A Productive Day's Work

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Two colleagues put in some extra hours of work together to finish a big project. When Loki finds herself too horny to focus though, there's only one way Jasiri can help her get her head back in the game. :3

This short story was written for Liquid. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, and hyper-cock related breeding in abundance. :3

A Productive Day's Work

Loki had to get her share of the project finished today. She had to. Yet, no matter how many times the cougar told herself that, it didn't make focusing on the computer screen in front of her any easier. It didn't make the documents and the emails and the spreadsheets any less of a jumble in her head, and it definitely didn't make the aching from between her legs any easier to ignore. Glancing to her right, her vibrantly dyed red hair drifting across her shoulders as she did so, Loki scowled as she watched Jasiri working close by. The cheetah was hurriedly tapping away on the keyboard of his own laptop, sitting at a slightly smaller table on the other side of the same wall of Loki's home-office. Normally that table was laden with stacks of books and papers, but today she'd cleared it off so that Jasiri and her could work together on getting their department's latest project complete before the holiday weekend. This shouldn't have been an issue, Loki worked with Jasiri all the time. But, normally they were either both at the main office and thus surrounded by a bunch of other colleagues, or both working remotely from their own homes. In either case, Loki wasn't used to being alone with the cheetah, with the man who was something of a legend throughout the company, and a certain sub-section of its employees in particular.

Tail twitching and chest rising and falling much more substantially than should have been required from such a sedentary act as report writing, Loki barely held back a moan as she glanced over at Jasiri yet again. Her eyes immediately, helplessly fell upon his crotch. He was wearing a shirt and a crisp black pair of trousers, jacket flung over the back of his chair, but there was almost no point in the cheetah wearing anything on his lower half at all as far as Loki was concerned. His custom fitted trousers might have held his obscenely large genitalia inside to an acceptable margin, but there was absolutely no way for them to wholly conceal the fact that Jasiri's huge balls and perpetually at least half-hard cock were hiding just beneath that thin layer of fabric. Her clit throbbed as Jasiri's bulge twitched while she was watching it, and she turned away as though afraid that it somehow knew she was watching, face glowing scarlet beneath her sandy fur.

She wanted him. She needed him. The cougar didn't know why she couldn't hold back, why today was any different from the dozens of other times she had interacted with him in both work and social settings aside from their being one-on-one. It was ridiculous. She was a grown-ass woman. Loki didn't need a man in her life. She had never let herself be identified by her romantic relationships, and that had served her fairly well thus far. But every time she looked at the cheetah, every time she even heard his fingers tapping away at his own keyboard while she sat blank and motionless with her fingers on her own but not a single new word upon the screen, she couldn't help but look into her mind's eye. To surrender briefly to her fantasies of her own face thrown back to the heavens in an almighty scream as he didn't just fuck her, but bred her. She knew his nickname. His reputation. As much as he was Jasiri, he was the Stud too. And right now, Loki was craving his reputed prowess so badly that she felt as though her body was dragging her into the midst of a spontaneous heat cycle just to justify any reason for her to break down and beg for his cock.

Another minute passed. Two. Then five. Loki hadn't typed a single word for fifteen minutes at that point, and she could feel her juices soaking through her panties. She looked to the side again, towards Jasiri, and this time she did groan aloud as she saw that his cock had gotten even bigger, now stretching the fabric of his trousers so very tight as its own dark fabric glistened where pre-cum was dribbling from his barbed tip.


The cougar jumped sharply as without looking her way, and only just pausing in his own swift typing, Jasiri addressed her.


She gurgled in poorly restrained desire.

"You okay?"

Still he didn't look. Still he didn't turn. Even in the pause after he spoke again and before she could summon up the words of a response, he typed a little more as though it was the most easy and casual thing in the world.

"I... yeah. Just... uh... I'm just, I'm fine..."

