Herotica #9a: Proper Form

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#13 of Herotica

Youff. It's been how long? Over three and a half years since I put anything up for this one? Well, it's not because I haven't had ideas! No, it's been trying to get those ideas to manifest into actual content. And this one in particular! I don't know why this has proven to be such a roadblock, but I'm trying to fix this and get back into the swing of things here. The consequence of that is that I probably won't be putting these parts all up before I move on, so there'll be some jumping back and forth - but I want to get back to some of these characters, because I think there are some interesting stories to be told here!

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between three males, size difference, rough sex, transformation, and cross-cultural challenges.

Guardian's Gate. The headquarters of the Justice Conclave, their central command and one of the most powerful fortifications in the world, situated on the outskirts of one of the largest cities in the country. A tall, palatial building housing much more than just the few heroes of the Conclave, and capable of sustaining all staff for weeks if necessary...a significant upgrade from their previous underground headquarters, no longer so clandestine but much more capable of providing the kind of protection that had become necessary, plus no longer in the midst of a heavily populated area that could prove a disastrous liability. A technological masterpiece that was virtually impossible to breach by even the most dedicated enhanced members of society. There were only a handful of known individuals who had proven capable of defeating its defenses, and they weren't a threat to the Conclave so long as the Conclave stayed a force for good. As such, Guardian's Gate was held up as the shining beacon of superhero bases, something for others to attempt to emulate with whatever resources they had.

Not just anyone could walk in. But he wasn't just anyone.

He landed on the grounds in front of the building, at the entrance of the walkway to the large, glowing double doors of the building. Even among the variety of denizens of this world, he was an unusual sight - his appearance was somewhat draconian, but rather than scales, his hide was a smooth, almost translucent-looking sheen that might have reminded one of a viscous liquid. Two pairs of purple horns curled off the back of his head, one right next to the other, with an array of short purple spikes starting back between the horns and trailing forward between his eyes (two shimmering green orbs, the glow of which revealed the eyeball definition through his skin) and up his shorter snout, ending in one at the end that was a few inches long. His body had a bizarre lack of definition, looking large and yet not muscular in the way one would have expected. As he landed, the large, bat-shaped wings drew back down, seemingly absorbed into his body.

He walked the rest of the way to the building, keenly aware of the buzz of electronics all around him. They were scanning him for sure, making sure he was who he was supposed to be. No doubt there were hundreds of automated defenses waiting to restrain him if he failed any of those tests...but, nothing happened to him along the way, and he reached the doors unmolested. At his approach, the doors slid open, revealing a bright, futuristic interior with several spiraling staircases in the central foyer, and four hallways extending out from each floor that he could see.

"Inxiato! Glad to see you again!" The bizarre being looked up in the air at the source of the voice, a green-feathered raptor-style avian, swooping down to greet him. "Welcome to our humble abode...okay, it's hardly humble in the slightest, but I'm sure it does its job as an abode!"

"Jack, did I NOT tell you to make yourself professional when he arrived?" There was a second voice, also flying in but from the other side of the room. A Hispanic human woman, dressed in the familiar orange jumpsuit that all the notable images of her bore, with wild red hair that resembled a ginger afro. She was looking the bird up and down disapprovingly - far from the serious look she cut, Jack was wearing nothing but a pair of athletic shorts, looking more like he was ready for a very different kind of introduction.

"And did I not tell you that you're making too big a deal out of it, Ciara?" Jack replied without hesitation or concern. "We don't want to make our guest think we're all uptight sticks in the mud, right? We want him to feel welcome, put on a friendly air, yanno?"

"This is not just a 'guest,' Jack, and I know you know that. This is our new team member."

"Well, all the more reason to lighten up then!" Jack chuckled and looked back at Inxiato. "May want to step back there, I'm pretty sure she's going to try to blow me up now."

"I will do no such thing. But don't think I'm not tempted." Ciara huffed a bit and also turned to Inxiato. "I apologize for this...unorthodox introduction to Guardian's Gate. I had hoped for something a bit more formal."

