Excuses 3: Lost Bunny

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: If you don't like it, don't read it.


Casey and Kimm have each had time with Mr. Judd, learning about him and even more about themselves in the process. It's been a pretty awesome couple of weeks, but an appointment for Kimm means the bunny is on his own this Friday. There's a horny skunk waiting for him, but what starts out hot and heavy ends up quite differently. We see Casey finally realizing just what liking dick means, and a confession that, hopefully, will lead to better things.

Commission for

| "hobbypanda" | hobbypanda |

, who's helping to keep the series going. Thank him!


I can see your face still shining in the window on the other side/Rosanna, Rosanna...

It was ironic because Casey knew Mr. Judd was watching him from the house.

The bunny's muzzle broke into a wide grin as he listened to Toto on the brand-new iPod Nano he had bought on Craigslist with Mr. Judd's money from last week. Sure, he'd had to borrow twenty from his mother, but he would be able to pay her back after he got home this evening. And still pocket thirty. Life was good.

Once Casey got to the end of the yard, he turned the mower around for another pass. Moths fled from the blades as he walked, only to be snatched up by the sparrows that perched atop the fence, swooping around the bunny for easy meals. When he looked up again, the skunk was gone. He wouldn't be for long, though; Mr. Judd liked to watch him moving around in the yard, especially as scantily-clothed as he was now. Clad in only a pair of bicycle shorts (boxers would have rubbed his sheath too much in the hot weather), he padded behind the mower, working up a sweat and getting grass clippings up to his knees.

It was already coming on five o'clock, but time was not as much of a concern now that "chore day" had been switched from Thursdays to Fridays. Kimm had talked to Casey, and they had decided it would be in everyone's best interest to make the switch. The boys wouldn't have to worry about getting back to do their homework, the moms wouldn't have to worry about their kids not getting enough sleep on a school night, and Mr. Judd wouldn't have to worry about finishing up what the bunny and mutt left behind. The skunk had added car-washing and laundry to the list of chores, but with both boys at the house, the work went quickly. And after the work, there was the play.

Casey felt mephit eyes on him, but he didn't look up to confirm it. Just the thought was enough to swell him up to a pleasant snugness against the black Lycra. He hadn't realized how much of a show he was giving Judd until he had actually gotten out into the yard; it hadn't been his original intent, but now that he knew, he felt deliciously exhibitionistic. He also felt more nervous than if Kimm were there with him. The mutt was at a dental appointment, undoubtedly cursing his mother for unknowingly screwing up his plans for fun. Casey would see him tomorrow, though, and then he would gloat. All in good fun.

The Proclaimers started singing about walking five hundred miles as Casey made the last pass against the edge of the skunk's stone patio and brought the mower around to the driveway, releasing the auto-kill bar and letting it sputter to a stop. The Proclaimers were suddenly too loud, so he ripped the buds from his ears and let them hang from the player as he folded the mower's handle and stowed the machine where it belonged. Winding his way around the PT Cruiser (nice and shiny, thanks to the bunny's efforts), Casey wiped his feet on the doormat and stepped into the comparatively arctic air of Mr. Judd's kitchen.

After pouring himself a glass of water and downing half, the bunny leaned, panting, against the counter. Today felt different. Maybe because he didn't have Kimm there, the usual yang to his yin. But it was good to be able to work without having to worry about keeping up with the mutt's endless chatter and innuendo. Maybe because it was Friday. The air was even different, as if it carried the scent of collective relief that the evening could be spent relaxing instead of preparing for another day of school or work. It wasn't a big city, sure, but the patterns were the same.

Just as Casey was beginning to wonder what Mr. Judd did for work, he heard heavy footfalls on the staircase, and a few moments later the skunk appeared at the other end of the kitchen. His eyes immediately fell to the bunny's Lycra-shod groin and leered appreciatively.

"I now know that my decision to fence in my backyard was the right one," the skunk said. "Well, I had plenty of reasons, but this one is the best so far." As he finished speaking, he brushed his fingers across the front of Casey's shorts, eliciting a squeak and a giggle. "You smell good."

"I smell like grass," Casey retorted, suddenly feeling dirtier now that his damp fur had cooled, the perspiration having evaporated and left an oily residue. A shower would have felt quite good right about then. The skunk's paw went around to the bunny's rump, squeezing one tight cheek.

"It's a good smell. You come to appreciate it as the scent of a hard day's work when you get older," Judd said. "It also helps in the production of testosterone; you know, work out those scent glands. You'd be surprised at how many guys get off on their own scent."

"Really?" Casey was working on a sizable tent, thanks to the skunk's meaty fingers around his rear.

"Why do you think so many guys go to the gym? Why do you think so many pornos start in a gym setting?"

"I've never seen a porno before." The skunk looked down at him with disbelief, the "V" on his forehead creased into a kind of retarded "W." "I'm only thirteen." Casey smiled his best innocent smile, which was total bullshit. "But no, really, I've never seen one."

"As hard as that is to believe-you being Kimm's best friend, especially-I can see how you wouldn't need to, when you're over here making your own every week." As the skunks' fingers roamed back forward, they found the bunny's straining erection and squeezed. "Every week" had only been two weeks so far, but the part about making their own pornos was undeniable. By the way Mr. Judd was acting, they were about to make another one, right in the kitchen. Casey's heart jumped just at the prospect, and he was suddenly...overwhelmingly...horny.

Mr. Judd pulled the bunny's small body to his, and after a moment of discomfort regarding his tacky fur, Casey just put his arms around the soft belly and hugged, breathing into the strong chest, feeling the skunk pull his shorts out and down his thighs, exposing him to the cool air. It was happening almost too fast, but he wasn't about to say no. Kimm would have provided some much-needed comic relief, but this felt different. This felt personal.

"I do believe we're not going to make it to the bedroom," breathed Mr. Judd as he went to his knees on the tile, planting a gentle kiss on Casey's blunt snout as he passed it. Once he'd made it all the way down, he stuck his broad tongue out and started slathering those black bunny balls up and down, making Casey moan far louder than he thought was appropriate. His ears burned to their tips, but Judd was far more concerned with parts more southerly. "Do you mind," he panted, "if I blow you right here in my kitchen? Cuz I don't think I can stop."

Casey bristled; there was the feeling of power again. He couldn't believe, as he looked down at the supplicative skunk, that he had such control over Mr. Judd. Maybe not control, exactly, but definitely power. Here was a man well into middle age, on his knees begging a middle-schooler to let him perform fellatio. It made Casey's head swim; just last week, he'd been sitting on this same skunk's chest, splattering the man's muzzle with his cum. The complete opposite of what he and Kimm and everyone else in their seventh-grade Sex Ed class had been taught last year. The Bad Man was supposed to take you into the shadows and rape you, not kneel in his brightly-lit kitchen in the early evening and ask politely if he could deep-throat you.

Of course he could deep-throat the bunny. Casey would be crazy not to nod. And so he did, and immediately he was buried to his sparse pubic fur in blissful warmth and pleasure.

Oh Kimm, you can't imagine what you're missing, the bunny thought, but at the same time he was glad the mutt wasn't here to watch, or comment, or do any of the Kimm-things he usually did. Now, Casey had the quiet kitchen and Mr. Judd to himself, his paws rubbing the skunk's head while he bobbed back and forth over the bunny's length and tugged on his sac, humming appreciatively.

