Mind The Gap

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#3 of Filling The Void

The most requested doublet follow-up in the most recent Sequel Poll was this one! And it took me quite a while to actually put together...I've been working on this idea on and off for quite a while, really! It's a nice meaty one, though not on the level I know I can write (probably a good thing, too many of these get pretty big). Also a good chance to convey some stuff that's part of my personal Pokémon headcanon...

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between multiple males, post-transformation, rough sex, size difference, domination/submission, master/pet play, and info dumping.

When you were on the cutting edge, sometimes there was bleeding. So Granson Lab had discovered lately - their efforts to foster the transformation of humans into Pokémon and back again had hit a speed bump. Daran and Jay, two test subjects, had so far undergone an unexpected change as the result of sexual domination, calling into question the safety of all the other testers of this new technology. The fault was suspected to be in the neural conversion templates, as the transformees were not sexually inclined. Needing a fix, they were turning to the foremost mind in Pokémon sexual behaviors, Dr. Martin Yesnik. A simple solution to a simple problem, in theory.

Of course, simple in theory usually turned into anything but.

Dr. Steven Uestes and Dr. Parker Collins knew it was going to be one of those days when an unfamiliar car pulled up to the lab's entrance. Visitors didn't really happen out there, anyone who came by was part of the project and they could tell who they were meeting by whose vehicle appeared, so a mystery vehicle meant something out of the ordinary was going to happen. And when the doors opened and two Pokémon stepped out, they knew it was DEFINITELY going to be one of those days, because that was something that just didn't happen even in a more normal location. Still, they went out to greet the two Pokémon, even without knowing what was going on entirely - they couldn't have been here by accident, after all.

It was definitely an unusual scene - an Abra and a Krookodile, two Pokémon that generally didn't mingle well. But most peculiar was that the Abra was wearing a white coat, which appeared to have been made specifically for it judging by how perfectly it fit. He was the one who spoke up to the two researchers. "You two were requesting help?"

"Uh? I'm...not sure what you mean?" Steven said hesitantly.

"With the neural template. Something about issues with transformations as a result of a problem with sexual matters."

"Y-yes, we did in fact ask about that," agreed Parker. "But we were, um...we were asking for Dr. Yesnik."

"Well, you've got him. Dr. Martin Yesnik here to set you straight."

The two researchers exchanged looked. "I'm...sorry, but...I was pretty sure Dr. Yesnik was a human," Steven said slowly, now wondering if he was being pranked.

The Abra, however, let out a tired sigh. "Yes. Key word there being 'was.' Unfortunately, the human body of Dr, Yesnik is currently laying in a hospital bed in an induced coma, in a rather desperate attempt to eradicate the colony of parasites currently trying to make a feast of its brain matter."

"Oh, my...you don't mean amoebic encephalopathy?" Parker paled a bit just mentioning the rather dreadful disease.

"Unfortunately that would be right on the money. In a last-ditch effort to preserve my existence, my mind and spirit have been transferred into the body of this Abra. It may be reversed if my original body survives, and has enough brain function for me to operate it at the bare minimum and continue to process thoughts the way it used to...prospects that I've already been warned are pitifully faint. In other words, I should get used to the house I've moved into."

"I, uh, don't mean to belabor that, but...I can't help but be concerned about who was living there before."

Martin shrugged. "Well, he didn't seem to care all that much about vacating. All I know is what I heard about 'poltergeist training' or something along those lines. In any event, he made it clear that he had no interest in getting it back, so I consider myself fortunate. Anyway, now that I've told my irrelevant story, shall we get down to business?"

"Er, yes...sorry, we didn't mean to be rude," replied Steven a bit awkwardly.

"Don't get worked up over it, I'll be returning plenty of it soon enough, I'm sure," Martin stated bluntly as he walked by, the Krookodile following behind wordlessly. "And don't mind Treg, he's my transition assistant. Getting used to being a psychic Pokémon isn't an easy thing."

Steven and Parker exchanged looks again. It was what they had wanted, at least, but...this was definitely not going at all as they expected, and they rather suspected that that trend was going to continue.

"Well...this honestly has to be one of the biggest screw-ups I ever could have imagined."

Martin clearly wasn't about to pull any punches, and Steven and Parker knew they pretty much just had to take it if they were going to get a solution. Dr. Yesnik had had a reputation of being rather blunt with people at times, even if not in a particularly unfriendly way - he was just one of those people who didn't entirely understand how other people received criticism. But the two scientists had gotten a quiet warning from Treg before their little powwow that the Abra's remark about returning rudeness wasn't just to defuse the tension. On top of the sexual scientist's usual ornery personality, he had the taxing issue of learning how to adapt to psychic powers - a trial for a mind that had been around for a long time without them - and had frequent and persistent headaches which tended to put him in a bad mood. And to cap it off, Treg told them in confidence that Martin was much more out of sorts about the whole ordeal with his body switch than he let on - the truth was, there wasn't actually any hope for his old body, and the only reason it was still being sustained on life support was Martin's inability to truly accept it and let go. Even Martin knew the truth of it, but there were still parts of him that wouldn't let him accept it fully, to surrender that comfort zone of familiarity and embrace the new truth...he was working on it, but he wasn't there yet, and there were plenty of complications that needed to be taken care of even when he did. They could hardly blame him for not being at his best with them.

That said, it was still going to sting a bit to hear their work harshly critiqued.

"So let me get this straight...your neurological consultant said that the best course of action was to try to translate as faithfully as possible to avoid distress in the transformed individual, and to use a Pokémon base that was as reflective of a natural Pokémon as possible. And yet, your bosses, in their legendary wisdom, commanded you to stick to a 'protocol' and eliminate sexuality from consideration...and you obeyed them."

Parker nodded. "Well, yes."

The Abra facepalmed. "And you didn't think there was anything wrong with that?"

"I mean...I had some questions, but they made a compelling case. Setting aside the issue of certain individuals deciding to use the transformation for purposes that were unintended for the initial phase study - I mean, you would know better than the rest of us, I'm sure, that there are quite a few people out there who would transform into a Pokémon purely for sexual gratification - they were concerned about potential liability if the Pokémon turned out to have a different sexual preference from the human and cause the distress we were trying to avoid."

It was impressive how expressive Martin could be with those slitted eyes. "And you didn't stop to think that PERHAPS this wouldn't be a faithful replication of a Pokémon, as you allegedly intended to make?"

"It already wasn't going to be perfect," Steven jumped in. "Humans and Pokémon don't think alike...both are intelligent creatures with higher cognition and high-level sapience, but Pokémon have a lot of stronger instinctual responses that humans just don't have. We were more interested in physical equivalence, and instructing our subjects to try to fit in."

"Imperfect is one thing, but this is fundamentally missing something! You introduced something into their psychology that...it's abnormal, unnatural! A void! What in the world did you think was going to happen?"