"No need to worry." His voice had an odd, ethereal quality to it, like it wasn't really coming from his body. "It may be best to get beyond formalities quickly anyway, as I'm not entirely sure I'll be any good at them myself. I've been trying to learn more aspects of the cultures of this planet, but there are quite a few rules I don't truly understand."

"I suppose you have a point," the woman conceded. "Which does NOT excuse you, Jack, but there's no point in harping about it. I'm glad you accepted our invitation, Inxiato...having a Thregassian with us will be good for everyone, the public exposure will help others of your kind get accepted more quickly, and you'll be able to search for the fugitives with much greater ease. And I have a feeling we'll need to learn a lot from you about how they operate."

Inxiato nodded solemnly. "Most likely, yes. I hope to be of great assistance." He knew who they were already - it was impossible not to, with all the research he had had to do. Ciara was the great hero Dynamo, an incredibly powerful and skilled hero with all the explosive potential in the world. Jack was Wildstorm, the swiftest and most creative wind-powered hero in the world, capable of doing a lot more than 'master of wind' suggested at first blush. The two were well known as the co-captains of the Justice Conclave, which made for some clashes given their very obviously different styles. That was something that put Inxiato at ease, though; their personalities were very up front, and to a Thregassian, that was of absolute importance.

"I'm certain you will be. I'd like to show you around the place, but unfortunately, something's come up and Jack and I have to leave in a hurry. Bergen and Tyrico will help get you settled and we'll give you the grand tour when we get back."

"Yeah, one of the things you'll learn quickly around here is that you don't want to make a schedule," cracked Jack. "It's super busy here, and most of that busy is unplanned."

"Yes...I suspected that would be the case. Dealing with events all over the world, it sounds like a real challenge."

"Yeah, but it's worth it! Anyway, you should find Bergen and Tyrico in the first floor meeting room. They'll know where your private quarters are and can get you settled...though, I guess you don't have a lot to get settled, do you?"

"I'm afraid not. We all traveled very light."

"We should be able to get some equipment of sorts prepared for you," Ciara mentioned. "You can make a list and we'll get to work on that right away. We'll be back as soon as we can...and Jack, get your damn uniform on, you are NOT going out like that!"

"Hah, you know you only tempt me to do so when you yell at me like that." The two heroes flew off, leaving Inxiato alone at the entrance. Others might have seen that as rude, but he took it in stride - having followed quite a bit of the exploits of the Conclave, he had a great respect for what they did, and had no problem with them putting their duties first. He headed off in the direction that Jack pointed, following the hallway down to the indicated meeting room; a few people passed by him, staring a bit at his otherworldly appearance. Another thing he was used to by now; you didn't come from another planet and expect to fit in.

Even if fitting in was your primary trait.

It was easy enough to find his way around - Guardian's Gate had some helpful signs that directed him where he needed to go, as well as to places he knew he'd be learning more about soon. He was curious, certainly, but felt it better to wait for the grand tour - clearly his arrival wasn't unexpected, but that didn't mean everyone would recognize him on sight, and if he entered somewhere with extra security, it could get messy. So he headed to the first floor mooting room, as instructed. That was where he found his first real hitch: the room was empty.

...Okay. What now?

This wasn't something he had counted on. Only a few minutes in and Inxiato was rather lost. All he had were the names of the two heroes he was supposed to meet...well, it was better than nothing. He inquired around a bit, asking where he might find them, and was pointed, in somewhat roundabout fashion, to the personal quarters area. Well, that was where he'd been expecting to end up anyway, it didn't seem like it would be a problem to be there...

As he passed, he noticed that there was a slight opening in the room marked as Bergen's. The other doors seemed entirely closed, so that sort of narrowed down his options. He slid the door open, entering into the room. "Excuse me...ah, you must be Bergen and Tyrico. Sorry, I was supposed to meet you and get, um, situated. Was this accurate?"

