrk...pushy sometimes. At least we're not injuring you, mrrrrrrkk!" A voice chirped out nearby. Peter looked around, trying to find the source. "Fair point, I guess. And who might you be?"

"Oh, I think you can guess, rrrr-awrrrk!" The voice sounded bemused as a female Arakkoa stepped out into the open, her markings glowing even in the lowish light of the room. It seemed they'd set up some mood lighting. Purple and black feathers framed her body with white feathers making up a mane.

"Holy..." His jaw dropped when he caught sight of the avian creature. "It... it really is you!" He laughed. "I mean, I thought I had just made you up, but you're actually here in the flesh!"

Shade cawed, enjoying his shock. "Exactly! And I'm....mrrrawwrrk...not just here to say hi, as you know. I'd love to have you-skwwwwark-join me and become one of us..." Peter thought back to the other Arakkoans and their promise to make him a beast. "Wow, so they weren't joking? You can really do that?"

"Easily, as a matter of fa-rrrawrrk!-ct! You should know, after all..." She grinned and stepped closer still, hand feeling up his face for a moment, letting him know she was very much real. It seemed impossible, but there she was, in the flesh, giving him an offer he never thought he'd actually get.

He winced one more time, the feeling of those cruelly curved talons against the soft flesh of his skin still a cause for concern, albeit one he wouldn't have to worry about for too much longer. "Yeah, you're not one to leave humans... well, human!" He smirked. "I guess you preferred this form over the basic raven look, or are there other reasons?"

Shade smirks, still lightly stroking Peter's face, holding off from using her corruption-for now. "For one, you have to ad-rrrawrrrrk!-mit we look a lot deadlier than the average raven. Plus, I know...kwwwwrarkkkk...this is a form you're having a hard time resisting." She leans forward, pressing herself against Peter.

"Ahehe... yeah... you're not wrong there..." He chuckled nervously, clearly feeling into what was going on, but still struck by someone he thought he'd merely imagined being real. Not just real, but as powerful as he'd imagined her to be. She could deliver on her promise easily, and he was finding few reasons to not join her.

"Of course, there are ot-rrrrwwwrkk!-her forms I can take, and different forms I can turn humans into, but the most deserving... skkrrawwrkk... get to join us. And I can't think of anyone more deserving than you at this moment, I saw just how much your-rrrrwwrrkkk! - inhibitions slipped when the others were welcoming you~" She cawed.

Peter blushes, thinking of how good it felt to be treated by the flock he only met moments ago. "Well, it was a lot of fun...but that's a big change. You're asking me to be an Arakkoa like you for the rest of my life? What about my friends?"

"What abo-rrrawwwrrkk!-ut them? You'll be able to change them into more of us, ssskwrrrkkk! Any of them..." She winked at him and pointed to a couple of males getting it on not too far outside of where they were at the moment, with a female joining in moments later. "That could be your fri-rrrawrrrkk!-ends~"

"That is very true, I will admit... there's probably a few friends I could think of who might be interested... ya know, pending they haven't already been inducted into your flock!" He nodded.

"I'm s-skwwwwark!-ure there's a few of your friends already here, but I'm always....kwwwwark! Looking for more! Think about how fun it would be to...wrrrrrk...introduce them in the same way you were welcomed."

"Hehe... well then... I'd be a fool to say no, wouldn't I?" He nodded, the threesome outside combined with Shade laying it on as thick as she was having the desired effect. Plus, he'd always wanted to really change in real life, so this was an opportunity he wasn't going to turn down. "Let's do it."

"Perfect... I had a feeling that you wouldn't... krrwwrkrkk... turn this down..." Shade grinned, her eyes gleaming as she looked over the human. He only really noticed now that she stood even taller than the others.

""How could I not, this is too good to be true," Peter says, having to crane his neck to meet her eyes. "The other Arakkoa said you'd tend to this change personally...do you have a method in mind?"

"Mrrwwrrkheheheh~ Oh, I think you can guess!" Shade chuckled as she cupped her breasts and got even closer to him, the two touching at this point. Her intent was crystal clear at this point, even if he had seen the signs earlier. "And don't worry about me being big-skkr-rrrawrrk!-ger than you! You'll grow to fit soon~"

"Oh I have no doubts about that, either!" He chuckled, placing a hand gently on her thigh, feeling the plumage between his fingers. "I just hope I don't disappoint you in any way!"

