Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 10 | Meadow

Story by Lightsoul101 on SoFurry

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#10 of Lore of Mysticfell Series

Artwork by D685ab7f ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/d685ab7f )

Story and characters by me

Meadow and Neoral reach Port Lore in pursuit of finding Dolphus and Delphine and hopefully a lead into the disappearances and finding out the status of the plates. What they find though might surprise everyone.

Chapter 10


Port Lore the city of the ancients, here is where magic was first discovered, where the creation of the plates had been conducted and where the magical history of the region was stored. The great library or better known as Doomtail Library was where most of the magical journals that spanned across time were stored. The city was at the edge of Groudon Desert and was nestled next to Star Struck Valley, the valley of magic and where several of the plates were supposed to be hidden in. The battle for the freedom of the region had taken place near the valley and the last time Meadow had come here she found herself fighting against her Refraction, the corrupted version of herself. Even now flying near the valley she felt like the scars of her past were creeping up on her.

Meadow remembered that battle, the feeling of having fight in mid-air against the shadowy version of herself. Her Refraction was better than her in nearly every way, that was the way Necromza designed their refractions to be, better versions. Her refraction was faster, stronger and was able to not only predict every move she would make but was able to accurately counter her. Though it wasn't just her but all of them had a corrupted version of themselves, what was what their entire war against Necromza had been about. He had stolen the plates and began mass producing refractions of everyone by stealing their light and reversing it against them. Many Pokemon died during that war, and it had taken the efforts of Arceus and Giratina's forces along with many normal and shadow Pokemon to barely defeat him. Meadow remembers that not all the legendries had survived the onslaught with some of her friends being killed during the final battle.

Arceus or better known by his new name, Coco had managed to preserve many of their souls and with the help of Giratina, Tabitha aka Xerneas and Radiance they were able to give them new bodies to live in. Pokemon bodies wither and die but their souls can be saved and reborn in a new body.

Necromza didn't get such treatment as they banished him to the distortion world or as some know it as the reverse world to rot for the rest of eternity. The plates that he used to steal their light are now used to seal the bastard away, he can sit there and watch them from that world, but he can't touch, speak too or have any influence. A fate worth than death if you ask Meadow.

"We're almost there." Neoral says as he flew next to her, the Jirachi had been paying far more attention to where they were going than she had been. Looking down Meadow saw the port city in the distance. "I hope Delphine will be welcoming since you know...she kind of doesn't really like our kind right now."

"That kind of happens when Coco decided to trap her husband in the Distortion world along with Necromza. Lucky for us Dolphus was able to find a way back." Meadow says.

"I mean...it was only a few hundred years ago...I'm sure time healed her wounds." Neoral tried to joke though Meadow didn't find it funny. Delphine had been crushed about being separated from her mate and father to at that time her only son. She now had three biological kits in all and was the foster mother to Madam Elizabeth a Sylveon and famous entrepreneur. She had personally helped Delphine get Dolphus back from the other side and it had been her along with a few others who managed to stop the Ninetales from burning down Coco's home and starting another war.

"How would you feel if someone you trusted that you fought along side, called 'brother' went behind your back to banish you to the Distortion world all because you didn't agree with him. Coco is not evil, but he sometimes allows his "Judgement" to blind his um...judgement." Meadow thought about her own views and if she might be more like her Master than she might believe. Coco had been upset with her after her assistance in recovering Dolphus and nearly casted her out, but he decided against it thanks to Ruby intervening. After that she hasn't seen Coco for ages.

The pair reach the entrance to the city after about another hour of flying, they land in front of it as the area over it was a no-fly zone and a magical barrier stopped anyone from moving over it. Meadow noticed the city guards were busy talking so several Pokemon, they were wearing armor with a symbol on it that looked like two stars combined with a circle in the middle of it.

"The symbol of light." Neoral tells Meadow. "Those guys over there are Templars from Evergrande. Their order is called The Templar Order of Light and Order, aka TOLO. What are they doing out here?"

"TOLA? What kind of name is that?" Meadow didn't like the looks of this. She had heard of Templars, they were formed to counter Shadow Pokemon, they believed in Necrozma and believed that the Elder Legendary of Light should have won the war and wiped out all the darkness of the world. They were fanatics if Meadow had to call them anything. But they were considered the law, their order was recognized by Evergrande itself and they had as much power as the Pokemon Guilds.

