A Fiery Meeting - Herm Dragoness TF

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A little thank-you gift I did for my bro for getting me a game I was after on the Switch. Hope ya like it ^^Wyraach (C) Myself

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"Brrr... I REALLY didn't think it'd get this cold this soon!" Furi thought to himself, walking along the forest pathway that wasn't too far from where he lived. He loved getting out of the house every now and then to take a nice, leisurely stroll, and there were a few times where he brought some bread or seeds with him to feed the birds or whatever other wildlife was there at the time. It was lucky for him that he had wrapped up warm, but it was still cold enough to send a chill or two down his spine. "I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been any snow yet!"

The sun had long since set, and he knew that it'd probably end up getting colder still before too long, so he'd have to start making his way back home soon enough. Still, it was nice and peaceful out here, and it allowed him to be alone with his thoughts. Nothing around except for the sounds of ravens cawing, foxes growling, and the crackling of embers. Wait - embers? He paused, taking a look around him, spotting a trail of them that were flickering through the air, coming from a little further on.

"Is someone out here having a barbeque?" He pondered - it seemed like an odd place, not to mention time of year, to be doing one, but he'd seen stranger things before. He decided to follow the ember trail, wondering just where it would lead him. Before too long, he saw the source - a pair of trees had been felled and set ablaze, the wood smouldering as the flames danced, smoke rising into the air.

"What on earth?" He asked aloud - the trees were perfectly severed at the base, as if someone had run a fine saw through them, but he didn't see any tools nearby. Whoever did this either had an absurdly sharp blade, or was at the least very proficient in felling trees. That didn't really account for why they were on fire, though.

"Oh look, it seems that I've attracted a visitor~" A deep, powerful-sounding voice called out, startling Furi. "Seems you got here before I had the chance to procure any meat to cook, though!" The human turned around to face the source of the voice, and his jaw nearly dropped when he saw the tall, anthropomorphic dragon looming over him, a trio of tails wagging about behind him, two sets of wings folded against his back. "Well, unless you're offering yourself to be the meal..." He grinned wickedly.

"N-no, not at all!" Furi shook his head.

"Figured as such..." The dragon chuckled. "No human would willingly offer themselves up to be food. Looking at you, though..." He moved in closer, staring into Furi's eyes. "I can sense something different about you."

"Different? In what way?" He tilted his head.

"As in I sense an inhuman presence within you..." The dragon stepped in closer still. "There's a dragon hidden beneath this human shell of yours!"

"A... you're pulling my leg before you decide to kill me, right?"

"Oh no, I'm being serious - there's a dragon inside of you, and they just need to be coaxed out... that is, if you'll allow me to!"

Furi didn't know what to say - looking up at this dragon, he could tell that he wasn't fooling around. "You're really sure about this?"

"Trust me, I can count the times I've been wrong about these things on one hand!" He smirked. "I'd be a pretty lousy god if I was wrong about everything!"

"God?" He looked on, stunned - this dragon did have more than one set of wings, as well as multiple tails, so he already assumed that it wasn't a normal dragon.

"Hehe... call me Wyraach. And what's your name?"

"F... Furi..."

"Furi? Ooohh..." His smirk seemed to grow wider. "One of my partners from long ago was named Furi - I wonder if their spirit is inside of you?"

"I wouldn't like to say... how exactly do we find out?"

"There are a few options." Wyraach started. "One would be by delivering a quick bite to you, another would be bathing you in dragonfire..." Both options made Furi gulp loudly. "But there is a third option, one that's slightly more pleasant..."

"And that would involve..." Furi started before it immediately hit him just what it would entail. His gaze went downwards, and he noticed a pair of spiky, barb-ridden shafts slowly emanating from a slit along the dragon's underside.

"It might take a little bit of getting used to it, but I can assure you that you'll enjoy it soon enough..." He looked at Furi. "Well then, shall we?"

Furi looked at Wyraach's cocks, then back up at the dragon - he was starting to feel that the bite or a fiery baptism would have been a better option. Still, he was being offered the chance to become a dragon, and if it meant having to endure a little bit of rough sex, it'd be worth it. "You're going to try to convert me either way, aren't you?"

"Yes, but I'd prefer it to be wholly consensual. I'm not the type of creature who gets their kicks from that kind of stuff!"

He felt relieved to hear that - for such a demonic-looking dragon, he was surprisingly noble. "I guess I can't really say no to the offer, but can we at least do it by the fire? I'd prefer not to freeze to death as it's going on!"

"We can, but trust me, you'll find yourself getting used to the temperature very quickly~" Wyraach chuckled as Furi undressed, tossing his clothes aside. He had to kneel ever so slightly due to the height difference, his claws resting on Furi's shoulders as he lined one of his shafts up with the human's ass, thrusting in with no hesitation.

"GHHH!!" Furi winced, feeling the barbed flesh slide right into him, groaning as the dragon held him in place, thrusting in steadily and slowly to begin with. It didn't take too long for it to have an effect on the human, his skin feeling itchy. He brought a hand up to scratch at his arm, and to his surprise, the skin flaked away as he itched it, revealing burnt red scales underneath. More of his skin flaked away as the scales spread, shifting to a dark purple as they moved upwards.

