Rise To Power Chapter 3

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#3 of Rise To Power

Cole woke the next morning a little dazed. She felt a large but warm weight on top of her. She tried to shove it off but found her arms bound. Then she remeber where she was. She had to admit her Mistress was very good in bed. She could still feel her cock inside her Mistress. With her limbs tied up she isn't going anywhere so she drops her head back on the pillow. There she notices her Mistress's head next to her, sleeping peacefully."She looks so cute like that." Cole says to herself."Would it be so bad to be her's? WAIT! What am I talking about!? She's my target not Mistress and she tortured and raped me. How can I ever consider it?" These puzzling thoughts jumble in Cole's head when she feels the body above her shift. It starts riding her cock again causing her cock to harden.

"MMMhhhmm. Morning pet." Flameria's eyes open and she sits up and continues to ride. Cole grunts with the pleasure swarming throughout her body. Her resistence to the stimulation continues to collapse. Soon all she can think about is the pleasure.

"Uuugghhhh! YES! YES!OOOhhhhh! SO GOOD! SO TIGHT! AAAAHHHHH!" Cole screams as she cums spilling her seed all over Flameria's womb. Flameria cums herself as her belly once again expans once again. When there orgasms ended they both huff and pant for a few minutes recovering. Eventually though Flameria pulls herself off Cole's cock goes over and licks Cole's muzzle.

"Very good my pet now go wash up and make us breakfast." Flameria then unties her slave and allows Cole to get up and as she leaves to the bathroom Flameria looks at her butt."She has a nice butt. She's going to be a great slave." She says after the horse leaves. She then looks at her bed which has alot of dried cum on it. She casts a spell that restores the bed making all nice and made.

A half an hour later their both in the small dinning room attached to the kitchen having bacon and eggs. Thanks the the genetic mutantion that made Cole a herm also made an omnivore as well but she still leans herbavore in her usual diet. In fact there's a bowl of salad next to Cole."I'm curious Cole. Why are you having bacon?" Flameria asks and Cole explians her other mutation."Good that means I don't have to order more veggies then. Well I'm going up to get dress and head out to check the shipyard. You can clean up the mansion and when your done your free to do as you like include going into the yard. However there is a ward in place to keep people out and tuned to keep you in. If you some how manage to break it it will alert me and you will be severly punished." Flameria then walks upstairs to change as Cole cleans up breakfast. Five mintes later Flameria steps down the stairs wearing her typical red colored skimpy top and skirt with a bag of coins and a sword attached to her belt. Noticing Cole eye the sword Flameria explians."Your attack has caused me to revamp my security. No one will surprise me like you did again. See you later." Flameria steps outside and heads for the shipyard. Cole continued to clean for a half an hour to keep up apearances before stopping.

"Now to find a way out." Cole heads out the back door. She studied the property before her assasination attempt and figure her best chance was the area deep in the woods. She reached the edge of the propertyand carfully extended her hand. She flinches her hand away as it's shocked by the ward.She thought of digging a tunnel but without tools or spells it would take to long. Cole then heads back to the mansion to see if there's anything she can use against the ward. Cole heads for the magic lab and searches for anything promising. Unforutantly for Cole she doesn't know much about magic except that some magic users can embodied spells in objects and liquids like healing elixers but she finds a bottle labeled ward breaker. She races back to the ward and flings the bottle at it. The bottle hangs there in the air and bolts race around it. Then suddenly a huge bolt shoots at Cole. She feels herself flying before everything goes black.

Cole wakes up to find herself not outside as she suspected but once again suspended in the main bedroom with a furious Flameria glaring at her. "You tried to escape. You took my prototype ward breaker and nearly got yourself killed!" Flameria walks up and slaps Cole's muzzle hard. "Now I'm down a potion that I spent months refining and you have to be punished."Cole tries to speak only to discover she's gagged again. Flameria then snaps her fingers and Cole feels vibrations in her pussy, anus, and on her cock.

"No!" Cole screamed in her head." Not this again. With her eyes she pleads at Flameria to stop. Flameria sees this plead and lovenly strokes Cole's muzzle.

"Your actions have forced me to do this. Learn from it." Flameria gestures with her wrists as she moves to the door and to her surprise Cole begins moving after her. A quick observation shows that her limbs aren't tied to the floor and ceiling as she thought. Instead she is tied to 2 floating orbs so she can follow Flameria anywhere. Cole can't think long on this as she starts really feeling the pleasure from the vibrators. The pair continue their journey until they arrive at Flameria's office. Flameria sits down at her desk while the orbs place Cole beside her. Flameria glances at Cole and sees the horse slowly losing her battle against the stimulation knowing she will not be given released. Flameria then begins reading over reports.

