Excuses 2: Free Candy

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Oh dear, it seems Casey's gotten talked into covering Kimm's tail, but what has he been talked into? All he knows is that he's got a boner and he's about to go where no bunny boy has gone before: into the evil clutches of...wait, Kimm's having the time of his life! Casey's hormones might not let him sit idly by.




Copyright 2010 Whyte Yote

"I'm going to hell," Casey panted as he jogged around a corner. His cell phone was a pendulous weight in his pocket, slapping against his thigh. "I'm going to hell for sure. God dammit, Kimm..."

Being a rabbit, it was almost a given that Casey was on the track team. And his naturally sprung legs made a bicycle nearly superfluous, except when he had to go across town on an errand for his mother. Grocery bags didn't ride well on bouncy shoulders.

Neither did Casey's backpack, which was knocking against his spine with every stride. On the one paw, he was cursing the mutt for getting himself into a very dangerous situation, but on the other, he couldn't deny the boner he had to keep adjusting every couple of minutes.

It felt like everyone on the block could see him, and they all knew exactly what he was up to. Old Mrs. MacMurtree waved to him as she picked fallen apples from her front yard. She can smell it on me, Casey's brain said. The bunny was smarter than that illogic, though, and pushing the accusatory thought away was fairly easy. Still, once that thought was gone, a dozen more rushed in to take its place.

The whole thing was dirty and so undeniably dangerous. He was afraid for Casey's safety as well as his own, but what had started out as worry had settled into uneasiness. He knew it was wrong on many levels. But he and Kimm had been best friends since kindergarten, and the mutt wouldn't steer him wrong. But that's what had him so nervous: it was a side of Kimm he'd never seen, and it was kind of freaking him out.

"Fucking canine puberty," he muttered under his breath, and turned the corner onto Mr. Judd's street.

Kimm was waiting for him. Casey could see him, even ten houses down. The mutt sat cross-legged in the driveway, leaned back against the bumper of Judd's PT Cruiser, looking down at his cell. It was a relief to see him like that, at least, because it meant Kimm wasn't tied to a bed or in a basement crying out for help. Then again, if the skunk had restrained the canine, there wouldn't have been a phone call in the first place. At least, not the kind they'd had.

The bunny was halfway down the block when Kimm looked up, threw his arms over his head and flipped his phone shut. "I figured you would show up as soon as I started texting you!"

"Shhh!" Casey put a finger to his lips, hard as it was due to the running, and closed the distance.

Kimm stood, tail whipping behind him for balance. "Shush what? What took you so long?"

"You don't need to yell so the neighborhood can hear!" whispered Casey as loud as he dared. "I shouldn't even be over here." He wanted to be angry at the mutt, but as Kimm pulled him into a hug-closer than they'd had before, it seemed-he backed off from that thought.

"I'm glad you came. I didn't think you were gonna." Kimm patted the rabbit's back. "Let's go in; there's lemonade!" Casey followed, looking at his cell phone and wondering how long it would take his mom to call him and ask where he was. No going back now.

"Well, that didn't take very long," Mr. Judd said as Kimm opened the screen door and led Casey into the kitchen. "Were you running the whole way?"

"It's not that far," Kimm replied. "I was almost gonna text him again."

"Take it from a man who's older than you, Kimm: it's longer than you think." The skunk washed his paws with dish detergent before wiping them on a cloth set above the sink.

"Yeah, I ran," said Casey before he realized what it sounded like.

"You were right about him being eager," Mr. Judd said to Kimm.

"I didn't mean it that way!" shouted Casey.

"He runs everywhere," explained Kimm. "Especially when he knows he's gonna get his dick sucked." Casey's fist flew into the mutt's shoulder so fast, he was caught off-balance and he toppled to the floor, overturning Mr. Judd's wastebasket.

"Fuck you!" was all the bunny could think to say before he felt tears.

"Ow! That hurt!" Kimm said, rubbing his shoulder.

"You deserve it," the skunk replied, his face dead serious. "You sit there and wait for me to come back. Understand?" The bunny was already halfway out of the kitchen; things were happening too fast already. After a moment, he heard the mutt's assent, followed by heavy footsteps into the living room. The bunny plopped down on the couch, bent his knees up to his chest and sniffled. Mr. Judd sat next to him and put a paw around his back, drawing him closer.

"Are you okay?"

The thing was, Casey didn't know if he was okay. He hadn't even had time to understand what it was he was doing, the implications of it, and even the consequences. He stared at a patch of carpet that had an old stain on it, a stubborn thing that looked like it couldn't come out. Mr. Judd's house was old, probably older than the skunk himself. Well, Mr. Judd was probably in his forties, but to a thirteen-year-old bunny, that was old. And confusing. And kind of scary. And yet, Kimm had been on the phone, practically begging him to come over, it felt so good. He had to admit: the skunk's arm did feel good around him.

"You know he was just kidding, right?" The skunk's breath smelled of lemonade spiked with cane sugar. The phrase "free candy" echoed in his head. So stupid.

"I know, it's just...I'm different than Kimm is."

Mr. Judd grabbed Casey's ears as if he were going to uproot the rabbit. "I think these are a dead giveaway," he chuckled. Casey blushed, and his smile returned easily. "That's the boy I remember. Are we good?"


"I can't hear you."

"Yeah, we're good."

"Awesome. Want to go back in there and get that lemonade?"

"Yeah." The two headed back into the kitchen, where Kimm was (surprisingly) still on the floor, rubbing his arm...and crying.

"Kimm, are you going to apologize for acting like an ass to Casey?"

The mutt's eyes went from Mr. Judd's to the bunny's, glittering with moisture. "That really hurt."

"I'm sorry for punching you...so hard," Casey addended.

"Kimm?" The skunk stood tall over them both like an impromptu parent.

"Sorry for bein' a dick. Okay?"

