Playing cat and mouse is a little old-fashioned

Story by SiberDrac on SoFurry

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#8 of Perfectly Descriptive: Side Stories

You don't need to have read any of the prior pieces to enjoy this - I make sure of that - but I did feel the need to give Merl a little more personal screen time. Poor guy has just gotten his world rocked. Hopefully his wedding night is a little more grounding! Hopefully.

Let me know what you think here or on Twitter ( or Discord ( and feel free to support this and other works on my Patreon ( and Kofi ( Patrons got to see this a few days early AND get to vote in a monthly content pole! Thank you so much to them - they are truly the greatest people.

Merl carried his bride over the threshold into their home. Their friends tittered and said it was out of style, but sweet. Their parents and aunts and uncles all smiled and said it was beautifully romantic. Their nieces and nephews said it upheld outmoded, tyrannic, patriarchal values. But everyone said,

"How did he carry a fully grown Bengal tigress for any distance, let alone up the front steps to that house?"

In fairness, in this world of anthropomorphic animals, relative sizes were somewhat normalized, so it wasn't beyond imagining. Merl, an albino field mouse, stood around five-foot-four and Radha stood at 190 centimeters (or about six feet and three inches). Neither had been magnificently shapely prior to the wedding, but Merl had confidently swept his wife off her feet and carried her - bridal style - from his car to their house as they bid adieu to the wedding party.

It had been a jubilantly awkward blending of American and Indian wedding ceremonies, with Radha arriving in a brilliant red dress and gown, readings from religious and secular texts, an unveiling and exchanging of rings, thrown rice and rose petals, a father-daughter and mother-son dance, and an enormous, roaring reception - quite literally, in the case of Radha's family. There had in fact been a moment of cheering from Radha's male relatives that had nearly scattered the groom's entire party, but Merl and his best man had prepared and met the sound with hilariously inadequate "bellows" of their own, to the delight of everyone. In his courtship, Merl had learned how to stifle a lot of reflexes in the face of natural predators whose interested gazes often came across - sometimes intentionally - as hungry.

Per the traditions of many, many cultures, the newlyweds (as soon as they had decided they were newlyweds-to-be) had both engaged in dieting and workout regimens that would make for the best possible photos. Radha's transformation had been surprising in an expected sort of way: she had gone from pleasantly soft to trim and slender, such that her dancing dress hugged her hips and waist, and the faint outlines of muscle touched her back and thighs. Her predator origins did her great service, per classical aesthetics, and amplified her dedication to the appearance. On top of that, her belly and arm and hip fur had been shaved short like velvet such that the henna her older relatives had drawn on her could be clearly seen dying the skin beneath. It had been trying, while her crotchety aunt Sabasthani insisted on using quavering hands to apply it, but everyone had appreciated that the old woman had given her blessing to the odd marriage. In the end, heads had turned and stayed that way. Merl's gaze had been riveted on her like she'd had his nose on a string.

Merl's own transformation, though, had been astonishing. Given his original appearance, everyone on both sides had sort of assumed that he'd at least take off some of the pudge, but not much more. The man had a kind face and an earnest, attentive, nurturing personality that overwhelmed any perceived physical deficits. He was a shiftless schoolteacher more into craftsmanship and painting than keeping fit. No one expected him to be on any mousey Sports Illustrated. And yet, he'd shown up shirtless in a sarong and jaws had dropped. His figure had gone from shapeless to hardened, from his smoothly rounded shoulders to his lightly outlined belly muscles that sloped down to his hips, which carried a surprisingly taut, bubble-shaped butt.

Perhaps a little less politely, he'd gotten more than one raunchy comment from felines not accustomed to rodent assets about the protruding pouch that, try as he and his groomsmen might, they had not quite been able to hide no matter how they draped the sarong. It wasn't an uncommon problem, but it also wasn't, to say it plainly, generally as big of one, and the men from his side weren't used to clothes that hung so freely. Eventually, someone had brought in a local rat friend who had guffawed and declared the cats just needed to put up with it - and so they had.

