Halcyon University 5 - Epic Rescues

Story by Shinji_Hiroku on SoFurry

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#5 of Halcyon University

Marcus was about my height and looked about my age. Everything he wore was black, his pants, his shoes, his shirt, and even his hair, he was like a ninja. All of his clothes were in tatters though, but if he was who he said he was then it'd make sense.

"Marcus Dale? As in the last mailman Marcus Dale?"

He nodded.

"Everyone said you died, what have you been doing for the last year?"

"Running, hiding, avoiding rape, the usual stuff." He seemed pretty casual about it, but I guess a year on the run does that to you.

"Wait you're still being chased by the pokemon? That can't be because I'm the mailman."

"I never resigned; I'm still technically the mailman."

"Technically?" I had no idea technicalities worked on curses.

"How long have you been mailman?" He asked.

"About three days now why?"

He laughed a little. "There's a lot you don't know yet. Sit down this might take awhile." I sighed and took my seat next to the fire.

He cleared his throat. "The curse...gets bad over time."

"How bad?"

"Well in order to tell you that you have to know how it works to begin with.

One: Regardless of the mailman, the curse kicks in at 12 pm. It becomes unbearable for the pokemon to resist it at different times though. Mine is 5 pm, or used to be.

Two: It only works on pokemon of the opposite gender, until you get to my stage...

Three: If a wild pokemon sees you it will alert the rest of its kind. If it's trained it won't. At my stage it doesn't matter.

Four: Whoever is cursed can't leave the Halcyon complex.

Five: The curse gets much, MUCH worse overtime."

"Again." I said. "How much worse?"

He sighed deeply. "Well when you're at my stage the curse is active 24 hours a day, and it applies to more then one gender and type of pokemon, eight pokemon at a time for me. Not only that but the pokemon for some reason seem to acquire a sixth sense about you, it's as if they know where you are for a certain amount of time. That's why I have to keep moving otherwise they'll close in on me eventually."

I'd be telling a lie if I said I wasn't metaphorically shitting my pants. "Please tell me there's some good news. Something along the lines of you know what's causing this."

"I do but...stopping it is another story."

"Just tell me dammit!" I was beyond nervous; I just wanted to make it stop.

"You've heard Darkrai right?"

"You mean the legendary evil-"

"He's not evil he's just a dick." Now Marcus was starting to sound annoyed. "Being out here as long as I have, I haven't exactly had too many people to talk to except the occasional pokemon and they've told me some interesting stories. Apparently Darkrai was here once, and almost captured."

"Who the hell had the skill do that?"

"Well it was more luck then anything but, Ray Baxter. In retaliation to its near capture, Darkrai cursed him and all mailmen who followed."

"I thought it could only create nightmares." I remarked.

"As far as humans are concerned that's all it can do. The extent of its power reaches far beyond what we understand, the pokemon are the only ones who seem to know exactly how far. Anyway thanks to Ray's little screw-up were all cursed."

"Do the pokemon know how to stop it?"

"Wellllll they said we'd need a legendary, Mew, Ho-oh, Jirachi, Cresselia, Arceus, Rayquaza, or Darkrai himself. Hopefully one of their legendary-ness will...counteract Darkrai's legendary-ness and undo the curse. I don't exactly know the technicality behind it but it should work."

"Wow half of those I've never even heard of."

"It doesn't matter, Mew, Arceus, and Ho-oh are impossible to find seeing as they are constantly on the move. Jirachi appears once every 1000 years, I wouldn't wanna meet Rayquaza face to face, and I doubt Darkrai would come back after almost being caught once."

"So our only hope would be Cresselia."

"Yeah but she lives kinda far away and doesn't exactly come out too often."

"And were back at square one." I groaned and fell on my back. "Maybe I should just resign."

"That would be for the best. Just make sure you do it quick, once the pokemon's sixth sense kicks in they'll never let you back on campus."

I slammed my fist into the ground; the idea of me quitting anything was tearing at my existence. "How long until the sixth sense activates?"

"A week or two maybe? It's been awhile I can't remember."

My eyes adopted a determined look. "Tomorrow we're taking you to resign."

He seemed surprised for a second but shook it off. "I told you it's useless, the pokemon wont let me-"

"The pokemon obviously don't know who they're dealing with." This is the part where epic music starts to play in the background; of course it never happened so I had to imagine it. Then all I really heard was a funeral march. "I'll get you the main hall so you can resign, you know a lot more then me and if I'm going to survive this I'll need you alive and by side."

"How are you gonna-"

"Don't underestimate Calvin Lee." My pokedex began to rumble, it was Lece. "Epic timing."

"Lee what's the news?"

"Lece, I need you to do something for me." My face had a resolute smile.


