On-call Daddy

Story by 5_paws on SoFurry

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Noah, an older Bernese mountain dog has a secret... Who on earth could be messaging him during family dinner?

(Content warning (JOKE): The story contains a near incessant usage of the word "Daddy" in a sexual sense. Consider yourself warned!!!)

Yeah, so I finally decided I would stop procrastinating with releasing this as I've had this upload-ready (aside from the title (which I'm still not entirely happy about)) for almost two weeks. This was one of two short stories I made between commissions. Tried my best to try and condense this story as I feel that's something I struggle with at times (or more so I just like to get TOO descriptive). Got to work with some concepts I was not previously familiar with writing and it was surprisingly fun. Also got, to write two dog breeds I haven't done before, which is always nice ^^

PS: Have a free tongue-twister on me: "Bernese dog dad dick picks"

You're welcome.

Thanks for reading and enjoy as always!

"Look, it's not like there's something inherently wrong with that, but I just think they should..."


Noah's sentence was cut short by the phone audibly vibrating inside the large canine's pocket. The middle-aged Bernese Mountain Dog's heart immediately skipped a beat and he promptly put his fork back onto his plate, closing his mouth as he didn't intend to finish his sentence. The rest of the big dog's family quietly observed as Noah took his phone out from his pocket.

The dominantly black male dog's heart skipped another beat, as he saw the flashing notification of a received message on his lock-screen. Noah already knew what it was, and who it was from, but he couldn't help getting nervous with his family around. The big Bernese pretended to unlock his phone and read through a message, clearing his throat after a few seconds of silence.

"...It's from work... They say I should call them." Noah grumbled, trying to keep his hands from trembling, at least visibly.

"Oh, dear! Again? They have been messaging you an awful lot lately. Is everything OK at the company?" Noah's wife, a kind-looking, middle-aged german shepherd, Sarah asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

Noah held a pause before answering: "It's nothing you should worry about."

The head of the family of canines stood up and hastily excused himself from the table, walking out of the dining room and heading directly for the stairs. He was on his way to the upstairs bathroom. Noah could hear his own heart thumping louder and louder with each step as he ascended to the second floor of the house, unlocking his phone as he stomped up the stairs.

The Bernese dad tapped the flashing notification with his big, furry index finger, stopping his feet as the message was opened.

Noah felt an excited wrenching in his chest and a warm spark inside his trousers as the screen of his phone now displayed an image of a young male Beagle, wearing nothing but a pair of skimpy underwear on his exceptionally shapely canine buttocks. The picture was taken from an upwards angle, just barely cutting out the Beagle's eyes as he stuck out his tongue and looked at his behind over his left shoulder. Attached with the image there was a text: "Hope you're horny! Call you in 2!" followed by an array of heart and peach emojis.

Feeling his male bits twitching with life, Noah swallowed hard as he returned to ascending the stairs, unable to take his big green eyes off the seductive image on his phone. His mind was slowly being clouded by guilt, which was subsequently being pushed away by excitement and sexual desire, the bulge on the big canine's pants swelling a considerable amount with each step he took on the stairs.

How had it all come to this again? It had been a mistake. A momentary lapse in judgment. Nothing more. At least that was how Noah explained it to himself.

Noah had been happily married for just shy of twenty years without any desires or cravings for extra-marital affairs. At least it had been that way until about two weeks ago when the Bernese family father had accidentally stumbled upon a website, designed for older mutts to hook up with younger males and vice-versa anonymously. At first, Noah had been shocked, clicking away after a few hasty glances at the dark-themed user interface and the contents it displayed. But having calmed down, the curiosity had eventually gotten better of the middle-aged canine and he had started browsing the page, eyes wide with disbelief at some of the interactions and the abundant flirting on the site. All of the messages and requests for chatting were very lewd and direct in nature, enough so that Noah himself got a bit frisky just reading some of them.

After that, his visits to the site had become more frequent, and during one of those sessions, he had accidentally clicked on a request for chat. And that was how Noah had met Jace. A young, 19-year old Beagle from a few towns over with an absolutely sinful ass and a personality to match, and who seemed to have a thing for middle-aged dads especially.

Initially, Noah had zero intention of responding to Jace's first enthusiastic messages, already plenty horrified of having initiated the chat in the first place. Getting no response after the first few minutes, Noah remembered Jace messaging him: "Are you shy? Then maybe this will get you going, lol." Then, he had sent over a few erotic pictures of his huge ass as well as a short video of himself masturbating for the camera, and Noah had been hooked instantly.

