Manic's Repayment 2

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#48 of Sonic the Hedgehog

Manic has fallen into the trap of three very angry drug dealers, each of them wanting to get payback by using his body for their own enjoyment! CW: Rape and Hate Speech

This is a Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction. I write these set in alternate universes that take place in the future where every character involved is 18+

This is co-written by SpunkiWrites

Posted using PostyBirb

Perhaps, everything would be okay after all this? After all, isn't Infinite an illusionist? Maybe this isn't real?

No, that's stupid. The taste, feel, and anger are much too physical for any of it to trick his mind.

"F-fuck..." Shadow groans, his grip tightening on Manic's quills. He yanks the green hedgehog back, spit bridging between his cock and Manic's mouth, the victim breathing heavily as he has his first full breath of air during the whole ordeal.

"Now, that's a real cocksucker," Shadow says, nodding.

"See that?" Scourge says, "Shadow didn't cum in you because he's not a fruitcake like you. Real men don't cum in other men's mouths. Heh, no, they blow their load elsewhere, right?"

Shadow pulls his gun away, his other hand letting go of Manic.

Manic tries to push up, but Scourge shoves him back down, his saw-toothed grin widening. "Oh, no, you don't. Did we say that Shads was done with you yet, pretty boy?"

Shadow wraps his gloved hand around his erect cock, stroking it and grunting as he does. He stares down at Manic the whole time, and Manic looks up at him, his eyes pleading, shaking his head, whining out. "Please, I didn't know. I-uuaggh!"

"Uuuunnn!" Shadow's raspy cry fills the room as he shoots off. Splurt upon spurt of warm and creamy cum flies out of Shadow's cock and lands over Manic's face.

The pinned hedgehog shudders and whines when the hot and sticky substance splashes over his face. One eye squints shut, stung by the strike of semen, tearing up and mixing with the salty mess. His green and peach fur is now quite stained.

"Who'da thought a bit of cum would make you look even more pathetic," Scourge says. "If only your brother could see you now, I wonder how he would feel? Would he have a raging hard-on too?"

Manic blinks, confused. There's no way Scourge is talking about Sonic. Instead, Manic looks down over the hedgehog overtop of him, seeing that pulsing cock poke out between his legs.

"Think about it," Scourge says, smirking. "He and I are the same person, but from different realities, right? We got the same tastes. Next time you see him, think about me, won't ya, bugger?"

Manic snaps, roaring and kicking upward, his knee connecting with Scourge's cock!

The green doppelganger gasps, freezing in place from the sheer pain, allowing Manic to shove him off and stumble to his feet.

Shadow takes a seat, lounging back. Infinite just glances with one eye at the fleeing hedgehog.

"The fuck you bastards doing?" Scourge screams, stumbling to his feet. "He's getting away!"

"You're letting him get away," Shadow says. "I've had my fun already."

"Do you know how pathetic you look?" Infinite says, his gaze burning with contempt.

Scourge adjusts his jacket and spits. "I'll show you fuckers 'pathetic," he says, reaching into his pocket and rubbing a little trump card of his.

Manic rushes toward the door, but a green streak speeds by, stopping right in front of him. "Oh, come on! Did you forget I got super speed? Or do you not want to think about Sonic when you look at me? I know he's a handsome devil, but I'm much cooler than him."

"G... get out of my way," Manic mutters, grabbing at Scourge to shove him aside.

Scourge answers him with a swift punch to the gut.

Manic doubles over, falling to his knees.

Scourge grabs his head and tilts it back, staring down with burning blue eyes. "I ain't from your world, fucker," he growls, "But I know your powers are playing the drums, which won't do you any good in a fight against me. The only singing you'll be doing is when you're riding my dick, capisce?"

"F... Fuck you..." Manic groans, his voice breathy from the wind being knocked out of him.

"No, No, no, my faggy friend," Scourge says, "By the time we're done with you, you're the one who's going to be fucked. Now, be a good boy, and smile for the camera."

"W... what?"

With his supersonic speed, Scourge sends Manic reeling with a series of motions that sends him falling to the floor, the gloved hand covering his mouth. His other hand places fingers on his throat, rubbing it with intense vibrations, opening his esophagus, but for what purpose. What could Scourge have done?

That's when his reflexes kick in, and Manic gulps.

"There we go," Scourge says, standing up. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" He holds up a small pill bottle, shaking its contents. "You need to relax, kid, and it's time you enjoy the ride."

Manic stares up at Scourge, his breaths coming quick as his eyes get a little hazy. "I, uh... what did... what did you do to me...?"

"Not much," Scourge says, squatting in front of the other green hedgehog. "Just gave you a nice knock-out pill so you will be nice and compliant for us when the time is right. Can't have you trying to run away the whole time we're giving you what you deserve, can we?"

Scourge's speed is nothing that a drugged-up Manic can handle. Soon, the drummer found himself slammed against the table, sending bits of dishes and cards that previously occupied the table falling to the floor with a flutter and a clatter.

He tried to push himself up, but Scourge grabbed one of his arms, pulling it behind his back and holding it long enough to clamp something cold around the wrist. Manic allowed for a squeak to emit from his mouth as his other arm was pulled behind him and equally secured with something cold, which were then cranked into a tighter hold.

With the final 'click,' the drugged hedgie finally realizes that he's been put in handcuffs.

"W... what are you-?" he stammers.

"Questions, stop them now,'' Scourge says, as he grabs one leg and then the other, spreading them apart. Manic tries to pull them back together, but Scourge slaps him hard on the ass, enough to leave a fingered throbbing at his cheeks.

Scourge stands up, adjusts his coat, and coughs into his hand. "Yo, doc, it's your turn to have some fun!"

The masked jackal practically floats into the room, walking past the table and glancing over the restrained Manic. "Very well. I must thank you for your prompt service. Certainly, I could have restrained him myself, and I'm very capable."

Manic's Repayment 3

"Sure, sure, bud. You're the strongest guy in the yard and all that. I get ya. I've been to prison before, and I know how this works." Scourge says, stepping past him, muttering to himself as he passes by Manic. "Fuckin' weirdo." Once Scourge is...

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Manic's Repayment 1

Manic pulls his phone out, looking to the address that Scourge sent him. "This is the place," the drummer says. "Man, can't believe Scourge wants to help me score. I'm movin' up in the world." When he knocks on the door, it opens up, and he's...

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The Two Elves

Rain pours down upon the old adventurer's road, and the hooded traveler makes her way inside, her entire form drenched in the pouring rain. When she pulls off the cloak, the first thing the tavern-goers notice is her long blond hair. The second things...

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