From One Hustler to Another

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Sly Cooper gets caught during a heist in the city of Zootopia, but when he's questioned by a certain Officer Nick Wilde, the raccoon's bad day takes a turn for the better, and the sexier. :3

This story was written for Silvergatomon as their Patreon commission reward for February 2020. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults, and features characters from Zootopia and the Sly Cooper series of games! :3

From One Hustler to Another

Sly tugged at the cuffs holding his wrists behind his back. They weren't the tightest pair he'd ever worn, pretty comfortable actually, but sturdy too. No obvious weak points, none of the few fundamental flaws he'd encountered in certain brands of handcuffs before. That was to be expected though. The Zootopia Police Department were renowned for remaining on the cutting edge with their equipment, even if the optimistic outlook maintained by so many in the city meant that there were plenty of grey areas for organised crime to work, so long as they kept their operations clean and non-violent enough to avoid provoking the ZPD's wrath. That being said, they were far from incompetent in their daily activities too. Sly pouted slightly, frustrated at himself, honestly a little embarrassed. He'd been caught before, and he'd escaped from Interpol's custody many a time just as he'd escape this time around. But it had been a long, long time since Sly had slipped up bad enough to let himself get caught by a beat cop. He'd underestimated that rabbit. He'd been so caught up in taunting Inspector Carmelita, driving her crazy with the knowledge that he was going to get away with yet another priceless heirloom from another globally renowned museum, that he'd totally failed to factor in a member of the local law enforcement not just being competent, but every bit as smart as the woman who was constantly tailing him around the globe.

Chuckling dryly as he glanced around the rather featureless interview room, Sly hoped that Carmelita didn't try to hire that bunny cop on as a Interpol agent. With both of them working his case, it might actually become more of a frustration than a challenge to try and operate while under their watchful eye. Maybe he was making too big a deal out of a one time slip-up on his part though. He'd never underestimate local law enforcement again no matter how many times they gave him the opportunity to do so, and he'd be a better thief for it. Besides, how competent could that cop really be if with all the resources of the ZPD at her disposal she'd chosen to bring him, the master thief and escapee from more custody suites than he could count, to here of all places. To a dingy old questioning room in what from the brief and hurried march through this building seemed to be an either very little used or entirely abandoned old jailhouse from when Zootopia hadn't been even a tenth of the gleaming metropolis much of it was today. A run down, ill equipped little station amidst crumbling warehouses and a former industrial sector yet to be redeveloped in the new, much greener and more future-forward Zootopia.

Actually, now that Sly thought about it, this was probably the same part of the city he'd visited last time he was here. That had been a while ago, before he'd really gotten started on the big time heist circuit. But in spite of that fact, he still remembered that visit to the city fondly. Sure the places he'd ended up were far from the high end of town, and yeah he and the guy he'd been working with on some small time cons at the time had ended up getting chased across half the city by some of Mr Big's goons. God, that fox had been hot, and sharp as a tack too. Sly's mind wandered a little as he considered what that guy might be doing now. Maybe married with kids having turned his life around, or serving a sentence somewhere after having gotten caught up a life of crime more serious than just the odd hustle here and there. Or hell, for all Sly knew his old buddy from Zootopia might have still been out there plying his trade, just as he had been the day they'd first met.

Closing his eyes, the raccoon tried to wrack his brain for that fox's name. It was something oddly fitting, he remembered that. He remembered looking to the fox's eyes as they lay together in bed, and thinking that his name fitted him absolutely perfectly.


The raccoon's cheeks reddened, and his eyes fluttered open as he recalled exactly what they'd done to first make that thought cross his mind. He grinned, and licked his lips as the front of his royal blue trousers began to tent slightly. That was it. The guy's name had been...


