Exacting Revenge

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#145 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Sixth vignette for FA: Ashgar~ and a direct sequel to Expanding Realities.

Tizak finally uses that potion so he can get back at Ashgar!

Contains: Implied Growth and Transformation, Muscular Gnolls, Tail First Oral Vore, Affable Supportive Prey, Feeding Frenzy, Crotchbelly, Endosoma, Internal Belly Rubs and a Flustrating Realization

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can submit up to two OCs to be available for use in future stories!

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Tizak halted, spotting the familiar sign of Ashgar's tailtip idly flicking back and forth, its length curled out around the side of a tree. The kobold pulled a small vial out of his pouch, looking down at it. He had been apprehensive for some time about using the potion.

The vendor had refused to explain its properties beyond allowing the tiny draconid to 'get revenge' for the many indignities of being small near a very hungry shapeshifter. Thinking again about the times he had been forcefully shoved through peristaltic tunnels of flesh to reside within the druid's stomach... he tightened his grip on the vial and uncorked it.

The kobold chugged the potion, feeling an intense warmth surging through his body from every point of contact the fluid made, tracing its travel down his throat to his stomach, then rapidly starting to surge out from his core to his extremities.

Tizak had a moment of vertigo, the forest floor surging away from him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A long shadow crossed Ashgar's body, rousing the dozing hybrid. The bear-serpent looked up to see what was casting the shadow.

It was a gnoll, standing significantly taller than the druid would if they were side by side. Unlike most of the hyena-kin, however, this one was covered in a series of blue-green shades, familiar colors to Ashgar. He wasn't quite sure how to put his fingers on it as his eyes took in the lighter ventral fur from the elongated neck down the tall torso to the low-set paunch of a belly. The powerful arms proportioned similar to the large chest that ended in darker teal 'socks' with black claws at the end of each digit. The legs below capped similarly but with structure that was smaller, fairly short, if muscular. Looking back up at the beast's face and the similarly tipped snout, something about the eyes... and the two darker green tufts of hair that framed the front of the hyenid's mane...


"Tizak?" Ashgar perked up.

Tizak growled, lunging. Rather than going for his upper body, he stooped and ensnared the long serpentine tail, jaws already wide open. Before the hybrid could think to try to pull away, the gnoll had stuffed the thick limb into his gullet and began swallowing powerfully. The former kobold had the presence of mind to be careful about his teeth, pressing his lips to the girthy appendage and starting to suck like taking in a mouthful of noodles, swallowing in tandem.

The bear-serpent was toppled over by the sudden yank on his tail pulling his hips into the air. He wiggled his legs as they hung in midair, twisting to look back at his transformed friend.

Large hands grasping the druid's knees, the gnoll shoved Ashgar's hips into his throat, his tapered neck finally starting to show a proper stretch once it was dealing with two limbs and the large male's torso. Down below his low-set belly had begun to swell, a lump that was the tip of the consumed tail poking about making protrusions.

"Wow, Tizak." Ashgar finally managed, chuckling. "I'm surprised!" He wasn't struggling. He wasn't even upset. "I'm proud of you, taking initiative like this. How did you transform, anyway?"

Tizak wasn't quite in a state to answer, both because his throat was occupied more every moment, but also because a side effect of the potion was deep, gnawing hunger. The gnoll grasped onto Ashgar's shoulders and pulled back towards his gullet with a flex of his powerful back muscles, biceps swelling.

Smiling, the hybrid tucked his arms to his sides helpfully, "Oh, well I'll hold off on questions until your mouth is free." Ashgar found the powerful jaws soon surpassing his shoulders. The bear-serpent chuckled. "Hope you had fun, Tizak!"

The gnoll's jaws snapped shut in front of the smiling face and he tilted his head back, swallowing with an indulgent grunt escaping his nostrils. The lump of the usually much larger male surged down his body, leaving that gut nearly sagging between his short legs to the ground.

The frame of the druid within shifted about, and then paw-prints began to distend the light blue-green fur, rubbing in smooth, easy motions.

Tizak panted heavily as he came off the predatory high, licking his lips a bit. He had done it. He'd gotten revenge! He had that big lug in his gut now... and that lug was... massaging his stomach? The big gnoll blushed, frowning. This wasn't even bothering Ashgar in the slightest. He stomped over to the spot the hybrid had been dozing and sat down, pressing his thighs together around his gut as it settled onto the forest floor. He crossed his muscular arms across his broad chest and huffed, turning his head away.

Even though the hybrid couldn't see him, he didn't want him to know he thought the rubbing felt good.

Ashgar could see the stomach lining flushing, though. "No need to blush, just giving you a friendly massage."

Tizak growled, his cheeks flaring up brighter.

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