A Prodigious Party

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Renamon and her tamer partner Aaron attend a christmas party with all their other digimon and tamer buddies. When the party turns out to be far more plain and dull than Aaron had hoped though, there's only one thing he can do to keep Renamon happy.

Fuck her. Fuck her very, very hard, right there at the party. ^^

This story was written for Aaronblackfox as their Patreon commission reward for December 2019. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults in a semi-public place. :3

A Prodigious Christmas Party

Aaron had promised Renamon that she wouldn't regret coming with him to this party. He had promised her that it would be fun, and that even wearing her oversized, thick woollen sweater with all its goofily stitched reindeer and elves upon it would pay dividends. After all, his fellow digimon tamers knew how to have a good time, and surely they weren't going to host just a regular old, unironically plain Christmas party when there was virtually no room for fun amidst all the traditions of the holiday. Tasty, unhealthy food, alcohol, dumb ugly sweaters, bad music. It was a laugh-riot just waiting to be unleashed.

Then Aaron and Renamon had actually gotten there, and the look his digimon had shot him as the door was answered by one of their friends in a smart, plain red jumper and a collared shirt beneath it could have killed a lesser individual. The fox had been able to feel his partner's scowl through the back of his head as they were led through into a quiet living room where a dozen or so anthros and their digimon companions were all already sitting around quietly nibbling at delicate canapes and sipping on sparkling wine, chatting in gentle, relaxed tones about their favourite holiday traditions and what they loved most about winter with complete sincerity, and zero irony.

Honestly, Aaron found it kind of great. Kind of sweet. Kind of relaxing in a way that might not have been the most fun ever, but which was definitely supremely chill, and just... nice. And if it had just been him there with no-one else he was responsible for, he might just have pulled up a spot on the carpet, sat down cross-legged near the crackling image of a wood fire playing on the TV over some jaunty, classic Christmas tunes, and started telling his friends and their digimon about some of his favourite times as a kid having snowball fights with other folks in his neighbourhood.

Instead though, after just a few minutes of polite conversation with their host during which time Renamon stood between the fox and his rabbit friend with her arms folded over her oversized sweater and a constant glare fixed upon her tamer, Aaron found himself facing Renamon's wrath. He watched as their host set off in search of a glass of wine, and rather than waiting for his digimon companion to do the same to him, took that opportunity to pull Renamon aside with a genuinely guilty and apologetic look on his face.

"You won't regret coming to this party, Renamon."

The digimon growled at the fox in a sing-song imitation of Aaron's own voice as they shuffled over to the far end of the room.

"Okay, I know it's not what we expected, but..."

"I promise , it'll be a real laugh!"

Renamon cut him off to continue as she gestured back at the quiet, peaceful, yuletide spirit filled group.

"You know I don't do quiet, Aaron. You know I don't do small talk. This is why I like it better when there's some monstrous threat to one of our worlds to deal with. The others like it when it's quiet. They like it when it's all peaceful and they can just be all sweet and nice and calm. But, I can't do that. I can't handle another summer beach barbecue, Aaron. I couldn't stand around watching Biyomon and Terriermon playing volleyball for five hours while everyone sunbathed and splashed around in the sea, and I sure as hell can't stand listening to them singing Christmas carols and talking about their favourite texture of snow!"

The fox nodded, but tried to reassure his digimon as he considered how supremely awkward it would be to have to tell the others that actually they weren't really up for partying, and were going to head home. Or worse yet, to not tell them that himself, and have Renamon straight up tell them that she didn't want to be there as she had in the past when he'd tried to be tactful.

"Oh, c'mon Rena... it wasn't that bad. We had fun at the beach in the end."

Renamon's cheeks flushed beneath her yellow fur, and she scowled at her tamer.

"Only after you dragged me into the ocean to stop me from Diamond Storm'ing their damned volleyball and..."

The digimon's voice trailed off, and all of a sudden, a smile curled up the corners of her muzzle. For a moment Aaron blinked in confusion, but just as realisation crossed his face and his own cheeks burned hot beneath his dark fur, a hand touched his cybernetic left arm and he was forced to turn away from the now toothily grinning digimon. He did his best to smile and gratefully accepted the glass of wine from the rabbit, and after another minute or so of small-talk was left to mingle and socialise with the others as their host went off to do the same, and share his time with more of his guests than just the newcomers. Before anyone else in the room, tamer or digimon could catch Aaron's eye though, he felt a warm paw slip into his metal left hand, and pull him hurriedly, firmly out of the living room into the hallway beyond.

"You're right..."

Renamon growled in a very, very different tone of voice to her prior terse, frustrated words. Aaron's eyes got wider still as she shifted her hand to grab at his metallic wrist, and teasingly pressed his hand beneath the fabric of her bunched up and incredibly, mind-bendingly cheesy sweater, until the sensors located within its frame registered the warmth and unmistakable moisture of the digimon's pussy against its fingertips.

"...the beach was fun, once you pulled me into the ocean, and fingered me as we stood there chest deep in the water and cuddled. It was fun once you pulled down the front of your shorts and started to hump me right there where everyone could see. And, it was so... so fun hearing you try not to cry out, not to scream my name as you came in my ass knowing that all Saria and Gatomon had to do was swim over just a little closer, and duck their heads under the water for just a second to see exactly what kind of lewd, naughty tamer you really are. To learn exactly how you tamed a wild, powerful digimon like me."

By the time she fell silent, her chest was heaving visibly even under the weight of her sweater, and Aaron was panting entirely unrelated to the heat of his own thick woolly jumper wrapped around his torso. The fox glanced around at the hallway door which led back into the living room, barely a metre away from where he was resting with his back to the wall and his hand still buried between the warm, soft lips of his digimon partner's pussy. He looked back at Renamon with a soft groan, and shook his head.