Parker flinched a bit, but Steven seemed more annoyed than anything. "What we thought would happen should be fairly simple. Lacking any such setting, we naturally figured they would be asexual, since they wouldn't have a sexuality imprinted on-" He shut right up as he felt a breeze in the lab - there were no windows from which a breeze could come, and it was coming from the direction of Martin, who had taken on an expression of rank exasperation.

"I am getting so tired of having to say the same thing over and over again to people who should know better. ASEXUALITY. IS. A. SEXUALITY. It's as much a part of sexual identity as any other! Their preference is oriented towards lower attraction or lower drive, yes, but it's still explicitly defined! What YOU did was not that, it was cutting that consideration out of the mix entirely! You didn't create asexuality, you created a null space. And nature HATES null spaces."

The error was starting to become clearer to the scientists. "So because we didn't set anything, they were...changed when someone had sex with them?" ventured Parker. "But there have been individuals who had sex before and didn't have any alteration..."

"It's about filling the void. Not just having sex, but sexuality imposed on them." Martin projected an image into the air, something like a brain cross-section with a circular space. "Imagine this space, if you will, being something like a bubble. A slight poke might not break the bubble, allowing the void to persist." He demonstrated with the image, creating a depression in the circle which bounced back while leaving the space inside untouched. "A hard, sudden push, though..." Another demonstration, this time jabbing the circle and causing a rush of blue into the previously empty spot. "And the mind fills in it."

"Because it was a forceful, powerful event, it...imposed something on them?" asked Parker. "Like a sort of preference?"

"Not a 'sort of' preference, a preference. Particularly one that reflected the situation they were in." The image disappeared, and Martin let out a sigh. "Something had to fill that space, and they were currently experiencing a particular event that was leaving a powerful impression...so of course, they would become partial to that sort of thing. And as you must know, changes like that rarely occur in a vacuum...there would be other associated psychological changes that would come with that sort of significant revision. Which I'm certain explains the two cases you mentioned to me."

"Enough that it would block them from turning back into humans?" Steven sounded dubious. "How could such a thing even work? It shouldn't change them THAT dramatically."

"Well, for one thing, your neural reversion templates won't work on them now. They're based on a null sexuality, which no longer exists in those two. And you can't recreate a null without doing some significant brain damage, which would make your templates useless anyway."

"That...oh...damn." Comprehension dawned in Parker's eyes. "The mind is altered substantially, the reversion template wouldn't know how to process it at all. Well, now I'm very glad we didn't try to force it. We're going to have to rethink our approach significantly...oof, this is a mess I wasn't ready for."

"Unexpected messes are seldom prepared for. Hence why I am what I am." The Abra folded his arms and looked at the two of them pointedly. "There are other issues as well, of course, that being the potential for imprints. Neural reversion would try to reconvert to a standard, but there are aspects of the mind that remember things like that even through such a process, and the intensity of the event certainly affects how much that impression leaves."

"That...is an issue." Parker rubbed his head. "Okay. It's clear enough that our decision on sexuality was incorrect. Obviously we're going to have to fix that. The conversion and reversion templates are going to need a significant overhaul to account for this. We're also going to have to fix the other transformees somehow, without causing a disruption to their experience. Uh, Dr. Yesnik, would it be...possible to fix that void without them having sex?"

"Certainly, but that wouldn't solve your problem. In order to totally fix this, you would have to revert them and then convert them again. If I filled the void while they were transformed, they'd have the same problem the two you mentioned have - your template wouldn't work on them. The only way then would be to create individualized conversion sets to specifically return them to human form safely."

"Yikes. That's prohibitively time-consuming and expensive, to say the least."

"I imagine so. So perhaps a little inconvenience wouldn't be such a bad idea."

"I still have issues with this," Steven stated stiffly. "The issues our bosses posed to us aren't just going to go away. What happens if something happens in our conversion that would make a heterosexual male start to feel homosexual urges? Are you telling me that can't happen?"

Martin looked darkly over at Steven. "Maybe if you actually read any of my work, you'd know that's an ignorant statement."

"Excuse me?"

"Pokémon do not HAVE sex-based discriminant sexuality. They are simply not wired for such a thing. Their sexual identity profile may have other attributes such as dominance, aggression, penetrative versus receptive, active versus passive, and so forth, but on sex and gender, they are largely ambivalent. And there is a natural REASON for this, and that is that sex and gender in Pokémon are not rigidly defined. There are three attributes to Pokémon gender - genital, physiological, and psychological. They would define their genders as a mixture of those three attributes, not along a binary scale as humans do. Although the combinations differ in likelihood, there are alignments of all types along those three scales. That level of variation alone means that trying to discriminate along the basis of sex and gender is much more complicated than it would be in humans, where it's already significantly more complicated than people pretend it is."

"That...you're...are you saying there are...trans Pokémon?"

Parker could swear that Martin's irritation at Steven was almost visible on some kind of psychic projection. "Buddy, you haven't even scratched the surface. Yes, there are indeed Pokémon in male-defined bodies with male-defined gonads who mentally consider themselves female. There are also Pokémon who identify as male and have male-defined bodies but have vaginas. And there are Pokémon who identify as male and have male-defined gonads, but their bodies bear secondary characteristics associated with females. And there are of course counterparts for those things defined as female. And that's not even getting into cases of hermaphroditism, physical and psychological gender fluidity, asexuality, and the many, many other gray areas that exist. And that's just at the initial state, step two would be the at least 15% of Pokémon who have experienced a transient or permanent alteration in their sex/gender paradigm. Pokémon get rewritten so often through so many different mechanisms that it's been ingrained in their very genetics, the same genetics that make it not a problem for them most of the time because they are blessed with such an exceptional level of adaptability that makes it possible for them to experience active physical and psychological rewriting in a matter of days, hours, or even minutes and seconds in some cases, without any lasting negative impact on their core physiology. All of which I've written about AT LENGTH because someone had to do it."

Steven was rubbing his head, trying to process all that in a hurry. "This...sounds absurdly complicated."

"Only because you're not used to it. Pokémon think our system is ridiculously simplistic, and they joke about dumbing it down for us."

"Is it even possible to make any sort of translation, then?" continued Parker. "If Pokémon concepts of sex and gender are so...alien compared to the way it is for humans, it seems like we couldn't account for everything."

"On the contrary - the complication in there is vastly to your benefit. Because anything goes. So, provided you have a proper designation to start with, whatever sexual identity profile a human has in their normal state can carry over without issue to their Pokémon state. Of course the conversion template will have to adapt for this, but it will be easy to match their nature because nothing in the Pokémon code cares to set something else up. In other words, whatever they liked, they'll still like, because nothing is programmed to interfere with it. And because there's no void, an intense experience won't alter their entire psychological profile. Other influences still could - anything that could affect a Pokémon can still impact things - but most such things could very well affect humans, too, so it's not like you're truly avoiding that risk."

"I imagine our bosses never knew about that," Steven admitted. "Very well, I concede that perhaps we should have invested more time into this...perhaps it was too hasty to assume the logic was consistent across species."

"Or maybe we could have listened to the neurological consultant in the first place, and not trusted bosses who know fuck-all about how the brain works," Parker pointed out, sounding rather weary.