Sly jumped sharply as the door to the interview room burst open, and a canid silhouette filled the dimly lit interior from the more bright, windowed and sun-lit corridor beyond. A voice spoke immediately from that shadowy figure, and for an instant Sly had the horrible thought that maybe somehow he had been speaking all of his musings aloud without even realising it; a terrible habit for a thief ever planning inside his own head to develop consciously or otherwise. Worse still, he feared that if that name was overheard and presumed to be the moniker of an accomplice he would have just brought a world of unwanted scrutiny and frustration on his old friend and lover. The figure soon stepped into the room though, and as he closed the door behind him his uniform clad body was brought more sharply into focus.

"Officer Nicholas Piberius Wilde."

The figure, the fox murmured almost playfully to Sly as he pulled a chair out from the far side of the table before which the cuffed raccoon was sitting, swung it around and sat upon it like some mix of a wannabe-hip youth pastor and Commander William Riker. His eyes sparkled playfully as he regarded Sly with unmistakable familiarity, and silently challenged the raccoon to deny knowing that name, and indeed knowing him.


Sly murmured with genuine surprise, chuckling and shaking his head though playing off his shock as more curiosity than anything else, which to be fair it was in a large part.

"That's new. I'd shake your hand in congratulation, but..."

The raccoon jingled his handcuffs against the back of the chair, and Nick smirked.

"It's been a while, Sly. When I heard they'd brought you in, here of all places, I knew I had to be the one to question you."

Leaning back in his chair slightly, Sly looked the fox up and down. He frowned.

"Could I ask you a question first, Off-... Nick?"

The fox raised an eyebrow, but gestured encouragingly. The handcuffed thief before him glanced around the room, at the mirror along one wall beside them, and the camera pointed down at the table from one corner of the room. Nick chuckled again.

"You can speak freely. The camera there hasn't worked in years. Hell, this isn't even an active police station."

Filing that piece of knowledge away amidst the various other factors which he hoped would help formulate his escape plan sooner or later, Sly nodded, and posed his question to the fox without any more delay.

"You're a cop now? Because, I've gotta say, the last time we met you really didn't seem like the law-abiding type. Be honest with me, Nick. Were you undercover? Whether it was about me or Mr Big or something totally else, were you a cop back then too, or..."

His voice trailed off as Nick snorted with laughter, and shook his head warmly, almost reassuringly to the raccoon.

"Back then? God no. I've only been an officer for a couple of years. You can blame my partner... you met her I think, the rabbit who arrested you? Anyway, you can blame her for my conversion. Though, I still maintain that I'm not the law-abiding type. She just convinced me that with people like us around, the ZPD can be more of a force for good than without us."

Sly's eyes widened, and he searched the fox for any trace of falsehood in his words or his body language. To his surprise, there was none. The fox wasn't just projecting carefree confidence like he had been when he and Sly had shared some times together in the past. Now, he really was that confident and that carefree.

"She must be one hell of a partner, to have changed you that much."

The raccoon observed, feeling a little less bad about having been caught by her in particular now, the more he learned about that particular bunny cop. Nick grinned, and nodded warmly.

"Yeah, she's really something. But, she didn't change me. She just helped me unload some baggage I'd been carrying around for a long, long time. Since well before you and I met."

Nodding back in return, Sly sighed deeply. He feared he could see where this was going. Thankfully though, before he had to even speak a word in that regard to the fox, Nick seemed to pick up on his reluctance and sought to reassure him.

"Uh, don't get the wrong idea though. This isn't me sitting here about to try and tell you that just like she reformed me, I wanna try and fix you. I've read your file, I've seen your career and... well, there might be someone out there that'd make you see the world a different way. Maybe a beautiful Interpol agent who you can't help but love despite the fact that she makes your life endlessly more difficult."

The fox paused for a moment, raising an eyebrow and grinning as despite all his attempts to remain as unflappable as Nick, Sly's cheeks flushed.

"But, until you and her are thrown into some dire circumstance together, or you sit down and have a rational and open minded conversation like adults... though, in my experience it's more likely to be the first one. Until then? I'm not here to play fairy godmother or a conscience on your shoulder. I'm not here to be the good cop, or... really, any kind of cop at all."

