Halcyon Univeristy 7 - Weekend Adventures

Story by Shinji_Hiroku on SoFurry

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#7 of Halcyon University


"Wha- who's there?"


"Quit using my first name!"


Lee turned around to see a pokemon floating behind him, dangerously close to his face as usual. "Ah!" He quickly jumped away, the pokemon just giggled at him.

"Who the hell are you, and...where am I?" Finally taking a look at his surroundings he saw it was a vast emptiness. Nothing but white could be seen for miles.

"Me? Im Cresselia, and you're in a dream."


She giggled again. "Diamond, as you've named her, has told me all about you and your predicament. Im sure she's already told you but I can definitely help you. I should be there within a day or two."

"Kay Cool...is that all you came here to tell me? Don't get me wrong I'm grateful and all but, you know, just seems like this little dream trip would be a waste of your time."

"Well it's good to know you're perceptive. There is another reason; I wanted to see if you were worth saving. Diamond went on and on about how you saved her life and how she fell in love with you. 'Oh master is so strong.' 'Master is handsome.' Master this, master that."

Lee rolled his eyes. "Told her to stop calling me that."

"She speaks so highly of you but...I don't see what's so fantastic about you." She circled Lee as she spoke.

"That's because there isn't anything 'fantastic' about me, Diamond's just crazy."

"Hmm I'll give her the handsome part but everything else is just...meh."

"You know what, I'm gonna take that as an insult and use it drop the formalities. I'm done being nice with you, if you're gonna treat me like a piece of meat then I don't need your help."

"There's that attitude that Diamond spoke of."

"Really, did Diamond also tell you that I happen to be a martial arts master and that I can break every bone in your body with one kick?"

"That isn't the way to talk to the pokemon who could save your life."

"If you're gonna act like asshole then I don't need your help. I'd rather be raped then accept help from someone who thinks they can judge me this way. I don't give a damn who you are but if you don't step down off your pedestal I'll kick your ass right out of my dream."

"Modest at first glance, polite to those you don't know, and forceful when you need to be. But above all, truthful and open about how you feel. You're just as she described."

"Look if this is all you're gonna be doing for the next 20 minutes then I'm just gonna wake up, BYE!" Lee turned to walk away.

"Don't be such a spoilsport I'm still going to help you."

Lee didn't turn around. "Why would you still help me after I called you an asshole?"

"I was just trying to get under your skin; I wanted to see the personality Diamond told me so much about."

"So you were fucking with me. I don't like to be fucked with."

"Oh well." Lee finally turned around just in time to see Cresselia turn her back and start to float away.

"One question: Since you're a legendary, does the curse affect you?"

"It does, but that's the least of your worries. What are the odds that I'll be chosen out of hundreds of different types of pokemon?"

Lee scratched the back of his head. "Guess your right." 'Wouldn't be the first I was raped by the least of my worries though.' "Well I'll be seeing you...OH WAIT,WAIT A MINUTE!" Cresselia stopped and turned to him. "Sorry I meant two questions. If it's like an emergency is there a way for me to contact you?"

"Go to sleep and call my name."

'So that's how Diamond did it.' "Simple enough, okay see ya."

"Two days Calvin, two days."

"Dammit call me Le-" Lee's eyes shot open, he was awake.

'Legendaries are assholes.' Lee stretched his arms and looked at the clock. 'Fuck, its only 2 pm. Double fuck, I haven't delivered the mail today, oh what are they gonna do fire me? Ha!'

As Lee went to move he noticed slight pressure on his chest, upon further inspection he found that it was Diamond sleeping face down. She woke up, let out an inaudible yawn, and looked up at him. "Morning Master."

Lee groaned at the word 'master.' "Do you really have to call me that? As much as I hate to say it I'd rather you call me Calvin then Master."

"Calvin just sounds stupid."

'Well at least we agree on something.' "Then call me Lee, it's not that hard."

"No can do Master." She closed her eyes and smiled wide.

"Ugh, get off me I got work to do."

Diamond half closed her eyes and inched closer to Lee's face. "Why don't you make me?" She said in a seductive tone.

"Seriously what's gotten into you? First day I met you, you were like a shy little kid, next day you turn into a rapist, and now you're an S&M fanatic."

"Well I was trying to ease my way into that last part."

"Ease my ass, how is telling me to slap you easing your way into it?"

"Well I thought it was pretty subtle..."

"That's because you're crazy."

"Well maybe if you'd slap some sense into me-"

"Get off!"

"Come on Master do it! Do it hard, right here!" Diamond turned her cheek to him as if awaiting a slap but was promptly thrown off of the bed. Lee, who was still wearing nothing but a towel, quickly got dressed and headed towards the door. But before he could put his hand on it the door froze from the bottom up, Diamond had used Ice Beam.

Lee didn't turn around. "Diamond cut it out."

"Why wont you hit me!?"

Lee groaned. "Because hitting you would just feel wrong. Not because you're a girl or a pokemon or anything. You just don't deserve to be hit, you haven't done anything wrong."

"Who says I have to do anything wrong to be hit? I'm asking you to slap me, throw me, call me names, ANYTHING!"

Lee sighed and turned around. "You're a bitch, there happy?"

"Aw come on Master be more commanding. Yell it and then order me to do something."

"UGH, I don't have time for this. I'm leaving, stay in this room till I get back."