"Relax, you'll find it'll be easier to take me if you're not all tense!" Wyraach smirked, the human's hands twitching as the fingers grew longer, sharp claws sprouting from the fingertips, sporting the same red hue as on his hands. The scales continued to grow in, spreading across his back and front.

"Trust me... I'm trying here!" He groaned, feeling the dragon's other shaft sliding against his balls. Along his front, plated scutes grew outwards, the colour a deep black to contrast against the purple. What took him by surprise, however, is that whilst his body was gaining some subtle muscle tones here and there, his upper chest was protruding forwards, becoming rounder, a large, firm pair of breasts swelling outwards, the nipples poking through the scales, now a dark black to match. "What in the?"

"I guess I should have told you... this particular partner of mine just so happened to be a hermaphrodite~" The dragon giggled, bringing a hand to grasp at Furi's new bosom, stroking them. "That means you get to experience the best of both worlds, my friend!"

"Guh... mmmm..." A slight moan left his mouth as he felt Wyraach stroking his bust, his torso gaining a curvy, hourglass shape to it. He could feel a growing pressure in his back, a pair of bumps forming around his shoulders whilst a singular bump pressed against his rump. He stretched himself, a long, muscular tail working its way out from his body, the purple scales gradually shifting to red midway down, black scutes along the underside, the tip bearing an arrow-headed point.

"Feels good, doesn't it? I know something that'll feel better still, though!" Wyraach growled, thrusting in a little bit harder, nearly causing Furi's legs to buckle from the pleasure. He could feel his balls growing before they were suddenly sucked inside of his body, a genital slit forming around the base of his shaft to house everything when it wasn't needed. His dick grew several inches longer as the flesh darkened to a solid black, three sets of ridges lining the sides of it whilst the head reshaped into a point, a knot forming at the base. Furi was about to reach down and stroke it when he felt a wet sensation behind his groin, a set of scaly lips opening up, housing hir new sexual organs.

"Mmrrgghhhhh!!" Shi let out a growling groan as Wyraach sharply pulled out from Furi's ass, driving his dick hard into hir new clit. Hir legs nearly gave out once again, knees wobbling due in part because of the limbs restructuring themselves. The purple scales that covered hir legs slowly shifted towards a red gradient halfway down the shins, taking on the same red hue as hir arms as they enveloped hir feet, heels clicking and popping as all pressure shifted to hir tiptoes. The middle digits fused together, deadly talon-like claws sprouting from the remaining toes, another rising from hir ankles. "Oooohhh fuuuuck!" Shi gasped, hir new lips clamping down around the dragon's dick.

"Rrggghhh..." He growled, reaching down to wrap his paw around Furi's shaft, gripping it tight as he started to jerk hir off in time to his quickening thrusting. The bumps on hir back grew out into a pair of semi-draconic wings, black and red plumage covering them. Shi thrust hirself into Wyraach's hand, hir neck stretching slightly longer, the scales creeping up hir head. Hir hair grew longer, flowing down to hir shoulders whilst hir ears grew to long points, poking through hir mane. A pair of red, back-curving horns jutted out from atop hir skull, curving downwards towards hir face, two smaller sets protruding just past hir ears and in front of the main horns as hir face pushed forwards.

"Mmrgghh... I..." Furi hissed, hir jaws elongating into a vicious, beak-like muzzle, razor sharp fangs replacing hir human teeth, hir tongue growing longer and forked to fill hir new maw. The changes ended with hir eyes moving towards the sides of hir head, the sclera filling with inky black and the irises flooding with orange, the pupils pulling into slits. "I'm... I'M..."

The two beasts let out a powerful roar in unison as they achieved climax at the same time, Wyraach's cocks spewing out thick ropes of cum both into and on hir, Furi's dick spraying off in Wyraach's hand. After several seconds, the duo were left panting and huffing in satisfaction, the new dragoness purring as shi looked over hirself, a slight groan leaving hir mouth as shi felt him pull out of hir.

"Mmrrhh... oh wow..." Shi giggled, admiring hir scaly form. "Don't I look like quite the pretty one? I'd say that was worth the initial discomfort!"

"Heh, they all warm up to it fairly quickly~" Wyraach purred, taking a good look over Furi. "Makes me wonder how it would have been if we had taken the more painful route!" He teased, nudging hir side.

"Hey, I'm happy with how well this turned out!" Shi laughed. "Although... truth be told, this has left me feeling a bit hungry..." Shi could hear hir stomach growling. "Do you know anywhere where we can get some food?"

"Human or animal?" The dark dragon grinned.

"Mmm... let's just go with whatever happens to be close by, I'm not too picky!" Shi giggled in response.

"Unless this fire attracts any more humans, I think we'll be settling for animal meat, and I'm pretty sure there's a pig farm not too far from here where we can secure some bacon!" He chuckled fiendishly.

"By all means, lead the way! As long as I get to eat soon, I'll take anything!"

Wyraach nodded, letting out a roar as he took to the skies, Furi flapping hir new wings as shi took flight alongside him, the two beasts vanishing into the night.

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