"...Or that, yes. Hrm, anyway, what about what's already happened? Daran and Jay have reacted a lot more significantly than just in their minds..."

"That's because, as I said, Pokémon are powerfully adaptable, and because the mind and body are connected," Martin replied. "The physical effects you mentioned to me for the Pikachu are a textbook example of an Omega Effect. Pokémon who are powerfully sexually submissive and desire to remain that way will physically change to foster this behavior, demonstrating a reduction in strength and self-defensive capability as well as genital size in order to more appropriately display themselves as vulnerable and innately willing to concede to the desires of a sexually dominant Pokémon. That's a phenomenon I've seen more than enough to know about."

Parker's eyes widened. "I was, uh, not aware of that...is that a reversible condition?"

"Theoretically. In practice, most Omegas wouldn't want to have it undone, because that's the way they like being - their sexual preference profile is heavily oriented towards that. But individual cases are always different, and transient Omega Effects are not unheard of - typically they follow from a case of overstress that's severe enough that it creates a psychological backlash when one is stripped of the need for self-responsibility. If that's the case, he may very well exhaust that and regain a more normal drive, and his body would respond in kind. But it's also entirely possible that it's exactly what he's always wanted...or that he's been affected enough by the alterations from the sexual imposition that it's what he wants NOW. Of course, not everyone responds the same, and from what you mentioned, this Daran fellow hasn't been the same way."

"No, he hasn't...but he also has demonstrated a resistance to returning to normal. They also have a, uh, physical resistance..."

Martin shrugged. "There's nothing inherently wrong with wanting to remain a Pokémon, is there? Maybe it's an improvement on their previous lives. I would say it's unwise to force them. Especially if there's reason that they can't...you'll have to create a custom reversion template, and then bypass the physical blockade you mentioned. Which, I believe may be due to willful asseveration...the desire to maintain one's current state being strong enough to trigger a chemical production response that causes the body to resist anything that might alter it. It's a known innate defense of Pokémon - and other creatures, for that matter - against psychic imposition, darkness corruption, malicious transformation, and the like."

"I've heard of that one," remarked Steven. "It was years ago, though, I don't know much about it."

"That's about the extent of what I know about it myself, so I would suggest looking into it. And in the meantime, if they wish to remain, don't try to fight it. That would do far more harm than good, I guarantee it."

"If you say so. What's the next step, then?"

"Your next step will be to start preparing the work on the altered templates. My next step will be to meet with these two and make sure that my assertions are borne out, and there's nothing else of concern that hasn't been noticed."

"You're not going to help us with the templates?" asked Parker.

"Don't be daft. Of course I'm going to help. But MY help can only do so much - you're the ones who have to actually create it, and I'm going to take a wild guess and say that it's going to take you some time to prepare them for editing. Which is a good thing, because I'm going to need some time to refresh as well."

"Then we'll get started right away," Steven declared. "You're free to wander the grounds as you wish, and we'll get something prepared for quarters for you."

"Thank you, I think I'll take you up on that. Treg." The Krookodile nodded, and the two of them took their leave from the lab while the scientists got to preparing for what was sure to be quite the process of fixing things up. But at least they would be fixed...provided there were no other complications, anyway...

The outdoors was helpful for Martin lately. Pokémon were more naturally attuned to nature, so getting out of labs and such helped reduce the strain on his mind. Which was necessary, because there was a LOT of strain lately...and he was clearly feeling it now.

"How's the head?" Treg asked, the mildest hint of concern in his voice. The Krookodile was a godsend as far as Martin was concerned, able to deal with his quirks and be a nice big void his mind couldn't peer into. One thing that he'd had to struggle with was blocking out the thoughts of others, they would creep into his brain so easily and overwhelm him, especially the private thoughts that no one would broadcast, the way they really felt about certain people and things...Treg's mind was impenetrable to him, and that was what he truly needed. Among other things...

"Hurting. No surprise, after all that..."

"Do you need some intervention?"

"Yes...but I want to meet these two first. I want to be sure that my suspicions are borne out...if there's something else in there, then I'm going to have to report that to them, and sooner would be far better than later."

"Very well. I'll be ready whenever you wish for my help."

"Thanks. Let's...try to be slightly incognito for this, just in case. They might get suspicious if they know who I am. If we're just a visiting Abra and Krookodile, there won't be any pretenses."

"Works for me. You know I'm game to help where I can."

Martin couldn't help but give a tired smile. "The way you talk sometimes, I wonder if people get the wrong impression about us."

Treg returned the smile with his own toothy grin. "What, like the idea that you're the one in charge here?"

"Precisely. Then again, maybe you get a kick out of that. Pretend to be the dutiful steward to the expert, rather than the guy holding the leash, knowing that everyone who talks to me as a respected authority has no idea what goes on behind the curtain."

"You know us Dark-types. We like having a veil of shadow."

"I'm quite familiar with Dark-types, yes," Martin remarked with a knowing tone. "In all senses of the word. Yet I'm sure you're always eager to renew that familiarity."

"At all times. But I'll hold off until you're ready...this time." The promise of something less accommodating in the future was not at all ominous to Martin; this was one of the few upsides to his situation, and he badly needed to enjoy those where he found them.

It wasn't much longer before they came across their targets, helpfully all clustered together in one spot. Daran and Jay, the transformed Charmander and Pikachu, and Kaiz and Furik, the Sandslash and Marowak that had played such an integral role in their changes, all lounging around in the warm sun. The first thing that stuck out to Martin was the size of the two Ground-types - they were bigger than the average of their kind by a fair deal. His snap reaction was that they might be Alpha-type Pokémon, characterized by being physically larger and stronger than standard variants, as well as expressing a good deal more dominance. Alpha Pokémon were like Omegas, actively adapted - one wasn't born that way, they became such by being superior to the other Pokémon in their region. Perhaps not a surprise that they were so effective at influencing these two in their vulnerable states. They don't seem to be terribly threatening, thankfully...some Alphas can be territorial and aggressive.

"You're a new face," remarked Kaiz as he opened and eye towards Martin and Treg. "Two of them, in fact."

"That we are," Martin replied, trying to sound friendly despite the headache. "We heard there were some interesting things going on in this area, and wanted to see them for ourselves."

"Is that so? Well, there's not too much interesting going on here, unless you find watching flies buzz around interesting. We're not up to all that much at the moment, it's one of those nice lazy days that we like to have every now and then."

"I see...you don't seem like the kind to take too many of those, with your obvious strength."

"Heh, someone knows his stuff."

"Interesting that you'd visit a place like this, knowing there are things going on here that are unusual," remarked Furik. "Some might say it's not an accident."

"Nothing accidental about curiosity," replied Martin simply; it made sense that the two were suspicious, but if he didn't try to act like he was interrogating them they'd probably dismiss it. "Transformation is a unique thing, I'm curious to see if there's anything to it. Not every day you hear about humans turning into Pokémon."