"Almost Master but more-"

"SHUT UP!" Diamond quickly covered her mouth with her hands. Lee kicked the door, shattering the ice and sending shards halfway across the room. "Clean up the ice, there better not be any wet spots on the floor when I get back." He opened the door with little resistance from the ice. "Oh, and throw me my pokedex, now." He said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Diamond nodded and quickly threw Lee his pokedex. "Now get to work." He slammed the door behind him sending even more ice around the room. Diamond floated in place for a second before smiling and whispering to herself "Thank you Master."

'Hope that satisfies her for now.' Lee flipped the pokedex open and began scrolling through the options. 'There has to be some kind of, oh here we go.' In the pokemon list Lee found Raichu and clicked it, a mini map with the location of every Raichu within 1 mile of Lee appeared on the screen. 'Kick ass, may not be able to avoid every pokemon on campus but I sure as hell can avoid one type. All that's left now is-' Lee was interrupted when the door directly in front of him opened, Marcus stepped out.

"Speak of the devil. Wait a minute, whose room is that?"

"Mine now, I went back and re-registered for classes, it's as if I never left."

"Cool, anyway I was just about to come looking for you. I need to know if there's anything new going on with the curse today, besides the fact that they are more impulsive as Lece told me. Or are you gonna make me 'learn the hard way' again."

"You've learned your lesson already. Only thing you really need to know now is that a second type of pokemon will come after you today. Raichu ain't your only worry anymore." Marcus patted Lee on the shoulder before he walked down the hall. "Oh and I'm sure you know about their abnormal strength by now but incase you don't, there ya go."

Lee sighed. "Figures."


Lee picked the mail up from the mailroom and managed to deliver the mail to the girl's dorm in about 50 minutes, shaving ten minutes or so off of his original time. Since he only had classes the first three days of the week he was free until next Monday.

Lee was nearing the end of the cable car ride back to the boy's dorm. 'Once I finish with the boy's dorm I can just wait in my room for the next two days. I don't have class and I don't have to deliver the mail until the day after tomorrow. Well two days straight might be a little boring. If I'm careful I might be able to go somewhere tomorrow but I sure as hell ain't going anywhere today.'

The cable car descended and slowed to a stop. Lee, who, out of laziness, had stopped checking his pokedex periodically, stepped off of the cable car absent mindedly. For a second his mind didn't quite register the pack of 30 raichu standing in front of the dorms. Only when they all turned simultaneously to him did his eyes open as wide as possible. A devious grin crept across their faces one by one. Lee reached up slowly and tightened the strap on his mailbag. He looked back to see the cable car 'conveniently' leaving right when he needed it the most. 'Figures, I can't lead them back to my room, the only other option is-'

The raichu's cheeks started to spark signaling an attack. Lee's eyes narrowed as he prepared to move. 'Cant risk paralysis, damn it I'm starting to hate electric pokemon as much as psychics.' Not a moment after Lee finished his thought a raichu near the front of the pack fired a thunderbolt which Lee easily sidestepped. Another raichu arched a bolt towards Lee but he jumped far to the left, making sure to keep on balance incase of another attack. Sure enough another shot came right for his head. He ducked as the bolt hit the tree behind him as he took another step toward the left. Lee was bouncing as he awaited the next attack. All of the raichu's cheeks started to spark fiercely; he knew what was coming so he made a mad dash to the left towards the woods. Mass amounts of thunderbolts and shocks were fired as he ran. Luckily the trees took the brut of the attacks as Lee had to duck, dodge, flip, and occasionally roll to safety. As he passed the tree line Lee heard one the raichu yell "After him!" But he didn't look back, knowing full well it meant that he would be gang banged by a pack of overly sex crazy raichus.

Lee ran for a good 15 minutes, before coming to a stop. He had outrun the raichu within the first few minutes of running but as he kept telling himself, 'Better safe then raped.' Leaning against a tree to catch his breath he decided to check his pokedex, there were no raichu within a mile of him. He went to the map function to see where he was within the facility. He was 8 miles southeast from the middle of campus. 'Hey, that manmade ocean is close, never been there before. Hmm probably not safe for me to go though, oh who am I kidding I'm already in the damn woods and I want see that damn ocean...damn it.'

The trees slowly began to thin out as Lee made his way toward the ocean. More and more of the dirt beneath his feet changed into sand and he could even hear waves and wingulls calling out, but one sound seemed to clash against all of the others. 'Crying?' The closer Lee got to the ocean the louder the crying became. When he finally made it his eyes fixated on the source. Barely a few yards away, crying her eyes out was a Milotic. Lee rolled his eyes and walked a little closer. "Are you okay?" He said as if he had done this multiple times before.

The Milotic turned to look into his eyes for only a second before turning back. "I'm fine go away."

'Well that settles that looks like I'm off-' Lee cringed for a second. 'DAMMIT, damn you conscience. Alright FINE I'll do it, JEEZ!' Lee got close and sat right next to her. "You're not fine, why don't you tell me what's wrong?" Lee's voice came off as annoyed rather then the sincere he was going for.

"I don't need your help human." The tears were still pouring down her cheeks.

'Bitch I'll tear your heart out if you don't-' Lee cringed again. "Come on don't be that way. I'm only trying to help." He says through a strangled voice.

"I said I don't need your help!"

'Ugh I hate doing this but it looks like I'm gonna have try flattery.' Lee looked out toward the ocean. "You know, they say that Milotics are the most beautiful pokemon in existence." 'Bullshit these things are scary as hell up close.' "What could someone as beautiful as you have to cry about?" 'Dear god this is making me sick to my stomach.'

Her tail slammed into the ground. "I'm small ok!?" The tears began pouring even harder. "And everyone hates me because of it."