"You'd better slow...down," Casey grunted, the words catching, but the skunk shook his head and clamped his jaws around the base of the bunny's shaft, his tongue the only thing moving. Gripping the counter to keep from falling, the bunny watched, his jaw slack, as Mr. Judd worked him patiently to climax. At some point he attempted to nudge the skunk's groin with his toes, but only succeeded in a fleeting touch of taut cotton before his leg started to twitch out of control. Whimpering, he managed to meet Mr. Judd's gaze just in time to flood the skunk's throat. Mr. Judd's eyes rolled back and they moaned in unison, the scents and sounds floating out the kitchen window into the evening.

Judd pawed at Casey's lower belly in slow circles, his snout resting just to the side of the bunny's softening sheath. "That was your first time today."

"How did you know?" Casey asked, a little incredulous. He remained leaning on the counter even though the skunk knelt right at his feet, a foundation if there ever was one.

"The volume was great, for one. The taste, too. I can tell when it's the first load of the day. Lots of experience, you know." Mr. Judd winked up at him and patted his belly. "Help me up, will ya?" The bunny offered a paw and tugged as the skunk pulled himself up from the floor, though Casey doubted his own skinny body offered much leverage. When he started to pull his shorts up, the skunk waved it off. "Nah, look at you. Shower time."

"Good idea." Casey balled up the Lycra and followed Mr. Judd through the house and upstairs into the master bedroom. His heart fluttered as he passed the bed, remembering what had taken place upon it just a week before.

Sometimes it feels good enough just laying here. You know? But they hadn't just lain. Casey had let the big skunk work his cock over until he'd squirmed, shooting all over the place. They had shared words, stories and feelings. And this time, they hadn't even made it out of the kitchen.

Mr. Judd was already shirtless and undoing the tail-snap at the rear of his shorts. A few seconds later, he was nude, a paw between his legs, stroking what hadn't abated since the blowjob. Casey watched the black inches appear and disappear between thick fingers before looking up and realizing the skunk was watching him. And grinning.

It's right here if you want it." And I know you do, Casey finished for the skunk inside his head. He knew Judd was hoping for a yes, and the bunny was leaning in the same direction. He'd spent the afternoon working up a sweat, and himself, thinking about what would happen once he got back inside the house. Well, a surprise blowjob was what had happened, surprising in its suddenness, intensity, and brevity. A little reciprocation seemed to be in order, though Casey didn't know if that was expected or just hoped for.

He'd be damned if he wasn't nervous. All over again. He could feel heat on his cheeks, prickling his whiskers. "I've never done it before."

"I don't care," the skunk replied, now fully hard and starting to leak. Casey could smell the desperation: Mr. Judd was aching for release, and his scent told the story his face hid. "I don't mind, if you don't." He winked: It's alright, Case, I'm not gonna fault you for being a first-timer. I just want you to try. So the bunny smiled as best he could despite his nerves and went to his knees on the soft carpet beside the bed. Judd made a sound somewhere between a moan and a grunt, and walked stiff-legged over to him, his erection leading the way.

The power. The power was still there, even as the scent of pre and testosterone assaulted his nose and the tapered tip neared his lips. Because Casey had the ability to deny pleasure as well as provide it. Mr. Judd's paw was shaking as he took it away from his sheath, letting his length dangle freely. That paw landed on the bunny's left shoulder and squeezed, as if to assure Casey. It seemed to be just as much for the skunk's benefit.

Casey brought a paw underneath Judd's sac and hefted his sizable balls. They were slightly damp and very warm, and jumped at his touch. The paw on his shoulder pulled gently, and the bunny looked up, beyond the skunk's belly and into his face. He saw an encouraging grin, but also something else that told him he didn't hold all the power after all. He still trusted Mr. Judd to not let things get out of hand; the skunk had promised that much. But Casey was a kid, Judd was an adult, and adults sometimes made promises they couldn't keep.

And then the bunny stuck out his tongue and tasted cock for the first time in his life.

"Oh, Case," Mr. Judd sighed, and the paw left his shoulder completely, much to the bunny's relief. Casey licked and licked again, the salty-sweet taste of precum coating his tongue and throat as he swallowed. It aroused something in him, not just in his groin. He took the first two inches between his lips, amazed at how natural his muzzle felt, gliding over the black flesh.

He tried to imagine giving oral to a girl, and found it oddly repulsive. He tried to imagine Charice, with her fashionable clothes and lithe track-and-field body, and it was nice, but when he got down to where it mattered, he couldn't picture the anatomy of a slit instead of a shaft. The shaft that did appear, however, was not fat and black but stubby and pink and knotted, jutting out of a warm, golden sheath, and Casey knew right away to whom that sheath belonged. Just like that, he was hard again. Just like that, he was sliding down Mr. Judd's hardness until his nose met the skunk's creamy white fur. His throat had opened up. Just like that.

"I can't believe this is your first fucking time," Mr. Judd mumbled through clenched teeth. "You sure you weren't born with a cock in your mouth?"

"Mm-mmm," the bunny replied while swiping against the erection with his tongue. The words were rhetorical, almost complimentary at first, but as Casey continued they sank in a little deeper and stuck where they landed, just bothersome enough for him to think on it while he concentrated on applying just the right amount of lip pressure.

Born with a cock in my mouth . It was a compliment. Casey knew it was a compliment, but the more the words bounced around inside his head, the more derogatory they became. This wasn't a couple of friends pawing off in a tent together. This wasn't having fun after school on a Thursday when they should have been doing homework. This was honest-to-God gay homosexual cocksucking. The flesh in his muzzle twitched, its owner churred deeply, and his tongue was coated again. The paws on the back of his head were gentle, but insistent.

Casey opened his eyes. Before him were the last inches of Mr. Judd's length, and beyond that the expanse of white fur that covered the skunk's belly. Looking to his right, he saw himself in the full-length mirror that was the closet door. In the mirror was a kid, just a few months past his thirteenth birthday, sucking off a chubby skunk in his forties. The skunk rowed his cock in and out of the bunny's muzzle, the kid's svelte body flexing with the movement. But the skunk's eyes were closed, so he couldn't see the long ears splayed flat, or the conflicted expression on the short muzzle.

But Casey could see. He could see everything, and worse yet, he could feel everything. His pumping heart, the straining hardnesses between both his lips and legs, the sting of nascent tears just behind his eyes. Fuck, it felt good, but...but...I don't know if I wanna be gay.

The thought struck him like a freight train, first in the head and then in the heart. What would they say at school? When would he tell his mom? What would he tell her, that he was introduced to cock by the man down the street? Would he have to start wearing rainbows? Normally, these would all be filed as temporarily irrelevant, stashed away for further consideration. But now they sat heavily on Casey's psyche, simmering. No, festering. A knot started to grow in his gut.

How do I tell Kimm I like him?

Casey pushed, and pushed hard. He gripped Mr. Judd's knees to try and stop himself from shaking, and from a thousand miles away he heard the skunk's voice, muffled and unintelligible. Did he like Kimm? Like, like like him? Last week, had he really been more interested in the mutt than the skunk? He couldn't remember, he couldn't be sure, and it scared him badly.