Nick rose from his seat, and only then as his crotch rose up over the frame of the table between them once more did the raccoon notice how obviously tented the fox's uniform trousers were. It didn't require much observation though, because the next thing Sly knew he was watching as Nick quite calmly and methodically began to unbutton his shirt, cast it aside, and then move onto the next piece of his clothing. He watched, transfixed as for the first time in about fifteen years he saw Nick stripping naked in front of him, and only managed to let loose a soft groan when the nude, erect fox soon scrambled back up onto the chair, then stepped onto the table between them before finally sitting himself down on its edge directly facing Sly, and bringing his soft, bare footpaws to rest unabashedly upon the bulge in the raccoon's own tented lower garments.

"This... this isn't legal..."

Sly croaked not in upset or frustration at the fox's underhanded, or perhaps under-footpawed tactics, but in desire as Nick watched his reaction, and playfully wiggled his toes, rubbing them at the tip of the raccoon's already stiffened cock.

"I know."

Nick shrugged as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, which, of course, it pretty much was.

"But like I said, I'm not here as a cop. And, c'mon, if we were doing this by the book do you really think you'd have been brought here? Left unsupervised while Judy and Carmelita go off to sort paperwork? No recorder. No reading of your rights. Not to mention... no way in hell I wouldn't get fired for this, probably put up on charges myself, if I claimed that any part of this was official police business."

All the while as he spoke Nick's feet continued to manipulate Sly's crotch, and the raccoon found his face getting redder by the second while with his tail quivering and his cock throbbing against Nick's touch, he tried to recalculate his plans for escaping to account for this truly unexpected variable.

"So... it's, what? A kidnapping?"

He moaned, more playful than sincere in that question as though he certainly hadn't wanted to get arrested, what the fox was doing to him was most definitely not in any way against his will. Nick grinned, and as he continued to massage the raccoon's cock to the extent that he could now feel moisture against the tips of his toes as a dark spot started to form on Sly's trousers, he leaned back slightly on one arm, and began to stroke his own rock hard, knotted cock with the other.

"No, it's just a... change of tactics. We know we can't hold you. We know you're going to get away as soon as you find a point of weakness in our chain of custody. You've been arrested thirty seven times on four continents. You've been charged with ninety six separate incidents of grand larceny, and I'm willing to bet that number would be substantially higher if we had even the slightest evidence to pin you to any number of other high profile thefts over the years. So, rather than wasting the ZPD's resources trying and failing to keep you in our custody and ending up humiliated for it anyway... we're gonna be super nice, and just let you go."

Sly's eyes bulged.

"Wait. You are?"

Nick nodded slowly, teasingly.

"Mmhmm. You can ask me to uncuff you at any point, and I will. I'll take off your cuffs, escort you out of the building, and let you run off on your merry way... under two conditions."

Sly trembled in pleasure, while at the same time groaning in frustration. Of course there were conditions. Nick raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, c'mon. You're not honestly surprised are you? Forget that I'm a cop. Think about who you dealt with last time you were in Zootopia. Why would I ever let you go without getting something I want out of it first? What kind of hustler would I be if I did that?"

The raccoon shrugged and nodded in acknowledgement, and the fox beamed warmly at him, giving his cock an extra firm squeeze between his toes that made Sly shudder and buck his hips uncontrollably.

"Aaah, fine... name them."

Nick grinned, and his eyes twinkled playfully.

"First, you agree not to steal any more legitimately held pieces from Zootopia's museums or art galleries, or anything that's on free display to the public."

Sly noted the specific wording there. Not banning him from stealing anything from Zootopia, but redirecting his attentions away from publicly owned and charitable causes. After all, as much of a paradise as Zootopia was for the vast majority of its citizens, there were still rich folks in the city who, like rich folks in all other places, were most keenly interested in becoming richer at the cost of those around them. He nodded in assent.

"Okay. I can do that. Junior ranger scout's hono-a-aahh!"