"Okay," Mr. Judd said. "Now, drink some freaking lemonade." He poured the boys two tall glasses, and one for himself, and all three went into the living room. Mr. Judd turned on the television, and after a bit of squabbling, everyone was agreed on T.U.F.F. Puppy, though the skunk looked like he couldn't figure out what was going on half the time.

But Dudley Puppy didn't cut the tension. Nothing could cut the tension, and nothing would until someone spoke. But with Mr. Judd in the armchair, and Kimm on the loveseat across from Casey on the couch, nobody seemed to want to start anything. That wasn't entirely true, though; he couldn't be absolutely sure of it, but as the bunny stole glances at the skunk's crotch (that doesn't make me gay), he swore he thought he saw a telltale bulge.

Isn't that what I'm supposed to do? But that was another stupid, baseless thought. Still, just thinking about looking got Casey hard, which wasn't anything special, but somehow it was special because he was here, now, with his best friend and the neighborhood pervert.

It was after concentrating on the show for a while that Casey caught Mr. Judd looking at him, except when the rabbit met his eyes, the skunk didn't turn away. Instead, he just smiled and took a long, slow drink from his glass. A sensual drink. No, no, he was just imagining it that way. Regardless, he felt the blush creep up his neck and he turned away. Even so, he knew he was trapped. Maybe not trapped in the house, but trapped in the invisible clutches of Mr. Judd.

He could say no at any time...so why didn't he? Oh, right, because he was Kimm's excuse. A twinge of resentment crossed his mind for a moment. He hated the mutt for being his friend, in a way, because Kimm could use him to his own ends. Casey had a gullible streak, and they both knew it, and while the bunny didn't mind it most of the time, this was the top of the heap in terms of getting into trouble. If they played their cards right, no one would ever know, not even their mothers.

Mr. Judd was still looking at him. And smiling. Just slightly, a Mona Lisa smile, except on an old skunk muzzle. Kimm had finished his lemonade and was looking from one of them to the other. Maybe he was expecting an orgy to break out, or something. Well, it wouldn't be an orgy until there were at least four people, Casey knew that much.

"I think it's time we headed upstairs?" Mr. Judd asked, more than told, Casey. The drink the bunny had just taken settled lopsidedly in his stomach, and when he glanced over at Kimm the mutt was grinning that shit-eating grin he loved to do sometimes. When he slid off the loveseat, however, the skunk said, "You stay down here. Casey and I are gonna talk for a while. Okay?"

Kimm sighed. "Okay," he mumbled, and grabbed the remote to flip through channels as if he weren't disappointed.

"Casey?" The bunny slid slowly off the couch as Mr. Judd stood, following the skunk to the stairs. He noticed the faint hint of glandular musk, but it was hidden by a pleasant but sharp cologne, probably one applied directly to the glands like the ones they made for canids. Mr. Judd mounted the stairs before him, Casey finding himself in the shadow of a long, ribbon-like tail. It tickled his ears as they climbed to the second floor.

The first door on the left was an office, the first on the right a spare bedroom. The second on the right was the master, and it was that door that Mr. Judd opened, ushered the bunny through, and locked as soon as he was inside.

It was nice, for an older guy's bedroom. It certainly wasn't the sex dungeon he'd been picturing, however absurd the thought was. TV, some nature pictures on the walls in tasteful frames, a maroon bed that was made but unkempt for reasons Casey knew from the earlier phone call. The small dark splotches emphasized that fact: they were Kimm's cum, and when he sat on the bed he could smell his friend in a way he never had before. Most of it had dissipated, but it was still there. Mr. Judd flopped next to him and rolled onto his side.

"Now it's just us, Casey," he said. "What do you want to talk about?"

The bunny stared at the ceiling, first trying to understand the double meaning behind the question, and then trying to come up with an answer that didn't sound stupid. "What...what do you mean?"

"Come now. Ever since you got here I could tell you had a lot on your mind. It could be school, it could be friends. Or it could be the reason why you're laying on my bed right now. Is it?" Casey stared straight ahead, but in his periphery he could see Mr. Judd's eyes watching him. He felt very exposed, even with his clothes on.

"I'm only here for Kimm, really," he said.

"That's a lie and you know it," Mr. Judd replied. "One of the first rules is not to lie to adults, because they spent their whole lifetimes lying and they can spot it on someone else so fast it'd make your head spin."


"Accepted. You know how I knew you weren't here just for Kimm?"

"How?" Casey asked, turning to look at the skunk.

"Because you've had a boner pretty much the entire time," Mr. Judd said, poking at the bunny's crotch and hitting his erection right in the middle of its length. Casey eeped and blushed hotly, his fur prickling from the blood rush. The skunk chuckled; the touch had been brief but so shockingly pleasurable that shame quickly tempered the blush into submission. Still, he didn't cover himself. It was far too late for that.

Mr. Judd rolled onto his back and crossed his arms behind his head. "But really, is there anything you want to talk about? Man-to-man? Kimm doesn't need to know about any of this. You know, that's why I made him stay downstairs."


"Because I wanted alone time with you. And, because it sounded like you were nervous and I didn't want you feeling pressured because Kimm was here watching. That can come later, if you feel like it." The skunk winked.

"We had this one time," Casey began, the images floating around in his head as he recollected. "We were camping. We were in the backyard, talking about...stuff, and we ended up pawing off." The words came so much easier than he ever thought they would, especially to an adult. But Mr. Judd was especially qualified to hear this conversation.

"Did you paw each other?"

"Nuh-uh. We didn't even watch. I waited until it was dark, and I guess we both tried to make it quiet. But we knew what was going on." Casey saw Mr. Judd's paw adjust his crotch ever so slightly. "Mr. Judd?"


"Does that make you horny?"

The skunk cleared his throat and the paw moved away.

"It reminds me of a good memory of my childhood, that's why. We were in Cub Scouts, two to a tent. I was twelve, on my way out of the troop and on to the next level soon. I had a green scout, about nine. We had turned the lights out, and I heard him pawing off. I had no idea you could do it that young; in fact, I'd just started about six months before that."