Vaguely, through a gossamer haze, he felt pressure on his shoulders, pushing him back. His belly roiled, not quite on the verge of nausea, but just as uncomfortable. The world spun with colors he'd never seen before, and for a brief moment the panicky thoughts subsided. His muzzle was suddenly empty, and his head lolled back. Mr. Judd loomed over him like a sentinel. But his face was taut with concern.

"Case, what's wrong? You nearly bit a hole in it with those teeth of yours!" And then the skunk was on his knees beside him, eye to eye, his thumbs wiping the tear-tracks into deltas along his cheeks. "Casey, you're scaring me. Please. Look at me and tell me what's wrong."

"I don't...wanna...I don't know!" The last word was drawn out into a wailing sob, and he accepted the thick arms of the skunk around him. They were warm, they were safe, and they rocked him without asking for further explanation. Casey was vaguely aware of Judd's cock smearing stickiness all over his thigh, but he didn't care. He cried until his chest ached and his body shivered, and even when he was down to just sniffling Mr. Judd kept him close, stroking his ears down over his neck and nuzzling into his wet fur.

"I thig I'b okay dow," Casey rattled at last, too weak to stabilize his voice. The skunk let him go, but he just fell onto his rump and stayed there, just breathing.

"Do you want to tell me what brought that on?" asked Mr. Judd, crossing his legs and leaning forward so he looked like an Indian chief. "I'm pretty worried. Stuff like that just doesn't happen."

"I...dunno." Casey sniffed between the words.

"Is it me?"

"Not exactly. Not that way." Judd nodded; they had both been thinking the same thing: big bad skunk did the bad touch. But it was true; it had nothing to do with that.

"I have a feeling you don't want to talk about it."

Casey shook his head. "I think I need to think. Will you be mad at me if I don't feel like it, right now?"

Judd put a paw on the bunny's shoulder and rubbed there. The warmth felt good. "No way. I have no right to know, and it's none of my business. I just want you to know that I'm here to listen. Whatever else goes on, you're a cool kid, and Kimm's best bud, and I hope my friend too. Just because I'm taller than you doesn't mean you can't cry on my shoulder."

"Kay." Looking up, the bunny continued, "If it's okay with you, can I shower and go home? I'm sorry I couldn't...you know..." He gestured to Judd's sheath, moist but soft.

"Don't even give it a second thought. Do what you need to do. I'll be downstairs watching TV. Just don't leave without saying bye, kay?" Finally, Casey could return the smile, albeit not quite as warmly. He was really glad for the skunk in that moment.

"That would be bad manners."

Judd patted the bunny's shoulder and brought himself to his feet with a groan. "I'll leave you to it then. Holler if you need anything." He disappeared into the bathroom, emerged wrapped in a robe, and patted Casey on the head on his way downstairs, his tail swishing against the door frame and walls as he went.

Thaddeus waited until he heard the shower running to pick up the landline hanging on his kitchen wall and dial his cell phone. He had no idea where he'd left it, and countless similar searches had taught him that this was the most effective way to find it. If he ever left it on silent, though, he'd be screwed.

After a few seconds, he heard the ringtone from the living room. Putting the handset on the counter, he padded toward the sound until he saw the phone on the sidetable by the couch. He palmed it and ended the call, immediately queuing up Kimm's speed-dial and pressing the SEND button. The mutt answered after the fourth ring.

"Hello?" He sounded hesitant, for some reason.

"Can you talk unhindered?"

"Um..." Kimm seemed to mull it over, perhaps judging the risk. Or, perhaps, trying to figure out what "unhindered" meant. "Gimme a sec." The skunk waited for the rustling sounds on the other end of the line to stop, then the mutt spoke. "Kay, I'm in my room now."

"How did the dentist go?"

"Sucked. I hafta go in next week and get a filling. It's not big, but it still sucks. Got the spiel about brushing more often, blah, blah, blah."

Thaddeus chuckled. "You come back to me after your first root canal and try to say 'blah blah blah' about brushing."

"At least I got Mom to make it on Wednesday so I could come over on Friday. I don't even wanna know what I missed."

"It was pretty exciting, but not in any way you'd like." The skunk's grip on the phone tightened. "Casey had a panic attack. In the bedroom."

"A...what? Is he okay?" Kimm asked, his voice much closer now.

Flopping onto the couch, Thaddeus replied, "Physically? He's fine. Mentally, I'm not so sure. We were having a great time. He just went down on me, and-"

"Aww, Mr. Judd, I wanted first dibs on blowjobs!"

"And, Kimm, he started crying. One moment he was fine, and the next I was on the floor holding him while he sobbed his heart out. Didn't say anything, only that he wanted to shower and go home. He implied that it wasn't me, but I'm very concerned."

Silence on the mutt's end. Then: "Wow. I don't know why he would do that. I saw him cry, like, once, when his Koi fish died, but not like, crying crying. You want me to ask him?"

"Kind of." The skunk paused. He wanted to know what was going on with the bunny so he could help out in any way he could. He also wanted to give Casey the emotional space he knew boys like him craved. But a panic attack in the middle of a blowjob set off alarm bells. Casey was a sensitive kid going through a sensitive time in his life, and the bunny's introduction through Kimm to fooling around probably hadn't helped much. It very well could have overwhelmed him. And if anybody could talk to Casey, it was Kimm. "Just don't be too overt."


"Don't push him too fast. I'm just worried, is all." As he spoke, the skunk reached for the remote control on the coffee table in front of him, turning on the TV and DVD player in succession. A still image of three nude skunks in a bedroom appeared, paused. "I know you can talk to him better than I could."

"I dunno about that. You're pretty cool, for an old guy." It was a mild compliment at best, but it still made Thaddeus smile. He pressed PLAY and the skunks on the screen began to move. He was already getting hard, fast.

"But you're his best friend. You have more cred than me."

"True that, Mr. J. When he comes over tomorrow to hang out, I'll see what I can get out of him. Go all James Bond and tie him up and interrogate him!"

"Save that for the next time you two come over!" Thaddeus laughed, ensuring the mutt knew he was kidding. Knowing Kimm, it might actually happen unless he joked it off.

"Hehe, you're kinky. Okay, I'll try."

"That's all I can ask. Thanks, Kimm. I'll talk to you later."

"Later." Thaddeus ended the call, rubbing his eyes. He supposed that was the best he could hope for, from Kimm. There were only so many things you could expect from a young teen, though sometimes they could surprise you. Lord knew the skunk had been surprised plenty lately.

On the television, the three skunks were having a grand old time. It was quite obvious that two of them were young-too young to be sixty-nining, in most peoples' opinions-and the third was much older. The chubby youngster was on his back underneath his much skinnier counterpart, while the gentleman slowly inserted his cock under the latter's tail. There was a moment where the kid's muzzle left the chubby one's cock in a silent moan, but it quickly went back to work. The video was silent, having originally been filmed on an eight-millimeter camera almost forty years ago, but it was no less hot.

Thatddeus parted his robe and took hold of his erection, stroking slowly. He swore he could still smell the lingering scent of sweat from the small sac in front of his nose, and the strong but similar musk from the much larger pouch as it slammed up against the end of his snout. In his mind's eye, it was fresh as the day the memory was made; watching the thick pink shaft spread that little hole open, hearing the squeak from between his own legs, and seeing runnels of seed squelch out and drip down onto the end of his muzzle. Only ninety seconds in, Thaddeus splattered warmth over his paw and groaned in the empty room.