From there, the discussion had naturally evolved over time, topics being discussed such as IRL names, age, area of residence, occupation flashing by in the span of a few hours. Noah had foolishly been honest with his replies, something that he had come to severely regret as of now. And sharing that information still wasn't Noah's biggest mistake, for when Jace had asked him for a picture, Noah had been idiotic enough to take a picture where his face was showing, which at this time was probably securely saved on the SSD-drive in the young Beagle's smartphone. Before long, Noah had even sent Jace a picture of his dick, getting showered in praise by the younger male, who instantly wanted more. And the Bernese dog had provided.

It had been very apparent to Noah from the get-go that Jace had an exceptionally vast libido. He was... Insatiable, to put it lightly. After the two had started messaging more, Noah would be lucky if he didn't receive a flirty text message, an erotic picture, or a short animated loop of the beagle wiggling his butt in half a day. The older dog was getting messages constantly, and Jace, naturally, wanted his share of Bernese dog dad dick picks in return. And so, sexting a 19-year old became a part of Noah's daily routine

A big ass and insatiable lust weren't Jace's only assets, however, as the Beagle was cunning and clever to an insane degree, using manipulation and honeyed words to solicit dick-pics out of Noah on an almost daily basis. It didn't help that Noah had essentially given the pup all the leverage he needed in order to blackmail him. Thus, the older male was understandably afraid of just ghosting the devious beagle and had decided to stay on Jace's good side, at least for now.

Stomping up the last pair of stairs, Noah felt his phone again vibrating inside his pocket, and nervously dug it out, unlocking the screen. This time it was a picture from the right, the young beagle's hip-heavy side-profile displayed on the screen, his decently sized and cut canine cock sticking out of his crotch like a lewd flagpole on a patriot's backyard, already as hard as a young cock could. Attached to it was a text: "Can't wait to see yours...Hope you're as hard as I am already."

Noah's chest pleasantly tightened again, and so did the front of his pants, pants the insides of which were starting to get increasingly uncomfortable for the dog dad hard-on that was rapidly developing on the big canine's crotch. Already feeling the hot blush creeping up onto his muzzle, Noah dashed the short distance to the upstairs bathroom, rushing inside and hurriedly locking the door after him.

And he was right on time.


The big dog's phone began ominously vibrating in the rhythm of his ringtone, causing Noah's heart to again skip a beat, and his tail to start wagging. Once more, Noah picked up his phone, his canine heart racing as he stared at the screen, which read in bold letters: "Incoming video-call: D4DL0vrxx2"

Even though it was an impossible task, the Bernese canine tried settling both his breath and his wildly thumping heart before eventually pressing the round green icon on his screen.

"Hi, Daddy! Did you miss me?" A young male voice echoed inside the bathroom, teasingly falsetto and full of youthful arrogance. Noah shivered.

On the older dog's screen, there was now live footage of the cheeky young beagle, smiling mischievously at the camera as he lay on his bed. The lusty puppy had his back arched like an about to pounce feline, his dominantly white, fat beagle butt abundantly visible on the background of his broadcast, his dark tail happily wagging. And as usual, Jace was wearing a red cap backward on his head, his droopy ears hanging out of their designated holes cut to the sides, flowing down almost to the younger male dog's slim shoulders, a few golden piercings dangling from each one.

"Something wrong, Daddy?" Jace moaned, pressing his jaw onto his blanket and looking up at the camera with his best puppy eyes whilst making his meaty mounds dance in the background, much to the joy of Noah's concealed cock. "Hope I didn't steal you away from your wife and kids." Jace stuck out his tongue and smiled.

"...Dinner..." Noah quietly muttered in response, further discouraged to continue the conversation longer than necessary by the throbbing of his own meat inside his tight trousers.

"Sorry~" Jace whined whilst smirking. "...But aren't I a part of your family too in a way? You're my D-A-D-D-Y after all." The beagle giggled, sticking his left paw between his legs, subsequently moaning from what Noah or anyone could only interpret as the young canine touching himself.

Jace whimpered erotically and bit his lower lip, gazing at the Bernese dad's flushed face on the other side of his screen. Noah, staring back at the pup from his side, was so erect it was almost painful, the shape of his malehood pitching a mighty tent onto the front of his pants as it begged to be let out and caressed, jerked off for the sexy beagle on the screen. One of Jace's high-pitched moans caused the bigger dog to flinch, and Noah could suddenly feel the inside of his underpants getting slightly wet at the tip of his big bulge.

