Shorty's War 6

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#51 of Anteronian Adventures

Senan finds a new instinct awakening within him and with that, he knows what he must do.

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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Underneath the old two-store building is an old cellar filled with exceptional casks, ready for more discerning clients. Senan hobbles down the stairs and back towards the most aged barrels. He knocks thrice upon it and then twice more, and the door swings open, revealing a verdant glade behind. He steps inside and doesn't emerge into the pub for the rest of the night.

"Sorry, girlie," says Lobbley on duty. "Dunno where Shorty went, and all he said was for me to tend the place while he was on his sabbatical."

Inside the field is a small cottage. Senan pulls out a key from his pocket and clicks it into the lock, throwing open the door to the tiny abode.

"Say, if you're Robin, he did the say first drink's free for ya, though," Lobbley says, sliding the drink down along her way.

Senan reaches for the sword resting on the wall and the buckler hanging next to it.

"Did he say when he would return?" Robin says.

Sheathing the blade, Senan grabs the traveler's pack and stuffs it with the tools and equipment that would embarrass any adventurer.

"No, miss. 'fraid not. Shall I give him a message?"

Senan steps out of the cabin, dressed in leather armor, his face painted in the tones of the forest.

"Well, tell him he's being a big stinky old fool if he thinks he's doing me any favors!" Robin says, slamming the drink on the bar, and she hops off and heads out the door. "And if he never returns, I'm taking this place because that bastard owes me money!"

Senan steps through the glade, entering into the dense trees, disappearing from the realm of the Anteronian, and emerging beyond.

Robin steps out of the bar, grumbling and folding her arms over her chest, marching down the street with her head low and her cloche over her eyes. "Fuckin' stupid old man, going to do something stupid because of his stupid honor and pride."

From around the corner steps out a green gal with pointed ears, dressed for a night on the town with a tight-clinging dress and done up striking black make-up and multiple jeweled studs on her large pointed ears. She smirks as she looks over at Robin, standing taller than the hobgoblin, and then she smiles with wide, sharp teeth. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little trickster getting upset that her little tricks are getting out of her way?"

Robin snorts and steps aside, but the goblin woman steps her way, hand on her hip, tilting her bald head in her direction. "Oh, no, we don't. You're not getting away that easily. You've got a lot of nerve messing with a guy's livelihood, you know?"

Robin pauses and takes a double take, stepping back. "Doctor?"

She backs away from the goblin girl, only to bump into some big piece of hot meat. She tilts her head back, her ears flopping downward, when she sees the hulking brute of a goblin, his eyes completely blank, staring down at her with a frown.

"It's the miracles of modern medicine. You wouldn't know it because you live your life as a charlatan," she says, snapping her fingers.

The hulking goblin grips Robin by the arms, lifting her up with no issue. She kicks and thrashes, gnashing her teeth.

"And you're so feisty. You realize the reward of extracting your knowledge will make me a wealthy entrepreneur, yes?"

"I won't tell you nothin'!" Robin snaps.

The doctor smirks, reaching into her dress. From between her large breasts, she pulls out a small vial. "Oh, people will talk with the right applications. Now, let's step into my business, shall we?"


Miles away from Anteronia, a modest tower sits upon a small hill, yet one that would be tall and imposing to most kinds of folk. It is surrounded by natural forests and has a path that leads down into town, but the visitor does not come from the city--he walks out of the forest itself.

From one of the windows from the upper floor, the owner of the tower looks, carrying a mug in her pink scaled hand. As the armored warrior approaches, she sips the drink, a smile spreading across her beak-like snout.

The little adventurer clambers up the hill, approaching the magnificent magician's manor from behind, and he reaches into his bag.

"How cute," the wizard says. "Will he climb up with suction cups, or will he use a grappling hook?"

But Senan pulls out a small and round object, and he strikes a match, pressing it to the wick, and once ignited, he runs down the hill, covering his hat as he does.

The wizard spits her drink just a moment before the bomb goes off, rocking the tower's foundation.

Through the small hole, the intruder scurries through, entering inside.

"That shouldn't have happened!" The wizard growls, turning around, her ordinarily bright and happy eyes filled with the sparks of magical might and fury. "Oooh, he's going to pay for that. He's going to feel the wrath of Tik Tik!"

Shorty's War 7

Senan hangs suspended from slime and other bindings, dangling over a dark hole in a dark chamber. The clicks of clawed feet upon stone echo throughout the room as the older man opens his eyes, grumbling at the sight of the pink-scaled lizard standing...

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Shorty's War 4

"Hey, Shorty! When's yer girlfriend comin' back?" Haven't seen her in a while!" The drunken patron snickers as he waves his mug toward the bartender. Shorty hobbles toward the dwarf, pouring more fresh brew into the cup. "Cut out the nonsense, boy. I...

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Shorty's War 3

The bustle of nightlife echoes through Anteronia as many people enjoy the delights that come their way. Shorty, however, stands in the back alley of his little two-sided business, a pipe in his mouth and a bottle in his hand. Smoke curls up, embracing...

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