9:59 the next morning, I had Ryan, Mike, and Lece in a conference call. "Is everything ready?"

Ryan loves being the first to reply. "Just about, but can you tell us what all of this is for?"

"There's no time, all you have to know is that it's really fucking important."

"Whatever you say." Mike added.

Lece was silent for awhile but finally spoke. "Lee, were all set to go over here."

"Alright I'm on my way." I closed my pokedex.

My plan is simple: Marcus rides on my back and we run to campus, I'll be slowed a little by his weight but I should be able to outrun anything as long as it doesn't use Extreme Speed. We're 10 minutes south of the campus; I have Lee, Ryan, Mike, and a few assorted trainers, breeders, and rangers waiting there to slow down the pokemon behind us. Some of them are helping because they know me and some owe Lece a favor. The only potential problem with my plan is that their pokemon might turn on them to get Marcus but it shouldn't be too much of an issue, they have a wide variety. Once we hit the campus it's a straight shot to the main hall. There are more trainers along the run path just incase a small number get through the guys. With any luck, campus security will handle any psychics that try to attack us. If Marcus is right then we're about to have a whole army chasing us so speed is everything. "You ready for this Marcus?"

"No, but there's no turning back now."

"Damn skippy, hop on." Marcus hopped on and we began our countdown.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, aw screw it ThreeTwoOneGO!" We took off as fast as possible along the tree tops, ready for anything. Well almost anything. Five minutes into our run my pokedex went haywire. "Female pokemon approaching, Subject: Arcanine."

"What?! Son of a bitch!" We yelled simultaneously. Half a second later an Arcanine extreme speeded its ass right next to us. "Oh no you don't." I said as I delivered a spin kick right to its face; it yelped and fell through the trees. "Hmm, my kicks are a little weak today, must be all the extra weight."

"Multiple pokemon approaching." My pokedex was rumbling so hard it felt like an earthquake in my pocket.

"How many?"

"Calculating...35, 36, 40, 47, 59, 70."

"Marcus I may have miscalculated a bit."

"Oh you think?!" He retorted.

"Tell me you have some kind of flying pokemon."

"One." He reached for a pokeball from his belt, kissed it, and whispered "Please don't rape me. GO SALAMENCE!" With that signature flash of red light his Salamence was flying beside us. "I need you to take us high into the sky." He told it.

"Then hop on." Wow another female, I don't think I've seen a male pokemon with a male trainer since I got here. Anyway, I threw Marcus on but kept running.

"Keep flying towards campus, I'll keep the ground clear." Marcus nodded and took off into the sky. "Let's do this shit." With Marcus off of my back the pokemon ignored me and ran past to get to him, which meant FREE HITS!

I played it like a defense game, hold position and don't let any pass the line. Two more arcanine tried to pass but were met by a foot to each of their faces. I had to make sure to keep up with Marcus incase anything went wrong so I had to do this while running. Most of the pokemon that tried to pass were arcanine but there were a few ninetales and luxrays that felt my foot's wrath. After I downed about 10 more they finally decided to retaliate. Two more arcanine appeared on either side of me and launched a simultaneous flamethrower my way. I was barely able to escape as I dropped below the tree line and started to hop along the branches. I made my way under the arcanine to the right, hopped up, yelled "Surprise!", and pulled it down, causing it to slam face-first into a tree. I launched myself off of a branch and landed on top of the second arcanine. "Look out, a tree!" I yelled as I pushed it below the tree line. I couldn't see what happened to it afterwards but I hoped it hit a tree.

I was feeling pretty confident at this point but everyone knows by now that when things are looking up that usually means something bad is about to happen.

I heard an extremely loud screeching sound coming from behind. I looked back as waves of flying pokemon took to the sky. There were so many it was unreal. "Eight types of pokemon my ass, that's like 40!" Below the trees I could also see more pokemon running along the ground, the slower ones were finally catching up to us. There was no way I was gonna try to stop this many so I decided to catch up to Marcus again.

As usual things never go as planned, hyper beams, ice beams, solar beams, aurora beams, beams up the ass were being fired at Marcus. If this wasn't such a mess we were in I would say the sky looked pretty cool with all the attacks being shot into it. I thought they were trying to rape him not kill him. With so many going off at once it was only a matter of time before he was hit, well his salamence was anyway. One of the ice beams struck her square in the stomach and she started plummeting.

"Marcus recall her!" I yelled as raced to catch up. He complied as fast as possible, I caught him midair, and landed in a nearby tree. "Hop on were just about there." He latched the pokeball to his belt and jumped on my back.

It took us maybe 20 seconds the make it to campus, everyone was waiting for us but I didn't have time to greet em, the pokemon were hot on our asses, literally. I'm getting tired of fire pokemon.

