A Shadowy Gift - Shadow Lugia TF

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A little gift for my bro :Thronezweiicon: of himself turning into a Shadow Lugia via Hadou's help.Hadou (C) myselfPokémon (C) Pokémon/Nintendo

Posted using PostyBirb

"Alright, the snacks are all set out, the pizza should be on its way here soon, and now all I need to do is wait for my friends to show up!" Alex said with a smile, glancing over at the clock on the wall, the hands sitting on eight o' clock even. "Really hope it doesn't take too long for them to get here, it's been all too long since I was able to get my friends over for a proper birthday bash!" He added, looking at the large birthday cake that was set out in the middle of the table, adorned simply with the words 'Happy Birthday Alex!' and a small smattering of candles. Maybe it was a little bit much given his age, but you were never too old to have a big party with a group of friends, after all.

He had heard that some of them might have a bit of trouble getting down there due to the low temperatures and possible risk of snow and icy weather, but they did say they would try their absolute best to get down there to celebrate - just like with him, they never had the chance to attend any friendly parties for a while, and they didn't want to miss out on the fun if they were able to travel.

As he was pondering just who would be arriving first, he was unaware that one of his guests was approaching the house, sneaking in from the back - they noticed one of the windows was slightly ajar, presumable to let some fresh air in without plunging the temperature of the house too far down to negative numbers, but that was all they needed to gain entry.

"I swear you make this too easy, sometimes..." They snickered, prying the window open before climbing through it, landing carefully in the front room, landing behind the food table.

"Brrr..." Alex shivered from the sudden gust of cold air blowing through. "Don't tell me the support on the frame's giving out..." He closed the window slightly, returning it to how it was, not noticing who had sneaked in through it.

"Well you did leave it open, that's almost inviting trouble, after all!" The guest said, causing Alex to pause - that voice did sound familiar, after all.

"Wait.. is that?" He turned around, finding himself standing face to face with a tall, black-furred, musclebound Lucario, standing a few feet taller than him. "Hadou?"

"I'm glad that you remember me, Alex~" He said, looking over at him. "I would have been upset if you were expecting Peter instead!" He cackled.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't expecting him, but I know how you work!" He responded - Hadou was a wereLucario, specifically a Shadow Lucario. Whilst he normally had control over his transformations, mainly due to experience, on the night of a full moon, the transformation is forced, not that he ever seemed to mind.

"Heh... you know, he did have a present sorted out for you, but I might have forgotten about it..."

"Why do I have a feeling that you're going to come up with a better present to make up for that, then?" Alex smirked - he knew Hadou all too well at this point, and whilst they hadn't crossed paths whilst his friend was in his transformed state, he usually heard through Peter what normally happened to those who crossed Hadou

"It seems that you know me all too well!" Hadou growled. "Yes, I've come with an offer of a very different gift, but that depends on just how badly you want it!"

"You're gonna offer to turn me into a Shadow Pokémon just like yourself, right? What makes you think I'd turn down an offer like that?" Alex pointed out.

"Am I that predictable, friend?" He had to smirk. "As you yourself said, I'm here to turn you into a Shadow Pokémon, and I have the perfect one in mind for you. For me to bless you with this specific form, however, I'm going to need to go wild on you~"

"Somehow, I'm not surprised there!" He looked up at Hadou. "Still, I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't want to experience this for myself, so feel free to go nuts!"

"Perfect - I'd have been upset if you didn't want this!" He laughed, running his claws across Alex's jeans, tearing them off along with his underwear. He then proceeded to throw Alex down on the couch, as gently as he could at least, given his freakish strength, the human nearly bouncing off of it.

"Oof!" Alex groaned from the impact, looking as Hadou stepped closer. He could see the Lucario's sheath swelling, a large, knotted cock sliding free from it, and before he could get a better look at it, Hadou climbed atop of him, lining his shaft up with the human's ass, driving his spear deep into Alex.

"GHHHH!" He moaned from the sudden penetration, surprised at how he was able to take Hadou's size, but those thoughts were pushed back as a wave of dark energy rushed through him. "Gghh... hrrgghh..."