"Well, that's something you should ask our pets about, since that's what they are," the Marowak replied, motioning to Daran and Jay.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah," affirmed Daran, sitting up. "It's incredible...there's really nothing like it!"

"I can't say I would know personally." There was some technical truth to that - Martin wasn't 'transformed' in the strict sense, he was more 'transferred.' Some would call the distinction academic...Martin would have replied that he WAS an academic and could call it whatever he damn well pleased. "I can certainly sense that you're quite at ease with it."

"You bet!" agreed Jay eagerly. "It's way better than being a human, for sure!"

Now that was something to zone in on...Martin focused a bit, trying to take in some thoughts and feelings while remaining innocuous. Even on sight, the Omega Effect was obvious - Jay seemed rather on the runty side, shorter and scrawnier than the typical Pikachu, and wasn't sparking the way they did. The aura of weakness and powerlessness was almost palpable. "Really? I suppose I wouldn't know what it was like being a human, but I never got the impression they were that dissatisfied with their position in the world."

"I mean, sure, probably, but it's way better being a Pokémon. Humans have so much stress and responsibility and all that shit...I never realized just how exhausting it all was to be like that, it just sucks everything you have out of you and turns you to dust. I kinda was still clinging to that in my first transformation, but..." Jay flushed a bit, and his surreptitious look back at the two larger Ground-types and his mental wandering left little to Martin's imagination. "My masters kinda showed me more how I SHOULD be. It's really liberating, finally freeing yourself from all that pressure."

"Now that you mention it, I suppose there is a lot of pressure on them, doing things Pokémon don't have to worry about."

"Yeah. And I'm trying to learn not to worry about it all myself. I mean, I could never lay around on a sunny day like this before! I always told myself, I can enjoy life later...why did I put it off for so long? This is great! I'd way rather live like this!"

Quite interesting...sounds rather like a case of psychotherapeutic submission. No wonder he took to it so readily. Not his focus of study, but something that he'd come across as a related tangent. He was far from unfamiliar with workaholics, most of which were human, and they could reach a point where their minds were begging for something to relieve them from their overtaxed and overused state even while the person remained active. Such minds were very easy targets for manipulations; weakened by fatigue and inability to break away from an excessive level of focus on their work, it was incredibly easy for, say, a psychic to slip in and gain control over them. If exploited, those people would be easily overwhelmed by something that broke them away from those responsibilities and brought them true rest and relaxation, and the effect of that was becoming favorable to whatever brought them and kept them in that relaxed state. Which, in the case of sexual conquest, would naturally mean submission to the conqueror, and all that came with it. Jay had probably intended the switch as a break, but couldn't even make it a break until forced into it, and now he was invested in staying there, at least for the nonce.

Whether he will progress out of it, that's another question. Some cases see the person break away and resume old behaviors, others see them eventually reclaim autonomy but be relieved of their poor habits, and still others remain firmly entrenched for good. An Omega Effect probably amplifies the odds of the latter, but as they aren't a type that can assume direct control the way mine can, that at least balances it out. Jay's mind would be the wild card...mm, tempting as it is, that's not why I'm here, and I don't want to make him suspicious with any probes. It lines up with my expectations, at least, so I doubt there's much concern.

Martin thus turned his attention to Daran. The Charmander was decidedly NOT an Omega - he had a fit form and fire that was on the more potent side, like a fairly well-trained Pokémon. He did seem to have more of a lean frame, and something of an accentuation of his rear end, and there was a sensuality and lustfulness about him that did seem directed towards Kaiz and Furik, and there was definite submission...but not submission on the same level as Jay, less intense and less stifling - in fact it almost seemed like he could be above Jay at the same time. Hm. I haven't heard anyone hypothesize a Beta Effect, but I wonder if it could be something like that. It can't be that unlikely that there would be degrees between the Alpha and Omega, right? Perhaps simply not focused on because they aren't typically as obvious and dramatic in appearance...Daran wouldn't be particularly out of place among Charmanders, even with the mild physical peculiarities. "I'm guessing you're rather in agreement with that?"

"Definitely," replied Daran assertively. "Honestly that was what drew me in the first place...I mean, I never could have gone exploring where I did if I was a human. Too easily overpowered by just about anything, and not really suited to the environment at all. In this shape...heck, even though I'm pint-sized compared to how I was, I feel ten times stronger. Of course, my masters helped me a lot with that, I got a lot stronger out there under their power."

"Hey, it was fun having such a quick study and eager tailhole," snickered Kaiz. "I was impressed how strong you got in your time with us, a very worthy pet."

"Heh, maybe all that seed you pumped into me helped speed the process along."

"Mm, much as I like the sound of that, it wouldn't explain our other pet here."

"The effort you put in was quite obvious, though," added Furik. "I was surprised a human would adapt so well to our kind of lifestyle. Expected some complaints about the way we behaved, how we might act or react to this or that, but you always seemed to focus on adjusting to us. Was nice and refreshing."

Daran smiled, and Martin picked up a little bit of pride and embarrassment. "Thank you, master. I mean, that just seemed right, you know? If I'm a Pokémon I should know what that's like, not just keep acting like I did before, right? Besides, it all made a lot of sense to me, so why not go with it?"

It was rather striking for the Abra to hear this and try to interpret the words and feelings. This is...definitely a bit more unusual. I would expect something to stand out more, but it just...doesn't. He doesn't seem excessively submissive, even his use of the word 'master' is more casual, lacks the strength of reverence that I would expect from subjugation. When they told me, I made an assumption, but...Daran's submission wasn't forced, by a long shot, and doesn't have the same implications. There MUST be some kind of alternate effect going on there, I'll have to find someone who's studied that to learn more. Even beyond that, though, not only does he not come off as submissive, he doesn't even come off as human...he has such a natural countenance that if I didn't know he'd been transformed, I might not pick up on it. His thought patterns...there's always a difference I can pick up on between the way humans think and the way Pokémon think, even if there's a transformation or a mind swap or something like that...I...can't even sense a human pattern in Daran. How is that possible?

While it wasn't his area of principal knowledge, Martin had to wonder if what was happening here was that Daran had adapted so well to his transformation that it actually had asserted itself as his natural form. Were there people who took so well to being Pokémon that it was like that's how they should have been in the first place? With controlled transformation being in such early stages he doubted there was much research on that. But if it was, Daran was probably a prime example. And the upshot of that was that Martin had serious doubts Daran would ever want to return to his former self. If he was more comfortable as a Pokémon, more adapted to acting and thinking like one, why would he want to return to a body that was not only inferior in every way, but not even suitable for his mind?

Perhaps there would be a reason under some circumstance, but he wasn't going to get an answer to that now, as the pain suddenly spiked in his head, causing him to moan and rub it. "Ah...ngh..."

"Eh? You all right there?" Kaiz asked.

"All right, break time for you." This was Treg's moment and he knew it. The Krookodile stepped in, grabbing Martin semi-roughly and pulling him face-first into his body. "My buddy here has a few issues, his mind goes overboard sometimes. Thankfully, I've got the solution for him...and he likes it, doesn't he?"