Ryan tried to say something but all I could yell as I ran past was "No time, get the ones behind me." Last thing I heard was Lece yelling "Blastoise, Hydro Pump."

It was a big relief to be back on campus but I couldn't rest until Marcus resigned. Just as I had planned, it was straight line to the main building and there were people everywhere ready to defend, which was a good thing since I looked back and saw the guys being overwhelmed.

We made it the main building in no time at all; the last obstacle was that massive staircase. "Almost there Marcus, hang on." I raced up the stairs, jumping over four at a time, but Murphy's Law kicked in at the wrong time yet again. We made it to the top of the stairs and my hand was practically on the door handle, but I couldn't move my body.

"Lee, what's wrong?" Marcus sounded a little desperate but who wouldn't be in his situation.

"Can't move."

"What are you talking abou-...I can't move either." Marcus slowly started to float upwards.

"Marc-" Before I could finish I was thrown backwards towards the stairs, before I fell I caught a glimpse of something behind one the pillars, it seemed like a white flowing dress: a gardevoir. Fuck.

I couldn't save myself this time; I fell backwards and rolled all the way to the bottom of the staircase. I was in pain but it didn't feel like anything was broken. "Fuck." I kept repeating to myself over and over again. I had to think quick if I was gonna save Marcus but there seemed like nothing I could do, not against a psychic pokemon anyway, unless... "That's it, Go Frosslass!" I keep forgetting I have her ball in my pocket. She appeared in that familiar flash of light with a smile on her face.

"Hi Master." I didn't have time to correct her.

"Need your help, at the top of the stairs there's a gardevoir; I need you to keep her busy."


"I don't care, attack her, kill her, have a conversation; doesn't matter just make sure she stays away from me and the guy who's already up there, okay?" My mouth was going a mile a minute.

"Got it Master." She said enthusiastically as she began to fly up the stairs. My thought was that her Psychic would hopefully be enough to match the gardevoir's.

I raced behind Frosslass and when reached the top we found Marcus floating upside with his pants off to the side, the gardevoir were obviously there too. "Do your stuff Frosslass." The gardevoir was facing away and didn't have time to see let alone counter Frosslass' attack; she was promptly thrown halfway down the stairs. I wanted to sit down and soak in the irony of that but I didn't have time. I grabbed Marcus, who had fallen headfirst onto the pavement, and his pants. "Come on Marcus we're here."

Marcus was rubbing his head. "Let me put my pants on."

"THERES NO TIME FOR PANTS!" I grabbed him by the arm and we ran into the building, down those familiar hallways and straight to the mailroom. I kicked the door open, threw Marcus inside, and slammed it. Everyone inside looked surprised but who could blame em.

"Marcus is that you?" One of the random mailroom workers asked. Hearing this, everyone started to crowd around us with obligatory "I thought you were dead." comments. We still didn't have time for this though.

"Move!" I yelled as I pushed my way to the front desk, still carrying Marcus by the arm. "Marcus needs to resign." The woman at the desk, whose name is Helen by the way, looked shocked ever since I threw Marcus into the door. She shook herself out of it when I started to talk to her.

"Um, Marcus doesn't work here anymore, he doesn't need to resign."

"Technically he still does, just do this for me please." My mouth was still moving at the speed of light.

"Ok, but he needs to fill out these resignation papers."

"Ahhhhhh, that'll take to long. Wait a minute we just need to get you fired. Quick fire him!"

"I don't have that kind of authority."

"Dammit, where's then is Josh, you know our boss?"

"In the back room, do you want me to get him?"

"As soon as possible Helen we're sort of in a rush here." She nodded and hurried off to the back. At times like these time seems to speed up I swear, it seemed like she was taking forever.

One minute later, which seemed like 10 to me, she returned from the backroom followed by Josh. He's a tall guy with wild blonde hair; he dresses like a stereotypical journalist though, right down to hat with a slip of paper with the word "press" written on it.

"This better be good Lee, the campus is on stage one alert. Pokemon are running rampant and I don't have time for-" Just then he noticed Marcus. "Marcus you're alive!"

"Yep." He replied nonchalantly.

I decided to cut in to say "You know all those rampant pokemon, yeah well they're after Marcus and we kind need you to fire him so they'll leave."

"...What?" I can't say I expected him to understand right away.

"It's the curse; it's still in effect while Marcus is still mailman."

"The curse?" He said in a skeptical tone, he never did believe in it.

Marcus cut in. "Yes the curse is real; I've lived it for a year now."

"It's just superstition, you were-" He was cut off by the sound of pounding at the door. It was no ordinary pounding though, the door was coming off of its hinges and the arms of small pokemon could be seen coming through.

"Oh God, just fire him QUICK!"

Josh looked like he was about to run away but he managed to fumble over his words before finally yelling "Marcus you're fired!"