"Let us through, we need to speak to the leader of this city." A Sceptile says. He was wearing silver armor over his chest, legs arms, though he kept his helm off. He was followed by a Smeargle and a Mr. Rime, the latter noticed Meadow and Neoral though doesn't address them. The pair slowly move closer to hear what was happening.

"Why are the Templars here?" A SirFetch'd asked, he was followed by a Sandslash and a Duraladon. "You have no business being in this kingdom"

"We do what we wish "DUCK." The Sceptile says. "We are Templars and unlike your pathetic city guards we actually have a duty to protect this and all seven kingdoms from the coming darkness. For long ago the very Pokemon you protect who cowers behind these walls worked to drive away the only source of light and redemption for this realm. Mysticfell would be in a better place if it didn't have Shadow Pokemon and Mystics living in it."

~ What the fuck! ~ Meadow mind thinks to Neoral. ~ Who does this gecko think he is? ~

~ We're not here for them Meadow...Though I think I can spin a reasonable story for Ruby and Radiance should they ask why we're getting in street fights. ~

~ And that's why you're my teammate. ~ Meadow smirks while winking at Neoral, the Jirachi rubs his hands together eagerly. "Let's introduce ourselves."

"You have to understand Mr. Sceptile--"

"Mr. Sceptile was my great, great father's name, don't you ever refer to me as some commoner. Duck" The Sceptile was getting violent as he puts a finger in the Sirfetch'd's face. "You will but "Sir" in my name. My name is Sir Godfrey the Fifth. My family has deeper roots to this region than you have brain cells. Duck."

"Hey Godfrey, how about picking on someone your own size." Meadow says while walking over. The Sceptile looks down at her, the pair's sizes were very...different to say it mildly. The gecko towered over both her and Neoral though she wasn't worried, she has fought plenty of Pokemon that were bigger than her. Like a rampaging Groudon or a brainwashed Dialga."

"What are you creature?" Godfrey asked. "Should I know who or what you are?"

"My Lord this creature here is one of the Generals of Arceus..." Mr. Rime says.

"I see." The Sceptile looks from Meadow to Neoral and then back to her again. "I expected such Pokemon to be...bigger." The Sceptile laughs and his men laugh with him. Meadow balls her paw and kicks some sand at the gecko getting it all over his feet.

"Run along child and go find your parents, the adults are speaking. Well...only three of us are adults, the other ones here are just...waste of space."

"We came here seeking an audience with Dolphus and Delphine. The masters of this city and the wardens of StarStruck Valley." Meadow says to the guards. The guards look at one another. "My name is Meadow the General of Fertility, and this is Neoral the General of Hope, we are leaders in Arceus's order. We were sent here by Radiance--"

"RADIANCE!" one of the guards gasped. "The Lord and Lady did say that Radiance had sent two Pokemon here to meet with them."

"How do you know what this two say is the truth!" Sir Godfrey asked. "As far as we know their just children."

"Why don't you fight me and fight out just how much of a child I am." Meadow says. "I could easily take all three of you but that wouldn't be fair to Neoral."

"Fight a child...that goes against my vows."

"That's fine, Pokemon like you are cowards anyway." Meadow says while walking towards the doors into the city. She had a feeling she could get under his skin. "You hide behind your vows pretending that they justify your actions."

"You act like you Generals are any better." Godfrey mocks. "You've done nothing but hide all these years, throw wild parties and have sex. You're the worst of them Shaymin."

"So, you do know who I am!" Meadow turns to the Sceptile.

"Your Meadow Shaymin, you have no family name. Pathetic. You give grass types a bad name." Godfrey spits at the ground near Meadow. The next thing Meadow saw was Neoral punch the Sceptile for insulting Meadow. He is grabbed by the Smeargle and Mr. Rime who throw the Jirachi to the side and start pounding on him. Meadow tries to help her friend, but she is stopped by a vine as Godfrey was one step ahead of her.

"I've waited for a chance to fight something like you." Godfrey had a bit of blood run from his mouth. "Let's see who is stronger, the Pokemon who fight for Light and Order or the Sluts of Arceus." Meadow jumps back as the battle began, Godfrey closes the distance by pulling himself towards her using his vines, the gecko was fast...faster than her. She tries to dodge him but is kicked in the face.