'Small? That's what was bugging me; the average Milotic is like 20 feet long. This one has gotta be maybe 12 or 13. This is a first at Halcyon, where everything else seems to be freakishly huge.' "Please stop, I hate to see such a beautiful young pokemon cry."

"Don't give me that crap. It's why you haven't caught me, because I'm small...and weak. No one would want me."

"No, I didn't catch you because I'm not a trainer, I'm a psychologist. Also that's completely untrue, no one important cares about how big you are. The people who judge you based on size are just compensating for their own problems, in other words they are weak and they try to make you feel bad so that they feel better about themselves. As I've always said, people like that are already dead on the inside and therefore their lame ass opinions don't matter. Now you wanna know what I think? I think you're strong and beautiful, and those other people can go to hell." 'I hate inspirational speeches so much.' Lee wrapped his arm around her neck and smiled. Halfway through Lee's speech the Milotic had stopped crying and looked at him with hopeful eyes. Lee held his warm smile and looked over to her.

They stared at each other a full minute until her eyes began to fill with tears again, Lee's smile faded. "What's wrong?"

"You're lying aren't you?"


"None of that was true, you're just a liar." The tears starting flow once more.

"Why would I lie to-"

"Get away from me!" With a powerful smack of her tail Lee was sent flying. He landed 10 feet away.

'Oh that's fucking it.' Lee jumped to his feet. "What the hell is your problem?!"

"Shut up you lying bastard."

"I wasn't lying you crazy bi-" Lee cringed again and then sighed to calm himself. "I wasn't lying." He said in a much calmer voice.

"Prove it!"

'...Oh ho ho ho you sneaky bitch, now that's playing dirty. She has to know there's only way for me to prove that. I get it, it's a trap, she gives me this bullshit sob story and makes me feel really sorry for her. Then she takes advantage of my pity and uses it for free sex. Try and pull one over on a psychologist HA, Well I'm not falling for it, the only thing she's getting is a broken neck and a few-' Lee cringed yet again. 'Shit, there's also the possibility it's true, I am just speculating after all. FINE I'll do it, but if you're wrong this time conscience then I'm never listening to you again.' At this moment it all became clear to him. He had finally lost what little he passed off as his sanity, by talking to himself like this. 'If I don't get raped to death here I am going to be clinically insane because of all of this.'

Lee slowly walked back to her. When he was directly in front of her he brought his hand to her cheek. Her muscles relaxed as Lee caressed the side of her face.

"What are you-" Her sentence was cut short when Lee brought his mouth to hers. Her eyes shot open and she began to blush heavily. After Lee brought his other hand to her face she closed her eyes and blushed even harder. Their lips remained locked for minutes until Lee finally pulled back. The Milotic sat in place, her eyes still closed, unmoving as if she was still kissing.

It wasn't until a minute later when Lee cleared his throat that she broke out of her trance-like state, still blushing furiously. "T-That proves nothing."

'While she does have point I still can't help but feel she's still fucking with me. Nahhh she couldn't have been acting this whole time, if she was she'd be better then most professionals I've seen. Sigh, which means I'm gonna have to do this.' "What can I do to prove myself?"

At this her blush intensified and she turned away slightly. Lee, who already knew what she wanted, pretended to take the hint and moved closer. He placed his hand on her cheek and brought her face to face to his. "If that's what it takes then I'll do it." Milotic was the one to start the kiss this time. She forced her tongue into Lee's mouth; he would have gasped had he had the room. The Milotic's tongue explored every inch of his mouth, wrapping and rewrapping itself around Lee's tongue with each passing. Her kiss was so passionate that within a minute she had forced Lee onto his back. When she finally broke the kiss a long trail of saliva followed as she lifted her head high into the air. Half of it fell on Lee. 'Ew.'

A few seconds later she brought her head down and gave Lee a seductive glare. He didn't move, he couldn't, the look in her eyes captivated him. He couldn't feel when she used her tail to pull his pants and underwear off, but he could feel when she started to rub her moist slit against his already fully erect member. She teased Lee, rubbing constantly and occasionally pressing down as if trying to get it inside only to pull back seconds later. She watched his facial expressions with an amused look on her face. Lee didn't notice, as long as he looked into her eyes he was still captivated and couldn't register anything else.

The spell was finally broken when suddenly she dropped herself onto Lee, hilting him on the first try. Both of their eyes closed and they let out a simultaneous gasp. Finally coming back to his senses Lee tried to get his bearings back. 'Where was I just now and why does my dick feel like it's wrapped in-' Lee's thought was cut short when Milotic began to move up and down. She seemed unbelievably tight but not in a bad way. Her walls moved like they had a mind of their own, rubbing and caressing Lee as they went up and down. Lee's hands clawed the sand as he wriggled from the feeling of her insides. Even he had to admit the feeling was incredible but at this rate he wouldn't hold out for long. The contractions and spasms of her insides were already becoming too much for him to handle.

"S-Slow down." He tried to say but the Milotic didn't respond. Her eyes were still closed and she was panting hard, seemingly lost in the moment. Every time Lee would try to buck his hips forward she would use the unparalleled control she had over her vaginal muscles to hold him still. After about three minutes she began to wrap herself around Lee. With him still deep inside of her she managed to completely coil around his lower half and lift them both straight up. It was perfectly comfortable for Milotic who was in a tight coil but Lee couldn't move anything but his arms, not that he noticed through the immense amount of pleasure he was feeling. At this point the only things moving were Milotic's insides, which was still a great feeling for both of them.

