Love Unknown Chapter 3 Lover’s Unit

Story by Yumiko on SoFurry

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#3 of Love Unkown

Yumiko stores her herbs in her pack. She looks around and sighs softly, seeing no sign of her admirer. She eats a portion of her gathered berries purring her thick fluffy tail wrapping about her waist. When she finished her meager meal she let loose a long lonely roar. Listening this time she gets a small short roar and a shadow enthralled figure slipping from the shadows. Yumiko shifts as her eyes focus on his. Those sapphire hues looking him over as his yellow hues did the same to her. "Hello beautiful, fear me not as I will not harm you.'' Yumiko relaxes uttering a shy and meek "Hello, is it you I have to thank for the delicious berries and pretty flowers this morn as well as my camp warm this evening upon my return?" Reven's eyes simply dance in delight as he responds "Yes beautiful, I hope you would ally my company so you are no longer alone. I am Prince Raven of the Shadow Tribe, and who might I have the honor of meeting this lovely evening?"

Yumiko speaks shyly, "I am princess Yumiko of the fallen Silver-light Tribe. Thank you, Prince Reven, for your kindness. Is a pleasure to meet you,' she offers out her delicate paw. Reven gently clasps the paw in his own lifting it to his maw where he would softly brush his lips along the back of it looking in her eyes "pleasure is all mine Milady," He spoke softly. "May I join you at your fire Milady," He asks softly. Yumiko responds "please do Milord." A fire begging in them both that neither of them understood. Their spirit bonds deeper then either of them would realize. Yumiko smiles and pats the sport beside her and waits. Reven purrs and smiles, "Thank you Milady," he says as he settles beside her. Inexplicably he felt the urge to cuddle this sweet beauty he asks softly, "May I wrap my arms around your waist Milady?" Yumiko smiles and nods, "Yes Milord as long as I may rest against you." Reven slowly slides behind her; his arms gently wrapping around her waist as he responds, "Yes please do my dear Yumiko." Yumiko purrs letting her animal spirit guide her to relaxing against him. Her guiding spirit being familiar with his guiding spirit; together they were guiding them unbeknownst to them.

Yumiko's soft form rests against Reven's strong form. Reven says softly "is everything alright my sweet? I saw you crying last night." Yumiko purrs softly "aside for the day I return from my bonding rite finding my entire tribe slaughtered. Four turns of the moon have passed since that day. I had no suitor most of the males were of an age to be my father. They were interested but only cause they marriage would bring them power when my father passed. Now I am Queen of a tribe that has left this plane. Even the babies were killed. The woman brutally raped and the men brutally slaughtered. I preformed the rite of passage and then travelled in hopes of finding others." She looks to him "seems I was successful," she purrs as she looks up to him, "What brings you to the side of a fallen Princess?"

Reven smiles and gently rubs her cheek, "the roar of a beauty alone; and my sweet, just because your tribe may be dead doesn't make you fallen," he slowly leans down pressing his lips to hers, sparking even more feeling between the two. He speaks softly "I would love to have you as mine, sweet Queen Yumiko." He gazes into her, showing his sincerity, "would you like to come to my tribe cove and sleep in my tent?" He had hoped he wasn't being too forward.

Yumiko's eyes widened, slightly bewildered. Unable to speak she nods to him. Regaining her ability to speak, "can I bring my stuff?" she looks to him falling for him instantly as he was for her. Reven nods "of course my Queen," responding by kissing her again deeply this time deeper then the last proving his unspeakable feelings for her. In return she kisses him back tenfold. In her mind which slightly merged with his she whispers "love at first kiss. I hope it's meant to last." He whispers back "me too. Then again I've never felt this way before;" she replies "me neither." With that he helps her pack and puts out her fire he had made for her. He takes her paw and carries her pack and her bedroll, leading her to his camp, his tribe's camp. A majority of the girls give her the evil eye, the males whistle at him for his choice in female. They were now free to court any of the other females they saw fit in the tribe. Reven and Yumiko enter his tent. She smiles to him "your tribe seems nice I'm sure the females will come around in time." Reven smiles "I don't care if they do I've made my choice. I love you Yumiko."

Yumiko purrs and blushes as she steps close to him. She wraps her arms around his torso "and I love you Reven," she purrs and rests her head upon his chest. In unison they purr softly he leans down and kisses her lips softly, "May I make you my wife, Milady?" he asks her sweetly. Yumiko looks up to him and purrs "yes you may Milord," she replies in a soft purr.

Love Unknown Chapter 2 Yumiko's Admirer

Young Yumiko now dreaming peacefully was unaware of the shadowed being watching over the sleeping beauty. He watches her in awe. He to a young therian dark leopard. He snuck off leaving the sweet young beauty, whose roar sparked his...

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Love Unkown Chapter one Yumiko's discovery

Deep in her thicket the young Therian leopardess sat scared and now alone, with her tribe gone. She cried, her heart heavy, weeping for her lost family. After seeing the devastation of her tribe obliterated and finding herself the only...

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