"Aahhh." Meadow hits the sand; she was shaken but would be alright. Looking up the Shaymin notice the Sceptile's arms glow green.


"You've got to be kidding me, who says stupid shit like that?!" Meadow dodges the attack and responds in turn by hitting the grass Pokemon with Energy Ball. The attack exploded in his face giving her time to get up and regain some control of the battlefield. She didn't know if it was because he was a grass type like her or if she was out of shape, but this foe was lasting longer than she expected. Normally an attack like that left most hurt but already the gecko was hot on her trail again as he sends several vine as her.

"What's wrong whore of Arceus, you can't flaunt your taint me and expect to win." Godfrey closes the distance once more. Meadow jumps over his incoming attack and returns the favor by slicing the air, the attack cuts into the Sceptile who falls onto his hands and knees.

"What blasphemy is this?"

"Its Air Cutter you loser." Meadow's paws glowed light blue, even in her Land Form she has access to her Sky Form's moves. This fight would be easier in Sky Form, but she didn't like using it, it was too dangerous. Besides it was ok to sometimes give yourself a handicap. "Here let me show you it again." She slides at the ground sending a mixture of sky and ground elements at Godfrey as the air attack brought along sand and gravel. Her opponent is knocked off his knees and sent flying a bit aways, his body was cut from the attack.

"Of course, you...cheat!" Godfrey slowly gets up.

"Cheat?" Meadow was confused. "You're calling me a cheater?

"Yes, I'm calling you a cheat you CHEATER!" Godfrey holds his shoulder, there was a deep gash in it. Meadow made sure she held back for his sake, she didn't want to kill or damage him, just beat some sense into him. It appeared his armor didn't do much to protect him from her attacks other than make them not as painful.

"You're the one wearing armor, plus you're five times my size!"

"I actually have to work for my power." Godfrey says making Meadow gasp. "Awww...did I strike a nerve you little whore? That's right I must work for my power while you Generals and Commanders were given yours by your daddies. Arceus and Giratina are nothing by shames, shames who couldn't defeat my lord and savior Necromza without the "Power of Friendship."


A small explosion came from where Neoral had been fighting the other two templars. A moment later she saw them drop from mid air and land next to their wounded leader. Neoral teleports over to Meadow, the eye on his stomach was open.

"Sorry, that took a bit, I didn't want the fun to end too quickly." Neoral says as the eye closes, his wish tags were glowing. "Surprised you haven't dropped this guy yet."

"He's done." Meadow says as she takes a step towards the gecko who was collecting his men. "I wasn't even trying."

"Same..." Godfrey laughs. "You and your little friend have no place in this region you little whore. I'm going to personally enjoy giving you what you deserve and then finishing you off. The Lord of Light shall return and when he does all the shadows of this realm shall be cleansed and banished to the same realm that they sent my lord too. And you...Shaymin..." Godfrey points at Meadow. "Whore of Arceus, when the day comes, I have something special in mind just for you. You are on my radar now."

"Why don't you get out of here before I beat more sense into you."

"Oh, we'll be back whore."

"My name is not "whore." Meadow's flowers glows. "My name is Meadow, and I don't need some fancy name to go along with it! Call me whore again-"Meadow released an explosion of light, it engulfed the three templars, they were lifted off the ground and sent flying into the distance vanishing into the dusty horizon. Meadow felt suddenly exhausted.

"Holy crap Meadow..." Neoral says.

"Neoral..." Meadow was becoming dizzy. She was exhausted, all that flying and then fighting and now...why was it so hard to use that move, it used to be so easy. Though for some reason Meadow felt like she falls onto a cloud right about now.

"Hey, hey, hey don't you fall on me." Neoral catches Meadow, the Shaymin had been falling over from exhaustion. She hears what sounded like something large walking over to them. Blinking a few times, the grass Pokemon saw what looked like a large canine near them. It was hard to tell what it was thanks to the sun getting in the way.

"Whose there?" Meadow asked.

"You two are out of shape." A familiar voice spoke.

"Lady Delphine." The guards spoke from a short distance away.

"Delphine?" Meadow says.