"We can't... not here..."

The digimon scowled.

"So, you really expect me to just stand around and play nicey nice all evening for nothing?"

Aaron chuckled softly, and before anyone had a chance to come out of the living room and catch them in the act, he shifted the position of his hand as best he could between Renamon's legs with her paw still gripping his wrist, and began to grind his thumb in slow, purposeful circles against her clit. The digimon's eyes bulged, and suddenly it was his free hand that was controlling her, rising up to press itself against her muzzle even as the wine glass which had previously been resting within its grasp fell with a dull thud to the hallway floor, spilling its remaining contents out upon the soft carpet which broke its fall.

"I didn't say that, did I, Rena? I just mean that this is too close. Too out in the open. We're standing paddling in the shallows with the ocean round our ankles. If we want to get away with it... again? If I have to fuck you in order to get you to lighten up and chill out for a couple of hours? I want to do so somewhere I know we'll actually be able to finish without being found out. So, either you can be a huffy brat and make us stand right here till I make you scream and we're humiliated in front of our closest friends and allies, or we can go upstairs, find a bathroom, and..."

Less than a minute later, the door of the upstairs bathroom slammed shut, and Renamon growled happily as Aaron pinned her to its interior without even stopping to lock it. In a flash his trousers were around his ankles, and a moment after that, the digimon's scream of pleasure was only stifled by the fact that Aaron was kissing her even as her legs wrapped tight around his waist, and his already rock hard cock sank urgently into her. Gentle Christmas music rang out through the house from the floor below as Aaron fucked his digimon partner hard and fast, the door thudding as his hips pressed Renamon's firm ass back against it over and over again, her tail swishing and thrashing from side to side as pleasure surged through her, and both of them thanks to the passionate ministrations of Aaron's sizeable cock.

"I... I really am sorry it wasn't the kind of party we hoped..."

The fox grunted as he did everything in his power to make Renamon cum long and hard, to grant her some measure of satisfaction so that for at least a little while she could bear the boredom of this kind of party, absolutely the very antithesis of everything which the digimon enjoyed about the loud and often chaotic world she had come to consider her home alongside Aaron.

"I'm... aahhhhyess, right there! I'm... nnnh, not."

Renamon grunted blissfully to the fox's surprise, only to clear up her point a moment later after another ragged intake of breath, and another kiss to stifle her latest attempt at a louder cry of pleasure.

"If... ohh god, if it had been a-aaa... aaahahhhfuck, if it had been a decent party... I probably wouldn't hhhahh... have gotten to fuck you till later tonight."

The digimon giggled through her pleasure, her eyes blazing not just with pleasure and passion, but with happiness, with joy, even with love for her tamer, dumb as he could be sometimes.

"And now..."

She gasped, arching her back, rolling her eyes half in pleasure and half in frustration that she couldn't feel Aaron's heart thundering against her own chest thanks to the two thick, ugly sweaters they were wearing.

"...now, if it stays as dull as it seems like it's gonna... I'm gonna drag you back here over and over again every hour until we leave... and either you're gonna fuck me, or eat me until I'm so fucking zoned out with pleasure, I'll sing whatever carols and play whatever dumb party games anyone wants."

Aaron's eyes widened, and he grinned even as his hips continued to drive urgently against his lover's own.

"Even... ah... even charades? Coz... I'd die a happy fox if I got to see you trying to mime movie titles."

Renamon glowered at him, but arched her back and grunted in pleasure once again as his cock drove into her once more, its knotted base thickening with every forceful, rapid-fire stroke.

"Mmh... make... ohhgod, make me squirt... and we'll see. Maybe. Maybe I'll... a-ahh... give it a go..."

The fox's eyes twinkled giddily.


He moaned, pecking the digimon he loved so dearly upon the lips once more. Renamon shuddered, she blushed... but nodded a few moments later.

"I... aaahhyes... I promise."


Downstairs, only a couple of digimon had noticed the dull thumping sound coming from above. Their tamers were all far too busy with a rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas to pay much attention to anything else though, only the host of the party occasionally glancing towards the living room door with a furrowed brow, wondering where Aaron and Renamon had gotten to.

His unspoken question was answered a few moments later though, as just as six geese were a-laying...

"Yes! Yes!! Oohhhhhfuckinggodfuck! Fuck!! Yessssssssssssssss!!"

An ear-splitting, caterwauling scream echoed around the house, down the stairs and through the ceiling with equally unabashed and unrestrained volume and savagery. Cheeks flushed, eyes widened, and without exception each and every single digimon tamer present fell silent in the midst of their carolling, and looked in stunned, humiliated wonder at their own partner as they heard the unmistakable sounds of Renamon screaming in pleasure... and realised that maybe, just maybe, they weren't the only digidestined to have forged such a deep, intimate, and loving bond with their digital partner after all.

"_Aaron! A-aahhh!! Aaron, yes! Again! Keep going! Knot me! Please, I'm... o-oohhhgod, cumming! Cumming a-ahhhagain! Yes! _"

A heavy thud made the Christmas tree shake and a few baubles go tumbling to the ground as in the bathroom above two bodies fell to the floor, and continued to make the floorboards beneath them, and the ceiling above the party's other guests and its host creak under the fury of their ceaseless, utterly shameless passion.

"So... um..."

The party's host murmured, crimson cheeked as Terriermon sat with his hands in his lap, clearly hiding a helplessly sprouting erection even as the rabbit felt his own loins beginning to stir with desires of their very own, and he saw his friends and their digimon all around the room reacting with similar embarrassment and desire in equal measure.

"...anyone for some more wine, and then... when Renamon and Aaron are... uh... done? Maybe some charades, to... to really get the party started?"

By Jeeves

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