"I started two years ago," Casey said.

"That's as good a time as any. Macky, my tentmate, I think his name was, he had something going on in his family, or something. He knew more about pawing than I did, and he wasn't embarrassed at all when I asked what he was doing. He offered to help me out, and my hormones wouldn't let me say no." He paused and held back a belly-laugh. "Lord, you should have seen his face when I came all over it! He knew how to pleasure someone, but he didn't know they squirted back at you!"

Casey giggled, more at ease already. His sheath pressed insistently at the fly of his shorts, but he was content to let it stay there for now. "And you never got caught?"

"Nah. We did stuff the whole camping trip, but we kept it secret. Not too hard, if you're quiet. Are you worried about your moms finding out about you being here?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out," Casey said, picking out patterns on the ceiling popcorn.

"Well, you guys talked about it, right? You're over here to do chores for me, and I'm paying you for it. Do you think that story's not gonna fly?" Mr. Judd rolled over onto his side again, propped up by one paw.

Casey thought about it. He tried to think about it all, but the scope of it seemed beyond what he could imagine. His mom would call, and she would ask where he was even though she could see exactly where he was. He would explain about the chores and getting paid and how he thought it would be a nice thing to do for a neighbor. Mom would ooh and ahh and oh Casey that was such a nice thing, I knew I raised you right. If she only knew...but she wasn't going to know, and neither was Kimm's mom. There was no explaining this away.

"They'll believe it," he said, nodding as if that made the words any truer.

"Good," Mr. Judd said, leaning over and nuzzling gently against the bunny's neck, making him gasp and shiver in a way he hadn't expected. "I'm glad you decided to come. Not only for Kimm's sake, but it shows how much of a friend you are to him. You've got more character than you should have for your age, and that's admirable." With that, Mr. Judd's big paw rested on his belly, warm and comforting rather than confining. If Casey had wanted to shiver, he wouldn't have been able to move.

"You want to stop, we stop. No questions, no arguments. I don't play that way, okay?"

"Okay..." The skunk's fingers gripped his shirt and let go rhythmically, clawless and meaty. He could feel warm, pleasant breath on his cheek ruff, moist and sweet and lemony. In fact, Mr. Judd was radiating warmth like a furnace, it seemed. But he kept his paw on the bunny's chest, making small circles, dragging the cotton over Casey's hardening nipples.

Casey knew his own brain was getting in the way of him enjoying the skunk's touch, just the way it had that night with Kimm. Too much to think about, too awkward, too concerned with what others would think...and then it was too late, and he was pawing himself off listening to the mutt do the same. It had still been hot, but it was a chance lost. Except now, he might have another go, if Kimm had anything to do with it.

Mr. Judd's paw lit upon his groin and pressed his erection into his belly. The feeling was exquisite pleasure-pain, the tease of another person's touch through layers of clothes. It stayed there, pushing gently, rolling the shaft this way and that, so it eventually made its way clear of the sheath.

"How is it?" asked Mr. Judd. "Like you thought it would be?"

Actually, it was a slight disappointment, as if there were some revelation to be had from such a first experience with another male. Instead, it just felt...regular. Special in the way that they were sharing an intimate moment together, but the pure feeling of it wasn't anything out of this world. Still, it felt pretty damn good.

"I...I thought the kissing came first," Casey said, though he was kind of thankful the kissing hadn't come first. It felt more natural to go from the dick to the lips, for some reason.

"You didn't look like you were ready. With women, most of 'em like a makeout session first, though you'll get one every once in a while who'll just want to go all the way right off the bat. Guys mostly like getting their dicks touched."

"I know about that one."

"You ever had anybody do this?"

"Nope. You're the first."

"I'm honored," Mr. Judd said. He gripped Casey's hardness through his shorts and held it, squeezing slightly. The bunny attempted to calm his breathing as Mr. Judd leaned over him, shifted around and lay his head atop his ribcage. "Sometimes it feels good enough just laying here. You know?"

"Yeah..." Casey flushed; he could feel his heartbeat racing against the skunk's black-furred ear. One arm was under Mr. Judd's neck, and he curled it to dig his fingers into the older man's shoulder. Still looking at the ceiling, all he could do was feel: the fingers around him, stroking, the puffs of warm breath that made their way through his shirt and into his fur.

Slowly, the fingers would move from his fly to his navel, making small circles around the flat surface and dipping into the sensitive depression. It was as if his bellybutton and his cockhead were attached by one long, wonderful nerve. Eventually the fingers paused over his fly and deftly undid the button there, moving on to the zipper and pulling it down easily due to Casey's straining arousal. Now, the only thing keeping him from the rest of the world was the flimsy pair of boxers he wore.

"Aww, darnit," mumbled the skunk.


"No Superman or polka-dots or hearts or anything. Just plain old heather grey boxers, huh?"

"I kinda grew out of that when I was ten," the bunny said.

"Has to happen sometime, huh?" Mr. Judd didn't wait for an answer; he just pulled the waistband away from Casey's fur and tucked it under his balls, just like that. And just like that, he was exposed, and the skunk could see just how hard and ready he was. He blushed while Mr. Judd looked. "That's cute," he said. "I like the way your balls are black, but the rest is white."

"That's what I get for having two white parents, is black spots," Casey said. His mother and father weren't albinos, but they were both pure white...at least, as far as he could tell. He'd never seen his dad naked, so he didn't know if the black-balls thing was inherited. He was pretty sure it wasn't.

"Nice. I've got a lot more black than white, but I don't know which I prefer to dominate. Not like I can change my colors, or you too, for that matter." Mr. Judd cupped the bunny balls and rolled them with his fingers. Even to Casey they felt heavy, ponderous, ready to let loose their load. He was normally a hair trigger anyway, so no matter what the skunk did, getting him off would be a cinch.

"Are you ready?" Just like that, the moment was upon them. Mr. Judd wrapped his index finger and thumb around the base of Casey's cock and began a slow stroking motion. "How's this?"


