You Look Familiar

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A skunk meets an older guy at a bar. An older guy who for some reason seems really, really familiar.

This vignette was written for Serling as part of my themed Patreon request day for January 2020. This month's theme was "The Future!" and the story contains M/M sexiness between consenting adults. :3

You Look Familiar

"Excuse me? Uh... hey, sorry if this is weird but... do we know each other? Have we met before, or... it's just, you look really familiar."

What Marshall didn't say of course was that one of his friends had pointed out the guy watching him from across the bar. An older guy admittedly. But a really, really kinda handsome older guy. A skunk like him, even their markings so similar that Marshall was holding back on the more obvious flirtations in case rather than this being someone admiring him from across the bar, it was a case of some distant family member trying to figure out if he really was a relative of his also here on a night out. The other skunk smiled a bashful smile; a really cute smile too in Marshall's opinion, and shook his head.

"No. I'm pretty sure we've never met before. But... I'm glad to meet you now."

The older skunk extended a hand, then hesitated a moment. Finally though he blushed, nodded as though to himself rather than Marshall, and fully reached out his paw. Marshall took it. It was warm. Soft. Again, weirdly familiar as they shook, both men lingering in contact perhaps a moment longer than was necessary, each feeling their cheeks flush hotter but not seeing any regret on the other skunk's face at the additional instants of that closeness.

Marshall pulled up a seat, and warmly introduced himself.

"I'm Marshall. Good to meet you too."

The other skunk smiled, nodded, and began to respond.


There was just a moment of hesitation. Just a fraction of a second, but it was still noticeable to them both even as the older male responded.

"I'm Phillip."

Marshall chuckled.

"Man, coincidence. That's my middle name."

Phillip swallowed, and raised his eyebrows as though in curious interest, though his eyes were wide with a somewhat different feeling which Marshall couldn't quite place. There was something a little strange about that guy. Maybe he was just a little nervous socially. Maybe he was embarrassed about something. But whatever the reason, it wasn't off-putting. Just... different.

"Yeah? That's wild."

Marshall nodded even though he knew that Phillip was a far more common name, middle or otherwise, than his first name. Beyond that though he couldn't help but grin as the skunk used one of the words his friends always teased him for over-using as a descriptor of anything remotely strange that happened to or around him.

"Yeah, wild. So uh... Phillip, can I get you a drink? Maybe we could go get a table together. Somewhere that... well, where my friends aren't gonna be spying on us, trying to figure out if I'm flirting with you or not."

Phillip tried to laugh, but ended up all but choking on what had to have been his own nervousness. Marshall blushed, grinned as he patted the older skunk on the back both to reassure him and make absolutely certain that Phillip could continue breathing.

"Hey, if you don't want me to flirt, I'll stop. We can just chat, or... I can go back to my friends and leave you to your evening. I don't wanna make you uncomfortable, okay?"

The older skunk visibly tried to gather himself in that moment, and shook his head quite insistently. Marshall's eyes widened slightly as without prompting, the other man reached out and took his hand again. That same sense of familiarity swept over Marshall as their fingers grasped at one another, and though he didn't know why Phillip had grabbed him, he still felt no desire whatsoever to end their contact.

"No. Please, you don't have to stop. I... I'd really like to chat with you. And, if you... if you want to flirt with me? That's okay."

Marshall grinned, and nodded warmly towards a passing bartender to get her attention.

"Well then, drinks? And after that, we'll see about the flirting."

He winked to the older skunk before turning back to the bartender, and began to order for them both. A couple of minutes later the two men slid into a booth clutching a pint of the same cider apiece in their left hand, Marshall only then realising he hadn't even thought to ask Phillip whether he actually liked cider. It might have been his favourite, but he wouldn't normally have made that assumption about anyone else. And yet, there they were, ciders in hand.

"So, what brings you out tonight? Celebrating something, or... maybe looking for some company?"

Marshall asked with genuine curiosity as they settled down face to face, his eyes lingering on Phillip's face and still unable to get over both how handsome, and how familiar the other skunk looked.


The older skunk murmured, pausing for a moment as though trying to recall something, then nodding again and pressing on.

"...actually, I was here to meet someone."

Marshall raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but glance around.

"Oh? Oh man, not making any assumptions but... if they stood you up, they're an idiot. You're cute as hell."

Phillip's face burned scarlet beneath his fur, and he grinned gratefully at the other, younger skunk.

"Thanks, but... no, not like that. It's just... well, I guess this is the part where I tell you, right? Uh... about twenty years ago, I met a guy in this bar. An older guy, about... okay, I guess exactly the age I am now. And even though he was a bit weird, there was something about him I couldn't get over. Something about him that was familiar, but... more than that. Familiar in a really comforting sort of way, like I could be myself around him. I had no reason to believe it of course. No reason to trust that feeling... until we sat down together, and he started to tell me a story about when he was younger. A story about how he'd gone to this bar and met an older guy who made him feel exactly the same way."