Lee could feel her body begin to tremble around him, she would come soon and so would he. Milotic's trembling became almost violent and barely a minute later she came, literally gushing all over Lee's legs and uncoiling just enough to let it flow down to the sand. As she came her insides tightened around Lee causing him to cum too. His teeth clenched as he unconsciously gripped her sides. It was a considerable amount but barely noticeable among the Milotic's juices. He almost passed out due to the strength of his own orgasm. After the pleasure subsided neither of them moved, for minutes they sat, panting in exhaustion.

"Wow." Lee managed to say between breaths. "That was...pretty amazing."

The Milotic said nothing as she finally caught her breath. She gave Lee a lustful look before uncoiling slightly, she wasn't through. The motion from before was enough to slide Lee's half limp cock out of her, it also gave her enough room to reach her head down to it. Before Lee could say anything she began to clean their combined juices. Her strokes were long, slow, and as sensual as possible. With her talented and abnormally long tongue, Lee was clean in a matter of seconds but she didn't stop there. She reached places that weren't even dirty, making long strokes around his hips and legs, licking far up and down his chest and finally back down to his crotch. Lee's breath was shuddering from the treatment he was receiving; he was hard again in a matter of seconds. Noticing this, Milotic chuckled under her breath and brought her head back to eye level with Lee; he was panting lightly and his eyes were half opened. After one last kiss she completely unwrapped herself from Lee and lay on her back. If she had fingers she would've used them to make a 'come hither' motion, but the look she was giving Lee was all he needed to know what she wanted and in truth he wanted it too.

Seconds later Lee was on top of her. He placed his tip on her entrance and took a deep breath before sliding it in. Inch by inch Lee pushed himself inside, encountering almost no resistance. Only once he had hilted himself did her walls suddenly contract on him, causing him to let out a gasp at the unexpected surge of pleasure. Resistance was heavy as he tried to pull out now, but it made it all the more pleasurable. Using more strength, Lee forced himself in harder, which elicited a loud groan of pleasure from Milotic. He continued this adding more and more power behind each thrust. The Milotic's insides tightened a little each time Lee hilted himself, making every thrust better then the last for both of them. Loud wet whapping sounds filled the air as Lee had pound faster and harder in order to keep himself moving.

Milotic was practically screaming from each thrust, she was reaching her limit and she knew it. She also knew Lee had to be just as close. As a final trick she sucked Lee in as deep as he could go and clamped down as hard as she could, leaving him stuck in place. From there her insides contracted and twitched wildly. A few seconds of this was all it took to send Lee over the edge. He grunted and clenched his teeth as he came harder then he ever had before, sending wave after wave of his cum inside of her. It quickly overflowed and oozed down her sides. The feeling of being filled was just enough to make Milotic cum as well. She came powerfully, soaking Lee and herself in a matter of seconds. They both looked as if their bottom halves had been submerged in water. Lee came to rest on top of her as his orgasm subsided.

Again they panted in exhaustion, neither of them moving an inch. Five minutes later both of them had just about caught their breath. Lee slid off to the side and rested his back against the Milotic.

"You know," She began as she moved her head towards Lee. "For a psychologist you're pretty easy to fool." Her voice had gone from gentle to sleazy in second. To Lee it sounded like it was a spoiled rich kid, well spoiled rich woman, this was no kid.

"Fucking knew it."

She laughed loudly; it reeked of the spoiled richness. "Men are so easy, the simplest sob story and they're puddy in my hands."

"You realize I was planning to, and still can break your neck right?"

"Now why would you want to do that? I'd say the satisfaction was mutual wouldn't you?" She grinned.

"...As much as I hate that shit-eating grin of yours, you're right. Best sex I've had in awhile so no harm no foul."

She chuckled but it sounded a little more evil then rich. "Glad you think so." Lee fell backwards slightly as she slithered forward. "Do you mind waiting here?"

"Umm sure, where ya going?"

"To get some of my friends. I just know they're gonna love you."


The Milotic laughed loudly as she slithered her way down the coastline at high speed. "Oh no you don't!" From his pants Lee pulled out an ultra ball. 'Glad I picked a few of these up.' Lee hit the button on the front to bring the ball up to full size and with a pitch worthy of the major leagues, he threw ball at the Milotic, who was over 100 feet away at this point.

"Gotcha bitch!" The ball hit her square in the back of the back head. She couldn't say anything as she was sucked in. The ball barely shook once before it went still. Upon hearing the classic 'caught' sound, Lee made his way over to the ball. 'All that sex wears you out now don't it?'

He sighed. "Welcome to the 'team.' " 'Why do I have the feeling things are gonna get really heated back home?'


Lee made sure to keep a close eye on his pokedex as he made his way back to the dorms. By some miracle the Raichu were gone, most likely still searching for him in the woods. It was about 4:10 by the time he got back and as Lee predicted, things were about to get a tad heated or chilled depending on if you likes puns.

As he went to grab the door handle the door flung open, leaving Lee wide-eyed, but only for a second. As he suspected, Diamond was in the doorway eagerly awaiting his return.

"Welcome back Master, I cleaned up the ice and-" Her eyes narrowed. "Master what were you doing today?" She asked suspiciously.

"Diamond move, with my luck there's probably a Raichu wandering the halls and I don't feel like getting caught again." Lee pushed his way inside as Diamond slammed the door behind him. He barely made it a few steps inside before Diamond flew in front of him.

"Answer me Calvin, what were you doing?"