Loki tried to explain it away, but she couldn't. Just as she couldn't work, she couldn't lie. Her brain was trapped in a fog of desire, swirling helplessly around a central vortex that housed the cheetah's cock at its very core. The cheetah shrugged, but paused, and finally glanced her way. Their eyes met. His eyes twinkled. Loki swore she almost came right then and there, and when he spoke, she shuddered as she did feel a hot squirt of juices soak the interior of her panties. Not a full on orgasm, but goddamn close.

"You sure? It's just... I haven't heard you typing in a while, and... well, you smell horny as fuck."

With anyone else uttering those words, Loki assumed she would have been ashamed. Ashamed or enraged at the presumption, at the gall of some dude telling her that he could smell her arousal, true or not. But either because the cheetah held some impossible sway over her in that moment through his very presence, or maybe just because he was so completely and undeniably right, she could only whimper in bashful desire, and nod desperately.

"I... I am. Fuck. Please, Jasiri... I... I don't know why. I mean... I do know. It's you. Your cock..."

She couldn't stop herself, couldn't keep herself from admitting that humiliatingly personal truth as the words just came tumbling out of her muzzle. To her amazement though, the cheetah didn't look shocked. He didn't look disgusted or confused or amused by her desperation. He smiled, but not mockingly. Not with any malice or cruelty, in fact with absolute sincerity as much as Loki could read his expression.

"Want some help?"

He offered, turning in his chair to face her, cock still rock hard, throbbing especially forcibly and letting loose such an abundant spurt of pre-cum that it totally saturated the front of his pants and oozed through the glistening material as though they weren't even there. Loki gurgled, and this time she did cum. Her eyes grew heavy lidded. Her body sagged in her seat, and she whined, she quaked and mewled a strained cry of ecstasy as her thighs pressed tight together and not just her underwear but her own trousers and the seat of her leather chair were all stained by the sudden and potent surge of her liquid arousal. She could do nothing but stare at Jasiri's cock as she came, not even looking up at his face until a full thirty seconds had passed and the pleasure finally began to taper off, though the desire remained stronger than ever. Only then did she look up at him, and as she saw him grinning knowingly but with that same helpful sincerity spread across his face, she nodded feverishly.

"I... I n-nnh... need to get my half of the project done..."

The cougar grunted.

"I have to finish it. We have to finish it today, so... if you fuck me, then... a-aah... then we can get back to work."

Only then did Jasiri chuckle in amusement, and as he rose to his feet and calmly, casually began to strip off his clothes like it was the most natural and expected thing in all the world, Loki doing the same before she even realised it, he growled back to her with a voice suddenly laced with hunger. A voice not just of a man who knew how much fun they were about to have together, but who was delighted to be able to blow Loki's expectations out of the water.

"It'll take longer than that. Longer than just one fuck. I promise. But..."

He gestured at the computer in front of Loki as he continued to strip, and licked his lips as he finally pulled down his trousers to reveal the colossal, heavy and cum-filled balls and his vast cock to accompany them.

"...you can keep on working. Trust me, it'll be easier to focus with me inside you, compared to carrying on like you have been."

Loki shook her head and groaned in desire.

"Nnh... no. It can wait a little while. Even if we take an hour, or two... I don't want to be distracted. I need... I want to feel this. To feel you."

She pushed her chair away, and though the cougar had no intention of trying to continue her work she faced the desk and planted her hands upon its edge, spreading her legs apart in a solid, welcoming stance and flagging her tail up high while Jasiri padded over to take up position behind her. His hands caressed her flanks, then slid up and around to squeeze her breasts and graze her nipples just firmly enough to make her grunt, and her pussy drool even more than it already had. Loki shrieked as she felt that cock, that huge cock rub between her buttocks with its barbed tip, and clutched at the desk tighter still as Jasiri growled to her once again.

"Trust me, momma cat..."

He licked the side of her neck, and Loki almost came yet again.

"...you'll be able to work. But, stopping? Taking breaks? That's not how this works. I'm gonna fuck you... I'm gonna breed you all day long. All night too, probably, until you're unconscious. But I promise, it'll take much, much longer than you think before that'll happen. You'll be too busy cumming to even let yourself pass out."