There was no response right away; both heroes seemed to be caught entirely off-guard. The most obvious evidence of that was that neither one was dressed at all - they were both nude, Tyciro sitting on Bergen's lap, looking more like they had other activities in mind. Their stricken looks, but lack of immediate action, suggested to Inxiato that they knew who he was and had been expecting him in some capacity, but not here and now. He hoped he was right about that - a fight breaking out would not have been a good introduction.

"Shit...we lost track of time, didn't we?" Tyrico finally managed to get out, sounding thoroughly embarrassed.

The rhino was red-faced, but tried to put on his best welcoming expression. "Y-yeah...seems like it. Er, sorry...Inxiato, was it? Yeah, we were supposed to go find you in the meeting room...we, uh, got kind of distracted. Apparently too distracted to shut the door properly...guess this isn't the most professional hello we could give, eh?"

"It's fine. I'm sure I'm intruding on something, and I apologize for that. Should I return to the meeting room and wait for you?"

"Ah, no, I don't think..."

"W-wait..." Tyrico cut in before Bergen could finish his thought; he was also looking rather blushy, and was rubbing a bit at Bergen's chest. "Maybe we could, uh, get to know our new teammate a little better. I've heard some, uh, interesting things about Thregassians...I'm kind of curious to know how true they are."

"Erm...well, uh, I don't know if that's the most appropriate thing to...y'know, start with..."

"It's certainly fine," Inxiato replied. "Bonding with new acquaintances is important, and it seems we have little else to do at the moment anyway. I appreciate the forthrightness, too...I don't know how much you know about us, but I can tell you that it is much harder for us to trust when things are hidden and unspoken."

"I guess I can understand that," Bergen replied. "When you can't rely on appearances, there's not much else to go by other than what people say and do, right?"

"You're quite correct. I'm glad you understand."

"Hey, we're all about understanding. Uh, would you mind closing the door there?" Wordlessly, Inxiato stepped further in and slid shut the door; there was no obvious sign of it locking, but he suspected that it was at least closed off from the outside. "Thanks...we're not really in the habit of having audiences."

"Perfectly fine. I'm assuming, by the fact that I'm in here, and the state you two are in, that you're about to copulate and want me to join in?"

Tyrica ducked his head into Bergen's chest; the minilizard was shaking, trying to hold back laughter. Bergen's flush deepened as he let out a chuckle of his own. "Ah...I guess you could say that. More Tyr's idea than mine, though I'm not all against it, just...he's the one who's more, y'know, interested. I hope that's all right."

"Entirely. On our world, commingling is considered a good way to bring out the real someone. Anything intensely emotional tends to show one's true colors, no matter what they wish to hide."

"Hoo...and that's...important..." Tyrico finally got a hold of himself, though he still seemed like he was fighting some giggles. "Especially when you're an entire race of shapeshifters."

"Precisely. Anyone can masquerade as another's body...in our case, bodies are so malleable that even the same person can be impossible to know from their form. Knowing the mind and spirit, that's the important thing, and those who are shady will try to hide their true natures...anything that brings them out is important, and once you know one's true nature, it's easier to trust them, or know that you can't."

"Seems so weird to me...to have an entire world where the look of everyone you know can change from one day to another." Bergen shook his head. "I dunno if I could get used to that...I mean, I guess I've never lived in a world like that, so it'd be hard to figure out how to adjust."

That got a nod from the alien. "It's even tricky for us, you will get many proclaiming pride in our way but privately they will admit how much simpler it is to have a static image of someone. The capacity for deception and deceit is greatly lowered, compared to when you only need to hide intangible things. Some Thregassians started mostly keeping to consistent bodies when we learned about other worlds where that was the case...I suppose I'm one of them, although maybe a bit more flexible than some of that group. There's scorn over it from some circles, but privately a lot of us admit that it's...advantageous, in several ways."

"Yeah...still, being able to take whatever shape you want sounds nice, too," said Tyrico. "I wouldn't mind being a bit taller now and then, myself...don't get me wrong, I kinda like being a unique size, but when everyone uses the high shelves..."

"Heh, sometimes it would be nicer to be a touch smaller, too," agreed Bergen. "Big ol' guy like me sticks out like a sore thumb pretty much anywhere I go, makes it tough to be inconspicuous."

