A Special Delivery

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A parcel delivery to an unfamiliar address takes a postman into a very private, but very friendly clothing-optional and sex positive community, where he gets to witness firsthand the lives of the lucky folks who get to live there. :3

This vignette was written for Ebni as their Patreon flash fiction reward for December 2019. It contains sexual acts between multiple consenting adults in a public setting. :3

A Special Delivery

Deliveries to Verdant Grove were always... interesting. That was what Sam's supervisor had told him when he'd received his itinerary for the day and queried where that particular location was, having never had a parcel destined for there in his four months on the job. Now, as the lynx flashed his ID and was let through the gate into this private community, he could see why.

At first he'd thought that it would be some sort of richy-rich snob's gated community, but while the outer walls were well maintained, inside it looked more like a farming commune than some bougie hipster paradise. Small fields and plots in what looked like an allotment area lined the single lane road, and in the distance he saw a group of perhaps two dozen houses with a mishmash of styles and constructions that suggested they had all been built to individual specifications, perhaps even by individual hands. The road actually only went about a third of the way to the village itself, before terminating in a small, walled off communal car park. It was there Sam parked his vehicle, and with the package he was here to deliver tucked under one arm, he set out on the grass-lined path beyond the wall towards the village itself.


The lynx's tufted ears twitched as he heard what sounded almost like a moan of pleasure a short walk later, then another a few steps after that, and another, and...

"Oh god. Deeper. Please."

He padded past another drystone wall lined allotment area, and there, on her knees and elbow deep in some freshly turned soil with a trowel clutched in one hand, he saw the source of the moaning. A plump skunk lady, her fur greying somewhat, was being fucked rather vigorously in the ass by a decidedly younger and more spry looking fox. Both of them were stark naked with no trace of any clothing beside a pair of gardening gloves close by the woman's kneeling form, and though the fox glanced around as Sam walked past wide eyed and trying with all his willpower not to get an erection, he did nothing more than nod politely like they were just passing on the street on the way to the store, before turning his full attentions back to the lady begging for him to knot her.

"I shouldn't, Ms Franz... I'm meant to pick a whole barrow full of... a-aah, of potatoes by lunchtime."

The fox's breathless words reached Sam's ears just before he could walk out of earshot, as did the older woman's strangled cry, bringing a helpless smirk to the lynx's lips.

"I'll h-hahh... help you, I promise! You'll get it done on time, even if we have to crawl over there still tied! But please, please Jackson... a-ah... just fucking knot me!"

Though he left the range of anything more the pair might have said just moments later, some thirty seconds after that Sam heard an echoing, joyous scream from back the way he'd come. He grinned knowingly, and only stopped grinning when he heard more voices up ahead, and suddenly glanced down at the visible tent in his brown uniform trousers.

It didn't take long for Sam to realise he had nothing to be embarrassed about of course, not when the figures approaching him strolled into view as the path curved around a larger field full of high, proud stalks of corn. No fewer than six figures, all stark naked and all incredibly toned in build, paused in their conversation as they saw Sam approaching them with his face afire and his crotch tented. They didn't look disapprovingly at his presence though, nor did they seem to judge him either for his arousal, or indeed his clothing. They all just smiled broad, knowing smiles, and as Sam approached them, they parted for him, three amply breasted ladies with visibly damp thighs standing on one side of the road, while another stood on the left beside two men whose own cocks were every bit as swollen and engorged as Sam's own.


Sam murmured, nodding and smiling bashfully at each of them as he strolled past as casually as he could. They let him pass without incident, but as soon as he heard them rejoin the path and begin to walk away once again, he heard voices chattering and laughing, almost all of them talking about him.

"Mmm, what a cutie. We haven't seen him around before, right?"

"I wonder where Jessica went? I hope she didn't request not to deliver here any more. She seemed to have such fun."

"Who do you think he's delivering to? Think they'll tell him that next time he comes, he can leave his clothes in the truck if he wants?"

By the time Sam reached the village edge, he was beginning to wish that he had left his clothes in the car, if for no other reason than he was worried about leaving a wet spot of pre-cum on the front of his slacks. The sounds of sex were hanging heavily in the air, and worse than last time, it appeared to be coming from multiple sources. Sure enough outside what appeared to be a small grocery store, two guys were pressed up against the wall just beside its door, making out and grunting loudly as their grazed their erect cocks together. A little way further down the line of buildings, a middle aged pair of horses fucked on the lush green grass of their small cottage home, while a wolf and rabbit who couldn't have been any older than their early twenties leaned over the wall from the path and watched, hands buried in their pussies as they did so.

To Sam's horror, he checked the number on that house and the one across the street from it, and realised that the home he was delivering to was probably right at the far end of the small settlement. Almost no-one seemed to be inside their homes, either out in their garden doing some sort of craft project, naked or covered by an apron depending on the tools involved, or fucking and fooling around somewhere in full view of anyone who wandered by. Many of them noticed Sam's presence as he wandered past, and while most just smiled and perhaps moaned a greeting through their pleasure, a couple of the villagers actually seemed even more turned on by his presence.

