Unpleasant Developments, Part Three: The Visitor Unexpected

Story by A and J on SoFurry

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#3 of Unpleasant Developments

(Author's note: So, so sorry for the monstrous delay! Read my latest journal called "why gods why?" for more info on the delay!)


"But what if I pull something? I couldn't walk with you on the shore"

"Oh, stop yer whingin', Luke. We came here ta relax, right?"

"Well, yes, but-"

"But nuthin'! Now getcher furry little behind in that bed, an' strip!"

"Oh, fine. But you go under next time."

Perhaps I should explain: After the last episode, Sylvia Blackthorn, my black tabby boss gave Allan and me airplane tickets to New Zealand for our anniversary. Sorry for the interruption. And now, let's watch the plot and bed sheets unfold!

I lunged into the bed, turning a neat somersault while dropping my shorts in the same motion. Soon, only my furry butt was visible, hefty tail graciously shifted to allow easy entry.

"Ya comin' in or what?"

"Hold yer horses, Luke. Where's the KY gone?"

"I thought you packed it."

"Foun' it!"

Just when he got those good nine inches lubed up, there was a knock at the door. We looked at each other. We weren't expecting anyone, and only one creature knew we were in New Zealand.

"Who's that, ya think?"

"I dunno, could you go check it out, Allan?"

He pointed to his raging erection.

"With this? Yer not too hard yet, yew go check."

"Good point."

I walked over to the door, hid my torso and other pieces behind the door, and creaked it open.


In the dark of the night, I saw a floating red dress, a floating pink triangle, and two floating gold rings above that.

"Hello, Luke."


"Sylvia!? How'd you find us here?"

"Easily. My brother runs this place. I sent you here."

I recalled seeing a particularly studly grey tabby at the counter. He was tall, with a not so subtle hint of Baywatch + Schwarzenegger-quality musculature under his tank top. Using the never-failing tactic of pretending to talk so we could look at him, all we caught during our ogling was:

"... The guys that Sylv sent, right?"

"Um... sure. Luke, kin yew c'mere a second?"


"Look at 'im! If he's gay, no way in hell are we lettin' this liddle oppertunity slip by!"

"Can I borrow your bag, Al?"


"Five-alarm boner. We need him, and soon."

"...Er, Luke? Luke? Yoo-hoo, Luke? Oh, sod it. Chomp!"

"Gah! Why'd you do that?"

"Stop fantasizing over my brother and lemme in! It's raining friggin' rivers out here!"

"Oops. Oi, Allan. We have a guest. Put some pants on."

"It's fine Luke. In fact, that's kinda why I'm here."

"What? Oh, just get in here."

I showed her in. Allan was lying in bed, turned on his side to expose his white-flecked back fur. At the sight of her, he rolled onto his back with a surprised look in his eyes and a massive tent springing up from the sheets. I heard a sharp intake of breath from Sylvia.

"An' our mystery guest is her? Luke, once is enough, shug."

"Wow... So, Allan, what can you do with that?"

"Huh? Oh! Shit!"

He rolled back onto his side, and Sylvia turned to look at me. She moved towards me, and grabbed my tool.

"Your turn. Mmm... this looks... tasty..."

"Sylvia, my husband is right there. Now ple- Ow! Retract those claws!"

"Lemme be blunt. You two are going to yiff me. At the same time."

"An' why would we do that, exactly?"

"Three reasons: One, I'm really horny right now. Two, I won't leave until I'm satisfied, and three, I can hook you up with Phil."


"My brother. The gay one at the counter."

Al and I glanced at each other. That mean muscle machine must be ours, by any means necessary.

"We'll do it."

"Great! Now, let's get started!"

With that, she tore off her Velcro strap dress (the harlot!) and stood, as brazen as you please, arse naked.

"So that's what it looks like. Luke, which hole d'yew want?"

"Er, well, her butt, if you don't mind?"

"Sure, I'll spare yew the hell-hole at 'er crotch. Oh, Sylvia. I'm sure (angry tone) yew already know this, but my Luke here is extra thick. Cat asses are much smaller than mine. Good luck."

"I'll keep that in mind. But first, I'll just paw myself and you must watch."

She immediately dipped her hand into her pantiless twat. Fush, fush, fush. The smell coming from there was enticing, yet bewitching, in the manner of being a witch. She started dripping profusely. Allan and I had been doing some dripping of our own, stroking each other while we waited for her to get in the mood.

"Alright boys, I'm loose enough (Snort!) for you. Allan, get up on the bed, face up. Luke, come round the side and go slowly. That thing's enormous."

Allan lay on the bed, and Sylvia straddled him. I heard them both gasp in excitement of this new feeling. Due to his device's thinness, she sunk down easily. I walked to the foot of the bed and (here it comes! The "trip 'n' slide scene"!) Tripped in a puddle of Sylviajuice.


I, completely by accident, plunged cock-first and hip deep right up Sylvia's rear end. I was in a screaming blue tizzy over foreskin pain and yet, in the silent room, one sound was heard: Pip. The sound of a single tear falling on hotel quality pillows.

"Oh gods! Sylvia? Are you all right?"


"Is she awake?"

"Less check."

"YE GODS! Do it again!"

"Yep. She's fine. Damn..."

She survived a lethal instant-two inch spreading, in her butt. Cool.

"C'mon, slackers! Thrust!"

"Only fer yer brother, cat."

I withdrew, and just pressed against her hole for now. Allan, however, was bucking and growling like a beast. A beast who wears an apron. Sylvia was screaming for more and more, almost delirious in her mindset. As enough time passed, I began to pole her once again. Allan was right about cat butts, they clamp like a steel vice on a grape. But gods was it intense, being able to fill every nook and crevice, humping faster and faster.

"Hey, Allan, how's your end?"

"Rrrrff... wet. Very wet, and soft. Not like yer bum."

"You can play with it later."

"Shut up! I'm trying to get off here!"

Allan and I exchanged glances yet again. We both sped up our humping, twin cocks flashing as fast as we could. Soon, Allan gave a familiar whining growl.

"Er, Sylvia?"

"Mmf... What?"

"Prepare for knottage."

"Huh? Erk!"

Allan's knot was the size of his fist, and he has big paws. With a sort of squelchy, popping noise, Allan managed to thrust himself balls-deep into Sylvia. While I was humping, I seemed to thicken by hearing the combined growls and hisses, more erotic than most celebrities.

"Why! Didn't! You! Say! Mmf! Thiswouldhappen! Faster!!!! Oh, please faster-her-her!"


"Wop wop wop!"

Then, in a simultaneous move, we withdrew, and thrust as far as our beasthoods would allow, both using our amazing ability to imagine really naughty things to do to each other to force an instant, mind-melting orgasm. Waves of pleasure, some dull, some electric, all intense, coursed through my being. Allan was barking and growling like a wild thing, and soon he filled her up from his end. I gave two final thrusts, and withdrew. Pink now mixed with pearlescent grey-white in a beautifully creepy display of sexual unity. And she ain't even a friend.

"Huff, huff... Hey Luke?"


"It's bedtime."


Sylvia dismounted Allan, and re-Velcroed her dress. She had impressive stamina and recovery speed; her breathing was down to normal.

"Whew... Huff... Hamptons, thanks for the rough night. In return for this, I will send Phil by your place sometime. His secretary will take care of the hotel. And Luke, please forgive me."

Allan and I tried to show her out, but we were greeted only by a guilty sigh.

She walked out into the rain.


So once more a really filthy time must end on a sour note, so thanks for the patience, and for actually reading this. Chap 4. Will be typed soon! Promise :)!

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