Pup's way out of a ticket

Story by 5_paws on SoFurry

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Young Doberman gets pulled over by a hunky Rottweiler officer... I think we all know where this is going...

This was a story I wrote pretty much in a single day, out of pure frustration with my work on a commission at the time about 4 months ago. Made it short and sweet just as intended. That's about it.

Thank you for reading! Please Enjoy!

Jay gripped the steering wheel with sweaty paws as he looked at the flashing red and blue lights in his rearview mirror. The young Doberman was breathing heavily, the reality of the situation finally settling in with the adolescent canine as he started to panic. This was his second speeding violation this month; the very same month he had legally acquired his driving license. Were this particular police officer to rule this a major violation of traffic safety, it would mean the loss of his license for at least two years. And Jay knew he had gone at least 15 miles over the speed limit, so this was for sure a major traffic violation.

Glancing into his side-view mirror, the panicky Doberman saw as a towering Rottweiler officer stepped out of the police car behind him, fixing the aviator shades on his muzzle before he started making his way towards Jay's car.

OkOkOk! Just be polite and maybe he will rule this only as a minor violation...

Jay said to himself in his head and rolled down his window whilst trying to take deep breaths in the driver's seat. The Doberman pup tried remaining as calm as possible as the over 6ft tall Rottweiler police officer stomped next to his car and leaned over to take a look at its driver. Jay could see his reflection in the big rottie's dark sunglasses and swallowed again as the bigger canine took a thorough look at him and his car. The big black and brown dog was wearing a short-sleeved uniform which looked like it was at least a size too small for the robust Rottweiler's huge body.

A speck of his musk immediately wafted over to the driver's seat as he stepped next to the window.

"License and registration please..." The Rottweiler said with a deep, dark voice which was enough to make Jay flinch in his seat.

Complying with the officer's orders as promptly as possible, Jay quickly fumbled the driver's license out from his wallet and dug out the registration for his car from the glove compartment. Only barely being able to keep his paws from shaking, Jay handed the documents over to the intimidating rottweiler.

Straightening his tall figure, the canine officer flipped through the registration papers, before grabbing a small, handheld device from his belt, into which he stuck Jay's license. The nervous Doberman could see a small screen lighting up on the device, its light reflecting off the big rottweiler's dark shades as he stared down at his handheld.

"Jay Mitchell ..." The towering canine eventually muttered, pulling Jay's license out of the device and fastening it to his belt.

"...That's your second major violation this month." The Rottweiler grumbled, again leaning over Jay's car and bringing his big mean muzzle into the window. "I'm sure you know what that means... right?"

Jay's stomach sunk immediately and he stared forwards with a mortified expression on his muzzle only barely able to force himself to nod. What else should he have expected? Deep down, he had known he was fucked as soon as he had heard the siren wailing behind him.

"I guess I'll be holding onto this..." The police muttered, stuffing Jay's license into his pocket without looking away from the distraught Doberman.

"Unless..." A sly smile overtook the stern expression on the Rottie's big muzzle.

Jay's ears perked up.

"You can do me a little favor..."


Jay had jerked off to enough porn to know what was implied, but he was still reluctant to believe anyone would actually do that in real life. But the Rottweiler officer was quickly proving the young dog wrong, by unbuckling his belt and zipping open the trousers of his blue uniform before Jay could even process the situation properly. A pungent musk hit Jay right in his face as he turned his flabbergasted face towards the bigger canine.


Jay's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped, as a pair of massive canine genitals flopped out from the fly of the rottweiler's blue pants. His baseball-sized testicles slapped against the inside of the car door, the sound they made echoing all around the awestruck Doberman as he stared at the magnificent puppychurns and the fat, flaccid shaft that accompanied them. It was as big as a log and it wasn't even fully erect yet. Having been tucked inside the rottweiler's uniform for god knows how long, the scent the huge dog genitals had was unreal and before long, Jay's whole car smelled like the boys' locker room at school.

"How about it pup? Give them a nice bath and maybe I'll scrap the ticket and you can keep your license..." The rottweiler chuckled, looking down at the confused younger male from his standing position next to the door.

The smaller of the two dogs twitched as a warm sensation began spreading through his loins while his eyes were still locked onto the gargantuan rottweiler puppymilk-factory, that rested in his window, a mere ten inches away from his twitching muzzle. The scent the big male gave off alone was enough to drive the virgin Doberman's instincts wild, and Jay started getting erect, just from looking at and smelling the adult male canine's magnificent package. Jay began to gradually loosen his grip from the steering wheel, getting more and more hypnotized by the -dominant- rottweiler's musky scent, which had completely filled up his car and his nostrils.