"Mrrrawwwk! I'm sure you'll do great once we...rrrrwak...dispose of your humanity!" she cooed, her markings beginning to glow brighter. Peter lets out a gasp, the air almost crackling with energy as she begins to use her magic on Peter, letting him make the first move.

"Heheheh... let's get to it!" Peter grinned as she lay down on the floor, spreading her legs for him. Her feathers were soft in spite of her rather fit frame, and as he lined himself up and slid inside, she let out a moaning squawk, eager to see another human become something more. "Ffffucckkkk..."

"That feel good?" He asked as he positioned himself on top of the Arakkoa, staring into her eyes as he rested his hands along her front, running through the feathers and glowing markings.

"sqrrrrrk! Not bad for a human, rrrrk!" Shade chuckled, Peter's hesitations slowly fading away as the corruption set in, his cock beginning to stiffen while he felt her strong but light feathers. "Ghhhh...."

"Mrrhh... yessss..." He grunted as his pace quickened, a rising contempt for humanity in his mind, his soul starting to cloud from the witches corruption. His skin tingled pleasantly as black and red feathers began to sprout all along his arms, his muscles thickening as they pulsed and throbbed, filling with inhuman strength. "Hhhhrrhh... yessssss!"

"That's it, let it all... skrwrkwrkk! ... in!" She grinned, watching as the feathers grew, bringing a hand to feel his bulging muscles. "I could have let them do this to you ear-rrrwwrkk!-lier, but I wanted you all to myself... that way I can make you absolutely perfect, skrrrwk!"

"Gh....wrrrrrrk..." the first of many squawks left his mouth as he moved his hands towards Shade's breasts, gripping them with his new strength. "This feels...so good...." The pitch of his voice lowered a bit, his wrists hardening into scales as they moved up his hands.

"Oh, I kn-mmmrrarrrkkk-ow how...mmrhh... good it feels!" She squawked as she watched the scales spread further over his hands as they grew larger and stronger, cruelly curved talons replacing his nails as his shoulders widened. Shirt straining and ripping as more muscle and feathers grew in. His lust skyrocketing as he saw nothing but beauty in her, losing any and all interest in humans beyond fucking them into more Arakkoa like them.

"You're... rrwwrkkk... a fucking GODDESS...!" He huffed, his thrusting beginning to pick up speed as he placed his thumbs atop of her nipples, running the talons tantalising slowly against the sensitive flesh.

"Let it sink in....,," She moaned, dark thoughts spreading through his mind as his cock throbs. He no longer saw humanity as a species to coexist, but one to convert and hunt down. His friends would be lucky that he spared them of that fate. "Rrrrrk...." a twisted growl leaves his throat, his toenails aching as deadly red talons split from them, matching the ones that grew on his hands..

"Rrr-awrrrkkkk...oooohhyyesss..." He groaned and squawked at the thought of converting his friends, watching them descend into this twisted evil and decadence. His pectorals swelling with potent, raw, masculine strength as they became covered in feathers, his abs pulling into a tight, powerful six-pack. He'd been getting taller and more barrel-chested as well. "I AM FU-RRRAAWRRRRK-CKING AMAZING!"

"Mmrrwwrrkk~" Shade huffed, the sight of the human enjoying his twisted changes only serving to fuel her lust further, her tongue running along her beak as she grew wetter still, clamping down hard around his cock. She leant in closer, her breasts resting near his face. "You're only gonna become more... rrwwrrkk... amazing, too!" She cooed, licking at his cheek before nipping at his shoulder with that vicious, jagged beak.

"wrrrrk....I can't wait....hrrrrrgh!" he moaned as the changes reached his crotch, his cock straining as it emptied itself of his human seed. His balls churned as they twitched, growing first to the size of oranges and then grapefruits, his spear growing longer. "RRRRRWARRK! MORE!!!! I'm done being....sqwrrrrk.....fucking human!"

"Skkkwwrrrkkk... good... share that blessing with you fri-mmwwwrrkkk-riends!" She moaned out as his cock deepened in colour to a shiny black, barbs lining the tip of it as it came to a point, swelling inside of her, easily twice as long and thick as it had been before. His hips gained more muscle as his ass packed on a serious amount of cake, a fan of tail feathers growing in above it. "SKKRRWARRRKKK!"

"I... I plan to, SRKRKWWEEEEEEE!!" His toes curled as he felt his cock growing inside her, better suited for pleasing and penetrating other avian creatures. He looked on longingly at Shade as she leant in closer still, a tit dangling tantalisingly close to his mouth.

