The Sky and the Stars

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Two lovers help one another fly as they have never flown before.

This vignette was written for Aubrey as part of my themed Patreon request day for January 2020. This month's theme was "The Future!" and this story contains suggestions of F/F sex and romantic cuteness between a pair of consenting adults. <3

The Sky and the Stars

"Oh my god! Oh my god oh my god!"

The rabbit clung to Aubrey as the gyrfalcon's wings flared, flapped, and she stepped off the edge of the building. Woofy's head span. She squeezed her eyes tight shut and clutched at Aubrey with all the strength she could muster, and... and then, then she felt it. The rush of the wind. The strength of her lover's arms cradling her, one arm wrapped around and under her own arms and the other under her knees. The whirling knot in her stomach that she remembered feeling for the first time when swinging on a swing-set as a kid, and which had first set in her head the idea that this was it. The feeling, the sensation of flying.

She opened her eyes, and squealed as sure enough she saw beneath her the roofs of buildings. Streets in a map-like overhead view, and moving dots of people, of cars, as they swept up and towards the edge of the city, thermal currents from the metropolis below carrying both Aubrey and her passenger's additional weight with ease.


Woofy began, cuddling against Aubrey a little closer, grasping the gyrfalcon around her shoulders not tighter, but more intimately without a doubt. Her voice trailed off though, and she simply nuzzled gently against the bird's neck before turning her eyes back away from Aubrey, not to the ground that time, but to the sky before them. To the horizon, and the land stretching out towards it where the city gave way to rolling countryside. There were no words for a situation like this. No reason to try and speak when the circumstance itself said more than words ever could, and when there would be so, so much time for Woofy to thank Aubrey after the fact. Right now, she didn't need words. What she needed now were more eyes. More senses. More opportunities to capture and record every last second of this experience, her first time flying without mechanical assistance, before it came to an end.

They flew out beyond the city, and for a while Aubrey circled over a patch of forest atop a grass covered hill. They watched a herd of deer grazing until the shadow of Aubrey's undeniably hawk-like, albeit anthro form overhead spooked them into fleeing. They admired the winding course of a nearby stream, and all the while of course, they held one another close and revelled in the fact that they got to share this experience with someone they cared for so dearly. Finally though, Aubrey began to sink slowly towards the ground. She didn't say as much, but Woofy knew it must have been a strain on her to be carrying a whole extra person's worth of weight while still maintaining her flight as normal. Besides, they must have been airborne for at least twenty minutes by that point, which was nineteen minutes and fifty nine seconds longer than Woofy could possibly have achieved without her lover's kindness and generosity in offering this gift.

They landed in the field where the deer had been grazing, not too far away from the stream, and though Aubrey remained upright as she set Woofy down upon the ground, it was the rabbit who found herself unsteady on her feet. So dizzy with glee as much as from the sudden return to the earth and a more stable equilibrium, that she stumbled and toppled, giggling, to her knees. Aubrey gasped and knelt down to try and steady her, but just a few moments later she was shrieking with laughter as Woofy squealed and pulled the gyrfalcon down over her. Muzzle and beak met in a gentle kiss, then a second, deeper one. When it broke, a soft moan escaped the rabbit's lips, and she blushed as she stared up into the eyes of the incredible woman kneeling over her, wings still spread and eyes glimmering with adoration.

"One day... I'll show you the stars, like you showed me the sky."

Woofy murmured, only for her eyes to widen, and a soft, breathless gasp to escape her lips as she felt one of Aubrey's hands slide down between their bodies, and start to reach up under the dress the rabbit was wearing.

"I know if you can, you will."

Aubrey chirped back tenderly, but with longing, with excitement in her voice as she glanced around at the empty field and the surrounding countryside, utterly devoid of anyone to disturb them.

"But, for now..."

Her delicate fingers caressed at the front of Woofy's panties, and she smiled as her lover took the hint, and began to reach for and start unbuckling her belt.

"...let's fly together, in a different way."


"Entering orbital flight mode in five... four... three... two..."

The rabbit glanced over at her zebra co-pilot, and she nodded back as they felt the gentle shudder of the rockets firing that would slip them into a steady orbit. The co-pilot's gaze shifted back to the readouts before her, but Woofy glanced back behind her chair, and smiled as she caught Aubrey staring at her.