Inxiato nodded thoughtfully. "I suppose that means there is some, perhaps, mutual envy. Desires for what we each possess...well, that isn't unusual. Perhaps someday we can trade for a time."

"If that's possible, yeah, maybe. Er...I don't mean to be rude or anything, but being a shapeshifter, are you...well, a guy or a girl?"

A small hum, something thoughtful and mildly amused, arose from the draconian alien. "I wondered when I might be asked that...of course, we don't have genders in the way that your kind do, due to our natures. I had to study up to figure out a reasonable answer to that...I suppose overall I identify more with the masculine types, though of course there is a significant degree of flexibility there. But the closest thing Thregassians have to that sort of thing is, I suppose you'd call it 'personality type,' and it's not exactly a simple thing to translate."

"That sounds complicated," Tyrico observed. "I doubt there's just two personality types."

"Not even close. There are many aspects...we try to break them down, but it's only crude. There's aspects for Active/Passive, Aggressive/Submissive, Communal/Solitary, Intellectual/Creative, Stoic/Passionate, Jovial/Melancholy, and that's just a partial list. And each individual has an attribute on each aspect, so there are hundreds of combinations. How convenient it would be to have assignments based on something simple and physical."

"Er...well, I mean, the physical and mental don't always match..."

"It's still based on physical attributes. If there's a mismatch, you know what the mismatch is. Perhaps Thregassians can have no mismatch, exactly, but there's no simplicity, either."

"Advantages and disadvantages, I guess. I don't suppose you'll have a problem just being called a male?"

"Not at all...I'd prefer to keep it simple, explaining the personality designations is...just very complicated. And for these particular purposes, it's irrelevant, since my designation doesn't require any particular adherence to anatomy. I suspect that won't be a problem in your case?"

"Not at all, it was exactly what I was hoping for." Tyrico was eyeing him, looking up and down. "You really do have a nice body in that form...I'm sure there's a lot of different nice forms that you can have, but that's a nice one. Do you...think you could make a few adjustments?"

"Of course...I certainly wouldn't want my introduction to be sub-par. What are you looking for?"

"Well...um..." The lizard was blushing madly again; forwardness wasn't a problem for the Thregassian, clearly, but it was still kind of embarrassing to him to be so blatant about his thirsts. "That shape, but...with, like, the kind of muscle that Bergen has, and a little more like a...a scaly form like one of our dragons...and...feel free to be, uh...generous, with your...um...attributes. Y-you know that...my, uh, particular traits...make it easy to take anything..."

Now it was Inxiato's turn to suppress his laughter - Tyrico's stammering seemed so different from the calm and collected way he'd presented himself in the materials he'd studied in preparation for his time on Earth. Perhaps there was some truth to the ideas about commingling on this world...to Thregassians, physical acts of bonding were routine and carried little weight, the real weight was in personal secrets and confessions, the things that helped shape the type of person one was. The different approach here was curious to him...but it was a culture much different from his own, and he wasn't about to argue with that. But he was going to make sure Tyrico got as close to what he wanted as Inxiato could manage.

It took only a little bit of focus to enact the change...the surface of his body scaled over in a reptilian pattern, imitating pictures of dragons he had seen in his studies. He went for a dark color, a deep blue with a dusky pearl down his ventral side. As the scales covered him, his body filled out in muscle, a nice thick bulk that looked a lot like how Bergen was built. With the way Tyrico was looking at him, he knew he was doing it right...clearly, the little lizard had a very big weakness for that type. Not a surprise given his obvious liaisons with the huge rhino...two of them on one small guy like Tyrico seemed almost unfair, but he had a feeling the lizard would be perfectly fine.

"Oh, wow...that's amazing. I'm gonna have to see more of that, and not just for this kind of thing." Tyrico looked back up at the rhino. "Berg, uh, do you mind if..."

Bergen chuckled. "I get enough quality time with that part of you, I think I'll live letting someone else have dibs."

"Thanks. I won't be leaving you hanging, of course." The minilizard shifted, offering his rear end to Inxiato. "Go ahead...and don't worry about hurting me."