The raccoon arched his back, and cried out in pleasure before he could finish that comment as while still stroking his cock with one footpaw, Nick's other paw reached closer still to the master thief, hooked his toes around the waistband of Sly's blue trousers, and in one swift, incredibly dextrous motion pulled the crotch out far enough to allow his already teasing footpaw to push on the tip of Sly's cock and allow it to spring free above the waist of his now pre-cum stained lower garments. After that it took only a little more effort to coax Sly up onto his feet just enough to relieve any pressure resting on his rump, and to slide his trousers down entirely to around his knees. Already close, Sly whined and moaned as Nick's feet came to rest upon his now bare, exposed cock with their soft pads already dampened by his oozing pre-cum. Now that they were in direct contact though Nick's motions slowed down dramatically, and Sly grunted, eyes bulging in desperation as he remembered another aspect about the time he'd spent with Nick all those years ago.

"And condition number two... remembering that you're free to ask me to uncuff you and walk out of here at any time... you promise to return one publicly owned artefact you've stolen from other museums and galleries around the world, for each time I'm able to make you beg to be able to cum before either you do cum, or you choose to leave, your collection intact and your balls as blue as your outfit."

Sly's eyes bulged, and he stared at the naked, slowly, teasingly masturbating fox seated on the table before him with furious lust burning in his eyes.

"That's just cruel..."

He moaned. Nick grinned.

"Not really. You can stop at any time. You can be set free and jerk yourself off at a moment's notice whenever you wish. It's only cruel if you're so eager, so desperate to be made to cum by me, if you have such fond memories of what I did to you during one of those nights we spent together, that you think you might actually be tempted to let it happen."

The fox tilted his head to one side. His grin grew wider, and the raccoon groaned louder still in desire and dismay as Nick's eyebrows wiggled.


Sly took a deep breath. He trembled, he whimpered, and as he sat there in his tunic and hat with his trousers around his knees and Nick's feet still caressing his now bare cock ever so slowly and steadily, holding him close to the brink but never pushing hard enough to risk tipping him over the edge, he couldn't stop his eyes from darting back and forth between Nick's own gorgeous, dripping erect cock, and the fox's sharp, playfully hungry eyes.

With a breathless groan the raccoon nodded, and bucked his hips helplessly, giddily up against Nick's toes wriggling around his tip, only to cry out as just a few moments later the fox's feet fell totally still, then began to pull slowly but undeniably away from his shaft.

"I agree! Ohh god, Nick! I... please, I agree! Just don't stop. Please, don't stop! Make me cum!"

Sly begged helplessly, the words escaping his muzzle before he could even realise what it was he was saying, and how perfectly he was playing into the fox's paws. By the time Nick's feet did make contact again though, and gave Sly a few vigorous strokes swiftly enough to bring the raccoon right back to the brink, Sly didn't even care. He just didn't want the pleasure to stop. He just didn't want Nick to stop teasing him and making him feel just like he had that night all those years ago. He was being hustled and he knew it, but sometimes a masterclass in manipulation like this was well worth any price you could be asked to pay.


For close to twenty minutes after the first plea, Sly sat back in his chair and whimpered, grunted and gasped as over and over again Nick brought him tortuously close to the edge with his teasing footpaws, only to withdraw and sit for another minute or two casually masturbating himself as he watched the raccoon writhe and shudder and twitch and drool from both cock and muzzle alike. Eight times in total he brought Sly to the edge with his toes, their soft pads glistening with the master thief's pre by the time they withdrew once again, and a strangled, guttural cry of longing escaped Sly, followed by yet another round of helpless begging.

"Ahhh... a-aaaahfuck, please! I need to cum. Nick, I... I can't take it any more! Rub me! Suck me! Fucking ride my cock, just please make me cum, now!!"

No mercy was offered to the raccoon though no matter how genuine his desperation and how obviously hot it was making Nick to tease and stimulate him again after all these years. To Sly's ever so slight relief though the fox did at least grant him a little extra respite after he fell silent and limp in his chair. He blushed as Nick held up a hand in front of him, two fingers raised pointedly while the fox beamed behind them. For nearly five minutes they just looked at one another, red faced, panting, Sly's cock straining and throbbing as his hands struggled helplessly against the sturdy handcuffs binding them and preventing him from bringing an end to his needy torment himself. He knew he could have asked for release at any moment, freed and therefore able to stroke himself to orgasm as hard and fast as he wanted. But, it wasn't just orgasm that Sly craved. After seeing Nick again, after feeling Nick teasing him all this time, it was the fox he wanted to make him cum, and nothing and no-one else would work as a substitute.