"Neoral pick her up, you have an audience with me and Dolphy, right? Best to not keep him us waiting any longer."

Meadow was taken to Doomtail Manor which was found deep in the heart of Port Lore. The city itself was desert like, many of the homes were built with material found out in the desert and were designed to help resist the boiling hot heat. On the far side of the city was the port itself that gave it its name's sake. As the group walked through the city Meadow saw Pokemon of various shapes, sizes and colors. The last time she was here she didn't sense so many Shadow Pokemon but now that was all she sensed. Shadow Pokemon gave off a certain aura that Pokemon like her were able to pick up on. Though with some practice she has met Shadow Pokemon who could hide their presence though there was normally something on them that gave away what they were.

"When did this city get so many Shadow Pokemon?" Meadow asked Delphine. The large Ninetales-Houndoom hybrid hadn't spoken much since escorting them into the city. "What's with the templars hanging around outside?"

"You tell me Meadow you've been traveling around the region more than I have recently." Delphine says. The group stops near a large gate. Beyond its Meadow was able to see a mansion, there was several status of various dog and fox based Pokemon lining the walkway with a fountain near the mansion itself. "I've been here watching over my city and Starstruck Valley, you know being responsible."

'Who does this bitch think she is?'

"I'm responsible." Meadow bitterly responds.

"Did Radiance tell you why we're here?" Neoral says. "We came because of the rumors about the plates."

"Yes. Dolphy would be here to greet you two since he was excited to see some old friends, though he's in the valley right now checking on the plates that are stored there." Delphine says. "So how can I be of assistance?" She opens the gate letting them walk onto her manor grounds. Meadow felt a little odd from the hospitality, she excepted the Ninetales to be cold and unwelcoming. Walking together the three travels up the trail to the manor, along the way they pass by a statue of a Vulpix and Rockruff first, then an Nickit and Yamper, then Growlithe and Eevee, finally they pass a Fennekin and Houndour statue. At the fountain there was status of a Lillipup, Furfrou and the legendary wolf duo Zacian and Zamazenta.

"You have a thing for dogs?" Meadow asked.

"You don't know the half of it." Delphine giggles. "Me and Dolphy after the war became pack leaders, it was a fun gig and we learned a lot about ourselves while doing it. Dogs can be challenging to lead at first but once you establish yourself as the alpha they'll listen."

"Even if you're a fox?" Neoral asked.

"Yes." Delphine takes a moment to admire her fountain. "Many wild dogs forget that foxes are their cousin and are a lot like them, we just have slightly different body makeup, but we function the same in many regards. I myself was born as a hybrid though much of my body makeup is fox with a few canine features. But we're getting off topic, we can save the idle chit chat for dinner time."

"Dinner?" Both asked.

"You two came all the way here and you just got through a fight. Even the best of us would be tired and hungry after that. No you will stay here for at least a day or two before leaving." Delphine says. "You two are like family."

"Delphine thank you for the hospitality really...I mean after everything that happened--"Meadow is cut off.

"You helped me to get back Dolphy." Delphine sighs as she lets the pair into her home. The manor itself was large, there was a spiraling stairwell that led to the upper levels. There was several pictures on the wall near the stairwell of different Doomtails. One picture was of Dolphus and Delphine, another featured each of their children, one was a normal looking Ninetales, the next was a Braixen and finally the last was of a pink colored Fennekin. Beyond that was a picture of some wild dogs that had been taken in the Golden Plains, the dogs were all bunched around a gray and black Vulpix and a black and gray Rockruff.

"Is that...you?" Neoral asked while looking at the picture.

"That was during one of our resets yes." Delphine says. "After the war me and Dolphy used a bit of magic to reset ourselves and well...we spent some of that time learning to be pack dogs...well him a dog and me a fox. It was a good time. There were so many dogs in that pack who really thought they had what it took to take me from Dolphy. Oh, how little they knew..."

Meadow had heart about some of their friends finding a way to reset themselves which allowed them to grow in new ways. She didn't know how much she would want to do that. Give up all her power to begin anew and possibly lose her eternal life.

"Giratina...I mean Dolphus really has been ok with these resets you two do every so often?" Neoral asked.