"Casey, you need to be the one in control here. You need to tell me what to do, or else I have no idea what you like. You might not even like it this way." But Casey liked it this way very much; it was almost identical to the way he did himself, and the pleasure was building fast. Almost too fast for him to catch hold of the more sane part of his brain and say something before he exploded all over his belly.

"Too soon," he managed to pant. "Too fast, Jeezus, I was gonna shoot!"

"I thought that was the point," Mr. Judd said, still stroking just so slowly, keeping enough of a pace to make it impossible to tell the skunk to stop completely. "We only have a couple of hours tonight; I thought we could make the best of it." He started the stroking again, faster, and though Casey knew he was supposed to be in control, he was finding that the perception of the opposite was even better. "If I may be so bold, I have a feeling you'd like to shoot your load all over my muzzle. You ever think it would be hot, to paint some guy's face white like that?"

"Ohhh, mmm..." What was he trying to do?! God, it was the sexiest thing anybody'd ever said to him, ever, and he didn't even know that until Mr. Judd had put the picture in his head. The skunk was back to stroking, at a literal rabbit's pace, just tight enough for friction yet loose enough to not cause any discomfort. Casey could feel his balls bouncing around, like they had when he was running over earlier, but now they were doing what they were meant to do. The bouncing quit as they tightened up against his body.

"You ready, Case? Come on, let it go now." There was no good reason not to, especially since he was already over the edge and hunching lewdly up into the skunk's paw. It came up quick, causing him to thrash around before Mr. Judd pinned him down on one side. "Good boy."

Casey uttered a grunt that sounded nothing like him-perhaps what he might sound like when his voice finally changed-and dug into the skunk's thick neck fur, feeling the streams leave his body but feeling nothing landing on his chest or belly. Mr. Judd murred, stroking the rest of the bunny's climax from his churning balls, and slowed finally, letting go only when Casey began to resheathe.

He wasn't ready for the kiss, though.

Mr. Judd's paw went back to his balls, sensitive from their recent release, and cupped them, warming them, as the skunk looked up and nuzzled Casey's chin. When the bunny nuzzled weakly back, the skunk shifted and clamped his lips over Casey's. Panic flared up in him in that moment, until he really saw what was there: a pair of warm hazel eyes, rimmed in black fur, and a muzzle splotched with streamers of his cum. All over Mr. Judd's forehead, across the bridge of his nose, caught in his whiskers, dripping down and catching between their lips.

The skunk drew back a touch and let Casey get a taste of his own seed. It was too much to resist, really, and the bunny let it happen. Not passionate like out of a harlequin romance novel, not rough at all, but just a kiss. Trying to explain it would have been like trying to explain a rose. There was a moment where he thought So this is what kissing is like before he decided the best route was to just reciprocate. But mostly it was letting Mr. Judd do what he wanted, and it was all gentle.

"You're blushing," said the skunk when he drew away, leaving Casey flustered and worn out. "I love that. Lemme go get you a towel." Moments later he was being wiped down and tucked back into his shorts. "How do you feel?"


"Yeah, that happens. No weird stuff, no 'oh em gee I gotta go' moment?" Casey thought about it and shook his head. It really hadn't been that weird, not even the kiss. In fact, the kiss had been the hottest part, for some reason. Maybe seeing his stuff on Mr. Judd's face, like a symbol of scent-marking, made him feel powerful. Maybe. Definitely not what he had planned on doing when he got up this morning. Much better than homework.

"Nah, I'm good."

"Well, glad to hear it. As for me, I haven't had a chance to wash my job off yet, and I'm going to shower. You had better go see if Kimm's still pouting downstairs." Mr. Judd peeled off his polo shirt on his way across the room, shucking his pants and boxers before he even got to the door. Casey just sat there with his fly still opeh, watching the chubby skunk turn the water on, licking his lips before he knew what he was doing. Then that massive black-and-white tail blocked his view and the bunny snapped out of it.

Kimm was passed out on the couch while Total Drama something-or-other played softly on the TV. The mutt snorted awake when Casey plopped down next to him.

"You know, my arm still hurts, you fucker. Why'd you have to hit me so hard?"

Casey's eyes narrowed. "You were making fun of me in the first place! I didn't have to come over here and cover your ass, you know. My mom's gonna call me any minute, and I'm gonna lie to her. Do you think I feel good about that?"

"I lie to my mom all the time," Kimm said, rubbing his eyes. "You gotta learn to loosen up."

"What, like going to a guy's house and getting pawed off by him? A guy you don't even know that well, who's like thirty years older than you?"

Kimm sat up. "Well, what's he gonna do, lock us in the basement?"

"This house doesn't have a basement."

"Whatever! What's he doing now?"

"Taking a shower."

"That's real dangerous right there," said the mutt, looking to the side and crossing his arms. If Casey didn't know any better, he'd think Kimm was...

"You're jealous. Why're you jealous?"

"I'm not jealous. What did he do?"

"He pawed me off."

"Just that?"

"Yeah, just that. He kissed me too, but that was it." Casey didn't much feel like adding in the spooge part; he wasn't a gloater, and, more importantly, he just wanted to stop arguing.

"Oh. Okay." Kimm looked like he hadn't expected such a blunt response. He twiddled his thumbs and tried to hide his obvious discomfort. It was a futile attempt, but before the bunny could say anything the mutt smiled his knowing smile: "Didn't I tell you it would be awesome?"

Casey smiled back. "It was the most amazing thing ever. And he just...does it...just because he wants to?"

"As far as I can tell, yeah. He just...kissed me, out of nowhere, and I popped a boner, and I was gone. I couldn't help it."

"Me neither," replied the bunny, adjusting his sheath. It had plumped up just slightly at the mention of kissing. "How does he do that?"

"I don't know about you, but I'm horny all the time."

"You're a dog. That's pretty much what you are all the time," Casey replied, rolling his eyes.

"Oh yeah? Well, what happened to 'humping like rabbits'? You're gonna tell me that's not true?"