And now, dusted in puffed rice and rose petals, Merl lifted his tigress over the threshold and set her lightly down on her feet amidst a low forest of gift boxes. Someone had done them the courtesy of putting all their moving boxes out of sight, at least from the main entrance, so as not to ruin the enchantment of their wedding night, but the deliveries still littered the foyer. Merl turned to wave goodbye and close the door, and blushed crimson up through his ear tips at the gestures the men were sending him. He made a shooing motion and closed the door, a little harder than he'd meant to, then smiled sheepishly up at Radha.

It took him a moment to speak. "Well, uh, we really did it!"

"We really did," she answered in a low, silky purr. She took his wrists and pulled him close to her. The bouquet of sweet, floral oils in her fur blended with a faint musk left over from their dancing and soaked into his senses. Her golden eyes gleamed with undying anticipation. He reached up to brush his favorite part of her face: a little curl of white fur that always grew just a little faster and longer than the rest by her left eye, giving her a constant sense of allure.

"You're so beautiful," he said, in open awe.

"You've said that a thousand times in the past few days!"

"It keeps being true!"

"I'm tired of hearing it!" she declared. "So, you will have to find some other way to express it," she dared him, swaying her hips forward with obvious intent.

"Right now?" he asked, mouth agape, breathless.

She took his shoulders in her broad paws and glowered down at him. "Right now your groomsmen know more about what you look like naked than I do. And I will correct that until I know more about it than you do." Her thumbs rolled over his bare fur while they were there, exploring. "And you will explain how you did this."

"But we promised!" he protested weakly.

"No!" She pushed him until he was pressed against a wall. "We promised not to talk about workout routines and dieting! We didn't promise not to talk about witchcraft!" Her eyes and the hoop of gold in her nose flashed as she chastised him. In a world where magic was real, it wasn't a wild accusation, but in a world where transformation magic in particular had been not only outlawed, but made downright impossible*, it held a few important implications.

"I love you when you're angry," he gasped out, entranced by her.

"Cheater!" she yelled as the corner of her lip quirked upward in an adoring smile. She couldn't turn away from him fast enough to hide it and he smiled as he saw it.

"I'll explain." He gripped her forearms and pulled down to catch her lips in a kiss. He felt himself go fiercely erect against her thigh in mere moments, having already been primed. They had been intimate during their extended courtship, but sex had been off the table. After all, they were the kind of couple who had the groom carry his bride across a threshold into a new home. They were, however, mortal, so there had been an awful lot of mutual masturbation in their relationship, but it should come as no surprise that that ends up whetting the appetite more than sating it.

His fingers crawled over her dress, seeking openings and fastenings and not finding them while she snarled against his lips, emitting that tiger rumble the species is so well known for. It made his ears swivel back and his shoulders shrivel, but he pushed deeper into the sensation and enveloped himself in her ferocity.

"I thought I would jump you when you roared at my brothers," she hissed into the kiss.

"I wanted you to."

"Now, then?"

She didn't wait for him to respond. She picked him up under his arms - he was light despite the added muscle and she was, after all, a tigress - and shoved his face into her bosom while she strode to their bedroom and threw him on...

... a pile of delivery boxes, filled with what could be, in a matter of maybe half an hour, a wedding bed.

He yelped as he landed and she tripped on top of him with the momentum. They snarled in tandem. "Find the one with the mattress!"

"Why can't we just have sex on the floor?!"

"Because it's a hardwood floor and we'd be too sore to move tomorrow!"

"We will be anyway! Why did we both have to like hardwood floors?!"

They wailed in horny despair while quite literally tearing through boxes with claws and teeth. After each one, Merl would crawl over to Radha to nibble at the stiff shapes of her dark nipples under her dress, and she would curl her fingers around the full-mast staff protruding from under the tie of his sarong. They could not keep their hands from one another for long. Finally, one of those self-inflating mattresses ballooned out of its packaging. Panting, they both sat and leaned back on their hands to watch it slowly take shape.

"This isn't how I imagined this," Merl laughed quietly.

"This isn't how I imagined this," Radha countered, with a hand on his deeply outlined shaft. It filled her broad paw easily and he blushed hard under a moan.

"The, oh, f-fuck," he stuttered when she trailed an unsheathed claw down his cock's dorsal surface. It jumped as delicately applied pain morphed seamlessly to pleasure. "U-uh, sorry, heh, my trainer is a, uh" demon from another world "hedge wizard I guess? Said I could trade him time and talent for the transformation."

