Rise To Power Chapter 1

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#1 of Rise To Power

Rise to Power

By AdmiralQ Cole Character By Sashia138 Proofread By Drachenwolf

It was a dark night in the city of Skygate. Some of the inhabitants were still awake many partying but we'll ignore those for now. Our intrest lies in a small mansion on the edge of the city. This mansion had only two floors minus the basement. It only had one occupent as well you the person isn't in the bedroom where you'd think the person should be. No the person is in the office the only room with a light still on. As we enter the room it gives the appearance of a great hall, but at the end instead of a throne you see a large wood desk and chair. In that chair we see a dragoness with red and orange scales with her orange scales being a trim. Her eyes are a bright yellow that almost glows with black slited pupils. Her horns our also a surprising orange considering her claws and talons are traditional black. Her wings are a traditional dragon style which are batlike with the limbs red the span orange. Her tail is limber and seems like a bland but typical dragon tail but it hold a family secret. It has a retractable bladehorn hidden within to catch oppnents by surprise. Due to her coloring she was given the name Flameria by her now deceased parents. We now will enter this story from her point of view.

Flameria sits at her desk going over the lastest supply and material reports for her clan's last company. She is happy about the news it gives. The clan's company a sea and airship building company is turning a small profit. Her clan'sfuture can finally start to grow. Her father made a disasterous deal with another clan. That clan attempted to overthrow the current dagon government the Clan Alliance. The coup failed and though her father wasn't directly involed the clan still suffered the consequeses. The bulk of her clan wiped out and their assests seized.Thankfully among the seizers was proof of her clan innosence so she and the rements we're spared but the seized assates were not returned as a warning to other clans. Becareful of who you work with. The result of all of this left the young 50 year old Flameria as the leader of the clan and these two remaining assets.The mansion she occupies now was orginally a guest mansion for those planning to visit her clan but it and the ship building company are all that's left."Well" she says to herself"clan lore says we started from nothing so we can rebuild and restore the clans honor and influence." She returns her focus on the reports. They show if things remain unchanged she can suspect a substancal growth in ten years. Heck if things continue next year she can open a small magical items shop in town. She thank the spirits that the remaining busniess was in Skygate for this city and a hand full of others like it are the main gate ways to the Alliance's floating cities for the neighboring kingdoms. As a result it's always a trade hotspot and before her clans fall she had just became a level 1 spell master so herplanned shop will have a large variety of items and bottle spells for sale. She reaches over to a cup for a sip while she continues to read but her claw knocks it off the desk instead. grumbling she bends down to pick it up when she hears something hit wood behind her. She looks back and sees a dart where her head used to be. She ducks behind the desk and quickly casts a double spell and an image of her appears. hse silently orders it to run to the otherside of desk while she peers around the corner to she where the next dart comes from. The next dart is shot at the double and it goes through the image. The dart came from one of the back pillars which was in shadow. Flameria spits a fireball at the pillar shown she is well named. The pillar explodes as a black figure dives away and rolls into a fighting pose with a small sword drawn. Flammeria's oppnent is a female horse with black fur, red mane, green eyes, and a very large set of breasts. Her hooves are some how quiet, now making the ususal clop on stone that is should. Flameria grabs her own sword from it's resting place by her chair and approaches the obvious assasin. Using her wings as a boost she charges the assasin. taken off guard by the sudden speed the assasin dodges to the left and parrys Flameria's blow. The next few minutes see a series of thrusts, swipes, cuts, parrys, blocks, and dodges between the two combatmants as they move around the room. Finally a surprise kick from the assasin sends Flameria to the floor her sword sliding the the otherside of the room and out of reach. As the assasins brings her blade down to end Flameria's life Flameria extends her hornblade in a desprate move to block. With a load clack the hornblade manages to block the blade to the shock of the assasin. Using the assasins pause and having no time to cast a spell Flameria shoots a ball of energy at the assasin that sends the assasin flying and slamming into the wall by the door way and sliding to the floor apperantly unconsious. Flameria slowly gets up aching from sore and bruised muscles as well as the drain using her raw energy in that last attack. She quickly retreives her sword and cautiously approaches the assasin. She quickly finds the assasin is still alive but unconsious and races out to grab some rope and ties the assasins hands behind her back but as she goes to tie the legs she finds our why she hadn't heard the assains hooves clop. Their covered in some boot with enough padding at the bottom to muffle the sound. Flameria removes the boots and ties up the legs, then she begins to search the body for clues on who sent her. She finds various other tools of assasination but pauses to notice there's something unusual abut this females crotch. She begins to remove the assasins colthing and discovers her assasin has a large cock sheath and balls along with a vagiana."Oooohhhh! I may have a reason to spare yout life after all my little assasin." Flameria says as she strokes the assasins face already thinking of what to do.