"I wouldn't know. I've never done it." That shut Kimm up pretty quickly. The weight of what they were doing here in Mr. Judd's house seemed to settle upon them both like lead. Suddenly the jokes weren't as funny, the teasing was meaner, and they were a couple of kids in a relatively unknown grownup's house.

"I'm sorry I made fun of you before," Kimm mumbled, studying his navel. "I was so excited, I forgot how scared I was before we messed around. If it'd been anybody else, I probably would have freaked."

"And I wouldn't have even come," said Casey.

"We lucked out, didn't we?"

"Yeah." The bunny swallowed a sizeable lump in his throat. He didn't want to think about that right then. He wanted to concentrate on the tension he still felt between his legs, the remnants of that wonderful climax, the first one he hadn't given himself.

"It's so awesome," said Kimm. "I got a boner thinkin' about him in the shower! How gay is that? Nah, not too gay." The mutt opened his fly to show Casey the cock-shaped lump pushing out his briefs.

"Sure you are. You didn't bone up until I sat down next to you, remember? I think you're all gay for me." It was just more playful banter, and he knew Kimm knew it.

"You shut up or I'll slug you back!" shouted the canine, making a dive for the bunny and tackling him, carefully avoiding the area between his legs. Crushed dicks would make neither of them happy. Somehow, Casey knew the mutt could tell he was just as hard from the conversation.

Casey straight-armed Kimm, and even kept him at bay for a good while despite the canine's weight advantage. The bunny was more flexible, but he was more ticklish, so when the wrestling match turned into a tickle frenzy, the flailing boys quickly fell onto the floor in a writhing, sweaty mess of giggles and disheveled clothing.

"I hope you two aren't down here breaking all my stuff," came Mr. Judd's voice as he stepped from the stairs into the living room. Both boys turned to see the skunk half-naked, his towel doing a poor job of staying tied to his waist and hiding his groin. Casey stared openly, and the way he was positioned under Kimm, he could feel the mutt's erection flexing against his thigh. "Are you sure you two are friends, because all you seem to want to do is fight."

"No, we're friends," Kimm said, climbing gingerly off of Casey, who caught the mutt surreptitiously adjusting himself. "That's just how we say we like each other."

"Yeah, my parents gave me the 'we're wrestling' thing when I caught them doing it when I was seven," Mr. Judd said, sitting in the center of the couch. The towel came open on one side, exposing one meaty skunk thigh, and Casey saw Kimm lick his lips. The mutt looked like he didn't even know he was doing it. "I knew what sex was, and I told them so. I said, 'If you're going to have sex, don't be so loud.' They actually laughed at the time, but I was pissed. I wanted to go to bed!"

"Why, so you could touch yourself?" Kimm asked.

"Yes, actually, that's what I did that night." Kimm bit his lip and shut up quick. Casey couldn't believe what he was hearing. He couldn't imagine his parents-or any adult, for that matter-talking so frankly about sex. Eyes trained on the older skunk, it wasn't hard to imagine Mr. Judd as closer to their age...minus the gut and the wrinkles.

"Was-was it your first time?" asked Casey.

"Masturbating? Oh, no way. Mom and Dad got me too horny to sleep, though, so I rubbed one out listening to them try to keep it quiet. Go ahead and call me a sick bastard, I already know." But neither bunny nor mutt said a word. There was a twitching underneath the skunk's towel, obviously encouraged by the memory he'd just shared. "You guys are just as guilty as I am, you know."

"What?" Kimm asked. That tiny knot was back, deep down but noticeable, in Casey's stomach.

"Don't think I can't see you eyeing me," Mr. Judd said, just throwing open the towel. Just like that. It wasn't until that moment, when the skunk's junk came into plain view, that Casey realized how much he had been looking forward to seeing it for the first time. Not in a gay way, really...maybe...but there was a curiosity that had just been filled for him. Seeing Mr. Judd's confidence, his ability to expose himself without a second thought, was intimidating. So foreign was the concept to Casey's own life that he couldn't find any words that wouldn't sound outright dorky in the moment.

"Shit, Case, it's black!" gasped Kimm. The skunk swatted him on the side of the head.

"No swearing, you." With Mr. Judd's sheath a couple feet away from his face, Kimm just looked sidelong at him and raised his eyebrows.


"What the hell," Mr. Judd sighed and threw off the towel completely. "It's not any worse than everything else we're doing. You don't have to if you don't want to, but...fuck it."

"Hehe, buttfuck it," Kimm giggled.

"Derpface," Casey said. Kimm complied. Dogs were better at it, after all. The color still showed in the mutt's cheeks, though; no amount of kidding around could hide the fact that they were both still very new at this and very nervous.

"Well, are you gonna look at it all day, or are you gonna touch it?" the skunk asked.

Kimm looked over. "You want me to?" That was the dumbest question ever. The more the mutt stalled, the less convincingly it looked like stalling. Instead of a verbal answer, Mr. Judd took the canine's paw and placed it directly on his sheath. Gulping, Kimm looked over at Casey. Can you believe I'm doing this? The mutt grasped the loose white-furred pouch and squeezed, outlining the hard shaft within.

Mr. Judd began to purr. Kimm licked his lips. Casey pushed his boner to one side so it wouldn't be pinched.

As Kimm stroked lightly, almost delicately, the skunk spread his legs, allowing his balls to slide down between his thighs and hang freely. This was the first time Casey'd ever laid eyes on an adult male fully nude, much less with an erection. He could see Kimm was going through the same thing: feeling the heat and solid flesh in his fingers, peeling the skin back to expose another inch of black cock, watching Mr. Judd's face as he grinned stupidly and kept purring and began to rub the mutt's thigh in return.

Both males had their eyes closed, lost in the moment. Casey got a good look at Mr. Judd, simultaneously horny and wondering why he was horny. He knew Kimm would never think about it the same way he did: when it came down to feelings, the mutt on the emotional side of the spectrum versus Casey's practicality. He'd bragged on occasion to the bunny about how he was getting longer furs above his sheath, the day he'd shot for the first time, the hot fantasies he thought about. But here, in this room, he looked almost helplessly entranced with Mr. Judd's member in his fingers, his paw so small compared to everything that was the skunk.