"O-oh god, he's new! He's... he's watching me, aaahh... yes! He's... ohhhgod, yes! Cumming! Yes!"

The lynx almost fell over his own feet as he struggled to keep going, not to simply stop, turn, and watch as a beautiful tigress shrieked in apparent ecstasy at his unintentionally voyeuristic presence, and began to writhe and roar as her thighs clamped down upon the face of her raccoon lover between them. Somehow though he managed to force himself onward, and soon, though not soon enough to keep his uniform from getting stained by his arousal, he made it to the front gate of what seemed to be the most recently constructed home of the entire village. After double checking the address, he slipped the gate open and walked up the path to its front door, worried that no-one would be in given the rest of the village's seeming penchant for the open air. To his surprise though, upon knocking at the door he heard a barking from within. Not the sounds of a feral pet though, but rather, the sounds of someone making barking noises as they scrambled their way towards the front door on what sounded like all four limbs.

"Okay, okay. Calm down, my pet."

A soft voice murmured soon after as Sam blushed while he heard the scrabbling of fingertips at the far side of the door. A moment or two later though, the door opened, and two faces peered out to regard the lynx from different levels. First, a beautiful, of course stark naked cheetah lady smiled at him from where she was standing and holding the door open, and by her side, down on her hands and knees, a beautiful white furred mouse kneeling in a very dog-like position; panting and wagging her smooth pink tail as she looked up at Sam's exceptionally obvious erection now twitching and slowly growing that dark spot on his tented crotch.

"Ooh, well look at this, Gwen. A parcel just for us! I wonder what it could be. Maybe that new shibari harness I ordered for you."

She murmured teasingly to the mouse who squirmed and whimpered and began to shuffle around on all fours round the cheetah's feet like an over excited lap-dog.

"Thank you."

The cheetah nodded as she signed for the parcel, then took it with a beaming smile from Sam's ever so slightly trembling hands.

"Have a good day!"

She murmured, already starting to tease open the package with her claws as she began to slide the door shut, only to pause as the mouse, Gwen, gave a whimper and crawled her way outside onto the stoop, Sam taking a step back so that she didn't crash right into his legs. Before he could say anything, she was shuffling her way hurriedly around his legs like she had the cheetah's own, and then a few circles later came to a standstill between where Sam and the cheetah were now both standing and staring at her. She looked pleadingly up at her mistress, then directly at Sam's crotch, then back again with a strangled whimper. Then, before Sam could say or do anything, she turned away from him, pressed her head and shoulders down low to the ground, and raised her ass high up to almost grind it against his crotch, waving her bare ass and pussy shamelessly directly in front of his own waist.

The cheetah sighed, rolled her eyes, and tutted playfully down at her lover.

"Honestly, you'd be less subtle if you just went full feral role-play and started humping his leg."

She looked back at the crimson cheeked, rock hard delivery guy, and smiled with a slight blush of her own.

"What my pet... I mean, what my wife is trying to say is, she sees that you're rather aroused. And, I'm also gonna presume because you're wearing clothes, that this is your first time visiting our home. So, you might not know just how... relaxed we keep things here."

Sam opened his muzzle to speak, but just croaked instead. Both women giggled, the mouse trying to cover up that much more sapient sound with a playful yipping bark.

"If you want, you can come inside. Have an iced tea, and... if you like, I can put your pants out to dry on our line, see if the breeze will dry out that stain. We can tell you about the village, if you're interested in learning that is. If you don't plan on going back to your bosses and telling them you'll never do another delivery here again. Which, y'know, that's totally your choice. We should all get to live to our own levels of comfort, so long as that respects the safety and comfort of other people too..."

The cheetah continued, though she trailed off somewhat at the end as the mouse's whining got louder, and she noticed that Sam was still staring rather hypnotically at her wife's wiggling ass.

"And, as Gwen is so eloquently making clear, if you would like to relieve yourself... she'd be more than willing to make herself available to you."

Another guttural croak escaped the lynx, and once again both the cheetah and mouse giggled warmly.

"Can I take that as a yes?"

The feline woman teased as she opened the front door wider, and stepped back to allow Gwen to dash inside, ass still raised up high. For a second or so Sam lingered in the doorway, trembling, blushing, throbbing helplessly as he stared after the mouse. Then, even as the other woman sweetened the pot one final time, he found himself stumbling forward, and already reaching for the belt of his desperately tented trousers.

"Oh, and if you like, I can show you what it is you delivered for us today. I think it would be very, very hot for me to tie my wife up with our new shibari set... and then have the postman who delivered it to us fuck her in it for the first time."

By Jeeves

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