"Mm, yeah...I do..." Martin didn't make any effort to break free, he needed this more than anything. "Ohh...please, do your thing, Treg..."

"I intend to," growled the Krookodile teasingly. "But, how about we get in the spirit of things, and have you call me 'master' like they do?"

That wasn't something Treg had asked of him before...even though the Krookodile definitely was in charge over him, it wasn't as far as master/pet, or at least they'd never used such explicit labels before. But, Martin wondered, maybe Treg had been wanting to, or planning to...he knew the Krookodile enjoyed his dominance, and it wasn't like he really did anything to resist it. Why he brought it up now rather than in private before they'd gotten here...no, that was clear enough with a moment's thought, Martin realized as the audience was suddenly very interested in what was about to go on. The sly croc must have thought of this on the fly, using the social pressure to make it harder for him to object, just in case he planned to. If he resisted, they would probably tell him to give in...

Academic, because, really, they were one step away from that already anyway. "Please, master...take away my pain..."

"Good slut." A hand on Martin's shoulder, and he was pushed down onto his knees with little resistance. The Abra's nose was filled with a bitter, earthy scent that drove his senses wild. It smelled of lust and danger, the threat of his impotence against this beast driven into him...meaning that being a little subby bitch to the Krookodile felt all the more naturally right. He started to lick into the slit in front of his face, slurping into it with as much eagerness as his pained head would allow, the taste as thick as the scent and equally potent to his senses. Already he could feel that psychic sense getting a bit fuzzy...that wasn't the corruption, that was just subconscious self-influence, priming him for what was to come.

Because, truth being truth, he was as aroused by the thought of being nulled as Treg was at the idea of nulling him.

He had to back off as his licks rapidly brought the Krookodile's cock out of that slit and swelling to full mast, though he didn't stop working on that thick, rough-surfaced and dark-colored dick that Treg was sporting. The same was happening to Martin already, his own dick standing at proud attention - no slouch in the endowment department, despite his willingness to engage in this play Martin was no Omega himself. This was merely therapy for him and indulgence for Treg, and far be it from him, of all people, to question the interests and fetishes of his partners, particularly as a Pokémon himself. Besides that, an Omega Effect wasn't a requirement of this type of relationship, it merely facilitated it.

His hands helped work on Treg's pole as he licked and sucked and even nibbled a bit at the bulbous head of that impressive tool. A bit of natural slit-fluid, a bit of precum, it all mixed together with the taste of that meat to make Martin's head spin, in more ways that one. He could hear some sounds from the audience behind him, snickers and murrs of clear approval for what they were witnessing...Martin wasn't used to having onlookers, but he found nothing disagreeable with that on the face of it. After all, why not let that master of his show others what he could do?

Finally, Treg pulled Martin off of his cock, and motioned for him to turn over. "That's enough preparation...let's get you squared away properly, bitch."

Martin knew exactly what that meant, and turned around onto all fours, hiking his tail up and waving it a bit for Treg to grab, showing off his winking tailhole to the Krookodile. Treg didn't waste time, snatching up that tail as he stepped forward and tugging on it a bit as he lined up for entry. Martin shivered a bit at the rough tail treatment, it was mildly painful but not in a bad way...one thing he'd discovered as a Pokémon was that a degree of pain actually felt good to them, obviously not more than mild pain and there were exceptions, but the general rule held true. Light clawing, scratching, biting, tail pulling, things like that were so common that he couldn't even consider them fetishy. That probably explained the tendency to go rough during the act, as well, though that wasn't terribly painful overall...

And Treg was quick to remind him of that, as that thick cock speared into Martin, making him cry out loud. Despite his smaller body, he took the hilting with barely any issue, particularly with the extra force Treg applied with a tail yank to pull the Abra back into him. It was an intense stretch, but it felt so GOOD...and on the feeling of those hips smacking into him, he felt a brief fuzz in his psychic abilities, and a very brief release from the ache. What he was craving was coming soon...

"That's right, bitch...show 'em what you're like. What you really want from me. How you're so eager to let me do whatever I want to you." That was right...Martin could see the others now, and his eyes briefly turned to them. Kaiz and Furik were both eyeing the Abra with plenty of interest, and he could see their loins starting to display that interest...one of the debatable advantages of being a Pokémon, it didn't require as much to get them aroused as it did humans. Daran and Jay were both keenly watching as well, but Martin got the impression they were looking more at Treg than himself. Not surprising, the two of them clearly have an affinity for Ground-types...Treg must be quite appealing to them.

He didn't get much more time to think about that, though, as Treg started to fuck him in earnest. Martin's fingers curled into the ground, his cries getting louder and more breathless as that impressive cock burrowed into him over and over, delivering bolts of grievous pleasure into his head. Along with that growing static in his head as his powers began to destabilize, a sensation that broke his focus and made everything feel more intense and chaotic. It didn't take much...it was an easily induced effect of a Dark-type's imposition on a Psychic-type, not necessarily an inevitability, but if a Dark-type wanted to do it it was pretty easy for them to do. And apparently some Psychic-types got VERY into it...maybe a bit too much so for their own good, as extreme situations could see permanent nulling and severe corruption. But that took a lot more than anything Martin and Treg did together, and Martin was entirely unafraid of being deprived for a little while.

The fuzziness get stronger as he felt the baneful fluids starting to pulse into him...Treg's precum, making the ride simultaneously smoother and rougher with their gritty consistency. Also carrying something more easily absorbed, that essence of corruption that was starting to pervade his being...and arousing Martin something fierce, his own cock bobbing under him, spraying precum in splatters all over. He was pushing back into Treg, meeting the Krookodile with his own movements and helping him drive in deep and fast. "F-fuck...Master...you...feel so good..."

"Damn, and he seemed so cool and controlled before..." remarked Kaiz. "Guess he's one of those sluts that needs to get the switch flipped to bring it outta him."

"Heh, trust me, flip that switch just right and he's putty in your claws," growled Treg. "Ain't that right, bitch?"

"Ah! Y-yes, sir!" Dirty, demeaning talk, if one was a human...Pokémon, though, didn't typically see those as necessarily bad things. Particularly not if they were able to take advantage of them. And Martin, after the change, had come around to that himself. Rough physically, rough verbally, everything about Treg's use of him was rough, but even his physically substandard body could handle all the roughness without complaint. He tensed down around that thick intruder, squeezing it and feeling it pulse within his body. Treg was close, just as Martin himself was...just a little bit more, and the Krookodile's magic would be worked in full.

But Martin came first, just as he always did. His body surrendering, head going full static as he shot hard into the grass underneath him, rapturous cries erupting from his maw. In the midst of this, he felt a heavy weight come down on him, Treg's free claw pinning one hand to the ground, and a couple more savage thrusts...and then he felt it, that thick glut of gritty, oily cum surging into his body, flooding him with the tainted essence. In the course of a couple seconds, his head went from a roar of psychic static to...nothing. The power within him was fully arrested, gone as if it had never been there. And in its place...