What was it, exactly, that was so exciting? Well, young boys plus any kind of stimulation would, more often than not, lead to playing around of some sort. The fact that Mr. Judd was older-their fathers' ages-added a lot to the taboo-ness of it, the wrongness, the danger. There was also the "guy thing." Looking at what had happened this afternoon, Casey couldn't tell if what they were doing could be considered gay. All ball-touching jokes aside, it was simply a crapshoot as to whether they were all happy homosexuals, or they all just liked having their dicks played with.

Casey definitely liked watching his best friend pawing off an adult, and he really liked watching the skunk's paw worm its way up Kimm's shorts and start to cup his balls. Of course, Mr. Judd had made Casey come quite quickly, and when he gave it a little more thought, putting a woman in the skunk's place, old or young, didn't even come close.

"You guys and your rock-hard dicks," murmured Mr. Judd, fishing around in Kimm's shorts. "There are a lot of things I don't like about growing up, and this is one of them."

"You seem pretty hard to me," Kimm replied. All seven inches were out now, dark and glistening, lying lazily on the skunk's lower belly. It had started to leak, a streak of it like a snail trail on his white fur.

"I haven't gone yet today. And you two have kept me hard for most of the afternoon. Believe me, when I got up this morning, I hadn't planned on this happening."

"Are you?" Casey asked.


"Are you glad it happened?"

Thinking for a moment, the skunk finally asked, "It matters more if you guys are glad it happened."

"Hell yes!" Kimm said eagerly, and he looked over at Casey, his tongue practically hanging out of his head.

"Yeah, me too," the bunny said softly.

"Come on, Case, help me out here," the mutt said, wagging Mr. Judd's cock about, flinging little clear drops here and there.

"I'm okay. I-I want to watch, for now."

"I think we have a voyeur on our paws," the skunk said to Kimm with a knowing wink. Kimm just moaned as his nuts were squeezed and pulled. "Want to give him a show?" The pup nodded. "Let's get these off, then."

In a flash, Kimm was off the couch and doffing his clothing, and in mere seconds he was naked, unsheathed and preing. "Are you sure you just want to watch? I don't want to be the only one having fun." But the mutt was lying. Casey could tell it by the way Kimm tried to wag his tail but it kept hitting the backs of his legs. Even with his folded-over ears, they weren't too perky. His smile was wan and forced. Holy shit, the bunny thought, he wants to see me naked!

Mr. Judd's paw was on his thigh, then covering his crotch, poking at his boner. "It's up to you, but it's not good to keep it trapped like that." He wasn't even being funny, either. Casey's heart did another double flip like he'd had before, and the question was answered.

"Okay." The light in Kimm's blue eyes was unmistakable, and he wished now, more than ever, that he'd had the guts to say something that night in the tent. He threw his shirt on the floor, took his shorts and underwear down as one, and then the skunk's paw was directly on the short black fur of his scrotum.

"You have to admit, those black bunny balls are the cutest thing ever," Mr. Judd said, displaying them for Kimm's perusement.

" They are pretty cool," the mutt admitted, blushing a bit as he looked openly. "Mine are just yellow."

" Don't sell yourself short," the skunk replied. "Doesn't matter what color they are. What matters is what they produce. And from what I've seen, both of you are pretty productive. Just wait until you see me." Was that Kimm licking his lips? Casey might have caught it, but it could have just been a trick of the light.

"I think you're bigger than me," Kimm said.

"You've got the knot, though," Casey said.

"Who cares?" Mr. Judd said. "Quit comparing and get over here, you two." The skunk pulled on Casey's dick just hard enough to get him moving, and the bunny scooted on his knees until they were butted up to him. And then he just took the bunny's whole package into his muzzle, bobbing his head gently, his tongue everywhere all at once. Pleasure of a kind previously foreign to him surged outward from his cock in waves that were just short of too much, not enough to bring him over the edge but enough to keep his brain occupied.

After a while, he felt Kimm's arm around his shoulder. "I told you it was awesome."


"God, that's so hot seeing him sucking on you." And with that, Kimm kissed Casey on the side of his short muzzle, then brought it around to meet his lips. Light-headedness made the bunny's vision blur, so he just closed his eyes and felt the rest, and tried to keep his knees from buckling completely.

This was the complete opposite of his kiss with Mr. Judd. He wasn't competing with the bigger muzzle, broader lips or stronger tongue; it was more or less an equal match. For Kimm's sometimes braggadocious character, he was a tender kisser. The mutt ground his erection into Casey's thigh as they embraced, his pre soaking past the fur to his skin. It felt right, somehow, and whether or not gayness meant anything, it felt good. Then they parted, leaving a single strand of saliva between them to break and disappear.

" Thanks again, for coming over," he said. "It really means a lot to me." Wow, was all Casey could think, while he watched the puppy, his best friend, kneel between Mr. Judd's legs and inhale most of his cock. He felt the skunk's appreciative moan through his balls.

Casey's paw was all over the skunk's belly and side, as far as he could reach, and this time it wasn't because he thought it was the expected thing to do. He could barely keep his eyes open, but he wanted to see what was going on, wanted to take it in for himself lest he not believe it once he left. Kimm looked like a slut, fondling Mr. Judd's ample sac while deepthroating him. Little dribbles of either saliva or pre ran down from the mutt's lips to the edges of the skunk's sheath, making the already matted fur there even wetter. Kimm was an honest-to-goodness cockhound.

It occurred to Casey, as he ran his fingers through Mr. Judd's fur, that he was attracted to this man. For what reason, he didn't know. Skunks weren't as prolific as canines and felines, for sure, but it must just be the way the guy acted toward him and Kimm. He was an adult, yeah, but he was fun. Fun didn't come up much in conversation between kids regarding adults. It wasn't like he'd lured them into a van with promises of candy. Using that analogy, they'd hopped in, taken the keys and gotten behind the wheel, and fuck the candy.