Water continued to run upstairs as the skunk basked in the remains of his climax. His mind was clear again, and with that clarity came a measure of satisfaction and hope that Kimm would find out what was wrong with Casey. Maybe it was none of the his business, but he couldn't help but worry. At least Thaddeus had been able to hold him through the worst of it. He paused the video at the point where the older skunk was preparing to dismount, and sighed. He remembered the flood of seed, could almost feel it covering his nose again, running down toward his ears as the length against his tongue twitched out its immature orgasm.

Sighing wistfully, Thaddeus grabbed for a nearby rag and cleaned himself off. The shower had stopped.

No matter the reason, warm water always seemed to make things feel better. Casey was reminded of this as soon as the spray from the shower head soaked his head fur and washed away the salty trails of his dried tears. He stood there, unmoving, for a good minute.

His mood had started to improve as soon as he had gotten away from his reflection in the closet door, though the picture of himself sucking off Mr. Judd wouldn't leave his head. Not that it was a bad thing, necessarily; feeling the skunk's trembling grip on his head as he took that meat between his lips had been an incredible turn-on. He loved the feel of a muzzle on his cock, and the feel of a cock in his own muzzle, or paw. But seeing himself doing the act-being a fag-_was too much for him to handle. Thus Casey's quandary: _How do you fool around with guys while not being gay?

An answer, if there even were one, would not come to him in Mr. Judd's steamy-hot shower. The bunny squeezed some of the skunk's expensive-looking shampoo into his fingers and began to soap up his ears, reflecting on how his mundane existence had turned upside-down in the short space of a couple weeks. As exciting as the sex had been while they were playing, Mr. Judd was now more than a neighbor and Kimm was more than a best friend. Both might be considered lovers in a more romantic context, but "friends with benefits" sounded better, less committal. More naughty. Less homo.

There they were again. Those words. Those labels. The bunny squeezed out more shampoo and worked it into his belly, moving down to his hips and inward toward his sheath, now thankfully soft. He peeled it back to clean inside, enjoying the small pleasure it gave him. For once in a rare while, he didn't feel like rubbing out a quick one. If he wanted to, it would take only a minute or so.

But despite the relaxing water, his stomach still roiled gently with thoughts of who he really was and what he wanted to be. The bunny felt his face start to scrunch up again in panic and quashed it with a stamp of one large foot. He wouldn't let it get him. After he was sure there would be no more surprise tears, he sat back against the rise of the tub and let the water carry away his troubles. In the end, though, they were merely diluted.

Casey stayed that way until the water began to run cold, then took his time drying off with one of Mr. Judd's thick, soft bath sheets. It covered him head to toe and still dragged along the carpet. Once he was fluffy enough to not dampen his clothes, he dressed with the clean things he'd brought with him in his backpack. One more look in the mirror, along with a deep breath, and he headed for the stairs.

As soon as the bunny turned the corner, he knew Mr. Judd had finished himself. He felt the guilt and tamped it down; the skunk had needed to get off one way or another, and Casey had at least started him. Now, he was watching the evening news, looking every bit the grown-up with his robe neatly cinched below his belly.

Don't think about the sheath, look away, look away, he thought. Better to keep that hidden until he knew what to do with it for sure.

"I was afraid you'd gone and melted," Mr. Judd said, patting the cushion next to him. Casey sat and immediately rolled into the skunk's side; the strong arm around his shoulders gave him comfort.

"Just about," the bunny replied. "You have a lot of hot water."

"Not anymore, judging by how long you were up there."


"Don't be. You needed it." They sat there in silence for a minute, Casey allowing the motion of Mr. Judd's breathing to lull him into a doze. "Don't feel bad for earlier, okay? I'm sorry if I seemed too eager. I do that sometimes, and I need to be put in my place when I go overboard."

"Nah, it wasn't that."

"I know." Casey nodded into the soft terrycloth; he knew the skunk knew. So why was it so hard to say it out loud?

"I guess I gotta go, don't I?" The skunk patted his shoulder.

"Sometime, I suppose. Your mom might be weirded out if you called and said, 'Sleepovers!'" The thought made the bunny giggle. Then they were both laughing, and it wasn't even nervous laughter. "Alright, then, you. Take care, and I'll see you next time around, okay?"

"Okay," Casey replied, smiling up at Mr. Judd, and when the skunk bent down and their lips met, it wasn't awkward at all. They stayed together, and when the bunny felt the skunk's thick tongue on his teeth, it puffed him out all up and down his spine. Somehow that felt awesome. There was no mirror to look in, though.

"Thank you," muttered the skunk when they parted. His eyes were shining and mirthful.

"Welcome." Casey was surprised at the wonderment of his own voice. Then he hopped off the couch, grabbed his backpack and skipped out the door. This time, he walked home instead of running.

Saturday morning was dreary and filled with rain. Not even the good kind of rain that came down in torrents and was punctuated by thunder and lightning, either; the light was lifeless and grey, the rain more of a constant drizzle that made everything just wet enough to make walking miserable.

That was why Casey was in the passenger seat of his mom's G35 coupe, picking at a stitch in his jeans while they drove the thirty seconds to Kimm's house. Lame.

"I could have walked with an umbrella," the bunny mumbled.

"Nonsense. I have a chiropractic appointment anyway, so it's no trouble," his mother replied, already pulling into Kimm's driveway.

Except it was trouble. It was annoying. Plus, Casey had wanted time to think while he walked. Now he would just have to suffer. He'd slept through the night, but the first thing he thought of when he woke up was the same thing he'd been thinking as he'd drifted off. The big question. The G-word.

Please don't get out please don't get out please don't get out. She didn't, and the bunny pushed open his door and reached behind the seat for his backpack in one fluid motion.

"Bye, Mom."

"What, no kiss?" She made a pouty face. Casey rolled his eyes and bent over the center console to plant a peck on her cheek, getting one in return. His tail flicked agitatedly as the rain soaked it through, along with everything else from his waist on down. "That's better. You two have fun, and I will expect you home for dinner tomorrow night, young man."

"Alright, no problemo," Casey replied, extricating himself and saying goodbye one more time before he shut the door. The rain plastered his ears to his head so he flopped them backwards. The new outfit his mother had bought at Nordstrom Friday afternoon was now sodden, a miserable clamminess soaking into his fur. He would have been better off with the umbrella.

Kimm was already at the threshold, holding the door open for him. The mutt smiled when he saw the bunny's sad state, and started to giggle when he realized just how bad it was.

"Oh, do come in before you catch your death of cold," Kimm said in an affected foppish accent.

"Fuck you," Casey replied, pushing past the canine.

"Just go up to the bathroom before you drip all over the wood floor. Mom's in the basement office, so you're okay to take 'em off." Casey bounded up the stairs, threw his bag onto Kimm's bed, and went into the bathroom, where he stripped down to his briefs and hung the rest over the shower rod. He toweled himself furiously, fluffing up and using Casey's brush to smooth back down again. Just to be doubly sure, he checked the hallway before padding back into Kimm's room.

As soon as the bunny was in, the mutt locked the door. "So, now what? We're fucked for outside, so no bikes, and probably no mall. We have TV and video games."