Her eyes widened accusingly and she poked his belly. "You did cheat! You cheated, you used magic!"

"I wanted to look good for you! I didn't want your family to think you're marrying some soft little field mouse."

"I fell in love with a soft little field mouse! You think I need you to do all this?"

"Heh, it's not always about need."

Radha swept one leg up and over and was suddenly straddling her new husband. "You tell me everything you did to look like this. Tell me what you did for me." She ground her hips down against his so that the heat radiating off her groin soaked into him.

His hips arched up, partially lifting her from the ground. "Ahh...! Radha!"

She bent and dragged her thick, rough tongue up his throat, covering its whole breadth. "Tell me, little mouse. How did you get this strong without my noticing?"

While his tail coiled her thigh, he scrabbled his claws up the back of her dress, desperate for a zipper, and down it, frantically seeking a way to hike her dress up over her thighs, but she noticed his fervidness and growled loud and low, which froze him in place with a delighted giggle. "L-loose, uh, clothing?"

"You hid from me!" she insisted, becoming playfully dramatic as she made deep, throaty, feline sounds and bathed his muzzle with her tongue. "What am I to do with you?" She worked a lick from his collarbone to his lips, then surrounded his muzzle with her jaws.

Merl stiffened. The hair all over his body stood up straight and he let out a cramped moan alongside a shiver. Was it... terror? Was it excitement? Radha pulled back to regard him with her head tilted and her hips still swaying on his. "You think I could fit your whole head in there?" she murmured.

He didn't have an answer. He was thinking about the answer to her question. He remembered making the contract with a terrifying warlock he'd thought was just a personal trainer. He remembered, as part of that contract, jaws opening and swallowing him whole, and the terror he'd felt for his life. The giving of himself, entirely, for something else: for her. And in the heat of his passion, it suddenly blended into the vibrant, scintillating thrill he got whenever his tigress girlfriend - wife! - teased at the false predator-prey dynamic that existed between them. The fierce pleasure of his mousey roar back at her relatives earlier that day. The blazing, proud mortification as people from her family had stared at his assets during the ceremony with hungry looks in their eyes.

Merl bucked his hips up to bring her head close to his again and growled through his teeth, "You could try." He pressed his nose to her lips and traced it from one corner of them to the other while finally bringing his paws up to her breasts. They felt warm, and plump, and he needed to feel them without the dress in the way. "But first, if we don't get you out of that dress, I'm going to tear it apart. I need you, Radha," he said breathily.

She nipped playfully at his whiskers before standing up off him. "It's just a zipper, my little mouse. Undress me," she demanded with sudden haughtiness.

He stood without hesitation, but paused as he saw her back. Every angle was gorgeous, was a new inspiration. He reached up while holding his waist against hers at last to grasp the tiny zipper handle folded neatly away inside the dress's seams and expose her inch by inch. It peeled away from thick fur and dense muscle, shedding like a second skin with how tight it fit her. He kissed as he went, positioning his lips such that each time she gasped in a breath laced with anticipation, they brushed her, until at last she could free her arms from the sleeves and let the whole garment drop to the floor. His nose came around the right side of her body. It followed the midline of her breast while his hands unfastened the complex, stripe-pattern bra containing her. And at last, he turned her towards him and buried his face immediately in her bare breasts while held her hips just above the black, lace underwear that was his last barrier between them.

Radha stroked down his ears, adoring how he adored her, and draped her arms over his back. Merl had sculpted himself for her. He had made himself a kind of beautiful she'd never asked for, never wanted from him, as a gift to her - and, she smirked to remember, as a thumbed nose at her more disapproving relatives. And the longer she touched him and felt his tongue and lips exploring her breasts from side to side, the more she needed him inside her. She dropped her paws to his waist, grabbed the sarong, and unfolded it to draw it to the side with a flourish.

Merl's suddenly bared cock sprang free from its confines like the trunk of a bound tree. The pink flesh was flushed deep with arousal and it throbbed hard, radiating heat, as its girth rose up against Radha's groin. He peeled down the lace of her underwear, trying to hold himself back, to draw out the pleasure of unveiling her just one more second, one more terrible second, as he felt the swollen mounds of her loins under his fingers, and then shoved the garment down and away to he could slide the expansive belly of his shaft along the damp line of her groove.