"How is it?" A playful giggle echoing from his phone made Noah flinch again. "Are you hard yet, daddy?"

The big dog's silence was more than enough of a reply for the beagle, who chuckled and subsequently moaned, his slim, furry figure shivering all over. "Look at how hard I am already..." The lusty beagle then moved his phone between his legs, getting a juicy shot of his plump backside and canine genitals from below, wiggling his heavy rump and enthusiastic erection at Noah on the other side. Even though he still would have regarded himself as a straight male, Noah had to admit the young beagle did have a very cute cock, and of decent size too.

Quickly pulling his phone out in front of himself again, Jace now stared at the camera with an untamed look in his eyes and a nasty smile on his muzzle.

"Show me..."

This time, the young beagle's tone was much more ominous and persuasive.

Fixing the thin, rectangular frame glasses on his muzzle, Noah swallowed audibly and slowly tilted his phone downward, giving the dog on his smart device a delicious view of his hefty bulge. An elated gasp was to be heard from Noah's phone.

"I like your obedience, but that's not quite what I wanted... Daddy..."

Noah swallowed at the Beagle's casual but sinister tone.

"Grab it..."

Without thinking too much about it and most of his movements controlled by his libido anyway, Noah promptly put his dormant left paw onto the big, throbbing lump on his beige pants, gasping silently as a spark of pleasure ran through his spine.

"Stroke it for me..." Jace moaned from his side of the call, and Noah could make out the sounds of bedsprings squeaking as the Beagle assumably shifted his position.

His middle-aged canine's chest heaving along with the heavy breaths he took, Noah carefully began moving his big paw on top of his bulge, trying his hardest to resist the urge to moan, his shaft pressing against the coarse cloth like a greedy pet asking for more pats.

"Oooh, Daddy's holding back!? Are you sure you don't want to... let it out already?" Jace giggled, whispering the last four words into the microphone.

Noah did want to take it out. He wanted to unzip his pants, whip out his Bernese dick, and stroke it with both paws as fast and as hard as he could, as long as he could see the adolescent beagle's big sexy ass whilst doing it. It took him every ounce of dignity he still had left as an adult male to not do so right then and there. And also, he secretly wanted Jace to say it.

"Come on~... Take it out for me... Do it!"

Even though he was right-handed, Noah removed his pants in less than five seconds when ordered to by the younger dog, his footlong Bernse doggy treat bouncing out to freedom, as hard and erect as a healthy oak tree. Noah growled quietly as his male meat throbbed in delight outside of his underwear, all thirteen inches of the raw canine shaft pulsing with the beat of his heart. The big dog twitched his dark nostrils at the sweaty, lusty aroma his genitals were giving off; the scent of a rutting mutt, which quickly enveloped the entire bathroom in its musk.

"Oh fffffuuck!" Jace moaned from his side of the call and Noah desperately wanted to lift up his screen to see what sort of mischief the younger canine had gotten himself into. And the young pup read the Bernese dog's mind.

"Show me your face~" The Beagle sighed, his young voice so full of arousal and desire it made Noah shiver with excitement.

Tilting his phone so that his big furry head was once more in the shot, Noah cast his Bernese eyes onto the screen, his huge daddy dick performing one, overzealous twitch, squirting a rope glimmering canine pre down onto the glazed tiles of the bathroom floor. Jace giggled, probably at the older dog's expression, but at that moment, Noah couldn't have cared less even though he was certain he was blushing a ton.

The smiling Beagle had switched positions. Jace was now on his back on the bed, his rump stuck out towards the camera, hind paws with white sneakers on them stuck up in the air lazily, the smirking beagle gazing at Noah from between his exquisitely thick male thighs, his phone most likely on a tripod or a selfie-stick at the foot of the bed. The beagle had on a skimpy pair of gray underwear, from a brand mostly favored by females of his age, which generously highlighted the ample volume of his Beagle booty, barely covering anything. The elastic, gray fabric was pulled aside by Jace's crotch, his smooth Beagle sack and rock-hard canine erection on full display, almost directly in the middle of Noah's screen. Jace had one paw on his cock, and he was slowly stroking his shaft with a desirous smile on his white and brown muzzle.

Noah completely forgot to breathe while staring at the younger dog, sensually masturbating himself on his bed, the dog dad's eyes licking the bright XDR OLED screen with everything they had, almost afraid to blink so that they could better burn the image of the presenting Beagle to their retinas.