Marshall blinked in confusion as he was told the story, a story which seemed to exactly replicate what was happening to him right now.


He began, but the older skunk reached a hand out across the table, which before Marshall had realised it he was reaching out in turn to take. To hold. To squeeze tightly as Phillip squeezed back, and with growing confidence, his voice becoming less soft and nervous, and more alike in tone with Marshall's own.

"Then it got really crazy, because... he told me about how one day, I was going to invent time travel. That in about six months my work in quantum folding theory was going to get a lot of attention, and from there, I was going to be engulfed in decades of study and research, before finally developing a working prototype device capable of projecting a person back in time by at least several decades. Every test I'd run on plants and animals had been a success, but I couldn't risk anyone else's life. Not just because it was the responsible thing to do, but because... well... I knew that I was meant to take the first attempt, and I knew exactly what was going to happen when it succeeded. Because, there I was... telling myself about it while I sat across the table, half wondering if this older guy was full of shit... and half wondering why if I really had time travelled to go and meet myself, I'd have said it was okay for my past self to flirt with me."

Marshall nodded slowly, taking a deep but somewhat ragged breath as he tried to wrap his head around the fact that this other man, or rather this person claiming to be a future version of himself, had just plucked exactly what had been running through his own head in that moment and laid it bare, almost as though he'd known it was going to be happening.

"The reason why, Marshall... is because it happened to me already. I was you. I mean, I am you, but I was you in your time where you are right now, sitting and listening to this. Don't worry about memorising it. I tried at the start, but apparently what I say here is gonna be exactly what you remember hearing anyway. I still don't fully understand to what degree things are predestined. Whether it's a matter of everything being fairly immutable or if certain things can be altered without consequence while others are more fixed. A lot of research will have to be done before we can let this technology be more widely known to the world. We don't want to risk damaging any timelines, alternate or otherwise. But... what I do know is that after I finish speaking to myself, or, finished? God... the tenses in this conversation are really hard to keep track of. After my older self stopped speaking to me, my younger self, you, now... Christ. After he briefly explained what happened, how he spent the night with his future self. How we fucked, and had such an amazing night that we promised we'd fulfil our future so that we could be sure that the timeline happened, and we got to share this night again? I... you, that is... just stared at me for like ten seconds, and then said..."

For about ten seconds, silence fell over the booth.

And then...


Marshall murmured as he looked down at the table, where his and the other skunk's fingers were laced through one another, clutching intimately in a way that Marshall had always found so sweet, yet had never found a partner who felt the same way about the gesture.

"That's a really, really wild pick up line."

The younger skunk murmured, blushing as he looked up into his older self's eyes, and saw the other Marshall grin.

"Yup, that's what I said. Figures, right? I never did stop saying wild. And then..."

His voice trailed off, leaving the younger Marshall to say what he knew he was going to say, because of course he'd already said it.

"So, wait... we, I... no, yeah. We invent time travel because of how good we are in bed together? Because we fuck so good we want to make sure we can do it again?"

The older skunk laughed, and shrugged.

"I mean, not just because of that... but... we were pretty fucking hot together. Or, we are. We could be. Will be."

Both their eyes glanced down at their still almost totally full drinks, then across to the bar door, before finally falling upon one another again. They blushed, and they grinned in unison, the younger Marshall now unable to believe he hadn't recognised himself, even a forty year old version of himself, right from the start.


He murmured to his older, time travelling self.

"Do we have to wait here much longer, or... can we go fuck right now, make the most of whatever time we've got together?"

The older skunk beamed, and rose immediately to his feet, still holding his younger self by the hand as he did so.

"Nope, no more waiting. Those words were the last ones I said to the older me while we were still at the bar. Well, except..."

Marshall rose to his own feet, slipped out from the booth, and impatiently began to drag his future self towards the exit.

"Okay, enough with the precognition. I believe you! Just take me back to my dorm room already, and fuck me!"

The older skunk grinned knowingly as he was pulled towards the door, and took one last look around that familiar bar where he'd spent so many fun nights back when he was a senior, both before and after tonight, before turning his full attention back to his younger self. He thought back to exactly how he'd been made to cum for the first time on that incredible, life changing night. He licked his lips, and grinned eagerly as he followed on behind his past self, admiring his own tight, fluffy tailed ass.

"You think we're gonna make it back to your dorm before we fuck? Oh man, Marshall... I forgot how much more vanilla I was when I was you."

By Jeeves

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