She cried out: "YES!" when their bodies touched at last and grabbed him to fling the both of them on the mattress behind them. Merl bathed his cock in her juices when he landed. He awkwardly shimmied forward so their hips could meet, but found the strength in his shoulders and back were more than sufficient to lift up her whole lower body and drape her legs over his shoulders. He kissed her thighs while his butt worked without his commanding it to thrust, thrust, thrust across her vulva and clit. He bit experimentally at her flesh and she cried out.

Radha looked up at her husband mounting her and exulted in the strength of his small body so readily manipulating hers. His biceps swelled into mounds when he curled them to pull her calf to him for another kiss. He was so absorbed in the worship of her legs that he hadn't looked at her breasts as they heaved with his rolling movements and her breaths. She was wild with love for him. She raised her hips to each of his thrusts and basked in the sensation of his unexpected confidence. She looked down between the valley of her breasts to look at the massive cock - it had to be eight, nine inches at least, and on his smaller body looked even more enormous - and felt, not the slap, but the rolling impacts against her ass made by nuts bigger even than those she'd "researched" on heated nights alone when she'd needed him. She wanted to feel it inside her, feel it prodding at her cunt and then slipping between her folds to fill her, spread her flesh across its breadth as it pressed against each nerve within her. He had been thrusting against her for minutes, and they had both been inflamed with lust since closing the door behind them, but she needed more.

Her claws went to his hips, which made him buck suddenly and all the harder, and then his eyes flashed open to meet hers, and she wasn't sure what he saw there, but in a few hot moments, he moaned once - "Rhhh..." - twice "Rhhhadhh...!" a third time - "Rrrrhadha! Ah!" and suddenly to her surprised meow, hot, milky seed was spraying from his oversized cock up across her body in thick gouts to splatter across her belly, chest, breasts, throat, even shocked expression while the ass under her paws squeezed every last shot from him. His orgasm flowed over her body and as Merl ground his cock down against her slit to keep cumming, Radha only lifted up harder against him to pleasure herself with his pulsing shaft. She felt half a dozen, more, a dozen, distinct, wet lines of his seed criss-cross her body and sink into her fur and then while he shuddered in the aftershocks, she grabbed his shoulders and yanked him down to hiss, only half-mirthful, in fiery tones, "You had better have even more in you, or know how to use your lips and tongue, my little Merl."

He panted against her lips, kissed them, drew back, kissed them against, and murmured, "It's reassuring to know you've never been with a rodent before, my magnificent tigress. And," he breathed and paused to regard her form, painted with his seed, "You're beautiful." Her tail lashed across his thighs. Radha grinned, dropped one leg down to hook across the opposite side of his waist with her ankle, planted her other foot on the bed, then gripped his shoulders, arched her hips, and heaved to one side to roll up on top of the man.

"There!" she shouted in triumph. "I can finally observe you. Look at you, you ravishing man!" Her gaze prowled his naked body ravenously while his cum half-soaked, half-trickled down her body. She reached between them to lift his heavy nuts. The tiger's eyes widened when she realized that she could lift each in a palm, like two ripe, full-to-bursting plums. "You cannot all be like this," she insisted.

"I cheated," he admitted, agreeing with her earlier accusation. "Do you like it? I know some people think that big nuts are kinda gross..."

She dragged her claws down his chest hard enough that red welts raised in their wakes and he hissed out loudly in pain. "How dare you! How dare you give breath to the possibility!"

"Ahhhh, Radha, ahhhh, even your name is beautif- eep! - so, good for, moaning?" he edited querulously when she deepened the pressure in the groove of his left lower abdominal.

"But as much as I would have you bathe me again, tonight..." The tigress's turned fiery again. She slid forward and down to feel his girth under her again. She felt herself rise back to the edge of orgasm as though it were a muscle she could flex as easily as her finger, with his hard lines and curves beneath her and his soft, enraptured face gazing at her. "I need you in me, Merl." She laid her body down on him an inch at a time, sharing his wet seed between them, and crawled forward with her knees and thighs - farther than she thought she had to - until the crown of his cock was nestled against her folds. She felt warm, and open, and ready, and so she greedily ground her pelvis down and cried out in glorious pleasure as she took him within her for the first time. He moaned and shifted his hips under her to drive deeper without consciously meaning to. She fought him with her own strength. Weight on his belly, arms and claws on his shoulders, she instructed him to hold back, and he fought in turn, and she revelled in the meeting of strength and strength as inch by inch, she worked his shaft inside her. After four inches, she gasped out a moan and reached down to feel at her labia with her fingers, then grabbed his hand and directed it to the same place so they could both feel how thoroughly he stretched her, how thoroughly he filled her. Her body opened to him, more and more of her powerful walls accepting his offering. She cried out with painful pleasure while still an inch away from his base.

