Unpleasant Developments, Chapter Four: Sense and Sensuality

Story by A and J on SoFurry

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#4 of Unpleasant Developments

Unpleasant Developments, Chapter 4: Sense and Sensuality. A story by Jack Hampton (A tad early to say it, seeing as I'm not married yet, but I may as well practice :) Uh, let's see... Special thanks go out to Darkwolfe23 and Jessie Shadowhold, the first for his help in getting my work to be more descriptive, and the second for drawing the pic I now use as my avatar. I'll avoid foreskin in this chapter, Kay?

"Dear Rudder-Butt,

Just as we agreed, I'm sending Phil over to play with you. Sorry about New Zealand, but guilt got the best of me there. I hope Phil will make some sort of peace offering, or something. Have fun. Also, though you don't have to, if you were to video tape your little "escapades," maybe your weekly payment might just raise up a bit. Capíche? Great.

S. Blackthorn."

Ding Dong!

"Oh, crap! He's here already! Allan, get the camera. Oh, bugger me, why didn't we set it up before?"

"Ah'll do that."

"Wait, what?"

"The buggerin' yew bit."

"*Snicker* Thanks. I'll get the door."

In the doorway stood an overly muscular grey tabby. His hair hung off the sides of his head, blonde with blue tips. His eyes were small, but the same brilliant gold as his older sister's. He was topless, wearing only some dark khakis and a shark tooth necklace which immediately marked him out as a surfer. A cool surfer. One of those surfers who gets away with calling people "brah." His eyes widened slightly when he saw me, as did mine.

"So then, you're Luke?"

"You're Phil?"

"You're cute."

"You're hot."

"Yer repetitive, yew two."

"Oh! Er, Allan, this is Phil."

"We've met. Remember? Back in New Zealand?"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. If you'd like to come in..."

In the space of a few minutes, we were sipping tea and talking about this and that. The weather. Plans for the future. Phil's sister. He and I didn't want to break the ice, and so it fell to Allan.

"Welp, this has been fun, but Ah'm kinda bored. So, let's git down ta business. Luke, the cammer's downstairs."

Phil slowed me down in the hall. He turned me 'round and spoke softly.

"He doesn't wait much, does he?"

"No, but he grows on you in time."

"Glad to hear it. Lately, we've been having a few problems with relationships."

"'We?' You dog! Who'd ya shack up with?"

"Wait a tic. What do you mean? I was talking about Sylvia."

"Oh, dear. That was embarrassing. What's wrong?"

"She's out on the date market, but that damn lutraphilia, no offense, is getting in the way."

"Hmmm.... Al and I'll see what can be done."

"Thanks. That means a lot."

"'Urry up! The battery's only half-charged!"

"Sorry! We'll be down shortly!"


Soon we were all in the downstairs humpchamber, reliving our past glories. Allan and I recounted all the times we did it in really bizarre fashions, and Phil seemed rather eager to hear this. He would lean in, listen closely, and get his mobile out. Probably to take notes. A thin scent of arousal floated into the room from three separate spots on the couch. We decided it should be now.


"Well, the camera's on. Phil, let's get to it. I'll be on bottom, noughts and crosses to see who gets first crack."

"Er, actually, Luke, this is my first time. I'm kinda nervous."

"Luke, why is it that yew allus get the virgin cats?"

"How can people in your family not have yiffed yet? Look at you! You're a wet dream on legs!"

"The whole 'togetherness' thing. I may have pawed once or twice, but there needs to be some devotion if I wanna actually, you know, do it."

"Well, Luke 'n I are already hitched, so-"

"I meant in the general area."

"So, yew get off... on other fur's commitment? Yer family has some weird fetishes. But Ah guess we c'n work with that, eh, Luke?"

"Yup. but first, we need to see what we'll be playing with. Drop the drawers."

Sheepishly, he pulled off his khakis. Even through his thick cotton boxers, we could see his tackle was enormous. His pipe wasn't all too long, but his sack looked like he'd been edging for months.