"Yes. He believes that he's as strong as he was when he was still a Giratina if not becoming stronger. We lose about 75% to maybe 90% of our strength when we reset but our potential grows. It can be very hard at first, but we have enough knowledge to be able to make up for our lack of power. Besides Dolphy when he's a Rockruff...I could fuck him until the sun sets, take a break and then fuck him some more until the sunrises. Plus, I'm one hell of a sex Vulpix, I might even make you two blushes" Delphine shows them to the library. Meadow was introduced to several bookshelves that spanned from the beginning of the room to the other side, each shelf was filled with books and journals that were as big as Meadow and Neoral.

"So, tell me what you know so far and then I'll tell you what I know."

"We've heard that Pokemon are going mysteriously missing and then reappearing no longer themselves. Beyond that not much else." Meadow had to admit she was hoping that Delphine and Dolphus have more information on the matter. She tells Delphine about the mysterious Pokemon who had yellow eyes and a mysterious aura about them.

"Those sound like refraction Pokemon but that is impossible they only exist in the Distortion world. They are not supposed to be able to cross back into our realm." Delphines says. "This is troubling indeed if the refraction Pokemon are coming through. Is that all you've figured out so far?"


"I was hoping for you two would know more but alas." Delphine sighs. "Well, there is nothing connecting the disappearances to the plates as far as we know. Though there is nothing that says that they can't be connected but I'm not seeing that now. But we can't let the plates fall in the wrong paws no matter what. We'll go along with this for now and work on making sure that there is no fowl play."

Meadow was silent, she wasn't sure what to think of what Delphine just told her. Ruby and Radiance seemed so sure of what they told them. But it was true, there is nothing connecting the disappearance of various Pokemon to the status of the plates. Their mission was to make sure the plates were safe and if Dolphus and Delphine was sure they were then they'll need to believe them. Dolphus was the overseer of the plates and Delphine was his mate and protector, if there was any two Pokemon who were invested in the plates well being it was those two.

"I know its not the answer you two want to hear but it's the best one I can give you right now. Dolphy should be back by morning. You two are more than welcome to stay here for the night or even for the next day or two, why travel all the way out here and not enjoy the sites of Port Lore." Delphine smiles. She rings a bell that was hanging near the doorway and a few moments later a Slowpoke appears from around the corner. Meadow and Neoral gasp upon the seeing the Slowpoke.


"You rang Mi Lady?" The Slowpoke spoke as if he didn't hear them.

"Yes, I did Zassy. Please bring us some refreshments. Also start setting up a room or two for these two, they will be staying with us for next couple of days. Finally, please make sure we have some reservations to some of my favorite restaurants. Dolphy likes to do the cooking, but I want to treat him out while you guys are here. Starting with lunch tomorrow since I'm going to make his favorite breakfast."

"As you wish." Zassy says. Meadow looked a little horrified as she noticed that the slowpoke was wearing a shattered slowking crown on his head, the Shellder was nearly broken off. The Slowpoke prepares to leave but Delphine stops him.

"How rude of me, Meadow, Neoral this is Zasalamel aka Zassy."

"What happened to him?" The pair look at one another and then back at the Slowpoke.

"He attempted to steal the plates, didn't you Zassy?" Delphine puts a paw on the slowpoke's back. "Tell them what happened."

"I...I tried to steal the plates in Starstruck Valley and...My crown was destroyed as a result. Reverting me back to a Slowpoke." Zassy says.

"But how?" Meadow askes, she slowly steps towards the slowpoke and Ninetales. "That Shellder was--"

"A living creature? Yes." Delphine responds for him. "Zassy tried to steal the plates and despite being given more than a few warnings he kept trying and well...I had to stop him. For the sake of the region, no...the universe he had to be stopped." Delphine lets the Slowpoke take his leave.

"I want you to know that the plates are in good paws you two. The ones we have with us."

There was a moment of silence in the room, Meadow didn't know what to think. She didn't know the full story of Zasalamel, why he would try to steal the plates, but what she did know was that if someone wanted to steal the plates then it was good luck to them to do so when such powerful Pokemon were protecting them. But as Delphine and Neoral left the room as they needed to continue their tour Meadow couldn't help but wonder just how safe they really were. Disappearances, insane Pokemon, possible chaos taking place right under their noses. Were these isolated incidents or was there something else taking place that just hasn't shown itself yet.

She needed to find the truth and fast.

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