"Oh no, no, no," she said, first in horror, and then in desperation, and then in savage lust. "No! You cannot be too big for me, I forbid it!"

"Radha!" Merl cried out. He reached for her waist and she slashed three parallel lines on his arm with a bestial roar.

"Forbid it!" she repeated. Seeing his blood well to the surface, she forced herself to calm down. The woman took her husband's arm in her hands and set her tongue to the cuts tenderly while she began rolling her hips in undulations that felt like eternities. Her abdomen crunched tightly to keep her balance while she tended to the wound and worked herself along the length and breadth of Merl's shaft. She drowned herself in sensation - in the angry worry of his gaze, in the breathy moans she drew from him, in the scent of his cum still crawling over her skin, in the taste of his blood on her tongue and lips and in the throb of his heartbeat within her as she drew her pleasure centers along his flesh again, and again, and again, to reach deeper, and deeper, past shuddering pre-orgasmic seizures as she held herself back, past the lightning pride of feeling how erect he'd remained even after coating her, past a searing flash of shame from having hurt him in her selfishness, past that last, stretching, gasping, crying-out inch of him that was hers!

She sat hard on his hips and heedlessly screamed her orgasm. Radha bucked with ecstasy, braced against Merl as storming fractals of climax shuddered through her over and over and over, grinding her cunt against that last quarter-inch to coax out every last millisecond of her climax. She was loud in it, alternating among flung, high-pitched cries, bellowed roars, and grating yowls. And at last, she wrung the last shudder of orgasm out of herself and pinned his chest with her palms to meet his eyes. "And now you. Again. Fill me."

"Yes," was all he could answer. She rolled them over again and Merl, as soon as his knees were spread over her, began wild, driving thrusts. He'd seen the act of nature that was her climax, and he never wanted to be apart from her again. She was a summer storm and howling gale. She was a pyre of sexuality that whirled into a billowing, blazing hurricane of passion. She was his and he hers and they theirs and he filled her and filled his palms with her breasts and his eyes with her body and worshipped and gave himself to her with every iota of being.

And Radha, with a wicked smile, caught a thrust on her hips, tipped him forward, and gaping her mouth wide, enveloped Merl's entire head in her jaws.

He froze, again. She was instilling something insane in him. Something perverse and dark and wild. In the muffled wet of her jaws, he shivered. He felt himself almost start to soften, but then remembered who it was, whose ferocity and pride was holding him, and with his senses dampened - soaked, even - inside the moist, sharp, indomitable home of Radha's maw, Merl began once more the pounding rhythm of his hips. It was slower now, as both of them adjusted for the balance, and it had changed to accommodate the way his body shivered with terror even while it continued to throb with hedonic need, but it was just as firm and just as close and just as powerful. Radha's tongue cupped the mouse's throat and he gasped inside her mouth. It tugged, rough spines digging against sensitive flesh. He felt the hot muscle dragging him an inch deeper. He whimpered and drew closer to climax. She seemed to grin around him. He felt at her body with his hands, still using her as an anchor for his lovemaking, and felt her physique harden with each time she met his movements with her own. His tail lashed around her calves as though it was an anchor... and he began to feel it forced to slide away from them.

The jaws tightened faintly and his pleasure ratcheted up again. How... far would she go? Could she go? The man who'd given him his enhanced body had led to his feeling this prey-like terror once before, but that man had been powerfully magical. Radha had never seriously studied the art, and besides, changing the body was impossible. Merl had only changed by some loophole, he'd been told. Her body was a normal - seraphic, but normal - tiger's body. No. He shoved the thoughts aside and shoved inside her. It was impossible.

