Tik TIk's Tower 8

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#20 of Tik Tik's Tower

Maram has lived many human lifetimes and had many lovers, but what is so different about Tik Tik?

The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series about the travels of a kobold wizard named Tik Tik. She seeks out new friends to meet and learn both the secrets of magic and the fun of various ways of having sex.

This series is funded directly by the generous contributions of my patrons and commissioners. If you'd like to see more Tik Tik, consider joining my subscription services or commissioning more chapters. I also accept commission work for other projects. If you like Tik Tik, you can also support my work through sticker purchases.

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Coverart by Heckabun

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There are multiple ways that one could interpret Tik Tik and her desires. The first is to see a small and frail creature, light in weight and meek of strength. To many, she'd be a woman who could be at one's mercy, thrown to the ground, piled on top of, lifted, and used as a dick sock. This is the first impression one might get for any species of a taller persuasion.

The other side of Tik Tik is her commanding intelligence, whose wizardly aptitude and engineering acumen allow her to take advantage of even the mightiest of creatures. Indeed, the amount of erotic and more traditional spells that have been both penned by her and tweaked to serve her purposes are testaments to her ingenuity and the fact that she can find a way to control any situation however she wishes. It makes it evident that she relishes in control. This is the impression of any who knows her personally and values her mind over her body.

It is a mistake to underestimate her on either account, as the totality of Tik Tik is in how she sees the one she is engaged with, not how they see her.

When Maram placed his hands upon Tik Tik's shoulders, she was ready for him. A whisper and a gesture were all it took for the flow of magic to shift the tiles beneath their feet and roll him onto his back with the kobold sitting atop. A growl rose in her throat as she sat atop his body, staring down at him with a commanding presence deep inside her soul.

Laying there on the floor of his master's tower, Maram couldn't help but get lost in those eyes. His was an experience of the complex interplay between one dom and the next, outliving each of them, shared through a line of succession from master to apprentice, from parent to child, and from an estate to an heir.

Each one had that moment where they had to try to prove themselves. With his bratty nature trying to overcome their enchantments, he and his new master or mistress would roll about. Sometimes, he would free himself and be free to make merry among the nearby towns until someone more worthy would put him underneath them.

He didn't see this happening with the kobold. Not a second time.

She slid her body downward, letting her tail rub over his shaft, allowing him to feel the ribbed texture of her scales as she lifted her hips up, and she slid the head down to her slit.

"So much magic Maram has," Tik Tik said to him, that growl driving him wild.

He grabbed her hips only because she allowed him to hold onto her. He knew this in his heart, and by that look she gave him, so different than the scared and unsure kobold he had tricked into taking to this place.

"Tik Tik know that Lord Anish want you, not this tower," The kobold whispered, her slit dragging over the head, swirling over it, teasing him with agonizing intensity. "But Tik Tik also know that if Tik Tik have you, no one else can."

Her fingers dug into his flesh as she lowered herself upon him. Her tiny tight body wrapped his cock in a snug embrace. She tilted her head back, letting out a soft, long breath as the pleasure and pain from taking such a member came to her.

The man beneath the kobold groaned, his hands stroking her scaled hips. He bit his lip, his form trembling. His whole existence in the material world had been a contradiction. He's a spirit given physical form and an embodiment of lust that was provided humanoid shape. He was always alone, no matter the physical intimacy he had sought from many others. On a fundamental level, this coupling wasn't that much different than the hundreds he's had over the centuries.

But it was undoubtedly panning out to be at least intriguing.

With a thrust up of his hips and a push down of hers, the two of them slid so deep into Tik Tik's warm body that Maram could see the outline of his member through her stomach. The kobold giggled as she took it all, rocking her body back and forth, her claws scratching his tattooed skin, tilting her head down, and staring at him with manic delight.

Tik Tik have you... and Maram will do good work for Tik Tik, yes!"

"I... I'm willing... t... to see what you... have in mind!" the spirit groaned, continuing their slow and methodical movement. It was a dance he had enjoyed countless times, either with him controlling another or with another controlling him. But, at this moment, something was happening he had never experienced before.

Here, in this place that reminded him of his centuries-long servitude, Tik Tik offered him a partnership.

She had told her employer that the job would take some time, which was true, but she didn't tell him that she had brought the Stick of Champions along. As the two built up their climax, she reached for her flat chest. She traced a line down along her sternum, and a bright glow formed along the line. Though her face showed her lust and desire, her actions were that of one who was methodical and well within her method. She reached right into her chest, no, into the portal to the pocket she had scratched into herself and pulled out from it the device.

With the Stick offering them the freedom they hadn't previously experienced, the two find themselves building more and more to the final sealing of this pact.

Their eyes glowed as they watched the thing, and Tik Tik held it aloft, and as the white light flashed, Maram's groans became a broken cry as he released, spilling out deep into her with his potent seed.

That orgasm, Tik Tik noted, was simply magical.

Tik Tik's Tower 7

Anish's caravan spent so many resources in tracking down the location of the missing tower of the Enchanter. They hired Tik Tik, who had been there before being rudely ejected into the desert by its newest master. The caravan supplied her with her...

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Tik Tik's Tower 6

I slunk to the lower levels of the teleportation chamber through a series of kobold-sized tunnels, squeezing myself through the tight corridors and spilling out to the other end, forming back into a fully-fledged shape. As I took in the device's inner...

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Manic's Repayment 5

With a possessive growl, Scourge locks lips with Manic again, pressing chest to chest, hands going to his sides. Manic squeaks into Scourge's mouth when he feels the big, throbbing, rigid member of his assaulter rubbing up against his own. ...

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