Martin's cries got louder as the intensity hit in another rush. All the things his body felt, now amplified multifold, including the wild pleasure that renewed his climax briefly, the thick burn inside him from that vicious friction, the immense presence of that cock and the cum pouring into him. His powers, among other things, filtered and controlled what could come into his brain...without them, he felt everything even more raw than others did, since his brain simply wasn't used to it and rapidly took in and processed everything. It was fierce, yet, it was also the closest he could get to being human again.

With his orgasm abating, he slumped down, panting, sweating, dripping spunk still from the tip of his cock. He probably looked a right mess, a well-used bitch given what he deserved...and at that moment, he was nothing but. Powerless, more or less helpless, he couldn't resist any of them, except perhaps the Omega Jay, and he hadn't the wherewithal to want to resist them, either. He felt calm, he was headache-free, and he was still madly aroused. For a brief little bit, life was good.

Treg pulled out of the Abra, making Martin mewl as that heat spiked within him again from the rubbing. "And that's how you properly work a bitch," he said rather smugly. "Hope you two were taking notes."

"Tch, as if we needed someone else's help," Furik scoffed, though his voice made clear that he considered this inoffensive banter. "I don't think our sluts have had any problem with what we've been giving them."

"Oh? Perhaps we should test that."

"A swap, eh? Sounds good to me," agreed Kaiz with a snickered. "Oy, null-boy, you think you can walk over to us, or do we have to get a bitch to drag you?"

"Ah...I think I can...I'll be a little wobbly, though." With effort, Martin stood up and slowly moved over to the two alphas. It was a bit surreal just how much even regular movements felt weird and even hindered without his powers active, but Martin had had ample time to get used to it; the unsteadiness was just the fatigue from being so thoroughly rut. And he doubted he was going to get any less from these two, not that that was a bad thing.

Meanwhile, Jay and Daran had gone over to Treg, eagerly getting into their own fun without a hint of reservation. The Krookdile didn't have to do a thing as they started to slurp over his cock, licking off the tainted seed that was covering it. Daran rubbed one hand near the base as he took his licks, while Jay was focused more on the head, lapping at it vigorously and squeezing it with his hands. The Pikachu was especially enthusiastic, mewling and moaning as he worshiped that tool, and Treg could easily pick up on how much he wanted that cock in him as soon as possible...watching Martin clearly had left an impression on him.

And who was he, if not a provider of that pleasure? His cock was barely cleaned off before he leaned down and snatched up Jay, looking with devious intent into those wide Pikachu eyes. "Rarely ever saw such a cock-hungry bitch before, and I've seen some bitches in my time. You think you're ready to take me?"

"Ahhh...please, I don't care if I'm ready or not, make me feel your power!" pleaded Jay earnestly; the Pikachu's diminutive dick was leaking a lot of runny pre, a couple dribbles of which dripped down on Treg's staff. The very minute tingle barely registered to the Krookodile, who was pretty insensitive to electricity, but that eagerness was something he was VERY receptive to. He chuckled a bit as he pinned Jay onto the ground on his back, lining up his cock between those spread legs, Jay not squirming even the slightest bit at the prospect of being reamed by someone a fair bit larger than the alphas he'd been serving...Treg didn't have all the insights that Martin had, but he knew a slut when he saw one, and if Jay enjoyed it this much, he was going to have a hard time undoing that. Unless someone made sure he could be just as slutty...Treg had a few ideas about how that could be accomplished.

They could wait, though; his cock in that tight ass couldn't. He drove in, spearing a good half of his tool inside that electric rat ass, making Jay squeal with bliss as he came in an instant, spurting out weak, pathetic, impotent squirts of runny seed that splattered onto his face and body. Treg reveled in the sight of that Omega baring himself like that to him...it made him feel a little like an Alpha himself, even if he wasn't. A good Omega could do that to someone, and it was always appreciated. He started to rut in and out, shoving himself deeper into Jay with each thrust, giving him a nice bulge that stretched out more and more with every inch he managed to plow inside. Were he not a Pokémon, he might have worried about breaking Jay; Treg always appreciated how malleable his kind were when it came to sex, humans seemed like they had such an annoyingly difficult time with it when they just did it with each other. No wonder so many of them turned to Pokémon...

He was so engrossed in nailing Jay that Treg had forgotten about the other slut. But Daran made himself known again in a hurry - Treg yelped a bit as he felt a hot tongue prod at his tailhole, along with a clawed finger. His thrusts hitched a bit as he tried to look back, though his frame didn't really give him a good view of behind him...but he knew who it had to be, there was only one hot creature around like that. Before he could say anything, though, that tongue pushed in, making him moan out loudly...that felt remarkably good, even if he hadn't been expecting it. It was unexpected purely because he hadn't commanded it, Daran was seizing a bit of control over things...he'd have to get the lizard back for that later.

But if the slut wanted to worship his ass, who was he to complain? He got back to Jay, slamming his cock in harder, making the Pikachu cry out louder and higher. Another few thrusts was all it took to get another unvirile orgasm out of the rodent, adding to the mess on himself as he squirmed under than tight grip, spreading himself as wide as his body allowed him to to offer himself to that glorious monster of a croc cock. And inside, he was getting filled with gushes of thicker, grittier precum that scratched and burned at his insides, making him even more sensitive and lighting up the pleasure even more.

Treg was trying to make it last as long as possible, but the Pikachu's subbiness was twigging him pretty hard, the urge to seed the bitch who wanted his essence was getting so intense...and his throbbing cock wasn't getting any relief, not with Daran playing his own game. The grinning Charmander was using Treg's ass as his personal playpen, and he was making the most of it - when it wasn't his fiery tongue slurping it to lay heat throughout the Krookodile's anus and lapping over his prostate, it was his clawed fingers slipping inside to scratch at him lightly, teasingly, tantalizingly...a treatment Treg had NEVER had before, and was amazed and mildly impressed that such a slut would be so bold as to do that to him. And just when it seemed like Treg had managed to weather all he had to offer, Daran went in for the coup de grace - Treg's eyes widened as a whole Charmander hand pushed inside him, finding his hot button and giving it an outright SQUEEZE.

There was no coming back from that. Treg roared, slammed in to the hilt, and began unloading his thick, gritty, oily spunk into Jay, who had his third orgasm from that monumental impact. Inside and out, the Pikachu was painted, head spinning as he deliriously squealed out his bliss, eyes rolling back a bit as he was flooded beyond capacity, some of that dusky fluid squirting out of his rear around even that tight stretch and thick plug. Jay eventually slumped back, zonked and out of it from the pleasure overload, reduced to a furry cum container as Treg gushed more and more of his seed inside. The mild tingle of corruptive influence went unregistered, not as the waves of pleasure softened to a still of contentment and complacency...for the moment, Jay was out of it, having achieved his desired satisfaction. Treg, however, wasn't finished, not by a long shot, and there was a cheeky slut lizard who clearly needed his attention.