Loki opened her muzzle to reply, to tell Jasiri that she needed him so badly he didn't have to over-exaggerate his prowess. Before she could get a single word of that comment out though, she felt the tip of the cheetah's cock press between her outer lips. Her eyes bulged as he started to slide into her, and kept going, and going, and going, filling her deeper and deeper and stretching her ever wider until it was impossible, until there was no way her body could handle such a vast erection. And yet, she did handle it. She took it all, every last inch, and when in less than half a minute Jasiri grunted as he hilted fully inside Loki's pussy, his hyper-sized erection throbbing inside the cougar as his hips ground against her quaking buttocks, Loki couldn't talk. It felt like if she even tried to so much as clench the muscles of her throat to speak, she might explode from pleasure. Thus all she could do was issue forth a breathless, strangled whimper, slap the palms of her hands feverishly against the desk, and nod hurriedly to urge Jasiri onward, and beg him to start fucking her in earnest.

He did so barely a second later, and from the very first stroke of his cock inside her, Loki knew that Jasiri was right. Suddenly all the impossible things she had been feeling and thinking and all the obviously overstated, exaggerated stories she'd ever heard about him made total sense. Suddenly she couldn't imagine ever calling him Jasiri again. He was the Stud. Of course he was. How could he have been anything else with a cock like that? With balls like those?

The cougar's home-office was filled first by Jasiri's snarls and the sound of his vast cock slurping its way in and out of Loki as his hips slapped against her ass over and over again. Seconds later though, as soon as Loki had caught her breath, she was screaming. Howling, shrieking, roaring in ecstasy; cumming after mere seconds and wailing at the top of her lungs until they were empty, then gurgling through strained, desperate breaths until they were full once more and she could scream to her orgasm-stricken heart's content anew.

It only took a few minutes before with a bestial roar of his very own the Stud began to pour abundant waves of cum deep into Loki, her womb swelling, her belly bulging with the sheer obscene volume of the cheetah's hyper-virile release. Jasiri huffed and grunted as he unloaded rope after rope of thick cum into the cougar, but did not stop thrusting even for a moment after his first orgasm came to an end. If anything, he fucked her harder. Held her tighter, and growled louder to her in lust to assure her that they were not done as for the eighth or ninth time herself, Loki howled in the throes of her very own ecstasy.

The strange thing was, after Jasiri came deep inside Loki for the third time and as her own total of orgasms surpassed thirty, the cougar began to grow more, rather than less coherent. It wasn't that the pleasure was any less intense, far from it. It was growing more and more incredible with every orgasm, practically with every thrust. But it felt so good, so absolutely mind-blowing, that the desperation, the craving for Jasiri that had driven her to needing him to do this to her in the first place was beginning to subside. She still wanted him to keep going. She still needed his cock, his cum, his body making her shudder and scream and squirt almost more than she needed oxygen. Now though, so long as he was doing all that, she felt like she could think clearly again even amidst her pleasure. Not just clearly enough to appreciate it and recognise that she was able to appreciate it, but... her cheeks flushed at the mere idea of it, enough for her to maybe get some work done on her report at last.

"Don't stop..."

She croaked between climaxes, shuddering, grunting as the cheetah's barbs dragged back and forth over her g-spot and within seconds had her soaking his heavy balls with yet another surge of ejaculate.

"...o-oh god, fuck... fuck yesss... don't... ah..."

Loki pulled her keyboard over to the spot on the desk against which she was leaning. She reached out and tilted her monitor towards her panting, flushed face, and smiled as she not only saw the words on the screen making sense, but began to develop a strategy to overcome the main problem that she and Jasiri had been working to solve in their report.

"...ohh, Stud! Fuck me. Fuck me!! Aaahh, please... yes, just like that. Oohhh_yessss_! Keep going!"

The cougar purred and moaned as she started to type, the rocking of Jasiri's hips against her ass causing the occasional spelling error, but beyond that only aiding her in her work.

"Fuck me hahh... harder. Fill me with your kittens, Stud! And... a-ahh, yes... please. Please, tell me... do you remember our quarterly _ahh-_annuities for the last financial year?"

By Jeeves

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