"What did tell you about using first na-" Without warning Diamond threw Lee onto his back and pinned him with psychic. When Lee opened his eyes she was floating directly over him with her face an inch away from his, a slightly crazed look in her eye.

"Answer me." She said slowly. The crazed look was growing scarier by the second.

Unemotionally he answered " Delivered the mail, chased by a pack of Raichu, raped by a Milotic, happy?"

"Doesn't smell like rape to me, it smells like you fucked her." Her eyes narrowed again.

"How the hell do you smell the difference between rape and consent? Wait a minute, ghosts have noses? You learn something new everyday."

Diamond grabbed his shirt and shook him violently. "Did you fuck her!?"

Lee sighed. "I think you should hear the story from her." This was a horrible idea, Lee knew it, but these two would have to meet eventually and now is usually better then later.

Diamond floated to the side as Lee grabbed the ball from his pocket and released the Milotic. She didn't take a look at her surroundings or even appear to be surprised at all.

"Tch, caught." She sighed. "Oh well, glad I was caught by you." She slid her tail under Lee and with a powerful upwards motion threw him back on his feet. "Because now I can get great sex anytime I want." She tried to get dangerously close to Lee's face but he quickly pushed her back.

"No harm no foul for the first time you tricked me but you're still a lying bitch, and I don't like lying bitches."

"Aw don't be that way, have you already forgotten how hard I made you cum? 'That was pretty amazing.' Weren't those your words exactly?"

"That's the point, the point is-"

"Is it getting cold in here?"

It was so cold in the room that Lee could see his own breath. He knew what was coming and sidestepped not a moment too soon. An ice beam, that would have hit Lee had he not moved, struck the Milotic right in the face, freezing her in a block of ice.

"Diamond man you gotta calm down."

The ice quickly shattered, revealing a completely unscathed Milotic. "Yeah, looks like somebody is a little jealous." She chuckled as that shit-eating grin of hers grew wider then ever. "Mad that I fucked your man? Or mad that I fucked him better then you ever could? You know he told me I was the best screw he's had in awhile, I guess that means you aren't doing you're job properly. Well now that I'm here I'll gladly do it for you."

"Look...you, you're not helping so just stay quiet."

The Milotic stared at Lee for a second before smacking him in the back of the head with her tail.

"What the hell?"

"You will not call me 'you'.You will properly name me and refer to me as such."

'Oh god, she even acts like a spoiled rich kid.' "Desiree, now shut up."

"Wow you didn't think about that at all."

"You don't deserve much thought." The room dropped in temperature again. "Diamond stop." Diamond didn't answer, she couldn't even hear Lee. Her rage filled eyes were fixated upon Desiree.

"Diamond!" Lee tried raising his voice but Diamond didn't even turn an eye to him. "Last chance Diamond." She still didn't respond as Lee walked toward her. Another ice beam was forming over her mouth. He sighed. 'Cant believe I have to do this.' "Sorry bout this." A loud whack echoed through the room as Lee slapped Diamond right across the face. Diamond was still, her eyes were closed and her head remained perpendicular to her front side.

Desiree could barely keep herself from laughing. "Smack her again, that's soooo fun to watch."

Lee barely turned to her. "You're next if you don't shut your mouth. Diamond, are you okay?" She didn't respond for a good 30 seconds but her breath started to shudder. "Diamond? Diiaaaaaamond? Dia-" She surprised both Lee and Desiree with what she did next. Diamond grabbed his head and pulled him in for a long and tongue-filled kiss.

The grip on his head was tight but Lee managed to pull back some. "Whoa Diamond wai-" She kissed him hard again but pulled back herself this time. "Take me Master." She attempted to kiss again as Lee tried to break away. Desiree moved out of the way as Lee stepped back as fast as he could to get away from Diamond. It was all in vain however as he hit the window and had nowhere else to go. Diamond removed her hands from his head and quickly brought them down to his pants, but Lee grabbed hold of them just in time.

"Diamond, stop, we can do this later."

"Master I can't I need you now." Diamond's strength slowly overrode Lee's as her hands began make their way back to his pants.

"Diamond listen to me!" He released his grip on her hands and grabbed the sides of her face. "Not now." He said slowly. "Later okay?"

"But Master-"

"Later I promise, and we can do anything you want. I'll slap you; call you a bitch, anything okay?"

She closed her eyes and sighed deeply, her breath still shuddering slightly. "Kay."



"Good. Everyone okay? No one wants to kill each other?"


"Shut it Desiree."



The rest of the day went off without a hitch. Since Lee didn't really have to leave his room for the next two days he stayed inside and watched TV for most of the time. Once everyone got back Lee introduced them to Desiree, who as expected, was an ass to everyone except Lee. Every time she opened her mouth a new enemy was made and numerous times she was almost beaten by the other pokemon, but each time Lee would tell Desiree to shut up and everyone calmed down. By the end of the night everyone had learned to just ignore her, seeing as everything she did and said was either an insult or counterproductive.

Desiree wanted to sleep outside of her ball but Lee put insisted she sleep inside. But insist isn't the right term, he sucked her inside while she wasn't looking and taped the ball shut. He'd let her out eventually but to preserve everyone's insanity he'd keep her in there for awhile.

That night Lee stayed up late. He wasn't sure if it was insomnia or worry that kept him up but for some reason he couldn't keep his eyes closed. Most of the time he spent staring at the ceiling but for awhile he messed around with his pokedex; scrolling through the different features and trying to curb the boredom. It was around five a.m. when Lee finally felt sleepy. Just incase he didn't wake up he set the pokedex's alarm for 12 so he'd at least be awake when the curse started. With that done he promptly fell asleep and hoped for the best the next day.