Casey's phone started beeping, and everyone froze. "You'd better get that," Mr. Judd said after slurping away from the bunny's cock. He almost tripped scrambling for his shorts, but he caught the phone and picked up after the fourth ring.

"Hi, mom," he answered after a few measured breaths.

" Hi, honey," came the chipper (you have no idea, mom he thought) voice of his mother. "I was expecting you home a bit earlier. Your phone says you're still pretty close to school. Did you get caught up somewhere?"

"Yeah, sorry I didn't text you." As he spoke, Casey was amazed at how composed he sounded despite Kimm slathering Mr. Judd's cock just feet from him. "Kimm needed help with something." The mutt snickered and got smacked on the head for his efforts.

"Oh? Is he okay?"

"We're fine, Mom. He's doing some chores over here at Mr. Judd's place. You know, like the only skunk who lives around here?"

"What kind of chores?" Typical Mom, mining for information.

"I dunno, stuff around the house that he pays Kimm for. Lawn, cleaning. We helped, uh, fix the bed upstairs, cuz it was rocking a little." Mr. Judd rolled his eyes and Kimm had to pull off and stifle his laughter. "Kimm's mom knows him; you can call her if you want."

"Give me the phone, Casey," the skunk said, crooking a finger at the bunny. He took it and placed it to his ear. "Ma'am? Hello there, I'm Thaddeus Judd, the skunk in question. Oh, yes, Kimm's been gracious enough to help me out around the house with things I'm just too lazy to do and want to pay to have them done for me...as far as I know, it's safe...Kimm's mother could fill in any missing blanks, should you have them. I'd love to have Casey over here too; the work would get done twice as fast and I'd pay them the same."

The bunny and mutt looked at each other with wide eyes. Kimm rubbed two fingers together, then stuck one index finger in a circle made with two on the other hand: Moolah for dicking around!

"Sure, sure, I'd love to come by soon and meet you in person. We can make an appointment for a week from now, or so, before the next chore day...that would be great, ma'am...thanks for letting Casey earn his keep over here...I'll have him home in short order...you too, have a good evening now." Then he turned the phone off and tossed it to the floor.

"That's how you do it." Casey was flabbergasted.

"She didn't even want to talk to me again?"

"No reason to. It's all good. Now, if I don't get off soon, my balls are gonna explode." He turned to Kimm, who was nuzzling his sac back and forth. "You wanna fuck me?"

"I..." Now it was the mutt's turn to be flabbergasted. Mr. Judd sure didn't have any qualms about asking for what he wanted. "You...you mean you'd let me?"

To make his point, the skunk brought his knees to his chest, spreading wide so Kimm could see his hole. With one paw, he jerked on his cock until a fair amount of pre coated his fingers, which he shoved under his tail with a grunt. The mutt would have no problem getting in there. "Does it look like I'm kidding?"


"Good. It's been a while since I've been tied, so you go ahead and shove that thing as deep as you can. Casey, why don't you get back over here and straddle me so I can finish what I started?" Casey complied without protest.

For a guy with some chub on him, Mr. Judd was remarkably flexible. He held his legs in that bent position easily, probably from years of practice. Kimm positioned himself between the skunk's thighs, rubbing out his own pre to lube his cock. It was a slender five inches, including the knot, bright pink and leaking as the mutt brought the tip to rest against the black ring of flesh.

"Casey, help him put it in." Mesmerized, the bunny glanced at Kimm, whose eyes had glazed over with either disbelief or lust, or both. He couldn't reach back far enough to do much good, so he just pulled Mr. Judd's balls up out of the way, spreading the hole further open as the mutt slid on in. Kimm was loud, moaning and growling in the back of his throat as the skunk's hole gave way and practically sucked him in to the knot. Mr. Judd bucked, and the effect was magnified.

"Jesus Christ, I'm really fucking him," Kimm mumbled.

"You're not fucking until you move your hips," Mr. Judd admonished. After bending a bit for a better angle, Kimm found his rhythm and was panting, giving the skunk long, slow strokes. "C'mon, Casey, up!" The bunny tore his eyes away, scooted up close and aimed his drooling member at the skilled mephit muzzle.

The rest was only a matter of time. Casey was too caught up in sensation to say a word; he alternated staring at his dick disappearing between black rubbery lips and the drab everyday-ness of Mr. Judd's kitchen. Every once in a while, Kimm would utter an obscenity that would bring him back to the moment, and what they were doing in that moment, and how unbelievably hot it was. In the course of one afternoon, Casey had lost cherries he hadn't counted on popping until he was at least out of high school.

At some point, after Kimm had started to thrust harder and with more purpose, Casey became aware of the skunk pawing himself off, the rhythm of his arm giving him away. The more the mutt thrust, into Mr. Judd, the more Mr. Judd sucked on Casey. The more he sucked on Casey, the closer Casey got to the finish line. Eventually it ceased to be a goal to strive for and started being an eventuality he couldn't stop. He even started humping the skunk's face to speed it along.

It wasn't too long before the pressure built up to an unbearable level, and the bunny's cock began spasming even before he hit his climax. He had time to crush one of Mr. Judd's ears in his paw before it came blasting out of him, feeling like he was flooding the skunk's mouth with his load. Mr. Judd patted the bunny's rump and hummed a "good boy" kind of hum, letting his tongue do most of the work. Then he pulled Casey down to a straddle, without a word, leaned up and met him in a deep kiss.

Casey's first thought was that it was going to be a mess, but when he again tasted himself on the skunk's mouth, his eyes rolled up in abandon and he let his tongue rove over Mr. Judd's, cum drooling out from between them and dripping onto the man's chest. Kimm's thrusts were drastic and irregular, and the three moved as one as the mutt started whimpering. Satisfied to be along for the ride, the bunny just let himself fall into the middle of it all, hunching against the skunk's belly fur with a sheath that was incapable of getting hard for a while.

