Bee Stories 1

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#37 of Tik Tik's Tower

Tik Tik and friends experience many interesting things in their time in the Bee Colony, and the first such experience is Tik Tik and the Queen!

Thanks to all my supporters, including the Dragon Council: Draykan

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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Cover art by @heckabun

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On our trip to the Insect Kingdoms to secure a relationship with the population of the Great Bee Colony, the bees split us up. Presented herein is a collection of tales from each of us and our experience with the fascinating beings that make the great hive their home. I shall mark the points-of-view of each character while supplying only minimal editorialization when necessary.

--Eshere, Scribe of Tik Tik

Tik Tik

After stepping into the inner chamber of the colony, I found myself in a multitude of hexagonal rooms lined with white and wriggling larvae. They stared out at me through their cozy cribs, agitated by my sudden arrival. It is fascinating that biology allows for such a drastic transformation between the immature and fully adult forms of some species, and I wonder sometimes why there isn't more distinction in transitional periods in others. What would a larval kobold look like? Or, are we the larval forms of greater things--the true successors to dragons?

It wasn't long before I heard the voice who spoke to me again, this time supplying comforting coos to the children lined up in the chambers.

My first time seeing a queen was one of wonder. Her lower body trailed down between her legs in a long, almost dress-like abdomen. Her legs were shapely and robust compared to her subordinates, and she stood tall and regal, at least twice or maybe three times taller than the average bee.

Immediately upon seeing her, I knew to give my deference, and I bowed. Glad I could speak in my native tongue with her, I addressed her with beautiful proclamations of my appreciation of her appreciation. Of course, I needed to ask her how much she knew about me.

"We know much here in my kingdom," the queen said, cradling a white larva in her hands, petting the baby bee with a mother's gentleness. "And we share our knowledge with the next generation."

She held up the little grub, its large eyes staring at me. "This is Tik Tik, little one, and she's come to make a deal with us. What shall we do? Please, Tik Tik, approach us."

I carefully tip-toed through the honeycombed hallway and approached the offered child. The queen allowed me to hold onto the wriggling babe, who nuzzled against me with its warm and slimy body.

"She's a beauty, is she not?" asked the queen. She squatted down, and as she did, a dozen of her servitors crawled up and formed a throne where she could lounge. More workers crawl up to sit on her lap, climb over her shoulders, or sit at her feet. Without saying anything, they set to work, licking over their queen, worshiping their body with a sense of duty that not even the kobolds back home lavish upon Tikana, Queen of the Dragon's Heir.

"She is to be queen one day," the queen said. "For I will be leaving this colony soon. It grows far too large for this home we've established, and we seek a new one."

"That's very good, oh queen!" I responded, gripping the precious cargo with a renewed sense of self-preservation. "Because my friends and I come here to discuss trade with your people, and I would very much love to study the ways of your kind, and they seem most intimate."

The queen chuckled, leaning her cheek upon her hand. By her wave, two bees approached the child in my hands and relieved me of the heavy burden. They carried her between them and lay her inside one of the combs. Builders gathered around, waiting for their moment as the nurses knelt beside the chamber, their hands clasped dutifully, bowing their heads.

A white and thick substance oozed from them in reverent tears that dripped down from their heads and mouths into the chamber, and the new queenling cooed and squeaked as she was showered in their offering.

The queen spoke up. "I'm sure you have many questions about our ways. We've learned much about you, oh Tik Tik, and your friends. News of your Tournament of Pleasure has traveled to the Colony and fascinated us. We shall be happy to show you the delights that we have to offer, however alien they may be to your understanding. In return, We shall be happy to learn what you can offer us, both in business and in what you have already shared with the other colony members."

"It shall be an honor, oh Queen," I said, keeping my head low. "But what shall we look at first? Shall I present a gift to you of knowledge or of service? Or shall we move to the development of the business?"

Crossing one leg over the other, the queen tilted her head to the same side, humming to herself as her attendants shifted to accommodate her. "Neither, I think," she said. "After all, something is pressing that we must attend to, and in that sense, I include you as we have a guest."

My curiosity was certainly piqued, but I had no idea how strange and life-changing this experience would be. As I was about to ask the nature of this guest, the very person made herself known with the rumbling of the entire chamber. The bees each clung to their honeyed halls while I fell face-first into an amber room, submerged in the sugary substance that was our goal this whole time.

With great speed, the bees pulled me out, leaving me coated in the ooze. I had little chance to clean myself when the guardian wall clambered open, and the magnificent empress that stepped through made herself known.

With scales of such a metallic sheen that knights had all tried and failed to emulate and the magnificent presence with which she held herself, I, a lowly mage, had finally come face-to-face with a dragon.

And this time, I had no divine intervention to protect me from her.

"Presenting," proclaimed a bowing bee, "Defender of the Insect Kingdoms. Envoy of the Dragon's Council: Katadanyatarinya the Brilliant!"

Bee Stories 2

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