"That's it, let it all in~" Hadou growled, thrusting that large, beastly shaft deep into his friend. Pitch-black feathers began to sprout from across Alex's arms, travelling up and down his limbs. His hands twitched as they grew larger and broader, his fingers elongating into deadly, blade-like claws that dug into the sofa, cleaving through it like a hot knife through butter. "You might want to get used to those new claws, though!"

"Fuuuuuck..." He huffed, his shirt feeling tighter thanks to not only the dark plumage that was covering him, but also because of his growing body, his form stretching vertically, becoming taller by the second. His muscles swelled and rippled, abs and pectorals rapidly defining as raw, bestial strength filled him. With a low growl, he stretched himself, forcing his top to burst open, revealing dazzling golden feathers along his front. He was then forced to arch his back, ten golden spines emerging from the flesh, five on each side of it. "This... feels great!" He smirked.

"Trust me, friend, it'll only get better!" The Lucario cackled, running his paws along Alex's muscles, feeling them up. His friend continued to grow as he was railed, his spine now protruding out from above his ass, a thick, powerful tail emerging from it, lashing at everything around him as it grew. It almost struck Hadou, but the beastly canine was quick enough to deflect it with a single paw. "And watch where you're wagging that thing!"

"Hrhrrheheehehe..." Alex chuckled, a pair of sword-like spikes sprouting from the tip of his new appendage, gleaming in the light. His legs and thighs packed on muscle, destroying whatever was left of his trousers which hadn't previously been destroyed by Hadou. His feet popped and stretched, pressure shifting to his tiptoes as the digits merged together until only three were left, the digits slightly more bulbous and tipped with wicked talons. "You didn't tell me how much of a fucking rush these changes are!"

"It's always best to learn from experience, isn't it?" Hadou teased, a paw moving towards the inside of Alex's thigh, bringing his dick to attention. He could feel Alex's balls swell and grow against his hand, a genital slit forming around his sac to house them when he wasn't aroused. He could also feel the changing human's cock spasm and grow, his shaft growing longer and more prehensile by the second, the base swelling into a knot, the flesh taking on a dark gold hue. Wasting little time, Hadou wrapped his paw around Alex's freshly-changed spear, pumping it vigorously.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUCCK!!" He snarled viciously, pumping into Hadou's claws. His neck popped and stretched, his hair falling away in clumps as his head reshaped, a pointed crest growing outwards as a pair of golden, mask-like spikes formed around his parting eyes. His ears shrank away into tiny holes on the sides of his head, his jaws pushing forwards into a large, beak-like snout, razor-sharp fangs filling his new maw whilst his tongue grew longer,, forking at the tip. His changes ended with his eyes filling with a blood-red hue, pupils pulling into thin slits. "I... I'm gonna.... GRRRRRROOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Alex, unable to hold back any longer, came with the force of a volcano, his dick twitching as it spurted out thick ropes of corruptive cum all over the sofa. Hadou soon roared alongside him as he too reached his climax, filling the new Shadow Lugia up with his seed.

"Grrgghghh... ooooh, fuuuuck me that was gooood..." Alex panted, hissing in satisfaction as he felt Hadou pull out of him.

"Mmmmrrhrhh... I'm just glad I finally got the chance to subject you to this~" Hadou said with a broad grin, helping the new beast to his feet. "Although maybe we should have saved this for the after party?" He laughed, looking at the mess they had made beneath them.

"I don't think I would have been able to wait, but hrm..." He looked at the pool of cum underneath him. "Do you think the cake could do with a little more... frosting?" He said with a devious grin.

"Rrrrhh... I think it could do with a bit of a topping up - I think we've got plenty of time before your friends arrive, right, Shen?" Hadou asked.

Shen grin grew wider, showing off his fangs in a sign of appreciation for his new name. "Oh yeah, and I think we can get it done quicker if we work together in doing so~"

"Then by all means..." Hadou turned towards the cake, cock in his hand.

"Let's make this party one they won't forget any time soon!" Shen giggled, turning his own shaft towards the sweet treat, both beasts more than eager to spice things up.

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