"I'm there!" said Kimm.

Mr. Judd broke the kiss long enough to pant, "Use that knot for its purpose, boy. Tie me hard."

" Yes sir!" Casey had never heard Kimm call anyone "sir" in his lifetime; he was sure that was come cliché line from some porno flick or story or website he'd seen, knowing the mutt. It was oddly appropriate at the moment, though, and a few beats later he gave a massive thrust and Casey actually felt the pop. "Ohhhh, ohhhhh, fuck I can't move and it's coming! Ungh, unghhhhhh..." The rest of his words melted together in his orgasmic bliss.

"Oh, yeah..." Mr. Judd sighed, having apparently achieved a goal of some sort. Casey looked back and saw that Kimm's head was down, his claws raking through the fur on the skunk's inner thighs. He made slow movements as he emptied himself. And when the bunny looked back, he caught Mr. Judd with his tongue out, staring at the ceiling. When their eyes met, the skunk gave a goofy-looking gasp and grinned lopsidedly, one paw spreading Casey's rear open just in time to receive no less than eight thick shots of hot cream. They collected below his tail, streamed over his hole and dripped off his balls. It would have been hotter if he hadn't come twice today (okay, three times if pawing in the shower before school counted), but the way Mr. Judd looked at him, given up to his climax, a bottom's climax, was rewarding enough.

And, for once in his life, Casey knew he had true power.


For a first time, Kimm's tie was short, and all three were glad for it. The evening had run longer than either of them could legitimately explain, but by now Casey's mom had called Kimm's mom and the latter had given a resounding reference to the former, problem solved. Even going as fast as they could, it was still a good half hour before skunk, bunny and puppy were all clean and de-scented, with the exception of Mr. Judd's tailhole, which he said would smell like Kimm for a day or so. Kimm found it funny and naughty at the same time.

There wasn't enough room in the shower for three, so everyone took their individual turns getting clean. Kimm was last, so when Casey came downstairs to wait, he found Mr. Judd in what he called his "comfy clothes," a baggy T-shirt and pajama pants, with a cup of decaf coffee in one paw and the remote in the other. He was watching Doogie Howser, M.D., which looked like it was just like House, except twenty years old and not nearly as funny.

"I can't believe that's Neil Patrick Harris," Casey said. "He's so old, now."

Mr. Judd gave the bunny a deadpan look, switching channels to How I Met Your Mother. "I can't believe that's Neil Patrick Harris," he said. "He's so gay, now. At least he pulls off straight pretty good."

Casey giggled and plopped down on the couch. "Hey, Mr. Judd?"


"Uh...thanks for having me over," he said before looking away. He was blushing not because he was thanking the skunk, he was blushing because he was thanking the skunk for getting him off two different ways.

"You're very welcome," Mr. Judd replied. "You're always welcome here, and that's not just in a 'playing around' sense. I suppose you'll have to come back, at least next Friday, to do some chores."

Casey giggled and made an overly-dramatic wink at the skunk. "Yeah, 'chores.'"

"Hey now. I told your mom I was paying you two good money for you to do real work around here. I intend to keep my word on that. I mean, you can come by any day of the week and dick around, sure, but on Fridays...you're mine." Casey had to push his initial indignation out of his head to understand the logic in that. Their moms knew about the chore thing, and if Casey wanted out, he couldn't just up and quit going. The chores would be menial, and playtime-more than likely-would ensue, and the money promised to be good. There was no blackmail to be found; he and Kimm could just as easily call the police and cause a whole shitload of other trouble, but there was no need. It was just a stupid and unnecessary thought.

"I thought you had to go," Kimm said from the stairs, backpack slung over his shoulder, the smell of shampoo wafting in with him.

"We were just talking," Mr. Judd said.

"It's all good. I'm looking forward to more 'chores' next week," he said, and did the wink again. Kimm grinned and pumped his fist.

"I knew you'd like it! Speaking of talking, can I ask you something?" the mutt asked the skunk.

"Sure, what?"

"It's private," Kimm admitted, blushing again. Combined with his tucked tail, it was pretty damn cute.

" Alright, I'm going," Casey said. "You guys can make out all you want. And I'll see you--" he pointed at the mutt-- "on Monday. We have a Social Studies test; don't forget it."

"Blah, blah, school. Fine, I'll study! Buzzkill."

"Be careful walking home, Casey," said Mr. Judd. "And thank you for coming over." The bunny waved and shut the door, and then it was just him and the diminishing twilight. It was quite still. As if everybody knew what he'd just done.

It followed him to the sidewalk, and it looked like it would follow him all the way home. Every house that was lit, they were talking about Casey and Kimm and the pervert skunk, and their boners, and stickiness, and...

Casey laughed out loud, stifling it with his elbow. What an irrational concept. There was no way in hell anybody could know anything. It was such a naughty secret, too, even naughtier that there were three of them to keep it between. It was a damn conspiracy.

But still, he kind of liked thinking everyone knew, but wouldn't say a word. And that thought plumped up his sheath, the likes of which would follow him all the way home, where, for the fourth time today, he would enjoy making it soft again.


Excuses 3: Lost Bunny

AUTHOR'S NOTE: If you don't like it, don't read it. \*\*\* Casey and Kimm have each had time with Mr. Judd, learning about him and even more about themselves in the process. It's been a pretty awesome couple of weeks, but an appointment for Kimm...

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Easy Money

A fox with a debt to pay goes to unusual lengths to get his creditors off his back. So what if he has to spend an evening as a sex toy? Sounds easy. But, unlike the title says, easy money is rarely easy... \*\*\* AUTHOR'S NOTE: THE FOLLOWING IS...

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Keeping Up

Recovering from a failed relationship, whatever the reason, can be one of the hardest things to do, especially when it's the little things that remind you of your ex. Like when he shows up at the same sex club as you... \*\*\* AUTHOR'S NOTE: THE...

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