Cole (our assasin) wakes up in a dark room. The first things that she notices is that: A she's naked, B she's tied up and supended in the air by leather ropes and judge from the way she feels she's facing the floor, C she feels somthing invading her pussy and anus while her cock is hard and erect, D she failed her mission though to would have been nice if her employer told her the target had learn spells. She tries to break free of the restraints but to no avale. She discovers how she is tied up though. her hooves are touching her back and her arms are pull behind her with the wrist locked to her thighs. A leather rope is wrapped around the out side of her breasts squeezing them alittle. it then continues down to wrap round her cock before going further down curving around her butt before ending somewhere on her back. It is tight around her crotch and clearing prevents whatever it is invading her pussy and anus from coming out. She is alone for a few minutes before the door in front of her opens. She squints as the light blinds her for a second before it reveals her target looking down at her with a smirk carring a necklace with a large red ruby on it."So my little assasin is finally awake." Flameria bends down grabs Cole's muzzle and stares her eye to eye. Flameria only sees determination in Cole's eyes, a determination to die with dignity."I see it in your eyes assasin, You are prepared for death. Lucky for you when I discovered your little or not so little sercet I knew I couldn't kill you. However I would like to know you hired you to kill me?" Cole just silently looks at Flameria and after a few minutes Flameria sighs."I guess I'm going to have to persuade you." She snaps her fingers and Cole started to feel vibrations in her pussy and anus.

"Dildos! She put dildos in me!" Coles thinks to herself but her thoughts are interupted as she feels a claw stroking her cock. She can't control her moan as the stimualtion goes throughout her body.

"At least I know your not mute." Flameria states as she continues her teasing of Cole. Cole tries to resist but the triple attack is too much She strts trying to hump her cock into something. Minutes pass and soon Cole feels like she's gonna cum, but it feels like it's jammed at the base of her cock and all the stimualtion suddenly stops. Cole groans she was SO close! She pants as she starst to come down when it a starts all over again. this time she can't resist the pleasure she's getting from all of this but once again as she gets near her climax it stops again. She cries out in frustration. Flameria once agin steps in front of her."I asks again. Tell me who hired you or at least your name and I will let you cum." Cole can't betray her employer and even her name might allow her target to find the employer so she is forced to shake her head. Flameria shakes her head."Very well then you force me to do this." she head over to a table Cole didn't notice before, grbs something and returns. Flameria then grabs her muzzle and forces it open and stuffs a cock shaped gag into her mouth and ties the straps. The gag only allows weak moans and groans to come out of her mouth. Flameria then shows Cole the ruby necklace."This is a magicly infused necklace. Once fully activated you will not need any food, water, the needto go to the bathroom, and even sleep. Flameria then puts it on Cole and activates it."I'll come back in three weeks and see if your adittude has improved. She snaps her fingers again and the dildos and the cock right start to vibrate at a lower setting. Flameria closes the door and leaves Cole in darkness again. Alone except for the vibrators. After an hour what's left of Cole's thought processes figure at the vibrators while keep her constantly stimualted but at the edge of orgasm with no hope of cumming. She moans at her fate but then she remebers that her target said she'd return in three weeks. THREE WEEKS of this! She lets out the loudest cry of frustration that she can while the vibrators kept on stimualting.....and stimualting.

Rise To Power Chapter 2

"Are they all like this?"Flameria asks her shipyard manager as she looks at the metal part of a pully in her hands. These pullys are ment for her ships's sails so the sailers who will man them one day can adjust the sails as nessecary, but these are...

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It's been 6 months since Jezeca and Silverback became mates and some final rifts in the pack seemed to have healed with Jezeca's group sleeping with the rest. Today however Jezeca, Silverback, and Nadia wake up in her old room on the bed. The reason...

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