"We could do homework," Casey replied, fishing around in his bag. He found a plain green T-shirt and some loose-fitting shorts that would work in the house. He noted, as he put them on, that the mutt was watching him closely. That probably had something to do with the whole we've-been-in-a-threesome thing.

" That's Sunday night stuff," Kimm said. "I mean, unless you're really desperate to do it. I'm so horny for integers and using FOIL to find x." The mutt grabbed his crotch through his shorts as he said it, and Casey's stomach lurched. He knew he was going to have to deal with it sometime this weekend, but it scared him to death. His sheath twitched nonetheless, and he swallowed the knot in his throat.

"It would go faster if we worked together," the bunny offered.

"I know. We'll probably run out of stuff to do anyway. Then we can do each other," Kimm almost growled. "Plus, you need to tell me all about yesterday with Mr. Judd. So I don't have to be so jealous, letting my thoughts run wild."

Casey managed a smile. "All in due time," he said. "First, can I just rot my brain a little?"

Kimm agreed that it was a very awesome proposition indeed, and soon both were propped up on pillows, watching what cartoons they could find that were worth watching. After they exhausted that avenue, it was on to an anime that Casey had brought. Kimm grew bored with that pretty quickly, as the show required a bit more of an attention span than three minutes, and the bunny remarked how ironic it was that dogs were traditionally the patient ones.

Pop-Up Video kept them entertained until lunch, which Kimm's mother made the boys eat at the table. Kimm complained to no avail, but he ended up eating both of his fried bologna-and-cheese sandwiches with a side of fries. Casey managed one sandwich and a little salad; over the course of the morning his stomach had settled and he had mostly put thoughts of the skunk to the back of his mind. He was having fun, and agonizing over the questions in his head would put a damper on his mood.

Things changed after lunch, though. Kimm's mom left to do some shopping, and his dad was working an emergency shift out at his toll-plaza job to cover for a lady who decided to have a baby early. There was no doubt they could take care of themselves, and the house was locked anyway. Kimm brought his gaming console down so they could play on the big LED TV, and that was when the innuendos started.

They were harmless at first, merely the same way Kimm acted most of the time, especially the past few weeks while they had been discovering themselves with Mr. Judd. But as they progressed from Gran Turismo to Bioshock to Grand Theft Auto, the mutt's occasional comments became more overt. It was entertaining, then unsettling, then distressing. Most of this Casey could toss aside. Sometimes he fired back with equal force, but the more he tried to play it off the heavier the weight in his belly grew. Kimm was getting himself horny on purpose, rubbing between his legs when the bunny took the controller. His nose twitched at the growing scent.

When Kimm laid a paw on Casey's thigh, startling him and making his character die on the screen (just as he was about to kill that hooker and steal her car, great timing), the bunny had to call it quits. He trembled as he set the controller down. As sick as he felt, though, he couldn't deny the tightness in his shorts. He tossed the controller onto the floor. "I'm done."

Kimm's paw tightened, the other paw kneading his own bulge. It felt like someone was touching him for the first time. Had he really pawed himself off onto Mr. Judd's muzzle while his best friend had fucked the skunk, just a foot away? This was nothing compared to that orgy. The problem was, he knew what he must look like right now. The mirror effect.

"I'm just getting started," said the mutt. "I wanna go to my room. C'mon." Casey followed, a cloud of dread shadowing his mood. He watched Kimm's tail wag his rump, thought it was cute, and hated himself for it.

As soon as Kimm shut the door (the mutt's room was above the garage; giving plenty of warning of approaching parents), he shucked his shirt over his head and threw it into the pile in his closet. His shorts came next, and Casey realized how shapely the canine looked in the charcoal boxer briefs he was wearing. In that one moment, the bunny took in the gentle curve of Kimm's belly as it disappeared beneath the waistband, the complementary curve of his rump, and the cluster of very yummy-looking curves between his legs. His own curves responded in kind.

I'm attracted to him. I'm really fucking attracted to him! The words were like a billboard in his mind, flashing over and over in big red neon. That knot in his gut was larger, spreading like poison throughout his torso, accompanied by the same vertiginous fog around his head. Casey was aware of Kimm coming closer, heard him speaking without knowing the words, tried weakly to push his paws away when they alighted on his tail-flap. Then teeth on his sheath through his shorts as the Velcro flap popped around his tail.

I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay-

And then he was on the floor, and Kimm was shouting at him. Brightly-colored dots crept into his vision, but Kimm's muzzle was right there in the clear middle, lips moving, making words, but on mute. Casey's ears rang, it was loud, so loud that he closed his eyes, thinking deliriously that somehow the sound would cease. He was floating on a wave. Soft carpet cradled him, everything was so quiet.

Pressure on his lips. Kimm was kissing him. Why would he do that? Did he feel the same attraction? The same gay attraction? Casey didn't care, because the mutt's lips were the only thing he could really feel right now, and their rubbery warmth made him tingly all over. It was the best feeling, sharing himself with the person who knew the most about him. The dog he'd probably been attracted to since they had teamed up making Pinewood Derby cars in Cub Scouts four years ago. Willing his own lips to move, he tried to return the kiss, but found the only thing he could move was his tongue. So he stuck it past Kimm's teeth and swiped it across the mutt's own.

Wetness splashed onto his muzzle. Casey had time to think Not yet, I wanted to make you come before the spots and tingles faded and his senses rushed back in. His fingers dug into the carpet as if feeling it for the first time. And then the bunny saw again: Kimm's face, screwed up in panicked anguish, his eyes brimming with tears. The mutt blinked and two fell; Casey now knew the source of the splashes.

"Casey, quit it! Are you joking around, cuz I can't tell!" The mutt shook him, and the rest of his focus returned. He had passed out again. He had scared Kimm to death. And he had slipped his best friend the tongue in the middle of resuscitation. That was even worse than the gay feeling, and it came crashing down on him in a single, horrible tsunami. Casey put his paws over his eyes and began to bawl.

"I fucking hate this!" he cried, his voice thick with mucus and emotion. It was just so much to bear all at once. Too much, maybe. His chest heaved and tightened, the tears kept coming, and suddenly he was in Kimm's arms, the mutt's muzzle next to his, crying along with him, rocking as one. "I don't want to feel this way," the bunny murmured between sniffs.

Kimm held the bunny silently for a few minutes, gently swaying amid the evidence of their aborted playtime. He didn't try to ask what was wrong, which Casey appreciated, since he didn't particularly want to voice his feelings just yet. He just wanted to calm down and feel comfort, and the mutt was doing a great job just by being Kimm.

"Can I go get some Kleenex?" asked the mutt after things had died down. Casey nodded, and propped himself up against the bed while Kimm grabbed the tissues. They went through all of them. Kimm sat next to the bunny, his knees drawn up to his chest, took a deep breath, and asked, "Would you mind telling me what's going on with you?"

"I don't know if I want to."

"Mr. Judd called me yesterday."

"Wait, w-what?" Casey stammered, though he knew immediately what the skunk had done.

"He told me you had a panic attack. I thought you freaked out or something, but I didn't know you went all catatonic like that. You didn't breathe. I thought you were dying."

Casey sat and mulled this over. He felt awful. "I'm sorry." There was nothing else he could say, really.

"He said he was concerned about you. It was kinda weird talking to him about it. He wanted me to make sure you were okay. Maybe he was scared you were gonna tell someone, I don't know."