Lee woke up at about 11; scanning the room he spotted a note on the door. On it was all three of his roommate's signatures and a small bit of text from each.

'Went back the arcade to smoke some more high scores. Ryan'

'Out training, stay safe. Lece'

'Private time with Jessy, back in a few hours. Mike'

"Great, leave when I need you guys the most, oh well." Just then Lee realized something was amiss. Diamond wasn't on his bed. "Diamond?" He checked the bathroom and the laundry room but she was nowhere to be found. 'She'd never leave without me would she?' He jumped up to his bed again to find a note. In atrocious handwriting it read 'Out. Diamond.'

'Out? Out where!? I'm im prime rape position right now and no ones around to help! Wait a minute, Diamond can write? And in English?! As impressive as that is I still need someone here just incase. Well I do have Desiree...on second thought I think I'll take my chances alone.'

Lee watched TV for an hour before his pokedex's alarm went off at 12. 'Comforting, I now know I'm in danger.' He sighed and went back to watching TV. A half an hour later Lee's pokedex rumbled. 'Video call, from Mike?' He answered it and found Mike with the background moving pretty fast behind him, he was running.

"Lee I was in the woods with Jessy and she kicked me in the back of the head."


"I was knocked unconscious; that was like a half an hour ago and now's she missing."

Lee knew what that meant but before he could say anything his pokedex rumbled again.

"Ryan's calling, lemme put it in conference call." The screen split in half to show both Mike and Ryan's faces.

"Oh hey Mike. LEE, I woke up in a dumpster and Rachel's gone."

"Same thing happened to me, well except for the dumpster part. It's just like what happened with Monica, they know where you are, you have to get outta-"

"Multiple pokemon approaching." The pokedex's electronic voice cut him off.

"Lee," Mike continued. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Same." Ryan said before cutting off his pokedex. Mike followed suit shortly after.

"Fuck my life." Lee bolted to the door and opened it to find Rachel, arms crossed and with an evil smile on her face. Lee froze for a second before attempting to slam the door in her face. As he did however her, apparently unbreakable claws slid through crack, preventing Lee from closing it. 'Not good.' He ran to the window but as he opened it a foot seemingly out of nowhere hit him in the face, knocking him towards the center of the room. There in the window stood Jessy with that same evil smile he had grown so accustomed to. Lee stood up as Jessy and Rachel closed and locked the window and door simultaneously.

'Three options, One: Try to make an escape. Two: Hold out until Mike and Ryan get here. Three: Beat the shit outta Rachel and Jessy. I'm kinda liking option three.' "Sorry bout this in advance!" Lee surprised Jessy by running straight for her. She had no time move and simply blocked Lee's jump kick, knocking her backwards. He followed up with another kick directly her face. Still recovering from the last attack she had no time to dodge this one either. Being only inches from the window, the kick slammed her against it but it didn't shatter or break. 'Plexiglas, son of-' As Lee went to finish his thought Jessy launched a small flamethrower. Lee managed to back away in time to avoid major damage but couldn't see the foot flying towards him through the flames. He fell on his back in the center of the room. When he opened his eyes Lee saw Rachel coming down on him as if right out of a jump. 'She's away from the door.' Lee rolled out the way just in time and kicked Rachel toward Jessy with what can only be described as a break dancing kick. Bouncing to his feet he made a break for the door. He managed to unlock it and open it slightly before Jessy made it across the room in the blink of an eye. Using her whole body she smothered Lee between herself and the door, closing it in the process. "Your arms may be stronger then mine but your legs-" Lee attempted to kick backwards but his legs were held firmly in place by Jessy's. 'No way, no ones legs are stronger then mine.' She then surprised Lee by backing off slightly and reaching her arm around his front in a softer, almost loving way.

"Why resist? I've never seen a man who runs away from sex like you do."

"Sex is overrated and I don't need it as much as other people. Besides, I'd much rather be doing this!" Lee managed to slip his foot out to the side and kick inwards at the sides of Jessy's legs. She didn't even flinch at his kicks; it was like hitting an unbreakable rock. After a minute of that Lee got bored and dropped his foot.

He sighed. "Promise you'll be gentle?"

"Nope." Jessy wrapped her other arm around Lee and lifted him like he was nothing. With near perfect aim she threw him all the way to his bed where Rachel was already waiting. She then locked the door and placed a nearby chair under the handle, preventing anyone with a key from opening it. Meanwhile Rachel had already gotten Lee's jacket off and cut his shirt in half. She went for his pants but Lee stopped her. "Wait, I'm running low on clothes for you guys to destroy."

Jessy hopped up to the bed just as Lee threw his pants and underwear down. As soon as she got up she kicked Lee lightly in the chest, forcing him to lie on his back, slightly propped up by his pillow. Before he could blink Jessy was crouching directly over his face, the moist lips of her vagina now hovering directly over Lee's mouth. She gave him a seductive smile before slowly lowering herself so that they were barely touching. There was no avoiding it now. Sighing, Lee reached his hands around her legs and giving her slit a long lick. She moaned quietly and fell forward to her knees, now using the bed's headboard for support. Short convulsions made their way through Jessy's body as Lee continued to lick. His licking slowly changed from a forced act to his own will as more and more of Jessy's fluids hit his tongue. Before he knew it the licking gave way to slurping and the slurping gave way to sucking, much to Jessy's delight.