He focused on pleasuring her. That climax had been a religious experience. He wanted to give it to her again. He wanted to fill her and coat her, and claim her. He smiled wryly to himself. He wanted to bite her shoulder as they mated, but both of his were pincered by the pressure of her teeth, instead. Still, he pounded into Radha's loins. He knew he was close. And he knew that after, he could cum again, and again, and maybe again. He felt her abs crunch again under his paws and then yelped as she used the movement to tip him forward again, and the sphincter of her throat suddenly opened around his muzzle.

She couldn't. She couldn't possibly. He gripped her fur tight. His heart pounded wildly in his chest as frigid panic and explosive lust beat in terrific tandem. Fight, flight, and fuck braided themselves together in his brain, and he found himself screaming muffled climax against the wet flesh of her throat as he poured his seed into the hotter cavern of her cunt. His orgasm filled her and easily overwhelmed her already-stretched confines. Her arms clasped possessively - predatorily - around his back to keep him sealed inside her while he came, heedless of the seed pouring out of their joining and around their waists and into the mattress beneath them

and she swallowed him.

Merl felt Radha's affect change. He hadn't realized it had started, as inside his own head as he'd been. Her throat opened farther than it should have been able. Her lips stretched wider around his shoulders and were smeared red with the blood she'd gotten from him. Her nectar, his cum, her spit, his blood, their sweat, were all shared between them. Was that it? Had the taste of blood done something to her? No, but she couldn't. But she was. She was swallowing him.

She had to know what she was doing. But when had she learned? Would she -


He cried out and shook with rising terror. No. She was his wife. They were in love. Yes, yes, he assured himself. Trust her. He knew her, through and through. His chest was passing into her lips and the whole of his head was burrowing past the muscular grip of her throat. He could feel her peristalsis beginning to massage his face. He made as if to shake his head to clear it so he could sink deeper into the joyful, masochistic faith and bliss in the way she controlled and contained him, but she dug her grip more fiercely as though she thought he was trying to escape.

He felt his cock slip from her overflowing lower lips as more of his body slid instead inside her maw. Now his chest and nipples were raked by her teeth. Now his still-throbbing member was being dragged up into the cum-dampened cleft of her breasts. His knees and thighs felt her ribs as her torso writhed with a novel ecstasy. Now she had engulfed the broadest portion of his chest in her lips and he instinctively knew that if he tipped forward any further - if she upended him - into her maw, her body would take over and swallow him entirely. And he knew she had to know this, so they paused at that precipice of knowing. He couldn't breathe inside her throat like this - hadn't been able to for long seconds - but he allowed himself to relax, awaiting the pull from her arms that would free him.

He slipped half an inch deeper, all at once. His eyes flew open.


Deeper. An inch. She gulped.

"Radha, stop!"

She had to know. He had to trust her. He fell forward and the front half of his body was flipped onto his back as he was swallowed into her torso. There was no air in here. His heart fluttered faster than it ever had. Her tongue tasted, lapped, slathered his seed and nectar-coated cock, then pulled his nuts daintily over her lower teeth one at a time, and then he felt her body lurch as she pushed herself to a seated position to finish him.

The rest of him slipped in easily. He refused to fight. She was his wife. He had to trust her. She had to know what she was doing. Maybe his trainer had tracked her down, done something. Maybe she had a relative with power. He felt her purring around his body as she continued to engulf him. Could tigers purr? Was it just a hum of pleasure? It was hard to hear beyond the rush of her heartbeat in the flesh surrounding him. His perfect bubble butt, his thighs, his knees. She trapped the length of his tail between her labia to pleasure herself as it slipped by. His calves were dragged into her maw, and then sensitive ankles and toes that she caressed one by one in her fingertips before pushing them behind her teeth, back, back, deeper, into the back of her throat, all vanished inside her. Her teeth clicked alongside a final gulp, and Merl found himself curled forcefully into the fetal position.

He was still, to a wry corner of his brain not yet overwhelmed by suffocation and panic, extremely ready and erect. He still trusted her, even as he felt the blind blackness at the edges of his eyes give way to a deeper void. He felt her paws rub him from the outside. Another corner of his brain argued that her ribcage couldn't contain him like this - none of her organs could support it. It quieted down more quickly. He'd never been a logic-minded man. He was rooted in love and expression. Was this her expression? Was this love, to her? Was there something he had missed, something she had said?