Martin was on the receiving end of dual attention as well, but he was very much not the one in charge of things. The nulled Abra was in the middle of the Kaiz and Furik, slobbering over the Sandslash's barbed shaft while the thick, rough tool of the Marowak worked his well-used tailhole. Treg's oily emissions were making for a fantastic lube for Furik, not only making it easier to thrust in and out but also making it a rougher ride with all it's graininess, ensuring that they both felt it much sharper. Even when Martin tightened down on him, Furik barely felt any resistance thanks to the slickness.

"Damn, you really are a nice eager one, aren't you?" cackled Kaiz as he shoved Martin's head down onto his crotch, making that entire spear disappear into the Abra's maw. "Yeah, that's right, feel my scratching down there...hah, it's totally not your first time, bet that big lug whores you out on the regular, doesn't he?"

"There's no way he doesn't, not with a tailhole this practiced," agreed Furik with a chuckle as he stroked under the Abra's tail while pumping in, making Martin shiver from the touch to such a sensitive spot. "Oh, nice, he's a tailslut, too, feel him go off when you rub under there. Surprised he's not an Omega himself...then again, it's not like an Abra has to be to be a mewling little bitch, either. Especially not when he lets himself be turned off like that...bet he loves that most of all."

Martin couldn't rightly deny any of that, particularly the last part. His body felt like it was being overwhelmed, an illusion borne of the hypersensitivity he was feeling now, more intense than even a regular type advantage could be. His cock was drooling the remains of his second climax, and on the verge of another as his prostate was mauled and his tail was stroked. Furik had found and exploited that weakness with a vengeance, working Martin up to the very limit. It had never been something he had any affinity for back when he was in his own body, for obvious reasons...but the body influenced the mind, and that sensitivity had pushed him into a fetish for rubbing and stroking and abusing his tail, particularly the underside. It was the best way to get him in the subby mood, whether he was nulled or not, something that many mons had taken advantage of - Treg may have been the constant, but he was by no means the only, and did in fact facilitate a lot of the other fun that Martin had.

It had been a weird thing, finally being on the other side of things he had studied for so long...for all that he'd researched it, the human Martin Yesnik had never partaken, in fact had really not even had much interest in the experience, and he had considered himself borderline asexual. It had been quite a swerve when Treg had given him his first treatment as an Abra and he'd felt things he'd never felt in his life, or had never felt with such intensity. Not just the experience with physical sexuality, but with the drives, the urges, the desires, the raw pleasure of total submission...his early mind, struggling to adjust to the new body, had drank it all down greedily, strengthening the bond with the new body and letting it influence him more. Not only had it facilitated the adjustment, but it had renewed his enthusiasm for his work - now it had more personal relevance, and he had more appreciation for how meaningful it could be to understand it all.

Though, in the heat of the moment, research was not the first thing on his mind...no, he was reveling in it, practically a toy for Kaiz and Furik to play with, except this toy actively loved being played with. He felt himself shudder hard as another tail stroke did him in, squirting his load onto the grass underneath him as he spasmed and clenched around the two invading cocks. That seemed to be just what Kaiz and Furik needed as well...the Marowak was the first to go, jerking on Martin's body to slam himself inside and release his gritty spunk deep into Martin, sending a friction fire deep into him. Kaiz followed up shortly after, those barbs flexing out and locking in as he dumped his load into Martin's gullet, the Abra's tongue swirling along the underside of the Sandslash's tool to encourage its unloading as much as possible. A little bit of it leaked back into his mouth, granting him the musky, earthen, and salty taste for his senses to savor.

After a little bit, Kaiz pulled out, letting the last of his emissions splatter against Martin's face. "Hah, bitch looks good dressed up in spunk. You wanna try his mouth, Furik? It's pretty fantastic."

"Hm, I have a different idea." Furik pulled out as well, not shooting anything more onto Martin but the leaking from his rear made him messy back there anyway. "You're rutting his rear, right?"

"Hell yeah, I gotta try that out. What're you gonna do?"

"Something our favorite slut's gotten us into." As Kaiz took hold of Martin, Furik stepped up to him, putting a finger under the Abra's chin to get his eyes aimed right for that solid skull helmet. "Hey, nullslut. You ever been slitfucked before?"

Martin shivered a bit. "I...y-yes, I have...but...not when nulled." He'd never really contemplated it otherwise - it was easy enough to open himself up for that when he could intentionally block his eversion, not so much when he didn't have that power. But his weary cock was fading back into its slit, three orgasms in quick succession tiring him out...maybe it would work out. And he had a feeling Furik was going to make it work whether it would or not. Considering how sensitive he was in there without being nulled, he could hardly imagine what it would be like now...

Furik snickered, taking hold of Martin's legs and spreading them as his cock pressed up against that now-free silt. "Well, you're gonna know what it's like now. Try to stay with us, slut." He bucked forward, sinking a good portion of his cock into Martin's slit and making him toss his head back into Furik with a stark cry. That roughness was WILD in there, the Abra thought he might actually be knocked out by it, he was certainly seeing stars from the sudden intense rush. Of course, just as he was righting himself, Kaiz plunged into his rear, which was already raw from two Ground-type ruttings and so he was feeling those barbs especially starkly now. Whether he was ready or not, Martin realized they were going to put him through the wringer...there was nothing to do but let it happen and do his best to ride it out.

That was easier said than done. Kaiz and Furik were holding him upright, the Sandslash's arms around his body and the Marowak's hands on his legs, and they were putting their all into fucking both holes, gifting him a rather wild stretching that was rocking the Abra's unguarded mind. He could barely cry out with the air being driven out of him so forcefully, the thick tools sending jolts through him that made his vision swim. Furik's slit work was especially harsh, the gritty wetness and sandpapery shaft imposing itself on his most sensitive spots, the burn making him throb and spasm around that extra-thick intrusion. It felt almost too tight to start with - perhaps not surprising given that it was something much bigger than his slit was used to having in it - but Martin felt it, little by little, the flesh yielding and loosening up, allowing it to stretch more and warp around that massive intruder. He'd be gaping for a bit, but it would go back to normal soon enough...the benefits of being a Pokémon and having malleability built right into him.

It wasn't long before Martin went totally limp, shuddering as another climax was forced out of him, though one that produced no wetness, just a visceral response of pleasure coursing through him in waves, back and forth, almost relentless as they were reinforced by the ceaseless stimulation. Kaiz and Furik only bucked in harder, trying to keep Martin insensibly inundated with ecstasy as long as they could, the Abra's cries getting wavering and delirious as the air was fucked right out of him. He'd been put through some intense moments in his almost year as a Pokémon, but this was a new peak.

The sounds were inspirational to Treg, who was using them as fuel for his own forceful fucking of that cheeky little Charmander. He'd not wasted any time laying into Daran once Jay was out of the action; he'd snatched up that lizard by the tail and yanked him around to his front, an aggressive grin on his face as he promised payback for that little fun Daran had had. Daran had merely grinned, bent over, and hiked his tail up, offering himself to Treg without hesitation, but with a confidence that was much less like the yielding submission Treg was used to. The Krookodile had started to catch on that this was no regular bitch, but one that challenged and pushed back, never letting things get all the way out of his control even as he gave up quite a bit of it.