"Mmhh~ Did you fuck your wife last night?"

Jace's casually inappropriate question finally prompted Noah to blink, also re-engaging his breathing reflex before the big dog would blackout from arousal.

"...Or has it been over a day since you last got to free some puppies?"

It had been over a day. The only time Noah had jerked off yesterday was early in the morning before work to one of Jace's twerking videos he had sent him the day before. What a nut that had been. Remembering all of it now didn't in the slightest help the older canine with his current predicament, the Bernese beef baton by his waist sending out a sharp pleasuring sting as a reminder of its presence.

"Guess not, then? That's fine too... Since now you can let all of it out for me, right Daddy?"

Noah shivered. The older dog was aware of the popular trope in modern porn where young females or males would call their dominant partner "Daddy" as a form of submission. From the get-go, Jace had been very keen on using this word when communicating with the older Bernese dog and Noah had been called "daddy" more times by Jace than he had been by his own children. Daddy. It sounded so obscene, yet so exhilarating coming from someone who was actually young enough to be Noah's son. At this point, Noah was pretty convinced he could get an erection just by hearing Jace say "daddy" to him. Not that he would have ever admitted it, to the young dog especially.

"Mhhh~ Aren't you gonna start?" Jace's voice interrupted Noah's pondering and reminded him of the burning hot stick of canine lust beneath his waist.

Breath heavy and heart racing as if he'd climbed up twenty flights of stairs just now, the Bernese male set his smartphone down on the sink so that the entirety of his upper body was now in frame along with his fat, footlong cock. Already sweating like a bitch during estrus, he hastily removed his shirt and tossed it onto the floor, barely taking his eyes off the presenting beagle on his phone screen in the process. The age-rounded, large body of a middle-aged Bernese male was certainly not too much to look at, but Jace always loved seeing Noah shirtless, performing a flirtatious whistle from his side for the visual treat.

"Mhhnnn~! I'm w-a-i-t-ing!"

Not bothering to fix his slightly crooked glasses, the tall Bernese mountain dog set his right paw onto his shaft, curling each dark-furred finger of his around its throbbing, hot circumference, staring holes into the screen of his phone, where the lusty young beagle was beating himself off vigorously.

"Fap, Fap, Daddy!"

Performing a hoarse, open-mouthed moan, Noah let his big, wet tongue hang out from between his jaws as he began jerking himself off in front of the sink, his bewildered green eyes fixated onto the alluring figure of his adolescent partner. Pleasure surged into every black, brown, and white hair on his canine body, erecting them in solidarity with his meaty dog dick which he was now caressing with all his might for the smirking Beagle on his phone. The older canine began leaking from both ends of his body: musky, rut-scented Bernese pre spilling into the sink as glimmering ropes while a substance of similar appearance and texture, dog saliva, dripped down onto the fur of Noah's chest from his open mouth. The glasses on his muzzle became more and more crooked with each horizontal movement of his big, right paw, soon hanging just on the verge of falling off as Noah continued to fiercely masturbate, eyes glued to the regrettably small screen of his smartphone.

"Fuck~ You're so hot when you're desperate..." Jace moaned, reaching his left paw down to his butt and spreading his cheek, Noah almost catching a glimpse of the pink flesh surrounding the Beagle's tailhole behind the grey underwear. The Bernese canine started jerking off even faster.

Noah beat his meat harder than he ever had in his life, producing sounds fit for the masturbation of such a large canine as himself. His sizable Bernese frame rocked as he cranked his paw on his erection with fervor, soon deciding only one paw wasn't enough to satisfy him, grabbing his tumescent fuckpole with both and jerking off to his heart's content. Jace, who found this very amusing, chuckled on his side of the screen, carefully readjusting his underwear as he did, also increasing the tempo of his strokes.

"Yeah~ Jerk that huge fucking cock for me, Daddy!"

The big canine soon grit his teeth, starting to growl menacingly as the desire to cum began ramping up with each pump of his paws, the force of which almost caused his Bernese balls to slap against the sink with how vigorously they swung back and forth. Noah wanted to cum. He wanted to cum while watching the young Beagle jerking himself off while showing off that delicious, fat rump of his. His desire to fuck, to mate, to inseminate was going through the roof as his animalistic instincts took him over stroke by stroke.

