Catch a Jogger Before Work

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#146 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Fifth vignette for FA: Pickra ! this time featuring Lambert

The park early in the morning is empty usually. Maybe a few joggers. And hungry cats. And teasy sheeps.

Contains: Feeder & Pred Arrangement, Feetfirst Oral Vore, Anonymous Mouse Prey, Verbal Teasing, Kissing, Nose Boop of Doom, Squishy Throat Folds, Implied Soft Digestion and Weight Gain, Belly Bulges, Tummy Rubbing and Flustered Wriggling.

Pickra is FA: Pickra

Lambert is FA: JasontheKitsune

Prey is now Pickra's

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can submit up to two OCs to be available for use in future stories!

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

It was the early morning still, between sunrise and what most people would call a reasonable time to wake up. The park was mostly empty, apart from the occasional jogger.

The occasional jogger was currently hips-deep in a pair of feline jaws.

Pickra lounged on the park bench, swallowing lazily around the mouse in a tank top and running shorts, as his accomplice supported his catch's upper body.

Lambert smiled brightly behind his glasses up at the startled rodent. His hands were on the mouse's shoulders and he was standing on the bench between the big cat's legs. The short sheep tilted his head to the side as he helped keep the meal upright, who continued to sink gulp by gulp. "Isn't it just wonderful, knowing you're going to be cat hips soon?"

The mouse's cheeks flushed red. His eyes went wide, darting to avoid eye contact with the wooly little man in front of him. "H-hey... I just..."

"Just going to sluice down a big kitty's warm, elastic throat to be sealed away in his stomach." The sheep smiled innocently, even as his voice dipped into teasing swoops and lilts. "Where your body will be softened and melted, soon claimed by his body when you drain away into his lower guts and get absorbed..."

The rodent squeaked, clenching his eyes shut with a deep blush running all the way up into his large dish-shaped ears. He squirmed, far too late to be of any effect.

Pickra's lips encroached on his accomplice's grip, then slid over the caught mouse's shoulders with the next rolling swallow.

Lambert removed his hooves, standing up straight. Then he leaned up and in, giving the mouse a kiss on his lips.

The kiss was a bit too much for the mouse, causing him to go rather still... but then he let out a soft moan through his nose, kissing back. All the while, the warmth of the cat was rolling upwards more and more.

The sheep placed one hoof on Pickra's lower jaw, keeping it from raising to shut off contact just yet. He felt a little thrill in his chest as he leaned into the open mouth to hold the kiss, assured that the big cat would keep to their arrangement... but still. Lambert quivered and broke the kiss. He stood back upright, hand still in place.

With the breaking of contact, the mostly engulfed mouse opened his eyes again, a confused look on his face.

Lambert reached forward with his free hand and lightly pressed one blunt hoofy fingertip against the rodent's nose. He increased the pressure gradually. "In you go~"

As his meal whimpered, Pickra took the pressure as a sign to swallow again. He felt the mouse sink deeper, the width of his cranium entering the cat's gullet proper, but with his snout still in the mouth. He could feel his soft palate rest across the bridge of the rodent's snout, covering his prey's eyes.

The sheep took a moment to admire the sight of the pointed snout nestled in between the big cat's tonsils, removing his poking hand. The other gently raised the kitty's jaw up to knit teeth back together, sealing the mouse away.

Pickra kept his head tilted back, knowing that at this angle the lump in his throat was most certainly a sight worth seeing. He swallowed again, a languid, slow sound. The shape of the fidgeting mouse descended through his throat and vanished behind his collarbones. At the same time, his shirt was forced to ride up by the mass swelling out his belly.

Deftly Lambert side-stepped to keep from being knocked off the bench, before crouching down and slipping into a seated position alongside Pickra. Immediately, his arms were wrapped around the squirming mass in the cat's belly, as much of his body pressed to it as he could while still staying seated. His hooves danced along the outlines of body parts pressing outward, tracing and rubbing into the remaining signs of the deeply flustered, wriggly meal.

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