In a way, it was kinda hot.

Still, Treg wasn't about to hold anything back, either, and he let loose on Daran with a ferocity, bearing down on him far more than he had Jay and lancing into him with far more brutality, snarling as he went from outside to hilting in one swift motion. Daran had cried out sharply, but Treg could feel him immediately moving to loosen up - he clearly had some experience with dicks of Treg's size or larger, and with ruthless entries. He was too broken in to be broken by anything Treg could do to him, but the Krookodile was sure as hell going to try, and he went at it with everything he had, intent on getting Daran to crumble under his efforts.

And hearing what the other two were doing to Martin was only fueling that urgency. He could hear his Abra being overwhelmed, the two Alphas giving him everything he could handle and then some...there was no risk of Martin replacing Treg, he knew that, those two couldn't null Martin like Treg could, but still, there was a sense of pride that he wanted to be able to match, to show that he had just as much sway over the little bitches as they did. He'd already zonked one of them, but the other was harder to impose on...true, Daran was singing out gloriously, blissful Charmander cries gracing the air to mingle with the grunts and snarls of the dominating Pokémon, but there was still a steadiness about him, how he pushed back not out of raw carnal need but out of gleeful combativeness, how his tail still tried to tease Treg with its flaming tip around his taint, how he squeezed and clenched perfectly to try to throw Treg's remaining composure off.

Daran enjoyed every second of it. That rough cock slid in and out of him almost effortlessly, yet left a fierce burn over every inch of territory it contacted, and it was contacting a LOT of territory. His own cock was leaking profusely, heated fluids hissing on the ground underneath him and sending steam into the air with his alluring spicy scent, mingling with the bitter, earthy musk of the Krookodile nailing him. His prostate was being ravaged, his walls felt like they were being abraded endlessly, his innards were stretching and warping around that fat staff, and he couldn't have imagined it being much better than this. And yet, he was trying to get everything out of Treg that he could, pushing those buttons that he knew were only encouraging Treg to go at him harder, to try to overwhelm him and leave him as insensible as the still-zonked Pikachu laying a few feet away. Treg was doing his damnedest, that was for sure...

But even Treg's best wasn't enough. Even when he ramped it up to the maximum, right at the very end, drilling Daran with every ounce of energy he could muster, even when he felt Daran cry out in rapture and start to clench and spasm around him as he unloaded, even when he roared out forcefully and slammed in to unload his noxious essence into the Charmander bitch...Daran held together completely, milking him greedily, working back against him, as clear as he'd started. Feeling that flooding spunk burn deep within him, that tingle of corruption carried on that baneful cum, and reveling in it all, pushing Treg to his own limits as he ground against that fat staff and tried to take in as much as he could.

All that excitement nearby was doing wonders for Kaiz and Furik, too, as they went all out on Martin, barreling towards their own finales. Martin was writhing in their clutches yet again, he'd just hit his sixth climax and they were getting fiercer even as his cock was stubbornly remaining soft and refusing to surrender any more fluid from his aching balls. He was almost gone, his head reeling from the intense fuck, the violent burn in his ass and his slit, the sharp scratching and intense friction getting to be too much for his brain, which drank in every sensation heedless of how overpowered it was getting. He was almost certain he was about to fucked to total mindlessness...

Two cries from around him heralded the pinnacle, and Martin could only barely try to brace for it. Kaiz hilted first, his barbs flexing out and jabbing in slightly, anchoring in that thick rod to pump Martin nice and full...and then Furik slammed inside, their slits meeting as he overpowered the flesh within Martin and unloaded that thick, grainy semen that flooded every crevice within the Abra's frontal opening and gushed out energetically around that fleshy spire. Martin couldn't hope to keep it inside, he simply didn't have the strength to oppose that force - even as parts of him strained to accommodate more seed, there simply wasn't enough places for it to go, and Furik's cock didn't have enough mass to totally lock it in. Cum was staining pretty much the entirety of his groin area, some of it fresh and warm and some of it tacky and cool...he felt like a proper slut, having been overused and overwhelmed.

Somehow, he managed to hang on to consciousness throughout the wild ride, though his head was still spinning quite a bit as he was finally relieved of his duties and his holes relieved of their stretches. He was plopped down on the ground on his back, and made no move to do much of anything, just lay there panting, trying to suck air back into his body and let his head right itself. His body felt limp, loose, he doubted he could even stand under his own power at the moment...Treg might have to be tasked with carrying him.

Treg finally pulled out of Daran as well, panting with his own exertion. "Goddamn...you're a cheeky little fuck, lizard."

"Thanks, I enjoyed you, too," Daran replied, sticking his tongue out at the croc. "Mm, that was the thickest I've had in a while...don't think anyone around here's measured up, I'd have to go back to the desert for my last ride like that."

Treg looked over at Kaiz and Furik in disbelief. "How the hell do you handle him? I think I mighta pulled something as hard as I was hammering him..."

"Heh, that's our alpha bitch," snickered Kaiz. "We haven't been able to put him under since back when we were escorting him through the desert. Turns out he's a lot of fun like that, though. Stick around for a bit, I think you'll come to appreciate it too."

"Not that there's no fun in leaving them with their brains popping a bit," chuckled Furik, as he glanced over at Jay, who was slowly rising up but still had that faraway look in his eyes. "But variety's the spice of life, as they say...and I think there's probably several other mons who could use some of that themselves."

The Krookodile just shook his head, grinning in spite of himself. "Maybe I'll just have to take him as a challenge. I don't think my buddy will mind being around for a while while I work on that, would he?"

Martin slowly pushed himself up to a sitting position, shaking his head. "No...I think...I'll be fine sticking around for a bit...though I might, ah...be struggling to stay caught up..." Inwardly, though, he was thanking Treg quite profusely...an easy excuse to stay in the area, which he was going to have to do to help the scientists with their issues. Eventually, the others would probably find out the truth about him, but hopefully by that time he'd have accomplished what he needed to accomplish, and it wouldn't be quite so easy for future transformees to be overpowered and warped by lusty, dominant wild Pokémon.

Though maybe some still will be anyway...if it's just what they really want.

The Tortoise and the Hare

"C'mon, old man! Put your money where your mouth is!" "...Old man? I'm only a decade older than you are." Nikita scoffed. "Yeah, that makes you an old man far's I'm concerned. Admit it, you can't keep up with young...

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Made To Order

"Nothing's worse than a downer mission," sighed Gio as he drank down another slug of Buzz Juice. "Like, even when you complete it successfully, it doesn't FEEL good, you know? Something still sucks and there's not really anything you can do...

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Snake Eye - Under The Influence

"Of all the things we do in this line of work, Rathe, this is my least favorite." "I can't say that I blame you," the snake replied, eyes firmly on the road as they drove to their client's place of residence. "Active pursuit is risky. ...

, , , , , ,