Inxiato nodded and stepped forward, taking hold of Tyrico's legs and spreading them. He wasn't exactly rough, despite the lizard's assurances - after all, this was bonding, and while there might not be much holding back in the actual consummation, that didn't mean he should be manhandling his partner. Getting into position, he everted his organ, also reshaped to a particular preference - pointed at the tip, knotted at the base, with two rows of spikes off the top and two rows of rounded bumps along the lower surface. He didn't up the size any from his usual, but it was more than large enough to compete with Bergen's generous endowment, ensuring that Tyrico wouldn't be lacking for the stretching he clearly enjoyed.

A moan escaped Tyrico as his body was warped around that thick staff, pressing in rather insistently. "Fuuuuck...that feels amazing. Gods, that surface...that's gotta be something you do a lot."

"True. I'm far from the most creative when it comes to shape and texture, but I find it to be regarded as quite serviceable and satisfying."

"Oh, I'm gonna have to hear more stories about that. But...not now." Tyrico hummed a bit as he felt the knot bump against his rear, he was filled enormously full and was loving it, the bumps and spikes rubbed in ways that were entirely unfamiliar to him. This was going to be something to remember. But his closest partner was still not engaged, and that simply wouldn't do. Opening wide, he dove down on the thick rhino cock, rapidly taking it bob by bob until his face was pressed against Bergen's crotch. The deep grunts from Bergen showed quite clearly that he was doing the trick with that; he loved hearing those noises from the rhino, they resonated through his body and made him shiver with pleasure.

Now that he was part of the action, Bergen shifted, standing up and taking hold of the lizard's arms. "Heh...don't think he's ever had something this big in both ends at the same time. Let's make sure we make him feel it, eh?"

"If that's what he wants, I'm happy to oblige."

The two bigger creatures began to buck into their small plaything, distorting his torso and throat with their huge shafts as they put Tyrico's abilities through their paces. It was a rush for Inxiato, this kind of tension around his shaft was completely unheard of - even when others of his kind made themselves smaller for this sort of activity, they tended to mold around the other, meaning an upper limit to the tension they could provide. Tyrico, though flexible, had a body that naturally wanted to snap back into place - and as a result, he was unfathomably tight for the dragonized alien. That was causing him to break out in deep, heavy moans every time he thrust in, his cock getting savagely stimulated with each thrust.

Bergen was more used to the tension, but that didn't mean it felt any less incredible for him. He was bucking in harder and faster than Inxiato, giving it to his small partner just the way he liked it. The scrape of the lizard's teeth on his shaft was thrillingly rough, not nearly harsh enough to pierce through his limited resilience but more than enough to give a wild sensation that sent bolts through him. And even with that immense stretching taxing him, Tyrico somehow still found the ability to wiggle his tongue around and just catch the underside of the rhino's shaft here and there, so light and unexpected that it hit harder than it should have.

Stuck in the middle of two powerful creatures that were getting steadily more aggressive in their thrusts wouldn't be an ideal position for many, but it was just what Tyrico had been craving and he was emitting the loudest moans he could considering there were few paths for sound to escape. Since his alteration, going 'his size' just didn't do it for him anymore - if he wasn't getting well-stretched he wasn't getting anything from it. The others were satisfying enough, but Bergen was not only the one he admired the most, he was also packing the largest, and thus the most electrifying experience. Inxiato was doing his best to give the rhino a run for his money, though, with those embellishments on that staff of his that rubbed against his insides so roughly with his body so tightly wrapped around him. And there was also that knot pounding against him, promising a greater stretch even than now...just thinking about it made a shiver travel down his spine, and he increased his own squirming and clenching to drive the two much bigger males even wider. Even as stretched as he was, the properties of his body let him get even tighter - excessively so, if he wanted it, a good way of keeping anyone he didn't want in him out. His own drippy dick was another obvious display of his pleasure, though his leakage was barely a drop in the bucket compared to what was being pumped into him.