" I won't tell anybody," Casey said. "That's stupid, to get all of us in trouble." Not to mention jail, the bunny thought but didn't add, and he shuddered.

Kimm turned to face him. He sniffed. "Then what? You really scared me."

"I don't want to be gay." There, he said it. He said it aloud, to someone else, as preposterous as it sounded. Casey studied the floor between his knees and waited. He could almost hear the gears turning in Kimm's head.

"Who says you're gay?" Kimm chuckled, almost too hard. "Well, besides the fact that you Frenched me while I was trying to CPR you."

"You weren't doing it right anyway," the bunny deadpanned. "No more breaths, just chest compressions while you hum 'Stayin' Alive.'"

"I forgot they changed it. You didn't complain, though."

"We were in his room," Casey said suddenly. The words were there now. "He'd already blown me in the kitchen, he was really worked up. I went down on him, and, and, it was awesome."

Kimm cleared his throat. "That, um, sounds really hot."

"I thought so, until I looked in the mirror."

"The mirror?"

Casey picked at his left knee, searching for the right way to explain. "It felt really good, but I looked wrong."

"Like you weren't supposed to be sucking his dick? Cuz, actually, we're not supposed to be. Not him, at least."

"I don't care," Casey said.

"Me neither," Kimm agreed.

"It doesn't feel gay when I'm doing it, but I looked gay in the mirror. Does that make any sense?" Looking over at the mutt, the bunny saw the troubled look.

"I don't care if you're gay or not," Kimm said. "I just like having fun with you guys. We're too young to worry about it. Besides, if you are, there's nothing you can do." The mutt's logic was disarming, and Casey found himself nonplussed. He was still confused and upset, but now he felt he didn't have as much of a reason to be so.

He ventured, "How can you be so cool about it? Aren't you worried?"

"We're thirteen, Casey. We can worry when we grow up. Or when we get to high school. If you care what everybody else thinks, though, I think you're in for a hard life." Casey had never heard his friend talk with such a level head. Maybe it was for the bunny's benefit, to keep him calm, but the mutt certainly wasn't faking it. "No reason to parade around all the time, just the same."

"No way. I don't care about all that stuff." I just care about you. Of course, he didn't say it. He wasn't even sure if it was true. The caring part, sure, but not caring in an "I love you" way.

"I-" Kimm began. "I don't know how to ask it...do you think you like Mr. Judd?" Casey could tell from the mutt's tymbre what he really meant, though. It was a clumsy way of asking a direct question indirectly, and it was just the kind of thing Kimm would do. For a second, Casey hesitated, but decided to follow his friend's own advice and just...to hell with it.

"Since before the tent." Kimm's head shot up, his muzzle open slightly. "I don't know when, but maybe a couple years ago." When he looked over, the mutt's ears were bright pink. Then he realized he'd just admitted a sexual attraction to his best friend, and his face grew hot.

"You were too embarrassed to tell me that night?" Kimm asked.

"You didn't say anything either."

"You were too busy yankin' it and listening to me."

"And you weren't?" Casey averted his eyes while he waited for Kimm to think. Biting his lip, the mutt looked like he was struggling with a demon of his own. He could smell canine musk again, and when he glanced down and to the right, he saw a neat little pup tent, encased in cotton.

"I wanted to. The whole time, I wanted to just reach over and do it for you. But I was afraid you'd freak."

"I might have," Casey replied. "But...I don't think I would've stopped you. I don't think I would've been able to." The pup tent twitched, growing, and the bunny felt himself reacting. "I'm sorry I was too chickenshit to do anything." His own musk hit his nose, dizzying in its intensity.

Kimm's paw landed on Casey's knee and squeezed, making the bunny jerk. Merely a surprise, nothing more. It felt good there. It felt right there. He didn't want it to leave.

"Are you too chickenshit right now?" asked Kimm.

Casey willed his left arm to place his paw on top of the mutt's, and their fingers intertwined. "I don't think it matters anymore."

"Will you let me? Because I really, really want to." Adrenaline surged through the bunny's body, cooling his paws and sending blood where it needed to go.

His voice wavering, Casey replied, "I don't think I can stop you."

"Nuh-uh," Kimm said, turning around and climbing into his lap. The mutt's bits pressed into his, hardness against hardness, for the first time. It was electric. He'd come so close that time with Mr. Judd, but he hadn't been able to reach it when the skunk had asked him to help Kimm inside. The desire was in him now, strong and undeniable. He wanted to feel that dick in his paw, taste it on his tongue, and...maybe, but he wasn't sure about the third thing.

Kimm gripped his shoulders, pinning him gently against the bed. Warm breath mingled with his, ruffling the fur around the bunny's whiskers, smelling faintly of Froot Loops. Then the cold canine nose touched his, making him gasp at the chill that ran down to his feet. Without waiting for permission or protest, he touched his lips to Casey's.

It wasn't the first time they'd kissed, but it might as well have been. Mr. Judd wasn't there to watch, or comment, and while that could be hot by itself, having Kimm all to himself intensified everything the mutt did. Casey couldn't help closing his eyes so he could just feel the soft warmth against him, coupled with the stiff warmth down below. He reached for Kimm's sides and ended up drawing his paws down to the mutt's hips, eliciting a yearning whimper and an open muzzle. Now, his tongue was welcomed.

Holy shit, I was panicking over this?This beautiful closeness, this feeling? Casey knew pornos were staged for maximum erotic effect, but all the "fuck yeahs" and "suck my cocks" had nothing on this kiss. Not even the passionate make-outs held a candle to this tender dog and the way he pushed further into his muzzle without being forceful or corny. Kimm wasn't playing around, using the playful banter and innuendo that had likely gotten the best of Mr. Judd. He was full-on serious, grinding himself against Casey in a way that set the bunny's senses afire.

The round, soft flesh in Casey's fingers yielded just the right amount, and he loved the way Kimm made sounds of encouragement while trying to kiss at the same time. He could tell the mutt was trying to keep the pace slow, but losing that battle. Kimm became squirmy when the bunny's fingers slipped underneath the waistband of his briefs at the back and slid around to the front, teasing the seldom-touched fur there. He did it without weighing whether or not the mutt would like it. He did it because it felt good, it was what he wanted to do, and somehow he knew it was good for both of them.

Paws moving more naturally than he expected, Casey suddenly realized he had a golden opportunity: he could make this as hot as he wanted. Just like the power he had over Mr. Judd, he had power over Kimm in this moment. He played the passive role so well that both the skunk and mutt had assumed he would push the situation in the direction of his choosing, when he chose it. Now that he knew what he wanted (or he was just too horny to care, though his mind was clearer than ever), he could act without hesitation.

Thinking back on seeing himself in the mirror, he couldn't remember what it was that had caused him such distress. Maybe he just hadn't admitted to himself how much he enjoyed dick, and seeing his reflection in that position had been a shock. But now, as he pulled open the Velcro tail-strap on Kimm's underwear and pushed them down below his rump, kneading the flesh and hearing the mutt moan around his tongue, he reveled in the control he possessed.

Kimm pulled back, panting, the heat of his flush dissipating somewhat. "Are you okay?" It seemed a silly question to ask, but the mutt looked concerned, albeit worked up. Just like the skunk, Kimm was able to check his hormones for the time it took to make sure the bunny wanted the same thing. But Mr. Judd had age and experience on his side; for Kimm it must be difficult to wait in such a state.