The door had fallen to the ground but what was standing outside of it was a bunch of random pokemon with confused looks on their faces. I think I even heard one say "What was I doing again?" They all left as big crowd while murmuring amongst themselves. Everyone in the room let out a huge sigh. Now one would think that a great party would happen or some victory music would play. Nothing but silence followed.

After a long pause Helen decided to break the silence. "Marcus where are your pants?"


Marcus put his pants back on, I went back to get Froslass, who managed to beat the gardevoir by the way, and we took the cable car back to the dorms. Side note though, Frosslass refused to stay in her damn ball. I think she feels really accomplished after beating that gardevoir. Oh well, it can't hurt to let her float by my side for awhile.

When we got back to my room Marcus was treated to the standard "I thought you were dead." comments but after everyone got over the fact that he was alive we got down to business again. We explained the situation to the guys and as I expected it left everyone dumbfounded.

Lece was first to speak this time. "This is quite the conundrum."

"No kidding." Ryan replied. "Are you sure we need another pokemon to undo the curse?"

Marcus was quick with his reply. "A pokemon did it and only a pokemon can undo it."

"Then damn can't you get a legendary that's you know, easier to find?" Ryan retorted.

Mike sighed. "None of them are "easy to find", that's what makes them legendary."

"Plus." Marcus added. "The "easier to find" legendaries wouldn't be strong enough or suited to the task."

Ryan groaned loudly. "Then how in the flying fuck are we going to get Cresselia here?"

Froslass tapped on my shoulder but I was a little too caught up in my own thoughts to pay her any attention. "Not now Froslass."

"It's not like someone could go get her or something." Lece announced.

I thought for moment before speaking. "Well...Marcus could but it'd take way too long. I'd be raped five times over by the time he got back."

"Not to mention I don't exactly feel like going, it's a long trip after all."

"Oh like you've got anything better to do." Ryan said as he smiled. Marcus just rolled his eyes.

"Still, Lee doesn't have that kind of time; we have to get her here." Lece remarked as he folded his arms.

Froslass tapped my shoulder again. "Later Froslass." I still didn't pay her any mind, now was a time for thinking.

Mike was rubbing his chin, apparently deep in thought. "Maybeeeee there's something she's drawn to, like good dreams or happiness or something else cliché."

Lece assumed the thinker position. "Viable, Marcus what do you think?"

"I don't know, I learned all of my information off of wild pokemon. Do you think yours know anything?"

Lece, Mike, and Ryan turned to their pokemon but Monica, Rachel, and Jessy only shook their heads. The fact that they were so silent struck me as odd but I guessed they were only doing it because of Marcus' presence, just like when they first met me.

We went back and forth for maybe 10 minutes with all sorts of theories on how to get Cresselia here. At this point in time everyone except me was talking at once; I was deeper in thought then ever before. As I thought I might have stumbled onto to something Froslass broke my train of thought with yet another tap on my shoulder.

"Dammit what is it?" I tried to keep the anger in my voice to a minimum but the shoulder tapping was really starting to get on my nerves.

Froslass got in really close so she could whisper in my ear. "I know Cresselia; she's a friend of mine." She said it really casually.

My brain stopped for a second and I paused. "You what?!" My voice was loud enough to get everyone to stop talking.

She whispered just loud enough so that only I could hear. "I could call her but it would take her some time to get here."

"You...would do that for me?"

"Of course Master." She whispered with a smile. "But on one condition."

"I don't like the sound of that."

"You have to give me a name."

"But I'm no good with names."

"Come on, you can come up with something."

Ummmmmm snow...ice...crystal...diamond. How about Diamond?" Diamonds kind of remind me of ice and ice reminds me of snow and you see where I'm going with this.

"Diamond." She repeated to herself. "I love it." Her smile grew wider. You know now that I look at her I don't think I've ever seen her stop smiling; it just seems to get bigger.

"Thank you Master." She kissed my cheek flew through the window. No not out of the window, through it, I keep forgetting she's part ghost.

Lece gave me a funny look and then asked "What was that all about?"

"I think...I just solved the problem." I said while rubbing my cheek.

Halcyon University 6 - Arcade Decathalon

Ah yes, here's the point where I decided to change the POV. Yes that is incredibly unproffesional, but the story just seemed more third person oriented, and it shows. Also the sex in this chapter makes no sense. Oh well, it's sex DEAL WITH IT! Oh...

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Halcyon University 4 - It Begins

Is it just me or is the story getting worse? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning of the third day, eight AM. I'm sitting in the window watching for any kind of...

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Halcyon University 3 - Mailman's Curiosity

If i remember correctly, this was my second ever lemon. The first...you'd have to go to AGNPH to see that one. Dunno why you would want to...

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