Bergen's grunting was the first sign that things were going to be coming to a rapid end - all the teasing that he'd gotten from Tyrico before the alien's entrance were coming back on him. "Ah...damn, I'm so close...hope you...ngh, don't mind playing catch-up..."

Imxiato didn't reply to that, but he did pick up the pace, slamming hard into Tyrico and threatening to embed that knot in him. Or rather, trying to and finding it a significant challenge...that tightness was almost locking him out, despite his best efforts, he could barely get any yield on the minilizard's tailhole. Clearly he was going to have to fight for this, which he realized perhaps was Tyr's plan all along. And there was no sense in disappointing his new teammate...

Tyr's eyes shot open wide as he felt the Thregassian suddenly go wild in his rear, driving with almost feral fervor and ravaging his greedy insides with that thick cock, the knot battering wildly and relentlessly against his hole. His moans got significantly louder, and his sucking on Bergen's throbbing, leaky shaft intensified another few notches, and his own was on the verge of shooting off onto the floor. All he needed was a little bit more...and he knew just how to get it, with what little shred of concentration he had he relaxed his rear end just a tiny bit more, just as he felt a momentous thrust coming.

It was much less expected for Inxiato, who had expected another tight denial but instead felt his almost violent thrust hammer through and plow his knot inside with brutal force, tying the lizard in an instant. The relative looseness dissipated in an instant as he felt the flesh wrap around his tool, but that was just the foreshock; what came next made him roar out in shock as Tyr's orgasm hit and his body clamped down harshly, doubling its tightness around both Bergen and Inxiato and sending a thrum through both cocks as the force of Tyr's ejaculation radiated through his body.

A deep bellow erupted from Bergen as the ecstasy rapidly crested and exploded, and his torrents gushed into Tyrico, each shot having punishing force behind it. Moments later, Inxiato joined him, his seed not having quite the energy behind it but making up for it in an unexpected volume, gushing with robust bursts and rapidly filling out what few spaces were available in the minilizard. And when those were all gone, and all means of exodus were cut off...Tyrico's tight body yielded to the volume of the two beasts, stretching and expanding around the heavy flow of cum he was getting from both ends. There was nothing like that feeling of being filled up so ridiculously full, pumped up like a water balloon...Bergen could leave a nice paunch in him for a bit on his own, but with Inxiato in the mix, he was getting truly swollen beyond belief, and it was fucking fantastic.

It took a good bit for the larger creatures to taper off, but eventually the flows slowed, and the bliss faded into a relaxed contentment. Bergen slowly pulled out, giving Tyr a chance to tighten himself down and make sure none of that jizz escaped his bloated gut. Finally extruded, the rhino settled back down onto the bed, snickering a bit as he observed Tyr locked tightly onto Inxiato, that knot not leaving him any time soon. "Heh...not often I get to see someone else with a swollen lap lizard on them. Hope I'm not about to be replaced."

"Ngh...nnnnever...but damn..." It was always a bit hard for Tyrico to speak when he was filled so full, trying to make sure he didn't release any of it took a fair bit of focus. "That was amazing...you're gonna fit right in, Inx..."

"That is one of my talents." Inxiato was panting a good bit, too, the session was a lot more intense than most he had with his own kind...the different qualities of this type of body were something, indeed. If the others of his kind were going to have experiences, it might catch on as a new trend back on Thregassia. "I hope we don't have a schedule to keep...I'm afraid as tight as you are, you won't be leaving me any time soon unless you make yourself looser."

"I'm in no rush...believe me..." panted the lizard. "And don't worry about that...there's pretty much no point in making a schedule around here, with as often as it gets flipped on its head. I just hope there's no call to action, that'll ruin the afterglow."

"Still, I think this downtime'll be a good way to get to learn a bit more about you, and the whole situation," added Bergen. "Since we're not going anywhere for a while, plenty of time to talk. We'll get to the tour afterwards."

"Agreed." Once again, it wasn't the introduction he had expected, but he was a stranger on a strange world - the unexpected would just be something he would have to get used to. And hopefully, their quarries would have just as many issues with the unexpected as himself and his comrades.

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