The only desire currently greater in Noah's system was to be on that small bed with Jace and breed his little ass so deep and so hard. Jace would moan "Harder Daddy!" as Noah would violate his tight, young tailhole with his twelve-inch prostate-poker, watching how the younger canine's small body would rock from his thrusts, his cute cock and smooth scrotum wildly flailing with the older dog slamming his hips into Jace's without an ounce of remorse, his robust figure entirely powered by raw, unchained lust. Jace would wrap his legs around him and pull him close, whispering "Breed me..." before Noah would give it his all and gunk up the Beagle's trembling fun-tunnel with his potent sperm one juicy rope at a time, and then...

The panting Bernese was suddenly wrenched back to reality by the insurmountable amount of pleasure currently making rounds through his lower body and crotch. A low groan rumbling out from his throat, Noah loudly slammed his paw against the wall over the sink, his gay lust exploding into white porcelain vat, the hefty canine shaft expelling a massive load of Bernese Jizz into the sink in a matter of seconds. A few of the more enthusiastic ropes of Bernese ejaculate splashed onto the wall above the sink, just barely dodging the Bernese dog's phone, from which Jace's lusty voice echoed, Noah unable to make out the Beagle's words in the midst of his fierce climax. The older canine had no idea when he had last cum this hard, this much or this long, and hell did it feel amazing.

The gushing semen stream from the twitching Bernese dick eventually coming to a close, Noah had to blink his eyes a few dozen times before becoming fully aware of his surroundings. He was leaning against the wall with his right paw, the left one still wrapped around his cock as he took deep breaths, doing his best to gather his thoughts whilst staring down into the sink, full of his thick, creamy puppies. Noah slowly raised his gaze, now looking at himself in the mirror, standing next to the sink, pantsless, face flushed and chest heaving as if he was in a rut.

"Geez! When was the time you last fucked your wife... Noah?"

The cheeky voice of Jace abruptly reminded the older dog of the ongoing video chat still live on his phone.

"Should I send you photos more regularly? You clearly aren't masturbating enough for your libido..." Jace chuckled, sitting up on the bed and smirking towards the camera. Noah didn't reply.

"That said... I didn't know Daddy would be so cruel and cum without me... You know I can't cum unless I can watch my Daddy jerking off..." Jace whined, putting even more emphasis on the D-word than usual as he gently rubbed his erect nipples, sitting with his legs in a "W".

The horny Beagle soon rolled over onto his stomach, balancing his muzzle on top of his palms, his face almost as close to the screen as possible. "Surely you have another one in you..?" He whispered and a chill ran down Noah's spine.

The big Bernese mountain dog remained quiet for enough time for the younger canine to start talking again.

"Here." Jace chuckled. "See if this helps you..."

Mimicking the movement of a lusty feline, the cheeky Beagle got up on all-fours and slowly turned around, his tail wagging excitedly above his massive mating cushions, which he proceeded to stick out towards the camera, hiking up his rump whilst settling his head on his pillow. His raging Beagle boner eagerly hanging between his thick, white and brown thighs, Jace reached back with his paws and began to slowly pull down his underwear, teasingly stretching the grey fabric as he brought it down his mounds, lower and lower and lower and lower... Noah's attention was once more 110% on the small electronic display he had set on the sink, his canine eyes staring unblinkingly as Jace pulled the thin pair of underwear down to his knees. The crafty canine gasped erotically, wiggling his ass at the camera, allowing the round mass of his cheeks to wobble about completely free. To finish off his little performance, the Beagle slapped his gorgeous butt orbs with his paws, stretching them apart, eagerly showing the older dog his winking tailhole.

That certainly did the trick, as Noah was once again hard as a rock, his fatigue from earlier gone in a heartbeat. Jace knew exactly how to push the older dog's buttons. He always had.

Momentarily pushing his head off the pillow, Jace looked over his shoulder towards the camera with the most seductive set of bedroom eyes Noah had ever seen on him.

"Thought so..." The cheeky pup snickered, fixing the red cap on his head as his eyes ate up the image of Noah's obsidian-hard Bernese dick. "Go ahead and rub another one out... Daddy~! Jerk it like you're breeding this..." Jace moaned, harshly spanking his left asscheek before backing closer to his phone, the entire screen on Noah's side overtaken by the image of the Beagle's voluptuous behind.

Jace quickly reached a paw down between his legs, starting to milk his Beagle cock from below, moaning lustfully against his pillow as his young canine sphincter twitched hungrily.