"Tik tok, pup..."

He knew full well he shouldn't do it. If he played this right, there could be a chance of Jay being able to sue this officer for sexual harassment, thus invalidating the ticket, meaning he could keep his license. He shouldn't do it. No matter how big, masculine, virile, tasty, and enticing the Rottweiler cop's cock might have looked there was no way Jay was going to let himself to...

The young Doberman blinked his eyes, suddenly finding his nose buried into the bigger male's dark scrotum, its musk actively assaulting his nostrils while the hardening Rottweiler shaft rested on top of his muzzle. There was a palpable twitch in Jay's pants.

"Smart choice pup..." The sturdy canine grunted, leaning further against Jay's window, pushing his junk against the Doberman's nose.

Jay was unable to stop himself. He carefully retracted his muzzle from the musky embrace of the huge canine balls and planted his lips on the tip of the half-erect Rottweiler fuckrod, greedily pushing his muzzle over the hardening shaft and sucking on it with budding enthusiasm.

Despite not having direct sexual experience and having never before in his life been interested in males, it all somehow came so naturally to Jay as he indulged himself in the older dog's fat cock, whining and panting like a bitch in heat with his tail excitedly wagging against the car seat. He couldn't believe how erect all of this made him, his young canine pecker already tenting out the front of his pants with how pleasurable it was sucking off the huge rottie. The size, the shape, the taste, everything about the police Rottweiler was nothing short of perfect between Jay's lips as he licked and sucked the huge tower of canine meat offered to him through the car window.

"'Atta good lil' pup..." The officer groaned.

Jay was taking deep breaths through his nose as the girthy rottweiler shaft sclhorped in and out from between his lips, more and more of its veiny length entering his muzzle and throbbing against his tongue. The young Doberman's mouth was soon full of cock, the tip of the huge canine throat swab already reaching well into his throat, even though half of it was still resting outside his muzzle. The whole thing was so fucking huge, the adolescent male couldn't even comprehend it.

A soft moan reverberated against the thick canine meatpole as Jay began carefully moving his head over the officer's cock, dragging his tongue along the underside of the gargantuan shaft as he suckled on the big Rottweiler's malehood. The younger male felt another twitch by his loins and promptly brought a paw over the bulge in his pants, moaning again as he started rubbing the sensitive lust lump on his crotch. Fuck. Why was this so arousing to him?

The big Rottweiler groaned with pleasure, his length throbbing eagerly between Jay's lips whilst he muttered: "That was an 80$ ticket you know... So you better suck on it like your trying to polish it, pup!"

The low and assertive tone of the bigger dog struck home with Jay, the younger canine immediately doubling his efforts in pleasing the cocky police officer with his mouth, undulating his head faster and faster over the throbbing 10-inch doggy treat. Jay's eyes began tearing up as he stuffed even more of the huge rottweiler cock down his throat and coughed as it accidentally poked his uvula, still just slightly over halfway inside his mouth. Continuing to fervently slurp up the humongous Rottiecock, Jay also reached down to his waist to pull down his pants, the mighty tent on his elastic underwear now wobbling out in the open just below the steering wheel. The horny Doberman didn't even bother pulling down his underwear, and stuck his right paw into his gray boxers, starting to jerk himself off underneath the cotton fabric.

"How cute..." The officer grumbled as he caught Jay masturbating while sucking off his huge meat. But Jay didn't care, as he was feeling too amazing from getting his mouth violated by the bigger dog.

The whimpers escaping Jay's mouth along with a few droplets of his Doberman saliva gradually grew stronger as he bobbed his head over the hot canine cock. The tip of the pointy bulge on his boxers was getting wet, a darker spot forming on the elastic cloth, each stroke from his paw and lick of the cock between his lips coaxing out another eager droplet of pre, seeping into the stretchy fabric. The young Doberman was also getting a tasty and plentiful supply of the same substance to his mouth, the hung Rottweiler leaking quite a bit of pre himself. And who wouldn't with such young and eager muzzle sucking their malehood?

Suddenly Jay's pointy ears twitched, picking up the sound of an oncoming car little ways down the road. He immediately stopped moving his muzzle and directed his eyes towards the direction of the sound before looking up at the Rottweiler's dark sunglasses, seeking instructions from the older male.