He heard sounds of deep satisfaction surround him. Radha laid onto her side, then pushed and prodded at her belly until he was arranged in some parody of being spooned by her. The deeper blackness spread further across his vision. His throat and lungs burned. Merl wanted to say something, but he'd wasted his air trying to tell her to stop. His lips formed words as his body began bucking and struggling beyond his capacity to control it. She held him tightly with the muscles of her torso and her arms and let loose a fierce yowl that, as it always had, brought a flashfire of blazing passion to the forefront of his brain that made him want, rather than to flee, to meet her urges and stay with her forever.

His thoughts stopped there.


You're welcome to stop here! Or, if you're interested in a couple extra snippets, one of which addresses the broader universe this is written in, read on ahead. I'll give you a few hard returns to decide.

*The Disagreements in the Deep are an international contract that globally restricted the use of magic, particularly bodily transformation. For more detail, consider especially "Some Vore Porn With a Huge Muscle-Wolf: Breakfasting (3)".





"You know what I thought we might try next time?" came a sonorous, alto voice.

The brain can sometimes act more like a solid state drive than a hard disc. Instead of booting up and checking a few regions of storage to remember where it was and test that against the new, later time point of reality, it simply passes through unconsciousness in the exact same state it had been on shutting down, or "sleeping." Similarly, Merl thrashed like a dying man before his eyes had even opened.

Radha held their nude bodies together tightly and curled even more closely around him from where she'd been lounging behind him. She pressed her face to his cheek and felt a single sob come out of her as she opened her mind to the depth and durability of his terror.

"I'm sorry," she said into his ear. "I don't know how I did it. I didn't think I would. I'm sorry."

Merl couldn't speak for a few moments of frenzied breathing. The moment he could, he choked out, "I trusted you." He clung to her arms.

"I know you did. I betrayed it. It overwhelmed me"

"I trusted you so much."

"Yes. Please don't go." She gripped him tighter, but was ready to let go in an instant.

He made a weird sound. "What? What? No. I mean, I trusted you the entire time. Until the last thought I had, Radha."

Her grip softened suddenly. She lifted herself on one elbow so she could peer over him and into his face. "Merl?"

He turned to look up at her. A smile was on his face. It was exhausted, but giddy, but fierce. "Maybe for a moment, when you first put my head in your throat, but after that, I still-"

She kissed him with more passion than she knew she had. And as he always had, the way he had always responded to her ferocity, he met it and returned it. They stayed entwined in that kiss for moments it doesn't make sense to assign time to. They might have never left that kiss.

"So, uh," Merl pondered some time later, while his fingers rubbed over her knuckles and his tail twined around her upper thigh. "What did you think we might try?"

"Hmm," she pondered in return with her body settling behind him in an embrace that left no space between them. "Well we will have to try a normal sixty-nine first, of course, but then, if you wanted, I thought of a variation..." Radha could feel his pulse quicken. She smiled and let her paw drift over the side of his hips to find and encircle his shaft. "Is this a yes?"

"Well, that's been like that since I woke up in a beautiful woman's arms." He squeaked loudly when she squeezed him. "Yes! Yes, yes, always yes."

"I love you, my little Merl."

"I love you, Radha. My tigress."


"Well you two look plain gorgeous," sputtered a rabbit man who surprised himself with the words. He had been sitting in a corner booth at a little bar when a tall Venus of a lady tiger and her much shorter mouse husband had approached him.

"Hi, Xander," Merl greeted him with an outstretched hand, "This is my wife, Radha."

Xander allowed himself to be stunned. The couple was radiant. And besides, some fervid corner of his brain mentioned, people were flattered by honesty. "A pleasure, Radha." He overcame the awkwardness of standing up from a booth so that he could greet them both more appropriately. "I don't know Merl that well, but I can see why he started putting in all those hours."

The mouse blushed faintly in his ear tips, but he was far from sheepish. If anything, he drew himself up even straighter. "We're here about that, in a way."

"Yeah, I thought so. Let's sit."

They did. Xander had, by circumstance and some of his own choices, become entangled in a number of magical circles. He knew Merl from one of them, even if they had never talked much: They went to the same gym, where Merl had come into contact with the physical trainer who transformed him. The trio ordered drinks from a stoat the color of soot - a "sable," Merl was pretty sure they were called - and got to the point.