Leaning onto the bathroom wall with his right paw, Noah began furiously masturbating with his left, in no time grunting and groaning just like he had before. Even though the Bernese dog had just orgasmed in grand fashion, every stroke he made with his big paw over his canine shaft was more blissful than the last, his male hormones roaring throughout his entire system, focusing more and more resources into harnessing this overwhelming pleasure, that Noah derived from watching Jace and jerking off. Noah even barked out a couple of times by pure instinct to express his pleasure, his gruff, canine voice echoing around the bathroom.

"Mmhhh~ I so wish you could be here and bark directly into my ear..." Jace whined, his voice also deteriorating as he rubbed his dick with fervor, his young member connected to the bedsheets by a thin trail of Beagle pre, glimmering between his tip and the white sheets.

Feeling like his left paw could no longer do the job, Noah slammed it against the wall, switching to beating his meat with his regular, right paw, enhancing the stimulation to his thick shaft while his hefty Bernese balls contracted within their furry sack, giving their approval to this stunt. Noah was once more open-mouthed and panting, his pink tongue hanging long from between his canine jaws, flinging saliva into the sink almost as fast as his member leaked out pre. Why did Jace have to be this sexy?

Pausing his masturbation for a brief second, Jace again grabbed his cheeks with his paws and separated his fat furmounds, his pink puphole stretching out alluringly. "Mhhnn~Breed me like I'm your wife!" He moaned, shaking and groping his behind before returning to stroking his dick, his slender body shuddering with what Noah guessed was intense reproductive desire, the very same sensation which now tightened the big dog's testes and wrenched his aging prostate. "...Except that this pussy will make you cum twice as hard..."

In the last few moments of his ascent to ecstasy, Noah Imagined himself on the bed behind the beagle, pounding his puppy butt as hard as his canine loins would have allowed him to, cumming over and over again between the tight walls of young canine flesh, which would gladly milk each and every drop out of him. Noah would bark and growl, Jace would whimper, and one lucky Beagle tailhole would be pumped full of Bernese cum...

This time around the orgasming sensation was so intense it made Noah feel weak in the knees and he had to lean against the sink with both his paws, as his male pride erupted into a fountain of Bernese jizz, squirting out thick ropes of ejaculate haphazardly. Simultaneously on the other side of the call, Jace muffled a moan into his pillow, his tail straightening out to a tee as it was also his turn to expel some puppies from his young gonads. Noah had a front-row seat to Jace's juicy cumshot, the good white stuff splashing down to the Beagle's mattress from his cock like a semen-operated waterjet-cutter, the pure white sheets getting absolutely soiled by his young, reproductive secretions. Noah could have cum for the sight of an orgasming Jace alone, or at least it felt like he had just had two only a few seconds apart with how hard and how much he actually came from seeing the younger beagle.

The middle-aged, slightly chubby Bernese mountain dog dad was exhausted. He was sweating like a mule, his masculine aroma drifting around all over the small bathroom to the extent that he himself could easily detect it. His cock, which had just ejaculated enough semen to cover one week of daily masturbation was finally starting to shrink as the blood left his groin, hastily rushing off to other parts of the big canine's body, mostly to his brain and Noah could start to think rationally again.

"MMhhh~ That was intense, Daddy..." Jace's ecstatic moan reverberated in Noah's ears and he flinched as if someone had just dragged their claws across a chalkboard. Fixing his eyes on the screen, Noah saw how Jace turned around, cracked a smile, and licked some of his young dog jism off the sheets before reaching out a paw towards his phone. "You won't mind if I save the recording of this on my phone, will you? For personal use only, of course..."

Noah felt like he should have forbidden the younger dog, but knew it wouldn't make a difference, since Jace already had a vast catalog of blackmail-worthy images of him from earlier. The older canine didn't say no but neither did he consent, and only turned his big muzzle away in shame and defeat.

"Aaaand... Saved!" Jace rejoiced. "I'll send it to you too... Something to remember me by when I'm not calling you..."

Noah shuddered, knowing he might even get to put that recording into use later this evening.

"You know..." Jace said with less falsetto in his voice than usual as he leaned his chin against his palm whilst staring at the bigger dog on his phone. "I'm actually coming to your town next week to visit a relative for a while..."

The Bernese dog's chest tightened and his softening member suddenly stopped growing flaccid. He slowly turned his muzzle back toward his phone, where the cheeky, red cap and white sneakers wearing young beagle was smiling mischievously at him.

"...Would you like to meet up?"

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