Once the raccoon was suitably relaxed though, or at least no longer quite so close to the edge of orgasm, still rock hard and whimpering with desire, Nick slipped down off the table and dropped to his knees before Sly. He teased the raccoon's trousers all the way down around his ankles and pulled them off, then spread Sly's legs wide apart, playfully hooked his feet around the front legs of the chair on which he was seated before shuffling even closer between those trembling grey furred limbs and bowing his head to Sly's needy cock.

A couple of minutes later, a third finger rose into the air as Sly wailed to Nick with pleading desire while the fox lapped in long, steady strokes against the underside of the raccoon's cock.

A few minutes after that, Nick denied Sly's imminent release yet again, and again the raccoon begged for his release as with a thick, slurping pop the fox's muzzle backed off from where it had left the whole of Sly's length glistening with saliva as well as his own pre-cum.

Finally, a fifth digit rose upon Nick's other hand when Sly let loose an almighty wail and actually thought for a moment that he'd managed to do it, a thick string of cum in what looked for all the world like the beginnings of an orgasm erupting from his cock as Nick pulled back from lavishing its sensitive head with licks and tender kisses. He was so unbearably close that yet more cum trickled down the underside of his cock and Sly writhed and gurgled at the intensity of truly hanging on the very brink, but without any more stimulation there was nothing the raccoon could do, and he howled in desperate, needy misery and delight all at once as after close to thirty seconds of not knowing if he was cumming or not, his body failed to grant him its release and began to slowly sink back away from the edge all over again.

The worst thing was that as he recovered, as he panted and whined and waited for Nick to start teasing him all over again, Sly found himself almost wanting to be denied. Just like last time when the fox had done this to him, he found himself enthralled by how incredible it could feel not to cum, and how much he wanted to feel himself dangling on the edge over and over again. More wonderful even than that however was seeing what Nick was doing while he waited for Sly to calm down. Sly stared and groaned hungrily as he watched Nick lie back upon that table in front of him once again, all the way on his back this time with his legs spread and lifted into the air, masturbating himself vigorously. Each bout of stroking his cock however only lasted long enough to coat his fingertips in pre-cum, at which point the fox peered up at Sly, grinned teasingly, and started to rub his pre-cum slicked fingers against the pucker of his own ass, slowly but surely lubricating himself over the next five minutes until once again Sly was calm enough for another round.


Nick raised an eyebrow, and grinned as he lifted six fingers in front of Sly's eyes before he'd even finished settling himself over the raccoon's lap, not even having started to sink himself down onto Sly's cock yet. The raccoon groaned, but just stared up into Nick's eyes as the fox moved his hands forward, cupped the thief's face, and playfully flicked the hat off his head before leaning down to kiss him deeply, and to start letting the other man's erection fill him up. No doubt had it not been for the fox's tongue in his muzzle Sly would have gotten himself into double digits long before Nick had hilted the raccoon inside himself, but instead of crying out and begging more audibly to be able to cum, Sly settled for whining and gurgling and giving every bit as good as he got with regards to their sloppy, lustful make-out.

Finally though, Nick did pull back when he had neither the breath to keep kissing Sly nor the willpower to keep from riding the raccoon's cock. Boldly he reached out, grabbed Sly's hat, tossed it aside and grasped instead at a handful of the raccoon's headfur. He began to rock and grind upon Sly's lap, and as he did so, his cock throbbing between his flat, fluffy stomach and Sly's close fitting tunic, he leaned in and whispered to the raccoon, his head hidden from sight of the mirrored wall by Sly's own face.

"You wanted to get to fourteen, right? I'm not gonna last long, and I'm not gonna stop this time, so you'd better start begging."