"I'm awesome," Casey replied, smiling broadly, trailing his fingertips around Kimm's sides and pulling down the front of the mutt's briefs. The length within throbbed and strained at its dun sheath, bulging where its knot begged for relief. Without asking, because he knew Kimm wouldn't mind, the bunny skinned back the fur and exposed all of him to the cool morning air of the bedroom. Kimm gasped.

"Yeah, you are," said the mutt. "Is it weird that I've wanted to fool around with you since the beginning of middle school?" His paw came to the side of Casey's muzzle and stroked down the white fur until it turned to dark grey at his nose. So tender, so not-Kimm. They hadn't been just kissing, either; they had been making out. Would they be making love instead of fucking, too?

"S'not weird because I've wanted to...I think...since I met you."

"For reals?"

Casey gripped Kimm's erection and stroked it gently. It was very, truly in his paw now, the flesh warm on his fur. "The more I think about it, the more I'm sure I felt something way back when we were eight. I got tingly inside."

"I know the feeling," said the mutt, looking down to watch the bunny pawing him.

"I didn't have words to describe it. I just knew it was good. Maybe that's why we're so close." It may not have been the best time for psychoanalysis, but the feelings were at the fore now, and Casey wanted them out in the open.

" We are pretty close, aren't we?" asked Kimm with a sheepish grin. Not as close as you could be, Casey thought, his heart jumping at the prospect, both from want and fear. The time could be right; God knew he wanted it badly. "Speaking of close, if you keep that up I'm gonna spooge all over you."

"There are better places for that to go." Casey said the words before realizing his mouth had moved. Kimm hunched into the softness of his palm, though it was a little sticky by now.

Reluctantly, the mutt pushed himself up and away, but only so he could rid himself of his briefs. Casey took the opportunity to do the same. He would have liked having them removed slowly while the mutt gnawed on him through the material, but getting Kimm's cock in his muzzle was more important at the moment. The stubby shaft bobbed as the mutt straddled the bunny's thighs.

"You think you can fit it all in?"

Casey gave a scoff that sounded really gay to his ears, didn't care, and replied, "Mr. Judd wasn't a problem. This should be a cake walk." After licking his lips, the bunny realized how lecherous he might seem. This was the way he acted. This was Casey when he was horny for his best friend. And that, the bunny thought, is my best friend not judging me. Now suck his cock.

"You got to blow him?"

Casey smiled. "He even said it was as if I was born with a cock in my mouth." And he was proud of that. He understood. He might have more learning to do, but he would be damned if it was going to make him miserable. So he bent his neck and licked the precum from Kimm's cockhead.

The taste was subtle, less musky than Mr. Judd's, and decidedly canine. Casey lasted one more long lick before opening wide and taking the whole thing, clamping his lips around the base of the mutt's knot.

"Oh, fuck!" Kimm shouted, immediately bucking and squirting against the back of Casey's throat. Not an orgasm, just the natural instinct to tie with anything that had a hole. Backing off, the bunny pulled away and settled into a bobbing motion along the relatively girthy four inches of shaft. "You almost did it again!"

"Mmmhmm," Casey hummed, adding a little vibration. Thankfully, Kimm kept his hips still and let the bunny do the work. Paws gripped the back of his head and just held on.

Rain continued its endless patter on the bedroom window. The day was shaping up to be a dreary one, but Casey didn't pay attention to this, or anything else. His eyes were open now, studying the scene before them. Kimm flexed his thighs on each of the bunny's down-strokes, giving just a bit more motion. The pink shaft with its bulbous base glistened with Casey's saliva. It felt great in his mouth, pressing against his twisting tongue, no longer leaking so much as dripping once in a while. After only a few minutes, he noticed Kimm beginning to tremble, and when the mutt's breath caught, he cut off the inevitable by pulling free.

Panting, the mutt whined, "Whyyyy? You're gonna be a tease now?"

Casey put on his best flirty-face and replied, "I told you, there are better places for that to go."

"You're shitting me." Kimm studied the bunny, but the dubiousness on his face melted into disbelief, then shifted almost to predation. "Are you sure?"

"No," whispered the bunny, "but I want to try."

"I'll go slow."

"We'll see."

"I don't wanna hurt you."

" You won't." The mutt nodded once. His eyes told Casey he'd understood the subtext the bunny had been going for: You won't hurt me because we're doing this together.

"I'll be right back." Casey watched the sandy tail bounce as Kimm padded out of the room and the bunny heaved a deep sigh. He brought his paw to his own length and found it super-sensitive. He hadn't touched it yet, and the last couple of inches were still sheathed. That was fixed in short order.

Noises carried to the bedroom from the hallway bathroom, where Kimm was rustling around to find something slick. This was it. This was the end of Casey's so-called innocence, the loss of what little remained of his virginity. At thirteen. But could it have happened any more beautifully? In a way, if he hadn't broken down and Mr. Judd had gone further, it probably would have happened. He trusted the skunk just fine, except it wouldn't have meant as much as this did right here, right now. There was something between him and Kimm, and he didn't know what yet, but they would have time later to find out. The point was, the thing was there, and the mutt felt it too, and it was time to share that most intimate part of himself. Even if they failed, the intention remained.

Kimm padded back into the bedroom with a tube in his paw. "A&D Ointment," he said sheepishly, holding it label-out for the bunny to see. It was an old-fashioned metal tube. It looked like something from the 80's.

"Is it still good?"

"Oh, sure, it's just like Vaseline with lanolin in it. Here, smell." The mutt put the open tube under the bunny's nose. Not much there, except for a pleasant healing undertone. "My mom used to put it on me if I ever got diaper rash."

"That's cute," Casey replied.

"You're cute," Kimm said, helping the bunny to his feet and pulling him into another kiss, not quite as deep, but just as potent. When they parted this time, that predatory look was in the mutt's eyes again, though tempered. "I want to make you feel so good, Casey."

"Me too. I hope." They locked eyes again, but then it became awkward, so the bunny hopped onto the bed before either of them got cold feet. He wiggled his rear, feeling his balls bouncing with the motion, and heard Kimm's sounds of approval from behind. Looking upside-down between his legs, he saw the mutt pawing himself back to full hardness as he climbed up beside the bunny.

"I wanna see you, though," Kimm said. "You're probably gonna need a pillow, too."


Casey scooted to the headboard against one of Kimm's pillows while the mutt took another and placed it under the bunny's rump, arching Casey's back so his legs spread easily and stayed that way. Kimm squeezed a fair bit of the ointment onto his finger and pressed it between the bunny's legs. Pain shot up his spine and he cried out.

"Ow, ow, claw!"

"Oh shit, I'm sorry, I didn't know!" Kimm drew his paw away. He looked horrified, and as the pain disappeared, Casey realized he'd overreacted.

" No, it's okay. I'm just sensitive, I guess." But Kimm still looked worried, and it seemed as if his horniness had dissolved, leaving regret in its wake. "Besides, it's not your finger I want." He forced suggestiveness into the words, both because he wanted Kimm to keep going and he wanted to prove to himself that he could do it. He would do it, because it was time.

"But I don't wanna hurt you, Case!"