"THIS IS TOTURE! THIS IS UTTER TORTURE!" Cole screams in her mind. Her cock is painfully erect and desperate to cum but the series of rings prevent it and add the vibrations arousing her cock. She tries to focus on other things but fails miserably the invasion of her privates is just too much. Not to mention the occasional grope and tease by her Mistress. "Uuugggghhhh she's doing it again!"

Flameria stretches after hours of work. Her stomach growling she looks over to Cole. The horse had sucommed to the pleasurable frustration. Her hips trying to thrust in the air. Futile but showing how far her mind had receeded. The only thing on her mine is the need to climax. Flameria gets up and pats the muzzle of the horse who can't even regisiter the pat. "I'm going to got and cook some dinner." Cole just moans from the stimulation. As Flameria heads to the kitchen the orbs drag the frustrated horse along. Later that night Flameria prepares for bed as the orbs patiently wait for her next command. The horse still twitching from her stimulation completely oblivious to her suroundings. Flameria waves to Cole and says."Good night." With a double clap Flameria turns of the mage lights. Leaving the twitching horse alone in the darkness. Even sleep is denied to her thanks to the necklace around her neck.

The next morning Flameria turns the vibrators off once again and removes the gag in Cole's mouth. She strokes her claw across COle's muzzle as Cole regains her awareness. Cole's eyes immedeatly goes to Flameria and that pleading look returns to her eyes. She manage's through a hourse throat to say "Please..."

"Please what?"

"Please forgive me, let me cum. Please!" Flameria licks Cole's muzzle berfore responding.

"I forgive you." Flameria then gestures her claws again and walks out of the bedroom with the orbs following her. Flameria heads out to the balcony and with a cast the cock rings release and the dildos go up to full. Soon Cole's cum is watering the grass below. When Cole was done Flameria had the orbs take her to the pool once again. There Flameria removes the dildos and unbonds Cole's limbs and help's Cole into the pool and begins to wash her slave of the sweat she built up over the night. Cole remains limp in her Mistress's arms allowing her Mistress to clean her without resistance. Cole keep repeating "Forgive me." Causing Flameria to pause in her cleaning and hold Cole close.

"Sssshhhhh, It's okay now." After a few minutes Cole quieted down and Flameria continued the bath. Flameria then took them down to make something to eat. Cole sat at the table staring into space as Flameria made breakfast. Cole was halfway through her meal when she became herself again, if only alittle.

"Should I expect more punishment?" Flameria puts down the fork she was using and looks at Cole.

"No and I'll tell you why. First I can understand the need to try to escape, even respect it. Second youasked for forgiveness and I granted it, otherwise it would have been longer. Third your punishment was to the lost of the potion and for nearly killing yourself. You are MINE as such I care for what's mine and your among the most precious." That last statment shocked Cole to the core of her being.

"I'm precious?" Can't believeing the fact she asks.

"Yes, You have all the features of a beautiful female married to a wonderful cock. The best of both worlds and one of the reasons I spared you."

"No one has ever told me that. Not even my parents." Flameria wraps her arms around Cole and says.

"Well now some one has. Forget about your past, let it all slip away. You are my pet now and I will care for you and pleasure you. I do have to tell you though you will be experiancing more nights like last night." Cole shivers and whines at the thought. "It won't be as punoshment nor will i do it right away but it will happen. No 3 weekers though unless you do something real bad. At some point you will enjoy being denied orgasm for a bit, but that's for another day. Go up to the bed room." Cole starts to get up but then stops and looks at Flameria and asks.

"What about the dishes?"

"I'll take care of them today." Cole then goes to do as her Mistress says. Flameria watches Cole head upstairs and comments.

"She's also broke. It's a shame, I was hoping for a longer fight,but trainin her will be equaly fun." She then sets about cleaning up.

Cole upon entering the bedroom walks over to the bed and lies down curling into a fetal postion and stares at the wall. Ten minutes later Flameria joins her puts one arm around Cole and pulls her close. Flameria's internal heat warms Coles backside. Flameria decided not to work today. She was already ahead and with the defective pullys she has to wait so she laid with Cole all day.

Rise To Power Chapter 4

A week has passed since Coles punishment. The first two days Cole was taken care of by hir Mistress. The last five days Cole started to resume hir normal duties until Tinder arrived with guards and a large sack." Thunder! Welcome!"...

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Rise To Power Chapter 2

"Are they all like this?"Flameria asks her shipyard manager as she looks at the metal part of a pully in her hands. These pullys are ment for her ships's sails so the sailers who will man them one day can adjust the sails as nessecary, but these are...

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Rise To Power Chapter 1

**Rise to Power** **By AdmiralQ Cole Character By Sashia138 Proofread By Drachenwolf** It was a dark night in the city of Skygate. Some of the inhabitants were still awake many partying but we'll ignore those for now. Our intrest lies in a...

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