He drew back, grinned at the trembling, panting raccoon, and then spoke louder once again.

"I could ride you for hours, Sly. And... maybe I will, unless you prove to me how much you need it."

With that, he began to bounce rapidly up and down upon the raccoon's raging hard-on. He kept his hold upon Sly's headfur as the thief howled and wailed and before long did indeed begin to beg once again, this time Nick crying out the number rather than removing his hands from where they were respectively resting upon the raccoon's head and his own throbbing, needy cock.


Between each cry of another number though, at some point Nick leaned forward to kiss Sly, then to nibble upon the raccoon's neck in a way that left their heads tilted enough that they could whisper to one another without either of their muzzles' motion being visible in the room's mirror.

"Ohh Nicky... I missed this so much. I missed you..."

Sly groaned happily, but quietly to the fox as Nick pecked up and down his face, then whispered tenderly back.

"I missed you too... but, ah... I told you, don't call me Nnnh... Nicky. Fuck..."

Another plea soon followed.


Then more whispers amidst their strained cries and their increasingly wild, urgent fucking.

"All of this just to de-clutter your apartment. Honestly, Sly, couldn't you just mail it back to Carmelita anonymously? Nnhh... not that I'm complaining about the method you did choose."

The raccoon gasped, but barely held back a snort of laughter amidst his bliss as he whispered back to Nick.

"And let her think I did it out of the goodness of my heart? No way! Besides, like you said, I... ah... I wasn't gonna pass up this chance to reconnect with you, or to meet Judy. I can see why you love her, Nicky."

The fox bounced especially hard upon Sly's cock as the raccoon teased him with that name once again. The name only Sly and Finnick had ever gotten away with calling him. The raccoon wailed, and begged for more, for his release yet again.


Then again.


And one more time.

"Eleven! Oh... ohhh fuck, Sly, I'm... I'm gonna..."

Like magic, Sly slipped out of his cuffs. He'd figured out the trick to it about half an hour ago, but only had the need to free himself now. Rather than seeking his freedom though, he hurriedly pulled his tunic up and over his head, then wrapped his arms tight around Nick's bare body, pulling them tight together as he howled to the fox.

"Me too! Ohh god, Nick! Mnhhaahh... make me cum, Nick! I need to cum! Please, please, please god, mh-hhahhhhhh, make me cum!"

Nick trembled, his eyes bulged, and he yelped as he felt one of Sly's arms release him from their tight embrace and instead sink down between their bodies, wrapping its fingers tightly around the fox's engorged knot.

"That's... a-aahhh... that's fourt-thhhahhh... fourteen! Ohh god! Ohh god , cum in me, Sly! Cum in me!! Yes!"

As Nick began to paint Sly's and his own chest with thick ribbons of cum, a few streaks even splattering against their chins while the raccoon howled and unloaded deep into the fox's ass, both men thought they heard a muffled thud against the mirror on the wall to their side, and a faint but shrill scream of ecstasy. Their muzzles twitched upward at the corners, but they were so caught up in their own pleasure at that moment that thankfully it was easy to disguise their awareness, or at least their near certain suspicion of what was going on next door.

They whimpered and gasped and clutched at one another, trembling, bucking, crying out and making out in breathless succession throughout their peaks until both males' balls were fully empted either across or within their partner's handsome form. Their foreheads rested together as they panted and shivered their way through the last moments of their shared peak before settling into its soothing, wonderful afterglow, and once again as their muzzles were obfuscated from the mirror's view, they whispered to each other as their eyes met, and even through their post-orgasmic satisfaction and fatigue, they winked at one another.

"Thank you for this. For all of this, but... also for the assist with this plan. You've still got it, even if you are a dumb cop now... Nicky."

Sly teased, and moaned as with a playful growl of his own in return Nick purposefully squeezed his ass tight around Sly's now extra-sensitive cock.

"Mmh, you're welcome. Always happy to help a fellow hustler. But... Sly? Call me Nicky again, and when we meet up properly tonight after all this is done, you're gonna wish I only made you wait an hour before I let you cum."

By Jeeves

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