Minerva and Tik Tik 1

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#119 of Tik Tik's Tower

Tik Tik has discovered the location of an ancient ruin, but she isn't the only one who has discovered it. Is the Tik Tik in trouble?

This is a collaboration written by myself and WhiteFeather#2931 on Discord

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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Tik Tik pulls her hood over her head, tying the cape around her neck and giving the strings a quick tug to ensure they are nice and snug. The wizard kobold stands before the grand portal in her tower, watching the cute twink she has locked away to power the device.

The kobold says, "Take care of place while I'm away." She waves her hand in a circular motion, following the runes she meticulously etched over the threshold stone. When her hand passes over each symbol, she causes each to light up.

The femboy energy source writhes in his battery prison, delighted in the magic pumping through him.

With Tik Tik's teleportation device powered by the lustful energy of the boy toy, the kobold sees the darkened ruin before her and smiles, taking her first steps toward the portal.

But the kobold stops, and she sniffs, scratching the side of her nose.

"S... something the matter, mistress?" the naked circuit asks, his breath coming in heavy, needy huffs.

"Nope!" Tik Tik responds, bouncing on her toes. "Just an itch. Nothing more!"

And so, she steps through the portal--ready for her next adventure.


'This isn't it, either.' A portal swirls within the gilded frames of a mirror. The edge of the glass curves as it elongates and spirals into the rift. An indigo finger, slick and slender, raises itself to the glass. Fuchsia magic drips off the tip like water before being sucked into the mirror. The depicted image of ruins in sunken sands snaps away in the blink of an eye, leaving only stars in its wake. The hand waves, and the stars shift aside like paper across the table. Once, twice, three times, they shift, now brush strokes of light in the darkness. Then, it stops--a single orange flicker caught in the center as if by a web. A garbled hum sounds from the black, and the hand pinches the glass and spreads outwards, zooming in on the speck, which rapidly wells to size. With a flash, another image appears. More ruins, buried underground, it seems. 'Another human relic fallen to time's unending flow. How typical. Let's see what they left behind.'


If it wasn't for her teleporter, Tik Tik would never be able to afford an expedition to discover these ruins, let alone travel to them.

Even so, making her way inside the building wouldn't be possible without the map she procured from a friend in exchange for some service. She pulls out the old thing, her nose wrinkling when she looks over the frayed page. Her claw pokes at the "X", and she stares up at the overgrown vines and weeds to find the shape of a small cylindrical tube.

The lock is simple enough, with only a little knowledge from her trap builder days allowing her to pop the grate open and allow her to crawl along inside.

Many underground societies use tunnels to keep their air fresh or remove poisonous gasses. Tik Tik wonders what this system was designed for before this facility was abandoned. Deposits of dust and choking vines along the walls and fan blades prove this machine would never run its purpose again.

It is a shame because the air here is musty and filled with dust, tickling the back of the kobold's throat as she delves deeper.


A precursory examination shows this facility was made when humans discovered elemental alchemy, clumsily using metal and acids to bend electricity to their will. 'The lesser species strive to achieve the wonders of magic... so foolish.' A warbled chuckle sounds out, and a pulse of light from the mirror reveals a set of tentacles mirthfully wriggling in the dark. The image shifts again and now focuses on a statue. The lesser details had eroded with time, but the vague figure is reminiscent of several deities that this library cataloged, specifically those associated with fertility, strength, and virility. Now, this was promising. A quick detection of magic shows a concentration atop the altar at its feet. A figurine on a dias? It is too difficult to see from the mirror's sight... but no matter. She had gathered enough information. It is time to begin the retrieval. Another hand joins the first, both pinching the air. Fuchsia waves ripple in the air as two spectral tentacles materialize, wrapping themselves around the portal's edge. With a soft, feminine grunt, the arms fly back; the tentacles tear back similarly. The scrying magic forcefully rips outwards, uniting the two spaces simultaneously.

The portal is massive, practically consuming the frame itself. The pulsing magic is vibrant and illuminates the dark, revealing its master. The figure is tall and slender, easily over six feet without counting a few inches of levitation. Their skin glows in the light, and their smooth indigo thighs are framed by white. Soft leather boots adorn their feet, giving way to that slender skin surface before a robe swallows it. Plump ridges of fabric that stack themselves much like the carapace of a shell bug snugly hug the skin. A deeper purple than the arms leave the sleeveless bodice. It flares up with a sharp collar around the neck and a long drape of cloth beneath the spine. The front tightly contains a pair of perky soft breasts, while her back bears a formidable derrière. The fabric catches on the plump cheeks, ruffling down like a waterfall.

Topping this sorcerous lady's body is a cephalic head, though that isn't quite right. The shape is more humanoid, yet still egg-like in the back. Instead of a mouth, eight tentacles of varying lengths absentmindedly dance in the air. And her eyes... black voids of emptiness that sparkle like galaxies. Sheer nothingness inside shines the brightest and most beautiful stars a mortal will ever see for the rest of their life, however short that may be.

For she is Minerva, Eromancer, accomplished Erotificer, and powerful Sorceress. Any who meet her mental might will succumb or submit, whichever comes first. And she is on the hunt. With one last swish of her robes, she floats inside the portal, the light snapping shut behind her.

Minerva and Tik Tik 2

As predicted, the portal drops her off in midair. A fatal mistake for other beings but not for her. No, she casually glides to one of the overlooking balconies. Tracing a moist finger just above the dust as her eyes scour the room. 'Now then... were...

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