Merl started. "How much do you know about The Disagreements in the Deep?"

"More than I want to," Xander answered. "The long and short is, since I'm guessing this is your question, your patron gets to skirt them because he's not from this universe." Radha made a small sound of surprise. "He's still bound by them to some extent, but if I understand right from, well, I guess we'll call him my life coach, he can elbow his way through the rules using contracts."

"Would that contract affect Radha, though, if I signed it?"

"Only if she was mentioned." Xander wasn't an expert on these things, but due to his involvement with them, had a constantly churning supply of inferences being synthesized from data points that, prior to his own transformations, he would have never been capable of connecting. "Was she?"

Merl paused, which earned him a glare from his wife. "Not... explicitly. He said some of the changes were 'for her,' but that's all."

"That's a little thin. Radha, have you ever known anyone who's involved with taboo magic?" he asked bluntly. After a large-scale atrocity a few short years ago and until recently, all magic had been taboo. The ban hadn't lasted long, because commerce is gonna commerce, but some kinds had been more heavily restricted than others - particularly transformation of the body, which was said to have been kept impossible worldwide.

She met his gaze very seriously. There was something predatory in her golden eyes, more so than most "predator" species typically showed. It was a challenge to his blunt manner. A dare that he even come close to an accusation. He could tell that she came from people used to being treated with unfaltering respect. To her clear shock, though, Xander met those eyes with a small smile on his lips that was, by degrees and by moments, hungrier than her own expression. A lot about Xander had changed since he had first been dunked headfirst into the world of forbidden things. They held one another's gazes for another few moments. Finally, Radha answered, "My great-aunt Sabasthani has never liked Merl, but she agreed to help me prepare my henna for the wedding. I thought she was trying to make amends."

"You didn't tell me that," Merl commented mildly.

"It was our wedding night. There's a lot we didn't talk about," she answered with layers of implication.

Merl blushed. "Well, that was sweet of her."

"It was not!" Radha declared. "She pricked me, I'm sure a dozen times. Henna shouldn't ever be painful. And again with my nose ring!"

"Does your aunt live around here?" Xander asked skeptically.

"She's not far, no." When Merl gave her a querying look, she continued, "I told you! I don't blame you - I have a lot of aunts - but Aunt Sabasthani left India when she was ruined by The Disagreements. Well, 'ruined' - she could have retired ages ago. But she had a young friend, a chemist, I think, who said he could set her up out here."

"A chemist?"

"Some start-up venture, and I guess it worked out well. She's always talking about phosphorous. Phosphor this, phosphor that. She said once" - here, Radha shuddered - "She said once she was working on helping a man replace some of his skin with phosphors. I thought tattoos, but if she knew how to tattoo, she wouldn't manage to prick someone for henna! Henna! My wedding henna, and she pricks me!" The two men stared at Radha. She caught their gazes and rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, I get the implication - Great-aunt Sabasthani put a curse on me."

"Well," said Xander slowly, "now that we have a suspect... can I ask what kind of curse it is?"

Once again, Merl flushed. Xander couldn't help but appreciate how cute the red looked under his white fur and crowning his ears. He swallowed unconsciously. Radha answered with another roll of her eyes, "I eat people now, and it's hard to control."

"Oh," said Xander ruefully. Then, he leaned back with one arm on the back of his seat and grinned, letting his fully predatory nature show, with his drink raised as a toast. "Welcome to the club."

Arson should be harder than this

An anthropomorphic ermine man stared at the smoldering husk of a house fire. His hands were jammed into blue jean pockets and his white fur was partially stained with soot. It was a chilly morning. He had been in the city for a week or so following a...

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Ashley Gray (Applesandwich commission)

"Hey, Thumper Bumpkin, you ride all these cows to reach the city, or did they ride you?" A pair of long ears swiveled slightly towards the source of the jackassery. Chocolate brown eyes followed, but the rest of the black-speckled face didn't. No...

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So are those two part of the package?

"In more ways than one, honey bun." "Call me appetized." "How about I call you an appetizer?" "I think you'll want to treat me like the main dish." Xander smiled when he said it. This new version of him that actively enjoyed flirting was fun. Until...

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