"Hey. Space is out there."

She giggled playfully, nodding out of the window of the cockpit to where blue had given way to black, and clouds had long since been replaced by the pinpricks of stars, though it had been noon when they'd taken off less than an hour ago.

"I know."

Aubrey murmured, regarding Woofy's beautiful face, every wrinkle around her eyes and every grey or faded patch in her fur telling a story of wonderful years they'd spent together.

"But y'know, without you... I wouldn't be up here to see it with my own eyes. So... lemmie just look at you a little longer. Let me take in what really matters, and then I guess I'll look at the stars."

The two lovers blushed, and then even deeper still when the zebra ever so gently cleared her throat from her own seat.

"Okay you two... we're all set up and stable now. So, Woofy? Why don't you take our VIP up to the observation deck before I feel guilty for not doing this for my lady back home. I'll yell if I see any aliens."

Woofy giggled, murmured her thanks to her co-pilot, and unfastened her harness. Gently, she floated up out of her seat, and with practised ease from hundreds of flights into space like this upon varying different craft, drifted her way over to Aubrey. Gently she eased the gyrfalcon out of her own harness, and grinned as Aubrey tried to flap her wings a little, but just ended up starting to slowly rise up out of her seat and turn a slow pirouette in mid-air. The rabbit helped stabilise her, and together they floated out of the cabin, back into the empty first class compartment of this new model orbital passenger craft, then up through a hatch to the observation deck of the craft. The stars visible through the cockpit's window had been incredible, but the sheer scope of the starscape visible above the observation deck's domed roof was without comparison.

Aubrey chirped, her throat choked with emotion as she saw it, and the hand that was already clutching tightly at Woofy's own to hold her steady in the lack of relative gravity squeezed tighter still. Together, once they were floating free of the hatch and inside the room itself, Woofy shifted their positions until they were effectively lying down, staring up at the stars spread out before them like a blanket. They cuddled up against one another, and kissed gently, giddily in the knowledge that to do so here, to share their love in this place so, so high above the earth, made them both even luckier than they already were for having a partner like the one in their arms right now.

"It took me just over thirty years..."

Woofy whispered as lips and beak parted again.

"...but... I promised to show you the stars. I think I'm gonna call this a success, and tick that one off the list."

Aubrey beamed, and blushed as Woofy wiped a tear out of her eyes before it could linger there, unable to flow thanks to the lack of gravity.

"I see stars every time we kiss, here or on earth."

The gyrfalcon murmured. Woofy blushed, then giggled and squealed bashfully as Aubrey's hands slipped around her, groping at her backside through her flight suit.

"There are cameras here y'know."

The rabbit warned her lover with a playful whisper.

"Ooh? Can we get a recording of whatever I do to you?"

Aubrey teased, winking at the bunny as Woofy squealed with laughter once again, but lifted her partner's hands away from her rear and laced their fingers together instead.

"I love you, Aubrey. To the stars and back, I love you."

The gyrfalcon's playful smile faded, and she sighed in pure, joyous contentment as she leaned her head forwards, and rested it against Woofy's own.

"I love you too."

They nuzzled gently against one another, and for another minute or so floated and stared out at the stars twinkling all around them. Before Woofy had no choice but to gently begin guiding them back to the cockpit though, no amount of experience and seniority allowing her to leave her co-pilot alone for much longer than they already had, Aubrey squeezed the rabbit's hand one more time, and murmured to her gently as they floated together.

"We may be older now. Not as young, not quite as horny as we used to be... though, we're still plenty good at exhausting Kobaj when the mood takes us. But..."

She giggled, and looked over at the already blushing rabbit.

" remember what we did as soon as we got back to land after I took you flying for the first time?"

Woofy's face burned hotter still, and she nodded, nibbling excitedly on her bottom lip as she did so. The gyrfalcon beamed, and whispered teasingly to her lover as they slowly, steadily began to drift back towards the hatch, still staring up at the stars all the while to relish every last moment they had here.

"Well, Woofy... when we get back to ground later today, I hope you know a locker room or something that'll be empty enough for us to sneak off to. Because even if I can't do it here, I'm sure as hell not gonna wait till we get home to make you fly with me again."

By Jeeves

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