The Two Elves

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#91 of Tik Tik into the Wildlands

This is a quick little story I whipped up because  HeartzMD wanted to do a character collaboration for a piece of commissioned art.Galenna is on the trail of a dragon, and the elf has decided to rest at an inn. But, has she stumbled into something she can't handle?art:

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Rain pours down upon the old adventurer's road, and the hooded traveler makes her way inside, her entire form drenched in the pouring rain. When she pulls off the cloak, the first thing the tavern-goers notice is her long blond hair. The second things they notice are her pointed elven ears, and the third thing they notice are the strange porcelain arms and legs that are left uncovered by the short dress she wears.

Many faces leer over the tall and beautiful being, but she ignores all of them as she makes her way to the bar. One of the patrons barks up, "Hey, Sarah, seems like yer twin sister just showed up!" This is followed by jovial laughter.

The door to the kitchen opens up, and another blond elf emerges, carrying a tray filled full of food. "Oh, I'm afraid I don't have any family,sir, I-" She stops when she sees the elf, her eyes widening. "Oh... oh my, it's been awhile since I've seen another elf," she says. "How may I help you, miss...?"

"Galenna," the traveler says, placing her fingers together in an almost righteous pose. "I'm looking for lodgings tonight from the rain, as well as information."

"Well, I can help you with one, certainly," Sarah says, placing the food down in front of one of the patrons, "As for the other, it depends on the type of information you're looking for."

Galenna reaches into the breast of her dress and produces a large gem. "I'm looking for a dragon. It's of great importance to me that I find him."

Sarah shakes her head and says. "Sorry, miss. No dragons 'round here. But let me get you something to warm you up while you dry yourself by the fire."

Galenna produces a gold coin from between her fingers and hands it to the other elf. "Much appreciated," she says, her strange armored leggings clinking over towards the seat by the fireplace.

Soon enough, Sarah returns, her eyes darkened by the shadows cast from the flames. She hands a mug to the elf and asks. "Is there anything else I can do for you? And I'm wondering why exactly you're looking for a dragon."

Galenna takes a sip, sighing. "I owe the dragon my life, and he has up and disappeared." Placing the drink down, she says, "I'm also wondering something. Why is it that such an... angelic elf is here in the middle of nowhere serving surly men booze."

The barmaid's eye twitches. "Just living my life. Can't say I owe anyone anything."

"Ah, well, I'm sorry. I had you marked as someone who was, how should I say it...? Used to that sort of thing."

"You must have me confused for someone else," the barmaid says.

"Perhaps so," Galenna says, pushing herself up. "Thank you for the fire and the service, but I really should be resting now. Goodnight to you, Angel." She smirks and walks past her, leaving the bartender to bite her lip and clench her first.

Hours pass, and Galenna is fast asleep, curled up in her bed, her blonde locks draped wildly over the pillow. But her door creaks open, and through the doorway stands a figure veiled in a hood and mask with bright blue eyes staring hatred down at the sleeping elf. She wields a dagger in her hand and tiptoes through the room. It is a simple and silent task, as she knows every creak in this building.

When the trespasser stands over the bed, she licks her lips, and the hatred in those eyes melt into a sort of catharsis as she raises the dagger up high and whispers a curse in the elven tongue.

But, as she readies to plunge the dagger, her wrist strains against some unseen foe. She looks behind her, only to see a disembodied white arm holding onto her wrist--the same arm Galenna wore only a few hours ago. Suddenly, both legs shoot out from around the bed, kicking the assassin in the stomach and doubling her over. The other arm springs up from the sheets, revealing the dressed down torso of Galenna laying there, a smug look on her face as the arm pushes the assassin against the wall with those tight white fingers around her neck.

"Sephira, it is you!" Galenna says, her smile widening to a mad grin. The body lifts up from the bed, floating over towards the pinned assassin in such a way that the arms attach back where they belong. "And here I thought we would be playing a bit more before one of us tried to kill each other this time. Here, let me have a look at your beautiful face once again," she lets go of Sephira's neck, and the assassin takes a deep breath as Galenna tugs her mask down. "Yep, just as pretty and as sloppy as ever. Didn't do your research, did you? My powers have only grown since last we met."

Sephira grabs the other woman by the neck, staring bullets at her as she raises her knee to kick the other elf. But Galenna pulls herself back, flying up in the air to avoid the attack, her own foot coming crashing down to pin Sephira to the wall. "None of that. None of that," Galenna coos. "After all, is that how to treat your partner?

"You're no partner of mine. You're a traitor," the assassin spits at her. Galenna presses her thumb against her own cheek, wiping the substance off of her before considering it a moment. "Always so headstrong, my dear, but I have to admit, I really think if it weren't for these new appendages of mine, you would be bathing in my blood right now."

"B... bathe? No, you sicko. Why would I do that?"

Galenna is in the middle of pressing her thumb to her tongue when she says "Sicko? Me? You're the one who enjoyed the work you did for the Shadowheart Court,"

Sephira freezes up, true terror welling in her eyes.

"Yes, yes, I know, but I don't care. Now, perhaps you could help me with my little dragon problem after all, hm...?

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