Tik Tik's Tower 7

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#19 of Tik Tik's Tower

Tik Tik has studied much in her time away from the city, and her greatest achievement in that time was the capture of Maram. But, how did the kobold manage it?

The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series about the travels of a kobold wizard named Tik Tik. She seeks out new friends to meet and learn both the secrets of magic and the fun of various ways of having sex.

This series is funded directly by the generous contributions of my patrons and commissioners. If you'd like to see more Tik Tik, consider joining my subscription services or commissioning more chapters. I also accept commission work for other projects. If you like Tik Tik, you can also support my work through sticker purchases.

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Coverart by Heckabun

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Anish's caravan spent so many resources in tracking down the location of the missing tower of the Enchanter. They hired Tik Tik, who had been there before being rudely ejected into the desert by its newest master. The caravan supplied her with her exploration equipment to escape the enchanted traps. They delved into copious amounts of lore to learn as much as possible about the place's current inhabitant and a way to subdue and bend him to their will.

So, when Tik Tik penetrated the charm that led to the tower, she was ready for the new master of the Tower, sitting with his legs over one arm of the throne and his shoulders against the other, his purple robe draped haphazardly over his body. Maram watched Tik Tik with his golden gaze as she stepped into the chamber without being charmed or confused by the warding.

"I thought I kicked you out," Maram said, shifting himself to lounge upright on the seat. He rested his cheek upon his knuckles, his legs spread, his robe dipping down, showing off more of his chest.

"Maram did," Tik Tik said, standing her ground even though she was already drenched with desire. Still, she folded her arms over her chest and held her gaze firmly upon his eyes. "But, Tik Tik came to get Maram and get him away from here."

"You know how important this tower is to me," Maram said, slipping onto the floor, his toes gracing along the tile as he stepped down from his seat. With each move, his robe fell further and further, revealing all of his body before her.

"And, And Maram know...." Tik Tik began, her knees knocking together. She bit her lip, hoping not to say anything else that would be out of turn. After all, his power to sway those who gaze upon his form was quite effective against those who would find him stunningly irresistible without any magical effects. Tik Tik, the horny little monster she is, numbers among such beings.

"You can't possibly think you can convince me to leave my master's home." He said, standing before her, that glowing cock of his right in the kobold's face. "I am master here by right. I may have been a servant to the previous owner and his family, but I was all the master had before he died. There are no more who would claim this place but me."

It was at that moment that TIk Tik struck. She grabbed his dick, holding firm to the member and narrowing her gaze at him. Around her wrist shone a gold band, the same trinket she was entrusted with when she brought Maram to the Tournament of Pleasure.

Maram winced at the sudden action, gritting his teeth, stumbling a little from the suddenness and the sensation. "H... his magic..." he grunted. "You've... controlled it!?"

Her palm slipped up and down along the shaft, keeping her eyes upon him, her face a scowl of annoyance. "Tik Tik was given ownership of Maram," she reminded him. "Your master gave Tik Tik control of you and control of this place, but he die from age, and now Tik Tik have you, and you hurt Tik Tik. You threw Tik Tik away. You made Tik Tik mad!"

She squeezed him harder, and the spirit fell to his knees. Pitiful little whines rose up from the back of his throat as he sat there, eye-to-eye with her and within her grasp grip both physically and metaphysically.

"Tik Tik spent time as slave. Tik Tik lived most life work for others with no freedom. Tik Tik discover what Maram is when do research. Maram is evil spirit. Maram want use ability to control others. Maram take from men and women and all others what Maram cannot have."

With a wave of her hand, a spectral kobold hand appeared behind him, grasping him from the back of the head and pushing him downward. "Tik Tik know you are spirit of lust. Tik Tik know cannot control yourself. Maram need guide. Maram need master or Maram do bad things. More important... Maram want master tell Maram what do!"

"Wh... who says I don't want to do those bad things?" He growled, gritting his teeth. "Who says I don't want to plow into you right now until I fill you up so much you pop?"

"Nobody," Tik Tik said, stepping ever-so-closer, her slit rubbing against the head of his cock. "But Tik Tik also say that Maram will do that when Tik Tik say, and Maram can be free from Anish. What Maram say? Will listen to Tik Tik?"

He shook his head, fighting back some urge. He finally sighed and looked her in the eyes with exhaustion that he had not previously shown to anyone before.

"I'm ready to listen to you," he said. "What do you have in mind."

"First," Tik Tik said, a sly smile spreading over her face. "Tik Tik want Maram to fuck me."

Maram's eyes glowed devilishly after hearing those words. "You know that if you are in such closeness to me, you'll surely fall under my power."

Tik Tik clicked her tongue, pressing the heel of her hand upon the head of his cock, rolling that part around. It made his voice waver and his posture slacken. Surely, if he tried to intimidate her, it wasn't working.

"Tik Tik not afraid of Maram," the kobold said, a smirk widening on her mouth. "And does Maram know why that is?"

Maram's eyes twitched, and he spoke through his gritted teeth. "E... enlighten me, oh tiny magus."

Tik Tik stepped up, pressing her nose against his, her forehead tilting so they connect, eyes so close to one another that their vision loses focus. "Because Tik Tik already so horny, Maram magic have no effect."

"We... We'll just have to see about that," he huffs.

"Tik Tik like fighting spirit. Now, give it all to Tik Tik, and no disappoint, Okie dokie?"

Tik TIk's Tower 8

There are multiple ways that one could interpret Tik Tik and her desires. The first is to see a small and frail creature, light in weight and meek of strength. To many, she'd be a woman who could be at one's mercy, thrown to the ground, piled on top...

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Tik Tik's Tower 6

I slunk to the lower levels of the teleportation chamber through a series of kobold-sized tunnels, squeezing myself through the tight corridors and spilling out to the other end, forming back into a fully-fledged shape. As I took in the device's inner...

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Manic's Repayment 5

With a possessive growl, Scourge locks lips with Manic again, pressing chest to chest, hands going to his sides. Manic squeaks into Scourge's mouth when he feels the big, throbbing, rigid member of his assaulter rubbing up against his own. ...

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