"Just keep sucking pup...They won't notice it." The Rottweiler grumbled, setting both of his paws on the windowsill to partly cover his huge shaft hanging on top of it.

Swallowing a mixture of the other male's pre and his own saliva, Jay got back to work as he was ordered, guzzling the fat Rottie dick with his mouth, keeping his watering eyes on the road as the unknown car approached the two mutts, stopped at the side of the road. His heart was beating faster and faster for two completely separate reasons; the fear of getting caught mixing in with his adolescent lust lifting his arousal to a whole another level. Throwing any remainders of his inhibitions out of the window, Jay began going down on the older Rottweiler with all his might, finally managing to push his lips fully past the dreaded half-way mark on the fat shaft, the meaty tip of the officer's litterstick bumping against the back of his throat as he did.

"Shit! It's like you wanna get caught, don't you little slut?" The Rottweiler groaned, nonchalantly glancing to his right, towards the approaching car.

And maybe Jay did. Or at least, he didn't care anymore, both his mind and body set only on blowing the dominant male and jerking his own cock, the adolescent dog's orgasm growing more and more imminent with each stroke. The panting Doberman could already see the oncoming car in his view, but it didn't slow him down in the slightest in his quest for a fat load of muttnut between his canine jaws. Cranking his meat inside his boxers with all his might, Jay watched how the unknown vehicle got closer and closer and closer and closer and...


The roaring of the passing car's engine conveniently covered the sound of the young Doberman moaning against the police officer's dick, Jay only being able to catch a short glimpse of it before his vision went white along with the insides of his throat when the older dog blasted his throat full of thick, Rottweiler seed. The huge load of warm canine semen flowed down his throat and into his stomach, its warmth spreading across all of his upper body, while his lower half was warmed by a different sensation, partly derived from the thick Rottiecream gushing down the pup's gullet.

Jay squeezed his dick in his paw, a wave of ejaculate erupting out of his malehood, completely soiling his gray boxers in the sticky glory of an 18-year-old Doberman's orgasm. It was the hardest the young pup had ever cum in his life, all his adolescent adventures with an internet browser and tissues put to shame by the force and volume of his present ejaculation. Potent, young dog jizz flooded his undies in a heartbeat, the brown fur of his right hand, still fervently stroking his canine dick, completely covered- and sticky with his own semen in just a few short seconds. But Jay could not have cared less about the mess on his paw, in his underwear, or on his seat, as he was entirely engrossed in sucking all the cum out of the Rottie officer's giant dick.

"Mhhh~ Fuck... Pup... You better swallow all of that."

Being the good, law-abiding boy he was, Jay gulped down every last drop of canine cocknog the dominant dog provided him with, not able to get enough of the older male's pungent taste. Finishing off with a few, exaggeratedly audible swallows, Jay exhaled through his nostrils, starting to lick the Rottweiler's tip, reluctant to take the softening lip-separator out from his mouth.

The officer didn't bother basking in the wistful afterglow and hastily withdrew his junk from the younger dog's mouth, stuffing his thoroughly cleaned shaft back into his trousers with haste.

"Open up!"

"Aaahhn~!" Jay separated his jaws, presenting the officer with an empty mouth disregarding some sticky semen residue still stuck to his canine teeth.

"Good pup! Good pup!" The bigger male praised Jay, grabbing the familiar handheld device from his belt. The big Rottweiler paws pressed two buttons and there was a sound cue audible to Jay's ears before the officer stuck the device back to his belt.

"Here you go pup..." The big mutt chuckled, handing the younger canine back his license, Jay, having to blink his eyes a couple of times before registering the laminated card before his eyes.

"Off you go! Don't let me catch you speeding here again, or else it's going to require something much more anal to dispose of that ticket..."

Jay, with a pair of sodden undies promptly turned his keys in the ignition and carefully pressed his paw on the gas, slowly rolling away from the patrolling officer and his vehicle. He was still in a complete haze from what had just happened, but overall the black and brown canine felt relieved that he didn't get his license taken away. A hint of the other male's masculine taste still lingering in his mouth, Jay promptly floored the gas once more, accelerating away from worries with a smug smile on his face, a speck of Rottweiler cum glimmering at the side of his mouth.

What the young Doberman didn't know, however, was what the officer who stopped him said into his radio shortly after the younger canine had left.

"Attention all units! We have a piece of highly-fuckable 18-year old meat cruising down the 57th in a silver model 03'. Major violation to get your rocks off."

"Officer Horsecock copies!"

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