Seeing as Jessy was enjoying herself Rachel thought she would start too. Lee's cock was just about fully hard. With Lee's jewels in hand she put her mouth the tip. Using her other hand to jerk him off, she slowly engulfed his cock with her mouth. With her hand and mouth now working together she began moving up and down. If Lee could moan he would've but his mouth was preoccupied. Rachel kept her slow pace for about a minute, making sure not to give Lee too much pleasure. She wanted to make sure he would last as long as possible for what came next. Once Lee was completely hard and lubricated she removed her mouth. Without hesitation she moved forward and placed her nearly soaked slit on his member. Rachel moaned as she quickly dropped halfway down on it, sighing in satisfaction as Lee unwillingly moved his hips and sunk the other half in. Her tongue hung from her mouth as she started to move up and down.

Back up front, Lee was having some trouble keeping focus on the task at hand. Rachel's tight hole caused him to gasp every now and then but Jessy quickly reminded him of his job by shoving herself in his face if he slowed down. Going back and forth was getting to be too much so Lee figured he'd finish Jessy as quick as possible. He forced his tongue as far inside of her as he could. Jessy, not expecting this, moaned loudly, letting loose a small bit of fire from her mouth. Lee flailed his tongue wildly inside of her, causing large amounts of her juices to flow into his mouth and over his face. Bringing his whole mouth to her cunt, he began to suck up every drop that came his way. The feeling of him sucking at her insides was becoming a little too much for Jessy. Her body began to shiver and convulse as Lee sucked and licked harder. Lee's hands moved from her legs to her butt. He squeezed her hard and pulled her closer as he awaited her inevitable climax. Sure enough, seconds later it hit her. Jessy nearly crushed the headboard with her grip as she came. A wave of fluids flowed into Lee's mouth. He barely could contain it all; most of it splashed his face and ran down his chin.

With that out of the way Lee focused his attention on Rachel, who was still moving at a sluggish pace. Jessy was still blocking his view so he'd have to go on feeling. He felt around for Rachel's hips and when he found them he squeezed them and held them in place. She didn't have time to react as Lee forced himself upwards into her. Not that she could complain, Lee was already doing a much better job of pleasuring them both. She fell forward and let Lee continue to work. His thrusts were long and smooth; they hit just the right spots as they moved in and out of Rachel's cunt. Slowly but surely Lee's thrust got faster and at each one Rachel's moans grew louder. She completely gave in to Lee's movements at this point. Grabbing on to Lee's hips she did her best to hold perfectly still as Lee thrust harder. The pleasure she was feeling made her extremely wet, completely soaking the fur around her cunt as well as Lee's groin. A wet slapping sound filled the room as Lee's thrusts reached their top speed. Rachel screamed as her orgasm hit her. A wave of cum flowed from her, soaking everything in the immediate area, especially Lee's bed. He groaned loudly and came simultaneously, filling Rachel in an instant. The rest pooled below them.

Rachel fell backwards off of Lee's cock which was still hard at the time. All of the recent sex was getting was helping him build quite a bit of endurance and Jessy and Rachel wanted to take full advantage of that. A minute or two later neither Jessy nor Rachel had recovered completely but they didn't care, they didn't have much time. The two of them left Lee in his spot but switched positions. Now Rachel's cunt was to Lee's face as Jessy prepared to ride him. Only difference this time around was that Rachel was facing the opposite direction, now face to face with Jessy.

Rachel decided it was about time to get started. Lifting her bushy and partially wet tail out of the way, she inched her sex closer to Lee who was a little hesitant to start, not wanting to taste himself. Of course he couldn't resist for long seeing as Rachel's cunt was already resting on his lips. He gave the outside one long lick, surprisingly he couldn't taste very much of himself. Rachel's own fluids had washed it away. Relieved, Lee gave a harder and deeper lick, eliciting a moan and a slight shiver from Rachel. Lee reached his hands up and grabbed onto her ass. He gave it a nice tender squeeze as he continued with his tongue work. His licks were slow and hard but still incredibly satisfying to Rachel, who by now had reached her hands around Jessy's hips for support. She was already starting to leak copious amounts of her juices into Lee's mouth. She was now in the same situation Jessy was in before. The more she leaked the harder he worked. Again Lee's instincts got the better of him and he was forced to bring his whole mouth to her, licking and sucking up everything he could. He only faltered when Jessy began her work back at his cock.

Figuring she'd double her own pleasure, Jessy made the choice to slip Lee into her tail hole instead of her sex. Even with the added help from Rachel's juice's it was still a tight fit, but that was exactly how she wanted it. She quickly forced herself all the way down in a single go causing Lee to gasp audibly and lose focus. Only for a second though, he knew he had hurry and finish Rachel before he got to Jessy so he continued his work. Jessy put her right arm on Rachel's shoulder for support. The other hand was slowly slid into her still wet pussy. With a light sigh of content Jessy began to move up and down whilst fingering herself at the same time. The lack of lube made her anal adventure quite stimulating but it wouldn't be that way for long. The tightness of her hole was practically sucking the pre from Lee, as more and more of his pre coated her walls Jessy was able to move faster. Her heavy panting quickly turned into a loud moan as she not only slammed down on Lee harder but began fingering herself faster. At this rate it wouldn't be long till both of them came.