"Christ! How do you walk with those?"

"Oh, they're not that big. Now, let's see what you two are packing."

Needing no further encouragement, we shed our clothes. Allan's white furred-balls looked great against his normally grey fur. Phil's cajones were gargantuan; his sack was the size (and weight, I think) of an iron billiard ball. We immediately formed a circle-jerk, rubbing nuts and palming sheaths. Probably due to his excitement, Phil was the first to warm up. His feline shaft was around seven inches long, a little thin, but the spines more than made up for it. They were a lighter pink than the rest of his tool, pulsing quickly to match his heartbeat. Next, I started to firm up. My sheath grew into a furry ring around the base of my ottercock. I gloated, being thicker than Phil, but sadly, he trumped me in length. Finally, it was Allan's turn. His long, sorta reddish canine tool practically fell from his sheath. It stood at nine inches long, but like Phil, none too thick.

"Well, boys, who goes first?"

I bent over the arm of the couch. My vote went towards Phil, mainly because I wanted to make another veteran in the world of homosexuality.

"Phil, are you ready for a good time? It's not many furs that get both of a couple. But that's normal in your family, innit?"

"Was that necessary?"


"C'mon! Just take 'im, Phil!"

"Ok, here it comes!"

With absolutely no grace and no foreplay, Phil thrust into me. He mewed at the new sensation as I clamped down as hard as I could. He began to pull back, prepping for another thrust. The spines under his tip were an exotic new feeling, sorta ticklish and yet rough. He soon fell into his natural rhythm: Hump, proper thrust, hump, rest. Repeat quicker each time. Allan and I were more of the car piston kind of thrusting, i.e., nonstop. Phil's bizarre tempo, coupled with his barbs, was just as new to me as tailhole was to him. Allan, in the meantime, had started to paw himself. He's long enough to use both paws, so that's exactly what he did. His shaft, when it wasn't covered with his hands, was bright red and quivering fast. I knew how sensitive he was, and that unless someone intervened, he'd bust too soon.

"Hey, Phil, wanna mmmf! Try something new?"

"If it's better than this, hell yes!"

He dragged his feline pecker (that has two meanings) out, making me even harder, and stood by, awaiting instructions.

"Allan, sit on the couch, spread your legs. Phil, let's see what that sandpaper tongue can do. I'll be rimming you, if you don't mind."

"Me, suck that? I've never done that before..."

"Jess relax, Phil. If'n you were tryin' to blow Luke, then Ah'd worry. Speakin' of you, Luke, show 'im what tongues were made fer!"

I gently shoved Phil over, and lifted his tail. He whimpered slightly, his good mood instantly vanishing; I think he was scared of what we'd do to him.

"Phil, everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just never, and I mean never, put anything near there. But, please continue."

"Tell me if you wanna stop."

Like his sister, his tailhole was very small, and a vivid pink. I suddenly thought of how young Phil might be. Probably only twenty. He wasn't this perverted... yet.

"Ya know, Phil, I'll just use the normal device instead. It's thick, but it's not too long. Is this alright?"

"Yeah, probably more comfortable. Thank you, Luke."

I kept him bent over, staring at Allan's glorious meat-tower, and then I stood up. I lifted his tail once more, and lined up my otterhood with his entrance.

"Okay, this'll hurt for a bit. Once I'm in deep enough, I'll pull back. I just need to see how far I can get before you get pissy. In the meantime, start licking Allan's base. That's one of his favorite places."

He started lapping gently at the large canine shaft in front of him. I quickly lubed up, remembering my lesson from the butt-cheeks of Sylvia, and pierced him about half an inch in one small thrust.

"Unh! Oh, that's nice, Luke. Allan, lift it up. Those balls look lonely."

"This guy knows what he's doing, Luke. Nnh! Oh, gawds, that tongue! Go down in the middle, Phil. Mmm, yes..."

