Love Unknown Chapter 2 Yumiko's Admirer

Story by Yumiko on SoFurry

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#2 of Love Unkown

Young Yumiko now dreaming peacefully was unaware of the shadowed being watching over the sleeping beauty. He watches her in awe. He to a young therian dark leopard. He snuck off leaving the sweet young beauty, whose roar sparked his curiosity, driving him to seek her out a simple present. When the sun started to rise so did Yumiko. The male stayed hidden as she found the sweet, luscious strawberries and the sweet scented lavender flowers near her fading fire. She looked about to see if anything else was different. He cloaked his scent well as she instinctively sniffs the air as if trying to search her gift bearer out. Unable to do so she simply smiles and sniffs the flowers with a paw reaching for the berries. She sniffed them, then started to slowly eat them purring. He heard her purr and smiles slinking off to a nearby tribal cove.

Having gone thru his rite only weeks before, the dark furred white spotted leopard had little on his mind. He was well toned, gentle, smooth with the ladies, his eyes sparkled a golden yellow his hair light silver. All the females in his tribe were interested in him. He had suited many but always ended up turning them away. They all had burned from him to mount without thought of love. The leopard having bonded with him already had a love in mind. Reven wondered if it could be her, the sleeping beauty he happened upon the night before. Reven wore a simple set of gazelle skinned trousers. He would ignore the other females trying to get the young prince's fancy, as he made way to his tent. After being up and out all night he was tired. He laid down upon his bunk wear his sleep roll had been laid and started to drifted to sleep.

Reven thoughts locked upon the mysterious roar and crying beauty he found asleep the night before. He dreamt of her. The endless possibilities if she was truly the one. He would have to gain the courage to exit the shadows and meet her. He slept but a few hours. When he woke the sun was on its downward start. He hurried out of the villiage hoping the beauty hadn't moved camp. She hadn't but she was out gathering various berries and herbs needed for survival on her own. Reven smiles seeing her camp still there and starts a fire for her knowing she'd be returning soon. When doing so he saw some of the jerky left out with a note reading "to the one that left the surprise, thank you. I hope we will meet. I have been left alone. Sincerely, Princess Yumiko." His heart raced. He started the fire and slipped into the shadows. This time she purrs as she enters the camp seeing her fire lit, the jerky gone with a note saying, "perhaps one faith filled night, if I happen upon your beautiful roar Mi-lady. Sincerely, Your admirer."

Love Unknown Chapter 3 Lover’s Unit

Yumiko stores her herbs in her pack. She looks around and sighs softly, seeing no sign of her admirer. She eats a portion of her gathered berries purring her thick fluffy tail wrapping about her waist. When she finished her meager...

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Love Unkown Chapter one Yumiko's discovery

Deep in her thicket the young Therian leopardess sat scared and now alone, with her tribe gone. She cried, her heart heavy, weeping for her lost family. After seeing the devastation of her tribe obliterated and finding herself the only...

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