Minerva and Tik TIk 3

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#121 of Tik Tik's Tower

Tik Tik's battle with Minerva comes to an end. What's left is for the victor to claim her spoils...

This is a collaboration written by myself and WhiteFeather#2931 on DiscordPlease support me on SubscribestarThe Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories Check out more of my work through my Linktree

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Tik Tik watches this creature, her fear changing to curiosity over the garments and the body. Not only is there an otherworldly attractiveness to her slender frame and wide hips, but the clothes holding onto the frame are well made. Whomever she just triumphed over is sophisticated enough, but unfortunately for them, they crossed the path of Tik Tik. She smirks, tapping her nose as she turns and scurries towards the altar. "Sorry squishy mage, but the ingredient is mine!"

Ingredient? Minerva shuffles in her haze, the spell's effects rapidly surging through her body. Everything grows hot and sensitive. The fabric rubbing against her chest is now sultry in its grasp, skin pulsing as heated blood rushes to fill her. She doesn't have the accuracy to play around anymore... so it seems she needs to rely on a trump card. Quickly dipping a finger into a side pocket of her robes, she pulls out a seed. The brown lump has several wiggling strands of plant fiber growing out of it, ready to receive energy. She flicks it toward the escaping kobold before sniping it with a quick magic dart.

There is a soft "pop" as the seed erupts into a mass of vines. Each one reaches out for Tik Tik. The kobold leaps away from the exploding vines, but she is not fast enough to avoid their groping binding. She falls to her knees before her body quickly tugs about like a ragdoll. Vines coil around her thighs and torso, following her subtle curves, tying her hands back against her ankles as they hoist her tail up. A collar-like growth reaches behind, pulling it to the back of her throat.

Minerva lets a rumble creep up her throat. Like a creature growling from the ocean's depths, the sound reverberates against Tik Tik's ears, making the now-restrained kobold shiver with anxiety and worry.

Had the spell worked? Slowly, Minerva glides forward, ignoring the captured lizard to inspect the totem on the altar instead.

Indeed it had worked, for the craftwork had crumbled to dust, leaving behind a tightly bound scroll of papers and three distinct vials of splotched gray liquid. Hot pink bubbles occasionally rise to the surface of the concoction. She tucks it all safely into her robes before finally rounding on the struggling Tik Tik, peering down at the entwined body of the female kobold.

Tik Tik flashes a bright but nervous smile toward her captor. First impressions are everything, after all. Suddenly, there is a feeling on the edge of her mind. Some other force reaches out, grabbing onto her with a hook. The connection wriggles for a moment before, with a heavy force, a voice bursts into her mind, throbbing into her as a headache before the connection stabilizes. "You have caused me much trouble, kobold. Interrupting my work, blasting me with that spell... you continue to live only by my grace. As such, you can decide how I punish your insolence."

Tik Tik blinks, her anxiety settling back into curiosity as she processes the declaration. This creature surely speaks highly of herself for another spellcaster, but a choice is a choice. The kobold shrugs, smiling. "Why not eat Tik Tik with big slurpy face?"

To say Minerva was surprised is an understatement. Out of all the possible answers she had received in her engagements with her enemies, none of them wanted to have her maw close down upon them. The thought is... exciting. The heat pulsing through Minerva's body grows, a kindled fire roaring to life and beginning to push her into dangerous territory.

She is an Erotificer--a crafter of magical artifacts and sentient toys for sexual satisfaction. Some of them help to relieve stress and others aid in her work. And the last of them, she is just fond of those. One such toy is almost always with her. It is a semi-sentient symbiotic parasite that feeds off sexual release and, in turn, gives it back to the wearer.

The spell that damned little kobold managed to surprise her with doesn't affect just her. A long, bulbous tentacle rises between her robes and thighs, revealing a rich, vibrant purple with glowing greed nodes whose size and shape constantly shift and lengthen. 'Oh, I'll eat you, little kobold, but permit me to thrust the fruits of your magic upon you.'

Tik Tik's eyes widen as that magnificent tentacle wriggles out from under the clothing of the alien sorceress. The kobold holds firm as it immediately rubs itself along her snout. Like a snake slithering towards heat, it wraps and coils around her, inspecting, investigating, and pushing against her closed lips as it senses the hot and moist cavity within.

Minerva shudders and sighs, a hand slowly pulling her robe across her leg.

Tik Tik marvels at those plump and sculpted thighs, slender and smooth as polished shells. Between them, the tentacle cock pulses and throbs, the base firmly burrowed inside Minerva's pussy. At the same time, several tiny tendrils wrap around her clit, massaging it with a teasing touch.

Tik Tik's lower lips ache with need. While this was quite a surprise, the unexpected delight thrums within her. She arches her hips forward and wriggles her brow. "Tik Tik no expect sexy mage here with her. Is pretty squid just going to look look? Or will she -Yip!"

A telekinetic pulse lifts Tik Tik into the air by her tail. Minerva brings her face-to-face as the slithering shaft gently grinds against the kobold's cunt.

'Foolish kobold... do you think you have any say in what happens from here on out? You are nothing but a research subject in need of corrected manners. Now... come and kiss me, as you wished~".

A discordant laugh fills the cave, an unsettling warbling of slurps and glorps from her tentacled maw springing forth. A musical chortle of mirth projects itself, filling Tik Tik's mind with that melodious laughter. The captor leans down. A slender azure finger lifts the kobold's cheek, tentacles opening wide. Squirming and writhing, they slowly curl and grasp onto the kobold's scales as the dark maw inside grows ever closer.

Minerva and Tik Tik 4

Tik Tik relents to the tentacles on her cheek and snout. Her tongue dances with what she can only assume is Minerva's tongue, the kobold's eyes rolling back as the alien sorceress dances with delight within the kobold's body. Minerva's appendage is...

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Minerva and Tik Tik 2

As predicted, the portal drops her off in midair. A fatal mistake for other beings but not for her. No, she casually glides to one of the overlooking balconies. Tracing a moist finger just above the dust as her eyes scour the room. 'Now then... were...

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Minerva and Tik Tik 1

Tik Tik pulls her hood over her head, tying the cape around her neck and giving the strings a quick tug to ensure they are nice and snug. The wizard kobold stands before the grand portal in her tower, watching the cute twink she has locked away to...

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