"You'd hurt me more if you stopped." Casey smiled what he thought was a sultry smile, and it apparently worked. The mutt knee-walked over with his half-hard shaft in his fingers until it rubbed up under the bunny's sac. It quickly became fully hard again, and it heartened Casey to know he had that kind of ability. Kimm wiped the remaining ointment over his cock, along with some pre, and pressed, first watching Casey's face for signs of discomfort, then closing his eyes as he concentrated on gaining entrance.

Slick heat slid over the bunny's flesh, and he had time enough to think Oh God, this is it this is really happening before Kimm's tip spread him open just enough to trigger a spasm, during which the rest of the mutt's head slipped past his outer ring. It was thick-thick enough-and other than an alien discomfort, there was no pain like with Kimm's finger. His cock was smooth and slippery, aided all the more by the ointment which melted with his body heat and made for the most delicious friction. Just like that, his virginity was gone. All that was left was...

Kimm moved his hips just slightly, and the rest of him slid in with ease until his progress was halted by the swell of his knot.

"Are you okay?" asked the mutt.

"I will be, if you aren't too rough," Casey replied, placing his feet on Kimm's chest, feeling the mutt's racing heart through his soles.

"I won't need to be. I was hoping to take my time, but I'm awful sensitive." But that was okay, Casey thought. It didn't need to be a storybook ending, as long as it was with Kimm.

The words came out before the bunny could think about them: "Do you think you could go the rest of the way?"

Kimm looked down to where their bodies were joined. "You mean, finish? Or...uh, or tie..."

"That one."

"It doesn't hurt?"

"Not now that you're inside. Do you think you could get it in before you finish? Because I would love that."

"You're a fucking awesome friend, Case." The bunny knew there was no need to answer, and as Kimm began to push, he wrapped his legs around the mutt's waist to add leverage. He pulled as Kimm pushed, and the bunny stretched to accommodate the girth.

Casey hadn't expected tying to be as hard as it was, but the more he thought of it, reality was nowhere near as uncomplicated as fiction. In the few stories he'd read, it was always the same thing: if there was a canine male, he would pound his partner mercilessly until the end, where he would either tie in one long stroke, push through in a few thrusts or shove it in and jackhammer home.

As Kimm held himself steady and applied pressure, the bunny felt a heat he'd never experienced before, along with a massive swelling in his hole. The mutt added some bodily thrusting, gaining a bit each time, his face locked in constant concern, looking for any sign that Casey was ready to give up. But Casey had gone too far to back away now. One more inch was all it would take, really. His nerves were on fire with a sensation somewhere between pain and pleasure. Definitely discomfort, but the growing warmth spurred him on. He felt every twitch of Kimm's cock, every throb, and he tried to keep himself from clenching and reversing the progress they'd made. Biting his lip, the mutt dug his claws into the bunny's hips and pulled. Then the pain began, and Casey's paw flew to his own leaking erection to mitigate it.

It proved to be a mistake. As soon as he touched himself, something in his brain broke. Something that had previously held him in check. He was so sensitive that just the contact was enough to send him over the edge, and as he threw his head back and gasped, he tried-and failed-to remember ever having been this worked up in his young life. His paw flew.

"Oh, noooo..." he moaned.

"Shit! Really, Case? Not kidding?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" But when he felt the pressure on his hole ease, he growled and pulled Kimm to him, hard. "Fucking keep pushing!" His peak was upon him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He started spasming around the mutt's knot, and to his combined surprise and chagrin, he was getting looser.

Then he was too busy coming to care about much else. One second, he was looking into Kimm's baby-blue eyes. The next, is whole body seized up, with the exception of his right paw, which pumped him into an endless series of contractions. He knew he was coming, but the cum wasn't landing anywhere near him. Frantic guttural grunts came from a part of him he never knew existed, muffled behind the roar of blood in his ears, and he was dimly aware of his hole giving way and swallowing the rest of Kimm's knot, sucking the remaining inch or so behind his ring.

It was the fullness that really got to him. That, and the raw intimacy that was a canine tie. Sure, Kimm hadn't pounded him like a bitch, but they were now inseparable, if not forever, then for this incredible moment in time. Wetness splashed across his nose and he looked in time to see the last dribble flowing out of him, over his thumb. Beyond that was Kimm's muzzle, screwed into a grimace, his ears back. He looked embarrassed.


"I'm gonna do it. I can't stop." The mutt twitched inside him, though his hips didn't move. Why was he holding back? Was that even possible?

The bunny placed his clean paw on Kimm's cheek and drew him down so they were nose to nose. "Let it go. Put it in me."

" Oh Jesus fuck!" Kimm swore softly, burying his muzzle in the side of Casey's neck as his body stiffened. He heard the mutt's ragged struggle for air as he felt the sudden swelling deep inside, followed by several strong, warm pulses. Kimm's seed. Casey's first. He didn't think he would be able to feel it, but the way Kimm was-unmoving, except for his cock-he could feel every volley. Whimpering the bunny's name over and over was all he could manage for the moment.

And, just like that, it was done. Little by little, Kimm's body relaxed, his cock still very much trapped. Casey just held the mutt to him, petting his back with both paws despite one of them still being sticky with his cum. He closed his eyes, his mind clear except for the lovely feeling of being full, and when he opened them again, there were shadows in the bedroom. The sun hadn't come out all the way, but the rain had stopped, at least for now. Looking at Kimm's bedside alarm clock, he saw they'd been snoozing in the missionary position for twenty minutes.

Kimm sleepily began to dismount, but halfway through he gave up and they settled into a spooning position facing opposite the window. Maneuvering with a cock in him proved no big deal for Casey; in fact, he was quite used to it by now. You're a natural, he thought.

And then he saw the mirror. It was full-length, like Mr. Judd's, but narrow, affording a person just enough of a view to check from calves to ears. From the bed, all Casey could see was himself and Kimm, who ground his softening length gently into the bunny's backside. Yawning, the mutt settled his muzzle onto Casey's shoulder and wrapped his free arm over his stomach. A lovers' embrace. It was sweet and hot and alarming at the same time. But when Casey looked at their reflection, there was nothing wrong with it at all. Not a couple of fags. Just two kids, two best friends, using their bodies for the purpose for which they were designed.

Kind of.

"I love you, Casey," Kimm mumbled, and whether or not he was awake to know what he had said, Kimm had said it.

"I love you, Kimm." If two best friends could ever love each other, Casey thought, this was it. Whatever happened after that was no concern of his, not right now. The bunny snuggled back into the mutt's embrace, and was comforted. Dozing was just about the only thing he could think to do right now.

At least, until they heard the garage door.


Rapture (unfinished failure)

Started off as a gorefest for Saturday's Judgment Day, got bored with killing people and just left it. It could have been something more had I had time to really work on it, but there's more important porn to be written at the moment. Enjoy if you...

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A Work of Love: Prologue

This is the prologue and setup to a graphic novel concept [!["themadbadger"](%5C ""themadbadger"")](%5C) and I have been throwing around for a while now. It's a nice little story about Quinn the badger and his pursuit of a house owned by a...

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Good Fences Make Good Brothers

WARNING: If you don't like the keywords, don't read the story. Otherwise, enjoy! DOWNLOAD THE FILE if you want proper formatting and the true gist of the story. \*\*\* A high-school junior gets an arousing text message while in class, from an...

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