I soon had two inches buried up his behind, and the grey tabby reversed back to meet me. I gave a small grunt of surprise; this virgin butt in front of me had immense natural skill. I decided I would give the lot of it to Phil. I began slowly but unceasingly pushing forward into him. He mewed again, and started properly sucking Allan's balls. Allan was resting his hands on Phil's pointy ears, adding extra weight.

"Almost there.. just a bit mo-"

"OW! That... that's deep enough, Luke."

"Actually, that's as far as it goes."

"Shore this is your first time? Not too many can take all of my Luke in one sittin'."

"Well, it hurts, but it's really nice, 'specially when he pulls back. Whaoa! That's new!"

I had begun to drag one finger down the cleft of his massive balls. At that size, they must have been really sensitive. He shot two small globs of pre onto the shag (ya geddit?) carpeting.

"Oh, you're liking this, aren't you, you naughty little kitty?"

"Please, don't tease. You'll make me blow too fast. Mmf!"

"Not to be rude, but less talkin' more fockin'!"

Unexpectedly, Allan pulled his now matted balls out and let Phil start on his tip. Just watching someone else diddle my husband like that, along with the growls and groans from Allan, was enough for me to ditch caution. I sped up my thrusting. Phil yelled out once, but started moaning and yipping (Cats actually can do this) at every thrust. I'm guessing he lost control then, as he got off of Allan and started pawing as fast as he could.

"Al, jerk yourself, my paws are occupied!"


"Ohmigod, so close! Nnnnyahhhhh!"

With my testicular tickling, and his own paws stimulating his penile barbs, Phil's first orgasm in the company of others was immense. He blew his spunk all over Allan, and much of the suede upholstery around him. Wave after wave of liquid love sprayed from his now wildly dancing tool. He gave out a combination of purrs and shouts, his eyes rolling up and tongue poking out. After one and a half minutes, his leviathan spurts slowed down, and came to a dripping halt. He looked like a furry volcano (He fell on the ground twitching and mewing after the first twenty seconds) just spooging into the air and onto himself. Allan wiped the spunk from his eyes and blinked twice. His entire body was pearlescent grey.

"So that's why his knucks are that big. Damn!"

" Were so huge. Look now."

The now unconscious feline's massive balls had returned to their natural size. I walked over to the camera, and turned it off.

"Al, when he comes to, can you send him upstairs? Thanks!"

"Shore, wait, where ya goin- *Slam* Ah well. Wait a tic, who's gonna clean all this jizz up? Luuuuuuuke!"


"Thanks for taking care of my brother, Luke. You'll get another raise... eventually."

"Hm? Something wrong, Sylvia?"

"No, nothing. Just kinda depressed lately."

"Anything we can do to help?"

"Mmm... no. I dunno, ask Phil. He'll stay in the States awhile longer. G'night, Luke."

"Er, night, Sylvia. *Boop*"

"Now Calling: Phil Blackthorn."

"You rang, Luke?"

"Clearly. What's wrong with your sister?"

"She's still single, and, uh, really REALLY horny."

"*snaps fingers* I got it! I know how to cheer her up! Break out the lonely-hearts columns, we're getting' her a date!"

Thus ends chapter four. I probably won't publish anything new until after the real Allan and I are married (October 19th! EEEEEE!) And if you're reading this, should I wear a black tux, or white?

--J. Hampton :3

Unpleasant Developments: Yiffmas Bonus.

I was saving this bit for the holiday rush, but what the hell. Enjoy! 'Twas the night before Yiffmas, and here on the bed, a furry ballsack loomed over my head. The curtains were drawn, and the lights just put...

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Unpleasant Developments, Part Three: The Visitor Unexpected

(Author's note: So, so sorry for the monstrous delay! Read my latest journal called "why gods why?" for more info on the...

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Happy Place

Vere, a young Riolu who had recently been adopted by an officer Jenny, had had a rough life. His first master, a human modelling star with an ego the size of a truck, had been cruel and merciless. She'd underfed him and not given him much drink, left...

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