"Swwwwrrrk! Just imagine tainting them, watching them change as you worship them...mrrrrrwwwk!!" His new claws dug into the ground, leaving deep gouges as he stared at her tit, leaning in and latching onto it. His already deepened voice dropped a couple of octaves, sounding rougher as the power coursed through him.

"Mrrrwrrkkkk!" He trilled as he continued to drink from her, his legs thickening with powerful muscles as long feathers meant for flight grew in on his arms. As his legs gained bulk, his feet scaled over as they expanded in size, nails finishing their transition into lethal looking avian talons. Peter could feel magical energy flowing through him, dark, malevolent and tainted. "Rrrwa-rrrkkk! Fffuuuu-mmrrrkkk!-ccckkk!"

"Hrh..hrhrwwrkk..." Shade's eyes flustered as his thrusting and suckling became even more vigorous, her claws caressing his muscled body. "Yessss, skrrrwrrkk... embrace the gift... you're nothing but a big, str-rrrrwwwwararrkk!-ong BEAST!" She cawed loudly.

"sqqqqqqrrrk! fuuuuuuuuck!" He snarled, continuing to embrace the changes, his claws gripping onto Shade's shoulders tightly, feathers climbing up his neck, his sense of hearing growing more sensitive as his ears shrink away. Shade moaned, noticing the wild look in his eyes as he sucked her breast.

"Mrrrwrrrkkkkk~" She snarled as his ears finished shrinking away, lips going numb as his teeth began to fuse together into two different jagged masses, his new beak looking wicked and easily able to do damage. Hair turning red as it became a mane of feathers, the changing Arakkoa thrusting in wildly.

"Krkr...krkwwwrrkk..." He struggled to speak momentarily, feeling his beak growing outwards, a longer, thinner tongue running along it, pointed at the tip. His taloned toes clicked against the ground as his thrusting grew ever more frantic, his transformation racing towards its climax.

"Skrrrrrrawwwwwk! Nearly there!" Shade screeched, Peter's soul nearly fully twisted into a beastial Arakkoan. All he needed was to be pushed over the edge. His eyes moved away from the front of his head, turning a vibrant red, pupils pulling into vertical slits that would cause any human to hesitate. As his senses improved, he can hear the other Arakkoans outside, some of them listening while others were fucking in similar ways. He couldn't wait to show off his new body to them...and to any pathetic human who somehow stumbled their way here.


"Just one... skrkrwwkrk... last.. little... push, skkrreeewrrrkkk!" Shade cawed, grinding harder against Peter, staring into his eyes. For the briefest of moments, she could spot a look of regret in them, but it wasn't the type of regret that came from making a mistake - it was the regret that he hadn't seeked this out sooner, wicked smiles crossing their beaks.

"krrr.....SWKRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" He screeched loudly as the changes cemented himself inside him as he came hard, his potent seed filling up Shade, each throb causing an intense rush of pleasure to run through his head. It felt way better than any orgasm he had as a human, as it should.

"MRRRRAWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" She screeched as she also came, feeling him fill her up and complete his transformation. Physically, mentally and spiritually, he was an Arakkoa like the rest of them, though even then, he was bigger, stronger and more virile.

"Mmrmkk...krkwwawarrkkk..." He huffed and panted as he slowly came down from his orgasm, relinquishing his grip on Shade's body and breast as he rested at her side. "H... heh..." He chuckled, almost sinsterly.

"Skkkwarrrrrk...you learned how to use your....mrrrrrk....new body rather quickly." Shade panted, some of Peter's seed leaking out of her folds. "And we should....rrrwarrk...come up with a better name for you, kwwwrk!"

"Mrwww-arrrrkk! Feel free to call me Umbra..." He chirped before continuing. "But as for now, krrwwrkk... I'd love to get to know the rest of the village first, then we can bri-ssskkk-rrawrrrk!-ng my friends here and change them~" He grinned as he kissed her beak tenderly, mind burning with visions of orgies and changing his friends alike. Then, bringing the world to heel under his talons. Under their talons.

"And I'm sure they're just as ea-ssskk-ger to meet the new you, Umbra. I do hope that you've still got a good few rounds left in you, rrrrwwrrkkk!" Shade laughed, helping him to his feet.

"Trust me, I'm....skrrrrrk! More than eager to test out my new body. Let's see what...rrrrrwwwarrrrk...the rest of them think!" The two of them walk out in the night air, ready to reintroduce Umbra to everyone else. The night air would soon be filled with squawking and moaning, their celebrations lasting for hours.

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