Lee was having trouble holding his composure because unlike last time he had a much tighter hole to fill. He wriggled and squirmed as he tried his best to focus on Rachel's cunt while keeping himself from cumming. He had to hurry, at the rate things were going he'd cum in no time. In an attempt to speed up the process Lee gave Rachel a similar treatment to the one he gave Jessy only a minute ago. He forced his tongue all the way inside of Rachel causing her to arch her back and squeeze on Jessy's hips. In addition to his tongue Lee relocated one of his hands from her rump to her sex. He immediately slid two fingers in and out as he flailed his tongue inside of her. But he wasn't done yet. He kept his other hand on her ass but moved it until it was right next to her tail. While still squeezing her he slid his thumb into her tailhole. Rachel was wailing at this point, all of the attention Lee was giving her backside was too much. It was only a matter time now.

Jessy was nearing her limit on Lee's cock. She was slamming against him so fast that she couldn't focus at all on her finger's work. The hand she no longer had the focus to use was now rested upon Rachel's other shoulder. Both Rachel and Jessy were now resting chest to chest, well as close as their height difference would allow. Both of them nearly screaming as their orgasms crept closer with every movement they made. Without thinking, or maybe without caring, they brought their faces together for a passion-filled kiss. Their tongues danced wildly as they caressed each others face and body. A long trail of saliva connected their mouths as they pulled apart to scream in ecstasy, their orgasms hitting them hard. By some strange miracle Lee moaned and came at the same time. Rachel's tail twitched as she her insides grabbed onto Lee's fingers and tongue. She came onto Lee, soaking everything, his face, his pillow, and his chest. Jessy's was similar; her ass gripped Lee hard as she came all over his stomach, some of it even splashing onto Rachel. The death grip Jessy's hole had on Lee's cock made him cum incredibly hard but again his own juices were quickly lost among the others. As the triple simultaneous orgasm subsided Jessy and Rachel fell to the side, completely drained.

Outside of the room Mike, Ryan, Lece, and Monica were struggling to get in. Mike was trying his best to force the door open but to no avail. "Nothing, something's blocking the door."

"Stand back." Lece breathed deeply as he smoothly reeled his arm back. "HAH!" He yelled as he thrust his fist into the door, leaving it intact but breaking the chair behind it.

"Kick ass!" Ryan yelled.

"We all gotta learn eventually."

Ryan and Mike walked in and recalled Jessy and Rachel, who were far too weak to put up any kind of resistance. Lece entered shortly after. "You okay Lee?"

"Yeah, doesn't hurt if I don't fight it."

Ryan smiled wide. "A valuable life lesson, give into rape." Everyone laughed for a minute or two until Monica spoke. "Poor Jessy and Rachel, I'd be so embarrassed if that happened to me." The roaring laughter quickly turned into nervous chuckles and awkward smiles.


Flawless is the best word to describe the rest of the day. Not only was Lee's latest 'rape' experience generally a painless one, but he also took comfort in the fact that he'd be perfectly safe in his room seeing as there weren't too many blaziken or zangoose running around the dorms.

Diamond got back a few hours later and Lee confronted her. When asked where she went she stated that she was "Out relieving herself." Lee didn't even want to bother asking all of the questions that statement brought to mind so he said "Fuck it" and did homework. Diamond didn't question the scent of Jessy and Rachel all over Lee because it smelled half like rape and half like consent. But mostly she didn't care, she was far more focused on what he would do to her the next time they had sex. Lee wasn't looking forward to that.

'Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'm free tomorrow. No more curse, no more rape, just me and school.' Lee was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Everyone else was lounging around as well. Mike and Ryan were playing cards on Ryan's bed and Lece was throwing a rubber ball against the wall while holding Monica is his off hand. Diamond was already sleeping next to Lee which kind of surprised him. She usually went sleep right as or after him. 'Maybe she's just excited.'

'About what?' A voice echoed through Lee's head.

'What the hell, who is that?'

'Me, you know, Cresselia?'

'Since when can you talk to me telepathically?'

'It's only because I'm so close now. I should be there by midday tomorrow at most.'

Lee sighed. 'Thank you. You have no idea how good it feels to hear that.'

'Your welcome, now what is Diamond so excited about?'

'Trust me, you don't wanna know.'

'Now you've gotten me more curious then ever. Is it that bad?'

'I'd say so.'

'I won't rest until I hear it, you know this right?'

'Diamond can tell the story better then I can. You'll just have to wait until you get here tomorrow to hear it.' He said in a tone suggesting a wink seeing as she couldn't exactly see what he was doing.

'Oh come on Calvin-'

'Sorry don't know anyone by that name. Please hang up and try again.' He fell asleep before she could say anything else but she'd be haunting his dreams all night, waiting to hear the answer to a question Lee just didn't care for.

'Tomorrow for sure.' He reassured her.

Halcyon Univeristy 8 - Peace and Tranquility

'Dammit tell me Calvin!' 'You know, calling me something I hate being called isn't going to help.' 'Fine, then tell me, _Lee_' She made sure to overemphasize his name. 'I have no idea what you're talking about.' 'Damn you to hell!' ...

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Halcyon University 6 - Arcade Decathalon

Ah yes, here's the point where I decided to change the POV. Yes that is incredibly unproffesional, but the story just seemed more third person oriented, and it shows. Also the sex in this chapter makes no sense. Oh well, it's sex DEAL WITH IT! Oh...

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Halcyon University 5 - Epic Rescues

Marcus was about my height and looked about my age. Everything he wore was black, his pants, his shoes, his shirt, and even his hair, he was like a ninja. All of his clothes were in tatters though, but if he was who he said he was then it'd make sense....

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